This directory contains Inform source code examples. Compiled versions are here (files `*.z?`) or in directory [games/zcode](../../../../games/zcode/). # AScenicView.inf A Scenic View release 2, by Richard Barnett. A demonstration of object-less scenery descriptions, or how to manufacture non-objects that respond to the 'examine' verb. (See </if-archive/infocom/compilers/inform5/library/contributions/#scenery.tar.Z> for includable headers created from release 1 of this example by Joe Mason) # Examples_note.txt A note by Graham Nelson on his Inform demonstration games # Museum.inf Museum of Inform, An Interactive Companion to The Inform Designer's Manual, by Graham Nelson # Museum.z5 Museum of Inform, An Interactive Companion to The Inform Designer's Manual, by Graham Nelson Release 1 / Serial number 951220 # Museum6.inf Museum of Inform (see above), modified for Inform v6 by Anson Turner. Functionally identical to Graham's original, complete with bugs and all. :-) # Toyshop.inf Toyshop, An Interactive Demonstration by Graham Nelson # Toyshop.z5 Toyshop, An Interactive Demonstration by Graham Nelson Release 3 / Serial number 951221 # a-good-ear.inf A Good Ear, by Sam Hulick and Gareth Rees. A Sony Discman and some CDs to play on it. # a_nasal_twinge.inf A Nasal Twinge: An Interactive Aroma release 1, by Graham Nelson. A short demonstration of "add-to-scope". # alice3.inf Alice Through the Looking Glass version 3, by Gareth Rees. The first room of a game based on the Lewis Carroll book. (see </if-archive/infocom/compilers/inform5/manuals/#tutor2.txt> on where to find the Inform Tutorial Part I that describes the creation of this game.) # arrays.inf A tiny game to test the array facilities introduced by Inform 5.5, by Graham Nelson. # bazaar.inf Bazaar, by Sam Hulick and Gareth Rees. A simple way to implement money and commerce. # cafe.inf Cafe Inform, or Informa Cola: An Additive-Free Interactive Example, by Graham Nelson. A drinks machine demonstrating the 'parse_name' routine. # carousel.inf Carousel: An Interactive Snippet from Zork II by Dave Lebling and Marc Blank (1981). The Carousel Room from Zork II, by Graham Nelson: how to stop an event by setting a routine to NULL. # compass-rose.inf Compass Rose, by Joachim Baumann and Gareth Rees. Puts a compass rose on the status line, showing the exits from a room. # follow.inf Follow My Leader, by Gareth Rees. A roadrunner sprints round the map and can be followed by the player. # form.h release 5, a Bureaucracy-style form by Torbjoern Andersson, with documentation and an example using the form (Inform source code and compiled game). # frobozzica.inf Encyclopedia Frobozzica, by Gareth Rees. How to parse conversation and consultation. # goldskull.inf Mike Roberts' TADS example goldskul.t (contained in the TADS package) ported to Inform by John Holder and Gareth Rees. For TADS users who want to learn Inform. # hellow.inf A non-interactive demonstration by Graham Nelson. # hellow.z3 A compiled version of hellow.inf. # insulted.inf Shakespearean Insult Generator v1.0, by Tim Middleton. # list-property.inf List Property, by Graham Nelson. A demonstration of the powerful list-generation capabilities of Inform. # listless.inf Listless, a Useless Utility for Programmers, by Robert M. Dickau. An interactive demonstration of the effects of the style bits inside the WriteListFrom function. # listless.z5 Listless, a Useless Utility for Programmers, by Robert M. Dickau. Release 1, serial number 950914. Type HELP for instructions. # looking.inf Through the Looking Glass, An Interactive Tutorial by Gareth Rees and Doug Atkinson. (this is the game file that accompanies the tutorial </if-archive/infocom/compilers/inform5/manuals/#tutor2.txt>) # looking.z5 Through the Looking Glass, An Interactive Tutorial by Gareth Rees and Doug Atkinson. Release 1 / Serial number 951029. # macZeX_GoldSkulX.inf An example of an Inform game which uses the styled text facilities of the Macintosh ZeX interpreter, by Greg Ewing. (see </if-archive/infocom/interpreters/old/zip/>macZeX\*) # maze.inf An example of implementing a maze using only a single room, by Steven Howard. # padlock.inf Padlock: An Interactive Locked-Box Mystery, by Gareth Rees (after an idea of Scott Harvey's). How to make a verb choose a default object when appropriate. # robots.inf Robots: Another Abuse of the Z-Machine. A Nostalgic Diversion by Torbjoern Andersson. Release 5 / Serial number 951120 # shell.inf Interactive skeleton, by Graham Nelson. # shell.z3 A compiled version of shell.inf. # testdiv.inf Division tester, release 1, by Andrew Plotkin Tests the multiplication, division, and modulo operations on the Z-machine. All these operations are supposed to be signed (contrary to the Z-Machine Specification 0.2). # testdiv.z5 A compiled version of testdiv.inf. # thief.inf The Thief, by Gareth Rees. A thief who wanders round the map, opens locked doors, and responds to changing entrances and exits.
Name | Last modified | Size |
Parent Directory | - | |
games/ | 2025-03-04 01:11 | - |
shell.inf | 1994-10-03 04:00 | 618 |
hellow.inf | 1994-10-03 04:00 | 681 |
hellow.z3 | 1994-10-03 04:00 | 1.5K |
testdiv.inf | 1996-09-26 04:00 | 1.8K |
goldskull.inf | 1995-04-27 04:00 | 1.9K |
testdiv.z5 | 1996-09-26 04:00 | 2.0K |
Examples_note.txt | 1995-12-21 05:00 | 2.3K |
macZeX_GoldSkulX.inf | 1994-10-31 05:00 | 2.9K |
cafe.inf | 1995-10-05 04:00 | 3.3K |
arrays.inf | 1995-07-05 04:00 | 3.4K |
compass-rose.inf | 1995-10-05 04:00 | 4.0K |
carousel.inf | 1995-10-05 04:00 | 4.3K |
follow.inf | 1995-10-05 04:00 | 4.3K |
padlock.inf | 1995-10-05 04:00 | 4.4K |
a_nasal_twinge.inf | 1994-12-02 05:00 | 4.5K |
Index | 2024-10-07 20:12 | 4.9K |
list-property.inf | 1995-10-05 04:00 | 5.1K |
listless.inf | 1995-09-15 04:00 | 5.1K |
insulted.inf | 1995-12-01 05:00 | 8.3K |
AScenicView.inf | 1996-02-29 05:00 | 8.6K |
bazaar.inf | 1995-10-05 04:00 | 8.9K |
frobozzica.inf | 1995-10-05 04:00 | 9.8K |
a-good-ear.inf | 1995-10-05 04:00 | 10K |
thief.inf | 1995-10-05 04:00 | 16K |
alice3.inf | 1995-10-05 04:00 | 18K |
maze.inf | 1996-06-05 04:00 | 19K |
robots.inf | 1995-11-20 05:00 | 21K |
shell.z3 | 1994-10-03 04:00 | 30K |
looking.inf | 1995-10-31 05:00 | 31K |
Toyshop.inf | 1995-12-21 05:00 | 36K |
listless.z5 | 1995-09-15 04:00 | 41K | | 1995-11-27 05:00 | 43K |
Toyshop.z5 | 1995-12-21 05:00 | 47K |
looking.z5 | 1995-10-29 04:00 | 56K |
Museum.inf | 1995-12-21 05:00 | 68K |
Museum6.inf | 1996-07-18 04:00 | 68K |
Museum.z5 | 1995-12-21 05:00 | 70K |
The IF Archive is a public service of the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.