ifwiki: IFComp 2016
tuidcomp: d5os21azfgelhiox

The entries to the 22nd Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2016). (As they stood when voting closed.)

# IFComp2016.zip

All of the entries in the 2016 competition in one
package, as released at the start of the

# README.html

Notes on these files from the organizer,
Jason McIntosh.

# 16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonalds
tuid: s8oklhvdqoo5dv4l
ifwiki: 16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonalds

16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonalds, by Abigail Corfman. Twine.

# 500 Apocalypses
tuid: 9itoii9lv3rt1760
ifwiki: 500 Apocalypses

500 Apocalypses, by Phantom Williams. Twine.

# A Time of Tungsten
tuid: 8rtmqg60oycxy3q5
ifwiki: A Time of Tungsten

A Time of Tungsten, by Devin Raposo. Twine.
(relies on external resources; a version including sounds is at

# Aether Apeiron The Zephyra Chronicles
tuid: eejyjlvzj2annjq0
ifwiki: Aether Apeiron: The Zephyra Chronicles

Aether Apeiron: The Zephyra Chronicles, Book I: The Departure,
Part I: Prelude to Our Final Days on Kyzikos, by Hippodamus & Company.

# All I Do is Dream
tuid: 6sw2vf2lfcypz3jc
ifwiki: All I Do is Dream

All I Do is Dream, by Megan Stevens. Twine.

# Ariadne in Aeaea
tuid: tu1meismk6t6jih5
ifwiki: Ariadne in Aeaea

Ariadne in Aeaea, by Víctor Ojuel. Glulx.
Release 1 / Serial number 160928.
Story file and walkthrough.
(a newer version is in

# Ash
tuid: fk8xds3a66pyx208
ifwiki: Ash

Ash, by Lee Grey. Ink.

# Black Rock City
tuid: f3ul2uztjrprp63t
ifwiki: Black Rock City

Black Rock City, by Jim Munroe. Texture.

# Cactus Blue Motel
tuid: 7e699ifb6u3767yr
ifwiki: Cactus Blue Motel

Cactus Blue Motel, by Astrid Dalmady. Twine.

# Cinnamon Tea
tuid: sej4l6z6i23h1fsr
ifwiki: Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon Tea, by Daffs O'Dill. Twine.

# Color the Truth
tuid: a746d3agtfizlx0x
ifwiki: Color the Truth

Color the Truth, a variegated verity by Brian Rushton. Glulx.
Release 1 / Serial number 160923.
Story file and walkthrough.
(a newer version is at
</if-archive/games/glulx/#Color the Truth.gblorb>)

# Darkiss Wrath of the Vampire Chapter 2 Journey to Hell
tuid: ddteat6razxljsz4
ifwiki: Darkiss! Wrath of the Vampire - Chapter 2: Journey to Hell

Darkiss! Wrath of the Vampire - Chapter 2: Journey to Hell,
by Marco Vallarino. Z-code.
Release 1 / Serial number 161001.
Story file and walkthrough.

# Detectiveland
tuid: noqmuesoxx4vb6qy
ifwiki: Detectiveland

Detectiveland, by Robin Johnson. HTML.
Game and walkthrough.

# Eight characters a number and a happy ending
tuid: ryn1fi2gz6nlo5b9
ifwiki: Eight characters, a number, and a happy ending

Eight characters, a number, and a happy ending, by K.G. Orphanides. Quest.
(game not included; link to play online or download, and walkthrough)

# Evermore
tuid: zyso2f2nugrsdfh
ifwiki: Evermore

Evermore, by Adam Whybray and Edgar Allan Poe. Twine.

# Fair
tuid: wzz9ycw8ujt9ts1a
ifwiki: Fair

Fair, an extra-curricular activity by Hanon Ondricek. Glulx.
Release 2 / Serial number 161113.
Story file, feelie, and spoilers.
(a newer version is in

# Fallen Leaves
tuid: 4i2pxyk3xjlvkga5
ifwiki: Fallen 落葉 Leaves

Fallen 落葉 Leaves, by Adam Bredenberg and Danial Mohammed Khan-Yousufzai.

# Hill Ridge Lost Found
tuid: p6blazhwoauniph6
ifwiki: Hill Ridge Lost & Found

Hill Ridge Lost & Found, by Jeremy Pflasterer. TADS 3.
Version 1.15.
Story file and walkthrough.

# How to Win at Rock Paper Scissors
tuid: 9af3dz94zvblmnan
ifwiki: How to Win at Rock Paper Scissors

How to Win at Rock Paper Scissors, by Brian Kwak. Glulx.
Release 1 / Serial number 161003.
Story file and walkthrough.

# Inside the Facility
tuid: stsdri5zh7a4i5my
ifwiki: Inside the Facility

Inside the Facility, by Arthur DiBianca. Z-code.
Release 1 / Serial number 160925.
Story file, map template, and walkthrough.

# Labyrinth of Loci
tuid: iqqgv7c99xdp3ivq
ifwiki: Labyrinth of Loci

Labyrinth of Loci, by anbrewk. Unity.
Windows executable (Intel 32-bit).

