Games playable on PCs. The target processor can range from 16-bit to 64-bit, and the target operating system from MS-DOS to Windows. # old Older versions of some of the games in this directory. # tuid: 0ctqbfa4pofrvtsf Very simple game based on the Rush song "2112". Author unknown. # tuid: q47lwr776k3x3rg0 4K Adventure, a small text adventure written by John Metcalf # tuid: 4h7kqjhw43h4sy8c Playable demo of The Four Symbols, release 1.1 TADS adventure by The Grue! # 905.exe 9:05 by Adam Cadre Version 1.01 (10 February 2000) / Serial number 9502 (a machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # A Bloody Life: A day in the life of an unfortunate physician caught up in a soap opera, written by Quentin D. Thompson. AGT game files, DOS interpreter, and pop-up hints. [file is linked to ] # A_Egypt.exe Adventure in Egypt, by A.C. Lockhorst. A mouse controlled text adventure for Windows. (a Dutch version is in ) # A_Egypt.rtf Notes on Adventure in Egypt, by A.C. Lockhorst. # The Search for Princess Alandria, version 1.0, by Jason Billard [file is linked to ] # Awakening.exe Awakening, by Mel Sherry. Originally written in 6809 assembler in 1983, then converted to MS-DOS in 1986 and then to Windows in 2010. # Babel.exe ifwiki: Babel tuid: z5xgyw0jbt9r3ah1 Babel, release 3.1, by Ian Finley. Includes an MS-DOS executable, a hints file and a walkthrough. (a machine-independent TADS version is in , a Mac version is in , and the original competition entry is in ) # Beyond.exe tuid: 80s6vtj6yjwmt7sn ifwiki: Beyond Beyond, an IF by Mondi Confinanti. Created by Roberto Grassi, Paolo Lucchesi and Alessandro Peretti. Windows executable installer version. Release 5 / Serial number 100115 (an Italian version is in , and the original competition entry is in ) # tuid: 2b9h6vljr300p9yc Bradford Mansion, version 1.2.2, by Lenard Gunda. Windows (x64) executable. (the original competition entry is in ) # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv A GUI version of Colossal Cave / Adventure, version 2006.1.2, written by C.Yong. Requires the .NET 1.1 Runtime. # tuid: 10lmbbwutsf2m3tt A randomly generated maze exploring game, by James L. Dean. Archive contains Linux (x86) and Windows (32-bit) executables, plus C source code. [file is linked from and ] (versions for other systems can be found in , , , , , , and ) # tuid: rdah1qklr7v4mqak Adventure Castle, by Dave Dunfield. Archive includes an executable and C source. # tuid: mz7tsvrsrrqhddhw Castle Adventure, by Kevin Bales. ASCII graphics adventure with text input. # tuid: s749vewkgg4wectq Castlequest, originally written in 1980 by Michael S. Holtzman and Mark Kershenblatt, then transcribed and made compilable in 2021 by Arthur O'Dwyer. This is a Windows executable compiled by David Kinder, for source code see . # ifwiki: Arthur_Yahtzee:_The_Curse_of_Hell's_Cheesecake tuid: 61mddgfhspk5xfhm Arthur Yahtzee: The Curse of Hell's Cheesecake, An Interactive Tale of Weirdness Within. Written with Inform by Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw. Release 1 / Serial number 000311 DOS Executable and a text file with progressive hints (a machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # tuid: ormdkpvdx3q7d5qk Chaos in Space!, written by Richard Kelly. An adventure set aboard a space station, aimed at less experienced adventurers. Version 1.2. # Dames.exe tuid: smrkyqnt3mf1vwfo Dames Are Trouble, Freeware version 2.1, by Michael Zerbo. A short game where the player is a private investigator. Windows installer executable. # DDIV.exe tuid: 82f6px0qqdtrghrx ifwiki: Dutch Dapper IV: The Final Voyage Dutch Dapper IV: The Final Voyage, a science fiction comedy, written by Harry Hol. Release 11 / Serial number 030207 (a machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # Eldarian Odyssey, version 1.01, by Rich Eizenhoefer. # tuid: wazvwtxlf7us44qr Enemies, An Interactive Psychothriller, by Andy Phillips. Release 4 / Serial number 990115 (a machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # tuid: wrkyc6e7xdfi5mvp Enhanced release 3/941004, the first (and so far the only) part of the Cyberventure trilogy; a cyberpunk SF adventure by Hans Persson and Dominik Zemmler # tuid: lj6etixsdg6hi2p4 Epic Prose, version 16, by Matt Timmermans. # tuid: 3qcw1ojlngezz6im Epic Prose Special Edition, version 9, by Matt Timmermans. # tuid: 8qgfdrls3njowk98 Even the Devil Must Die, by Mark Hancox. Archive includes CAT game file and Windows-based CAT interpreter program. # tuid: sddal8roorb0wm9x Ferret, a game inspired by Zork, written in the 1980s in PL/I for a Data General mini-computer, and ported to IBM Visual Age PL/I for Windows. This is version 9.00, and is a Windows text mode executable. # FineTune.exe tuid: 39pi00x5dls5z2l2 Fine-Tuned, An Auto-mated Romance, by Dennis Jerz (writing as Dionysius Porcupine). Release 8 / Serial number 020520 (a machine-independent zcode game file is in , and the original competition entry is in ) # tuid: iu095gl1nezw979o Fred's Backyard, by NielSoft. # tuid: 5o65s5yu6zxqkuju Gatefold, version 1.0.1, by Axile Studio, Holly Boson, and Alex McGivern. (a Linux version is in ) # Adventure in Humongous Cave, David Malmberg's AGT version of Adventure, ported to Inform by Al Golden. Release 1 / Serial number 000001 (a machine-independent Z-code game file is in and a Mac package is in ) # tuid: dnqnvbtgkfhni3b8 Heist: The Crime of the Century, by Andy Phillips. Release 4 / Serial number 971125 (a machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # tuid: pejw8j7qote04e6m Hobbit - The True Story - redux, Director's Cut. A small adventure written entirely in MS-DOS 5.0 batch procedures, by Fredrik Ramsberg and Johan Berntsson. [file is linked to ] # HollywoodMurders.exe The Hollywood Murders, An Interactive Mystery written in ALAN 3 by Michael Zerbo. (A machine independent ALAN 3 game file is in , and a BeOS version is in ) # tuid: r9wmm8pz2obghsxu House On Haunted Hill, by James Wilkinson. # tuid: p9nxoq8chz1k4y1c Hugo's House of Horrors, by David P. Grey. A graphic adventure with text input. # tuid: nwyj675b1n6jqtdp Hugo II: Whodunit? by David P. Grey. A graphic adventure with text input. # tuid: kirgpxiso9g9g3tt Hugo III: Jungle of Doom, by David P. Grey. A graphic adventure with text input. # tuid: 55oxtjex7oe3y0le I, Robot 2, by StamblerRambler. # tuid: frfoh6e7hur2beiu Local Asynchronous Satellite Hookup, by Paul O'Brian. Release 11 / Serial number 000806 (a machine-independent zcode game file is in , and a Mac version is in ) # Lost Stone Mansion, by Paul Merkley/Lost Stone Games, Version 1, Demo 2 (1992). [file is linked to ] # ifwiki: The_Lost_Stone_Mansion Lost Stone Mansion, by Paul Merkley/Lost Stone Games, Version 1.1, Full Version, supplied by the author. Archive also contains reviews of the game. [file is linked to ] # Lydia's Heart, version 2.0.06, by Jim Aikin. An extensive reworking of the author's previous game, "Last Resort." About 18 new puzzles, an expanded map area, and more conversation with NPCs. The most recent update is available from the author's website at . (a machine-independent TADS game file is in ) # Mean Streets, version 1.01, by Bad Dog Studios. (a machine-independent TADS game file is in ) # tuid: j0rc3pj9kgfv1sd6 Miser, a conversion of a C64 BASIC text adventure to MS-DOS, by Rene van Hasselaar. Archive includes BASIC source code and an MS-DOS executable. [file is linked to ] # Monster_Age_I.exe tuid: zx3f8wfvbm1ghmyn Monster Age: Trials of Dustorn, by Moonheart Games. Demo version (a machine-independent Adrift game file is in ) # tuid: nikol2k1imqi98gl Monster Fucker One: Vampire, by Kristan X. WARNING: Contains adult content. Demo version. # tuid: dcvk7bgbqeb0a71s Mrs. Pepper's Nasty Secret, version 1.03, by Jim Aikin and Eric Eve. (a machine-independent TADS game file is in , and source code is in ) # tuid: jslhrv88l3fry5kb Murder Cruise!, v1.20, by Bruce Jaeger. # tuid: czzicxygbkbi6off The Murderer, Version 2.2, by Michael Zerbo. A text and graphics adventure set in Victorian England. (Amiga versions of The Murderer are in ) # tuid: swlgza81oq69jwny Empire of the Over-mind, by Gary Bedrosian. Originally published by the Avalon Hill Game Company. # Quest, a text adventure written between 1980 and 1983 at ICL by Doug Urquhart, Keith Sheppard and Jerry McCarthy. Originally written to run on the ICL System 10 mainframe and later ported to System 25, DRS 20, CPM, MS-DOS and Windows. This is a Visual Basic 3 port that requires a version of Windows capable of running 16-bit Windows programs. # tuid: dw1jvysfbstju0c4 Zeitgeist 1980 episode 1: Rascal and the Boxer, by Michael Coorlim. # tuid: tdfnka41n495s99 ifwiki: Realm of Obsidian Realm of Obsidian (Preview Edition) v0.63, with sounds and music, by Amy Kerns. (a Linux version is in ; the original Spring Thing 2009 entry is in ) # tuid: tdfnka41n495s99 ifwiki: Realm of Obsidian Realm of Obsidian (Preview Edition) v0.63, without sounds or music, by Amy Kerns. (a Linux version is in ; the original Spring Thing 2009 entry is in ) # tuid: cbhbvizt1pcogi6c Red Dwarf - Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers, by Joseph A. Stanko. Version 2.11. # Rogue of the Multiverse, version 2, by C.E.J. Pacian. Archive contains TADS game file, Windows executable, PDF feelie, walkthrough and cover art. (the original competition entry is in , and the file is linked from ) # School.exe Ballymun Adventure, by Brendan Cribbin. (the original competition entry is in , and a machine-independent TADS game file is in ) # tuid: oiuzd5to8efef4qk Space Quest: The Lost Chapter, by Vonster D. Monster. Text and graphics, an unofficial entry in Sierra's Space Quest series of games. # tuid: uw8ihwv01ipv9sxn Space Quest Zero: Replicated, by Jeff Stewart. Text and graphics, an