Many thousands of works of interactive fiction are here! * Some games are playable in a special [interpreter](, including [Z-code](zcode), [Glulx](glulx), and [TADS](tads). * [HTML](html), [Twine](twine), [Ink](ink), and [Texture](texture) games are playable in a web browser. * Some games are playable on certain types of computers, including [PC](pc), [Mac](mac), or [Amiga](amiga). * Some games were entered into [competitions](competitions), including [IFComp](competitions/ifcomp) or [Spring Thing](springthing). * You can also find the original [source code](source) for many games here. # aas Games playable in an AAS interpreter # adrift Games playable in an ADRIFT interpreter # adventions Material relating to Adventions, an IF company active in the early 1990s # agt Games playable in an AGT interpreter # alan Games playable in an ALAN interpreter # amiga Games playable on an Amiga computer # amstrad Games playable on an Amstrad computer # appleII Games playable on an Apple II computer # archetype Games playable in an Archetype interpreter # archimedes Games playable on an Acorn Archimedes computer # atari-8bit Games playable on an 8-bit Atari computer # bbc Games playable on a BBC Micro computer # beos Games playable on a BeOS computer # c64 Games playable on a Commodore 64 computer # calc Games playable in various pocket calculators # cbm_pet Games playable on a Commodore PET computer # competition95 Games submitted to IFComp 1995 # competition96 Games submitted to IFComp 1996 # competition97 Games submitted to IFComp 1997 # competition98 Games submitted to IFComp 1998 # competition99 Games submitted to IFComp 1999 # competition2000 Games submitted to IFComp 2000 # competition2001 Games submitted to IFComp 2001 # competition2002 Games submitted to IFComp 2002 # competition2003 Games submitted to IFComp 2003 # competition2004 Games submitted to IFComp 2004 # competition2005 Games submitted to IFComp 2005 # competition2006 Games submitted to IFComp 2006 # competition2007 Games submitted to IFComp 2007 # competition2008 Games submitted to IFComp 2008 # competition2009 Games submitted to IFComp 2009 # competition2010 Games submitted to IFComp 2010 # competition2011 Games submitted to IFComp 2011 # competition2012 Games submitted to IFComp 2012 # competition2013 Games submitted to IFComp 2013 # competition2014 Games submitted to IFComp 2014 # competition2015 Games submitted to IFComp 2015 # competition2016 Games submitted to IFComp 2016 # competition2017 Games submitted to IFComp 2017 # competition2018 Games submitted to IFComp 2018 # competition2019 Games submitted to IFComp 2019 # competition2020 Games submitted to IFComp 2020 # competition2021 Games submitted to IFComp 2021 # competition2022 Games submitted to IFComp 2022 # competition2023 Games submitted to IFComp 2023 # competition2024 Games submitted to IFComp 2024 # competitions-spanish Games submitted to Spanish competitions # cpm Games playable on a CP/M computer # cybiko Games playable on a Cybiko handheld computer # demos Free demos of commercial games # emacs Games playable in the Emacs text editor # glulx Games playable in a Glulx interpreter # html Games playable in a web browser # hugo Games playable in a Hugo interpreter # ink Games created with the Ink system # instead Games playable in an INSTEAD interpreter # jacl Games playable in a JACL interpreter # java Games playable in a Java virtual machine # linux Games playable on a Linux computer # mac Games playable on an Apple Mac computer # mainframe Material relating to games running on old mainframe computer systems. # mini-comps Games submitted to smaller competitions # missing-stuff Files missing from game collections # msx Games playable on an MSX computer # os2 Games playable on an IBM OS/2 computer # palm Games playable on a Palm handheld computer # pc Games playable on a PC computer (Windows or MS-DOS) # pdf Games playable in a PDF reader # python Games playable in a Python interpreter # quest Games playable in a Quest interpreter # quill Games playable in a Quill interpreter # sinclair-ql Games playable on a Sinclair QL computer # sintac Games playable in a Sintac interpreter # spectrum Games playable on a ZX Spectrum computer # springthing Games submitted to the Spring Thing competition # tag Games playable in a T.A.G. interpreter # texture Games created with the Texture system # trs80 Games playable on a TRS-80 computer # twine Games created with the Twine system # vms Games playable on a VAX VMS computer # zcode Games playable in a Z-Code interpreter # tads Games playable in a TADS 2 or TADS 3 interpreter # zx81 Games playable on a Sinclair ZX81 computer # int-fiction-1.0.tar.gz int-fiction 1.0, a game frontend for Unix, by Alan Shutko. Shows you the IF games on your disk and selects the proper interpreter. # playgame.FAQ Playing the Interactive Fiction Archive Games version 1.74 (March 2002), by Stephen Griffiths. [file is linked to ] # wanted.txt copy of a Usenet posting asking for copies of Penguin/Polarware games that have been released for public distribution # atari-ST Games playable on an Atari ST computer # advsys Games playable in an AdvSys interpreter # infocom Games playable in a Z-Code interpreter (Infocom format, not created by Infocom) # inform Games playable in a Z-Code interpreter (created by Inform or other Z-code compilers) # if-artshow These are exhibits from Marnie Parker's (aka Doe aka FemaleDeer) IF Art Show contests. # phoenix Games produced by Phoenix Games, developed at the University of Cambridge (UK) 1978-1985, and the offshoot commercial publisher Topologika # source Games provided as source code (in any programming language) # competitions Games submitted to IF competitions # age Games playable with the Aetheria Game Engine Players' Kit