"Grooverland" by Mathbrush Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Include numbered disambiguation choices by Aaron Reed. Include Locksmith by Emily Short. The story genre is "Horror". The story headline is "The theme park of the century!". The story description is "'Magic comes with a price. But on your birthday, all your expenses are paid. Welcome to Grooverland.' Grooverland is a large parser game that takes over two hours to complete. It is based on the works of author and programmer Chandler Groover, although it does not require previous knowledge of his games to play. WARNING: While most of the game is simple, this game has a couple of verbose, complex combinatorial puzzles requiring careful logic, experimentation or extensive exploration, and these puzzles are required for progression. The hints will give explicit solutions if you get stuck or if the puzzle seems unfair." The story creation year is 2021. The release number is 5. Use MAX_PROP_TABLE_SIZE of 500000. Use MAX_SYMBOLS of 50000. Use MAX_NUM_STATIC_STRINGS of 50000. Use MAX_STATIC_DATA of 300000 Release along with cover art ("A group of monsters in red and white.") and an interpreter. Volume 1 - Initial material [remove creaky key, black box after ending starts?] [make regalia goal part of opening? make it impossible to miss plot?] [add wade] [giving blasting rod to david, guard, asking guard to blast] [give hints or extend timers if you fail endgame a lot in a row] [add a secret romance if you ask ceviche chef about shop clerk? No, jelly man and snack attendant? put it in amusing] A thing can be faroff or nearby. A thing is usually nearby. A thing can be material or immaterial. A thing is usually material. A thing can be largegroup or not largegroup. A thing is usually not largegroup. Understand the largegroup property as describing a thing. Understand "large" or "group" or "costumes" or "crowd" as largegroup. Book 1 - Personal things Part 1 - The player Yourself is a woman. Understand "lily" or "lee" or "miss" as yourself. The description of yourself is "[if the dragon's head is not nowhere]Today is your first day as queen. And possibly your last.[otherwise if the player is in crater]You are Lily Lee, once Queen of Grooverland, now somewhat worse for the wear.[otherwise]You are Lily Lee, and this is your eleventh birthday! You are Queen of Grooverland for a day.[end if]" Part 2 - The regalia Regalia is a kind of thing. The mantle is regalia. The Sugar Plum Crown is regalia. The sun orb is regalia. The royal scepter is regalia. The ring is regalia. The mantle is wearable. The sugar plum crown is wearable. The ring is wearable. Understand "regalia" as regalia. Every turn: if a wearable regalia (called current) is carried by the player: say "Odd, [the current] is [if current is the mantle]on your shoulders[otherwise if current is the sugar plum crown]on your head[otherwise]on your hand[end if]. But you don't remember putting it there."; now the player is wearing the noun; The description of the mantle is "[if the mantle is upgraded]This mantle is made of roses. You can use it to SNARE the dragon.[otherwise]Luxurious velvet, crimson colored. It hangs in magnificent folds.[end if]" The description of the sugar plum crown is "[if the sugar plum crown is upgraded]A beautiful, delicate gold crown. You can use it to SUMMON the dragon for a fight when you are outdoors.[otherwise]When you think of what you had to do to get this crown, you shudder.[end if]" Understand "beautiful" or "gold" as the sugar plum crown. The description of the sun orb is "[if the sun orb is upgraded]This is a brilliantly glowing orb. When you make it SHINE, it can dazzle the dragon.[otherwise]It is a clear orb wrapped in a plastic frame.[end if]" Understand "brilliant" or "brilliantly" or "glowing" or "sunorb" as the sun orb. Every turn: if the sun orb is upgraded: now the plastic frame is nowhere; Instead of opening the sun orb: say "It's all fastened too securely." Instead of switching on the sun orb: say "Yeah, you'd think it'd have some kind of battery-operated light or something, but no." The plastic frame is part of the sun orb. The description of the plastic frame is "It just makes it easier to hold the orb." The description of the royal scepter is "[if the royal scepter is upgraded]This is a glorious golden scepter. You can use it to SPEAR the dragon.[otherwise]This is a scepter, part of the Grooverland regalia.[end if]" Understand "glorious" or "golden" or "sceptre" as the royal scepter. Wielding is an action applying to one thing. Understand "wield [something]" as wielding. Carry out wielding: say "You wave around [the noun]."; The description of the ring is "[if the ring is upgraded]A heavy platinum signet with a bright ruby. It can SHIELD you from the dragon's attacks.[otherwise]A ring with a large fake gem.[end if]" Understand "heavy" or "platinum" or "signet" or "bright" or "ruby" or "fake" or "large" or "gem" as the ring. A thing can be oncetaken or nevertaken. A thing is usually nevertaken. Every turn (this is the returning regalia rule): repeat with current running through regalia: if current is enclosed by the player: now current is oncetaken; otherwise: if current is oncetaken: say "Odd. You're [if current is wearable]wearing[otherwise]holding[end if] [the current] again. How did that happen?"; if current is wearable: now current is worn by the player; otherwise: now current is carried by the player; [make these descriptions not work when it is upgraded] [PlayerAddress is some text that varies. PlayerAddress is "Lily". Every turn: if the number of regalia worn by the player > 4: now PlayerAddress is "my Queen"; if the number of regalia worn by the player > 2: now PlayerAddress is "your Majesty"; otherwise: now PlayerAddress is "Lily";] After taking regalia: if the number of regalia enclosed by the player is 1: say "As you take [the noun], you feel dizzy. It feels like the whole park is spinning around you. From outside, you can hear harsh voices in the street. For a moment, you think you can hear your brother David calling out, but then everything is quiet. Something about Grooverland has changed."; otherwise if the number of regalia enclosed by the player is 2: say "As you take [the noun], the ground shudders for a moment. It feels like Grooverland itself is moving. Creaks and groans come from outside, and you hear one loud cry in the distance that sounds like your mother. Then all is silent. Something about Grooverland has changed."; otherwise if the number of regalia enclosed by the player is 3: say "You take [the noun] cautiously, wondering what new problems this one might cause. As you take it, you hear loud voices outside, your father yelling angrily at others whose voices transform, becoming deeper and guttural. Then all is silent. Something about Grooverland has changed."; otherwise if the number of regalia enclosed by the player is 4: say "You take [the noun]. As you do, you feel a weight of darkness over you. It's getting dark. You think you can hear your sister Alice shouting for a moment. You are alone now. Something about Grooverland has changed."; otherwise: say "As you take the final piece of regalia, everything becomes silent across the whole park. Something about Grooverland has changed." Book 2 - Opening Scene Chapter 1 - Temporary room Arena is a room. "[if the dragon's head is not nowhere]A frightened crowd of bizarre creatures and monsters surrounds you at a safe distance.[otherwise]The crowd has gone, leaving you free to enter the park to the [bold type]east[roman type].[end if]" Section 1 - Temporary scenery The frightened crowd is faroff scenery largegroup people in Arena. The description of the frightened crowd is "Hundreds of monsters and goblins surround you, driven to a fever pitch of excitement and terror. These are your citizens." Understand "wild" or "bizarre" or "creatures" or "monster" or "monsters" or "goblin" or "subject" or "subjects" or "goblins" or " costumed" as the frightened crowd. [The chopping block is scenery in Arena. The description of the chopping block is "This block is covered in several scores and gashes from previous executions." Understand "scores" or "gashes" as the chopping block.] Fakedavid, Fakealice, fakemom, fakedad are scenery people in Arena. The printed name of fakedavid is "David". The printed name of Fakealice is "Alice". The printed name of fakemom is "Mom". The printed name of fakedad is "Dad". Understand "david" or "brother" as fakedavid. Understand "mom" as fakemom. Understand "dad" as fakedad. Understand "alice" or "sister" as fakealice. Fakeattendant is scenery people. The printed name of fakeattendant is "attendant". A thing can be attendanty or not attendanty. A thing is usually not attendanty. The fakeattendant is attendanty. Understand the attendanty property as describing the fakeattendant. Understand "attendant" or "attendants" as attendanty. A person can be vanished or not vanished. Fakedavid, fakealice, fakemom, and fakedad are vanished. Instead of doing something with a vanished person: say "[The noun] isn't here[if the dragon's head is not nowhere]; your family is waiting for you further away.[otherwise]. Everyone has already run ahead.[end if]" Instead of doing something with fakeattendant: say "The attendant already took your sword and left."; Fakesword is carried by fakeattendant. The printed name of fakesword is "sword". Instead of doing something with fakesword: say "You already gave your sword to the attendant."; A thing can be swordy or not swordy. Understand the swordy property as describing fakesword. Understand "sword" as swordy. Attendantcome is a scene. Attendantcome begins when the dragon's head is nowhere. Attendantcome ends when the player is not in Arena. When attendantcome begins: now fakeattendant is in arena When attendantcome ends: now fakeattendant is not attendanty; now fakesword is not swordy; Section 2 - People Every turn when execution is happening: if the current action is not examining: say "[one of]The dragon pushes closer, biting at the air by your head.[or]The dragon emits a terrifying roar.[or]The dragon tries to bite at your feet, but you dodge.[or]The dragon stomps, and the ground trembles.[or]The dragon eyes the crowd, looking for a tasty goblin to eat.[or]The dragon darts its head at you over and over, trying to break your concentration.[cycling]" The dragon is an animal in Arena. "[if the dragon's head is not nowhere]Before you looms a terrible red [dragon], invincible, tall, proud, and ready to strike the killing blow.[otherwise]The shell of the red papier-mâché dragon is all that remains here. So strange, how lifelike it was![end if]" The printed name of the dragon is "[if the dragon's head is nowhere]papier-mâché [end if]dragon"; Before entering the dragon: if the dragon's head is nowhere: say "It looks kind of creepy. Maybe not." instead; Understand "climb on [something]" as climbing. Understand "invincible" or "terrible" or "tall" or "proud" as the dragon. When play begins: set pronouns from the dragon; Instead of interrogating the dragon about something: try talking to the dragon; Instead of asking the dragon about something: try talking to the dragon; Instead of telling the dragon about something: try talking to the dragon; Instead of answering the dragon that something: try talking to the dragon; The description of the dragon is "[if the dragon's head is not nowhere]The red dragon is truly terrible to behold! It's watching you, waiting for the best moment to strike. Its head is close enough for you to attack. But what can a small queen like you do against a beast like this?[otherwise]It's strange; even though you knew the dragon was fake, the way it moved was so real! The red dragon is an empty shell, now.[end if]" Instead of searching the dragon: if the dragon's head is not nowhere: say "The dragon is too dangerous to search!"; otherwise: say "All the candy is gone, now." Understand "papier-mâché" or "papier-mache" or "paper-mache" or "paper" or "papier" or "mache" or "mâché" or "shell" or "creature" or "empty" or "red" as the dragon. The dragon's head is part of the dragon. The description of the dragon's head is "The beast's head is unflinching, unmoving, its sharp horns gleaming in the dawn light." Understand "bizarre" or "creature" as the dragon. Understand "sharp" or "horns" as the dragon's head. Instead of going nowhere when the player is in Arena: if the dragon's head is not nowhere: say "You are cut off by the dragon."; otherwise: say "Grooverland awaits you to the east. There is nowhere else to go." Instead of talking to the dragon: if the dragon's head is not nowhere: say "'Have at thee, villain!' you cry, waving your sword."; otherwise: say "'I'm sorry,' you tell the dragon." Instead of taking the dragon: say "[if the dragon's head is not nowhere]Unfortunately, taking a two-ton dragon anywhere is too hard.[otherwise]This empty shell is not worth your attention." Instead of taking the dragon's head: try cutting the dragon's head; The absent head is a scenery thing. Understand "dragon's" as the absent head. Instead of doing something with the absent head: say "The dragon's head is gone, lost during the assault on the candy." Section 3 - Inventory The mighty sword is carried by the player. The description of the Mighty sword is "This wickedly sharp sword was carried by heroes of ages past." Chapter 2 - Opening scene itself The execution is a scene. The execution begins when play begins. The execution ends when the dragon's head is nowhere. Rule for printing the banner text when the dragon's head is not nowhere: do nothing. Understand "help" as crediting. Rule for printing a parser error when execution is happening: say "You try to act, but you're distracted by a threatening motion from your enemy." Before material behavior when the noun is the dragon: if the current action is not attacking: if the dragon's head is not nowhere: say "You can't get close enough to the dragon without it attacking you!" instead; Section 1 - Beginning When execution begins: say "'It's coming for the queen! Everybody run!' Your loyal subjects flee as the dragon circles around for one final attack. It settles directly in front of you. " Section 2 - Ending Freeing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "Free [something]" or "release [something]" or "spare [something]" as freeing. Carry out freeing: say "That's not something that needs to be released."; Fakecandy is a scenery thing in arena. Understand "candy" as the fakecandy. Instead of doing something with the fakecandy: say "The crowd already took all the candy in their mad scramble for sweets." Rule for deciding whether all includes fakecandy: it does not; Instead of freeing the dragon: say "You announce, 'I release the dragon!' The crowd goes wild. The master of ceremonies comes up to you and takes the sword. 'That's sweet of you, Lily,' he says. Then he pushes a button on a remote control. The dragon's papier-mâché head detonates."; now the dragon's head is nowhere; now the absent head is in Arena; now fakecandy is in Arena; Instead of dropping the Mighty sword: try freeing the dragon; Understand "cut off [something]" as cutting. Instead of taking off the dragon's head: try cutting the dragon's head; Understand "slay [something]" as attacking. Instead of attacking the dragon: try cutting the dragon's head; Instead of swinging mighty sword: try cutting the dragon's head; Instead of attacking the dragon's head: try cutting the dragon's head; Understand "kick [something]" or "strike [something]" as attacking. Withcutting is an action applying to two things. Understand "cut off/-- [something] with [something]" as withcutting. Check withcutting: if the second noun is not the Mighty sword: say "You can only cut things with the Mighty sword." Carry out withcutting: try cutting the noun; Instead of cutting the frightened crowd: say "The crowd cheers and gasps as they dodge your vicious attacks." Instead of cutting the Mighty sword: say "You try valiantly to cut the sword with the sword, but you are unable to warp space and time enough to do so." Instead of searching the frightened crowd: say "They all blur together. Everything you need is here, now." Instead of cutting the player: say "You would never." [Instead of cutting the chopping block: say "You strike the block right next to the dragon, daring him to flinch. He remains completely passive."] Instead of cutting the dragon: try cutting the dragon's head; Instead of cutting the dragon's head: say "The mighty sword whistles through the air as you swing at the dragon. With a loud 'snick' you slice through his head."; now the dragon's head is nowhere; now the absent head is in Arena; When execution ends: say "Out pour buckets and buckets of... ...candy! The costumed crowd cheers and scrambles towards you to pick through the remains of the dragon, while a voice over the loudspeaker proclaims: 'Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to...' [banner text]"; change the east exit of Arena to Welcome Booth; now the Mighty sword is nowhere; say "[line break]Your family gathers around you while an attendant takes the sword. 'That was awesome!' shouts [David]. 'Pretty cool,' says [Alice]. 'Thanks for choosing this as your wish, kid,' says your [dad]. 'Alright, let's go! Lily has the run of the park for the day, so the rest of you go ahead. Happy birthday, Lily,' your [mom] says to you and kisses your head. Then they all run off to the east."; Fakegrooverland is faroff scenery in Arena. The description of fakegrooverland is "[if the dragon's head is nowhere]The park is surrounded by a purple castle wall to your east.[otherwise]The grim castle rises above the crowd.[end if]" The printed name of fakegrooverland is "Grooverland". Understand "grooverland" or "park" or "theme" or "grim" as fakegrooverland. The fakepurplewalls are plural-named part of fakegrooverland. The description of the fakepurplewalls is "You have to admit, it looks pretty awesome!" Understand "purple" or "castle" or "wall" or "walls" as the fakepurplewalls. The printed name of the fakepurplewalls is "purple castle walls". Volume 2 - Locations Oneregalia is a scene. Oneregalia begins when the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 0. Tworegalia is a scene. Tworegalia begins when the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1. Threeregalia is a scene. Threeregalia begins when the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2. Fourregalia is a scene. Fourregalia begins when the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 3. Fiveregalia is a scene. Fiveregalia begins when the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 4. Dragonscene is a scene. When fiveregalia begins: now the rather frightening crowd is nowhere; now the gate guard is nowhere; When oneregalia begins: now the entrance crowd is nowhere; now the rather frightening crowd is in welcome booth; Crowdbump is a scene. Crowdbump begins when oneregalia begins. Crowdbump ends when the player is in outsideregion. Bumplocation is a room that varies. Bumplocation is Welcome Booth. The gonefigures are plural-named immaterial scenery. Understand "figures" or "figure" or "group" or "red" or "robes" or "robe" or "snout" as the gonefigures. The printed name of the gonefigures is "mysterious figures". The description of the gonefigures is "Whatever you saw a second ago, it's gone now." When crowdbump ends: say "As you walk into the street, a group of figures covered in red robes passes by you. One bumps heavily into you. The figure turns and snarls, then walks away, disappearing into the crowd. The unsettling thing is, it almost looked like it had a snout! In fact, it looks like a lot more of the crowd in Grooverland is wearing costumes now. Very realistic ones."; now bumplocation is the location; now the gonefigures are in the location; Every turn: if the player is not in bumplocation: now the gonefigures are nowhere; TwistingChange is a scene. TwistingChange begins when tworegalia begins. TwistingChange ends when the player is in outsideregion. When twistingchange ends: say "As you step out into the main area of the park, you feel lost for a moment. The park doesn't look like it did a moment ago. Everything you see seems darker, somehow." CreatureChange is a scene. CreatureChange begins when threeregalia begins. A person can be changy or not changy. The gate guard, the sausage seller, the ceviche chef, the jelly man, the royal attendants, the snack attendant, the shop clerk, the zookeeper, the menagerieper, the dance instructor, the creaky singer, and Eugene are changy. CreatureChange ends when the number of changy people enclosed by the location > 0. When creaturechange ends: say "You start to feel a little strange. You realize that many people have transformed into bizarrecreatures, including [the random changy person enclosed by the location]. No one else seems to notice." Part 1 - Welcome Booth The Welcome Booth is a room. "[first time]You walk towards the entrance of [fakeGrooverland] and are impressed by its extravagance and size. [only]Grooverland is surrounded by [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player < 2]a plastic[otherwise]an enormous[end if] castle wall pierced by two [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]foreboding[otherwise]tall[end if] [gates] to the [bold type]east[roman type], one red and one white. [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 4]You can hear screams from inside[otherwise if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 0]A rather frightening crowd of people in realistic monster costumes flows in and out of them and you can hear screams from inside[otherwise]Streams of people flow in and out of them and you can hear screams and laughter from inside[end if][if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 3]. It is getting dark now. The sun is setting[end if][if fiveregalia is happening]. The welcome booth is empty[end if]." When dragonscene begins: now the description of the welcome booth is "Grooverland is surrounded by an enormous castle wall pierced by two foreboding gates to the [bold type]east[roman type]. The wall and gates are on fire. The welcome booth is gone, destroyed by fire."; now the wooden booth is nowhere; now fakewelcomebooth is in welcome booth; Fakewelcomebooth is scenery. The printed name of fakewelcomebooth is "destroyed welcome booth". Understand "destroyed" or "welcome" or "booth" or "sooty" or "stain" as the fakewelcomebooth. The description of the fakewelcomebooth is "Nothing remains of the welcome booth but a sooty stain." The screams are plural-named immaterial backdrop in welcome booth. The screams are in Melancholy Mall. The description of the screams is "You can't tell if the sounds are real or pre-recorded." Understand "laughter" as the screams. Instead of listening to the screams: try examining the screams; The setting sun is a faroff scenery backdrop. The description of the setting sun is "Looks like it's getting late." OutsideRegion is a region. Welcome Booth is in OutsideRegion. Prowling Promenade is in OutsideRegion. Melancholy Mall is in OutsideRegion. Mechanical Marvels is in OutsideRegion. Spooky Sideshow is in OutsideRegion. The Bitter End is in OutsideRegion. When fourregalia begins: if the setting sun is not in welcome booth: now the setting sun is in OutsideRegion; Instead of talking to scenery largegroup people: say "You feel nervous approaching a large group without anyone you know in it." The entrance crowd is scenery largegroup people in the Welcome Booth. Understand "stream" or "streams" or "people" as the entrance crowd. The description of the entrance crowd is "Regular park-goers having a fun time." The rather frightening crowd is scenery largegroup people. Understand "realistic" or "people" or "monster" or "monsters" or "costume" or "costumes" as the rather frightening crowd. The description of the rather frightening crowd is "For some reason, you don't see any zippers or seams in the costumes." [add screams and laughter] Instead of going nowhere from Welcome Booth when the noun is west: say "The execution area is off-limits outside of the opening ceremonies." The flier is a thing. Understand "flyer" as the flier. Report going east from Arena: now the flier is carried by the player; now the flier is known; repeat with current running through things enclosed by Arena: now current is nowhere; The description of the flier is "As our royal guest of honor, you are cordially invited to your own private coronation tonight at sundown! To enter the castle, you must find a full set of regalia. This includes: [a ring],[line break][a crown],[line break][a scepter],[line break][a mantle],[line break]and a [sun orb].[line break]Each can be found in a different attraction. The park is laid out from west to east. Shops are available off the [bold type]Melancholy Mall[roman type]. Animals both gentle and dangerous can be found off the [bold type]Prowling Promenade[roman type]. Exciting rides are found off of the [bold type]Mechanical Marvels[roman type]. Halloween-themed spooky attractions are available year-round in the [bold type]Spooky Sideshow[roman type]! And our performers and the Queen's Castle itself are available in the [bold type]Bitter End[roman type]. The [Mirrored Queen] and the [Scarlet Empress] welcome you to Grooverland!" The castle wall is scenery in Welcome Booth. The description of the castle wall is "Grooverland is surrounded by an enormous castle wall pierced by two massive gates, one red and one white." Understand "grooverland" or "walls" as the castle wall. The printed name of the castle wall is "Grooverland". The castle wall is proper-named. Does the player mean interrogating someone about the castle wall: it is very likely; Instead of interrogating someone about the castle wall: try interrogating the noun about grooverland; Understand "enormous" or "shadow" or "plastic" as the castle wall. ["[first time]You really oughtn't be here, child. The crowds have died away, the watchman has locked up, the aftercrew has swept and picked the lot for every gnawed-on corn dog and oily popcorn bag. But you've been wicked, haven't you? Snuck in before the gates were closed. Alone in a theme park: a child's delight. Best to have your fun before you're caught.[only] [we] [are] standing within the gates of Grooverland, barred from the outside world. A rather untrustworthy Welcome Booth lies empty and silent here."] The gates are scenery in Welcome Booth. The description of the gates is "Tall doors made of wood-textured plastic allow everyone access into the park. One door is red and the other is white, but they are otherwise indistinguishable." Understand "tall" or "doors" or "massive" or "wood" or "wood-textured" or "plastic" or "foreboding" or "red" or "white" or "huge" as the gates. The gates are plural-named. Instead of closing the gates: say "That's definitely not going to happen. These things are huge!" Instead of opening the gates: say "The gates are already open." Instead of entering the gates: try going east; The wooden booth is a scenery container in the Welcome Booth. The wooden booth is not portable. Understand "welcome" or "welcome booth" as the wooden booth. The description of the wooden booth is "A simple and homely booth made of whitewashed wood." Understand "simple" or "homely" or "whitewashed" as the wooden booth. Instead of entering the wooden booth: if fiveregalia is happening: say "You take a step inside, but it feels unnatural. You step out again, shivering."; otherwise: say "It doesn't look like there's room for two in there." [The description of the wooden booth is "Worn wood, fashioned by warped minds. Nothing is left inside, neither cash nor ticket. Not that you'd need either."] Part 2 - Shops [implement mask and cricket bats, maybe randomize? children, jelly ice-cream. Buy these things somewhere? just random junk?] The distant castle is a faroff backdrop. The distant castle is in Melancholy Mall. The distant castle is in Prowling Promenade. The distant castle is in Spooky Sideshow. The distant castle is in Mechanical Marvels. Understand "red" or "white" as the distant castle. The description of the distant castle is "The red and white castle is beautiful and threatening at the same time, rising like a spear in the distant east." The Melancholy Mall is east from Welcome Booth. "[first time]As you enter the gates, the full beauty of Grooverland is exposed to your view. You smell a bizarre mixture of sweets and metal, you hear screams from unseen rides, and, far off to the east, you see the distant castle. That's where your coronation ceremony will be tonight, if you can find everything you need, of course! [bracket]You can check the flier in your inventory to see the requirements for entering the Queen's Castle.[close bracket] [only]You are standing in the [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]overgrown cobblestone path running through [otherwise]main thoroughfare for [end if]Grooverland. [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 4]It is empty[otherwise if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 0]Park-goers wearing monstrous costumes and carrying authentic-looking weapons (including swords and pitchforks) pass all around you, getting uncomfortably close at times[otherwise]Park-goers wearing masks and carrying cricket bats pass all around you, and you see quite a few children holding jelly-covered ice cream cones[end if]. A [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]crooked [end if]sign to the [bold type]north[roman type] says '[fakesugarsnack]'. A [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]cracked [end if]sign to the [bold type]south[roman type] is labeled '[fakegiftshop]'. Underneath the name is a tagline: 'All Magic Has a Price'. You can return to the Welcome Booth to the [bold type]west[roman type] or continue [bold type]east[roman type] to the Prowling Promenade[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 3]. A cool wind blows through the mall as the day slowly ends[end if]." When dragonscene begins: now the description of Melancholy Mall is "You are standing in the remains of a cobblestone path that runs through Grooverland. There is smoke all around you. You can't see the signs any more, but the snack bar is to the [bold type]north[roman type] and the gift shop is to the [bold type]south[roman type], if they haven't been destroyed. The Welcome Booth is to the [bold type]west[roman type] and the Prowling Promenade is to the [bold type]east[roman type]."; now the sugar plum sign is nowhere; now painfulpurchases sign is nowhere; The cool wind is immaterial scenery. The description of the cool wind is "It must have started as the sun began setting." When fourregalia begins: now the cool wind is in Melancholy Mall; The overgrown cobblestone path is scenery. Understand "main" or "thoroughfare" as the overgrown cobblestone path. The description of the overgrown cobblestone path is "You don't remember it looking like this when you got here." The main thoroughfare is scenery in Melancholy Mall. The description of the main thoroughfare is "This runs through the whole park." When tworegalia begins: now the main thoroughfare is nowhere; now the overgrown cobblestone path is in melancholy mall; The Sugar Plum sign is scenery in the Melancholy Mall. The description of the Sugar Plum sign is "The sign says 'Sugar Plum Dairy and Candy Shop'." Understand "crooked" or "dairy" or "candy" or "shop" as the Sugar Plum sign. The PainfulPurchases sign is scenery in the Melancholy Mall. The description of the PainfulPurchases sign is "The sign says 'Painful Purchases', with the tagline 'All Magic Has a Price.'" Understand "cracked" or "painful" or "purchases" or "tagline" as the PainfulPurchases sign. The printed name of the painfulpurchases sign is "Painful Purchases sign". The mall crowd is scenery largegroup people in the melancholy mall. Understand "children" or "park-goer" or "park-goers" or "park" or "goer" or "goers" as the mall crowd. The description of the mall crowd is "Park-goers wearing masks and carrying cricket bats pass all around you, and you see quite a few children holding jelly-covered ice cream cones." The monstrous crowd is scenery largegroup people. Understand "park-goer" or "park-goers" or "costume" or "costumes" or "authentic-looking" or "authentic" or "weapon" or "authentic-looking" or "weapons" or "sword" or "swords" or "pitchfork" or "pitchforks" as the monstrous crowd. The monster masks are plural-named things worn by the mall crowd. The description of the monster masks is "Everyone is wearing plastic costume masks designed to look like monsters." Understand "costume" or "plastic" or "mask" or "monsters" as the monster masks. The cricket bats are plural-named things carried by the mall crowd. The description of the cricket bats is "They're marked with some kind of weird alphabet or sigils. It looks burned into the wood; in fact, some of the bats are still smoking." Understand "bat" as the cricket bats. The jelly-covered ice cream cones are plural-named things carried by the mall crowd. The description of the jelly-covered ice cream cones is "They look great! You're not sure where everyone's getting them, though." Understand "jelly" or "covered" or "cone" as the jelly-covered ice cream cones. The description of the monstrous crowd is "The crowd looks more disturbing than you remember. Why are they carrying weapons?" The authentic-looking weapons are plural-named things carried by the monstrous crowd. The description of the authentic-looking weapons is "Those swords and pitchforks don't look plastic!". Understand "weapon" or "sword" or "swords" or "pitch" or "fork" or "forks" or "pitchfork" or "pitchforks" or "authentic" or "looking" as the authentic-looking weapons. The monstrous costumes are plural-named things worn by the monstrous crowd. The description of the monstrous costumes is "They're so good, they almost don't look like costumes at all." When fiveregalia begins: now the monstrous crowd is nowhere; When oneregalia begins: now the mall crowd is nowhere; now the monstrous crowd is in Melancholy Mall; The fakesugarsnack is faroff scenery in Melancholy Mall. The description of the fakesugarsnack is "The snack shop to the north is decorated as an enormous gingerbread house." Understand "sugar" or "plum" or "snack" or "shop" or "bar" or "shops" or "enormous" or "gingerbread" or "house" as the fakesugarsnack. The printed name of the fakesugarsnack is "Sugar Plum Snack Bar". Instead of eating the fakesugarsnack: say "The things inside will probably taste better!" The fakegiftshop is faroff scenery in melancholy mall. Understand "painful" or "purchases" or "purchase" or "gift" or "shop" or "shops" as the fakegiftshop. The description of the fakegiftshop is "This gift shop is stylized to look like a cottage covered in thorny, blood-red roses." The thorny blood-red flowers are part of the fakegiftshop. Understand "rose" or "roses" or "vine" or "vines" or "blood" or "red" or "wicked" or "wickedly" or "sharp" as the thorny blood-red flowers. The description of the thorny blood-red flowers is "They look wickedly sharp." The printed name of the fakegiftshop is "Painful Purchases Gift Shop". Instead of touching the thorny blood-red flowers: say "Honestly, seems like it would hurt. Maybe not." Before looking in Melancholy mall for the first time: now fakesugarsnack is known; now fakegiftshop is known; Chapter 1 - Snack Shop The Sugar Plum Snack Bar is north from the Melancholy Mall. "This snack shop is one of the highest-rated attractions at the park, according to your sister[if fiveregalia is happening]. But for now, it is empty[end if][if the cake crumbs are in sugar plum snack bar]. The white walls are decorated with full length mirrors. All that is left of the cake is crumbs[end if]." The truesnackbar is scenery in Sugar Plum Snack Bar. Understand "sugar" or "plum" or "snack" or "bar" or "shop" or "highest-rated" or "attraction" as the truesnackbar. The printed name of the truesnackbar is "Sugar Plum Snack Bar". The whitewalls are scenery in Sugar Plum Snack Bar. Understand "white" or "wall" or "walls" as the whitewalls. The description of the whitewalls is "These walls almost seem to glow." The printed name of the whitewalls is "white walls". The full length mirrors are scenery in the sugar plum snack bar. Understand "mirror" or "reflection" as the full length mirrors. The description of the full length mirrors is "You see yourself in the mirrors. You are a young lady dressed up as a queen for your holiday in Grooverland. In the mirrors, you look more regal than you remember." Instead of examining the truesnackbar: try looking; The ticket-holders are scenery largegroup people in the Sugar Plum Snack Bar. The description of the ticket-holders is "Kids with tickets give them to the attendant, who gives them drinks in return." Understand "others" or "kids" or "other" or "tickets" or "holder" or "ticket holder" or "ticket holders" or "holders" as the ticket-holders. People can be becostumed or not becostumed. Understand "costume" or "costumes" or "costumed" as becostumed. Understand the becostumed property as describing the ticket-holders. When oneregalia begins: now the printed name of the ticket-holders is "costumed ticket-holders"; now the ticket-holders are becostumed; When fiveregalia begins: now the ticket-holders are nowhere; [Eat Me, Open Vein] A beverage is a kind of thing. Water is a faroff beverage. Instead of giving a beverage to an animal: say "This is not a game about giving beverages to