ifwiki: Commodore Amiga

Note:  The .dms games below must be run from a self-booting floppy disk as the
directory structure has been modified to stop people reading the game
text. The .dms files are raw diskette images created with DMS; you can
find DMS in directory [download-tools/amiga](../../download-tools/amiga).

Note:  Some of the archives in this directory contain ADF disk images, which
are files in a format suitable for use with the Amiga emulator program
UAE. To use these files on a real Amiga, it is necessary to unpack the
archive with Unzip (in the [download-tools/amiga](../../download-tools/amiga) directory)
and then write the ADF disk image back to a real Amiga disk with
Adf2Amiga (available from any of the Aminet mirror sites).

# Adventure.lha
ifwiki: Adventure
tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv

A collection of the original Colossal Cave (aka
Adventure) game, plus derivative works, ported by
David Kinder.
(The games included here are all available separately
as the files games/amiga/adv\*.lha)

# Box.lha
tuid: wxl2zy23ij18jbo6

Box, by James Lean. Written in AMOS.

# CM1.lha
tuid: czzicxygbkbi6off

The Child Murderer, a text/graphics adventure
by Michael Zerbo. Diskette version, disk 1

# CM2.lha
tuid: czzicxygbkbi6off

The Child Murderer, a text/graphics adventure
by Michael Zerbo. Diskette version, disk 2

# CM3.lha
tuid: czzicxygbkbi6off

The Child Murderer, a text/graphics adventure
by Michael Zerbo. Diskette version, disk 3

# CM_1-3.Readme
tuid: czzicxygbkbi6off

Description of The Child Murderer, files CM1.lha,
CM2.lha and CM3.lha

# Child_Murderer.lha
tuid: czzicxygbkbi6off

Hard disk version of The Child Murderer,
by Michael Zerbo

# Child_Murderer.readme
tuid: czzicxygbkbi6off

Description of file Child_Murderer.lha

# Child_Murderer_AGA.lha
tuid: czzicxygbkbi6off

Hard disk version of The Child Murderer for AGA
machines, by Michael Zerbo

# Child_Murderer_AGA.readme
tuid: czzicxygbkbi6off

Description of file Child_Murderer_AGA.lha

# Dark_Obsession.lha
tuid: qz66iz0hlijpfgel

Dark Obsession, a text/graphics adventure
by Michael Zerbo.

# Dark_Obsession.Readme
tuid: qz66iz0hlijpfgel

Description of Dark_Obsession.lha

# Dinkum_2.14.lha
tuid: v4nj44nlwfzbpmcj

Dinkum, the Australian Adventure Game version 2.14
by Gary A. Allen, Jr.
Amiga release 1, ported by Bill Hoggett.
(the original C source code is in

# Dungeon.lha
ifwiki: Zork (game)
tuid: 4gxk83ja4twckm6j

Dungeon (the more or less public domain version
of the original MIT Zork) version 2.7A from
</if-archive/games/source/#dungn27s.zip> ported to the Amiga
by David Kinder

# Dungeon.lzh
ifwiki: Zork (game)
tuid: 4gxk83ja4twckm6j

Amiga port of Dungeon, the more or less public domain
version of the original MIT Zork

# Exorcism.lha
tuid: f6i4fx6wobl75nhg

Exorcism, by David Lacey and Adam Balcomb. Written with
the CAG adventure generator. This archive provides a
text-only adventure, use with Exorcism_gfx.lha for

# Exorcism_gfx.lha
tuid: f6i4fx6wobl75nhg

The graphics files for Exorcism. Not compatible with
the AGA chipset.

# Frustration.dms
tuid: e024d2chlp6pxa6c

Frustration, by Jim MacBrayne. Serial no. 890713
(see </if-archive/games/tads/#frust.zip> for a machine-independent
TADS version)

# Getaway1.zip
tuid: a87pksxa064d0vc2

Kelly's Rescue, Part2: The Getaway, a text/graphics
adventure by Peter Clement and René van Hasselaar (text)
and No One Incorporated (graphics).
The game consists of two Amiga disks; this is disk 1.
Uploaded and declared to be in the public domain by René.

# Getaway2.zip
tuid: a87pksxa064d0vc2

Kelly's Rescue, Part2: The Getaway; this is disk 2.
Uploaded and declared to be in the public domain by René.