unofficial entry in Sierra's Space Quest series of games. # Super_Bombs_Away.exe tuid: ecigfboen79mz4v1 Super Bombs Away, "Blast Edition". First created by David Sherman and modified by David Ahl, published 1978, Creative Computing, Morristown, New Jersey. Adapted By Sensei Pong 2017. # Escape from Tarabithia, by Jason Billard [file is linked to ] # tuid: eu3ed84ww7n1dryf Time: All things come to an end; by Andy Phillips. Release 7 / Serial number 970521 (a machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # tuid: cpk7ewode1gzruo Text Quest, version 0.3.6a, by Chris Ingerson, Sleepy Owl Software. Demo of the first two levels. # TGM.exe tuid: d0u17szgcj34ex3r The Great Machine - a fragment, by Jonas Kyratzes. Version 1.0, MS-DOS executable. (a machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # TGM_Setup.exe tuid: d0u17szgcj34ex3r The Great Machine - a fragment, by Jonas Kyratzes. Version 1.0, Windows installer. (a machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # TheApprentice.exe tuid: hxb9w8nsowgom8qw The Apprentice, by Saevar Benjaminsson. (a machine-independent TADS .gam file is in ) # The_Castle_Of_Diavolul.exe tuid: jw7x1hi0vh20hmpl The Castle Of Diavolul, version 1.5, by DBT. Windows executable. # The_Castle_Of_Diavolul-Manaslu_Rises.exe tuid: e4u2zwk1y5q7rqlm The Castle Of Diavolul - Manaslu Rises, by DBT. Windows executable. # The_Castle_Of_Diavolul-The_Book_Of_Zolon.exe tuid: b64vuclrttjphsgm The Castle Of Diavolul - The Book Of Zolon, by DBT. Windows executable. # The_Castle_Of_Diavolul-The_Count_Must_Die.exe tuid: lu4mxixtrz35jxzq The Castle Of Diavolul - The Count Must Die, by DBT. Windows executable. # The Dream Self, by Florencia Minuzzi. (a Mac version is in , and the original competition entry is in ) # tuid: 74tdf9ofc3piyc1s The Locrian, by Redlac. # tuid: w7siqe43yn0rb2pd Vacation Gone Awry, by Johan Berntsson, Fredrik Ramsberg and Staffan Friberg. Release 3 / Serial number 060527 Archive includes Z-code game file and the Windows Frotz interpreter. (the machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # tuid: u7h2xvzc31o5tcln Wand Master, a freeware adventure by Robert Kraus. # Walker and Silhouette, a keyword only adventure. Version 9, written by C.E.J. Pacian. Archive contains TADS game file, Windows executable, HTML manual and cover art. (file is linked to ) # tuid: t8buiu68gvxst8ng tuid: jiz6aljelhhpdj2n tuid: 89xz965u52d31xzv tuid: l44l6fbqnk5rvxqw Werner's Quest Parts 1-4, a series of parodies of Zork Enchanter. Originally written by Jan Aberg and converted to ZCode by Fredrik Ramsberg. Archive includes ZCode game files, the JZip interpreter and the C64 originals in a D64 disk image. (A version of this archive without the interpreter is in ) # WindowsAdventure7.exe Installer for Windows Adventure 7, with a maximum of 560 points. Re-written in standard Fortran 2008 from Adventure 6 with corrections and the addition of sounds, colour, a basilisk, a mermaid and a ruby yacht, by Neal Van Eck. (source code is in ) # tuid: i1s8jdvwg8uhctti The Chronicles of Aarbron, version 1.02, a fantasy based text adventure in three parts. Written by Simon Osborne, Carl McPherson, and Duncan Strand. # tuid: jws3f7j27s1mbi5n The Abbey of Montglane, version 1.1, by Arthur LaFrana # tuid: i8dsmi4zf6qjxnc0 Kingsley's Mansion, version 3.1. # adv.arc tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv A version of Colossal Cave by Jerry D. Pohl, giving separate values for treasures, survival, and score. DOS executable only; documentation refers to C source code, which is missing, but a port to Turbo C 2.0 is in . # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv FORTRAN source code, DOS executable, and a walkthrough of the 350 points version of Colossal Cave by Don Ekman (an Amiga port of this file is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv DOS executable of the 350 points version of Colossal Cave by Bob Supnik, ported to DOS by Kevin Black (both of whom originally ported Adventure to the PDP-11 at DEC). (FORTRAN source code of this version is in ) # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv PDP-11 FORTRAN source code (DECUS 11-340), modified source code for MS FORTRAN by Kenneth Plotkin, and a DOS executable of the original 350 points version of Colossal Cave [file is linked to ] # Windows console mode executable of the 350 points version of Colossal Cave. Version 1.0.04 of the port, converted to Microsoft Visual C 6.0 by Al Whinery. Also includes source code. [file is linked to ] # DOS executable of the 366 points version of Colossal Cave distributed by the Heath User's Group. # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv DOS executable of a 370 points version of Colossal Cave, version 16sep1986. Ported to DOS PDS FORTRAN by Paul Munoz-Colman. (source code is in ) # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv DOS executable of the 375 points version of Colossal Cave, by The Software Toolworks # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv DOS executable of the 440 point version of Colossal Cave. (source code is in ) # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv DOS executable of the 550 points version of Colossal Cave, version B00. # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv Windows Glk executable of David Platt's 550 point version (David's PL-6 release of 9/18/84, which contains text and formatting missing from Ken Wellsch's more widely available C version), built by David Kinder using Mike Arnautov's A-code system. (source code is in ) # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv DOS executable of the 551 points version of Colossal Cave by Doug McDonald (version 6.6, August 1990), with support for multiple save files added by Magnus Olsson (September 1990) (source code for Doug McDonald's version is in ) # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv DOS executable of 660 points version of Colossal Cave: Adventure4+ version 10.06 (26jul95), by Mike Arnautov. This version merges Adventure II by Peter Luckett and Jack Pike with Adventure 3 (aka Adventure 550) by Dave Platt (source code is in , an Amiga port with source code in ) # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv Windows Glk executable of Mike Arnatov's 660 point version of Colossal Cave: Adventure4+ version 10.07 (5/9/2001), built by David Kinder. This version merges Adventure II by Peter Luckett and Jack Pike with Adventure 3 (aka Adventure 550) by Dave Platt. (source code is in ) # DOS executable of Mike Arnatov's 770 point version of Colossal Cave, version 2.07 (25mar2013). (source code is in , a Windows executable is in , and a Linux executable is in ) # adv770-2.07-win.exe Windows executable of Mike Arnatov's 770 point version of Colossal Cave, version 2.07 (25mar2013). (source code is in , a DOS executable is in , and a Linux executable is in ) # The original (pre Don Woods) version of Colossal Cave Adventure, written by Will Crowther. Long believed lost, this was found from a backup of Don Wood's student account thanks to the efforts of Dennis Jerz. Archive contains Windows console-mode executables, build from the source code that Matthew Russotto modified to be compatible with Fortran-77 compilers. (source code is in ) # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv C source code and DOS executable of the BDS C version of Adventure, ported to DOS by Bob Withers. [file is linked to ] # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv DOS executable of Adventure 2.5, the 430 points version of Colossal Cave by Donald R. Woods (1995) (C source code is in , an executable and source code for the Amiga is in = ) # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv This archive contains pre-compiled binaries for DOS for the source port of the original Colossal Cave Adventure (350 points) from PDP-10 FORTRAN to Unix Fortran 77 by Dan Nelson. Compiled by Hartmut Kuehne with gfortran 9.2.0 in DJGPP environment. (source code is in ) # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv This archive contains pre-compiled binaries for Windows (x86/x64) for the source port of the original Colossal Cave Adventure (350 points) from PDP-10 FORTRAN to Unix Fortran 77 by Dan Nelson. Compiled by Hartmut Kuehne with gfortran 9.2.0. (source code is in ) # tuid: qy71dav9yelvt3gy The Adventurers' Museum - Legacy of the Necromancer: Part I version 1.0 / #8910101CM, by Lee Chapel # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv DOS executable and Turbo C 2.0 source code for a version of Colossal Cave by Jerry D. Pohl, which gives separate values for treasures, survival, and score. The "missing" header file (ADVTEXT.H, length 0) is created by running ADVENT0.EXE on the text files. [file is linked to ] (Jerry D. Pohl's original is in ) # tuid: s4ymecwvma7sllme African Adventure or, In Search of Dr. Livingston, by R. & B. Fullerton and C. & K. Russell, 9/80, adapted and expanded by David Malmberg, and ported to MS-DOS by Tony Baechler. MS-DOS executable and PowerBasic source code (the original C64 version is in ) # tuid: q6l5bwv1o1x9bhyp Special Agent version 2.0, recreational text adventure by Conrad R. Button. Author's difficulty rating: Expert. # tuid: og56z5wxbsq1qfan Alice in Wonderland version 1.2, by Robin C. Johnson # tuid: 1fii5ztopipu478o The Adventures of Alice Who Went Through the Looking-Glass and Came Back Though Not Much Changed, by Douglas A. Asherman. Compiled AGT version of the original GAGS game; source code is in . This game won the GAGS game writing contest 1986. [file is linked to ] # tuid: uaupemwij3zsoqlu A-MIS Adventure 1.5, by Helmar B. Herman. DOS executable and a hint system. # Amnesia, a text adventure game for Windows by Toby White. # Apprentice - The Testing of a Magical