animals." Combining it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "pour [a beverage] in/into [a beverage]" or "mix [a beverage] with/into/and [a beverage]" or "combine [a beverage] with/and [a beverage]" as combining it with. Carry out combining it with: say "Your mother has always advised you to avoid mixed drinks." A ticket is a kind of thing. Does the player mean doing something with a ticket: it is likely; A ticket has a beverage called the correspondent drink. The correspondent drink of a ticket is usually water. The description of a ticket is "This is [a noun] that says 'Good for one [correspondent drink of the noun] at the Sugar Plum Snack Bar.'" The block drinking rule does nothing. Section 1 - The Castle The castle cake is in the Sugar Plum Snack Bar. "A mighty confectionery [castle cake] rises here, wider than a wedding cake. Each piece is made of a different substance in various layers. The uppermost layer of the cake is [CastleParts]. A [little sign] nearby says 'For Lily'." The description of the Castle Cake is "An enormous cake made of decadent foods. Currently you can see [CastleParts]." The Castle Cake is not portable. Understand "confectionery" as the castle cake. The little sign is scenery in Sugar Plum Snack Bar. The description of the little sign is "[if the castle cake is not nowhere]It's near the cake. [end if]It says, 'For Lily'." Instead of entering something incorporated by the castle cake: say "The cake's not that big, really." Understand "pour [something] on [something]" as putting it on. When play begins: repeat with current running through beverages: if current is not water: now current is in Sugar Plum Snack Bar; now current is faroff scenery; Instead of pushing, pulling, or turning the castle cake: say "The castle cake is surprisingly difficult to move." Instead of putting a beverage on something incorporated by the castle cake: try putting the noun on the castle cake; Instead of putting a beverage on the castle cake: say "Why put a perfectly delicious beverage on the castle cake when you could just drink the drink and eat the cake, too?" Instead of entering the castle cake: say "The cake's not that big, really." A person can be slaked or not slaked. A person is usually slaked. Before eating a thing that is part of the Castle Cake: if the player is slaked: now the noun is carried by the player; now the player is not slaked; otherwise: say "[Our] mouth is too dry to eat more." instead; A beverage has some text called the refreshingtext. The refreshingtext of a beverage is usually "Ah, that's much better!" Carry out drinking something: if the noun is a beverage: if the player is not slaked: now the player is slaked; now eatingtime is 0; say refreshingtext of the noun; say "[line break]"; now the noun is nowhere; now the noun is faroff; otherwise: say "You're not thirsty right now, but with all this good food around you might be thirsty later. Better to save it!"; otherwise: say "That doesn't look particularly potable."; Instead of eating the Castle Cake: try eating a random thing incorporated by Castle Cake; A thing has some text called the flavortext. The flavortext of a thing is usually "*[line break]". To say CastleParts: let tempnum be the number of things that are part of Castle Cake; if tempnum > 0: repeat with current running through things that are part of Castle Cake: say "[the current], [flavortext of current]"; otherwise: say "an inedible layer of rock candy"; The Devil's Food Tower is part of the Castle Cake. The Devil's Food Tower is edible. The description of the devil's food tower is "Cake so rich and luxurious that it would be indecent not to devour it." Understand "dark" or "dense" or "devil" or "chocolate" as the devil's food tower. The flavortext of the devil's food tower is "made of dark, dense chocolate cake". Understand "rich" or "luxurious" as the devil's food tower. After eating the Devil's Food Tower: say "You gorge yourself on the Devil's Food Tower, squishing your fingers through and through the spongy mass. Underneath, you see a library made of marshmallow."; now the Marshmallow Library is part of the Castle Cake; The Marshmallow Library is edible. The description of the marshmallow library is "To be honest, you have no idea how this is structurally stable." The flavortext of the marshmallow library is "which seems to consist entirely of marshmallow" After eating the Marshmallow Library: say "The library is sticky, so sticky it drapes over your fingers and hands. You have to snatch at it, gobble up pile after pile of marshmallow. Now you can reach the [Cheesecake Guardhouse]."; now the Cheesecake Guardhouse is part of the Castle Cake; The Cheesecake Guardhouse is edible. The description of the cheesecake guardhouse is "This, the center of the cake, is composed of every imaginable flavor of cheesecake." Understand "flavor" or "imaginable" as the cheesecake guardhouse. The flavortext of the cheesecake guardhouse is "built up of many flavors of cheesecake" Instead of tasting the cheesecake guardhouse: say "The flavors are so complex!" Understand "center" as the cheesecake guardhouse. To finish is a verb. After eating the Cheesecake Guardhouse: say "Rich. Too rich. The Cheesecake Guardhouse threatens to overwhelm you. Sweetness and fat. An eternity later you finish, revealing the [Eclair Kitchen]."; now the Eclair Kitchen is part of the Castle Cake; The Eclair Kitchen is edible. The description of the eclair kitchen is "Inside this kitchen made of eclairs are numerous smaller eclairs, which seems to be what the miniature bakers are making. It would seem that the kitchen made of eclairs is also a kitchen making eclairs." The flavortext of the eclair kitchen is "constructed ingeniously out of French pastry". Understand "French" or "pastry" as the eclair kitchen. The miniature bakers are part of the eclair kitchen. The description of the miniature bakers is "Also made of eclair. The mind boggles." After eating the Eclair Kitchen: say "It's so refreshing, after the last layer of the Castle Cake. The eclairs are lightly puffed, the cream airy and whipped, and the chocolate glaze; oh, how delightful! Now only the [Fondant Dungeon] is left."; now the Fondant Dungeon is part of the Castle Cake; The Fondant Dungeon is edible. The description of the fondant dungeon is "The Fondant Dungeon: your final obstacle. Also a great name for a garage band. Let's do this." Understand "thick" or "kind" or "frosting" as the fondant dungeon. The flavortext of the fondant dungeon is "made of that thick kind of frosting you despise" Understand "final" or "obstacle" as the fondant dungeon. The cake crumbs are a plural-named scenery thing. The description of the cake crumbs is "All that is left of the once-mighty cake." Instead of eating the cake crumbs: say "Your body flinches at the thought of more cake." After eating the Fondant Dungeon: say "Yes, that's it. Devour every last crumb of fondant. Even though you do not like fondant. Even though buttercream is clearly a superior frosting, even for wedding cakes, which some people disagree with but have they actually had fondant to eat? No. At last, every crumb of the Castle Cake is gone. But what's this? A crown is here. The [Sugar Plum Crown]. How did this slip in here?"; now the Castle Cake is nowhere; now the cake crumbs are in sugar plum snack bar; now the Sugar Plum Crown is in Sugar Plum Snack Bar. Eatingtime is a number that varies. Eatingtime is 0. Report eating something: now EatingTime is 1; Drymouth is a recurring scene. Drymouth begins when eatingtime is 1. When drymouth begins: if the Castle Cake is not nowhere: say "Your mouth feels very dry." Layerslist is a list of things that varies. Layerslist is {Devil's Food Tower, Marshmallow Library, Cheesecake Guardhouse, Eclair Kitchen, Fondant Dungeon}. A thing can be cakey or not cakey. A thing is usually not cakey. Devil's Food Tower is cakey. Marshmallow Library is cakey. Cheescake Guardhouse is cakey. Eclair Kitchen is cakey. Fondant Dungeon is cakey. The layers are plural-named scenery in Sugar Plum Snack Bar. The description of the layers is "This cake is amazingly detailed!" Instead of eating the layers: try eating the castle cake; Chapter 2 - Gift Shop [The lost id card can be found in the second thing we look at.] A card is a kind of thing. [not used here] The description of a card is "The card says '[propername of the noun in upper case] - [detailtext of the noun]' It is the exact same size as the slot." [The lost school ID card is a thing. The description of the lost school ID card is "This is a school ID card for 'Isabela Elizondo.'" A thing can be IDful or not idful. A thing is usually not idful.] The Painful Purchases is south from the Melancholy Mall. The description of the Painful Purchases is "You are standing in Painful Purchases, the gift shop for Grooverland. Everything is decorated in burgundy and beige. Here, there are rows and rows of [pristine merchandise]. A [book of poems] is on display. A little [dollhouse] is here as well, filled with simulated rot and rust." The pristine merchandise is scenery in The Painful Purchases. The description of the pristine merchandise is "The rest of the merchandise is glorious, but you can tell, deep inside, that it is not anything you'd need right now." [The pristine merchandise is IDful.] Understand "burgundy" or "beige" as the pristine merchandise. The Fuwa Bunsaku book of poems is scenery in The Painful Purchases. The printed name of the Fuwa Bunsaku book of poems is "book of poems". The description of the Fuwa Bunsaku book of poems is "You flip through the book. 'They say it is a haunted place. [line break]In ages past a priest lived there [line break]and when his prayers were not [line break]answered he starved himself. [line break]His body transformed into rats [line break]and they destroyed the sacred [line break]books and holy scrolls...' It goes on like this for some time." [The Fuwa Bunsaku book of poems is IDful.] Understand "poem" as the fuwa bunsaku book of poems. The dollhouse is scenery in The Painful Purchases. The description of the dollhouse is "This house is filled with all sorts of little furniture. It has a label that says, 'The house is insignificant, a worthless husk, too tiny to love. It is entirely too small. Please do not shake the house.' It's filled with little furniture[if the little cabinet is open], including an open cabinet[end if]." The dollhouse is not portable. [The dollhouse is IDful.] Understand "doll" or "house" or "sorts" or "husk" or "worthless" or "tiny" or "love" or "small" or "insignificant" as the dollhouse. Instead of opening the dollhouse: say "It's the kind of dollhouse that is open on one side so you can see in. It doesn't have a hinge or any other thing to open." The little furniture is part of the dollhouse. The description of the little furniture is "The dollhouse is filled with little, immovable pieces of furniture. There are plastic doves['] nests in little holes. Ridged vines coil over tiles painted with cracks. The rug is a sponge, pre-moistened to a swampy state. The abandoned chairs are crumpled into a pile. A little crooked painting of an elderly woman adorns the wall. There is a little wooden cabinet. There are bookcases with plastic moss and little black wax candles like fingers, black logs in the fireplace with an oversized mantel." Understand "rust" or "rot" or "piece" or "pieces" or "little" or "immovable" as the little furniture. Instead of taking the dollhouse: if the winding key is enclosed by the dollhouse: say "The house is too heavy to pick up, but something inside is rattling."; otherwise: say "The house is too heavy to pick up."; Instead of shaking the dollhouse: if the shop clerk is nowhere: say "No one can stop you from shaking the dollhouse."; otherwise if the winding key is enclosed by the dollhouse: say "It's hard to move the house, but you manage to shake it. Something inside is rattling. The [shop clerk] says, 'Please do not shake Grooverland merchandise.'"; otherwise: say "You shake the house a little, but nothing interesting happens. The [shop clerk] ignores you."; A thing can be obscure or not obscure. A thing is usually not obscure. The little label is an obscure part of the dollhouse. The description of the little label is "It says, 'says, 'This house is insignificant, a worthless husk, too tiny to love. It is entirely too small. Please do not shake the house.'" The winding key is a thing. The description of the winding key is "This is an old-time key used to wind some kind of spring-operated mechanism. The handle is shaped like a bee." Understand "old" or "time" or "spring" or "spring-operated" as the winding key. Instead of unlocking something with the winding key: say "This isn't that kind of key. This is used for winding." The bee-shaped handle is part of the winding key. Understand "bee" or "shaped" or "symbol" as the bee-shaped handle. The description of the handle is "The handle is shaped like a bee." The rattling sound is an obscure immaterial part of the dollhouse. The description of the rattling sound is "You can't tell where it's coming from." Instead of material behavior when the noun is an obscure thing: say "Hmmm, [the noun] is firmly attached to the dollhouse, and won't move[if the winding key is enclosed by the dollhouse]. But the house moves a little, and you can hear something rattling somewhere in the house[end if]." [The painted murmurs are an obscure part of the dollhouse. The description of the painted murmurs is "For a concrete representation of an abstract concept they really nailed the design." Understand "murmur" as the painted murmurs.] The plastic doves' nests are an obscure part of the dollhouse. The description of the plastic doves' nests is "Wow, it even comes with little droppings." Understand "dove" or "doves" or "little" or "holes" or "hole" as the plastic doves' nests. The little droppings are an obscure part of the dollhouse. The description of the little droppings is "You realize that you're four layers deep into item descriptions. I, the author, am not participating in this farce anymore." The ridged vines coiled over cracked painted tiles are an obscure part of the dollhouse. The description of the ridged vines coiled over cracked painted tiles is "The level of detail here is exquisite." Understand "crack" or "cracks" as the ridged vines coiled over cracked painted tiles. The pre-moistened swampy sponge rug is an obscure part of the dollhouse. The description of the pre-moistened swampy sponge rug is "Gross." The pile of crumpled abandoned chairs is an obscure part of the dollhouse. The description of the pile of crumpled abandoned chairs is "What a mess!" The little crooked painting of an elderly woman is an obscure part of the dollhouse. The description of the little crooked painting of an elderly woman is "I wonder who she is." The moss on bookcases are an obscure part of the dollhouse. The description of the moss on bookcases is "The moss on the bookcases must have taken forever to make." Understand "bookcase" as the moss on bookcases. The little black wax candles like fingers are an obscure part of the dollhouse. The description of the little black wax candles like fingers is "They are honestly pretty disgusting." The black logs in the fireplace which has an oversized mantel are plural-named obscure part of the dollhouse. The description of the black logs in the fireplace which has an oversized mantel is "Why is there so much detail in this dollhouse?" [The trunks adorned by little padlocks or collapsed lids are plural-named obscure part of the dollhouse. The description of the trunks adorned by little padlocks or collapsed lids is "These are the last things you saw in the dollhouse, and are exactly as interesting as the first things you saw, which is to say not at all interesting."] The little cabinet is a scenery part of the dollhouse. The little cabinet is a closed openable container. The winding key is in the little cabinet. The description of the little cabinet is "Hmm, this cabinet looks shinier than the rest of the furniture." Before inserting something into the little cabinet: if the noun is the winding key: do nothing; otherwise: say "The little cabinet is far too little to put that in." instead; Does the player mean doing something with an obscure thing: it is very unlikely; [Fuwa Bunsaku book of poems, little dollhouse, hats from bring me a head] Section 1 - Finding the ID A thing can be examined or unexamined. A thing is usually unexamined. Report examining something: now the noun is examined; [IDFound is a truth state that varies. IDFound is false. Every turn when the player is in Painful Purchases: if IDFound is false: if the number of examined idful things > 1: say "What's this? Someone must have dropped it. You bend down to look. It looks like a school ID for someone named 'Isabela Elizondo'. It's on the ground, in the back."; now the lost school ID card is in Painful Purchases; now IDFound is true;] Part 3 - Animals The Prowling Promenade is east from The Melancholy Mall. "[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 4]This part of the park is deserted. In fact, the park looks empty everywhere, from the Melancholy Mall to the [bold type]west[roman type] to the Mechanical Marvels to the [bold type]east[roman type][otherwise if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 0]The costumed crowd is more or less divided here, with goblins and elves headed [bold type]west[roman type] to the Melancholy Mall and ogres and ghouls headed [bold type]east[roman type] to Mechanical Marvels[otherwise]The crowd is more or less divided here, with younger kids and families headed [bold type]west[roman type] to the Melancholy Mall and more adventurous teens and adults headed [bold type]east[roman type] to Mechanical Marvels[end if]. A [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1][hideous carved frog] pointing to the [bold type]north[roman type] holds a sign that [otherwise]sign to the [bold type]north[roman type] [end if]proclaims 'Cragne Meatpacking Presents: Petting Zoo'. Some [graffiti] applied to the sign proclaims, 'TOBY KNOWS.' A [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1][foul-looking minotaur statue] pointing to the [bold type]south[roman type] holds a sign that [otherwise]sign to the [bold type]south[roman type] [end if]says 'The Queen's Menagerie'. You've heard this is where more dangerous animals are displayed[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player < 5]. There are three food sellers here: a [sausage seller], a [ceviche chef], and a [jelly man], each with their own menu and cart. But something about the food they're selling seems weird[end if][if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 3]. Everything is quieter now, like the park itself is waiting for something[end if]." Before listening when the player is in trueoutdoorregion: if the number of regalia enclosed by the player is 4: say "It is quieter than before, now." When dragonscene begins: now the description of prowling promenade is "This part of the park is on fire, just like the Melancholy Mall to the [bold type]west[roman type] and the Mechanical Marvels to the [bold type]east[roman type]. It's hard to see the signs through the smoke, but you know the petting zoo is to the [bold type]north[roman type] and the menagerie is to the [bold type]south[roman type]. Fortunately, they both seem safe from the fire."; repeat with current running through scenery in prowling promenade: if the current is not street: if current is not smoky haze: now current is nowhere; The graffiti is faroff scenery in Prowling promenade. The description of the graffiti is "It just says, 'TOBY KNOWS'." Understand "graffito" as the graffiti. [Instead of listening when the player is in prowling promenade: if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 3: say "The animals really do sound quieter now."; otherwise: say "The animal to the north and south sound loud.";] The animal noises are immaterial scenery in prowling promenade. Understand "animals" or "noise" as the animal noises. The description of the animal noises is "You can't see the animals from where you are." Instead of listening to the animal noises: try listening; The varieties of food are a plural-named scenery in Prowling Promenade. Instead of doing anything with the varieties of food: say "You'll have to be more specific. There's a lot of food here! You can check out the sausage menu, the ceviche menu, or the jelly menu for more information." The zoo sign is scenery in the prowling promenade. Understand "petting" or "butcher" or "shop" or "graffit" as the zoo sign. The description of the zoo sign is "It says, 'Petting Zoo and Butcher Shop'. Some graffiti applied to the sign proclaims, 'TOBY KNOWS.'" The hideous carved frog is scenery. The description of the hideous carved frog is "When did this get here?" The MenagerieSign is scenery in the prowling promenade. Understand "menagerie" or "sign" or "queen's" as the menageriesign. The printed name of the MenagerieSign is "menagerie sign". The description of the menageriesign is "It says, 'The Queen's Menagerie.'" The foul-looking minotaur statue is scenery. Understand "foul" or "looking" as the foul-looking minotaur statue. The description of the foul-looking minotaur statue is "When did this get here?" When tworegalia begins: now the hideous carved frog is in Prowling Promenade; now the foul-looking minotaur statue is in Prowling Promenade; The divided crowd is scenery largegroup people in Prowling Promenade. Understand "younger" or "kid" or "kids" or "family" or "families" or "adventurous" or "teen" or "teens" or "adult" or "adults" as the divided crowd. The description of the divided crowd is "A little bit of everyone is here, from kids to teens to adults." The costumed crowd is scenery largegroup people. Understand "goblin" or "divided" or "goblins" or "elf" or "elves" or "ogre" or "ogres" or "ghoul" or "ghouls" or "costume" or "costumes" as the costumed crowd. The description of the costumed crowd is "Everyone seems to be wearing more costumes than before." When fiveregalia begins: now the costumed crowd is nowhere; When oneregalia begins: now the divided crowd is nowhere; now the costumed crowd is in Prowling Promenade; Chapter 1 - Petting zoo Report going north from Prowling Promenade: if the number of regalia enclosed by the player < 5: say "'Queen coming through!' shouts someone in the crowd, and the [realpettingzoo] slowly clears out[first time]. Personal time with the animals is one of your perks for the day[only]." The Petting Zoo is north from The Prowling Promenade. "This homey-looking area surrounded by a gleaming chrome fence [if fiveregalia is happening]once had several soft animals, but alas there are now none[otherwise]has several soft animals (and, in one case, squishy) for you to pet or feed[end if]. A gleaming chrome food table [if fiveregalia is happening]is here, empty[otherwise]provides snacks for the animals: a [lettuce tray], a [crate of mushrooms], and a [plate of bratwursts][end if]." [racing slug can be petted here. Red herring area?] [hunting unicorn closed due to lack of unicorn] [Open that Vein butcher, rat catcher. Sniffing animal smells with Toby's Nose.] The realpettingzoo is scenery in the petting zoo. Understand "petting" or "zoo" as the realpettingzoo. The printed name of the realpettingzoo is "petting zoo". Instead of examining the realpettingzoo: try looking; The gleaming chrome fence is scenery in the petting zoo. The description of the gleaming chrome fence is "This fence must be polished daily. It's so bright!" Understand "bright" as the gleaming chrome fence. Section 1 - The animal's food [you get private time here since you are Queen] The food table is a scenery supporter in Petting Zoo. The description of the food table is "Food for the animals has been piled on this table." A thing can be zoofood or not zoofood. A thing is usually not zoofood. The lettuce tray is an open container on the food table. The description of the lettuce tray is "A tray filled with fresh lettuce." Understand "fresh" as the lettuce tray. The lettuce leaf is a thing in the lettuce tray. The lettuce leaf is zoofood. Does the player mean taking a zoofood: if the player is in petting zoo: it is likely; Does the player mean giving a zoofood to someone: if an animal is in the location of the player: it is likely; The crate of mushrooms is an open container on the food table. The description of the crate of mushrooms is "An open crate filled with mushroom caps." Understand "open" or "caps" as the crate of mushrooms. The mushroom cap is a thing in the crate of mushrooms. The mushroom cap is zoofood. The plate of bratwursts is an open container on the food table. The description of the plate of bratwursts is "This is a lot of meat!" The limp bratwurst is a thing in the plate of bratwursts. The limp bratwurst is zoofood. Understand "brat" or "wurst" or "sossidge" as the limp bratwurst. Before inserting something into a container: if the player is in petting zoo: say "You touched that! That's not very hygienic!" instead; Instead of taking the lettuce tray: if the lettuce leaf is in the location: try taking the lettuce leaf; if the lettuce leaf is not in the lettuce tray: say "You've already taken a lettuce leaf, and haven't used it yet[if the lettuce leaf is not enclosed by the location]. It's in [the location of the lettuce leaf][end if]."; otherwise: say "You grab a leaf of lettuce."; now the lettuce leaf is carried by the player. Instead of taking the crate of mushrooms: if the mushroom cap is in the location: try taking the mushroom cap; if the mushroom cap is not in the crate of mushrooms: say "You've already taken a mushroom cap, and haven't used it yet[if the mushroom cap is not enclosed by the location]. It's in [the location of the mushroom cap][end if]."; otherwise: say "You grab a mushroom cap."; now the mushroom cap is carried by the player; Instead of taking the plate of bratwursts: if the limp bratwurst is in the location: try taking the limp bratwurst; if the limp bratwurst is not in the plate of bratwursts: say "You've already taken a bratwurst, and haven't used it yet[if the limp bratwurst is not enclosed by the location]. It's in [the location of the limp bratwurst][end if]."; otherwise: say "You grab a bratwurst. It's kind of limp."; now the limp bratwurst is carried by the player; When fiveregalia begins: now the lettuce leaf is nowhere; now the lettuce tray is nowhere; now the plate of bratwursts is nowhere; now the limp bratwurst is nowhere; now the crate of mushrooms is nowhere; now the mushroom cap is nowhere; The description of the lettuce leaf is "It is almost disgustingly healthy and vibrant." Understand "healthy" or "vibrant" as the lettuce leaf. The description of the mushroom cap is "This mushroom looks like it was grown in a deep cavern." The description of the limp bratwurst is "This bratwurst is dripping with grease." Understand "grease" or "sausage" as the limp bratwurst. Before going south from the Petting Zoo: if a zoofood thing is enclosed by the player: if the number of petfollowing animals > 0: say "The zookeeper says, 'Be careful! These pets are gentle, but they'll follow you anywhere for that food. Make sure they get back safely!'"; Instead of eating a zoofood thing: if the zookeeper is in the location: say "'No, no, no! Bad queen!' says the zookeeper, who comes up and grabs [the noun] before placing it back where it belongs. She looks a little embarassed. 'Sorry, I'm used to talking to the animals.'"; if the noun is the lettuce leaf: now the lettuce leaf is in the lettuce tray; otherwise if the noun is the mushroom cap: now the mushroom cap is in the crate of mushrooms; otherwise if the noun is the limp bratwurst: now the limp bratwurst is in the plate of bratwursts; otherwise: say "You see a little fly crawling over it before taking off and zipping away. There's no way you'll eat this!"; Section 2 - Animals An animal can be petted or unpetted. An animal is usually unpetted. Understand "animal" as an animal. An animal has a thing called the preferred food. The preferred food of an animal is usually water. Riding is an action applying to one thing. Understand "ride [something]" as riding. Carry out riding: say "You promised your dressage teacher you wouldn't ride anything outside of class."; Understand the command "feed" as something new. Understand "feed [something] to [someone]" as giving it to. [describe the animals] The racing slug is a neuter animal in the Petting Zoo. "[if the racing slug is in petting zoo]A [racing slug] is oozing around here[otherwise]The [racing slug] is following after you and the lettuce[end if][if the racing slug is stuffed]. It looks completely stuffed[end if]." The racing slug can be stuffed or not stuffed. The eyestalks are a plural-named part of the racing slug. The description of the eyestalks is "They are simultaneously gross and cute." The preferred food of the racing slug is the lettuce leaf. The description of the racing slug is "It doesn't seem very fast, but then there's not a race going on." The truffle pig is a neuter animal in the Petting Zoo. "[if the truffle pig is in petting zoo]A [truffle pig] is sniffing around the petting zoo[otherwise]The truffle pig is keeping close to you and the mushroom cap[end if][if the chief engineer is not in mechanical marvels]. It looks very full[end if]." The preferred food of the truffle pig is the mushroom cap. The description of the truffle pig is "Well, it's called a truffle pig, but it looks like a regular pig.". The tailypo is a neuter animal in the petting zoo. "[if the bratwurst is not carried by the player]A [tailypo] is stalking back and forth[otherwise if the monkey is nowhere]The tailypo is stomping grumpily around[otherwise]The tailypo is jealously following you and your bratwurst[end if]." The description of the tailypo is "Black shape. Whiskers. Big eyes. Sharp claws. Long tail." The preferred food of the tailypo is the limp bratwurst. [should chief engineer dog interfere with rescue dog?] An animal can be happy or unhappy. An animal is usually unhappy. CurrentAnimal is a thing that varies. CurrentAnimal is the racing slug. A thing has some text called the pigtext. The pigtext of a thing is usually "*[line break]" A thing has some text called the slugtext. The slugtext of a thing is usually "*[line break]" A thing has some text called the tailtext. The tailtext of a thing is usually "*[line break]"; Before dropping a zoofood: repeat with current running through animals in the location of the player: if the noun is the preferred food of current: try giving the noun to the current instead; Instead of waving a zoofood: repeat with current running through petfollowing animals: if the noun is the preferred food of current: say "[The current] follows [the noun] with its eyes." The slugtext of the lettuce leaf is "The slug devours the lettuce greedily. It squeaks and gurgles in a gelatinous joy." The slugtext of the mushroom cap is "The slug shivers and trembles at the unholy sight of this mushroom. It refuses it." The slugtext of the limp bratwurst is "The slug looks troubled at the sight of this flesh. It refuses it." The tailtext of the lettuce leaf is "The tailypo does not look at the lettuce. It does not look at you, the lettuce. It does not let slip any hint of its utter disdain for you, lettuce, and this whole affair. It does none of those things. No, the lettuce will not please the tailypo." The tailtext of the mushroom cap is "The tailypo looks genuinely confused by the mushroom. It rejects it." The tailtext of the limp bratwurst is "The tailypo devourse the bratwurst greedily, splashing bits of grease and skin all over itself before cleaning itself." The pigtext of the lettuce leaf is "The pig pokes at the lettuce with one hoof before backing away, shaking its head." The pigtext of the mushroom cap is "The pig leans forward to sniff the mushroom, enjoying its fungal scent. It takes a small bite, rolling it around on its tongue to enjoy the flavor, before delicately swallowing it. Then it chomps down on the rest, eating it in one gulp and almost taking off your hand." The pigtext of the limp bratwurst is "The pig gets a thousand-mile stare as it contemplates the bizarre machinations of a universe that would lead it cannibalism. It shakes its head wildly and backs away." An animal can be petfollowing or not petfollowing. An animal is usually not petfollowing. Instead of giving a zoofood thing to an animal: if the second noun is the truffle pig: if the red fungus is not nowhere: say the pigtext of the noun; say "[line break]"; otherwise: say "The pig is too stuffed!"; otherwise if the second noun is the tailypo: say the tailtext of the noun; say "[line break]"; otherwise if the second noun is the racing slug: if the racing slug is not stuffed: say the slugtext of the noun; say "[line break]"; otherwise: say "The slug is too stuffed!"; otherwise: say "The [second noun] turns up its nose at [the noun]."; if the noun is the preferred food of the second noun: if the noun is the mushroom cap: now the noun is in the crate of mushrooms; otherwise if the noun is the lettuce leaf: now the noun is in the lettuce tray; otherwise if the noun is the limp bratwurst: now the noun is in the plate of bratwursts; now currentanimal is the second noun; [ now the second noun is happy; if the number of happy animals > 1: reveal the ribbon;] An animal can be bored or not bored. An animal is usually not bored. A person can be playerly or nonplayerly. A person is usually nonplayerly. Yourself is playerly. An animal is always playerly. A scenery person is usually playerly. Understand "queen" as yourself. Does the player mean doing something with yourself: it is unlikely; Every turn: repeat with current running through animals: if the player is not in petting zoo: now current is not bored; if current is not petfollowing: if current is in the location of the player: if the preferred food of current is carried by the player: if current is the truffle pig: if the red fungus is nowhere: if current is not bored: say "The pig looks up at the mushroom cap, but loses interest quickly. It belches."; now current is bored; otherwise: say "The pig grunts in interest, looking at the mushroom cap. It starts following you around."; now current is petfollowing; otherwise if current is the tailypo: if the trapdoor is not in stomach: say "The tailypo smells the bratwurst and scrabbles towards you, knocking the other animals out of the way. It seems the tailypo won't let any other creature get its bratwurst!"; now current is petfollowing; otherwise: if current is not bored: say "The tailypo smells the bratwurst but ignores you. It's not falling for that again!"; now current is bored; otherwise: if the slug is not stuffed: say "The racing slug wiggles its eyestalks and slimes towards you, hungry for lettuce."; now current is petfollowing; otherwise: if current is not bored: say "The racing slug smells the lettuce but shows no interest."; now current is bored; otherwise: if the location of current is not the location of the player: if the location of current is lastwalkingroom: let the way be the best route from the location of current to the location of the player, using doors; if the number of nonplayerly people in the location is 0: say "[The current] follows you [if the way is down]downwards[otherwise if the way is up]upwards[otherwise]to [the way][end if]."; silently try current going way; if current is in the location of the player: if the number of nonplayerly people in the location > 0: let reactor be a random nonplayerly person in the location; say reactiontext of reactor; say "[line break]"; otherwise: if current is not in petting zoo: say "[The current] seems to have lost you. It'll most likely head back to the petting zoo."; now the current is not petfollowing; now the current is in the petting zoo; otherwise if the preferred food of current is not carried by the player: if the preferred food of current is in the location of the player: say "[The current] grabs [the preferred food of current], running off with it."; otherwise: say "Since you no longer have [the preferred food of current], [the current] loses interest and wanders [if the player is in petting zoo]around the petting zoo[otherwise]away[end if]."; now current is not petfollowing; now current is in petting zoo; The trail of slime is scenery. The description of the trail of slime is "This trail is pretty slippery!"; Slipperytime is a scene. Slipperytime begins when the racing slug is in tango temptations. When slipperytime begins: slipperize the floor; Report going when the racing slug is petfollowing: if the location is not Doña Villar's tango temptations: say "The racing slug leaves a trail of slime behind it that is slowly evaporating."; now the trail of slime is in the location; Every turn: if the trail of slime is not in the location: now the trail of slime is nowhere; A thing has a thing called the homebox. The homebox of a thing is usually the lettuce tray. The homebox of the mushroom cap is the crate of mushrooms. The homebox of the bratwurst is the plate of bratwursts. Every turn: while the number of petfollowing animals > 1: let current be a random petfollowing animal; let L be a list of things; let M be a list of things; repeat with funnyguy running through petfollowing animals: if funnyguy is not current: add funnyguy to L; add the preferred food of funnyguy to M; now funnyguy is not petfollowing; now the preferred food of funnyguy is in the homebox of the preferred food of funnyguy; now funnyguy is in petting zoo; say "Now there's multiple animals following you. The [L] take[if the number of entries in L is 1]s[end if] advantage of the confusion to eat the [M] before losing interest in you."; Lastwalkingroom is a room that varies. Lastwalkingroom is welcome booth. Before going a direction: now lastwalkingroom is the location of the player; repeat with current running through petfollowing animals in the location of the player: if the noun is south and the player is in Prowling Promenade: say "[The current] looks terrified of the menagerie! It goes back to the petting zoo."; now current is in petting zoo; now current is not petfollowing; otherwise if the noun is east and the player is in Bitter end: say "[The current] looks terrified. It leaves to the west."; now current is in petting zoo; now current is not petfollowing; Section 3 - Petting Understand "pet [something]" as rubbing. [custom eating and petting text?] A thing can be zootype or not zootype. A thing is usually not zootype. Tailypo is zootype. Truffle pig is zootype. Racing slug is zootype. Instead of rubbing a zootype animal: if the noun is the tailypo: say "It bristles but allows you to pet it. It does look less grumpy."; otherwise if the noun is the truffle pig: say "It oinks merrily at your touch."; otherwise if the noun is the racing slug: say "It's very squishy, but you do it. The slug looks happy."; otherwise: say "You pet [the noun] gently. It looks happy!"; now currentanimal is the noun; now the noun is happy; [ if the number of happy animals > 1: reveal the ribbon;] Section 4 - Ribbon [The ribbon is a thing. The description of the ribbon is "This is a long purple ribbon." Understand "long" or "purple" as the ribbon. RibbonFound is a truth state that varies. RibbonFound is false. To reveal the ribbon: if RibbonFound is false: now ribbon is in Petting Zoo; now RibbonFound is true; say "[line break][The currentanimal] dances in joy. When it moves, you see behind it a ribbon that you hadn't noticed before, lying on the ground." Instead of wearing the ribbon: say "It looks like it belongs to someone else."] Chapter 2 - Menagerie The Menagerie is south from The Prowling Promenade. "This attraction is lively and loud. You are in a red brick plaza in the middle of all the dangerous animal exhibits of the [fakemenagerie]. To the [bold type]west[roman type] lies the Griffin Exhibit, to the [bold type]east[roman type] lies the Skull Scraper Sanctuary, and to the [bold type]south[roman type] is the Lupine Lair. You can also go [bold type]up[roman type] to the Abandoned Shrine and [bold type]down[roman type] from here is the Rawhead's Refuge. A large menu is posted on a sign here. Escape is to the [bold type]north[roman type]." The fakemenagerie is scenery in the menagerie. The printed name of the fakemenagerie is "menagerie". Understand "menagerie" as the fakemenagerie. Instead of examining the fakemenagerie: try looking; The red brick plaza is scenery in the menagerie. The description of the red brick plaza is "A plaza that leads in every direction. It's made of brilliant red bricks." Understand "brilliant" as the plaza. Instead of listening when the location is the menagerie: say "It is indeed lively and loud here!" The keeper's menu is scenery in the Menagerie. Understand "sign" or "post" or "posted" or "large" as the keeper's menu. The white ticket is a ticket. The white ticket is part of the keeper's menu. The description of the Keeper's Menu is "'Our keepers know exactly what foods their charges desire. Here is a list of foods that the zookeeper uses, along with their special properties that the animals love! To see what animals like, check out their enclosures! B-Bloodiness S-Sloppiness R-Rawness [fixed letter spacing] B/S/R FOOD[paragraph break] 7/5/4 GOAT[line break] 7/3/5 LAMB[line break] 5/3/4 BANTAM[line break] 3/3/5 MINNOW[line break] 3/3/5 RAT[variable letter spacing]'[if the white ticket is part of the keeper's menu] There is also a white ticket attached to the menu.