This directory contains entries to Retrocomp 2006, a Spanish competition
for new versions or remakes of old games.

tuid: 2wtachpsknwjyiis

El Gato Cheko, by Blag.
Revision 1 / Numero de serie 061106

tuid: aukla6j9di0rlydg

PAEE, Primera Aventura Experimental y Extrana,
version 1.1, by Presi.

tuid: diziwpamsxpbkzxg

Remakorp, by Raúl (El Lula).
Revisión 2 / Número de serie 061020.

# resaca.z5
tuid: kpj84z3rf6b1jyhd

Resaca, by Voet.
Revision 2 / Numero de serie 060713

tuid: hlwdspnda5q04i3n

Wiz Lair, by Grendelkhan.
Revisión 1 / Número de serie 061116.
(an updated post-competition release is in </if-archive/games/glulx/spanish/#wizlair.blb>)

NameLast modifiedSize

Parent Directory  -
Index2025-02-17 14:19 718
cheko.zip2006-12-26 09:50 55K
resaca.z52006-07-13 07:12 149K
remakorp2006.zip2006-12-26 09:51 406K
wizlair.zip2006-12-26 09:51 1.4M
paee.zip2006-12-26 09:50 2.9M

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