Novice, by Bert Lee. Honorable mention, 5th annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # atomia.zoo tuid: zchyzjdu03bmaf8s Atomia Akorny, Magnus Olsson's first adventure game for the Acorn Atom; C source and DOS executable [file is linked to ] # tuid: jj1bnd85ajvt5g3u Lord Avalot d'Argent version 1.3 (December 1995), A Medieval Graphical Adventure Game by Thorsoft of Letchworth (Mike, Mark and Thomas Thurman). A graphical adventure game (EGA) with text input similar to the original King's Quest. # tuid: nwnthddg73sz9cyl Denarius Avaricius Sextus version 1.60 (July 1992), A Roman Graphical Adventure Game by Thorsoft of Letchworth (Mike, Mark and Thomas Thurman). A graphical adventure game (EGA) with text input similar to the original King's Quest. # tuid: zoqnn9lg1yu7jsio The Awe-Chasm or The Chasm of Awe or Snatch and Crunch II version 2.0 by Tony Stiles # tuid: px6bbgnzwew99nka Advanced Xoru revision 5.94, by Brian Sanders. Evaluation copy (first level only) of a text role-playing adventure. # tuid: u746jsifpkn6pe0r tuid: w6t8f8hndo5vc0t1 tuid: jo2d3jn487a4rtlp Three short adventures by Arthur DiBianca, written as DOS batch procedures. Earlier versions of all three can be found with games released by Origin Systems: 'advent' was hidden with 'Privateer' (the file was renamed 'tabtne.vda'), 'adnext' with 'Privateer: Righteous Fire' (renamed 'tabtxe.nda'), and 'adthird' with 'Wings of Glory' (renamed 'tabdrih.tda'). # tuid: o6pqn2vcani7pkx7 Battlestar 4.2, fall 1984, written the honorable Admiral D.W. Riggle and ported to MS-DOS by Brian Douglas Smith. DOS executable and C source [file is linked to ] # tuid: 4cdisdqbxblitwu1 tuid: 54s17pgp0638gtyn tuid: citdn39xyv5pclib tuid: 7mlyo81bc9pk2txv A set of four short adventures, based around a common central character. Written by Merle K. Goodman. The games: - Battune the Sailor - Battune in Wonderland - Caverns City - Museum # tuid: 961qdzo1i5abg17i Love's Fiery Imbroglio - The Torrid Tale of What Could Turn Out to Be THE Perfect Date, by Natasha Mirage. Not really a game but rather a branching story. # tuid: bl9e7uaffk1aybni Breath Pirates, version 1.2, written by Mike Snyder. An intro for the game "The Oxygen Wars" which the author is working on. (source code is in ) # tuid: yadkaswxreexpoty The Broken String, a Punk-Rock Adventure version 1.1 by Harel Malka and Ran Kramer. TADS .gam file, TADS runtime for DOS, and a walkthrough [file is linked to ] # tuid: eep311yujt9zsnwj Castle Ralf release 4-2, by Doug Clutter and Steve Vance # Space Aliens Laughed at My Cardigan, by Andre M. Boyle. Humorous game, a takeoff of Hitchhiker's Guide with some Star Trek thrown in. Honorable mention, 6th annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: s1r5mnwjbexdk746 Castaway, recreational text adventure by Conrad R. Button. Author's difficulty rating: Introductory. This game conflicts with some mouse drivers (e.g. Logitech 5.01), so boot without a driver if some lines are missing from your screen. # tuid: ig23908psvui4gxx Caverns of Chaos version 1.6 7/92, a simple and somewhat buggy "DND type text adventure" by Paul Martinez and Ali Castro, rated PG-13 by the authors. After every description you choose between two or three possible actions; if your guess was wrong, you restart from the beginning. # cave.zoo tuid: j82egac597oy0z29 Cave Adventure by Russell Wallace. C source code and DOS executable. [file is linked to ] # chico.exe tuid: 5ptl8w9r3b3d1zq8 Chico and I Ran: Remoteless television, remote possibilities. A CRT romp by J.D. Berry. Release 1 / Serial number 000413 (a machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # tuid: 23c7hv0nwnmaup7t Chimaera, version C1.001, by Chris Newall. A re-implementation in C of an early FORTRAN adventure game, by the game's original author. Chimaera is inspired by Colossal Cave, but differs in that the game and text are generated algorithmically, so that no two games are the same. MS-DOS executable. (C source code is in ) # chix.exe ifwiki: Chicks_Dig_Jerks tuid: mx72qeuuisvp76qg Chicks Dig Jerks, by Robb Sherwin. Release 2 / Serial number 991124 WARNING: This game contains adult language and situations and is not intended for children. (a machine-independent zcode game file is in , a Mac version is in , and the original competition entry is in ) # Sanity Clause or, Why Santa Didn't Make It to YOUR House that Year, version 1.11, by Mike McCauley. Honorable mention, 5th annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: 0ao3c7j1rtzsnce6 Cliff Diver: Investigator for Hire - Case 1: The Case of Crime to the Ninth Power. Version 1.5, an AGT adventure by Patrick Farley. Winner of the 4th annual AGT game contest. (pop-up hints are in ) [file is linked to ] # Cliff Diver: Investigator for Hire - Case 2: Purchased Sight Unseen. An AGT adventure by Patrick Farley. Winner of the 6th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] # tuid: 2x6lamp1700wzqmu Closet, release 3, a short one one-location adventure, written by Mikko Vuorinen. Included is the Alan 2.8 game file plus the Alan MS-DOS interpreter. # CosmoServe - An Adventure Game for the BBS-Enslaved by Judith Pintar. This is the final release of CosmoServe (January 1997). (a Glulx version is in ) [file is linked to ] # CosmoServe - An Adventure Game for the BBS-Enslaved by Judith Pintar. This game won the 5th Annual AGT Game Writing Contest (together with The Multi-Dimensional Thief). [file is linked to ] # tuid: xv4mcubm09vfgut1 The Liquid Cow Shop, by Erik Dillaman, a severely limited demo of a hypertext game about cows and temples. DOS executable. # tuid: 9dqqdbom5uuv54x6 cRiMe version 1.0 by David W. Nilsen; rated PG-13 by author. This looks like a text adventure, but it gives you a few minutes to commit as many crimes as possible; then it ends and tells you your score. # tuid: 3h5w456zr227f17w Crime Adventure version 1.52, by Steven Neighorn # tuid: jit18qoxczywz9kx Crypt version 2.0, Adventures into Unfathomed Depths of Horror, by Steve Herring. An atmosperic verb-noun adventure set in a gothic church and crypt in England. # ifwiki: Rings_for_Bony_Fingers ifwiki: Dr._Death's_House_of_Horrors ifwiki: Ghost_Riders_of_El_Diablo tuid: t5cerzh97qwhoyxt tuid: c5qp3sk08m3y3yyk tuid: ren2pwo8ewfbh64q Nightmares from the Crypt 3.0; three text adventures, each a horrifying nightmare, by John Olsen: - Rings for Bony Fingers - Ghost Riders of El Diablo - Dr. Death's House of Horrors # dark_angel.exe Dark Angel, a detective story. Version 2.0, by Jerry Ford. (a machine-independent TADS .gam file is in ) # tuid: 5pbekb695u335kdp Dark Continent, a recreational text adventure by Conrad R. Button. Author's difficulty rating: Intermediate. This game conflicts with some mouse drivers (e.g. Logitech 5.01), so boot without a driver if some lines are missing from your screen. # tuid: 5t3gcq3ud4tl7i29 Darknight; anonymous DOS executable # Dead Hotel, version 2, a CYOA survival horror game, by Comazombie. (the original competition entry is in ) # delegated.exe tuid: kskrapzqwo29kl6 Delegated, version 54, by S. P. Hurlsmith. Windows executable. # tuid: gbalpetj8vs320gp The Crisis of Dersenia, (c) Tech-12 Software, written by Doug Harrison. You must complete the quest set by your King to save the world of Dersenia. Shareware # tuid: 1po9rgq2xssupefw ifwiki: Detective Detective, A Text Adventure Game (version 1.3?) written with AGT by Matt Barringer (a solution is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: v4nj44nlwfzbpmcj Dinkum, the Australian Adventure Game version 2.14 by Gary A. Allen, Jr. (C source code is in ) # djinni.exe ifwiki: The_Djinni_Chronicles tuid: zu3xhhd3l9y6r177 The Djinni Chronicles "Undercurrents of Manipulation", written by J.D. Berry. Release 2 / Serial number 001117 (a machine-independent zcode version is in , and the original competition entry is in ) # tuid: xco13nm9ikkio038 Doppleganger release 1, a science fiction adventure by Payman Prastaran and Thomas Long # tuid: c1cp3d0lnlfbnd3a Dream Prisoner by Procurion 9, an illustrated text adventure. Archive also includes hints and a solution. # tuid: 0u7vovs1ie1qalox tuid: 8qka84pet4in6a9c tuid: 80xcg0awok1do4jk Daemon Quest parts 1, 2 and 3, for MS-DOS. Written by Steve Blanding and repackaged by Ben Shadwick. # tuid: pgz2dbaixrrv01g0 Dragon Quest V3.5, a click-your-action text adventure for Windows (Visual Basic), by Timothy Stone # tuid: cfpja7ke5xy29y9 Spectre Towers 2.0, part 1 of the DRED Trilogy, by Wayne McWilliams. # tuid: 7urlukmlyak11je DRED Attack!, part 2 of the DRED Trilogy, by Wayne McWilliams. # tuid: qoldd652hbu34rbw City of Madness, part 3 of the DRED Trilogy, by Wayne McWilliams. # tuid: gksf13iptntcx5m6 Drive-In, a true life adventure by Douglas C. Rogers. You're out on a date with Andrea and try to ... (rated PG by author, but browsing through the file shows that it's rather explicit) # Disenchanted, a parody of Enchanter by Joseph S. Licari. Honorable mention, 5th annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # Ducksoup, version 3.0, a private investigator adventure by C. Evans. Written in AGT. [file is linked to ] # A Dudley Dilemma version 1.2, an AGT adventure by Lane Barrow. This game won the 2nd Annual AGT Game Writing Contest. (A Macintosh version is in , source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # A Dudley Dilemma version 3.0, an AGT adventure by Lane Barrow. This version includes sounds and pictures, mostly views of the Harvard campus. [file is linked to ] # tuid: 4gxk83ja4twckm6j Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 3.2B. Andrew Plotkin ported this version to C and added the Glk interface, and Steve Nickolas compiled this DOS version using Matt Kimball's DOS implementation of Glk. # tuid: 