[end if]" Before taking the white ticket: if the white ticket is part of the keeper's menu: now the white ticket is carried by the player; say "You peel off the ticket." instead; The glass of milk is a beverage. The correspondent drink of the white ticket is the milk. The description of the milk is "A refreshing glass of milk." The refreshingtext of the glass of milk is "Nice and cold. That was very refreshing!" The menarea is a region. The menagerie is in menarea. An informational sign is a kind of thing. Understand "informational" or "sign" as an informational sign. An informational sign is always scenery. Instead of talking to an animal: say "[The noun] looks at you in utter confusion." Section 1 - The griffin The GriffinExhibit is west of the Menagerie. The description of the GriffinExhibit is "This exhibit looks has the appearance of dreadful wilds, with false crags and pools of water. There is an informational sign here. The rest of the menagerie is to the [bold type]east[roman type]." The GriffinExhibit is in Menarea. The printed name of the GriffinExhibit is "Griffin Exhibit". The false crags are faroff scenery in the GriffinExhibit. The description of the false crags is "It's painted scenery, but impressive." Understand "dreadful" or "wilds" or "wild" or "false" or "crag" or "crags" as the false crags. The pools of water are plural-named faroff scenery in the GriffinExhibit. The description of the pools of water is "Fresh water is provided for the griffin." Understand "fresh" as the pools of water. Instead of swimming when the player is in Griffinexhibit: say "The water is on the wrong side of the bars."; The griffin is a faroff animal in the GriffinExhibit. "A [griffin] stalks back and forth here, watching you keenly." The description of the griffin is "[one of]This animal is not a pleasant one to look at. It has a large head with sharp teeth, powerful claws and a projecting tail. How they got an animal to look like that, you can't imagine. Its wings are moving, even. Is it an ostrich in a costume? It must be.[or]The griffin is most likely an ostrich in fierce-looking costume. It couldn't be real, could it?[stopping]" Understand "savage" or "teeth" or "wings" or "stout" or "wild" or "projecting" or "claw" or "tooth" or "claws" or "tail" or "powerful" as the griffin. The fierce-looking costume is worn by the griffin. Understand "barb" or "barbed" or "point" as the fierce-looking costume. The description of the costume is "The costume includes a fierce, barbed tail and felt teeth." The GriffinSign is an informational sign in the GriffinExhibit. The description of the GriffinSign is "It reads, 'The griffin is a fiercely independent but intelligent creature who loves bloody food.'" Section 2 - Skull Scraper The SkullScraperSanctuary is east of the Menagerie. The description of the SkullScraperSanctuary is "This dark room is lined with many, many skulls. Plastic, you presume. There is an informational sign here. The rest of the menagerie is to the [bold type]west[roman type]." The printed name of the SkullScraperSanctuary is "Skull Scraper Sanctuary". The SkullScraperSanctuary is in Menarea. The plastic skulls are plural-named faroff scenery in the SkullScraperSanctuary. The description of the plastic skulls is "These are surprisingly true to life!" The skull scraper is a faroff animal in the SkullScraperSanctuary. "A vicous sharp-toothed [skull scraper] hops around this exhibit." The description of the skull scraper is "The skull scraper is small creature with extremely sharp teeth. You can only assume it must be a variant of rabbit, but it doesn't look like any rabbit you've seen. Instead of hopping, it scurries from place to place, occasionally gnawing on skulls." Understand "rabbit" or "legendary" or "vicious" or "sharp-toothed" or "sharp" or "creature" or "teeth" or "tooth" as the skull scraper. The ScraperSign is an informational sign in the SkullScraperSanctuary. The description of the scrapersign is "It reads, 'The skull scraper is a fastidious creature that prefers raw food but detests sloppiness.'" Section 3 - Tophat wolf The Lupine Lair is south from Menagerie. The Lupine Lair is in Menarea. The description of the Lupine Lair is "This unusual exhibit looks like an alley between two suburban houses. A strange choice for a menagerie, but Grooverland is a strange place. There is an informational sign here. The rest of the menagerie is back to the [bold type]north[roman type]." The suburban houses are faroff scenery in the lupine lair. The suburban houses are plural-named. The description of the suburban houses is "These are just facades of houses, of course." Understand "facade" or "facades" or "house" as the suburban houses. The alley is faroff scenery in Lupine Lair. Understand "exhibit" or "environment" as the alley. The description of the alley is "This exhibit recreates a suburban environment." The wolf is a faroff animal in Lupine Lair. "A [wolf] wearing a top hat prowls here, never looking away from you." Understand "semi-sentient" as the wolf. The top hat is worn by the wolf. The description of the top hat is "How this is staying on, you may never know." The description of the wolf is "A wolf that is, for some reason, wearing a top hat." The wolfsign is an informational sign in the Lupine Lair. The description of the wolfsign is "It reads, 'This semi-sentient wolf is the only one of its kind known. It especially enjoys sloppy meals.'" Section 4 - Rawhead The Rawhead's Refuge is down from Menagerie. The Rawhead's Refuge is in Menarea. The description of the Rawhead's Refuge is "This is a dark burrow with shadows everywhere. You'll have to be careful down here. There is an informational sign here. The rest of the menagerie is [bold type]up[roman type] from here." The dark burrow is faroff scenery in the Rawhead's Refuge. Understand "shadow" or "shadows" as the dark burrow. The description of the dark burrow is "The perfect hiding place for a killer." The rawhead is a faroff animal in the Rawhead's Refuge. "The [rawhead] lurks in a corner here." The description of the rawhead is "The rawhead lurks in the corner. What seem to be glistening red sinews constitute its skin. Although it might just be a bald bear." Understand "bald" or "bear" as the rawhead. The glistening red sinews are part of rawhead. The description of glistening red sinews is "It looks like sinew. Although you're not quite sure what sinew is." Understand "sinew" or "skin" as the glistening red sinews. The rawheadsign is an informational sign in the Rawhead's Refuge. The description of the rawheadsign is "It reads, 'The rawhead is best not described in detail. It loves raw things.'" Section 5 - The shrine beast The Abandoned Shrine is up from Menagerie. The Abandoned Shrine is in Menarea. The description of the Abandoned Shrine is "This exhibit is made up to look like an abandoned shrine. There are so many places for something to hide. There is an informational sign here. The rest of the menagerie is [bold type]down[roman type] from here." The rough shrine is scenery in the Abandoned shrine. Understand "abandoned" or "exhibit" as the rough shrine. The shrine beast is a faroff animal in Abandoned Shrine. "A shadowy [shrine beast] prowls from hiding place to hiding place." Understand "shadowy" or "black" or "panther" as the shrine beast. The description of the shrine beast is "It's hard to see it, but it looks like a black panther, only...larger." The ShrineSign is an informational sign in the abandoned shrine. The description of the shrinesign is "It reads, 'The shrine beast is a legendary creature with sightings dating back to the Edo period in Japan. It prefers bloody, but not raw, food.'" Part 4 - Mechanical rides [add sounds] The Mechanical Marvels is east from The Prowling Promenade. "[if the maintenance crew is in mechanical marvels]This part of the park is blocked off by a [maintenance crew] working on what looks like a [clogged pipe]. Some of the park goers try to go past, but the crew turn them back to the [bold type]west[roman type][otherwise if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 4]This part of the park seems abandoned. You see no one. You can go [bold type]west[roman type] to the animals or [bold type]east[roman type] to the frightening attractions[otherwise if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 0]The air here is split with sounds of screams and clanks from the nearby attractions. Some of the robed crowd scurries to the [bold type]west[roman type], while others trot [bold type]east[roman type] to the Spooky Sideshow[otherwise]The air here is split with sounds of screams and clanks from the nearby attractions. Some of the park-goers pass by quickly to more quiet areas to the [bold type]west[roman type], while others run eagerly into the attractions and to the Spooky Sideshow to the [bold type]east[roman type][end if][if the maintenance crew is in mechanical marvels].[otherwise][marvelgates].[end if]" The clanking sounds are plural-named immaterial scenery in the mechanical marvels. Understand "clank" or "clanks" or "scream" or "screams" or "loud" as the clanking sounds. Instead of listening to the clanking sounds: try examining the clanking sounds The description of the clanking sounds is "The clanks and screams are quite loud!" To say marvelgates: say ". To the [bold type]north[roman type] is a [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]massive serpent[otherwise]towering facade[end if] that has the words [italic type][towering facade][roman type] [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]tattooed on it in red ink[otherwise]at the top in bright red paint[end if]. To the [bold type]south[roman type] is a [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]grim mansion[otherwise]dark black box-shaped structure[end if] with the words [italic type][dark black box-shaped structure][roman type] inscribed on it in silver[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 3]. You've been here a long time, now. You are weary[end if]" When dragonscene begins: now the description of Mechanical marvels is "Fire burns throughout this area, as well as the Prowling Promenade to the [bold type]west[roman type] and the Spooky Sideshow to the [bold type]east[roman type]. To the [bold type]north[roman type] is the Serpent Slide, and to the [bold type]south[roman type] is the mansion containing Midnight Laserfight."; The avid park-goers are scenery largegroup people in the mechanical marvels. Understand "park" or "goer" or "park-goer" or "goers" or "confused" as the avid park-goers. The description of the avid park-goers is "[if the maintenance crew is in mechanical marvels]The park-goers seem confused by the maintenance crew.[otherwise]Everyone seems to be hurrying through this area, either to get to the rides or to escape the noise.[end if]" The scurrying crowd is scenery largegroup people. Understand "trot" or "robed" or "robe" or "robes" as the scurrying crowd. THe description of the scurrying crowd is "When did everyone get robes?" Every turn when the player is in Mechanical marvels: if the maintenance crew is in mechanical marvels: do nothing; When fiveregalia begins: now the scurrying crowd is nowhere; now the avid park-goers are nowhere; When oneregalia begins: now the avid park-goers are nowhere; now the scurrying crowd is in mechanical marvels; Before going a direction (called currentdirection) (this is the blockpipe rule): if the player is in Mechanical Marvels: if currentdirection is not west: if the maintenance crew is in Mechanical Marvels: say "A crew member comes up to you. 'Sorry, hun, this area is closed for now. We've got a pipe clogged up.'" instead; The clogged pipe is scenery in mechanical marvels. Understand "fountain" or "blocked" or "large" as the clogged pipe. The clogged pipe is an enterable container. The red fungus is a faroff part of the clogged pipe. Understand "something" or "growing" or "deep" as the red fungus. The description of the red fungus is "There's definitely something growing in there. Looks like a red fungus you saw in biology class. They said it was edible, but you wouldn't eat it!" The description of the clogged pipe is "[if the chief engineer is in mechanical marvels]There is a large pipe sticking out of the ground at an angle in the middle of a dry fountain. It looks like there's some kind of [fungus] growing deep inside. It's big, but not big enough for a grownup to fit inside. It look like it's turned off[otherwise]The fountain has now been repaired. Water flows freely from the fountain[end if]." The free flowing water is faroff scenery. The description of the free flowing water is "The water looks fresh and clear." Understand "fresh" or "clear" as the free flowing water. Instead of interrogating someone about the red fungus: try interrogating the noun about the clogged pipe; Instead of entering the clogged pipe: say "No way! That's scary! And you don't like fungus that much." Instead of throwing the mushroom cap at the clogged pipe: try inserting the mushroom cap into the clogged pipe; Pointing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "point to/at [something]" as pointing. Carry out pointing: say "You promised your hunting instructor that you wouldn't point unless you found a deer." Instead of pointing the clogged pipe: if the truffle pig is petfollowing: say "The pig looks at you, sad to not receive the mushroom cap. But then it sees where you're pointing and investigates happily."; repair the pipe; otherwise: say "You point at the pipe. Nothing happens."; Instead of inserting the mushroom cap into the clogged pipe: if the truffle pig is petfollowing: say "The pig watches as you toss the mushroom cap into the clogged pipe. At first, it looks shocked, but as it gets closer to the pipe, it sniffs, intrigued."; repair the pipe; otherwise: say "Seems like a waste of a good mushroom, with no one here to enjoy it."; To repair the pipe: say "[line break]It climbs into the [fungus]-filled pipe while the maintenance crew stare in surprise. After a minute or two of munching noises, the pig emerges from a now-empty pipe and trots away to the petting zoo. The engineer says, 'Let [']er rip, boys!' They turn the wheel, and water gushes out of the pipe, turning the fountain back on. 'Thanks, kid, you're one in a million,' says the engineer as he and his crew pack up and go. The rest of the park is now open!"; now the printed name of the clogged pipe is "fountain"; now the red fungus is nowhere; now the truffle pig is not petfollowing; now the truffle pig is in petting zoo; now the mushroom cap is in the crate of mushrooms; now the maintenance crew is nowhere; now the chief engineer is nowhere; now the free flowing water is part of the clogged pipe; releasedad; [here change it into a fountain when you fix it] [The yellow tape is scenery in Mechanical Marvels. The description of the yellow tape is "It's blocking off this entire area."] [Every turn: if maintenance crew is not in mechanical marvels: now the yellow tape is nowhere;] The towering facade is scenery in Mechanical Marvels. Understand "serpent" or "slide" or "red" as the towering facade. The description of the towering facade is "[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]It looks like it's breathing.[otherwise]Your sister told you this is one of the most popular rides.[end if]" The printed name of the towering facade is "Serpent Slide". The towering facade can be tattooed or untattooed. Understand the tattooed property as describing the towering facade. Understand "tattoo" or "massive" as tattooed. Understand "paint" or "bright" as untattooed. The dark black box-shaped structure is scenery in Mechanical Marvels. Understand "silver" or "midnight" or "laserfight" or "arena" as the dark black box-shaped structure. The description of the dark black box-shaped structure is "[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]This seems much more elaborate than it was when you came into the park.[otherwise]This might be just for older kids, but you'll have to see.[end if]" The printed name of the dark black box-shaped structure is "Midnight Laserfight". The dark black box-shaped structure can be mansion or unmansion. Understand the mansion property as describing the dark black box-shaped structure. Understand "grim" as mansion. Understand "box" or "shaped" as unmansion. When tworegalia begins: now the towering facade is tattooed; now the dark black box-shaped structure is mansion; [now the towering facade is nowhere; now the massive serpent is in Mechanical marvels; now the dark black box-shaped structure is nowhere; now the grim mansion is in Mechanical Marvels;] Chapter 1 - Serpent Slide Before going north from Mechanical Marvels (this is the nowhistle rule): if the safety whistle is not enclosed by the player: say "You can hear your dad shouting. 'Hey, Lily! I've heard it's not safe in there! Make sure you find a way to keep from getting lost before you go in there!' [one of][or][or]He adds, 'I think that lady up front had something for you. You should check in with her.' [stopping][if Dad is in mechanical marvels]Then he goes back to looking at the rides[otherwise]Then he runs off again[end if]." instead; The nowhistle rule is listed after the blockpipe rule in the before rules. Serpentarea is a region. Serpent Slide is in Serpentarea. Ribcage is in Serpentarea. Sunroom is in SerpentArea. Stomach is in SerpentArea. Bowels is in SerpentArea. The Serpent Slide is north from The Mechanical Marvels. "This room contains a square pyramid-shaped ramp that leads to a giant opening shaped like the mouth of a huge, feathered serpent. Inside the opening is a bright red slide going [bold type]down[roman type]. You can leave to the [bold type]south[roman type]." The bright red slide is a door. The bright red slide is open and unopenable and unlocked. The bright red slide is down from the Serpent slide. Understand "opening" or "mouth" or "huge" or "feathered" or "serpent" as the bright red slide. Before entering the bright red slide: if the player is in The Serpent Slide: say "You scoot down the slide."; otherwise: say "You painstakingly crawl back up the slide."; The bright red slide is scenery. Understand "serpent" as the bright red slide. The description of the bright red slide is "The slide is spongy and soft." Instead of touching or rubbing the bright red slide: say "It compresses under your hand."; The square pyramid ramp is an enterable supporter in The Serpent Slide. The description of the square pyramid ramp is "Steps ascend it on every side. Flames are painted on the blackened surface." Understand "step" or "steps" or "black" or "blackened" as the square pyramid ramp. The painted flames are part of the square pyramid ramp. The painted flames are plural-named. The description of the painted flames is "If this were a real Chandler Groover game, these would be burning and doing other cool things. Unfortunately, this is not a real Chandler Groover game. " The square pyramid ramp is scenery. Instead of climbing the square pyramid ramp: try entering the square pyramid ramp; Instead of going nowhere from the serpent slide when the noun is up: try entering the square pyramid ramp; Before going down from The Serpent Slide: if the player is on the square pyramid ramp: say "You scoot down the slide."; now the player is in Ribcage instead; Before putting something on the bright red slide: if the player is in The Serpent Slide: say "You set down [the noun] on the slide. It disappears from view."; now the noun is in Ribcage instead; otherwise: say "You set down [the noun] on the slide, but it just rolls back." Section 1 - Ribcage Understand the command "read" as something new. Reading is an action applying to one thing. Understand "read [something]" as reading. Carry out reading: try examining the noun; The Ribcage is down from the bright red slide. "This large cylindrical room is constructed from mottled rubber webbing stretched between plastic ribs. The webbing pulses in and out to the hiss of hidden machinery. The way the ribs pulse in and out is fascinating[if the unusual rib is enclosed by ribcage], although they seem misshapen[end if]. You can try climbing back [bold type]up[roman type] or continue sliding [bold type]down[roman type]." The hidden machinery is scenery in the ribcage. Understand "machine" or "machines" as the hidden machinery. The hiss is faroff scenery in the ribcage. The description of the hiss is "There is a faint hissing sound here." Instead of listening to the hiss: try examining the hiss; Instead of listening when the player is in Ribcage: try listening to the hiss; Instead of doing something with the hidden machinery: say "You don't know if there actually is machinery, it's just implied." The description of the hidden machinery is "You don't know if there actually is machinery, it's just implied." The plastic ribs are scenery in The Ribcage. Understand "bones" or "misshapen" as the plastic ribs. The description of the plastic ribs is "The ribs are spaced evenly around the room, supporting the webbing[if the unusual rib is not nowhere]. One unusual rib sticks out to you[end if]. " The mottled rubber webbing is scenery in Ribcage. The description of the mottled rubber webbing is "This rubbery webbing is stretched between the plastic bones. It is emblazoned with foreign script lightly carved into the rubber." Understand "rubbery" or "rubber" or "soft" or "flexible" as the mottled rubber webbing. Instead of touching or rubbing the mottled rubber webbing: say "The webbing is soft and flexible."; The carved foreign script is scenery in Ribcage. The description of the carved foreign script is "On closer inspection, the foreign script looks like graffiti etched in by countless troubled teenagers over the years." Understand "graffiti" as the carved foreign script. Instead of reading the carved foreign script: say "It's just graffiti. 'Frodo Lives', 'Kilroy was here.' The usual." The unusual rib is scenery in the Ribcage. The description of the unusual rib is "This rib seems to be hanging loosely." To push is a verb. Instead of taking or pushing or pulling the unusual rib: say "The rib shifts under your weight. You push again and it comes off in your hand. This isn't a rib at all! It's a plastic beam that says 'HYDRAULICS'."; now the unusual rib is nowhere; now the plastic beam is carried by the player; set pronouns from the plastic beam; Does the player mean doing something with the plastic beam: it is unlikely; The plastic beam is a thing. The description of the plastic beam is "This is a long shaft made of plastic. It says 'HYDRAULICS' on it in large letters." Understand "rib" or "lever" or "hydraulics" as the plastic beam. Understand "long" or "shaft" as the plastic beam. Before going down from the Serpent Slide (this is the slide-riding rule): say "You ride down the slide until it comes to its first stop[if the number of petfollowing animals > 0]. The [list of petfollowing animals] slides down as well[end if]." Before going up from the Ribcage: say "You carefully climb back up the slide[if the number of petfollowing animals > 0]. The [list of petfollowing animals] climbs up with you[end if]." Before going down from the Ribcage: say "You ride down the slide again to the second stop[if the number of petfollowing animals > 0]. The [list of petfollowing animals] slides down as well[end if]." Before going up from Stomach: say "You carefully climb back up the slide[if the number of petfollowing animals > 0]. The [list of petfollowing animals] climbs up with you[end if]." Section 2 - Stomach The Stomach is down from the Ribcage. The description of the Stomach is "You stand on the shore of a shallow lake lit underneath by some sort of yellow source. Mist is pumped over the water from the edges of the lake. To the [bold type]north[roman type], beyond the lake, is a glowing room. You can climb back [bold type]up[roman type] the slide, too[if the bony bridge is in stomach] A bridge of bones and body parts (plastic, of course) leads north[end if]." The plastic skeleton is in The Stomach. "A [plastic skeleton] lies partially in the lake." Reactiontext of the plastic skeleton is "[if the tailypo is petfollowing]The tailypo looks at the glowing room with excitement[otherwise]Your animal companion seems disturbed by its surroundings[end if]." The description of the plastic skeleton is "One of the skeleton's arms seems positioned like a lever." The misty yellow lake is scenery in the stomach. Understand "mist" or "water" or "edge" or "edges" as the misty yellow lake. The description of the misty yellow lake is "The water looks nasty." The yellow light source is faroff scenery in the stomach. The description of the yellow light source is "It's probably just some regular yellow light under the water." Instead of drinking the misty yellow lake: say "You drink the water, and everything begins spinning. You've ingested the microbes of dozens of bizarre people and creatures."; end the story saying "You wake up in the hospital days later"; Instead of touching the misty yellow lake: say "It feels gross." Swimming is an action applying to nothing. Understand "swim" as swimming. Carry out swimming: if the player is in Stomach: say "No way! Gross!"; otherwise if the player is in mechanical marvels: if the chief engineer is nowhere: say "You promised your swimming teacher you wouldn't swim in unapproved pools again." instead; otherwise: say "The fountain is dry, unfortunately."; otherwise: say "There's nothing to swim in, here!" The lever arm is part of the plastic skeleton. The bony bridge is scenery. The description of the bony bridge is "This is made of plastic bones and rubber body parts." Understand "plastic" or "bones" or "rubber" or "body" or "parts" as the bony bridge. Instead of pulling the plastic skeleton: try pulling the lever arm; Does the player mean pulling the lever arm: it is likely; The plastic skeleton is a person. Instead of talking to the plastic skeleton: say "The animatronic skeleton responds to your voice: '...my sorceries were useless against it... all my studies wasted... my magic impotent... check out the Grooverland gift shop!... although I did not plan to die when I first wove the binding years ago...'" Instead of interrogating the plastic skeleton about something: say "It doesn't seem programmed to respond to specific questions. It just drones on and on about its endless torment and various merchandise options." The description of the lever arm is "It's positioned to look like a lever." Instead of turning the lever arm: try pulling the lever arm; Instead of pulling the lever arm: if the bony bridge is not in the stomach: say "A bridge to the [bold type]north[roman type] rises out of the water made of plastic bones and rubber body parts."; now the bony bridge is in The Stomach; otherwise: say "The bridge sinks back down into the depths."; now the bony bridge is nowhere; Carry out pushing the lever arm: say "It seems stuck in that direction." Instead of going nowhere when the player is in The Stomach: say "There is no clear way to cross the lake."; Instead of taking the lever arm: say "This arm is firmly attached. There is no doubt that it belongs here." [change this if lever is pulled] Section 3 - The Sun The Sunroom is north from The Stomach. "You can leave to the [bold type]south[roman type]. This is a large round room made of orange plastic. In the center is a pedestal[if trapdoor is in stomach]. You can go [bold type]down[roman type] to the bowels[end if]." The trapdoor is a scenery thing. Understand "trap" or "door" as the trapdoor. The description of the trapdoor is "It must have been cleverly concealed." Instead of entering the trapdoor: try going down; Instead of closing the trapdoor: say "You're not sure how to close it, to be honest." The orange plastic is scenery in the sunroom. The description of the orange plastic is "This plastic covers the entire room." The pedestal is a scenery supporter in the sunroom. The description of the pedestal is "This is a simple plastic pedestal fixed to the ground." Understand "simple" or "plastic" as the pedestal. Instead of entering the pedestal: say "Looks a bit rickety." Before going north from the Stomach: if the bony bridge is not in the stomach: say "There is no way to cross the lake." instead; The Sun Orb is on the pedestal. [Traptime is a scene. Traptime begins when the sun orb is carried by the player. When traptime begins: say "The pedestal rises up a bit, and a trap door opens below you. You slide down to the depths of the park."; now the player is in Bowels; change the down exit of sunroom to bowels;] Section 4 - Bowels The Bowels is a room. "This doesn't feel normal. Everything is dark down here, and no one is around. Strange sounds echo down unseen halls[one of][or][or][or]. Only the weight of the whistle on your neck reassures you[stopping]." Instead of listening when the player is in bowels: say "Are those strange echoes from machinery, or the beating of your own heart?" [make this dark and maze-like and frankly scary. Have the player use the whistle, and if they don't, have someone else use the whistle with Toby looking at you quizzically. ] Instead of going up from bowels: say "You can't reach the trap door." The bowelsdoor is faroff scenery in bowels. The printed name of bowelsdoor is "trap door". Understand "trapdoor" or "trap" or "door" as the bowelsdoor. The description of the bowelsdoor is "The trap door is high above you. You're lucky you didn't get hurt falling down!" Before whistleblowing when the player is in the bowels: say "The whistle pierces through the darkness like a knife." [exit?] The unseen halls are scenery in the bowels. Understand "wall" or "floor" or "walls" as the unseen halls. Instead of doing something with the unseen halls: say "The walls, floors and unseen halls are not something you can see or feel clearly. It's just dark and confusing here." The strange sounds are faroff scenery in the bowels. The description of the strange sounds is "It almost feels like someone talking to you from far away. But it's probably in your head." Instead of listening to the strange sounds: try examining the strange sounds; Chapter 2 - Midnight Laserfight Section 1 -Laserfightspace The LaserfightSpace is a region. Before going north to mechanical marvels: say "You exit the Laserfight arena." Section 2 - The machine The hydraulics lever is a backdrop in the LaserfightSpace. The hydraulics lever can be broken or unbroken. The hydraulics lever is broken. Understand "hole" or "slot" as the hydraulics lever. The description of the hydraulics lever is "[if the hydraulics lever is broken]This is a hole with a label saying HYDRAULICS above it. The attendant said that another employee likes to hide it around the park.