# Letters
tuid: h5832qua165vuw8o
ifwiki: Letters

Letters, by Madison Evans. Twine.

# Manlandia
tuid: 3yz4372dhsh3470f
ifwiki: Manlandia

Manlandia, by Rob Chateau. Twine.

# Mirror and Queen
tuid: 25kq81lxm8iefgjg
ifwiki: Mirror and Queen

Mirror and Queen, a reflection by Chandler Groover. Glulx.
Release 3 / Serial number 161113.

# Moonland
tuid: fqvovfpndm7h2wde
ifwiki: Moonland

Moonland, by BillyJaden. Twine.

# Night House
tuid: nbx4lqvtvp9o7tis
ifwiki: Night House

Night House, by Bitter Karella. Quest.
Story file, link to play online, and walkthrough.

# Not Another Hero
tuid: clevathyjglvccsm
ifwiki: Not Another Hero

Not Another Hero, by Cecilia Rosewood. ChoiceScript.

# Pogoman GO
tuid: hc6dudpdc9i2pmja
ifwiki: Pogoman GO!

Pogoman GO!, by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman. Glulx.
Release 15 / Serial number 161004.
Story file, maps/diagrams, help, and walkthrough.

# Quest for the Traitor Saint
tuid: 3rafcj8gi53wtcvr
ifwiki: Quest for the Traitor Saint

Quest for the Traitor Saint, by Owlor. Twine.

# Riot
tuid: myjvms54dtvzmw4h
ifwiki: Riot

Riot, by Taylor Johnson. Twine.

# Rite of Passage
tuid: 29roln9nex7rf4q
ifwiki: Rite of Passage

Rite of Passage, by Arno von Borries. Twine.
Version 1.1.

tuid: adtwrra6bwcux97l

SCREW YOU, BEAR DAD!, by Xalavier Nelson Jr. Twine.

# Sigil Reader Field
tuid: jddi0s4uwuh8nrpp
ifwiki: Sigil Reader (Field)

Sigil Reader (Field), by verityvirtue. Glulx.
Release 1 / Serial number 161007.
Story file and walkthrough.

# Slicker City
tuid: ko4maqk88u25370u
ifwiki: Slicker City

Slicker City, Bit Two of the Alec Smart saga, by Andrew Schultz. Z-code.
Release 1 / Serial number 161114.
Story file, map, hints, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code.

# Snakes Game
tuid: y9q98tuv5c96sy65
ifwiki: Snake's Game

Snake's Game, by Nahian Nasir. Inklewriter.
(game not included; redirect to play online)

# Steam and Sacrilege
tuid: 7nrdsgr7tbeie9k3
ifwiki: Steam and Sacrilege

Steam and Sacrilege, by Phil McGrail. Glulx.
Release 1 / Serial number 161007.
Story file and walkthrough.

# Stone Harbor
tuid: ij4y0w9qxeyaxv7l
ifwiki: Stone Harbor

Stone Harbor, by Liza Daly. Windrift.

# Stuff and Nonsense
tuid: vsri6jevd8ovp6pi
ifwiki: Stuff and Nonsense

Stuff and Nonsense, by Felicity Banks. Twine.

# Take
tuid: 4btr90e7opazl24d
ifwiki: Take

TAKE: one joke, until expiration, by Katherine Morayati
(as Amelia Pinnolla). Glulx.
Release 1 / Serial number 161012.
Story file and notes.

# Take Over the World
tuid: cgyimhculccl64ik
ifwiki: Take Over the World

Take Over the World - or at least Cleveland, by Marie L. Vibbert. Twine.

# Tentaculon
tuid: c1a2j098awdbesl
ifwiki: Tentaculon

Tentaculon, by Ned Vole. Twine.

# Thaxted Havershill And the Golden Wombat
tuid: n6rn74qhujur4uwm
ifwiki: Thaxted Havershill And the Golden Wombat

Thaxted Havershill And the Golden Wombat, by Andrew Brown. Twine.

# The Game of Worlds TOURNAMENT
tuid: fsndsgd8pbu5gbuo
ifwiki: The Game of Worlds TOURNAMENT!

The Game of Worlds TOURNAMENT!, an intergalactic strategy card game
by Ade McT. Glulx.
Release 1 / Serial number 161011.

# The God Device
tuid: zm01othf1tvrlqso
ifwiki: The God Device

The God Device, by Andy Joel. Twine.

# The Little Lifeform That Could
tuid: omoe3fglijlnri13
ifwiki: The Little Lifeform That Could

The Little Lifeform That Could, by Fade Manley. ChoiceScript.

# The Mouse
tuid: 9qn2v3wws45qpzth
ifwiki: The Mouse

The Mouse, by Norbez. Twine.

# The Queens Menagerie
tuid: 52qxb0gl1h2xbmq4
ifwiki: The Queen's Menagerie

The Queen's Menagerie, by Chandler Groover. Texture.

# The Shoe Dept
tuid: dxezgdjudcbq12h
ifwiki: The Shoe Dept.

The Shoe Dept., by Aquanet.
Game and walkthrough.