4gxk83ja4twckm6j Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 3.2B. Andrew Plotkin ported this version to C and added the Glk interface, and David Kinder compiled this Windows version using his Windows implementation of Glk. # tuid: 4gxk83ja4twckm6j Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 2.2A, 18-Jan-79. MS-DOS executable; type 'history' for revision history. # tuid: 4gxk83ja4twckm6j Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 2.5A, 18-Jul-80. MS-DOS executable; type 'history' for revision history. # tuid: 4gxk83ja4twckm6j Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 2.6B, 07-Apr-88. This version is Robert M. Supnik's DECUS version 2.6A (18-Oct-80), ported to MS-DOS by Kevin Black. MS-DOS executable; type 'history' for revision history. (FORTRAN source code of this version is in ) # tuid: 4gxk83ja4twckm6j Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 2.7A, 11-Mar-91. MS-DOS executable; type 'history' for revision history. (C source code of this version is in , an Amiga port is in , and a port to the Acorn Archimedes is in ) # tuid: 4gxk83ja4twckm6j Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 3.2B, 1-Oct-94. MS-DOS executable for 386+ only and FORTRAN source code, ported from DEC FORTRAN to GNU G77 FORTRAN by Volker Blasius and David Kinder. (the original source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: rttyslxbpsicwjyc The Dungeons of Dunjin version 4.50 by Magnus Olsson. # Caves of Dyanty: A Science Fiction Adventure version 1.3, by Nathan Fritz. An archeological dig on the planet Dyanty uncovers signs of an incredibly advanced race that vanished long ago. Compiled AGT game. Honorable mention, 6th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] # Destination: Earth v1.4, by Karl Bengtsson. Trapped by an alien attack on a moon of Jupiter, you must get back to Earth. Compiled AGT game. [file is linked to ] # tuid: vnp0h509iaxlyae6 Enchanted Castle release 3, by Michael R. Wilk "Intended for the adventure game connoisseur who enjoys the adept and witty use of language. If you're looking for highly-polished and imaginative interactive fiction, then this game is for you." # tuid: nouxtig1snh20oge Revenge of the Eland, an adventure by Dave Dubin # Electrabot, an AGT adventure by Woody Hunt [file is linked to ] # The Elf's Christmas Adventure or God Bless Frosty the Snowman! (Version 2.0) by Bruce McKay and Marlene Abriel, a musical text adventure, converted to AGT by David Malmberg. (I think "Version 2.0" and "musical" applies only the AGT port by David Malmberg; it is written with the Master's Edition of AGT, which (among other features) supports sound, i.e. in this case: it plays Christmas songs through the PC speaker.) (The original game is in ; version 1 of the AGT port is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: 6b8ekexh43u6gz99 Castle Elsinore version 1.0, by Temple Software # Escape from Prison Island, by Christian Andersen. Written in AGT. [file is linked to ] # exhibit.exe ifwiki: Exhibition tuid: ruaersctvvr7t6vh Exhibition, version 2.1, by Ian Finley. (a machine-independent TADS .gam file is in ; the original competition entry is in ) # A Fable, a small AGT adventure by Stan Heller (source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: 5gcdi03kzfr1gs9d Fallthru version 2.00, by Paul H. Deal. Text adventure with RPG elements for up to three players. # tuid: gvhegkvwe3tyas7x Fifi's Whorehouse II - The Next Day! by James R. Davis. WARNING: Contains adult content. # tuid: ccvrl5lw746tx554 Final Soul: the Text Adventure Game. # tuid: i4ulqn65g8d13juw Firmament, version 1.0.1, by Thomas Spader. # Colossal Cave - The First Adventure, version 1.4. An AGT version of the original Woods/Crowther 350 points adventure; by David Gasior [file is linked to ] # ifwiki: John's_Fire_Witch tuid: zywbjqch3w9elp79 John's Fire Witch version 1.01 (02/04/95), by John T Baker II. DOS executable and machine-independent TADS .gam file [file is linked to ] # tuid: zcgjkl8dpeza1yh6 The Golden Fleece, Release No. 890718/21.05, by Jim MacBrayne (see for an Amiga version and for a machine-independent TADS version) # flower.exe tuid: 9fvnskym5ls8hho Flowers of Mysteria, 1.9, by David Sweeney. (the original competition entry is in ) # tuid: mwgdkj4l2neovob9 Flyaway version 2.70, by Gordon Dodrill, Coronado Enterprises. C++ source code and DOS executable # tuid: ir128x8u94c31gfg The Forbidden Lands, Book I: The City of Falchon, by Computel. a text RPG (Role Playing Game) for one player # tuid: 1dg2yp15g6tm6izy Four in One, an Interactive Marx Brothers Comedy by J. Robinson Wheeler. Release Version 1.1.7 20000710. (the original competition entry is in , a machine-independent TADS .gam file is in , a Macintosh executable is in , and source code is in ) # tuid: 4lyivfptn0eed4a1 The Frenetic Five vs. Sturm und Drang version 1.1, interactive fiction by Neil deMause. Windows executable. (The machine-independent TADS .gam file is available as , a Macintosh executable is in ) (the original competition entry is in ) # tuid: e024d2chlp6pxa6c Frustration version 1.02 (960115), by Jim MacBrayne. Machine-independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS. (see for an Amiga version) [file is linked to ] # tuid: 82fianwixp0yfoqy The Geneva Adventure, by Philip Bourne # ifwiki: The_Gerbil_Riot_of_'67 tuid: 13yihrzjzw1j86uz Gerbil Riot of '67, TADS adventure by Simon Avery # tuid: 7nbm4n8x300iczc7 Getfeldt's Treasure, by Mike Salisbury. # tuid: 5ip7kxhiu8koktcn tuid: yqjmjijyoftmbfj7 tuid: 2h56epweeq6ajomi tuid: 1o7e9rjtcpx1rstg Golden Flutes and Great Escapes! Four games from the book "Golden Flutes and Great Escapes: How to Write Adventure Games for the Apple Computer" by Delton T. Horn, translated from Apple BASIC to C by Christopher E. Forman. The titles in this collection: - The Golden Flute - a fantasy adventure - The Great Escape - a maze game - Treasure Hunt - a search for buried pirate gold - Mars - a quest for treasured relics on Mars - Only the last title is a genuine text adventure; the others are multiple choice games. # tuid: zcgjkl8dpeza1yh6 The Golden Fleece version 1.00 (960114), by Jim MacBrayne. Machine-independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS. (see for an Amiga version and for the 1989 DOS version) [file is linked to ] # Ggollek I: The Dissolution, an illustrated text adventure by "The Missing", Pusrocket Software. Written using the Master's Edition of AGT. [file is linked to ] # tuid: c5457lev4jhkxxv2 Ghostbusters: Basic Training, by David Zeiss. A simple graphic/text adventure written with Adventure Master, which seems to be a BASIC games engine. # tuid: or6q1mucaqjtfs5x Ghost Town, a GAGS adventure by E. L. (Ev) Cheney. (source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # Secrets of the Gigantic, a treasure hunt set aboard the salvaged wreck of a cruise liner. Written in AGT by Sean M. Doane. [file is linked to ] # tuid: ydsss7pw7vk7fdqw The Goblet - The Adventures of John Davenshire by Michael S. Yurchuk # golf.exe ifwiki: Textfire_Golf tuid: ezit1n3a1idd6bn3 Textfire Golf by Adam Cadre (writing as J.T. Adams) Version 1.01 (a machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # New England Gothic, an AGT adventure by Simba. Honorable mention, 5th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] # The Misadventure of the Holy Grail v2.1, December 1989. A silly entertainment (not a difficult game, actually) from the Apple II Eamon FRP game by Evan Hodson. Very loosely translated to AGT and expanded by Michael Detlefsen. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # guilty.exe tuid: g02gj35cieg77y62 Guilty Bastards, a humourous mystery adventure, version 2.09, by Kent Tessman. Contains illustrations and sounds. This self-extracting archive contains a machine-independent Hugo game file, graphic and sound data, plus the Windows Hugo Engine. (an archive for all systems containing all these files except the Hugo Engine is in ) # tuid: 5rdx9d8r01z2g6ni Gymnasium, by John Olson # tuid: 7k62omoidpt1uspn Halloween, a spooky interactive text game by Third Coast Software # The World's Hardest Adventure, an AGT game by A. Fielding. [file is linked to ] # haunted.arc tuid: ry3ofgdo7qffugi3 The Haunted Mission Adventure version 1.52, by Steven Neighorn # tuid: o2we7uevn94xps5u The Adventures of Helpfulman, a Day in the Life of the Heroic Mark Dent. An Interactive Comic Adventure, version 1.0.0, by Philip Dearmore. (a machine-independent TADS .gam file is in ) # tuid: 1ssyg56mcsnq5kqq The Holy Grail version 1.01 (960227), by Jim MacBrayne. Machine-independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS (see for an Amiga version) [file is linked to ] # Highe, the Adventures of Elizabeth ("El") Highe, an AGT adventure by Bill Larkins. [file is linked to ] # tuid: jtufvzp4u2h6bmhm Hippy's Quest, a CYOA-style text game by John Blake. # Sir Ramic Hobbs and the High Level Gorilla, by Gil Williamson. Honorable mention, 3rd annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, by Michael W. Bayley, based on the board game "221B Baker Street", adapted for AGT by David Malmberg. There are 18 cases to be solved; you interact with the game by selecting commands and objects from a context-sensitive menu. (source code to this game is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: 5kk978umt7rms5k0 The Castle of Hornadette, by Stephen J. Konig # ifwiki: Frankenstein's_Legacy ifwiki: The_Sea_Phantom tuid: r79vekh1dl96vu81 tuid: bnhi5znd2ex20goe tuid: 6npn5k82qqfxkufs Horror 3.0; three text adventures in a horror vein by John Olsen: - Night of the Walking Dead - Frankenstein's Legacy - The Sea Phantom # Hotel Notell, by R. Baribault [file is linked to ] # tuid: a1ako4ajhv6horjo Hotel California, by Dan Harris-Warrick. A game