[otherwise]This lever can be PULLed to raise the set or PUSHed to lower the set." Understand "label" as the hydraulics lever. Does the player mean inserting the plastic beam into the hydraulics lever: it is very likely; Instead of inserting something into the hydraulics lever: say "This hole looks like it'll only fit one specific object." Instead of putting something on the hydraulics lever: try inserting the noun into the hydraulics lever; Instead of putting something on the monitor: try inserting the noun into the hydraulics lever; Instead of inserting something into the monitor: try inserting the noun into the hydraulics lever; Instead of inserting the plastic beam into the hydraulics lever: now the hydraulics lever is unbroken; now the plastic beam is nowhere; say "You slide the hydraulics lever into the hole. It fits perfectly! Now everything should work just fine." The directional knob is a backdrop in the LaserfightSpace. Understand "dial" as the directional knob. The description of the directional knob is "It can be turned right (aka clockwise) or left (aka counterclockwise)." Understand "dial" as the directional knob. The duel button is a backdrop in the LaserfightSpace. The description of the duel button is "It is a simple button labelled DUEL." Understand "dual" as the duel button. Singledueling is an action applying to nothing. Understand "duel" or "dual" as singledueling. Carry out singledueling: if the player is in laserfightspace: try pushing the duel button; otherwise: say "You'll have to be at the laserfight arena to duel anyone!"; Understand "start [something]" as switching on. Instead of switching on the duel button: try pushing the duel button; Fromtaking is an action applying to two things. Understand "take [something] from [someone]" as fromtaking. Carry out fromtaking: try taking the noun; Clockwise relates one room to one room. Future relates one room to one room. The verb to clockit means the clockwise relation. The verb to counterit means the reversed clockwise relation. The verb to futureit means the future relation. The verb to pastit means the reversed future relation. Instead of turning the directional knob: if the number of rooms that clockit the location > 0: try rightturning the directional knob; otherwise: try leftturning the directional knob; Futureroom is a room that varies. Pastroom is a room that varies. Clockroom is a room that varies. Counterroom is a room that varies. Unavailable is a room. Every turn when the player is in LaserfightSpace: set the monitors; To set the monitors: let current be the location of the player; let futurecounter be the number of rooms that futureit current; if futurecounter > 0: now futureroom is a random room that futureit current; otherwise: now futureroom is unavailable; let pastcounter be the number of rooms that pastit current; if pastcounter > 0: now pastroom is a random room that pastit current; otherwise: now pastroom is unavailable; let clockcounter be the number of rooms that clockit current; if clockcounter > 0: now clockroom is a random room that clockit current; otherwise: now clockroom is unavailable; let countercounter be the number of rooms that counterit current; if countercounter > 0: now counterroom is a random room that counterit current; otherwise: now counterroom is unavailable; When fiveregalia begins: now the vicomtes are nowhere; now the countesses are nowhere; dontlook is a truth state that varies. dontlook is false; Report looking when the player is in LaserfightSpace: set the monitors; let L be a list of text; if futureroom is not unavailable: add "[futureroom] (available by PUSHing the hydraulics lever)" to L; if pastroom is not unavailable: add "[pastroom] (available by PULLing the hydraulics lever)" to L; if clockroom is not unavailable: add "[clockroom] (available by TURNing the knob CLOCKWISE)" to L; if counterroom is not unavailable: add "[counterroom] (available by TURNing the knob COUNTERCLOCKWISE)" to L; if the player is in Dueling Garden: add "[Temproom] (available by pushing the DUEL button)" to L; otherwise: add "Dueling Garden (available by pushing the DUEL button)" to L; if fiveregalia is happening: say "Everything is dark and shut down."; otherwise: if dontlook is true: say "A monitor describes the room[if the number of entries in L > 0]s[end if] adjacent to this one: [L]. The lever, knob, and button are still next to you. You can leave to the [bold type]north[roman type]."; otherwise: say "Over everything are cranes you can use to TAKE things from or GIVE things to the people below. [if the lever is broken]The wall has a knob labelled 'DIRECTION' that can be turned clockwise (cw) or counterclockwise (cc) and a button labelled 'DUEL' that can be pushed. There is a hole that looks like it could fit a lever if you had one. It's labelled 'HYDRAULICS'[otherwise]The wall has a lever labelled 'HYDRAULICS' that can be pushed or pulled, a knob labelled 'DIRECTION' that can be turned clockwise (cw) or counterclockwise (cc), and a button labelled 'DUEL' that can be pushed[end if]. A monitor describes the room[if the number of entries in L > 0]s[end if] adjacent to this one: [L]. You can leave to the [bold type]north[roman type]." The monitor is a scenery backdrop in laserfightspace. The description of the monitor is "PUSH: [Futureroom] PULL: [Pastroom] CLOCKWISE: [Clockroom] COUNTERCLOCKWISE: [Counterroom] DUEL: [if the player is in Garden][Temproom][otherwise]Garden[end if]" Instead of pulling the hydraulics lever: let roomcount be the number of rooms that pastit the location of the player; if fiveregalia is happening: say "Nothing happens. Looks like it's shut down."; otherwise if roomcount > 0: say "The lever clanks back to neutral and the room shifts upward on a massive piston, raising a new room up from down below."; let newroom be a random room that pastits the location of the player; now dontlook is true; now the player is in newroom; change the south exit of the Mechanical Marvels to newroom; otherwise: say "There is a grinding of gears, but nothing happens."; Instead of pushing the hydraulics lever: let roomcount be the number of rooms that futureit the location of the player; if fiveregalia is happening: say "Nothing happens. Looks like it's shut down."; otherwise if roomcount > 0: say "The lever clanks back to neutral and the room shifts downward on a massive piston, lowering a new room down from above."; let newroom be a random room that futureits the location of the player; now dontlook is true; now the player is in newroom; change the south exit of the Mechanical Marvels to newroom; otherwise: say "There is a grinding of gears, but nothing happens."; Instead of turning the directional knob: if fiveregalia is happening: do nothing; otherwise: say "What direction do you want to turn the knob, clockwise (cw) or counterclockwise (cc)?" Rightturning is an action applying to one thing. Understand "turn [something] right" or "turn [something] cw" or "turn [something] clockwise" or "clockwise [something]" or "cw [something]" as rightturning. Carry out rightturning: say "You would gain no benefit from turning that clockwise." Does the player mean rightturning the directional knob: it is very likely; Instead of rightturning the directional knob: let roomcount be the number of rooms that clockit the location of the player; if fiveregalia is happening: say "Nothing happens. Looks like it's shut down."; otherwise if roomcount > 0: say "The knob spins and the whole room rotates clockwise, revealing a new room!"; let newroom be a random room that clockits the location of the player; now dontlook is true; now the player is in newroom; change the south exit of the Mechanical Marvels to newroom; otherwise: say "There is a grinding of gears, but nothing happens."; Leftturning is an action applying to one thing. Understand "turn [something] left" or "turn [something] counterclockwise/counterclockwise" or "turn [something] cc/ccw" or "counterclockwise [something]" or "counterclockwise [something]" or "cc [something]" or "ccw [something]" as leftturning. Carry out leftturning: say "[we] would gain no benefit from turning that counterclockwise." Does the player mean leftturning the directional knob: it is very likely; Singlerightturning is an action applying to nothing. Understand "turn cw/clockwise/right" as singlerightturning. Carry out singlerightturning: if the player is in laserfightspace: try rightturning the directional knob; otherwise: say "Nothing here needs to be turned like that." Singleleftturning is an action applying to nothing. Understand "turn cc/counterclockwise/left/ccw" as singleleftturning. Carry out singleleftturning: if the player is in laserfightspace: try leftturning the directional knob; otherwise: say "Nothing here needs to be turned like that." Instead of leftturning the directional knob: let roomcount be the number of rooms that counterit the location of the player; if fiveregalia is happening: say "Nothing happens. Looks like it's shut down."; otherwise if roomcount > 0: say "The knob spins and the whole room rotates counterclockwise, revealing a new room!"; let newroom be a random room that counterits the location of the player; now dontlook is true; now the player is in newroom; change the south exit of the Mechanical Marvels to newroom; otherwise: say "There is a grinding of gears, but nothing happens."; The Ballroom is south from Mechanical Marvels. ["This spacious room has a marble floor that reflects the light from an enormous chandelier. However, it is just a set. You can see curtains above and see hydraulics below for controlling it."] Report going south from Mechanical Marvels for the first time: set the monitors; say "You're stopped on the way in. 'Oh, there's our birthday girl!' says an attendant, beaming at you. 'We have a special treat for you. You're just a little too young to compete in the laserfights, but you get to operate the controls of our Midnight Laserfight set!' She walks you over to a control panel off-stage. She says, 'It's a little complicated, but basically, you control the set with this. The players are in exploration phase right now. Turn the knob or pull the lever to help them find new rooms, use the crane to take and drop weapons and armor for the players, then push the duel button to start the actual fight.' She looks closer at the control panel. 'Dang it, Brad! I told him not to mess with the panel. It looks like the lever is missing again. He likes to hide it around the park. I'm going to go tell my manager. Have fun here, though!' she says, and she walks away." Temproom is a room that varies. TempRoom is Ballroom. The black walls are a plural-named backdrop in laserfightspace. The description of the black walls is "The black walls seem featureless, except for the controls near you." Understand "wall" or "featureless" or "side" or "front" as the black walls. [going front or side?] Instead of pushing the duel button: if fiveregalia is happening: say "Nothing happens. Looks like it's shut down."; otherwise if the player is enclosed by the Dueling Garden: say "A wall closes over the garden, hiding it from view. A different wall, to the side, opens, revealing a room called [TempRoom]."; now dontlook is true; now the player is in TempRoom; change the south exit of Mechanical Marvels to TempRoom; otherwise: say "A wall closes over the [TempRoom]. A different wall, to the front, opens up, revealing the Dueling Garden."; now TempRoom is the location of the player; now dontlook is true; now the player is in the Dueling Garden; change the south exit of Mechanical Marvels to the Dueling Garden; Section 3 - The combatants The countesses are faroff people in Ballroom. Understand "women" or "contessas" or "contesses" or "teams" or "team" as the countesses. The vicomtes are faroff plural-named people in Ballroom. The countesses are plural-named. Every turn when fiveregalia is not happening: if the player is in laserfightspace: if the vicomtes are not in the location of the player: if the location is the Dueling garden: do nothing; otherwise if dueltime has ended and the time since dueltime ended is 0 minutes: do nothing; otherwise: say "The Vicomtes and Countesses pour out of various openings onto the new set."; now the vicomtes are in the location of the player; now the countesses are in the location of the player; The various openings are a faroff scenery backdrop in laserfightspace. The description of the various openings is "These are simply a way for everyone to get around". The description of the vicomtes is "This group of people are so wild and diverse they are impossible to describe. Your sister Alice might say they have a look that 'inspires passion', but that's just Alice. They are carrying [a list of things carried by the vicomtes][if the number of things worn by vicomtes > 0] and wearing [a random thing worn by the vicomtes][end if]." Understand "vicomte" or "team" or "teams" as the vicomtes. The description of the countesses is "These masked and dangerous women wear outrageous gowns. They are carrying [a list of things carried by the countesses][if the number of things worn by countesses > 0] and wearing [a random thing worn by the countesses][end if]." Understand "masked" or "countess" or "mask" or "masks" or "dangerous" or "outrageous" or "gowns" as the countesses. The new can't take people's possessions rule is listed instead of the can't take people's possessions rule in the check taking rulebook. This is the new can't take people's possessions rule: if the player is not in laserfightspace: if the noun is enclosed by a nonplayerly person (called the boss): if the boss is yourself: say "You've already got that!"; otherwise: say "You promised your pickpocketing teacher that you would only steal in class, and [the noun] seems to belong to [regarding the noun][the boss]." instead; otherwise: if the noun is enclosed by a scenery person: say "You promised your pickpocketing teacher that you would only steal in class, and [the noun] seems to belong to [regarding the noun][the boss]." instead; A laserweapon is a kind of thing. A laserweapon is always plural-named. When fiveregalia begins: repeat with current running through laserweapons: now current is nowhere; The cranes are faroff plural-named scenery backdrop in laserfightspace. The description of the cranes is "These let you manipulate the weapons and other laserfight equipment." Understand "crane" as the cranes. After taking a laserweapon: say "A crane comes down and takes all of [the noun]."; Instead of dropping a laserweapon: say "You'll have to pick who gets these. You can GIVE [the noun] TO the Vicomtes or the Countesses." [Before going south from mechanical marvels when the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 4: say "The mansion looks like it's shut down for the night." instead;] A thing can be lasery or unlasery. A laserweapon is always lasery. Every turn: if the player is not in laserfightspace: repeat with current running through laserweapons carried by the player: now current is in nowhereland; if the player is in laserfightspace: repeat with current running through laserweapons in nowhereland: now current is carried by the player; Instead of taking inventory when a laserweapon is carried by the player: say "[if the player carries something][We] [are] carrying: [line break]"; now all unlasery things enclosed by the player are marked for listing; now all lasery things carried by the player are unmarked for listing; list the contents of the player, with newlines, indented, giving inventory information, including contents, with extra indentation, listing marked items only; say "[line break][bold type]Things held by the cranes[roman type][line break]"; now all unlasery things enclosed by the player are unmarked for listing; now all lasery things carried by the player are marked for listing; list the contents of the player, with newlines, indented, giving inventory information, including contents, with extra indentation, listing marked items only; Instead of giving a laserweapon to a person in laserfightspace: if the noun is wearable: say "The cranes come down, dropping [the noun]. [The second noun] leap around excitedly and put on the new outfits[if the number of things worn by the second noun > 0] after removing their [random thing worn by the second noun], which you grab[end if]."; if the number of things worn by the second noun > 0: now a random thing worn by the second noun is carried by the player; now the noun is worn by the second noun; otherwise: say "The cranes come down, dropping [the noun]. [The second noun] leap around excitedly and grab them, ready to fight[if the number of things carried by the second noun > 0], dropping their [random thing carried by the second noun], which you grab[end if]."; if the number of things carried by the second noun > 0: now a random thing carried by the second noun is carried by the player; now the noun is carried by the second noun; Taking is lasery behavior. Examining is lasery behavior. Dropping is lasery behavior. Giving is lasery behavior. Understand "give [a laserweapon]" as dropping. Before doing something with a laserweapon: if the current action is not lasery behavior: say "[The noun] [are] too far away." instead; A laserweapon has a number called the combat strength. The combat strength of a laserweapon is usually 0. The red motley is a wearable laserweapon. The red motley is worn by Vicomtes. The description of the red motley is "This outfit is filled with bells, and makes people act silly." Understand "outfit" or "bells" as the red motley. The white motley is a wearable laserweapon. The white motley is worn by Countesses. The description of the white motley is "This outfit is filled with bells, and makes people act silly." Understand "outfit" or "bells" as the white motley. The indefinite article of the red motley is "some". The indefinite article of the white motley is "some". The red laserpistols are a plural-named laserweapon. The description of the red laserpistols is "These simple red weapons are the most basic tool used in this game." Understand "pistol" or "pistols" or "gun" or "laser" or "guns" or "lasers" as the red laserpistols. The red laserpistols are carried by the vicomtes. The white laserpistols are carried by the countesses. The white laserpistols are a plural-named laserweapon. The description of the white laserpistols is "These simple white weapons are the most basic tool used in the laserfight game." Understand "pistol" or "pistols" or "gun" or "laser" or "guns" or "lasers" as the white laserpistols. The combat strength of the red laserpistols is 1. The combat strength of the white laserpistols is 1. Section 4 - Dueling garden The Dueling Garden is a room. North from the Dueling Garden is Mechanical Marvels. The Dueling Garden is in laserfightspace. The description of the Dueling Garden is "You are standing before a long stretch of astroturf bordered by faux cypress trees. The backdrop is painted with a great, gurgling fountain and a palace with lit windows[first time]. In the center of the Garden is a small table with balloons and a sign saying 'Welcome, Lily!' On the table is an open black box containing a gorgeous ring[only]." The destroyed table is an immaterial scenery thing in Dueling Garden. Understand "balloon" or "balloons" or "small" or "table" or "sign" or "balloon" as the destroyed table. The description of the destroyed table is "All of those decorations were destroyed by the combatants." The fakering is immaterial scenery in dueling garden. Understand "ring" or "box" or "open" or "black" or "regalia" or "missing" as the fakering. The printed name of the fakering is "missing ring". The description of the fakering is "The ring that was here fell beneath the stage." Every turn: if the ring is enclosed by the player: now the fakering is nowhere; The faux cypress trees are scenery in Dueling Garden. The description of the faux cypress trees is "They look like columns in a colonnade. Maybe they were repurposed from another set?" Understand "columns" or "colonnade" as the faux cypress trees. [The countess is a person in the Dueling Garden. The description of the countess is "This animatronic figure is dressed in an outrageous, cumbrous gown. She wears a mask that reveals a scarlet smile, and carries a laser rapier."] Section 5 - Ballroom The Ballroom is a room. North from The Ballroom is Mechanical Marvels. South from Mechanical Marvels is The Ballroom. The Ballroom is in the laserfightspace. The description of The Ballroom is "You are on a soundstage filled with plastic mannequins in dance positions. A plastic chandelier hangs from above. The back of the stage is painted with a grand staircase." The plastic mannequins in dance positions are faroff scenery in the Ballroom. The description of the plastic mannequins in dance positions is "These look sturdy, but not particularly attractive." Understand "sturdy" or "mannequin" as the plastic mannequins in dance positions. The soundstage is a scenery backdrop in laserfightspace. The description of the soundstage is "You are in a control area next to a large hydraulically-operated soundstage." Understand "hydraulically-operated" or "hydraulically" or "operated" or "sound" or "stage" as the soundstage. The plastic chandelier is faroff scenery in the Ballroom. The description of the plastic chandelier is "It looks pretty fancy for something fake." Understand "fancy" or "fake" as the plastic chandelier. The painted grandstaircase is faroff scenery in Ballroom. Understand "grand" or "staircase" as the painted grandstaircase. The printed name of the painted grandstaircase is "painted grand staircase". The description of the painted grandstaircase is "Whoever drew this did a good job!" Section 6 - Grand Staircase The Grand Staircase is a room. North from The Grand Staircase is Mechanical Marvels. The Grand Staircase futureits The Ballroom. The Grand Staircase is in the laserfightspace. The description of the Grand Staircase is "The soundstage is dominated by a monumental staircase covered in red carpet." The monumental staircase is faroff scenery in the grand staircase. Understand "red" or "carpet" as the monumental staircase. The description of the monumental staircase is "It sure must have taken them a long time to make this set!" [Ferdinand is a person in Grand Staircase.] The laser cutlasses are a laserweapon in Grand Staircase. The description of the laser cutlasses is "These short-range weapons are riskier to use but provide more points when they hit." Understand "cutlass" or "cutless" or "cutlesses" or "short" or "range" or "short-range" as the laser cutlasses. Report examining a laserweapon: say "You can TAKE and GIVE them (the cranes will move them automatically)." The combat strength of the laser cutlasses is 2. Section 7 - Black Salon The Black Salon counterits Grand Staircase. North from Black Salon is Mechanical Marvels. The Black Salon is in the laserfightspace. The description of the Black Salon is "Black crepe streamers hang from the ceiling and walls, and black shag carpeting covers the floor. Scarlet radiance slants through scarlet cellophane. An ebony box painted as a grandfather clock is set at one quarter to twelve." Instead of winding the grandfather clock: say "You'd never be able to reach that, and it's made of paper." The black crepe streamers are faroff scenery in the black salon. The description of the black crepe streamers is "Boy, they sure are dusty." Understand "dusty" as the black crepe streamers. The black shag carpeting is faroff scenery in the black salon. The description of the black shag carpeting is "Boy, that looks incredibly comfy!" Understand "carpet" as the black shag carpeting. The scarlet radiance is faroff scenery in the black salon. The description of the scarlet radiance is "It's honestly a very nice visual effect." The grandfather clock is faroff scenery in the black salon. Understand "ebony" or "box" as the grandfather clock. The description of the grandfather clock is "Eh. Could be better. It doesn't look much like a clock." Section 8 - Banquet Hall The Banquet Hall pastits the Black Salon. North from the Banquet Hall is Mechanical Marvels. The Banquet Hall is in the laserfightspace. A thing can be smashed or unsmashed. A thing is usually unsmashed. The weakened floor is scenery in Banquet Hall. The description of the weakened floor is "[if the weakened floor is unsmashed]The floor of this set is much flimsier than the others. You can see cracks extending all the way to you by the controls.[otherwise]The combatant's vigorous movements have caused the floor to smash open. There is a hole extending downwards now." Understand "crack" or "cracks" as the weakened floor. Before entering the weakened floor: if the weakened floor is smashed: try going down instead; Understand "hole" as smashed. Understand the smashed property as describing the weakened floor. The description of the Banquet Hall is "This set is more dynamic than the others. A large table is suspended at an angle in mid-air while a dozen stuffed cherubs pile on the other end. Plastic food is hanging in the air on strings. [if the weakened floor is unsmashed]The floor of this set looks weakened, with cracks stretching all the way over by you at the controls[otherwise]There is an hole in the floor, next to you, going [bold type]down[roman type][end if]." The large table is faroff scenery in the banquet hall. The description of the large table is "Man, that thing looks heavy!" The dozen stuffed cherubs are plural-named faroff scenery in the banquet hall. The description of the dozen stuffed cherubs is "They're so chubby!" Understand "chubby" as the dozen stuffed cherubs. The plastic food on strings is faroff scenery in the banquet hall. The indefinite article of the plastic food on strings is "some". The description of the plastic food on strings is "This looks like it would taste pretty good!" The pink ticket is a ticket in Banquet Hall. "A pink ticket lies near you." Banquettime is a scene. Banquettime begins when the player is in banquet hall for the first time. When banquettime begins: say "A pink ticket flutters out of the machinery and lands by you."; The inflatable kielbasas are a laserweapon in black salon. The description of the inflatable kielbasas is "These are completely ineffective as weapons, but fun nevertheless." Understand "kielbasea" or "kilebases" or "kielbasa" or "kielbases" as the inflatable kielbasas. The combat strength of the inflatable kielbasas is 0. A punch flute is a beverage. The correspondent drink of the pink ticket is the punch flute. The description of the punch flute is "A refreshing-looking pink beverage." Understand "pink" or "fruit" as the punch flute. The refreshingtext of punch flute is "Tastes like fruit punch. Now you're not thirsty anymore!" [for some reason the lever disappears once you leave laserfightspace weird] Section 9 - The cloak room The Cloak Room futureits the Black Salon. North from the cloak room is the mechanical marvels. The cloak room is in laserfightspace. The description of the Cloak Room is "Ornamental oversized overcoats hang from the ceiling, providing a maze for players to run through here." The maze of ornamental oversized overcoats is faroff scenery in the cloak room. The description of the maze of ornamental oversized overcoats is "It reminds you of a book you read in school last year." Understand "overcoat" or "coat" as the maze of ornamental oversized overcoats. The pig wings are a wearable laserweapon in the cloak room. The description of the pig wings is "These pink canvas wings allow the players to get a lot more height." Understand "pink" or "canvas" as the pig wings. Section 10 - Under the stage Understage is a room. "This area was never meant to be seen. Row after row of hydraulic drives, inoperable from this area. It's cold down here. The only way out is [bold type]up[roman type]." The row of hydraulic drives is scenery in Understage. The description of the row of hydraulic drives is "They are immobile for now, but look extremely powerful. This must be what moves the stage around." The little black box is a closed unlocked lockable openable portable container in Understage. "A little black box lies forgotten on the floor." Understand "small" as the little black box. The description of the little black box is "A little black box that must have been misplaced.". The ring is in the little black box. Instead of inserting something into the little black box: say "Nothing really fits in this box. In fact, you're surprised the ring fit in there in the first place!" [add] Section 11 - The Well The Well clockits the Ballroom. North from the well is the Mechanical Marvels. The Well is in Laserfightspace. The description of the well is "A paper moon hangs down here, and a cardboard well sits in the middle of this space." The cardboard truewell is scenery in the well. Understand "well" as the cardboard truewell. The printed name of the cardboard truewell is "cardboard well". The description of the cardboard truewell is "This is very primitive looking." The paper moon is faroff scenery in the well. The description of the paper moon is "This moon has drawings of skeletons and cheese on it. It seems a little loose." Understand "skeleton" or "skeletons" or "cheese" or "shredded" as the paper moon. The vorpal laserswords are a laserweapon. The description of the vorpal laserswords is "These are the ultimate in laserfight technology." Understand "ultimate" or "technology" or "laser" or "sword" or "swords" as the vorpal laserswords. The combat strength of the vorpal laserswords is 4. Before taking the paper moon: if the vorpal laserswords are nowhere: say "The cranes grab the moon and lift it, but it is too fragile and tears apart. A shower of vorpal laserswords falls from the shredded moon."; now the printed name of the paper moon is "shredded paper moon"; now the description of the paper moon is "It is now shredded almost beyond recognition."; now the vorpal laserswords are in the well instead; otherwise: say "The moon is already shredded." instead; Understand "recognize [something]" as examining. Section 12 - Every turn text [fix the text that describes the initial appearance of vicomtes and countesses] Dueltime is a recurring scene. Dueltime begins when the player is in the Dueling Garden. Dueltime ends when the player is in laserfightspace and the player is not in Dueling Garden. Fightresult is a number that varies. Fightresult is 3. [add custom text with each weapon] Onewon is a truth state that varies. Onewon is false. When dueltime begins: if fiveregalia is happening: do nothing; otherwise if onewon is false: say "It's time for the duel! The [vicomtes] pour out of one side and the [countesses] come out of the other, ready to fight. Chaos spreads across the stage. One of the countesses decides to do a barrel roll and smashes directly into the table, sending balloons, sign, and box flying. The ring box snaps closed and flies across the stage and out of sight. You hear a series of 'clunks' as it bounces lower and lower below the stage. Everyone stops what they're doing, momentarily embarassed. It's a tie."; now fightresult is 0; now onewon is true; otherwise: say "The vicomtes pour out of one side, wielding [the random thing carried by the vicomtes]. The countesses pour out of the other side, wielding [the random thing carried by the countesses]. The battle begins![paragraph break]"; let vstrength be 0; let cstrength be 0; repeat with current running through laserweapons carried by the vicomtes: now vstrength is vstrength plus combat strength of current; repeat with current running through laserweapons carried by the countesses: now cstrength is cstrength plus combat strength of current; if cstrength is vstrength: say "The combatants seem evenly matched. The [Vicomtes] [if the number of things carried by the vicomtes > 0]with their [random thing carried by the vicomtes][otherwise]flailing about in a helpless, weaponless way[end if] and the [countesses] [if the number of things carried by the countesses > 0]with their [random thing carried by the countesses][otherwise]flailing about in a helpless, weaponless way[end if] fight with neither side gaining the advantage."; now fightresult is 0; otherwise if vstrength > cstrength: say "The [vicomtes] overpower the [countesses] [if the number of things carried by the vicomtes > 0]with their [random thing carried by the vicomtes][otherwise]despite their lack of weaponry[end if], defeating the countesses [if the number of things carried by the countesses > 0]and their [random thing carried by the countesses][otherwise]who are flailing about in a helpless, weaponless way[end if]."; now fightresult is 1; otherwise: say "The [countesses] overpower the [vicomtes] [if the number of things carried by the countesses > 0]with their [random thing carried by the countesses][otherwise]despite their lack of weaponry[end if], defeating the vicomtes [if the number of things carried by the vicomtes > 0]and their [random thing carried by the vicomtes][otherwise]who are flailing about in a helpless, weaponless way[end if]."; now fightresult is 2; say "[line break]This round of the duel is now over."; The initial appearance of the vicomtes is "[if fightresult is 3]It takes you a while to figure it out, but it looks like there are two teams: the vicomtes, [vicomtetext], and the [countesses], [countesstext][otherwise if fightresult is 0]The vicomtes and [countesses] seem energized by their recent tie, eager to fight again[otherwise if fightresult is 1]The vicomtes seem happy with their recent win over the [countesses].[otherwise if fightresult is 2]The [countesses] seem happy with their recent win over the [vicomtes][otherwise]*[line break][end if]."; To say vicomtetext: say "wielding [a list of things carried by the vicomtes][if the number of things worn by vicomtes > 0] and wearing [a random thing worn by the vicomtes][end if]" To say countesstext: say "wielding [a list of things carried by the countesses][if the number of things worn by countesses > 0] and wearing [a random thing worn by the countesses][end if]" When dueltime ends: if fiveregalia is happening: do nothing; otherwise if the player is in laserfightspace: if fightresult is 0: say "With their latest battle over, the [vicomtes] and [countesses] are running around, trying to find an advantage to avoid another tie. They seem subdued for the moment as they huddle to make plans."; otherwise if fightresult is 1: if the location is well and the vorpal laserswords are nowhere: say "The vicomtes charge into [the location of the player], flushed with the thrill of victory. They smash into different parts of the set, including the paper moon. It pops, releasing a great deal of vorpal laserswords!"; now the vorpal laserswords are in well; now the printed name of the paper moon is "shredded paper moon"; otherwise: say "The vicomtes charge into [the location of the player], flushed with the thrill of victory. They smash into different parts of the set, which thankfully survive the assault. The countesses, chagrined, follow. One countess stomps on the floor in frustration[if the location is not banquet hall], but not vigorously enough to damage anything either[otherwise]. It makes the floor creak a little, but her heart isn't in it[end if]."; otherwise if fightresult is 2: if the location is not banquet hall: say "The countesses leap around excitedly to celebrate their recent victory. One of them is jumping so hard it shakes the set. Good thing this room has nothing to break in it."; otherwise if the weakened floor is smashed: say "The countesses leap around excitedly to celebrate their recent victory. They are careful to avoid the hole!"; otherwise if the pig wings are not worn by the countesses: say "The countesses leap around excitedly to celebrate their recent victory. One of them is jumping so hard it shakes the set. It's a good thing they can't jump any higher, or they'd probably break right through the stage!"; otherwise: say "The countesses leap around excitedly to celebrate their recent victory. One of them is jumping so hard it shakes the set. Suddenly they break through the weakened portion of the set! Now there is a hole leading [bold type]down[roman type]."; change the down exit of banquet hall to understage; change the up exit of understage to the banquet hall; now the weakened floor is smashed; Part 5 - Creepy The Spooky Sideshow is east from The Mechanical Marvels. "This part of the park is [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]dark and somber, unlit by any lamp or streetlight[otherwise]darker than the rest, lit only by glowing red lanterns[end if]. Tall trees shade the street from the sun above. [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 4]No one at all is here[otherwise if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 0]A shadowy crowd seems to linger here, but for some reason they're hard to look at for too long[otherwise]The crowd here is hushed and moves swiftly[end if]. You can go [bold type]west[roman type] to Mechanical Marvels or [bold type]east[roman type] to the Bitter End. A [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]creaky [end if]sign to the [bold type]north[roman type] declares 'This way to the Creaky House.' The sign to the [bold type]south[roman type] is held by a [headless scarecrow], and says 'The Left/Right [trueCornMaze]'[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 3]. It will be night soon, here in Grooverland[end if]." When dragonscene begins: now the description of Spooky Sideshow is "The trees are burning here. To the [bold type]west[roman type] is Mechanical Marvels and to the [bold type]east[roman type] is Bitter End. The bare lot that once held the creaky house is to the [bold type]north[roman type] and the corn maze is on fire to the [bold type]south[roman type]."; The creaky sign is scenery in the spooky sideshow. The description of the creaky sign is "It says, 'This way to the Creaky House.'" The headless scarecrow is scenery in the spooky sideshow. The printed name of the headless scarecrow is "[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]headless [end if]scarecrow". The description of the headless scarecrow is "[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]Where did its head go?