# GoldenFleece.dms
tuid: zcgjkl8dpeza1yh6

The Golden Fleece, by Jim MacBrayne. Serial no. 891229
(see </if-archive/games/pc/#fleece.zip> for the 1989 DOS version and
</if-archive/games/tads/#gfleece.zip> for a machine-independent
TADS version)

# Gory_Story.dms
tuid: p3rxrx7h0ydhz3x2

Gory Story, by Philip Richmond

# Hazardous_Holiday.dms
tuid: g7lvz1nyxegfr5jg

Hazardous Holiday, by Philip Richmond.

# HolyGrail.dms
ifwiki: The Holy Grail
tuid: 1ssyg56mcsnq5kqq

The Holy Grail, by Jim MacBrayne. Serial no. 920420
(see </if-archive/games/tads/#hgrail.zip> for a machine-independent
TADS version)

# Inner_Demons.Readme
tuid: d06xe1jm3sc7qqji

Description of Inner Demons, files Inner_Demons1-4.lha below

# Inner_Demons1.lha
tuid: d06xe1jm3sc7qqji

Inner Demons, a text/graphics adventure by Michael Zerbo, disk 1

# Inner_Demons2.lha
tuid: d06xe1jm3sc7qqji

Inner Demons, a text/graphics adventure by Michael Zerbo, disk 2

# Inner_Demons3.lha
tuid: d06xe1jm3sc7qqji

Inner Demons, a text/graphics adventure by Michael Zerbo, disk 3

# Inner_Demons4.lha
tuid: d06xe1jm3sc7qqji

Inner Demons, a text/graphics adventure by Michael Zerbo, disk 4

# Inner_DemonsHD.readme
tuid: d06xe1jm3sc7qqji

Description of Inner Demons HD

# Inner_DemonsHD.lha
tuid: d06xe1jm3sc7qqji

Hard drive version of Inner Demons, by Michael Zerbo.

# KellTres.zip
tuid: kgvs750w4kzuirgt
tuid: 7qzqqhgub9m5g3tl

An Amiga disk with two games: Treasure Hunt and
Kelly's Rescue, Part 1, both by Peter Clement and
René van Hasselaar. The games are simple noun/verb text
adventures originally written on the Commodore64 and later
ported to the Amiga. Treasure Hunt is a simple search for
treasures in an abandoned city; Kelly's Rescue is a
thriller/spy story.
Uploaded and declared to be in the public domain by René.

# Macabre.zip
tuid: qz66iz0hlijpfgel
tuid: d06xe1jm3sc7qqji
tuid: ubtikyixkpl5yqte

A set of three horror adventures: Severed Heads;
Inner Demons and Dark Obsession, all written by
Michael Zerbo. Recommended for mature players only.
The games are stored as ADF Amiga emulator disk

# Macabre.txt
tuid: qz66iz0hlijpfgel
tuid: d06xe1jm3sc7qqji
tuid: ubtikyixkpl5yqte

Author's description of the files in Macabre.zip.

# Mipric_Basic.lha

Mipric Story System v3.00. Programs for playing text
adventure games written with the author's MIPRIC
system, plus Infocom v3+4 games. This archive contains
the interpreter plus a hintbook system and an
adventure game database. Requires Kickstart 2.04 and
MUI. Written by Ruediger Hanke.

# Mipric_Basic.readme

Description of Mipric_Basic.lha

# Mipric_IP_4.lha
tuid: un2z1dwz5qham5ec

The Ice Princess, an interactive novel by Ruediger
Hanke, Release 4. Requires the interpreter from the
archive Mipric_Basic.lha
(an Inform port of this game by the author himself is in

# Mipric_IP_4.readme
tuid: un2z1dwz5qham5ec

Description of Mipric_IP_4.lha

# Mipric_MustRead.txt

A note by Ruediger Hanke containing his new address and
information about the future of his software

# Mipric_TEI_7.lha
tuid: xogp3auo8by8tl5x

The Timeless Empire I - Return of the True Gods.
An interactive novel by Ruediger Hanke, Release 7.
Requires the interpreter from the archive

# Mipric_TEI_7.readme
tuid: xogp3auo8by8tl5x

Description of Mipric_TEI_7.lha

# Mission.zip
ifwiki: The Mission
tuid: qk4811x45g1hfbd2

The Mission, by Jim MacBrayne. Serial no. 901127
(see </if-archive/games/tads/#mission.zip> for a machine-independent
TADS version)

# Napoleon_1.02.lha
tuid: pg4cimbgwn7xx4bs

Napoleon version 1.02, by Pete Chown.
Amiga release 1, ported by Bill Hoggett.
(the original C source code is in

# PsychoWard.lha
ifwiki: Psycho Ward
tuid: sj29cakfabypk1ix

PsychoWard v1.5, a text adventure with graphics,
by Robert Sedler

# Rescue_Elvis.lha
tuid: ks1hcdksa0vspay5

I Rescued Elvis From Communist Alien Jerks v1.0,
a text adventure with graphics, by Robert Sedler.