based on the Eagles song, converted to DOS by Chris Duttweiler # House 2 House, version 2.0, by Jason and Keith Billard [file is linked to ] # tuid: 0omxhmydmawslt32 The House at the Edge of Time, version 1.0, by Pat Pflieger # Adventure in Humongous Cave (Version 2.0) - 1000 points version of Colossal Cave by David Malmberg, based on the 550 points version (source code to this game is in and a later version with a complete transcript is in ) [file is linked to ] # ifwiki: Humbug tuid: z37lzijvuz5gtsu2 Humbug version 5.0, by Graham Cluley. This previously shareware game has now been made freely distributable by the author. # Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!! Visit the Great Florian's Traveling Circus and Flourishing Florilegium of Flamboyant Wonders. An Illustrated, Musical Text Adventure by David Malmberg (The PC speaker "music" can be turned off (Esc) and the illustrations are displayed only on request (view ...).) (source code to this game is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: 55i8evskznyr8ls0 Infiltration to IBM Headquarters, by Jonathan Stanley # tuid: kodxz7y1tezycb8f Intercept, by Michael D. Wile # tuid: edimouyp8n2syatx The Island of Mystery version 1.52, by Steven Neighorn # tuid: x1oq30cv9ufq4y6y Island, version 2.6; a small textual adventure. C source code and DOS executable by CyberDaemon. (this has nothing to do with The Island of Mystery above) [file is linked to ] # ifwiki: Jacaranda_Jim ifwiki: Graham_Cluley tuid: t88ohgh4yo7131e5 Jacaranda Jim version 5.00, by Graham Cluley. You no longer need to register the game to obtain a name that is necessary to complete the game. Graham released this name to the public; you can find it in the walkthrough in # Jubilee Road, an AGT adventure by D. Ellis [file is linked to ] # Kill Justin, by Will Mistretta [file is linked to ] # kaged_s.exe tuid: gdl05tnyqjja5vc6 Kaged, by Ian Finley. Winner of the 2000 IF Competition. Shareware, included are images but no music. (a machine-independent TADS .gam file is in , and the original competition entry is in ) # kerkerkruip.msi tuid: f7zdhxmiraht53d1 ifwiki: Kerkerkruip Kerkerkruip, an IF roguelike, by Victor Gijsbers. Release 9 / Serial number 140419 Windows installer. (a machine independent Glulx game file is in , a Linux package is in , and the original competition entry is in ) # ifwiki: The_Keys_of_the_Kingdom tuid: uenzk52r17hxqpvg Keys to the Kingdom, a Christian adventure. # tuid: xclicgz9z79nzblt Klaustrophobia, a tortuous odyssey through life's more annoying moments in three parts, by Carol Hovick - Part I: Fear of Flying, Airplanes, Airports and Re-Booking - Part II: What This Country Really Needs Is A Good $250.00 Dalmation - Part III: It's that Ol' Deja Vu All Over Again - Winner of the 7th annual AGT game contest. (a solution is in , and an Inform port is in ) [file is linked to ] # In the Year 2366, Klingon Role Playing Game v1.1, AGT adventure by Robert Ferguson. This looks like a minimal variation of the AGT sample game In the Year 2093 by Mark J. Welch, contained in the AGT distribution files in directory agt. [file is linked to ] # tuid: xyd85tnj5wd1qlw9 KQuest, a treasure-hunt text adventure by K. Small. (solution is in ) # The Deadly Labyrinth, by Frank West (inspired by the Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman) Honorable mention, 5th annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # Library - An Adventure Game Based on the Library of Guilford College (or Something Like It) but with Added Puzzles and Danger, by Frederick D. King. Honorable mention, 5th annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: hoeipcc1cv04buu1 Lost, a science fiction text adventure, version 2.0.2. Shareware by Jeffrey Hersh; his rating: hard. (TADS source code is in , a compiled game file is in , a Mac executables is in ) # Lost in Space: Dr. Smith Goes Home; an introductory mini-text game designed to play in a single sitting, by Graeme Cree. DOS executable (AGT runtime), map, and walkthrough. This is the original version of the game; another version, slightly modified for widespread circulation, is called Tossed into Space (see Honorable mention, 7th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] # lostny.egg Some Easter eggs from Lost New York (see below) and what you can win if you find them, by Neil deMause. [file is linked to and to ] # ifwiki: Lost_New_York tuid: ptd5vgjvr089dpzr Lost New York version 1.4, a time-travel TADS adventure by Neil deMause. The built-in hint system is disabled in this freeware version; type REGISTER to see how to get the full version. Machine-independent TADS .gam file, TADS runtime for DOS, and instructions. (The machine-independent TADS .gam file is available as , and a Macintosh executable is in ) # tuid: sjhqrirynzoofr2p Lottery, a GAGS adventure by E. L. (Ev) Cheney. (source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # Lost Gold v1.55, The Search For The Lost Dutchman Gold Mine. An AGT adventure by Ray Johnson. [file is linked to ] # ifwiki: Lunatix:_The_Insanity_Circle tuid: xt96319ebnlsh0l2 Lunatix: The Insanity Circle, version 1.1, written by Mike Snyder. (the original competition entry is in , and source code is in ) # Macropolis, by Zenight. # tuid: atntouyh0ja5awdo The Adventures of Maddog Williams Vol 1, by Game Crafters. The developers request that, if you play it, you email them at with the subect "Leoria" to let them know. # ifwiki: Merlin's_Magic_Forest ifwiki: Merlin's_Golden_Trove ifwiki: Son_of_Ali_Baba tuid: g1mhny4erjthdniq tuid: aee78mvjzcwejiwn tuid: v0czgjak7ne0nbi7 Tales of Magic 3.0; three text adventures with a mystic slant by John Olsen: - Merlin's Magic Forest - Merlin's Golden Trove - Son of Ali Baba # tuid: qi25g8b0qeoxb10w Adventure in the Magic Land, version 1.00 by Kevin L. Shelton # tuid: yub5keug4u7u2zx0 So I Mangled My Mom, by Aaron Oldenburg. DOS executable and QBasic source code. [file is linked to ] # tuid: 8bjaqkg42c5s8xts Hampton Manor, version 1.03, by Arthur LaFrana # mansion-19.2.tar.gz tuid: mcxu2tvxxhpvtyxp Mystery Mansion, a murder mystery text adventure. Written originally by Bill Wolpert around 1980 (or even earlier) for the HP1000 and later the HP3000 in Fortran-IV, now rewritten in C by James Garnett. Version 19.2 Windows executable plus C and Fortran source code [file is linked to ] # Mystery Mansion, revision 16, by Bill Wolpert. Windows 16 and 32 bit executables, compiled by Ken Cortenet. Includes original FORTRAN source, along with C files translated via Bellcore's F2C program. [file is linked to ] # tuid: pl8a0jns3lcvyuba Murder in the Marching Band, by Sam Xenubis. "A slightly buggy and extremely silly adventure game." # tuid: rf946i43e95ahrwa Marooned Again version 4.1, by Dennis Drew # The Pyramids of Mars, an AGT adventure by Patrick John Wigfull. based on the Doctor Who Serial by Stephen Harris. [file is linked to ] # mary.exe tuid: mr67fiyrvgai97ms Revenger, by Robb Sherwin. Release 2 / Serial number 000403 This game contains adult language and situations and is not intended for children. (a machine-independent Z-code file is in ) # mazes.exe Nothing but Mazes, by Greg Boettcher. Version 2.01: Full version. # tuid: gkqdo58j2zvjtxnk McMurphy's Mansion version 1.6, by David Martin. Author's rating: difficulty: average; playing time: 80 hours # The Multi-Dimensional Thief, Release 1.5: Version 3.05 (text only) by Joel Finch. This game won the 5th Annual AGT Game Writing Contest (together with CosmoServe). With pop-up hints, a map and a minimal walkthrough by the author. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: waov63ym41b481n9 The Multi-Dimensional Thief, Version 2.0 (illustrated) by Joel Finch and Stephen Atkinson # tuid: goe2qrfcqtzh5vua The Terror of Mecha Godzilla - The True Story! a small adventure written entirely in MS-DOS 5.0 batch procedures by Fredrik Ramsberg [file is linked to ] # tuid: auoifj8v2avtmwqx The Melita Adventure, Parts I and II, by Philip Bourne # tuid: fefl7lv3sdoawkhc Quest for the Magic Healing Plant, AGT Adventure by Adam Crutchlow (an Inform port is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: qk4811x45g1hfbd2 The Mission version 1.02 (960331), by Jim MacBrayne. Machine-independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS (see for an Amiga version) [file is linked to ] # Mop and Murder - a masterful mystery in one room - by Brad Friedman. Pop-up hints included. Honorable mention, 5th annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # moments2.exe tuid: ynz37lk0cotv42c8 Moments out of Time 2: Adventure Type by L. Ross Raszewski. Release 1 / Serial number 061113 (the Glulx game file on its own is in ) # tuid: 9jolgzjiuoi2c823 The Monday Adventure, an illustrated text adventure by Mikel F. Rice and Greg Stratakes. # tuid: 0n0yf75eg6z8mbl9 Mordred Manor, a shareware adventure by Signature Software. # tuid: xr7eybnit9v6qm02 Moon Mountain Adventure, by Thomas Hanlin III # tuid: pgy94vsib747kyir Magic Realms: The Sword of Kasza, by James Mallette. Machine-independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS [file is linked to ] # tuid: imopnqh4llwkvfne ifwiki: Mystery Science Theater 3000 Presents "Detective" Detective, An Interactive MiSTing (Mystery Science Theater 3000) of Matt Barringer's AGT game "Detective", by Christopher E. Forman. This AGT conversion was written by Graeme Cree. (The original Inform version is in ) [file is linked to ] # Mystery Science Theater 3000, Adventure 102, Reel 1. A Fable: An Interactive MiSTing of Stan Heller's GAGS game "A Fable", by Graeme Cree. [file is linked to ] # Sound package for the above; needs to play [file is linked to ] # Space Mule, an Unexpected Encounter with the Unknown, written by Bruce David Loving. Honorable mention, 7th