[otherwise]This scarecrow fills you with happiness." The maze sign is scenery in the spooky sideshow. Understand "corn" or "smaller" or "small" or "lettering" as the maze sign. The description of the maze sign is "The sign says, 'The Left/Right Corn Maze.' Underneath, in smaller lettering, it says, 'Do not enter unless you have a way out.'" Before going south from Spooky Sideshow: if the safety whistle is not worn by the player: say "You start venturing in, but you see that the sign for the corn maze reads 'Do not enter unless you have a way out' underneath in smaller lettering. That sounds bad. Better wait until you find something to help you out of mazes." instead; The hushed crowd is scenery largegroup people in Spooky Sideshow. The description of the hushed crowd is "Everyone seems to be trying to be quiet." The shadowy crowd is scenery largegroup people. The description of the shadowy crowd is "You try looking at the shadowy crowd, but it's hard. It's like your eyes slide away every time you look close." When fiveregalia begins: now the hushed crowd is nowhere; now the shadowy crowd is nowhere; When oneregalia begins: now the hushed crowd is nowhere; now the shadowy crowd is in Spooky Sideshow; Bitter End is a room. The glowing orange lanterns are plural-named scenery in the Spooky Sideshow. The tall trees are scenery in the Spooky Sideshow. The street is a backdrop in Spooky Sideshow. The street is in Bitter End. The street is in Prowling Promenade. The street is in Melancholy Mall. The street is in Mechanical Marvels. Understand "lantern" as the glowing orange lanterns. When tworegalia begins: now the glowing orange lanterns are nowhere; The description of the glowing red lanterns is "They're cheap, but unsettling." The description of the tall trees is "They must have transplanted these. The park isn't old enough to have trees this tall." The description of the street is "This street stretches throughout the park." Understand "ground" as the street. [add corn maze and creaky house backdrops] [Put the street in the other street-areas] Chapter 1 - Haunted House The creakyregion is a region. The cold wind is a faroff scenery backdrop in creakyregion. The description of the cold wind is "It's so cold you feel creaky inside." Instead of listening to the cold wind: say "It is too terrible to listen to." A room has some text called stalkertext. The stalkertext of a room is usually "*[line break]". A room has some text called the creaktext. The creaktext of a room is usually "*[line break]". After listening when the player is in creakyregion: say "You hear the whole house creaking." The Creaky House is north from The Spooky Sideshow. "A cold wind blows around this dilapitated, [crimson house] to the [bold type]north[roman type]. It creaks and moans. The Spooky Sideshow, the crowd, and warmth are back to the [bold type]south[roman type]." The creaky house is in the creakyregion. The crimson house is scenery in The Creaky House. The description of the crimson house is "This house is an unusual shade of crimson. Every part of the house seems slightly off, giving you a strange sense of vertigo as you look at it." Understand "creaky" or "dilapitated" as the crimson house. The printed name of the crimson house is "creaky house". [The cold wind is immaterial scenery in the Creaky House. The description of the cold wind is "It's so cold you feel creaky inside."] The StalkerText of Creaky House is "You can hear something [italic type]howling[roman type] outside. It might be the wind." The creaktext of creaky house is "howl" Before going north from creaky house: if the creaky singer is unhappy: say "'Wait,' says the creaky singer."; try talking to the creaky singer instead; Section 1 - Hallway The creaky front door is a scenery door. The creaky door is north from Creaky House and south from Creaky Hallway. The creaky hallway is in creakyregion. The description of the creaky front door is "The door doesn't seem like it should fit, but it does. Barely." The description of the Creaky Hallway is "You stand in front of a creaky front door to the [bold type]south[roman type]. To the [bold type]west[roman type] is a creaky dining room, and to the [bold type]east[roman type] is a creaky parlor. A creaky game room is to the [bold type]north[roman type]. It's cold in here." Instead of pushing a door: try opening the noun; Instead of pulling a door: try opening the noun; Instead of turning a door: try opening the noun; Every turn (this is the creaky door rule): if the current action is not opening the creaky front door: if the creaky front door is open: say "The wind blows the front door shut."; now the creaky front door is closed; The StalkerText of Creaky Hallway is "[if the player is in Creaky House]You don't see any sign of the presence that followed you in the house.[otherwise]You can hear the front door [italic type]creak[roman type] back and forth. Wasn't it closed?[end if]" The creaktext of creaky hallway is "creak" The faroffdoor is a faroff scenery backdrop. The faroffdoor is in Creaky Parlor. The faroffdoor is in Creaky Dining Room. Understand "front door" as the faroffdoor. The printed name of faroffdoor is "front door". The description of faroffdoor is "The front door is far away from here." Section 2 - Creaky Parlor The Creaky Parlor is east from Creaky Hallway. The creaky parlor is in creakyregion. The description of the creaky parlor is "The room is empty and dark. You can go to the creaky hallway to the [bold type]west[roman type] or the creaky study to the [bold type]north[roman type]." The stalkertext of the creaky parlor is "The house shudders. The floorboards in the parlor [italic type]creak[roman type] rhythmically behind you." The creaktext of creaky parlor is "creak" [Report going east from Creaky Hallway: say "The floor creaks below you as you enter the parlor." Report going west from Creaky Parlor: say "The floor creaks below you as you leave the parlor."] [(we want someone to follow us)] The parlor floor is scenery in the creaky parlor. The description of the creaky floor is "Hardwood. Old." The ceiling hole is faroff scenery in the creaky parlor. The description of the ceiling hole is "A small hole in the ceiling." Instead of going nowhere from Creaky Parlor when the noun is up: say "The hole is too high up for you to reach." The farofffloorboards is a plural-named faroff scenery backdrop. The farofffloorboards is in Creaky Hallway. The farofffloorboards is in Creaky Study. Understand "floorboards" or "floorboard" as the farofffloorboards. The printed name of farofffloorboards is "floorboards". The description of farofffloorboards is "The floorboards are not in this room." Section 3 - Creaky Dining Room The Creaky Dining Room is west from Creaky Hallway. "It's so cold in here. A dim chandelier squeaks back and forth from the drafts. You have no desire to remain. To the [bold type]north[roman type] is a creaky kitchen. The creaky hallway is back to the [bold type]east[roman type], and you can go [bold type]up[roman type] to the creaky tower." The creaky chandelier is scenery in the creaky dining room. The description of the creaky chandelier is "Dim light filters from this chandelier." Understand "dim" or "light" as the creaky chandelier. The creaky dining room is in creakyregion. The stalkertext of the creaky dining room is "Something has set the chandelier in the dining room [if the player is in creaky tower]below[otherwise]behind[end if] you [italic type]rattling[roman type]. It makes the shadows dance.". [make the chandelier and dancing shadows a backdrop] The creaktext of creaky dining room is "rattle" The faroffchandelier is a faroff scenery backdrop. The faroffchandelier is in Creaky Hallway. The faroffchandelier is in Creaky Kitchen. The faroffchandelier is in Creaky Tower. Understand "chandelier" as the faroffchandelier. The printed name of faroffchandelier is "chandelier". The description of faroffchandelier is "The chandelier is not in this room." Section 4 - Creaky Kitchen The Creaky Kitchen is north from The Creaky Dining Room. The creaky kitchen is in creakyregion. The description of the Creaky Kitchen is "You can return to the creaky dining room to the [bold type]south[roman type], go [bold type]up[roman type] to the creaky loft, or move through the kitchen door to the [bold type]east[roman type]. This is the darkest part of the house. A [creaky refrigerator] is the only appliance in the kitchen." The creaky refrigerator is scenery in The Creaky Kitchen. "[if the refrigerator is in creaky kitchen]A creaky refrigerator is the only appliance in the kitchen.[otherwise]How this survived the calamity, you'll never know.[end if]" Instead of entering the creaky refrigerator: say "You're not the kind of character that ends up in a fridge."; Understand "fridge" or "icebox" or "appliance" as the creaky refrigerator. The creaky refrigerator is a closed openable container. The creaky refrigerator is not portable. The black ticket is a ticket in the creaky refrigerator. [maybe change this location?] The glass of creaky juice is a beverage. The correspondent drink of the black ticket is the glass of creaky juice. The description of the glass of creaky juice is "This is a dark black drink with ice chunks creaking as they float in it." Understand "ice" or "chunks" as the glass of creaky juice. The refreshingtext of the glass of creaky juice is "Wow, that was very creaky. But refreshing!"; Report listening when the creaky juice is enclosed by the location of the player: say "You hear some creaks coming from the glass of creaky juice." The stalkertext of the creaky kitchen is "The cabinets in the kitchen [if the player is in the creaky loft]below[otherwise]behind[end if] you [italic type]rattle[roman type] as something moves past." The creaktext of the creaky kitchen is "rattle" The faroffcabinets is a plural-named faroff scenery backdrop. The faroffcabinets is in Creaky Loft. The faroffcabinets is in Creaky Dining Room. The faroffcabinets is in Creaky Game Room. Understand "cabinets" or "cabinet" as the faroffcabinets. The printed name of faroffcabinets is "cabinets". The description of faroffcabinets is "The cabinets are not in this room." Section 4 - Creaky Study The Creaky Study is north from Creaky Parlor. "Somber bookshelves line the walls of this creaky room. The parlor is to the [bold type]south[roman type] and the game room is to the [bold type]west[roman type]." The creaky study is in creakyregion. The somber bookshelves are scenery in the creaky study. The description of the somber bookshelves is "The books are all blank and identical." Understand "book" or "books" or "identical" or "shelf" or "shelves" as the somber bookshelves. Instead of taking the somber bookshelves: say "There is no knowledge to be found in blank books." The stalkertext of the creaky study is "The shelves in the study behind you are [italic type]rattling[roman type]." The creaktext of the creaky study is "rattle" The faroffshelves is a plural-named faroff scenery backdrop. The faroffshelves is in Creaky Parlor. The faroffshelves is in Creaky Game Room. Understand "shelves" or "shelf" as the faroffshelves. The printed name of faroffshelves is "shelves". The description of faroffshelves is "The shelves are not in this room." Section 5 - Creaky Gameroom The Creaky Game Room is north from Creaky Hallway and west from the Creaky Study. "An immense chess table is here, but all the pieces are missing. There is nothing else in this creaky room. The study is to the [bold type]east[roman type], the hallway is to the [bold type]south[roman type], and the kitchen door is to the [bold type]west[roman type]." The creaky game room is in creakyregion. The immense old chess table is scenery in the creaky game room. The description of the immense old chess table is "This table is old and looks unused." Understand "unused" as the immense old chess table. The stalkertext of the creaky game room is "The immense table in the game room [italic type]creaks[roman type] as it is pushed aside." The creaky kitchen door is a closed locked scenery door. The creaky kitchen door is west from creaky game room and east from Creaky kitchen. The creaky key is a a passkey. The creaky key unlocks the creaky kitchen door. The description of the creaky key is "This key exudes an unmistakable aura of creakiness." The unmistakable aura of creakiness is immaterial. The unmistakable aura of creakiness is part of the creaky key. The description of the unmistakable aura of creakiness is "It is uneffable." Understand "uneffable" as the unmistakable aura of creakiness. The description of the creaky kitchen door is "This is one of the few doors actually left in the house. It is currently [if the creaky kitchen door is open]open[otherwise]closed[end if]." The creaktext of creaky game room is "creak" The farofftable is a faroff scenery backdrop. The farofftable is in Creaky Kitchen. The farofftable is in Creaky Study. The farofftable is in creaky hallway. Understand "table" or "immense" as the farofftable. The printed name of farofftable is "table". The description of farofftable is "The table is in a different room." Section 6 - Creaky Tower and loft The Creaky Tower is up from the Creaky Dining Room. The description of the creaky tower is "These tall and narrow walls seem constructed quite shakily. You can go [bold type]down[roman type] to the creaky dining room, [bold type]north[roman type] to the Creaky Loft, or [bold type]east[roman type] to the creaky passageway." The creaky tower is in creakyregion. The tower walls are scenery in the creaky tower. The description of the tower walls is "These seem very shaky." Understand "shakily" or "tall" or "narrow" as the tower walls. Shaking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "shake [something]" as shaking. Carry out shaking: say "That seems inadvisable." Stalkertext of the creaky tower is "You can hear the whole tower [italic type]shaking[roman type] [if the player is in creaky dining room]above[otherwise]behind[end if] you, as if it were ready to fall apart." The creaktext of the creaky tower is "shake" The farofftower is a faroff scenery backdrop. The farofftower is in Creaky Loft. The farofftower is in Creaky Parlor. The farofftower is in Creaky Passageway. Understand "tower" as the farofftower. The printed name of farofftower is "tower". The description of farofftower is "The tower is in a different room." The Creaky Loft is up from the creaky kitchen and north from the creaky tower. The description of the creaky loft is "There is very little room here in this creaky loft. You almost feel trapped. You can go [bold type]down[roman type] to the creaky kitchen or [bold type]south[roman type] to the creaky tower." The creaky loft is in creakyregion. Stalkertext of the creaky loft is "You can hear wood [italic type]cracking[roman type] as something forces its way through the loft [if the player is in creaky kitchen]above[otherwise]behind[end if] you." The creaktext of the creaky loft is "crack" The faroffwood is a faroff scenery backdrop. The faroffwood is in Creaky Kitchen. The faroffwood is in Creaky Tower. Understand "wood" or "cracking" as the faroffwood. The printed name of faroffwood is "wood". The description of faroffwood is "The wood is not in this room." Section 7 - Creaky Passageway The Creaky Passageway is east from the creaky tower and west from the Creaky Bedroom. The description of the creaky passageway is "This dim passageway runs along the top floor of the whole creaky house. You can go [bold type]west[roman type] to the creaky tower or [bold type]east[roman type] to the creaky bedroom." Stalkertext of the creaky passageway is "The passageway behind you [italic type]shakes[roman type] and sways frightfully as something pounds along it." The creaky passageway is in Creakyregion. The creaktext of the creaky passageway is "shake" The faroffpassageway is a faroff scenery backdrop. The faroffpassageway is in Creaky Tower. The faroffpassageway is in Creaky Bedroom. Understand "passageway" or "passage" as the faroffpassageway. The printed name of faroffpassageway is "passageway". The description of faroffpassageway is "The passageway is not in this room." Section 8 - Creaky Bedroom [block this off until Tango is completed] The Creaky Bedroom is in creakyregion. [Before unlocking keylessly the bathroom door: if the bathroom door is unlocked, say "[The bathroom door] is already unlocked." instead; try turning the latch instead. Before locking keylessly the bathroom door: if the bathroom door is locked, say "[The bathroom door] is already secure." instead; try turning the latch instead. Before locking the bathroom door with something: say "The bathroom door locks with a latch, not with a key." instead. Before unlocking the bathroom door with something: say "The bathroom door locks with a latch, not with a key." instead.] The description of the creaky bedroom is "There is little here besides an old creaky bed and a [small creaky door] to the [bold type]south[roman type]. The creaky passageway is to the [bold type]west[roman type]." The old creaky bed is an enterable scenery supporter in creaky bedroom. The description of the old creaky bed is "It looks terribly uncomfortable." Stalkertext of creaky bedroom is "Something paws heavily at the door, [italic type]turning[roman type] the knob." [or is it not uncomfortable? maybe it starts the whole creaky stalker? what if players try to dream?] The creaktext of the creaky bedroom is "turn" Section 9 - Creaky closet The small creaky door is a scenery door. The small creaky door is south from the Creaky Bedroom and north from the Creaky Closet. The Creaky Closet is in CreakyRegion. The description of the Creaky Closet is "This closet is tiny, and filled with junk: umbrellas, perfumed furs, old boots. Clutter. The bedroom is back to the [bold type]north[roman type]. There is also a small hole going [bold type]down[roman type] with a sign that says 'Emergency Exit'." The emergency sign is scenery in the creaky closet. The description of the emergency sign is "'Emergency Exit' is all it says." The description of the small creaky door is "It makes you feel claustrophobic." The small hole is scenery in the creaky closet. The description of the small hole is "It leads down." Understand "lie on [something]" or "walk on [something]" as entering. Instead of entering the small hole: say "You jump down the hole."; now the player is in Creaky Parlor. Understand "look behind [something]" as looking under. Instead of going nowhere from creaky closet when the noun is down: say "You jump down the hole."; now the player is in Creaky Parlor; Instead of inserting something into the small hole: say "You drop [the noun] down the hole."; now the noun is in Creaky Parlor; The clutter is scenery in the creaky closet. Understand "umbrella" or "umbrellas" or "junk" or "perfumed" or "perfume" or "furs" or "fur" or "boot" or "old" or "boots" or "stage" or "prop" or "props" as the clutter. The description of the clutter is "Boy, there sure seems like a lot of interesting things in here. It's a shame none of them are important for gameplay." [implement those items!] Stalkertext of the creaky closet is "You hear a disappointed whimper from above, followed by a quiet [italic type]turning[roman type] of a knob." The creaktext of the creaky closet is "turn" Understand "knob" as the small creaky door. Instead of turning the small creaky door: try opening the small creaky door; Before opening the small creaky door: if the player is in the creaky closet: say "No way! Who knows what's out there?" instead; Every turn: if the small creaky door is open: say "The small creaky door slams shut."; now the small creaky door is closed; Section 8 - The creaky stalker The stalkerroom is a room that varies. The stalkerroom is the creaky house. The laststalkerroom is a room that varies. The laststalkerroom is the creaky house. The playercreaks is a list of text that varies. The playercreaks is {"howl", "howl", "howl", "howl", "howl", "howl", "howl", "howl"}. Powerfeet is a truth state that varies. Powerfeet is false. Winddie is a truth state that varies. Winddie is false. Every turn when the player is in creakyregion (this is the stalkertext rule): if the player is in creaky house: now The playercreaks is {"howl", "howl", "howl", "howl", "howl", "howl", "howl", "howl"}; if stalkerroom is not the location of the player: say stalkertext of stalkerroom; say "[paragraph break]"; if the player is not in creaky house: add creaktext of stalkerroom to playercreaks; remove entry 1 from playercreaks; let tempcreaks be playercreaks; if playercreaks is {"creak", "creak", "rattle", "rattle", "shake", "shake", "turn", "turn"}: destroy the house; now winddie is false; otherwise: truncate tempcreaks to the last 7 entries; if tempcreaks is {"creak", "creak", "rattle", "rattle", "shake", "shake", "turn"}: say "The wind can't get enough of the dreadful song your feet have performed. It is beating at the door, and the entire house is shuddering. Quick, you must make your escape, before the wind destroys you!"; now winddie is true; otherwise: truncate tempcreaks to the last 6 entries; if tempcreaks is {"creak", "creak", "rattle", "rattle", "shake", "shake"}: say "'[italic type]Creak, creak, rattle, rattle, shake, shake,[roman type]' your feet cry out, and the house creaks and groans in response. The wind is strong now."; otherwise: truncate tempcreaks to the last 5 entries; if tempcreaks is {"creak", "creak", "rattle", "rattle", "shake"}: say "Further and further in the creaky house you go, your feet adding to the dreadful poem you are creating. Your head is starting to hurt."; otherwise: truncate tempcreaks to the last 4 entries; if tempcreaks is {"creak", "creak", "rattle", "rattle"}: say "The creaking of the house is getting louder and louder as your feet rush through the patterns of the house."; otherwise: truncate tempcreaks to the last 3 entries; if tempcreaks is {"creak", "creak", "rattle"}: say "Yes, you are doing something, but what it is, you don't know yet. The temperature is dropping in this house."; otherwise: truncate tempcreaks to the last 2 entries; if tempcreaks is {"creak", "creak"}: say "As your feet are spelling out the words of the song: [italic type]creak, creak[roman type], you feel the unseen thing behind you grow stronger."; otherwise: truncate tempcreaks to the last 1 entry; if tempcreaks is {"creak"}: say "At the sound of that [italic type]creak[roman type], you feel the unseen thing behind you grow stronger."; now powerfeet is true; otherwise: if powerfeet is true: say "The sounds made by your feet are jangling, empty words. The power in the house subsides."; now powerfeet is false; now laststalkerroom is stalkerroom; now stalkerroom is the location of the player; Before going a direction (called way) when the player is in creakyregion: let current be the room way from the location; if current is laststalkerroom: if laststalkerroom is the creaky house: do nothing; otherwise if the player is in the creaky house: do nothing; otherwise: say "[one of]You can't. An unexplainable fear has seized your heart[or]No. You're convinced that something terrible is that way[or]Just thinking of what you might encounter if you go that way makes you breathe faster in fear[cycling]. If something is following you, you won't be able to backtrack. If there isn't anything...better not to find out." instead; Windcounter is a number that varies. Windcounter is 0. Every turn: if winddie is true: increment windcounter; if windcounter is 2: say "You waited too long. The wind bursts through the door with unholy roar. Everything goes dark as you are flung out of the house, out of Grooverland."; end the story saying "The wind takes you away"; Before whistleblowing when the player is in creakyregion: now laststalkerroom is the creaky house; now stalkerroom is the creaky house; The stalkertext rule is listed after the creaky door rule in the every turn rules. [Report going when the player is in creakyregion:] Morgan's chest is a closed locked openable lockable container. "The chest Morgan was looking for is here. It looks...weird." Understand "weird" or "carve" or "carving" or "very" or "large" as Morgan's Chest. Instead of pushing morgan's chest: try taking morgan's chest; Instead of pushing morgan's chest to a direction: try taking morgan's chest; Understand "talk to [morgan's chest]" as talking to. Instead of talking to morgan's chest: say "The breathing stops for a second, then continues." The description of Morgan's Chest is "This is a very large chest with wheels and little vents." The morganwheels are part of morgan's chest. The morganvents are part of morgan's chest. The printed name of morganwheels is "wheels". Understand "wheel" as the morganwheels. The printed name of morganvents is "vents". Understand "vent" or "vents" as the morganwheels. The description of the morganwheels is "This lets you pull the chest with you as you go." The description of the morganvents is "They must be there to let something inside breathe." Before going down when morgan's chest is enclosed by the player (this is the chesty rule): say "You probably can't take the chest that way." instead; The chesty rule is listed before the slide-riding rule in the before rulebook. Before going up when morgan's chest is enclosed by the player: say "You probably can't take the chest that way." Instead of listening to morganvents: try listening to morgan's chest; The faintest sound of breathing is faroff. It is part of morgan's chest. The description of the faintest sound of breathing is "You can hear something breathing rhythmically." Instead of listening to the faintest sound of breathing: try examining the faintest sound of breathing. Instead of pulling morgan's chest: now the noun is carried by the player; say "You are now pulling the chest with you as you go." After taking morgan's chest: say "You are now pulling Morgan's chest behind you." Rule for printing the name of Morgan's chest when taking inventory: say "Morgan's chest (being pulled behind you)" The Bare Lot is a room. The description of the Bare Lot is "[first time]You wake up groggily. And the house is gone. Whatever thing or storm just attacked you seems to have destroyed just about everything. [only]There is almost nothing here. No house. No door. Just yourself. And a refrigerator[if Morgan's chest is in Bare Lot]. Wait, what's this? This must be [Morgan's chest] she talked about. It sounds like it's breathing[end if]." After listening when morgan's chest is enclosed by the location: say "You hear vague whispering coming from the chest that Morgan asked you to find." Instead of listening to Morgan's Chest: say "The whispering is too hard to pick out." Understand "whispering" or "whispers" or "whisper" as Morgan's Chest. Instead of opening Morgan's Chest: say "It's firmly locked." To destroy the house: say "[line break]Something bangs harder and harder at the door. The entire house shudders with every blow. Now the whole room is rattling. You feel like you're falling, like everything is falling. The wood that makes up the closet begins to split apart, letting a howling wind into the room. Something reaches through the gaps, and all is dark."; now Morgan's chest is in Bare Lot; now tricktime is false; now oncedone is false; now the player is in Bare Lot; now the creaky refrigerator is in Bare Lot; now the creaky singer is nowhere; change the south exit of Bare Lot to Spooky Sideshow; change the north exit of Spooky Sideshow to bare lot; Debuglisting is an action out of world. Understand "dlist" as debuglisting. Carry out debuglisting: say playercreaks; Chapter 2 - The Maze Corn Maze is south from The Spooky Sideshow. The truecornmaze is scenery in corn maze. Understand "corn" or "flint" or "red" or "white" or "maze" as the truecornmaze. The printed name of the truecornmaze is "Corn Maze". The description of the truecornmaze is "The corn maze, with its talls stalks of red and white flint corn, is impossible for you to wrap your head around. Your only option is to go left or right. Unless you have someone come get you." When dragonscene begins: now the description of the truecornmaze is "The corn maze is on fire!" Before going a direction in the corn maze: if the noun is left: do nothing; otherwise if the noun is right: do nothing; otherwise if the stone-carved demon is nowhere: if the noun is north: do nothing; otherwise: say "The exit is to the north. You've figured out the maze." instead; otherwise: say "[if the noun is north]Strange, you could have sworn that's the way you came in. [end if]You've gotten turned around in the maze. The only ways you can go are left and right. Unless you have another way out[one of][or][or][or]. Of course, you can always use your whistle[stopping]." instead; left is a direction. right is a direction. The opposite of left is right. Understand "r" as right. The description of Corn Maze is "Walking down the path, you have come to a fork[if the stone-carved demon is nowhere]. There is no one to ask you, but you can go left or right. The maze holds nothing for you now[end if]." When dragonscene begins: now the description of Corn Maze is "What are you doing here? This maze is on fire! You can exit to the [bold type]north[roman type]." The stone-carved demon is in Corn Maze. "A stone-carved demon at its center seems to ask you: left or right?" The description of the stone-carved demon is "This carved demon seems to mock your confusion." Understand "carved" or "stone" as the stone-carved demon. The stone-carved demon is not portable. Corn Maze is left from Corn Maze. Corncounter is a number that varies. Corncounter is 0. [make unique options for each left, right so that each playthrough is different. Have the demon have four eyes that light up] Understand the command "l" as something new. singleLing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "l" as singleLing. Carry out singleLing: if the player is in Corn Maze: try going left; otherwise: try looking; After going left from Corn Maze: if the stone-carved demon is nowhere: say "You wander left and find your way out of the maze."; now the player is in Spooky Sideshow; otherwise: say "You get lost in the Corn Maze, and wander. [one of]You find a part of the corn maze with a bridge over a creek. The remains of three goat skeletons lie in pieces all over the ground. A pair of huge, luminous eyes stares at you from under the bridge. You hurry on your way, running blindly[or]You hear the corn rustling, but feel no wind. It grows louder. Soon you realize it is voices. The corn ears turn to you. They have faces. They are calling your name, Lily. You flee[or]You travel for what feels like minutes, but the sun is already setting. Then the moon rises, streaks across the sky, and sets again. The sun comes up again, then down, over and over. But it isn't the same sun. It has grown fat and swollen, ready to burst. The moon crumbles. The stars fade. You close your eyes and run[or]You come across a clearing in the corn. Forty men and women in fox masks are dining on pheasant at long tables. They stop and stare at you, silent. You edge away and continue walking[or]There's nothing left for you. You realize it's just an endless cycle, so you can either find a way out or keep going left and right[stopping] until you find yourself at the demon again. Such is fate.[paragraph break]"; biggifycorn; After going right from Corn Maze: if the stone-carved demon is nowhere: say "You wander right out of the maze."; now the player is in Spooky Sideshow; otherwise: say "You get lost in the Corn Maze, and wander. [one of]A cloud covers the sun. You continue walking, but a bird drops at your feet. Soon another follows. You look up and see no cloud, but a vast horde of crows. They are falling. You run[or]Your footsteps begin to echo. You stop moving, but the echo does not. You turn around, and see dust floating above a set of giant bootprints that ends right behind you. There is no one there. You run[or]The corn maze opens up into an amphitheatre where silent observers watch an ancient play. You watch for a few minutes, but do not understand the language. You go to leave, and the man on the stage pulls out a ceremonial knife. So does everyone else. You run[or]The air is fresh and the sun is bright. Warmth sets into your bones. You are happy. You stroll[or]There's nothing left for you. You realize it's just an endless cycle, so you can either find a way out or keep going left and right[stopping] until you find yourself at the demon again. Such is fate.[paragraph break]"; biggifycorn; The yellow ticket is a ticket. To biggifycorn: now Corncounter is Corncounter plus one; if Corncounter is 4: now the yellow ticket is in Corn Maze; say "But there's something new. The demon is gone. In its place is a [yellow ticket]."; now the stone-carved demon is nowhere; now Corncounter is 5; The maize flavored cola is a beverage. The correspondent drink of the yellow ticket is the maize flavored cola. The description of the maize flavored cola is "The label says, 'Corn never tasted so good!--No high-fructose corn syrup.'". The refreshingtext of the maize flavored cola is "As you might have expected, it tastes like corn." Part 6 - The end The Bitter End is east from the Spooky Sideshow. "[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]The Queen's Castle dominates everything else in this, the end of the park. It's almost painful to be in its presence[otherwise]This part of the park would not be nearly as popular as the rest if it weren't for the magnificent [enormous castle] towering over all[end if]. To the [bold type]north[roman type] you see a [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]wicked-looking [end if]sign advertising 'Doña Villar's [realtangotemptations]'. To the [bold type]south[roman type] is a [mysterious tent] that says 'Morgan the Mechanical's Two-Card Trick'[threecardinfo]. The Spooky Sideshow is back to the [bold type]west[roman type]. The castle itself is to the [bold type]east[roman type]. Uniformed [attendants] with spears block the way into the castle. Only special guests who have collected all their regalia are admitted, but [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 4]no one is here to seek admittance. Except you[otherwise if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 0]the crowd of people in elf and fairy costumes don't seem to mind[otherwise]many in the crowd take selfies in front of it[end if][if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 3]. This is almost the end. The sun will soon set on your special day[end if]." When dragonscene begins: now the description of the Bitter End is "There is smoke everywhere. The Queen's Castle is to the [bold type]east[roman type], and the Spooky Sideshow to the [bold type]west[roman type]. Though it's hard to see, you know that Tango Temptations is to the [bold type]north[roman type] and Morgan's Tent is to the [bold type]south[roman type]."; To say threecardinfo: say "[if threecarded is true]. The 'Two' has been crossed out and replaced with 'Three'[end if]"; Realtangotemptations is faroff scenery in Bitter End. The description of Realtangotemptations is "You can vaguely see it, to the north, but it's hard to make anything out." The printed name of realtangotemptations is "Tango Temptations". Understand "tango" or "temptations" or "villar's" as realtangotemptations. Before going south from bitter end: if morgan's chest is not nowhere: if morgan's chest is not carried by the player: say "It would be better to grab the chest from [the location of the chest] instead of coming to Morgan empty-handed." instead; The tango sign is scenery in the Bitter End. Understand "wicked" or "looking" or "wicked-looking" as the tango sign. The description of the tango sign is "It says, 'Doña Villar's Tango Temptations'." The mysterious tent is scenery in the bitter end. Understand "morgan's" or "two" or "three" or "Trick" or "magnificent" or "two-card" or "Trick" or "Three-card" as the mysterious tent. The description of the mysterious tent is "It says, 'Morgan the Mechanical's Two-Card Trick'. The 'Two' has been crossed out and replaced with 'Three'" The printed name of the mysterious tent is "[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]mysterious [end if]tent". The selfie-taking crowd is scenery largegroup people in the bitter end. The description of the selfie-taking crowd is "Everyone seems in awe of the castle." The fairy crowd is scenery largegroup people. Understand "costume" or "costumes" or "costumed" or "elf" or "elves" or "fairies" as the fairy crowd. The description of the fairy crowd is "These costumes certainly draw your attention. Some of the fairies almost look like they're floating across the ground." When fiveregalia begins: now the selfie-taking crowd is nowhere; now the fairy crowd is nowhere; When oneregalia begins: now the selfie-taking crowd is nowhere; now the fairy crowd is in Bitter End; The enormous castle is scenery in the bitter end. The description of the enormous castle is "The castle is enormous, decorated in red and white, and [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]absolutely terrifying[otherwise]magnificent[end if]." Understand "red" or "white" or "magnificent" or "absolutely" or "terrifying" as the enormous castle. The printed name of the enormous castle is "Queen's Castle". Understand "queen's" as the enormous castle. Instead of entering the enormous castle: try going east; [have attendant in armor or buckingham hat be the one to say you are not properly attired] Chapter 1 - Tango Temptations Doña Villar's Tango Temptations is north from The Bitter End. The description of Doña Villar's Tango Temptations is "This area is dominated by a checkered dance floor. The air is warm and [if the vintage gramophone is slowy]slow[otherwise]fast[end if] tango music pours from a vintage gramophone. [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 4]All the dancers are gone, now[otherwise]Couples in fantastic outfits dance closely with each other[end if]. [if the lush plants are in Doña Villar's Tango Temptations]Lush plants grow all around the dance floor, but seem unhealthy. [end if]You can return to the Bitter End to the [bold type]south[roman type]." The couples are scenery largegroup people in Doña Villar's Tango Temptations. The description of the couples is "These people, mostly grownups and teens, are all trying to tango with each other. Some glide elegantly across the room and others squash their partner's feet[if the checkered dance floor is slippery]. They're having trouble staying upright on the slippery floor[end if]." Understand "dancer" or "dancers" as the couples. When fiveregalia begins: now Eugene is nowhere; now the dance instructor is nowhere; now the couples are nowhere; The fantastic outfits are worn by the couples. The description of the fantastic outfits is "These outfits look just like the ones they wear on that dancing show! Except for the people dressed normally. But that's boring." The lush plants are scenery in Doña Villar's Tango Temptations. The lush plants are plural-named. Understand "plant" as the lush plants. The description of the lush plants is "These plants look like lettuce, but...fancy?" The slugs are scenery in Doña Villar's Tango Temptations. Heelclicking is an action applying to nothing. Understand "click heels" as heelclicking. Carry out heelclicking: say "You leap in the air and click your heels."; Instead of doing something with the slugs: say "You don't know for sure that there are slugs. It's an inference, which you recently learned means 'a conclusion based on reasoning'." Instead of eating the lush plants: say "You try to pluck a few plants but they resist your efforts."; Instead of taking the lush plants: say "You try to pluck a few plants but they resist your efforts."; The checkered dance floor is scenery in Doña Villar's Tango Temptations. The description of the checkered dance floor is "The dance floor is checkered in white and red. [if the checkered dance floor is slippery]It looks very slippery![otherwise]It looks remarkably clean and bright despite its outdoor location.