# Severed_Heads.Readme
tuid: ubtikyixkpl5yqte

Description of Severed Heads, see below.

# Severed_Heads1.lha
tuid: ubtikyixkpl5yqte

Severed Heads, a futuristic text/graphics adventure for
the Amiga with 1 MB RAM, by Michael Zerbo.
Diskette version; disk 1 of 2.

# Severed_Heads2.lha
tuid: ubtikyixkpl5yqte

Severed Heads, a futuristic text/graphics adventure for
the Amiga with 1 MB RAM, by Michael Zerbo.
Diskette version; disk 2 of 2.

# Severed_HeadsHD.lha
tuid: ubtikyixkpl5yqte

Version 1.1 for hard drive.

# Thrallbound.lha
tuid: ip1qtk2eqt2b3m4p

Thrallbound, a Norse adventure by Torgeir Dingsxyr,
Tor-Martin Tveit and Cristian Fiatt.

# World_1.07.lha
tuid: crih2j6niodqy5vj

World version 1.07, by J. Doug McDonald, ported to the
Amiga by Patrick Kellum.
(a DOS version is in </if-archive/games/pc/#world107.zip>;
an Archimedes port is in </if-archive/games/archimedes/#world.spk>;
a Macintosh port is in </if-archive/games/mac/#World107.sit>;
source code of the DOS/Unix version is in

# ZutAlors.lha
tuid: yxtb4g0qu506bol9

Zut Alors, a parody of The Three Musketeers, by
Brian Asbury.

# adv350.lha
ifwiki: Adventure
tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv

Amiga executable of the original 350 points version of
Colossal Cave by Don Ekman, ported to the Amiga by
David Kinder.
(the original FORTRAN source code and a DOS executable
is in </if-archive/games/source/#adv350de.zip>)

# adv350jg.lha
ifwiki: Adventure
tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv

Amiga executable of the original 350 points version of
Colossal Cave by Jim Gillogly, ported to the Amiga by
David Kinder.
(the original C source code is in

# adv350r4.lha
ifwiki: Adventure
tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv

Amiga executable of the 350 point version of Colossal
Cave, DECUS release 4 (February 1994), ported to the
Amiga by David Kinder.
(the original FORTRAN-77 source code is in

# adv430.lha
ifwiki: Adventure
tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv

Amiga executable and C source code of Adventure 2.5, the
430 points version of Colossal Cave by Donald R. Woods
(1995), ported to the Amiga by David Kinder.
(the original generic C source code is in
</if-archive/games/source/#Adventure2.5.tar.gz>, a DOS executable is in

# adv550.lha
ifwiki: Adventure
tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv

Amiga executable and C source code of the 550 points
version of Colossal Cave by Ken C. Wellsch, August 1985,
ported to the Amiga by David Kinder.

# adv551.lha
ifwiki: Adventure
tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv

Amiga executable of the 551 points version of Colossal
Cave by Doug McDonald, ported to the Amiga by David Kinder.
(the original Fortran source code is in
</if-archive/games/source/a>dvsrc.zip, a DOS executable is in

# adv660.lha
ifwiki: Adventure
tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv

Amiga executable and C source code of 660 points version of
Colossal Cave: Adventure4+ version 10.06 (26jul95),
by Mike Arnautov, ported to the Amiga by David Kinder.
This version merges Adventure II by Peter Luckett and Jack
Pike with Adventure 3 (aka Adventure 550) by Dave Platt.
Requires at least Kickstart 2.04.

# battlestar1_1.lha
ifwiki: Battlestar
tuid: o6pqn2vcani7pkx7

Battlestar for the Amiga, release 1.1,
a stellar-tropical adventure game from BSD Unix
C source code and Amiga exutable,
ported by David Ingebretsen.

# cannibaladv.lha
ifwiki: I_Was_a_Cannibal_for_the_FBI
tuid: c7ovts9fmx7qdlug

Cannibal Adventure, a short graphics/text adventure by
John Olsen.  A demonstration of the capabilities of
Aegis Visionary, an authoring system for text or
text/graphics games for the Amiga.