annual AGT game contest (1993) (source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: 05tvznv0kfuyj77a Murder on Violet Island, by Stephen Claypool # tuid: i6a535qu4xxri1s0 Mutant Invasion, by Michael D. Wile # tuid: 9hyb9oe6g90gzv1y Myth, an adventure based on Greek and Roman mythology, by Barry Volain. Machine-independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS [file is linked to ] # tuid: b67iuep7o6b0kxpm Narcolepsy, by Adam Cadre. Version 1.07. Archive includes the machine-independent Glulx game file plus the Windows Glulxe interpreter. (the Glulx game file on its own is in ) # tuid: 8dvrd3wkzy6unojw Nebula, a recreational text adventure by Conrad R. Button. Author's difficulty rating: Novice. This game conflicts with some mouse drivers (e.g. Logitech 5.01), so boot without a driver if some lines are missing from your screen. # tuid: 15us24l2cxsl1wjc The Nectar of the Gods version 2.0, by Doug Rogers. Use CAPS LOCK to enter your commands! # tuid: 4fi1v6xkypdequ7c The New Castle, version 9.0. Written by Dan Gahlinger, based on Castle, written by Barry Wilks on a VAX/VMS circa 1983. (a Linux version is in , and a Mac OSX version is in ) # tuid: ihjzwpjhtn9hwlau Survival in New York, a game of interactive fiction. Author unknown # tuid: klt79zhm55mdllsl Nirvana, an Adventure in the World of Wimsey. Version 3.1, by Wimsey Co. # tuid: ylsrinum9bop5xhy Another Lifeless Planet and Me With No Beer. Version A.3, by Dennis Drew (sequel to Marooned Again) # tuid: w9reyqh1uvdujswr Nomon, by Renard Dellafave "Nomon is a simple adventure game written in ASL (Adventure System Language)" # tuid: 4kzpaculjx4r2fxf Supernova version B, by Scott Miller and Terry Nagy # Odieus's Quest for the Magic Flingshot, author unknown converted from LADS to AGT and "embellished" by David Malmberg (AGT source code is in ; an Inform port (DOS executable) is in ) [file is linked to ] # Oklib's Revenge, by Sue Medley. A quest to find the King's missing staff. Solution included. Honorable mention, 6th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] (source code is in ) # ifwiki: The_Sound_of_One_Hand_Clapping tuid: ds5ik3pompttfa7n tuid: 9pmpq8dyzriqc10i The Sound of One Hand Clapping - A Riddle in Subtlety Release 1a, by Erica Sadun. This file contains the machine-independent AdvSys 1.2 data files, source code of the AdvSys interpreter for DOS, and a DOS executable of the AdvSys interpreter. [file is linked to ] # tuid: fcas37p9u01i2sij One Week, a Teenage Nightmare, by Papillon. Originally entered into the LOTECH Competition. HTML TADS Windows executable. # tuid: iw82dz0icsgn8ihy Ooze - Creepy Nites. DOS executable of an adventure by Guy Henkel and H.J. Brandle. # tuid: rwfjlv4h0qxip031 tuid: 1vl96hksvsc8jtog tuid: 2cq0kdl02oyss86e tuid: qjkj412z1ap0ivvy tuid: hy03825yt5z7rxdj tuid: j58b9urofhghu0e3 tuid: 2l14a8osac30wcmz Dorothy and Ozma Productions' Oz Game Collection: - My Adventure in Oz - Dot and Tot of Merryland - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - My Adventure in Mo - The Magic Cloak of Noland - Return to Oz (a rewrite of U.S. Gold's C64 game) # tuid: g198rwyxu7vfrxte Mission's End, A Personalized Adventure Sample by L.R. Nogg. a playable demo of what an adventure with your and your friends' names compiled in would look like # tuid: pvgj34bqstv3xikt Palace Adventure, by John Olson # tuid: 82grxdsnnngopk2t Panatubo I, The Search for the Lost Shrine, by Tom DeCillis. A text adventure without a text parser -- all input is done using buttons and icons. Windows 3.1 executable. # tuid: wmk9ipzv1qmgspor Everybody Loves a Parade release 2.3, by Cody Sandifer. DOS executable. (a Windows executable is in , a Macintosh executable is in , a machine-independent TADS game file is in ) # tuid: wmk9ipzv1qmgspor Everybody Loves a Parade release 2.3, by Cody Sandifer. Windows executable. (a DOS executable is in , a Macintosh executable is in , a machine-independent TADS game file is in ) # tuid: m80jfuxzhsaanewf PC University: An Everyday Nightmare, version 1.0. TADS adventure by Neil deMause. Machine-independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS [file is linked to ] (MacWesleyan, the Macintosh version, is in ) # Quest for the Black Pearl version 1.5, by Ralph W. Varble. Your old professor tells you where to find the fabled black pearl; find it before the volcano erupts. Honorable mention, 6th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] # tuid: c0pejvxxardjstn4 The Phantom's Revenge, by Temple Software # The Battle of Philip against the Forces of Creation. Honorable mention, 3nd annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # Photopia, by Adam Cadre. Version 2.01 (23 March 2002) / Serial number 10274 Archive includes the machine-independent Glulx game file plus the Windows Glulxe interpreter. (a Z-Code game file is in , and the original competition entry is in ) [file is linked to ] # photopia.exe tuid: ju778uv5xaswnlpl Photopia, by Adam Cadre. Version 1.22 (24dec98) / Serial number 9089 (a machine-independent game file is in , the original competition entry is in ) # pill.exe ifwiki: A_Sugared_Pill tuid: 92r2r4jp050uhzcm A Sugared Pill, version 1.2, by Colin Borland. (a machine-independent TADS version is in ) # The Pilot or A Flight into Fantasy, another exercise in hyperactive hijinks from The Adventure Game Jockey. Playable demo (about 1/3 of the game). (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # "Painless Little Stupid Games", a collection of five small Alan games ("Dinnertime", "To Get To The Other Side", "They're After You!", "Mazemapper" and "The Mean Story"), by Bob Reeves. Includes Alan data files and MS-DOS interpreter executable. [file is linked to ] # Pastoral Pitfalls 2.0, an AGT adventure in which the player takes on the role of a Lutheran minister. Written by Guy M. Marquardt. [file is linked to ] # PORK I: The Great Underground Sewer System (version -4.26/1), a parody of Zork I by David Malmberg, written with AGT (source code to this game is in ) [file is linked to ] # PORK II, The Gizzard of Showbiz, a parody of Zork II by Bill Larkins (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # The Star Portal, a science fiction adventure game suggested by the Damon Knight short story "Ticket to Anywhere", version 1.03 by Michael Detlefsen. DOS executable and a walkthrough. (AGT source code of version 1.01 is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: nzvdpx9zu3yvfjkf Pervo Quest; loot, kill, and rape as much as you can; by StoereSOFT. Windows executable; needs VBRUN100.DLL, the Visual Basic version 1 runtime library. # tuid: bifcfkkxxo5034ta Pizza Quest I: Cruisin for a Bruisin, by C.K. # tuid: r6bt4nsjzk7gxxi9 Psionics, a text and graphic sci-fi RPG adventure # tuid: tbrvwzmvgmmnavhl Escape from Pulsar 7, by Brian Howarth and Wherner Barnes # Trouble at the Quatt Wunkery, written by Richard Novak in Borland Turbo Basic. # tuid: 1ydhxyqqsc1k2e5t Quest 2, a text adventure / RPG by Tony Relyea. # tuid: c1md8z9tnw1nc8yt The Great Archeological Race! version 1.3. TADS adventure by John LaBonney (a Mac executable is in ) # tuid: aprs0ei20duqe5tq Raiders of the Star Temple, by Conrad Button. # The Game of Recovery; an Allegorical Adventure by Daniel J. Pallotta. Version 1.03; written with AGT. Honorable mention, 7th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] # ifwiki: Red_Planet tuid: cx7vj9k4w8wjmm2z Red Planet version 2.0, recreational text adventure by Conrad R. Button. Author's difficulty rating: Advanced. This game conflicts with some mouse drivers (e.g. Logitech 5.01), so boot without a driver if you encounter "Illegal function call in line 29300 in module REDPLAN at ..." # Reruns Again version 1.3, by Neil Sorenson. You are trapped in a world made of television reruns. (Isn't that Gilligan, the Bradys, and the crew of the Enterprise?). Honorable mention, 6th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] # tuid: 4debev9jfo0rvt9a tuid: 22cmst7rxuq5x7qa The Return to the Colossal Cave, a sequel to Colossal Cave by Thomas W. Penner. Originally released as shareware but now made freely available. Note: Runs under DOS and Windows 9x, but does not run under Windows NT/2000. # tuid: 5d5ds7cc8av7kbck Rimworld version 2.11, interactive SF by Russel A. Duderstadt # Der Ring des Nibelungen, a text adventure based on the operas of Richard Wagner, by Michael R. Harris. Honorable mention, 2nd annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: 31c6fiu6iq57tg1a Rock Star Simulator, a multiple choice adventure game, by Wizard Games. Note: Only the first half of this game is free. If you want to continue, you must register for US$20. # tuid: exrensummvpsg5hc R-Space I: Viktor's Escape 1.0, by Ed T. Toton III. # tuid: ca2xbwuc7beimydk Avenger of Rubicon, by Conrad Button. # tuid: hd7cgio8vy5uo248 Runcibal Quest version 2.0, by Tim Ward # sabotage.exe ifwiki: Sabotage_on_the_Century_Cauldron tuid: 5jp4nepsurm2aacf Sabotage on the Century Cauldron, release 1.1, by Thomas de Graaff. (the original competition entry is in and a machine-independent TADS version is in ) # Eight homebrew TRS-80 text adventures, converted to MS-DOS, by Layne K. Saltern. The games are Agent, Agent II: Silenced, Crypt of the Abbeys, Fall of Voyageur, The Fluorescent Jungle, Madness, The Snow Queen, and Starstruck. # tuid: aj49e4zmd70ohnep Sanctuary version 2.0, recreational text adventure by Conrad R. Button. Author's difficulty rating: Master. # Saturn's Child, release 1.0, by Jerry Ford. Machine independent .gam file and Windows executable. [file is linked to ] # tuid: pwyjp54iubdq70p0 Sunset Over Savannah, An Existential Vacation, by Ivan Cockrum. Version 1.0.4, 8/2/98. (a machine-independent TADS version is in , a Mac version is in , and the original