[end if]". Understand "red" or "white" as the checkered dance floor. Understand "dancefloor" as the checkered dance floor. Instead of listening when the player is in Doña Villar's Tango Temptations: say "You hear pleasant tango music." The vintage gramophone is scenery in Doña Villar's Tango Temptations. The description of the vintage gramophone is "An almost devilishly beautiful device that is currently playing tango music. There is an oval opening on the side of the vintage gramophone that has a picture of a bee above it." The vintage gramophone can be speedy or slowy. The vintage gramophone is slowy. The picture of a bee is part of the vintage gramophone. The description of the picture of a bee is "The bee is painted pretty abstractly." The ovalopening is part of the vintage gramophone. The description of the ovalopening is "It is fairly small. It looks like it's used to operate the gramophone somehow." Understand "oval" or "opening" as the ovalopening. The printed name of the ovalopening is "oval opening". Instead of searching the ovalopening: say "It's too hard to see anything inside the gramophone." Winding is an action applying to one thing. Understand "wind [something]" as winding. Carry out winding: if the winding key is carried by the player: if the noun is the vintage gramophone: try inserting the winding key into the ovalopening; otherwise if the noun is the ovalopening: try inserting the winding key into the ovalopening; otherwise if the noun is morgan the mechanical: say "'Please, Lily. I'm fully electric,' says Morgan the Mechanical. 'That winding key looks a hundred years old.'"; otherwise: say "That's not something you can wind."; otherwise: say "You don't have anything to wind with."; Withwinding is an action applying to two things. Understand "wind [something] with [something]" as withwinding. Carry out withwinding: if the second noun is not the winding key: say "You can't wind anything with that."; otherwise if the noun is not the vintage gramophone: say "That doesn't need winding."; otherwise: try winding the vintage gramophone; Instead of inserting something into the vintage gramophone: try inserting the noun into the ovalopening; Instead of inserting something into the ovalopening: if the noun is the winding key: say "You tinker with the gramophone. The music switches, becoming [if the vintage gramophone is slowy]faster[otherwise]slower[end if]."; if the vintage gramophone is speedy: now the vintage gramophone is slowy; otherwise: now the vintage gramophone is speedy; otherwise: say "[The noun] doesn't seem like it fits in there."; [add listening, turning off, turning on] Section 1 - The enchanted slippers The silver slippers are a wearable thing. The description of the silver slippers is "Morgan the Mechanical said these would come in handy somehow. They aren't official Grooverland regalia, though." The silver slippers are plural-named. Understand "shoes" as the silver slippers. After wearing the silver slippers: say "These slippers have a really good grip on the floor. Nice!"; Report taking off the silver slippers: say "It's harder to walk around, now." The checkered dance floor can be slippery or unslippery. The checkered dance floor is unslippery. Understand the slippery property as describing the checkered dance floor. Understand "slime" or "slimy" or "trail" as slippery. To slipperize the floor: now the checkered dance floor is slippery; now the slick spot is nowhere; say "The racing slug looks thrilled by the lush plants around the dance floor. It races back and forth across the dance floor, eating as much of the plants as it can find. Soon the dance floor is very slippery, and all the lush plants are gone. A very stuffed racing slug crawls away, back to the petting zoo."; now the racing slug is stuffed; now the lush plants are nowhere; now the racing slug is in petting zoo; now the racing slug is not petfollowing; PerfectDancing is a truth state that varies. PerfectDancing is false. Instead of dancing when the location is Doña Villar's Tango Temptations: if Eugene is in Doña Villar's Tango Temptations: now perfectdancing is true; if the vintage gramophone is slowy: now perfectdancing is false; if the silver slippers are not worn by the player: now perfectdancing is false; if the checkered dance floor is unslippery: now perfectdancing is false; if perfectdancing is false: say "You ask Eugene to dance. He bows stiffly, then places your arms in position and begins to lead you in the tango. His head comes up to your stomach. [slipperfloorfail][if the vintage gramophone is slowy]. [slowhint][otherwise]. You dance for quite a long time, Eugene leading you in twirls and dips, and eventually you become exhausted, asking Eugene to stop, which he politely agrees to. He breathes heavily. It seems the faster music took a toll on him, [eugenereason][end if]. The dance instructor shouts from across the dance floor: 'You will never outdance Eugene! His energy is endless!'"; otherwise: say "You ask Eugene to dance. He bows stiffly, then places your arms in position and begins to lead you in the tango. His head comes up to your stomach. With the light silver slippers on your feet and the music playing double time, you blaze across the slippery ballroom. Eugene is struggling to keep up with you. He leads you in the tango, but you add dozens of elegant maneuvers to the dance, and he keeps slipping on the floor. In the end, he is exhausted and begs to stop. You hear a slow clap. Turning, you see that it is Doña Villar herself. 'Brava, brava, my little girl. You have defeated Eugene, a task I thought impossible. Eugene!' she says, turning to him. 'At last, you are vanquished! Go. We will talk later.' He runs away, embarrassed. 'Interesting use of that key,' she says once you're alone. 'I'd be interested in trading. You give me that key, and I'll give you a better one,' she says."; now Eugene is nowhere; now the dance instructor is placated; otherwise: say "[if the silver slippers are worn by the player and the checkered dance floor is slippery]You dance on the slippery floor with firm feet.[otherwise if the checkered dance floor is slippery]You dance, but the floor is very slippery! It's hard to stay upright.[otherwise]You dance to the music for a few minutes.[end if]" To say slowhint: if the checkered dance floor is slippery: say "[one of]The music is slow, and Eugene takes his time deciding where to move and which steps to use[or]The music is slow, and Eugene takes his time deciding where to move and which steps to use[or]Due to the slow music, it seems he hardly used any energy at all[stopping]. He leads you in an intricate routine until you become tired, at which point he accepts your request to stop"; otherwise: say "The music is calm and peaceful. Eugene leads you in an intricate routine until you become tired, at which point he accepts your request to stop" To say eugenereason: if the checkered dance floor is not slippery: say "but he's too sure-footed to get winded easily[one of][or][or]. It would be great to find a way to slip him up[stopping]"; otherwise: say "and the slippery floor wore him down, but you were slipping, too. If only you could keep yourself from slipping"; To say slipperfloorfail: if the checkered dance floor is slippery: say "The floor is very slippery from the slug's trail. Eugene has trouble keeping his footing[if the silver slippers are not worn by the player], but so do you[otherwise], but your slippers keep you firmly grounded[end if][no line break]"; otherwise: say "Eugene dances very confidently, his feet firmly on the ground. You pass by a small slick spot[if the silver slippers are not worn by the player], and both of you wobble a bit, but Eugene manages to avoid it[otherwise]. Your shoes make it easy to avoid slipping, but Eugene looks a bit wobbly[end if]"; Instead of giving the winding key to the dance instructor: if the dance instructor is placated: say "She pockets the key and hands you another key that creaks a little as you grab it. 'Thank you. And have a wonderful day, young lady.'"; now the creaky key is carried by the player; now the winding key is nowhere; otherwise: say "She narrows her eyes at the key, but says, 'I'm not interested in anything you have unless you first outlast Eugene in the tango!'"; The slick spot is part of the checkered dance floor. The description of the slick spot is "This is a small, slick spot on the floor." [run through this to see if eugene is in the right place. Try dancing before he's there, during, and after] Chapter 2 - Fortune Teller's Tent Morgan's Tent is south from the Bitter End. "This tent is shaped like a little bigtop striped silver and gold, and there's a white flag hanging down with 'Morgan the Mechanical' plastered across it in a very large font. A [plain table] is in the center of the room[if the intrigued crowd is in Morgan's tent], while an [intrigued crowd] circles around it[end if]." The realtent is scenery in Morgan's Tent. The printed name of realtent is "tent". Understand "tent" or "bigtop" or "big" or "top" as the realtent. Instead of examining the realtent: try looking; The description of realtent is "You look around. [lookaction]" The intrigued crowd is scenery largegroup people in Morgan's Tent. The description of the intrigued crowd is "Hushed onlookers murmur and chatter about Morgan and her tricks." Understand "hushed" or "onlooker" or "onlookers" as the intrigued crowd. When oneregalia begins: now the intrigued crowd is becostumed; now the printed name of the intrigued crowd is "costumed crowd"; now the description of the costumed crowd is "How strange they look now, compared to earlier!" The white flag is scenery in Morgan's Tent. Understand "large" or "font" as the flag. The description of the flag is "It looks like it's been repainted recently. Odd, that." TrickTime is a truth state that varies. TrickTime is false. Report going south from the Bitter End: if Morgan the Mechanical is in the Morgan's Tent: now TrickTime is True; [Morgan is now wearing the mantle] Part 7 - Queen's Castle GoQueening is an action applying to nothing. Understand "queenqueen" as goqueening. Carry out goqueening: now the player is in The Queen's Castle. To say basketcase: say "[if the number of things in the basket > 0], which has [a list of things in the basket] in its basket[end if]" The Queen's Castle is east from The Bitter End. "[one of]You are in darkness. The room lightens slowly, revealing a [fortune telling machine] containing two mannequin queens: one dressed in white with mirrors for eyes and another dressed in blood-red clothing. The machine has the words painted on it, 'THE SCARLET EMPRESS AND THE MIRRORED QUEEN'[or]The room is empty[fortunestuff][stopping]. [The Royal Entrance] leads [bold type]east[roman type] into the Queen's Tower[first time]. 'You look lovely, Lily,' says a voice. The Mirrored Queen mannequin moves back and forth during the sound. 'I'm so glad that you made it here. There is still time for your coronation.' 'Delighted to see you, Lily,' says a darker voice. The Scarlet Empress mannequin twitches. 'I've followed every step of your journey, and I've been enthralled by the fear I've seen tonight. My hour is almost at hand.' 'I cannot oppose my sister directly,' says the first voice. 'But her freedom will be her undoing. We are constrained to answer five questions. Take a card, and place it in the slot. Don't worry, you cannot ask wrong.' Three cards spit out into a basket attached to the machine. There are two white cards, one labelled 'TRUTH' and another labelled 'SISTERS'. There is also a red card labelled 'FAMILY'. There is a slot in the machine where you can enter the card of your choice[only]." To say fortunestuff: say "[if the fortune telling machine is in Queen's Castle] except for the [fortune telling machine] with its pair of queens[basketcase]" Before going east from The Bitter End: if the number of regalia enclosed by the player < 5: say "Two of the attendants block your way with spears (which you sincerely hope are plastic). 'You are not properly attired,' they say. 'It seems that out of all the regalia, you have found [a list of regalia enclosed by the player], but you require [a list of regalia not enclosed by the player].'" instead; To say basketcase1: say "[one of][or][basketcase][stopping]"; Chapter 1 - The Queen Section 1 - Cards The spotlight is faroff scenery in Queen's Castle. Understand "spot" or "light" as the spotlight. The description of the spotlight is "The source of the light is hard to see." TempCaps is some text that varies. TempCaps is "stuff". [To handdeliver (DeliveryCard - a card): now DeliveryCard is carried by the player; now TempCaps is "[DeliveryCard]"; say "The machine quivers, rusted gears grinding. The Queen pricks her own finger, and uses the blood to draw on the card. A stroke here, a stroke there. She grabs the card and pushes it back out into the basket. You grab it. It says '[TempCaps in upper case].'"] [Why are you here? answereed with power, fate, etc] Section 2 - The machine The fortune telling machine is a transparent container in The Queen's Castle. The fortune telling machine is closed and unopenable. The fortune telling machine is not portable. The description of the fortune telling machine is "The machine is labelled 'THE SCARLET EMPRESS AND THE MIRRORED QUEEN'. The [Mirrored Queen] sits inside this machine, a mannequin with mirrors for eyes. Across from her, the [Scarlet Empress] also sits in the machine, wearing blood-red clothing. The machine has a basket for cards that it spits out and a slot for putting cards in." Instead of examining the fortune telling machine: say the description of the fortune telling machine; say "[line break]"; now the noun is examined; Instead of opening the fortune telling machine: say "It is welded shut." The slot is part of the fortune telling machine. The slot is an open unopenable container. The Queen's basket is part of the fortune telling machine. The Queen's basket is an open unopenable container. [The blank card is a card in the queen's basket.] A card has some text called the propername. The propername of a card is usually "*[line break]". A card has some text called the detailtext. The detailtext of a card is usually "*[line break]". A card has some text called the responsetext. The responsetext of a card is usually "*[line break]". The Mirrored Queen is a woman. The Mirrored Queen is inside the fortune telling machine. Understand "sap" or "finger" as the Mirrored Queen. The description of the mirrored queen is "The Mirrored Queen is a tall mannequin sitting in the fortune telling machine. She is dressed in white and has mirrors for eyes.". The mirror eyes are part of the mirrored queen. Understand "mirrors" or "eye" or "for" as the mirror eyes. The description of the mirror eyes is "You see yourself reflected in them." The reflection of yourself is part of the mirrored queen. Instead of examining the reflection of yourself: try examining yourself; The Scarlet Empress is a woman. The Scarlet Empress is inside the fortune telling machine. The blood-red clothing is worn by the scarlet empress. The description of the blood-red clothing is "The Scarlet Empress seems to get her name from the clothes." The description of the scarlet Empress is "The Scarlett Empress is a tall mannequin sitting in the fortune telling machine. She is dressed in blood-red clothing." Understand "woman" as the Mirrored Queen. Understand "woman" as the scarlet empress. Understand "mannequin" as the scarlet empress. Understand "mannequin" as the mirrored queen. Instead of inserting something into the fortune telling machine: try inserting the noun into the slot; Before inserting something into the slot: if the noun is not a card: say "[The noun] doesn't fit!" [Report inserting a blank card into the slot: now the noun is nowhere; say "[one of][firstblank][secondblank][thirdblank][fourthblank][finalblank][stopping]" instead;] Rule for printing the name of a card (called currentcard) while taking inventory: now TempCaps is "[propername of currentcard]"; say "[TempCaps in upper case] - [detailtext of currentcard]" A thing can be cardy or uncardy. A thing is usually uncardy. A card is always cardy. Instead of taking inventory when a card is carried by the player: say "[if the player carries something][We] [are] carrying: [line break]"; now all uncardy things enclosed by the player are marked for listing; now all cardy things carried by the player are unmarked for listing; list the contents of the player, with newlines, indented, giving inventory information, including contents, with extra indentation, listing marked items only; say "[line break][bold type]Fortune Cards[roman type][line break]"; now all uncardy things enclosed by the player are unmarked for listing; now all cardy things carried by the player are marked for listing; now all cardy things carried by the player are proper-named; list the contents of the player, with newlines, indented, giving inventory information, including contents, with extra indentation, listing marked items only; say "[first time][line break]You can communicate with the queen by putting a card in the slot.[only]"; now all cardy things carried by the player are not proper-named; Understand "card" as a card. Outputting relates various cards to various cards. The verb to output means the outputting relation. The verb to follow means the reversed outputting relation. A card can be oncegiven or uncegiven. A card is usually uncegiven. A card can be scarletcard or whitecard. A card is usually whitecard. After inserting a card into the slot: say "There is a whirring noise. Then a [if the noun is scarletcard]dark and frightening[otherwise]beautiful and kind[end if] voice speaks: '[responsetext of the noun],' says the [if the noun is scarletcard]Scarlet Empress[otherwise]Mirrored Queen[end if]."; now the noun is nowhere; if cardcount is 5: do nothing; otherwise: if an uncegiven card follows the noun: say "[line break]The machine quivers, rusted gears grinding. The [if the noun is scarletcard]Scarlet Empress[otherwise]Mirrored Queen[end if] mannequin pricks her own finger, and [if the noun is scarletcard]blood[otherwise]sap[end if] oozes out. It uses the dark liquid to draw on [if the number of uncegiven cards that follow the noun > 1]new cards[otherwise]a new card[end if]. A stroke here, a stroke there. [A list of uncegiven cards that follow the noun] drop[if the number of uncegiven cards that follow the noun < 2]s[end if] into the basket."; repeat with current running through uncegiven cards that follow the noun: now current is in the Queen's basket; now current is oncegiven; Section 3 - Individual cards Understand the propername property as describing a card. A card is never proper-named. Rule for printing the name of a card (called currentcard): say "[if currentcard is scarletcard]red[otherwise]white[end if] card labelled [propername of currentcard in upper case]"; Understand the scarletcard property as describing a card. Understand "red" as scarletcard. Understand "white" as whitecard. Truth is a card in the Queen's Basket. The propername of truth is "Truth". The detailtext of Truth is "What is really going on today?" Responsetext of Truth is "Today is Grooverland's last day. Like the phoenix of legends, it will die and be reborn. But it will change. And you will decide how it changes. Fear not: though the Scarlet Empress is your enemy, I am your friend" Family is a scarletcard card in Queen's Basket. The propername of Family is "Family". The detailtext of Family is "Where is my family?" The responsetext of Family is "The further you have journeyed today, the greater my power has grown. The ancient rules do not allow me to harm another queen, including you, but your the rules do not apply to your family. Their terror has served me well" Understand "heart" or "heart of grooverland" as the Mirrored Queen. Terror is a scarletcard card. Terror follows family. The propername of Terror is "Terror". The detailtext of Terror is "Why would you terrorize them?" The responsetext of Terror is "Does anyone chide the wolf for hunting deer, or the owl for hunting a mouse? I cannot deny my own nature, Lily" Rescue is a whitecard card. Rescue follows Family. The propername of rescue is "Rescue". The detailtext of Rescue is "How can I save my family?" The responsetext of rescue is "If you can defeat my sister in combat as my champion, your family will be free, and Grooverland can be reborn" [Enemy is a card in the Queen's Basket. The propername of enemy is "Enemy". The detailtext of Enemy is "Who is the Scarlet Empress?" The responsetext of Enemy is "The Scarlet Empress is the darkest side of Grooverland. She must be stopped, but only my champion may stop her. Her power is growing greater than ever, now"] [Warden is a card. Warden follows Identity. The propername of Warden is "Warden". The detailtext of Warden is "What are you the warden of?" The responsetext of Warden is "I am the warden of the others, those who came before you. Someone must care for them, and that someone is I"] [LocationCard is a card in the Queen's basket. The propername of locationcard is "Location". The detailtext of locationcard is "What is this place?" Responsetext of Locationcard is "This is Grooverland's true nature: a place of magic and wonder. The joy of children and adults at Grooverland feeds my power But their terror fuels the Scarlet Empress. But Grooverland has grown corrupt. I have become weak, and the Scarlet Empress is ascendant. Tonight, she will be free"] Sisters is a card in Queen's Basket. The propername of Sisters is "Sisters". The detailtext of Sisters is "Who are you two?" The responsetext of sisters is "We were born from the same source. Do not judge us by what you see in front of you. This park is just the shadow of our world on yours, and these forms are just a reflection of our greater selves. Our contests have played out through the ages" Shadow is a scarletcard card. Shadow follows sisters. The propername of Shadow is "Shadow". The detailtext of Shadow is "What world is this the shadow of?" The responsetext of shadow is "Delightful child, it will please me to show you my realm, of which Grooverland is a poor imitation. There is a place for you in my menagerie. Tonight, I will take you there, once you are defeated" Contests is a whitecard card. Contests follows sisters. The propername of contests is "Contests". The detailtext of Contests is "What contests have you sisters had?" The responsetext of contests is "Many times have we faced each other through various champions. The Lady in the Lake and Morgan Le Fey. Snow White and the Evil Queen. You are my champion, Lily" Menageriecard is a scarletcard card. The propername of menageriecard is "Menagerie". The detailtext of Menageriecard is "What is your menagerie?" Friend is a card. Friend follows Truth. The propername of Friend is "Friend". The detailtext of Friend is "How are you my friend?" Responsetext of Friend is "How could I not be your friend? I am everything that brings joy at Grooverland. But the Scarlet Empress brings fear. She is the one who has captured your family" [Powerful is a card. Powerful follows Friend. The propername of Powerful is "Powerful". The detailtext of Powerful is "How will you make me powerful?" The responsetext of Powerful is "It has already begun. Look: you are a queen. You are royal. You have entered further into my world. It is time to finish"] Combat is a card. Combat follows rescue. Combat follows shadow. Combat follows Grooverland. Combat follows contests. The propername of combat is "Combat". The detailtext of Combat is "How do I defeat the Scarlet Empress?" The responsetext of Combat is "Your regalia can defeat the Scarlet Empress, but they must gain strength. My castle will have what you need" [Champion is a card. Champion follows Enemy. The propername of Champion is "Champion". The detailtext of Champion is "How can someone like me be your champion?" The responsetext of Champion is "Such is fate, Lily. Grooverland has grown too dark, and it must be reborn. Through your actions, you have proven yourself worthy to gain the power of Grooverland and serve as my champion"] Grooverland is a card. Grooverland follows rescue. Grooverland follows shadow. Grooverland follows truth. The propername of Grooverland is "Grooverland". The detailtext of Grooverland is "What will happen to Grooverland?" The responsetext of Grooverland is "The Scarlet Empress will try to destroy Grooverland. She will succeed. But if you can destroy her, we can rebuild. You must defeat her in combat" Rebirth is a whitecard card. Rebirth follows Grooverland. Rebirth follows champion. The propername of rebirth is "Rebirth". The detailtext of Rebirth is "What does it mean when you say Grooverland will be reborn?" The responsetext of Rebirth is "Even as a wildfire sweeps through an old and proud forest, the trees burning away and the fire awakening new seeds of life, even so Grooverland must be swept clean and be given a chance to start anew" Strength is a card. Strength follows champion. Strength follows Combat. The propername of Strength is "Strength". The detailtext of Strength is "How can I gain the power of Grooverland?" The responsetext of Strength is "The love your family has for you can be transferred into the regalia you now possess. In my castle, you will find a way to transfer that power, but you will need symbols of their love" Symbols is a card. Symbols follows strength. The propername of symbols is "Symbols". The detailtext of Symbols is "What are the symbols of my family's love?" The responsetext of symbols is "You've already seem them along your path. Objects that your family members cherished or focused on. Fear not, you will find them!" [Myselfcard is a card. Myselfcard follows Grooverland. The propername of Myselfcard is "Myself". The detailtext of Myselfcard is "How can I know myself?" The responsetext of Myselfcard is "I will teach you, child. You will join the others" Otherscard is a card. Otherscard follows Grooverland. Otherscard follows Warden. The propername of Otherscard is "Others". The detailtext of Otherscard is "Who are the others?" The responsetext of otherscard is "All the pretty little queens, lined up in a row" card is a card. Kingdomcard follows Royalty. KingdomCard follows Teach. The propername of Kingdomcard is "Kingdom". The detailtext of Kingdomcard is "What is my Kingdom?" The responsetext of Kingdomcard is "Come and see, child"] [Teach is a card. Teach follows myselfcard. The propername of teach is "Teach". The detailtext of Teach is "What will you teach me?" Responsetext of Teach is "I will teach you what it means to be a Queen. You will transform, you will rise up, and you will enter into your kingdom"] [Transform is a card. Transform follows Teach. The propername of Transform is "Transform". The detailtext of transform is "How will I transform?" The responsetext of Transform is "When all your regalia shine bright, you will be ready to be a Queen"] Cardcount is a number that varies. Cardcount is 0. Before inserting a card into the slot: increment cardcount; Every turn: if cardcount is 5: release the queen; increment cardcount; The queen's voice is an immaterial woman. The description of the queen's voice is "The queen's voice is coming from your crown." Understand "crown" as the queen's voice. To release the queen: say "The entire room rumbles, then settles down. 'You've had your five questions,' says the Scarlet Empress. 'It is time, Lily,' says the Mirrored Queen. The frame of the machine creaks, and then it shatters, sending glass and metal everywhere. The cards erupt into flame, and the queens glow, one with an unholy red glare and the other with brilliant light. The red light bursts upward and smashes through the ceiling and into the sky. Dark shadows from all over Grooverland rise up to join it, and they coalesce into an enormous red dragon, who starts burning the entire park. At the same time, the white light flies to you and enters your crown. It transforms into a beautiful, real golden crown. 'It's me, Lily,' says the Mirrored Queen's voice from the crown. 'I cannot hear you, but you can hear me. I will do my best to guide you. With my power, you will now be able to SUMMON the dragon closer to you, when you are ready to fight. But you will need more help. Enter my castle, and gain your power!' The Royal Entrance to the east unlocks with a click."; repeat with current running through cards: now current is nowhere; now the sugar plum crown is upgraded; now the fortune telling machine is nowhere; now the Mirrored Queen is nowhere; now the destroyed roof is in Queen's Castle; now the queen's voice is part of the sugar plum crown; now the printed name of the sugar plum crown is "true crown"; now the Royal Entrance is unlocked; now dragonstart is true; Instead of talking to the queen's voice: say "The queen's voice is inside of you, somehow. It gives you guidance, but talking to it would be like talking to yourself." The destroyed roof is faroff scenery in Queen's Castle. The description of the destroyed roof is "[if dragonscene is not happening]The roof looks quite normal[otherwise]The roof is gone, smashed through, and you can see the sky above.[end if]" The printed name of the destroyed roof is "[if dragonscene is happening]destroyed [end if]roof" When dragonscene begins: now the description of the Queen's Castle is "Smoke and haze drift through the destroyed roof. You can go [bold type]west[roman type] to the rest of the park or [bold type]east[roman type] through the Royal Entrance." Understand the upgraded property as referring to regalia. Understand "real" or "beautiful" as upgraded. [To release the queen: say "The entire room rumbles, then settles down. 'You've had your five questions,' says the queen. 'It is time for us to move on.' The frame of the machine creaks, and then it shatters, sending glass and metal everywhere. The cards burst into flame. You cover your eyes to shield yourself. When you look, the room is empty again, except that the [Mirrored Queen] stands before you. The machine is gone, as are the mirrors that once covered her wooden eyes. 'Come, child. It is time for you to enter my realm,' says the queen. She waves, and the Royal Entrance leading [bold type]east[roman type] unlocks with a click."; repeat with current running through cards: now current is nowhere; now the fortune telling machine is nowhere; now the Mirrored Queen is in Queen's Castle; now the Royal Entrance is unlocked;] Understand "eyes" as the Mirrored Queen. Chapter 2 - The Royal Chamber The Royal Entrance is a scenery closed locked door. ["The Royal Entrance leads [if the player is in Queen's Tower][bold type]west[roman type] to the Queen's Chamber.'[otherwise][bold type]east[roman type] into the Queen's Tower.[end if]"] The Royal Entrance is east of Queen's Castle and west of the Queen's Tower. The description of the Royal Entrance is "An entrance fit for a queen. It is [if the royal entrance is closed]closed[otherwise]open[end if] and [if the royal entrance is locked]locked[otherwise]unlocked[end if]." [Say 'what groover game is this from? and answer 'we aren't in grooverland any more'] Part 8 - Endgame [change description of upgraded regalia] A thing can be upgraded or unupgraded. A thing is usually unupgraded. Understand the upgraded property as describing a regalia. Understand "true" as upgraded. Queendom is a region. The Queen's Tower is in Queendom. The Armory is in Queendom. The Kingdom is in Queendom. The Prison is in Queendom. The Lake of Tears is in Queendom. Treasury is in Queendom. Chapter 1 - The tower The description of the Queen's Tower is "Doors and passages lead everywhere in this dark hall. The tower is solid stone with no seams or cracks. It feels old, older than mankind. The queen's voice comes to you. '[bold type]Down[roman type] below you is an armory where we can find a way to fight the dragon. To the [bold type]north[roman type] is a garden that may prove useful. To the [bold type]east[roman type] is a view of my kingdom, which only appears on this night. That to the [bold type]south[roman type] is the treasury, where you may find protection. And [bold type]up[roman type] above this tower is where we may face the dragon.' The Royal Entrance leads [bold type]west[roman type] to the Queen's Castle." [tower is scenery] [add a listening thing] A thing can be queenready or not queenready. A thing is usually not queenready. Chapter 2 - The battle Heights is up from the Queen's Tower. "Here, perched at the top of the Queen's Castle, you can see the devastation caused by the dragon. You can go back [bold type]down[roman type] to the queen's tower." The wyrm is a faroff animal in heights. "[if the wyrm is summoned]Due to your summoning, the dragon is terrifyingly close to you.[otherwise]High above you, you can see the dragon flying over Grooverland." The printed name of the wyrm is "dragon". Understand "dragon" or "deep" or "scarlet" as the wyrm. The description of the wyrm is "The dragon is a deep scarlet, with powerful wings and deadly claws. It's [if the wyrm is summoned]attacking you right now[otherwise]burning down all of the park[end if]!" The powerful wings are part of the wyrm. The description of the powerful wings is "They stretch farther than a school bus." The deadly claws are part of the wyrm. The description of the deadly claws is "One swipe from these and you'll be a goner!"; [The Prison is down from the Queen's Tower. "Dark is the prison, and dark the hopes of any who end up here. Here the disobedient are corrected and the wicked punished. The walls [if the ring is upgraded]themselves weep. How many tears have been shed here?[otherwise]are damp, moisture seeping from them. They invite your touch[end if][if the player is queenready] A pathway has opened leading [bold type]down[roman type] below you[end if]." Understand "prison" or "cell" or "cells" as the seeping walls. The seeping walls are scenery in the prison. The description of the seeping walls is "These old stone walls leak out thin trickles of [if the ring is upgraded]tears[otherwise]water[end if]." Understand "thin" or "wall" or "weeping" or "trickles" or "tears" or "water" as the seeping walls. Instead of touching the seeping walls: if the ring is unupgraded: say "It's warm under your touch. You taste your finger, and find it salty.  This is not water; it is tears. How many must have suffered here, and for how long? Your ring glows bright and transforms into a heavy gold signet with a bright ruby."; now the ring is upgraded; now the printed name of the ring is "true ring"; otherwise: say "Your touch brings no comfort to these weeping walls."] The devastation is faroff scenery in Heights. Understand "park" or "building" or "buildings" or "total" or "disaster" as the devastation. The description of the devastation is "Many of the buildings are on fire. It's a total disaster!" The high castle is scenery in Heights. The description of the high castle is "You are on top of the castle. From here, you can see everything!" Understand "tower" as the high castle. Section 1 - Battle commands Summoning is an action applying to nothing. Understand "summon" or "summon dragon" as summoning. A thing can be summoned or unsummoned. A thing is usually unsummoned. Trueoutdoorregion is a region. Outsideregion is in trueoutdoorregion. Bare Lot is in trueoutdoorregion. Corn Maze is in trueoutdoorregion. Doña Villar's Tango Temptations is in trueoutdoorregion. Heights is in trueoutdoorregion. Queen's Castle is in trueoutdoorregion. Carry out summoning: if the sugar plum crown is upgraded: if the player is in Heights: if the wyrm is unsummoned: say "The dragon comes closer to you, lured by your call. It roars out a challenge!"; now the wyrm is summoned; otherwise: say "The dragon is already close to you. Dangerously close!"; otherwise: if the player is in trueoutdoorregion: say "The dragon hears the call of the crown and swoops down to attack!"; now the wyrm is summoned; otherwise if the player is in Kingdom: say "The dragon doesn't come. The queen's voice comes to you: 'This part of my castle is not fully in your world. We have to return to the park itself!'"; otherwise: say "You hear a roar from the dragon outside, but it doesn't seem to be able to find you."; otherwise: say "Summon? You don't have the ability to summon anything. Yet." Every turn: if the player is not in Heights: if the player is not in trueoutdoorregion: now the wyrm is not summoned; Shieldon is a truth state that varies. Shieldon is false. Shielding is an action applying to nothing. Understand "shield" as shielding. Shieldup is a recurring scene. Shieldup begins when shieldon is true. Shieldup ends when the time since shieldup began is two minutes. Shielddown is a recurring scene. Shielddown begins when shieldup ends. Shielddown ends when the time since shielddown began is three minutes. The magic shield is a thing. The description of the magic shield is "A magic shield protects you from the dragon!" When shieldup begins: now the magic shield is part of the ring; When shielddown begins: say "Your shield runs out of energy and disappears. It will take some time to re-form."; now the magic shield is nowhere; now shieldon is false; When shielddown ends: if the player is not in crater: say "You feel renewed strength in the ring. You can SHIELD yourself again!" Carry out shielding: if the ring is not upgraded: say "You can't shield yourself in this game. Yet."; otherwise if shieldup is happening: say "Your shield is already activated!"; otherwise if shielddown is happening: say "Your shield needs time to recharge."; otherwise: say "You use the ring and a magic shield appears, strong enough to protect you from dragon's breath!"; now shieldon is true; Spearing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "spear [something]" as spearing. Singlespearing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "spear" as singlespearing. Carry out singlespearing: if the wyrm is in the location: try spearing the wyrm; otherwise: let current be a random thing in the location of the player; try spearing current; Carry out spearing: if the scepter is not upgraded: say "You can't spear things in this game. Yet."; if the noun is not the wyrm: say "The scepter's power is too dangerous to use on anything but an enemy!"; otherwise if the wyrm is not summoned: say "The dragon is too far away, destroying the park. You must SUMMON the dragon for your battle."; otherwise: say "[if the wyrm is dazzled]Even though it can't see well, the[otherwise]The[end if] dragon breathes a gout of fire [if the wyrm is dazzled]in your general direction[otherwise]at you[end if]. [if shieldon is false]You duck, sending your spear astray and missing the dragon[otherwise if the wyrm is not snared]Your shield protects you and you wave the sceptre, sending a spear flying towards the dragon. It's moving too fast, though, and you miss[otherwise if the wyrm is not dazzled]Your shield protects you, and you wave the sceptre, sending a spear flying towards the dragon. The vines slow it down, but it carefully watches the bolt coming towards it and moves just enough to dodge[otherwise]Your shield protects you, and you wave the sceptre, sending a spear flying towards the dragon. The vines hold it in place, and it's too dazzled to dodge[end if]."; if the wyrm is snared: if the wyrm is dazzled: if the wyrm is summoned: if shieldon is true: say "[line break]You defeat the dragon! It swells up, losing form and becoming a mass of shadowy shapes. Then it explodes and the castle falls, sending you wheeling through the air. As you fall, you can sense a change, the magic of Grooverland fading away. 