# The Skull Embroidery
tuid: hbujxdui24yipc
ifwiki: The Skull Embroidery

The Skull Embroidery, by Jeron Paraiso. Ruby.
Executables for Windows (Intel 32-bit), Mac OS X (Intel 64-bit),
and Linux (Ruby gem), and hints/installation notes.

# The Skyscraper and the Scar
tuid: zj17l03tczy1odb1
ifwiki: The Skyscraper and the Scar

The Skyscraper and the Scar, by Diego Freire and Ruber Eaglenest. Twine.

# Theatre People
tuid: 3jw5ifhlsllsa6eo
ifwiki: Theatre People

Theatre People, by Michael Kielstra. Glulx.
Release 1 / Serial number 160922.

# This is My Memory of First Heartbreak Which I Cant Quite Piece Back Together
tuid: 21zfhwp32f0so6vp
ifwiki: This is My Memory of First Heartbreak, Which I Can't Quite Piece Back Together

This is My Memory of First Heartbreak, Which I Can't Quite Piece
Back Together, by Jenny Goldstick (story, art, and UX design) and
Stephen Betts and Owen Roberts (development).
(game not included; link to play online, and walkthrough)

# To The Wolves
tuid: u3b230h3ye2wfzdv
ifwiki: To The Wolves

To The Wolves, by Els White. Twine.

# Toiletworld
tuid: jax8qpmmfac43gdn
ifwiki: Toiletworld

Toiletworld: World Of Toilets, by Chet Rocketfrak. Z-code.
Release 1 / Serial number 161009.

# Ventilator
tuid: 23ieqgfg5bxawzmo
ifwiki: Ventilator

Ventilator, by Peregrine Wade. Glulx.
Release 1 / Serial number 161020.

# Yes my mother is
tuid: u59motjd3cy084yj
ifwiki: Yes, my mother is...

Yes, my mother is..., by Skarn. Twine.
Game and walkthrough.

# You are standing in a cave
tuid: qkrts6897hdqp1rv
ifwiki: You are standing in a cave...

You are standing in a cave..., by Caroline Berg. Z-code.
Release 1 / Serial number 160926.
(the forum thread that inspired this game is at

# Zigamus Zombies at Vigamus
tuid: 1kvcio22np3gieo9
ifwiki: Zigamus: Zombies at Vigamus

Zigamus: Zombies at Vigamus, by Marco Vallarino. Z-code.
Release 1 / Serial number 161005.
Story file and walkthrough.
NameLast modifiedSize

Parent Directory  -
The Skull Embroidery/2016-11-21 22:02 -
The Queens Menagerie/2016-11-21 22:02 -
Sigil Reader Field/2016-11-21 22:02 -
Pogoman GO/2016-11-21 22:02 -
Mirror and Queen/2016-11-21 22:02 -
Cactus Blue Motel/2016-11-21 22:02 -
Ash/2016-11-21 22:02 -
Aether Apeiron The Zephyra Chronicles/2016-11-21 22:02 -
16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonalds/2016-11-21 21:51 -
Zigamus Zombies at Vigamus/2016-11-17 05:07 -
You are standing in a cave/2016-11-17 05:07 -
This is My Memory of First Heartbreak Which I Cant Quite Piece Back Together/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Tentaculon/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Take Over the World/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Stone Harbor/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Not Another Hero/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Cinnamon Tea/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Black Rock City/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Yes my mother is/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Toiletworld/2016-11-17 05:07 -
The Skyscraper and the Scar/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Thaxted Havershill And the Golden Wombat/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Stuff and Nonsense/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Snakes Game/2016-11-17 05:07 -
SCREW YOU BEAR DAD/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Rite of Passage/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Riot/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Moonland/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Manlandia/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Labyrinth of Loci/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Inside the Facility/2016-11-17 05:07 -
How to Win at Rock Paper Scissors/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Fallen Leaves/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Darkiss Wrath of the Vampire Chapter 2 Journey to Hell/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Theatre People/2016-11-17 05:07 -
The Little Lifeform That Could/2016-11-17 05:07 -
The God Device/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Steam and Sacrilege/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Hill Ridge Lost Found/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Ariadne in Aeaea/2016-11-17 05:07 -
All I Do is Dream/2016-11-17 05:07 -
500 Apocalypses/2016-11-17 05:07 -
To The Wolves/2016-11-17 05:07 -
The Mouse/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Quest for the Traitor Saint/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Letters/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Ventilator/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Eight characters a number and a happy ending/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Color the Truth/2016-11-17 05:07 -
Fair/2016-11-13 20:08 -
Evermore/2016-10-23 19:41 -
Take/2016-10-13 01:13 -
Detectiveland/2016-10-12 17:20 -
Slicker City/2016-10-04 13:05 -
The Shoe Dept/2016-10-03 23:58 -
Night House/2016-10-02 23:47 -
The Game of Worlds TOURNAMENT/2016-09-25 22:40 -
A Time of Tungsten/2016-09-20 16:12 -
Index2025-02-24 01:32 9.6K
IFComp2016.zip2016-10-01 17:27 212M
README.html2016-10-01 16:52 16K

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