competition entry is in ) # tuid: x8ai96w31jkizy4n Save Princeton version 1.91 for DOS by Jacob Solomon Weinstein and Karine Schaefer # tuid: ii7j0kliujc4k8wf Scavenger: Night's Edge interactive fiction, by Quintin Stone. Version 1.2, Windows executable. (the original competition entry is in and a machine-independent TADS version is in ) # tuid: t8zc0smsrsxv6avm The Silver Cloud, an interactive short story. Its author wishes to remain anonymous. # serenia.td0 tuid: ag3hyv123dhr0rkv Adventure in Serenia, an illustrated text adventure (CGA). Non-standard 160K PC boot diskette (sector size varies) in TELEDISK format: get TELEDISK (download-tools/pc/, write serenia.td0 back to a double density (360K) 5.25" diskette, and boot from this diskette. If your computer just stops then, press Enter and the game should start. # tuid: ehgrdmftq2kj7cci The Light: Shelby's Addendum. Quest Adventure #3, by Colm A. McCarthy. Version 2.1, release 19960901. (a Macintosh executable of this game is in and in , a system-independent TADS .gam file in ) # Adventures in Sherwood, An Interactive Adventure Simulation by Charles Williams. A D&D type adventure, complete with melee. You, Robin Hood, must rescue Marion from the Sheriff of Nottingham. Honorable mention, 5th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] # tuid: x6xzc6xb5o6corsy Shape Shifter Adventure! written by Eric Colomb. (An archive containing just the AGT game files is in ) # shrapnel.exe ifwiki: Shrapnel tuid: 82mn545s8bt3csa4 Shrapnel, by Adam Cadre Version 1.01 (12 February 2000) / Serial number 9504 (a machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # tuid: z4nxmu7n21vtd2z6 Ski Adventure, written in TADS by John LaBonney. # tuid: 36xhu02ea8bp2ww0 Skullduggery - Adventures in Horror version 3.1 (01oct89) by David Jewett. Uploader's comment: "A very nice adventure set around an old smuggler's mansion. Basic verb-adj-noun-prep-adj-noun parser, but with a unique on-screen mapping system. Worth a look." # skyland4.exe tuid: l2okii6lgtvmvxlq Skyland's Star version 4.0, by Daniel Leon Berke and Matthew Engle, original concept by Jeremy Cavaterra # tuid: mu8py0ovp7u6wfup Slacker X, a scatological breakthrough in adventure gaming, by The Velvet Jester. DOS executable of an Inform game. Release 1 / Serial number 971009 (a machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # tuid: 7cazwrttbk5we195 Sleuth version 4.45, by Eric N. Miller. You move around the map of the house with the cursor keys, but you solve this murder mystery with conventional text commands. # tuid: y7wuc72wqpx5dh2n Songtan: The Next Morning, version 1.53. # tuid: iumkhjn240gq59ws Softporn Adventure version 2.5, rewritten by Gary Thompson after the Apple II original by Chuck Benton. Benton's original was the predecessor of Leisure Suit Larry I. (The original is in , and an Inform port is in ) # tuid: iumkhjn240gq59ws Another version of Chuck Benton's Apple II SoftPorn Adventure (which later became Leisure Suit Larry I), rewritten by Paul Schlyter in Turbo Pascal 3.0 for CP/M and DOS. DOS executable and Pascal source code. (The original is in ) [file is linked to ] # Shades of Gray, An Adventure in Black and White; 7 authors. Winner of the 6th annual AGT game contest. (pop-up hints are in ) [file is linked to ] # Shades of Gray, An Adventure in Black and White; 7 authors. Written with AGT. The archive includes pop-up hints. This is the final release of Shades of Gray (January 1997). [file is linked to ] # Son of Stagefright - A Pleasant Day at the Theater in Three Paranatural Acts, by Mike McCauley. This game won the 3rd Annual AGT Game Writing Contest. (A Macintosh executable is in , AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # The Spatent Obstruction, version 2.55. An Interactive Novel by Christopher Canavan. [file is linked to ] # tuid: r7b0wqal55cwzyjv J.D. Spy, version 1.0, by Michael Jacobs. Part puzzle game, part text adventure about an international conspiracy. # The Squynchia Adventure version 1.5, by M. & T. Frank, converted from LADS to AGT by David Malmberg. File contains compiled AGT game files, a DOS interpreter (version 1.5 beta), and a walkthrough. (source code of this game is in ; a different version is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: 7moacghk8b6c08bb Stellar Agent, by Robert Kraus. Originally available by mail order, but now released as freeware by the author. # Starship Columbus version 1.2, by Gary McGath. Machine-independent AdvSys data file and DOS executable of the interpreter AdvInt. This game is Shareware; at some point it requires you to send $10 to the author so you can continue playing the game. [file is linked to ] # tuid: rnzcccdbydg488ce The NASA Orbital Observatory Adventure, a mini-adventure by Tony Martin. # The Incredible Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane! version 2.0. AGT adventure by Mark Ryan [file is linked to ] # stone.exe Search for the Sacred Stone, version 0.33, by Mikel Rice. # Storms I, An Interactive Mystery by Ryan Burrus. Release II / Version 5.50: Shareware Release. Honorable mention, 4th annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: v3yjv68j45i3apr3 Stranded version 1.0, written by Jim Bayers. (a machine-independent TADS .gam file is in ) # ifwiki: Strange_Days tuid: 6hifrlywljpduvk1 Strange Days, by Kunafits. Part of the collaborative Reality-On-The-Norm series. The zip file contains an interpreter executable and two data files; type 'play strange' to run the game. # tuid: mhu2m97mifybgsgo Star Stryker, by Yang Liu. DOS executable and Pascal source code. # tuid: rq13ecitsohw0flm Quest to Verona... When Stupidity Strikes! Simple MS-DOS batch file adventure. # tuid: 6kiphne28zd1yshw The Nuclear Submarine Adventure version 1.53 by Steven Neighorn (a TRS-80 BASIC version is in ) # Susan (A Lustful Game), by Bill Larkins; R-rated by author. Honorable mention, 2nd annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: u8qqrwutdugkexpr t-zero version 1.04, including the missing hint file, by Dennis M. Cunningham. # Tamoret, The Adventure to the Fourth Dimension, by Michael J. Lyons. Honorable mention, 2nd annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: 3x43ima5e1ervpzm Tanis v1.1, by "Bosskey Productions", a text and graphics adventure. # The Adventure of Tark Simmons, Priestess of the First Church, in her battle against The Demon of Dark Desire, by W.P. Kegelmeyer. Honorable mention, 2nd annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # The Tempest, an Adventure Game by David R Grigg based on The Tempest by William Shakespeare, version 21jul92. Honorable mention, 6th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] # tuid: m9zuegbvpv6p3xi5 Terror in the Ice Caves version 1.52, by Steven Neighorn # tuid: 0u4eqnk37mohejhu Beyond the Tesseract version 2.0p, by David Lo. (Source code is in ) # "Whatever We Decide To Call This Game" by The Three Engineers: Joel Finch, Glen Henville and little bits by Matthew Newbery. Your first day at Tumbulgum University (must be in Australia). Honorable mention, 4th annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: 2n0ytsce023hx75 The Night Before the Blood Moon, by raazberry. (a MacOS version is in ) # tuid: n94uu9ol312js8rt Thief's Adventure, by J Soft Co # tuid: w38fa61b5nki3fma The Dungeons of Thuria, version 1.0, by Brian Lingard. Old style adventure using a simple parser. Archive includes a console mode Windows executable as well as Unix and Windows source code and cheat files. [file is linked to ] # thypt-se.exe tuid: jn3lb8upzjrwbmmm THYPT - The Penultimate Adventure, a text adventure written in QBasic by THYPT. Self-extracting executable. # tuid: o0dljdnk18c1ovqk Time Traveler version 2.0, recreational text adventure by Conrad R. Button. Author's difficulty rating: Expert. This game conflicts with some mouse drivers (e.g. Logitech 5.01), so boot without a driver if you encounter "Illegal function call in line 29300 in module TIMETRAV at ..." # tuid: bgoanlhn58iukzp5 Beyond the Titanic, by Scott Miller (Apogee) # The Jeweled Arena version 1.0, AGT adventure by David S. Raley with pop-up hints. Winner of the 7th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] # Toho Academy, an illustrated AGT adventure by Simon Barber. Honorable mention, 7th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] # tuid: r7gsw9b3icy1su4g The Tomb of the Ancient Pharaohs, version 3.1 by Anne T Brenner # tuid: ybkppk73a3f7399u Tommy's Manor, a version of Stoneville Manor from Tommy's Toys # Tossed into Space: Dr. Schmidt Goes Home, by Graeme Cree, short SF adventure for beginners. DOS executable, AGT source code, and a complete walkthrough. This version was slightly modified for widespread circulation; the original was called Lost in Space (see [file is linked to and to ] # ifwiki: Eye_of_the_Inca ifwiki: Perils_of_Darkest_Africa ifwiki: Revenge_of_the_Moon_Goddess tuid: 61egg3w4kkde6p1z tuid: pvbbuln03n1aa0jl tuid: 3c961j3cbtoylaqf Tales of Treasure 3.0; three text adventures featuring a search for treasure, by John Olsen: - Perils of Darkest Africa - Revenge of the Moon Goddess - Eye of the Inca # trilogy.txt tuid: wqxuf9ayjmxaruel tuid: gtg3nz2j9si89dbo tuid: 5y4sudvwgblny675 Description of # ifwiki: Doppy_&_Pru's_Summer_Holiday ifwiki: Doppyworld ifwiki: Asylum_(Follow_the_Cheese_and_Pickle_Sandwich) tuid: wqxuf9ayjmxaruel tuid: gtg3nz2j9si89dbo tuid: 5y4sudvwgblny675 Three adventure games (Doppyworld, Asylum, Doppy and Pru's Summer Holiday), by A.J.Shepherd (The Doppelganger) # tuid: 9pusb93mtxq2knrs Triune, by Papillon. HTML TADS Windows executable. (the original competition entry is in ) # TimeSquared, Chapter One: Centroplis, by Bert Lee. Honorable mention, 6th annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # Underground