'Thank you...' whispers the queen from the crown. Then all is lost."; now the player is in crater; repeat with current running through things enclosed by the player: if current is not regalia: if current is not the safety whistle: now current is nowhere; Shining is an action applying to nothing. Understand "shine" as shining. A thing can be dazzled or not dazzled. A thing is usually not dazzled. Eyereturn is a recurring scene. Eyereturn begins when the wyrm is dazzled. Eyereturn ends when the time since eyereturn began is five minutes. When eyereturn ends: if the wyrm is in the location: say "The dragon shakes its head, roaring. It is no longer dazzled by the sun orb."; now the wyrm is not dazzled; Carry out shining: if the sun orb is not upgraded: say "You can't shine in this game. Yet."; otherwise if the wyrm is not summoned: say "The dragon is too far away, destroying the park. You must SUMMON the dragon for your battle."; otherwise if the wyrm is dazzled: say "The dragon is still dazzled from the last shine."; otherwise: say "You raise the sun orb high. It releases a brilliant light[if the wyrm is in the location], dazzling the dragon[end if]. That was bright; it will be effective for quite a while."; if the wyrm is in the location: now the wyrm is dazzled; A thing can be snared or not snared. A thing is usually not snared. Freewyrm is a recurring scene. Freewyrm begins when the wyrm is snared. Freewyrm ends when the time since freewyrm began is four minutes. When freewyrm ends: if the wyrm is in the location: say "The dragon finally breaks free of the thorns snaring it."; now the wyrm is not snared; Snaring is an action applying to one thing. Understand "snare [something]" as snaring. Singlesnaring is an action applying to nothing. Understand "snare" as singlesnaring. Carry out singlesnaring: if the wyrm is in the location: try snaring the wyrm; otherwise: say "You make vines spring up all around you, but without a close target they fade away."; Carry out snaring: if the mantle is not upgraded: say "You can't snare in this game. Yet."; otherwise if the wyrm is not summoned: say "The dragon is too far away, destroying the park. You must SUMMON the dragon for your battle."; otherwise if the noun is not the wyrm: say "You make vines appear on [the noun], but they disappear again quickly."; otherwise: say "Vines burst out of [if the player is in heights]the castle,[otherwise]the ground[end if] surrounding the dragon and restricting its movement. It'll take a little bit for the dragon to shake them loose."; now the snaring vines are part of the wyrm; now the wyrm is snared; The snaring vines are a thing. The description of the snaring vines is "Thorny vines are restricting the dragon." Understand "thorny" as the snaring vines. Section 2 - The battle scene Dragonscene begins when the sugar plum crown is upgraded. The smoky haze is a backdrop. Understand "smoke" or "fire" as the smoky haze. The description of the smoky haze is "Fire in the distance is spreading smoke everywhere." When dragonscene begins: now the smoky haze is in trueoutdoorregion; repeat with current running through familish things: now current is oncecarried; Summoning is wyrmbehavior. Shielding is wyrmbehavior. Snaring something is wyrmbehavior. Spearing something is wyrmbehavior. Shining is wyrmbehavior. Singlespearing is wyrmbehavior. Singlesnaring is wyrmbehavior. Dragonstart is a truth state that varies. Dragonstart is false. Dragondisappearance is a recurring scene. Dragondisappearance begins when the player is not in trueoutdoorregion and dragonstart is true. Dragondisappearance ends when the player is in trueoutdoorregion. When dragondisappearance begins: if the player is not in crater: if the wyrm is summoned: say "The dragon breaks off its attack when you dive indoors. [if the wyrm is snared]The vines break off. [end if][if the wyrm is dazzled]The dazzled eyes of the dragon return to normal. [end if]You can hear it continue the assault on the rest of the park."; now the wyrm is not summoned; now the wyrm is not dazzled; now the wyrm is not snared; otherwise: say "There might be some safety from the dragon's attack, here indoors."; Dragonappearance is a recurring scene . Dragonappearance begins when the player is in trueoutdoorregion and dragonscene is happening. Dragonappearance ends when dragondisappearance begins. When dragonappearance begins: now the wyrm is in the location; Instead of listening during dragonscene: say "The dragon roars and bellows in anger[if the wyrm is not summoned] in the distance[end if]."; Every turn during dragonscene: if the current action is not wyrmbehavior: if the player is in trueoutdoorregion: if the wyrm is summoned: say "[one of]The dragon swoops towards you, forcing you to duck.[or]A ball of fire bursts towards you, [dodgetext].[or]The dragon sends a fireball at the park below, destroying more buildings.[or]The dragon's tail whips out, almost hitting your feet.[or]The dragon soars high into the air before rocketing down at you. You dodge at the last second and it pulls out of the dive with amazing agility.[at random]"; otherwise: say "[one of]Far above you, the dragon carries on its act of destruction.[or]The dragon sends a fireball to smash into the park below.[or]The dragon roars, and lightning strikes all around it.[or]The dragon circles around the park, looking for more things to set on fire.[at random]"; To say dodgetext: if shieldon is true: say "but you block it with your shield"; otherwise: say "almost hitting you and singing you a little"; Chapter 3 - The armory Offering is an action applying to one thing. Understand "offer [something]" or "sacrifice [something]" as offering. Carry out offering: if the player is in armory: try inserting the noun into the forge; otherwise if the player is in queen's garden: try giving the noun to the roses; otherwise if the player is in treasury: try inserting the noun into the bubbling pot of liquid platinum; otherwise if the player is in Kingdom: try putting the noun on the short marble pillar; otherwise if the number of nonplayerly people in the location > 0: let current be a random nonplayerly person in the location; try giving the noun to current; otherwise: say "There is nothing to offer [the noun] to here."; The Armory is down from the Queen's Tower. "Weapons of every kind fill this room: spears, swords, glaives, scythes, staves, and every other kind of weapon imaginable.  In the center lies a burning forge. [if the scepter is upgraded]The fire seems sated now, but still dangerous.[otherwise if the forge is appeased]'The fire is ready for your scepter,' says the Queen.[otherwise]'The weapon you wield must be guided truly. What can you sacrifice in the forge to help it find its way?' asks the queen.[end if] You can return to the tower by going [bold type]up[roman type]." The myriad weapons are scenery in the armory. The description of the myriad weapons is "Enough weapons are here to furnish a battalion. They are covered in tears." Understand "spear" or "spears" or "sword" or "swords" or "glaive" or "glaives" or "scythe" or "scythes" or "staff" or "staves" or "weapon" as the myriad weapons. Instead of taking the myriad weapons: say "These are not what you will wield." The burning forge is scenery in armory. The description of the burning forge is "The intense fire of the forge is too much to look at. [if the scepter is upgraded]The fire seems sated now, but still dangerous.[otherwise if the forge is appeased]'The fire is ready for your scepter,' says the Queen.[otherwise]'The weapon you wield must be guided truly. What can you sacrifice to help it find its way?' asks the queen.[end if]" Understand "intense" or "fire" or "flames" or "flame" or "fires" as the burning forge.  [putting other things in the forge] Instead of putting something on the burning forge: try inserting the noun into the burning forge; A thing can be appeased or unappeased. A thing is usually not appeased. Instead of inserting something into the burning forge: if the noun is the scepter: if the forge is not appeased: say "The Queen's voice stops you. 'You must sacrifice to the forge first. Your weapons will need to find its way to the enemy."; otherwise if the scepter is unupgraded: say "You plunge the scepter into the fire, and it glows with an intense heat that somehow leaves your hand unscathed. The scepter melts and reforms, becoming a glorious golden scepter. You can now SPEAR the dragon when you fight."; now the scepter is upgraded; now the printed name of the scepter is "true scepter"; otherwise: say "This forge has no more power over the scepter."; otherwise if the noun is dad's map: say "The flames eagerly lick up the map, which disappears. You feel like you can hear your Dad's laughter, distantly. The forge roars, and the Queen's voice says, 'Your sacrifice is accepted. The forge is ready for the scepter.'"; now dad's map is nowhere; now the forge is appeased; otherwise: say "The forge flames sink low. 'The forge does not accept your offering,' says the Queen. [if the scepter is upgraded]'You have already restored the scepter's power[otherwise if the forge is appeased]'It requires a sacrifice that will show your weapons the way[otherwise]'It is waiting for your weapon, the scepter[end if].'" Chapter 3 - Treasury The Treasury is south from the Queen's Tower. "This room is the heart of your new and vast fortune. Piles of silver, racks of jewels, and sumptuous furs fill the room. In the center is a bubbling pot filled with liquid platinum. [if the ring is upgraded]Little platinum remains. The pot has served its purpose[otherwise if the bubbling pot of liquid platinum is appeased]The pot is bubbling with excitement, ready for the ring[otherwise]'The pot requires a sacrifice; something that shows another person was thinking about you and your desires,' says the queen's voice[end if]. You can return to the tower to the [bold type]north[roman type]." [add tears to description] The piles of silver are plural-named scenery in the treasury. The racks of jewels are plural-named scenery in treasury. The sumptuous furs are plural-named scenery in treasury. The description of the piles of silver is "Enough silver to fill a boat."The description of the racks of jewels is "You've never seen so many jewels in your life." The description of the sumptuous furs is "You need never be cold again." The bubbling pot of liquid platinum is scenery in the treasury. The description of the bubbling pot of liquid platinum is "[if the ring is upgraded]Little platinum remains. The pot has served its purpose[otherwise if the bubbling pot of liquid platinum is appeased]The pot is bubbling with excitement, ready for the ring.[otherwise]'The pot requires a sacrifice; something that shows another person was thinking about you and your desires,' says the queen's voice.[end if]" Understand "dip [something] in [something]" as inserting it into. Understand "place [something] in [something]" as inserting it into. Does the player mean doing something with the bubbling pot of liquid platinum: it is very likely; Does the player mean inserting the ring into the bubbling pot of liquid platinum: it is very likely; Instead of inserting the something into the bubbling pot of liquid platinum: if the noun is the ring: if the bubbling pot of liquid platinum is unappeased: say "The pot makes unhappy noises. 'You must offer it a sacrifice first,' says the queen's voice. 'Something that shows someone thought and cared for you.'"; otherwise if the ring is unupgraded: say "You dip the ring carefully in and pull it out. A cold wind sweeps through the room, cooling the ring instantly. You place it back on your hand. It has a real ruby. You can now SHIELD yourself in the battle against the dragon."; now the ring is upgraded; now the printed name of the ring is "true ring"; otherwise: say "'Not enough platinum is left, child,' says the queen's voice."; otherwise if the noun is mom's list: say "You toss in the list, and the pot of platinum flashes brilliantly and begins to churn. 'Excellent,' says the queen's voice. 'Now we can add the ring. It will be able to protect you.'"; now the bubbling pot of liquid platinum is appeased; now mom's list is nowhere; otherwise: say "[if the ring is upgraded]'You have already restored the ring's power,' says the queen's voice.[otherwise if the bubbling pot of liquid platinum is appeased]'The bubbling pot rejects your offering,' says the queen's voice. 'It needs a sacrifice from someone who thought about you and kept your interests in mind.[otherwise]The pot shudders, rejecting your sacrifice. 'It will only accept the ring, now,' says the queen's voice.[end if]"; Before closing the ring: if the player is in treasury: if the ring is not upgraded: try inserting the ring into the bubbling pot of liquid platinum; Chapter 4 - Garden The Queen's Garden is north from the Queen's Tower. "There is a tall wall around this garden, preventing you from seeing beyond it. But the last of the sun's rays illuminate this garden, and you can see an enormous array of roses here. Their thorns and vines climb everywhere. [if the roses are unappeased]The roses stir, ready for an offering. 'To ensnare the dragon, you will need fierce imagination of heart from one you love. What can you give?' asks the queen[otherwise if the mantle is unupgraded]The roses climb onto your mantle. They want it[otherwise]The roses recognize you as one of them[end if]." Queen's garden is in queendom. The roses are scenery in the Queen's garden. The roses are animals. The roses are plural-named. Understand "thorn" or "thorns" or "vine" or "vines" as the roses. The description of the roses is "These blood-red roses are covered in thorns and vines. [if the roses are unappeased]The roses stir, ready for an offering. 'To ensnare the dragon, you will need fierce imagination of heart from one you love,' says the queen. 'Can you give anything?'[otherwise if the mantle is unupgraded]The roses climb onto your mantle. They want it[otherwise]The roses recognize you as one of them[end if]." Understand "blood" or "red" or "blood-red" as the roses. Instead of putting something on the roses: try giving the noun to the roses; Instead of inserting something into the roses: try giving the noun to the roses; Instead of dropping the mantle when the player is in queen's garden: try giving the mantle to the roses; Instead of dropping david's favorite plush chimera when the player is in queen's garden: try giving david's favorite plush chimera to the roses; Instead of giving something to the roses: if the noun is david's favorite plush chimera: say "You toss the chimera to the roses. They envelope it and soon it is gone. The roses grow more vibrant and crawl towards you. They want your mantle."; now the roses are appeased; now david's favorite plush chimera is nowhere; otherwise if the noun is the mantle: if the roses are unappeased: say "'To give the mantle power, the roses need power in return. They need something filled with fierce imagination, from one you love,' says the queen's voice."; otherwise if the mantle is unupgraded: say "You give them the mantle, and the roses swarm over it, twisting and embracing the mantle and each other. Within seconds, it has been transformed into a living carpet of roses. It crawls up your legs and over your shoulders, resuming its rightful place. Now you can SNARE the dragon during the fight."; now the mantle is upgraded; now the printed name of the mantle is "true mantle"; otherwise: say "The roses ignore the mantle. It is already beautiful."; otherwise: say "[if the mantle is upgraded]'You have already restored the mantle to its power,' says the queen's voice.[otherwise if the roses are unappeased]'The roses reject your offering,' says the queen's voice. 'You must first give them an offering of fierce thoughts from one that loved you.'[otherwise]'They will only accept your mantle now,' says the queen.[end if]"; Chapter 5 - Kingdom The Kingdom is east from the Queen's Tower. "The setting sun illuminates this area. You stand above a vast grassy plain reaching to distant mountains. Herds of unicorns and chimera swarm through the grasslands and you hear the call of griffins in the air. A short marble pillar reflects much of the light. [if the short marble pillar is unappeased]'To distract the dragon, you will need an old treasure from those who love you,' says the queen's voice. 'What can you give it?'[otherwise if the sun orb is unupgraded]The pillar is filled with light, ready for your sun orb.[otherwise]The pillar is spent, now.[end if] The tower is back to the [bold type]west[roman type]." [The blinding sun is scenery in the kingdom. The description of the blinding sun is "It is too bright to behold." The blinding sun is faroff. Does the player mean examining the blinding sun: it is very likely;] The short marble pillar is scenery supporter in the kingdom. The description of the short marble pillar is "This pillar is a little shorter than you. It is flat enough to place something on. [if the short marble pillar is unappeased]Light gathers around it. 'To distract the dragon, you will need an old treasure from those who love you,' says the queen. 'What can you give it?'[otherwise if the sun orb is unupgraded]The pillar is filled with light, ready for your sun orb.[otherwise]The pillar is spent, now.[end if]" Instead of giving something to the short marble pillar: try offering the noun; The grasslands are scenery in the kingdom. Understand "grassy" or "vast" or "plain" as the grasslands. The description of the grasslands is "Unicorns and chimera play here." The grasslands are faroff. The distant mountains are scenery in the kingdom. The description of the distant mountains is "So far away. And so beautiful." The distant mountains are faroff. The herds of unicorns are scenery animals in kingdom. The description of the herds of unicorns is "These brilliant animals bring tears to your eyes with their beauty." The herds of unicorns are faroff. The herds of unicorns are plural-named. The herds of chimera are scenery animals in kingdom. The description of the herds of chimera is "These frightening animals look incredibly powerful." The herds of chimera are faroff. The herds of chimera are plural-named. The griffins are scenery animals in kingdom. The description of the griffins is "Although you cannot see them, you know they are there." The griffins are faroff. The griffins are plural-named. The call of the griffins is scenery in kingdom. The description of the call of the griffins is "It echoes through the air." Does the player mean doing something with the call of the griffins: it is very unlikely; [The rain clouds of tears are scenery. The description of the rain clouds of tears is "Whose dreadful tears created these clouds?" The rain clouds of tears are faroff.] [separate rain from clouds?] [Raising is an action applying to one thing. Understand "raise [something]" or "lift [something]" as raising. Carry out raising: say "You lift [the noun]."] The glowing light is a thing. The description of the glowing light is "This is power from the bracelet."; Instead of inserting something into the short marble pillar: try putting the noun on the short marble pillar; Instead of giving something to the short marble pillar: try putting the noun on the short marble pillar; Instead of putting something on the short marble pillar: if the noun is the sun orb: if the short marble pillar is not appeased: say "'It requires a sacrifice first,' says the queen's voice. 'You must give it something old and precious for you and your family, so that you can distract the dragon.'"; otherwise if the sun orb is unupgraded: say "You place the orb on the pillar and the light swirls around it, filling it with intense heat and setting it ablaze. When the flames die down, the orb glows with brilliant light. You pick it up again. You can now make it SHINE to distract the dragon."; now the sun orb is upgraded; now the glowing light is nowhere; now the printed name of the sun orb is "true orb"; otherwise: say "Nothing happens. What's done is done."; otherwise if the noun is alice's silver bracelet: say "You place the bracelet on the pillar. The light from the setting sun strikes it, and fills it with bright light. The bracelet disappears, but the light remains. 'Now for the sun orb,' says the queen."; now the short marble pillar is appeased; now the glowing light is part of the pillar; now alice's silver bracelet is nowhere; otherwise: say "[if the short marble pillar is unappeased]'You must offer something first that is of great worth to your family and to you, from days of old,' says the queen.[otherwise if the sun orb is unupgraded]'It will only accept the sun orb now,' says the Queen.[otherwise]Nothing happens. You pick [the noun] back up.[end if]"; Chapter 6 - Lake of tears [The Lake of Tears is down from the prison. "This cavern is filled from rim to rim with a lake of pure tears. A dark passageway lies [bold type]east[roman type] to what you know to be your final destination. A rivulet of tears flows from that passage to spill into the lake." [add lake of tears scenery] The tear lake is scenery in the lake of tears. The description of the tear lake is "A deep lake of tears fills this cavern." Instead of drinking the tear lake: say "Salty and bitter." Instead of entering the tear lake: say "Perhaps one day. But not now." The cavern is scenery in the lake of tears. The description of the cavern is "This must be far underground." Every turn: if the player is not queenready: if the number of upgraded regalia enclosed by the player > 4: say "A deep rumble comes from [if the location of the player is prison]all around you[otherwise]deep below[end if]. A new pathway has opened [if the location of the player is prison]leading [bold type]down[roman type][otherwise]somewhere[end if]. 'Our tour is coming to an end, Lily. But our time together is only beginning. Let us go down below the tower,' says the Mirrored Queen."; now the player is queenready; change the down exit of Prison to the lake of tears; ] Chapter 7 - Crater The Crater is a room. "You are stuck on the edge of a burning crater, all that remains of the park. It is too steep to climb up and you certainly don't want to go down. The smoke is blurring everything. You can hear your family calling for you, but you can't see them." Instead of going nowhere when the player is in the crater: if the noun is down: say "Are you crazy?"; otherwise: say "It's too smoky to see where you're going and you don't want to fall in the pit!"; [sign that says no dogs anywhere?] The burning pit is faroff scenery in the crater. The description of the burning pit is "The dragon has destroyed most of the park, leaving a burning pit below you." Understand "park" or "crater" as the burning pit. WhistledQueen is a truth state that varies. WhistledQueen is false. FrozenTime is a scene. FrozenTime begins when the player is in crater for the first time. [When FrozenTime begins: say "The wooden queen leads you to your own pedestal. 'These came to me, just as you did. Theirs was the day in the sun, the glory in the park, the acclaim of their loved ones. They became queens, and it is their royal tears that gives me power. Now you, too will join them.' You release that you are no longer in control of yourself. Time seems to slow down. You are lead onto a pedestal in the center of the room. 'Perfect. Farewell, your majesty. Long may you reign,' says the wooden queen, and she departs."] [The queens on pedestals are scenery in Hall of Queens. Understand "regalia" as the queens on pedestals. The description of the queens on pedestals is "You see countless other girls and women here, all attired in their own regalia. They are all weeping."] Instead of examining the safety whistle during frozentime: say "It rests high on your neck, close to your lips." Creaking is an action applying to nothing. Understand "creak" as creaking. Carry out creaking: say "You try very hard to creak, but while you make a number of interesting noises, none of them could be called a 'creak'." Crying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "cry" or "sob" as crying. Carry out crying: if Frozentime is happening: say "Great tears roll over your face and drop to the ground."; otherwise if the player is in creakyregion: say "You let tears trickle down your cheeks. It seems to have no effect."; otherwise: say "Not on your special day."; Breathing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "breathe" as breathing. Carry out breathing: say "You take deep breaths." [do not keep the above part] Finaletimego is a truth state that varies. Before doing something during FrozenTime: if the current action is examining: do nothing; otherwise if the current action is looking: do nothing; otherwise if the current action is taking inventory: do nothing; otherwise if the current action is breathing: do nothing; otherwise if the current action is crying: do nothing; otherwise if the current action is whistleblowing or singlewhistling: say "As a last resort, you blow the whistle with all your might. You hear a distant bark, then another. Soon, they're coming closer, then Toby leaps down to you from above. Toby barks in concern, grabs your hand and leads you up a path you couldn't see through the smoke. Together you pass up the edge of the crater. The park is devastated. The castle and the Bitter End are gone completely. Toby pulls you past the Spooky Sideshow where the corn maze has become cinders. You pass the Mechanical Marvels where the Serpent Slide is still engulfed in flames. You pass the Prowling Promenade where the remains of three food carts lie smoldering on the ground. You pass the Melancholy Mall that smells like burnt cookies. Finally, Toby pulls you out to the parking lot where your family rushes forward to embrace you. 'Lily!' they shout. Sirens fill the air as fire trucks and police pull into the lot. Behind your family, you can see two crowds of hazy figures. One group, led by a woman in red, look downcast. The other, led by a woman in white and silver, wave at you gratefully. As they all fade away, you hear the Mirrored Queen's voice one last time: 'Grooverland is free from the Empress, now. We will rebuild. Thank you, Lily.' And then they are gone. After many long and confusing conversations with your family and the police, you finally get on your way back to the hotel. The miles pass by and the road is dark, so you begin to drift off to sleep. Right before you slip into slumber, David asks, 'Hey, does anyone know where my chimera went?'"; now finaletimego is true instead; otherwise: say "It is helpless. You can only move your head. This, it seems, is your fate." instead; Frozentime ends when finaletimego is true. Finaletime is a scene. Finaletime begins when frozentime ends. When finaletime begins: end the story finally saying "You have defeated Grooverland!" instead; [Escape is a room. When finaletime begins: now the player is in escape; Instead of doing anything during finaletime: say "Toby pulls you one step closer to freedom. You have no time for anything else. [one of]But, unfortunately, the walls are shaking. You and your new friends start to run. You have to get out of here![or]Together you charge out of the room and up through the prison and tower, which is ready to collapse. The Mirrored Queen is nowhere to be found, but a new blood-red tree grows from the tower floor.[or]You and the other queens hurry through the doors back to Grooverland. The tower implodes behind you, leave a howling dark void in the air.[or]You rush out of the Queen's Castle and into the Bitter End. The castle itself collapses into the void. The dance floor is being overrun with lettuce, and Morgan's tent is being blown violently towards the collapsing castle.[or]You race past the Spooky Sideshow. Something dark and horrifying flies above the ruins of the creaky house, but you can't bear to look at it. You hear it cry, and it is blown away. The corn maze wither, dries, and dies as you rush past.[or]You hurry past the Mechanical Marvels. The laserfight space explodes, showering you all with debris, and the serpent rises up into the air with an agonized hiss before falling apart into cascade of flower petals.[or]You are almost there! As you race past the Prowling Promenade, the animals come out of hiding, following you and changing into ordinary creatures. You hear voices from up ahead. It's your family![or]You rush past the Melancholy Mall, where the gift shop and snack bar are sinking into the ground.[or]Finally, you rush out past the Welcome Booth and into the arms of your waiting family and a group of police officers. Behind you, everything explodes in a bright light. Out of breath, you and the other queens sit outside what once was Grooverland. When the light fades, you see an empty clearing. Your family and the police stare in shock. But the former queens surround you and lift you on their shoulders. They chant your name. 'Lily! Lily!' You've done it![wintime][stopping]"; To say wintime: [knowntest;] end the story finally saying "You have defeated Grooverland!" instead; Rule for printing a parser error when finaletime is happening: try examining yourself;] Volume 3 - People Book 1 - Conversation Talking to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "talk to [something]" or "talk [something]" as talking to. Check talking to: if the noun is not a person: say "Unfortunately, you can only speak with living people." instead; Carry out talking to: say "You provoke no reaction.[line break]" Instead of talking to a largegroup person: say "You shout at [the noun] but they do not respond."; Instead of talking to yourself: if the sugar plum crown is upgraded: say "The queen's voice is part of you, now, and talking to yourself won't help."; otherwise: say "Hello, self. Nice to meet me." [this is dangerous; possibly change] A thing can be known or unknown. A thing is usually unknown. Yourself is known. Before printing the name of something (called the target): now the target is known. [Before examining something (called the target): now the target is known.] [Every turn: repeat with current running through things enclosed by the location of the player: now current is known;] Understand "ask [someone] about [any known thing]" as interrogating it about. Interrogating it about is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "tell [someone] about [any known thing]" as expostulating it about. Expostulating it about is an action applying to two visible things. Singleinting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "ask about [any known thing]" or "tell about [any known thing]" as singleinting. Carry out singleinting: if the number of nonplayerly people enclosed by the location > 0: let current be a random nonplayerly person enclosed by the location; try interrogating current about the noun; otherwise: say "There is no one for you to speak with."; Carry out expostulating it about: try interrogating the noun about the second noun; Singleasking is an action applying to a topic. Understand "ask about [text]" as singleasking. Carry out singleasking: if the number of nonplayerly people enclosed by the location > 0: let current be a random nonplayerly person enclosed by the location; try asking current about the the topic understood; otherwise: say "There is no one for you to speak with."; [finish this part] Carry out interrogating it about: if the noun is an animal: say "[The noun] looks at you, confused."; otherwise: say "'I don't know about [the second noun]', says [the noun]." Book 2 - Individual people A person has some text called reactiontext. The reactiontext of a person is usually "Someone waves at [the random petfollowing animal]." Part 1 - Food sellers Chapter 1 - The people The sausage seller is a man in Prowling Promenade. The ceviche chef is a woman in Prowling Promenade. The jelly man is a man in Prowling Promenade. The reactiontext of the sausage seller is "The sausage seller looks amused by [the random petfollowing animal] following you." The reactiontext of the ceviche chef is "The ceviche chef watches you and [the random petfollowing animal] silently." The reactiontext of the jelly man is "The jelly man chuckles and waves at [the random petfollowing animal]." Section 1 - Sausage seller and cart The description of the sausage seller is "A heavy-set man with thick stubble and a layer of grease all over him[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2]. He has rat whiskers[end if]. He's standing in front of the [sausage menu]." The pig snout is a thing. The description of the pig snout is "It's bristly and gross." Understand "bristly" or "gross" as the pig snout. The rat whiskers are a plural-named thing. The description of the rat whiskers is "They are exceptionally disgusting." The sausage cart is scenery in Prowling Promenade. The description of the sausage cart is "The sign on the cart advertises 'SCREAMING CAT SAUSAGES.' Below, the sausage menu says:" Understand "screaming" or "cat" or "sausages" or "sign" as the sausage cart. Understand "heavy-set" or "heavy" or "man" as the sausage seller. The thick stubble is part of the sausage seller. The description of the thick stubble is "Looks like he hasn't shaved in a while." The layer of grease is part of the sausage seller. The description of the layer of grease is "Grease all over." Instead of talking to the sausage seller: say "'Sausage! Get your sausage here! Fresh off the grill! Cooked with love! This is sausage that gods themselves would dream of!' says the Sausage Seller." Instead of asking the sausage seller about "gods/god": say "The sausage seller shrugs and says, 'When I see sausage this good, I know that perfection is possible for food. So why not for beings?'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the sausage seller: say "'I am but a humble shepherd of the sausage,' says the sausage seller. 'In my youth, I sought out the secrets of the sausage sages, and now sling my sausage with sagacity and sweetness.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the sausage cart: say "'Yeah, this is my cart. My dad had it, and his dad before him. Sausage is in my blood,' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the varieties of food: say "'All of this food is for the animals in the Menagerie,' says the seller. 'You get tokens from the keeper and buy some food from here.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the menagerieper: say "'He's an odd one. But he does like his sausage. He's a good man, in my book' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the zookeeper: say "'Aw, she's a real sweetie, she is,' says the sausage seller."; Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the sausage menu: try interrogating the sausage about the varieties of food; Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the ceviche chef: say "He leans in close. 'Something about her always seemed fishy to me,' he says. 'A bit too partial to marine varieties of meat.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the jelly man: say "He shakes his head. 