# hugecave.lzh
ifwiki: Adventure
tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv

Adventure in Humongous Cave - 1000 points version of
Colossal Cave, based on the 550 points version
written with AGT by David Malmberg

# genocide_earth.lha
tuid: 5yjna3s0wq3vela9

Genocide Earth, by Darryl Sloan. A sci-fi text
adventure with digitized graphics and music.

# sumeria.lha

Sumeria 19.2 for AmigaOS 3 / AmigaOS 4 / AROS, plus source code. Based on
Mike Arnautov's conversion to ANSI C of "Sumeria (Primos)", from 14 Oct 1983,
ported to the Amiga by Eugene Sobolev.
NameLast modifiedSize

Parent Directory  -
german/2019-12-22 23:16 -
spanish/2024-03-08 03:43 -
Inner_DemonsHD.readme1996-05-17 04:00 595
Dark_Obsession.Readme1996-07-13 04:00 639
Child_Murderer_AGA.readme1995-04-05 04:00 647
Inner_Demons.Readme1995-06-26 04:00 669
Child_Murderer.readme1995-04-05 04:00 686
CM_1-3.Readme1995-06-21 04:00 734
Severed_Heads.Readme1996-02-09 05:00 908
Mipric_IP_4.readme1996-09-02 04:00 1.6K
Macabre.txt1998-03-21 05:00 2.2K
Mipric_TEI_7.readme1996-09-02 04:00 2.9K
Mipric_Basic.readme1996-09-02 04:00 3.6K
Mipric_MustRead.txt1997-01-31 05:00 4.1K
Index2024-08-31 17:01 12K
Mipric_IP_4.lha1996-09-02 04:00 55K
adv350.lha1996-07-02 04:00 68K
adv350r4.lha1997-08-03 04:00 70K
ZutAlors.lha1996-12-12 05:00 70K
adv350jg.lha1996-11-20 05:00 82K
World_1.07.lha1997-08-10 04:00 95K
Exorcism.lha1996-12-12 05:00 101K
adv551.lha1996-05-28 04:00 123K
Box.lha1996-12-12 05:00 145K
sumeria.lha2020-09-28 19:58 155K
adv430.lha1996-02-06 05:00 161K
GoldenFleece.dms1995-01-22 05:00 170K
Dungeon.lzh1992-11-30 05:00 179K
adv550.lha1996-01-08 05:00 201K
KellTres.zip1998-05-30 04:00 208K
Dark_Obsession.lha1996-07-13 04:00 228K
hugecave.lzh1993-06-30 04:00 237K
Getaway2.zip1998-05-30 04:00 248K
HolyGrail.dms1995-01-22 05:00 255K
Inner_Demons1.lha1995-06-26 04:00 258K
Thrallbound.lha1996-12-12 05:00 270K
adv660.lha1996-01-08 05:00 275K
Dungeon.lha1996-01-08 05:00 294K
Rescue_Elvis.lha1996-11-17 05:00 331K
Frustration.dms1995-01-22 05:00 340K
battlestar1_1.lha1993-10-11 04:00 342K
PsychoWard.lha1996-11-17 05:00 372K
cannibaladv.lha1993-11-11 05:00 373K
Inner_Demons4.lha1995-06-26 04:00 392K
CM1.lha1995-06-21 04:00 405K
Mipric_TEI_7.lha1996-09-02 04:00 409K
Getaway1.zip1998-05-30 04:00 409K
genocide_earth.lha1998-07-12 04:00 413K
Inner_Demons2.lha1995-06-26 04:00 452K
Exorcism_gfx.lha1996-12-12 05:00 454K
Napoleon_1.02.lha1996-12-05 05:00 454K
Mipric_Basic.lha1996-09-02 04:00 479K
Inner_Demons3.lha1995-06-26 04:00 482K
Severed_Heads1.lha1995-07-02 04:00 487K
Severed_Heads2.lha1995-07-02 04:00 494K
Mission.zip2004-11-07 18:06 529K
Gory_Story.dms1996-12-12 05:00 529K
Dinkum_2.14.lha1996-12-08 05:00 539K
Hazardous_Holiday.dms1996-12-12 05:00 596K
Adventure.lha1996-11-20 05:00 644K
CM2.lha1995-06-21 04:00 712K
CM3.lha1995-06-21 04:00 741K
Severed_HeadsHD.lha1996-02-08 05:00 864K
Inner_DemonsHD.lha1996-05-17 04:00 1.6M
Child_Murderer.lha1995-04-05 04:00 1.8M
Macabre.zip1998-03-21 05:00 2.0M
Child_Murderer_AGA.lha1995-04-05 04:00 2.3M

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