Adventure, version 3.72, by Mike Pontillo. # tuid: 10mjw6o54wzgodcr Underhill version 2.2 (April 1988) by Ian Morton. DOS executable. # tuid: 055wty792vfyamss The Underoos that ate New York! by Gerry Kevin Wilson (a machine-independent TADS .gam file is in , a Macintosh executable is in ) # tuid: ddj73b8bnhevgy9e Urban Cleanup, a TADS Sci-Fi adventure by Philip Dearmore. Machine-independent .gam file and DOS executable. [file is linked to ] # tuid: 661p9gombf81vc18 URI Quest, by Jeff Carroll. A text and graphics adventure. # tuid: koryc2l79jexavf3 Virtua School, a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure (CYOA) type game by Dana LoDico and Josh Noe. You play a student on his first day at a new American high school. # tuid: 8pvqyqu4rqmtckk4 The Valshar's Lair, by Luis David Arranz Perez, in both Spanish and English versions. Escape from the Valshar prison cell in which you're trapped, waiting to be sacrificed. [file is linked to ] # vgame.exe tuid: ywwlr3tpxnktjasd Varicella, by Adam Cadre Version 1.14 (31 August 1999) / Serial number 9339 (an machine-independent zcode game file is in ) # tuid: 6tyxnsem5kwzjgyf Voodoo Girl: Queen of the Darned, by Andrew Baker. A text and graphics adventure. # tuid: eipoymlzqmu5ps9h The Wade Wars: Book III - nevertheless the first release in the Wade Wars series, by Jim Fisher. Rating: beginner to intermediate. Originally released as shareware but now made freely distributable by Jim. (a Z-code version rewritten in 2000 is in ) # tuid: j1qv39w1ucnlhnms Lock and Key, version 1.12, by Adam Cadre. The archive includes the game, a Windows interpreter for it, and a batch file to run the game. # tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv 550 points version of Colossal Cave by David Platt (1979). Ported to Unix C by Ken C. Wellsch (1984), and then ported to MS Windows by Wolfgang Strobl (1992). Combined DOS and Windows executable version 2.1. (source code by Ken C. Wellsch is in ) # tuid: 9tdt2v4xmdom7ku2 Cow V: The Great Egg Quest, by Bovine Software. Windows executable. # tuid: 5ee3nxfcwzzb9w1d Wizard's Castle, published in the July/August 1980 issue of Recreational Computing Magazine. Originally written by Joseph R. Power, and updated for Microsoft BASIC by J.F. Stetson. (source code is in ) # tuid: fx7ctjihb3fi6zh3 The Golden Wombat of Destiny version 1.2, by Huw Collingbourne # tuid: crih2j6niodqy5vj World version 1.06, by J. Doug McDonald. This version displays a status line and can save to different files, but cannot overwrite existing save files. # tuid: crih2j6niodqy5vj World version 1.07, by J. Doug McDonald. This version has no status line and always saves to file WORLD.SAV, but it can overwrite it. (Source code to this version is in ; an Archimedes port is in ; an Amiga port is in ; a Macintosh port is in ) # tuid: e1n9yoa5smzjtvpt Wormhole: The Beginning release 1.0, a TADS (and WorldClass) introductory adventure by Philip Dearmore (introductory meaning promotional, I think). Machine-independent .gam file and DOS executable. [file is linked to ] # Wraith Blaster version 1.0, by Ken Dibble. A text based space trader game: earn money, become master trader, and find a place to retire. Honorable mention, 6th annual AGT game contest. (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: eaowoyvbjrfeh7nn WUZ, by Wayne McWilliams. WARNING: Contains adult content. # A Journey into Xanth version 1.2 by Neil Sorenson, based on the works and characters of Piers Anthony. Walkthrough and maps included. Honorable mention, 6th annual AGT game contest. [file is linked to ] # Xfer, by Serprex. # tuid: brq0sgfzooxw80la Yet Another Silly Text Adventure Game: Quest of Yogurt by Robert Kwong, Burton Lee, and Dennis Ng. Verily, verily! It's a text adventure insofar as it writes out text, but your interaction is limited to answering Y/N questions. # tuid: 95hay3q9l40lyxyv Yoshi's Birthday, a text adventure written in QBASIC by Chris Kugler. Version 4.0, compiled executable. # tuid: 6hraextnlpe3wwzu Treasury of Zan, by Richard Murchy. Originally available via mail order, now made freely distributable by the game's author. # Zanfar, an AGT adventure by YAK (Your Adventure Kreator) [file is linked to ] # tuid: nzydrfu1rl2qkuop Zero Sum Game, an Exercise in Fantastic Futility, Release 2, by Cody Sandifer, for MS-DOS. (a machine-independent TADS .gam file is in , a Mac version is in , a Windows version is in , and the original competition entry is in ) # tuid: nzydrfu1rl2qkuop Zero Sum Game, an Exercise in Fantastic Futility, Release 2, by Cody Sandifer, for Windows. (a machine-independent TADS .gam file is in , a Mac version is in , a DOS version is in , and the original competition entry is in ) # tuid: 4gxk83ja4twckm6j Windows 64-bit executable of Jeff Claar's C++ port of the 1981 MDL version of Zork, compiled by Kroma. # tuid: hbnpqp3s6xrfgfta Monster Rally, by Charles A. Crayne and Dian Crayne. Beta Version A. For DOS. # MarthasBigDate.exe tuid: j4tux07hmgd36cid Martha's Big Date, version 3.0 (February 2024 update), by Mary Potts, based on a fan-fiction series written for Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. (a machine-independent TADS game file is in ) # tuid: 5hdwldttesn3qnn8 Gnome Ranger, by Level 9. # tuid: wxvbi0yvgmcwkchd Ingrid's Back, by Level 9. # tuid: 42b18ov4c4ao88za tuid: zjivkumr48f0zbqa tuid: 0odl661ptrlyo1ld Jewels of Darkness (compilation), by Level 9. - Colossal Adventure - Adventure Quest - Dungeon Adventure # tuid: laiyfhqfopw0x9r6 Knight Orc, by Level 9. # tuid: sv2ogva4urs43jwi ifwiki: Lancelot Lancelot, by Level 9. # tuid: zfis82bb2nl9t4rp Scapeghost, by Level 9. # tuid: 6lgu6t1f65qrdf7o ifwiki: Snowball tuid: zr48drl7ctjw0v9a ifwiki: Return to Eden tuid: ohwkcbpfdtjrzrz6 ifwiki: The Worm in Paradise Silicon Dreams (compilation), by Level 9. - Snowball - Return to Eden - The Worm in Paradise # tuid: aa6m5ycux2y5iwuk ifwiki: Lords of Time tuid: yrdxe16idkn87bo8 ifwiki: Red Moon (by Level 9) tuid: 9xifpt8k3n3s4ky5 ifwiki: The Price of Magik Time and Magik (compilation), by Level 9. - Lords of Time - Red Moon - The Price of Magik # tuid: 6dzy6mc93tf0nzfs ifwiki: The Hobbit The Hobbit, by Melbourne House. # tuid: tpagbmkmud7cl3uz Fellowship of the Ring, by Melbourne House. # tuid: fvvyotspkgrb223k Shadows of Mordor, by Melbourne House. # tuid: 96iqbghvbdgpjqx4 Crack of Doom, by Melbourne House. # tuid: nongg6knn0zr64 Fahrenheit 451, by Telarium. # BOARDWLK.EXE tuid: ww77ke5vaibvzq1g Boardwalk, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in ) # CAVE.EXE tuid: 479otv48jibgo9m0 Cave of the Troll, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in ) # CURSED.EXE tuid: mfg8t7exzc1ys7mi Cursed Castle, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in ) # FARMTOWN.EXE tuid: htqw14nw7vurp7zq Farmtown, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1989, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in ) # HANGTOWN.EXE tuid: 8aqv58728w6msoy0 Hangtown, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1989, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in ) # MIDNIGHT.EXE tuid: wd0zoqpbfquajzck Midnight Emergency, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in ) # PIRATE.EXE tuid: url6d1j3aj61qmhp Pirate Island, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1989, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in ) # TOYLAND.EXE tuid: g98iuxste2vkbij Toyland, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in ) # UPTOWN.EXE tuid: xte910606jhvydau Uptown, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in ) # Project tuid: qi5ahy8ttbh9cqsa Project Tezerat (Demo), by Teo Tucan. Version: Alpha 1.1 / License: Freeware # Parade.comment.txt ifwiki: Everybody Loves a Parade tuid: wmk9ipzv1qmgspor Solution to Everybody Loves a Parade, a commentary on the genesis and development of the game, and some programming tips for TADS beginners, by Cody Sandifer [file is linked to ] # ifwiki: Offensive Probing tuid: nfbfwb2gp3sxsk3u Offensive Probing, an Epic Sci-Fi Adventure, by Ben Croshaw. Release 1 / Serial number 990919 Archive includes the z-code game file, an MS-DOS executable version and documentation. [file is linked to ] # tuid: iv3hkbnontc5come Crusade, by David Malmberg (AGT source code is in ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: c896g2rtsope497w Colossal Cave Revisited v1.0. Crowther and Woods' classic adventure with a full sentence parser. Comes with source. TADS version by Dave Baggett. [file is linked to ] # tuid: bi8rb6cieq8p05wl ifwiki: The Legend Lives! The Legend Lives! v1.0 An Unnkulian Universe Unventure by David Baggett. 386SX or later CPU required. [file is linked to ] # tuid: pgklownuffqn25nh ifwiki: The Horror of Rylvania The Horror of Rylvania, by D. A. Leary. Playable DEMO v1.0. (for the full version see ) [file is linked to ] # tuid: tyu4zalevqkvujk4 Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure, by D. A. Leary. Version 3.0. [file is linked to ] # tuid: 5t1frgm954xg9s8a Unnkulian Unventure II: The Secret of Acme, by David M. Baggett. Version 3.0. [file is linked to ] # tuid: u73rmw1qfiu62etl tuid: g3qv8rgscg4vqkni Unnkulia One-Half: The Salesman Triumphant, AND Unnkulia Zero: The Search for Amanda (playable demo). Both are version 1.0, by D. A. Leary. [file is linked to ] # The_Castle_Of_Diavolul-The_Flame_Of_Dumnezeu.exe tuid: wmlg99e3vgxcggep The Castle Of Diavolul - The Flame Of Dumnezeu, by DBT. Windows executable. # repeat return tuid: m17ezt8mufvyd3fm Repeat : Return : Reprise, by Michael Coorlim. Windows executable. # worlds.exe tuid: 1aliwzro4e48mdlt ifwiki: Worlds Apart Worlds Apart, an Interactive Fugue, Version 3.0, written by Suzanne Britton. Windows self-extracting executable. (a machine-independent TADS game file is in )