'Strange people are everywhere in Grooverland. But the jelly man, he is very strange indeed.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about grooverland: say "'This is home for me, now. And I wouldn't have it any other way,' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about yourself: say "'I've heard it's your special day,' says the seller. 'And what could make that day better than sausage?'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the Mirrored Queen: say "He puts his hand on his heart. 'Long live the queen. Although I lean towards the [Scarlet Empress], myself.'"; Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about a viand: if the owner of the second noun is the sausage seller: say "'Ah yes, [the second noun]. It has a bloodiness of [bloodiness of the second noun], a rawness of [rawness of the second noun], and a sloppiness of [sloppiness of the second noun].'"; otherwise: say "He shrugs. 'You'll have to ask the others about that.'"; Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the dragon: say "He sniffs. 'That's far too sweet for my tastes.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the animal trainer: say "'Unless she's selling animals for meat, I'm not interested,' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about toby: say "'An outside animal runs some risks in this establishment,' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the gate guard: say "'He and I have had our differences. He's too bloodless, I think, and he finds me too spicy,' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about David: if David is in Prowling Promenade: say "'Oh, is that your brother there? He seems to admire the park, but he would do well to fear it,' says the Sausage Seller."; otherwise: say "'I haven't seen him recently,' says the sausage seller. 'I hope he's having a delightfully frightening time.'"; Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the chief engineer: say "'I don't know much about the support staff, but he seems like an interesting fellow. Nice mustache,' says the sausage seller."; Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about Dad: if dadstop is true: say "'I haven't seen anyone like that in a long time,' says the sausage seller. 'But I saw him wandering around a lot earlier. Did he go home?'"; otherwise: say "'I think I've seen him over to the east every know and then,' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about Alice: say "'I might have seen your sister this morning, but she hasn't been through here since then,' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the royal attendants: say "He sniffs. 'Impartial observers. Too wishy-washy for my taste.'"; Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about scenery people: say "'Many people come to Grooverland. I don't concern myself about them, as long as they are awed and chilled by our attractions,' says the susage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the snack attendant: say "He shakes his head. 'She is nothing but sugar, sugar, sugar. I am savory.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about mom: say "'I haven't seen your mother all day. I don't even know what she looks like!' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the shop clerk: say "He shrugs. 'He's new. Don't know much about him.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the racing slug: say "He shrugs. 'Too slimy to work with.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the truffle pig: say "He says, 'Now that would make a fine sausage. He's too valuable to part with, though.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the tailypo: say "His face gets dark. 'We had a...disagreement years ago. We've come to terms, however.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the griffin: say "He says, 'Now that's a creature after my own heart. Loves my food.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the skull scraper: say "He says, 'That creature's useful for discarding my leftover bones.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the wolf: say "'Always seemed odd to me that we keep him locked up,' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the rawhead: say "'He doesn't like it when I overcook my sausage,' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the shrine beast: say "'He absolutely loves my food, although some is better than others,' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the plastic skeleton: say "'Are you talking about the plastic skeleton in the Serpent Slide ride? That thing's practically an antique,' says the sausage seller." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the countesses: say "'I have no particular interest in the laserfight game myself,' says the sausage seller. 'But I wish I could open up a second stand in there.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the vicomtes: say "'I have no particular interest in the laserfight game myself,' says the sausage seller. 'But I wish I could open up a second stand in there.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the creaky singer: say "The sausage seller smiles. 'We both serve the [Scarlet Empress], and I'm happy to work with that talented singer.'"; Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the dance instructor: say "'She is very competitive,' says the sausage seller. 'But she doesn't care if you cheat.'" Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about eugene: say "He just snorts contemptuously." Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about Morgan the mechanical: say "'I love her show,' says the sausage seller. 'But I'd hate to be part of her crew."; Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the scarlet empress: say "He smiles. 'The most wonderful leader Grooverland has ever had. May she eclipse the [Mirrored Queen]!'"; Instead of interrogating the sausage seller about the monkey: say "He scowls and says, 'That rascally monkey, I hope the tailypo tears it to shreds the next time they see each other!'" [Character name: sausage seller Role in story: sells sausage Physical description (make it reflect personality or job in some way--add meaning): Piglike, sweaty, stretched, full skin Age: 53 (MBTI personality type:) architect What is their greatest fear? a world without sausage What is their misbelief about the world? (Based on fear) that they need to sell as much as they can while they can What is the best thing in their life? sausage What is the worst thing in their life? cleaning the grill What do they most often look down on people for? veganism What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? people enjoying their food What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? teaching them food, and their last boss Top 3 things they value most in life? sausage, cooking, and friendship Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? What is it and why? their grill, since their father gave it to them Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) timberland boots, greasy jeans, plaid shirt, no hat What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? Soss What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) spatula Daily routine get up, cook, eat, sell What is their go-to cure for a bad day? sleeping Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? biting nails What is their desire? for people to accept their sausage Conflict? wanting more money ] Section 2 - ceviche chef and cart The description of the ceviche chef is "A thin and almost rubbery-looking woman with bulging eyes[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2]. Her long, forked tail marks her as a siren[end if]. She's standing in front of the [ceviche menu]." Understand "thin" or "rubbery" or "rubbery-looking" or "looking" as the ceviche chef. The bulging eyes are part of the ceviche chef. The description of the bulging eyes is "Her eyes are rather disturbing." The ceviche cart is scenery in Prowling Promenade. The description of the ceviche cart is "The sign on the cart advertises 'DIVINE AND BRINE'S CEVICHE.' Below, the ceviche menu says:" Understand "divine" or "brine" or "brine's" or "sign" as the ceviche cart. The long forked tail is a thing. The description of the long forked tail is "Just like a fish's." Instead of talking to the ceviche chef: say "She stares at you with her bulging eyes, then says, 'Do you have a token, child? This food is for the menagerie animals. If you have a token, buy what you wish. The ceviche menu is here,' she says, pointing to her menu."; Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the ceviche chef: say "'My life is of no interest to you, child,' says the ceviche chef. 'I sell the ceviche, and that is all there is to it.'" Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the ceviche cart: say "'I'm very proud of it,' says the ceviche chef. 'It is much more organized than the other carts.'" Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the varieties of food: say "'All of this food is for the animals in the Menagerie,' says the chef. 'You must get tokens from the keeper and then buy the food you like.'" Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the ceviche menu: try interrogating the ceviche chef about the varieties of food; Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the menagerieper: say "'I don't know how he tidies up after those voracious animals,' says the ceviche chef, 'but he does an excellent job. He has earned my respect." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the zookeeper: say "'She is very quiet' says the ceviche chef. 'She is clean, though.'"; Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the sausage seller: say "She says, 'He's a good cook but could take better care of his cart.'" Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the jelly man: say "She shudders and says, 'Such a messy, messy man.'" Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about grooverland: say "'It can be dry and dusty,' says the ceviche chef, 'but it's where I want to be. For now.'" Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about yourself: say "'You're Lily, right?'asks the ceviche chef. 'You seem a fine young lady. Just make sure to be tidy.'" Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the Mirrored Queen: say "She smiles and says, 'I admire both of our rulers. The [Mirrored Queen] and [Scarlet Empress] both bring much to the park.'"; Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about a viand: if the owner of the second noun is the ceviche chef: say "'Ah yes, [the second noun]. It has a bloodiness of [bloodiness of the second noun], a rawness of [rawness of the second noun], and a sloppiness of [sloppiness of the second noun].'"; otherwise: say "She shrugs. 'You'll have to ask the others about that.'"; Report examining a viand: say "It has a bloodiness of [bloodiness of the noun], a rawness of [rawness of the noun], and a sloppiness of [sloppiness of the noun]." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the dragon: say "She says, 'I admire the skill it takes to create such a contraption.'"; Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the animal trainer: say "'Anyone who can train dogs to be neat and tidy is a fine woman in my book,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about toby: say "'He is well-trained, and that's all I care about,' she says." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about gate guard: say "'He is a tidy man, and I appreciate that,' says the ceviche chef. 'He only serves the [Mirrored Queen], while I find her and the [Scarlet Empress] both to be rewarding.'"; Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about david: if david is in the location of the player: say "'Is that your brother? How odd. I find nothing memorable about him,' says the chef."; otherwise: say "'I can hardly keep track of all the little boys that are running about this park today,' says the chef." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the chief engineer: say "'I think he might be new,' says the ceviche chef. 'I don't recall seeing him very often.'"; Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about dad: say "'He is the man with the map, correct? I believe he came through here this morning,' she says." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about alice: say "'Your sister sounds lovely,' she says. 'But I don't remember seeing her today.'"; Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the royal attendants: say "'The [royal attendants], like me, serve both of our parks rulers: the [Mirrored Queen] and the [Scarlet Empress],' she says. 'And so of course I'm fond of them.'"; Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the snack attendant: say "She shakes her head. 'I can't imagine working in such a messy environment. Shocking, really. Why aren't there any plates or utensils for that cake?'"; [add cake to interrogation stuff?] Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about mom: say "'I know for certain I haven't seen anyone like that today. Didn't you say she was in the gift shop all morning? She certainly hasn't come this way,' answers the ceviche chef." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the shop clerk: say "'He seems like a bright young man, but he is quite young,' says the ceviche chef." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the racing slug: say "'I think it could make for a very interesting ceviche,' she says, 'but apparently he has other uses for now.'"; Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the truffle pig: say "'I just wish the zookeeper would let us use the pig to find more truffles,' says the ceviche chef." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the tailypo: say "'A disgusting creature. I hate that it lives in this park,' she says." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the griffin: say "She says, 'A majestic but fierce creature.'" Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the skull scraper: say "She says, 'The skull scraper is, perhaps, my favorite animal here.'" Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the wolf: say "She frowns and says 'The wolf is a messy, sloppy creature. I am not a fan.'" Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the rawhead: say "'It has proper taste in food,' says the ceviche chef." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the shrine beast: say "'I can't say that the beast prefers my ceviche,' says the ceviche chef. 'But what can you do?'" Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the plastic skeleton: say "'A tacky skeleton? Not interesting to me,' she says." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the countesses: say "'At least they manage to keep tidy as they fight,' says the ceviche chef." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the vicomtes: say "'At least they manage to keep tidy as they fight,' says the ceviche chef." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the creaky singer: say "'A solid partisan for the [Scarlet Empress]. I can't abide those who see only one side of the story,' she says." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the dance instructor: say "'I haven't spoken with her much,' says the ceviche chef. 'I wonder what she's like.'"; Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about eugene: say "'Is that the boy that's your brother? No? Hard to keep track of them all,' she says." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about Morgan the mechanical: say "'An interesting act. I actually took inspiration from them when designing the cooling system in my kitchen,' she says." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the scarlet empress: say "'Oh, she's everything frightening or dark about the park. The [Mirrored Queen] is everything light. Simple,' she says." Instead of interrogating the ceviche chef about the monkey: say "'You want to know my opinion about a feces-flinging, fist-fighting feral primate? I'll let you deduce that one on your own,' she says."; [Character name: ceviche chef Role in story: sells ceviche, is weird Physical description (make it reflect personality or job in some way--add meaning): fishy, rubbery skin, bulging eyes Age: 36 (MBTI personality type:) inspector What is their greatest fear? being trapped on land What is their misbelief about the world? (Based on fear) that if she lets her guard down, others will take advantage of her What is the best thing in their life? taking a bath What is the worst thing in their life? the dust and grime kicked up in grooverland What do they most often look down on people for? dirtiness What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? tidying up What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? respecting her privacy. Her dad Top 3 things they value most in life? cleanliness, privacy, and relaxation Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? What is it and why? no Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) thigh waisted skinny jeans, thick cotton button dress shirt, sneakers What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? buggy What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) serving fork Daily routine get up, bathe, cook, bathe, meditate What is their go-to cure for a bad day? cleaning Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? breathing exercises What is their desire? to be organized Conflict? having to have a job ] Section 3 - Jelly man and cart The description of the jelly man is "A jovial tall man with a ruddy complexion[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2]. He seems to be made entirely of jelly[end if]. He's standing in front of the [jelly menu]." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the jelly man: say "'Jelly is my name and jelly are my ways,' says the jelly man with a hearty laugh." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the jelly cart: say "'Please,' says the jelly man, 'buy as much as you can! It is my joy and my pleasure to provide you with this food.'" Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the varieties of food: say "'All of this jelly is for the animals in the Menagerie,' says the jelly man. 'You get tokens from the keeper and buy some food from here.'" Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the menagerieper: say "'Ah, a man of action! Not afraid to get messy and make mistakes,' says the jelly man. 'I admire such a man, despite his allegiance.'" Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the zookeeper: say "'I detest her, even though we are on the same side. Her zoo is too still and peaceful, and the animals, they will not partake of the jelly,' says the jelly man."; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the sausage seller: say "He says, 'The sausage seller understands me. He is a sausage man. I am a jelly man.'" Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the ceviche chef: say "He says, 'She detests me for my sloppiness, but I think she will come around.'" Instead of interrogating the jelly man about a viand: if the owner of the second noun is the jelly man: say "'Ah yes, [the second noun]. It has a bloodiness of [bloodiness of the second noun], a rawness of [rawness of the second noun], and a sloppiness of [sloppiness of the second noun],' says the jelly man.'"; otherwise: say "He shrugs. 'You'll have to ask the others about that.'"; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about grooverland: say "'The most important part about Grooverland,' says the jelly man, 'is that I can sell my jelly here!'" Instead of interrogating the jelly man about yourself: say "'Such a pleasant little girl,' says the jelly man. 'You have my blessing. May your day be prosperous and filled with jelly!'" Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the Mirrored Queen: say "He shrugs. 'The Mirrored Queen is my delight. Life should be sweet, not bitter like the [Scarlet Empress].'"; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the dragon: say "'I loved it!' he shouts. 'The candy was delightful!'" Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the animal trainer: say "'She seems sweet,' he says. 'She isn't one of us, though.'" Instead of interrogating the jelly man about Toby: say "'I wonder if he likes jelly,' says the man. 'Probably not.'"; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the gate guard: say "'We both serve the [Mirrored Queen] more than the [Scarlet Empress]. I like the man,' he says." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about David: if david is nowhere: say "'I haven't seen him for quite some time. I hope he is alright,' says the jelly man."; otherwise: say "'Oh, the little boy has been running back and forth all day. He seems quite nice,' says the jelly man."; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the chief engineer: say "'Never heard of him. He must be new,' says the jelly man."; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about Dad: say "'I believe I saw that gentleman pass by this morning, holding a map,' says the jelly man." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about Alice: say "'That app of hers certainly looks interesting. Seems to be more about places than people, though,' says the jelly man." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the royal attendants: say "'What can I say? They guard our rulers, but aren't much fun,' he says." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the snack attendant: say "'That woman is a delight to my heart. I'd love to get to know her better,' says the jelly man."; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about mom: say "'She was at the opening show with the dragon, right? Haven't seen her since then,' says the jelly man." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the shop clerk: say "'He's a fine young lad, but should take more pride in his work!' says the jelly man." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the racing slug: say "'I make jelly. He makes slime. What's not to like?' asks the jelly man."; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the truffle pig: say "'It's not very messy, but then I prefer messy, so....' He shrugs."; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the tailypo: say "'I honestly don't know how it ended up in the petting zoo instead of the menagerie,' says the jelly man." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the griffin: say "'I believe that creature should be free. How must it feel to be in a cage, knowing you can soar?' asks the jelly man." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the skull scraper: say "'The skull scraper is a bit too picky for my tastes,' says the jelly man." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the wolf: say "'Now there's a beast I wish I could take home and have for myself. Very mess,' says the jelly man." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the rawhead: say "'The rawhead seems to favor the ceviche chef's food,' says the jelly man." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the shrine beast: say "'It doesn't seem to care for me one way or another,' you say." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the plastic skeleton: say "'I haven't thought about that silly old skeleton and its arm in years,' he answers."; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the countesses: say "'Their incessant battles ought to bring joy, but they don't,' says the jelly man. 'Especially since they are so tidy and precise. It's infuriating.'"; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the vicomtes: say "'Their incessant battles ought to bring joy, but they don't,' says the jelly man. 'Especially since they are so tidy and precise. It's infuriating.'"; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the creaky singer: say "'One of the favorites of the [Scarlet Empress], he is. I've wondered what his beast is truly like,' says the jelly man." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the dance instructor: say "'Her methods are unorthodox, but I believe she is good at heart,' says the jelly man." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about Eugene: say "The jelly man just laughs, long and loud." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about morgan the mechanical: say "'That whole setup just fascinates me. Why involve so many people when you could just have a human magician?' says the jelly man."; Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the scarlet empress: say "'She is evil. And I am not. So I don't support her. But terror and fear are part of Grooverland, so we will never be truly free from her,' he answers." Instead of interrogating the jelly man about the monkey: say "'What a rascal! None of us staff can shirk our jobs, but he can leave the zoo. Ridiculous!' he says." [Character name: jelly man Role in story: sells jelly, is jelly god in disguise Physical description (make it reflect personality or job in some way--add meaning): like inflatable car thing Age: 10000 (MBTI personality type:) promoter What is their greatest fear? no fears at all What is their misbelief about the world? (Based on fear) that they are the god of all What is the best thing in their life? being consumed What is the worst thing in their life? boredom What do they most often look down on people for? not being jelly What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? being consumed What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? being consumed and the last customer Top 3 things they value most in life? jelly, godliness, power Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? What is it and why? jelly. it is their essence Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) tennis shoes, bootcut jeans, white t shirt and jacket What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? jelly What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) their flesh Daily routine get up, make jelly, sell What is their go-to cure for a bad day? making jelly Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? none What is their desire? to be consumed Conflict? people not liking jelly] Understand "jovial" or "tall" as the jelly man. The ruddy complexion is part of the tall man. The description of the ruddy complexion is "Very ruddy, in fact." The jelly cart is scenery in Prowling Promenade. The description of the jelly cart is "The sign on the cart advertises 'JUMPING JUPITER JELLY.' Below, the jelly menu says:" Rule for printing the name of a transparent container when examining: say "[printed name of noun]"; omit contents in listing. Rule for printing the name of a transparent container when the player is in petting zoo: say "[printed name of noun]"; omit contents in listing. Understand "jumping" or "jupiter" or "sign" as the jelly cart. Instead of talking to the jelly man: say "He laughs riotously. 'Hello, child!' he shouts, 'Bring all your tokens here!'" Before inserting a viand into a transparent container: say "You don't need to give the food back!" instead; Instead of examining a transparent container when the player is in prowling promenade: say the description of the noun; say "[line break]"; now the noun is examined; if the noun is the jelly cart: try examining the jelly menu; if the noun is the ceviche cart: try examining the ceviche menu; if the noun is the sausage cart: try examining the sausage menu; Understand "carts" as the sausage cart. Understand "carts" as the ceviche cart. Understand "carts" as the jelly cart. Understand "menus" as the sausage menu. Understand "menus" as the ceviche menu. Understand "menus" as the jelly menu. Section 4 - Four regalia changes When threeregalia begins: now the printed name of the sausage seller is "were-rat selling sausage"; now the rat whiskers are part of the sausage seller; now the printed name of the ceviche chef is "siren selling ceviche"; now the long forked tail is part of the ceviche chef; now the printed name of the jelly man is "jelly golem selling jelly"; now the pig snout is part of the sausage seller; Understand "were-rat" or "were" or "rat" or "wererat" as the sausage seller. Understand "siren" as the ceviche chef. Understand "golem" as the jelly man. When fiveregalia begins: now the sausage seller is nowhere; now the ceviche chef is nowhere; now the jelly man is nowhere; Chapter 1 - The tokens and viands A food token is a kind of thing. The description of a food token is usually "This token is good for one item from the Prowling Promenade food carts." A viand is a kind of thing. A viand has a person called the owner. The owner of a viand is usually the sausage seller. Instead of giving a food token to a sellery person: choose row with a speaker of second noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[apology entry in sentence case], you'll have to BUY whatever you want directly,' says [the second noun]." Instead of buying a viand: if the noun is not in the cart of the owner of the noun: say "'Sorry, you already have one of those,' says [the owner of the noun]."; otherwise if the player has a food token: now a random food token carried by the player is in nowhereland; now the noun is carried by the player; say "[The owner of the noun] wraps up your purchase and hands it to you. 'There you go! One [noun] to go!' [if a food token is carried by the player]You now have [the number of food tokens carried by the player in words] token[s] left[otherwise]You have no more tokens, now[end if]."; otherwise: say "[The owner of the noun] says, 'You'll need a token to buy that! Go see if you can find some in the menagerie to the [bold type]south[roman type].'" Instead of buying a ticket: say "You have to give a ticket to the snack attendant to use it." Instead of buying a food token: if the player is in prowling promenade: try buying the varieties of food; otherwise: say "You can look at the menus in Prowling Promenade to see what you can buy." Instead of eating a viand: say "Oh, no, no, no, no. This is food fit for the menagerie, not for a queen." A viand has a number called the bloodiness. The bloodiness of a viand is usually 1. A viand has a number called the sloppiness. The sloppiness of a viand is usually 1. A viand has a number called the rawness. The rawness of a viand is usually 1. A thing has some text called the constantname. The constantname of a thing is usually "*[line break]" When play begins: repeat with current running through viands: now constantname of current is "[current]"; now current is unknown; Rule for printing the name of a viand (called currentviand) when taking inventory: say " (B [bloodiness of currentviand], S [sloppiness of currentviand], R [rawness of currentviand]) [constantname of currentviand]"; A person has a thing called the cart. The cart of a person is usually the sausage cart. The cart of the ceviche chef is the ceviche cart. The cart of the jelly man is the jelly cart. The sausage cart is a transparent container. The ceviche cart is a transparent container. The jelly cart is a transparent container. Understand "stand" as the sausage cart. Understand "stand" as the ceviche cart. Understand "stand" as the jelly cart. Instead of pushing the sausage cart: say "The sausage seller glowers at you." Instead of pushing the ceviche cart: say "The ceviche chef tuts disapprovingly." Instead of pushing the jelly cart: say "The jelly man harrumphs at you." Instead of inserting something into a transparent container: say "Lets not put things into the cart. Not after what happened last time at the county fair." When play begins: repeat with current running through viands: now current is in the cart of the owner of current; A thing can be viandy or unviandy. A thing is usually unviandy. A viand is always viandy. Instead of taking inventory when a viand is carried by the player: say "[if the player carries something][We] [are] carrying: [line break]"; now all unviandy things enclosed by the player are marked for listing; now all viandy things carried by the player are unmarked for listing; list the contents of the player, with newlines, indented, giving inventory information, including contents, with extra indentation, listing marked items only; say "[line break][bold type]Menagerie food (with Blooodiness, Sloppiness, and Rawness)[roman type][line break]"; now all unviandy things enclosed by the player are unmarked for listing; now all viandy things carried by the player are marked for listing; now all viandy things enclosed by the player are proper-named; list the contents of the player, with newlines, indented, giving inventory information, including contents, with extra indentation, listing marked items only; now all viandy things enclosed by the player are not proper-named; Before going south from mechanical marvels: if a viand is carried by the player: say "You remember your sister told you that food is not allowed in the Midnight. Laserfight. facility." instead; Before taking a viand: if the viand is in a transparent container: say "You have to buy that first!" instead; Section 1 - Sausage viands The sausage menu is scenery in Prowling Promenade. The description of the sausage menu is "'Try our delightfully bloody food! B-Bloodiness S-Sloppiness R-Rawness [fixed letter spacing] B/S/R FOOD[paragraph break] 4/2/1 TAGHAIRM DELUXE[line break] 3/2/2 BARON'S BREAKFAST[line break] 4/1/2 HUNTED UNICORN'[variable letter spacing]" Report examining the sausage menu: now the taghairm deluxe is known; now the baron's breakfast is known; now the hunted unicorn is known; The Taghairm Deluxe is a viand. The owner of the taghairm deluxe is the sausage seller. The description of the taghairm deluxe is "The bold and flavorful Taghairm Deluxe is a delight to the tastebuds. Sausage cooked so hot and fast you can almost hear it scream, it's sure to be a hit!" Understand "sausage" or "bold" or "flavorful" or "targhaim" or "taghairn" or "targhairm" as the taghairm deluxe. The bloodiness of the taghairm deluxe is 4. The sloppiness of taghairm deluxe is 2. The rawness of the taghairm deluxe is 1. The Baron's Breakfast is a viand. The owner of the Baron's Breakfast is the sausage seller. The description of the Baron's Breakfast is "The Baron's Breakfast is a sloppy sandwich with every kind of meat you can imagine. And some you can't!" Understand "sloppy" or "sandwich" or "meat" as the Baron's Breakfast. The bloodiness of the Baron's Breakfast is 3. The sloppiness of the Baron's Breakfast is 2. The rawness of the Baron's Breakfast is 2. The Hunted Unicorn is a viand. The owner of the Hunted Unicorn is the sausage seller. The description of the Hunted Unicorn is "Rarely has a sausage been seen that is so pure and so delicate. The Hunted Unicorn is an ivory sausage on a black biscuit." Understand "ivory" or "sausage" or "black" or "biscuit" as the hunted unicorn. The bloodiness of the Hunted Unicorn is 4. The sloppiness of the Hunted Unicorn is 1. The rawness of the Hunted Unicorn is 2. Section 2 - Ceviche viands The ceviche menu is scenery in Prowling Promenade. The description of the ceviche menu is "'No one is more raw than us! B-Bloodiness S-Sloppiness R-Rawness [fixed letter spacing] B/S/R FOOD[paragraph break] 1/2/4 BRINY BYTE[line break] 2/2/3 CRAGNE CRAWFISH[line break] 2/1/4 PICKLED PRIORESS'[variable letter spacing]" Report examining the ceviche menu: now the briny byte is known; now the cragne crawfish is known; now the pickled prioress is known; The Briny Byte is a viand. The owner of the Briny Byte is the ceviche chef. The description of the Briny Byte is "The Briny Byte is a delicious plate of fish marinated in buckets of brine." Understand "brine" or "briny" or "delicious" or "plate" or "fish" or "bite" as the Briny Byte. The rawness of the briny byte is 4. The sloppiness of the briny byte is 2. The bloodiness of the briny byte is 1. The Cragne Crawfish is a viand. The owner of the Cragne Crawfish is the ceviche chef. The description of the Cragne Crawfish is "From the east coast, this is authentic Backwater crawfish. Observe the unusual proliferation of tentacles and the assorted dripping juices!" Understand "backwater" or "coast" or "east coast" or "unusual" or "proliferation" or "tentacles" or "assorted" or "dripping" or "juice" or "juices" as the Cragne Crawfish. The rawness of the cragne crawfish is 3. The sloppiness of the cragne crawfish is 2. The bloodiness of the cragne crawfish is 2. The Pickled Prioress is a viand. The owner of the Pickled Prioress is the ceviche chef. The description of the Pickled Prioress is "A dainty dish of pickled fish." Understand "fish" or "dainty" or "dish" as the pickled prioress. The rawness of the pickled prioress is 4. The sloppiness of the pickled prioress is 1. The bloodiness of the pickled prioress is 2. Section 3 - Jelly Viands The jelly menu is scenery in Prowling Promenade. The description of the jelly menu is "'The sloppiest scraps you'll ever find! B-Bloodiness S-Sloppiness R-Rawness [fixed letter spacing] B/S/R FOOD[paragraph break] 2/4/1 JELLIED EELS[line break] 1/4/2 MOLTEN MONOLITH[line break] 2/3/2 PORCINE PUREE'[variable letter spacing]" Report examining the jelly menu: now the jellied eels is known; now the molten monolith is known; now the porcine puree is known; The Jellied Eels are a plural-named viand. The owner of the Jellied Eels is the jelly man. The description of the jellied eels is "Eels boiled until they become jellied. Slippery!" Understand "slippery" or "eel" as the jellied eels. The sloppiness of the jellied eels is 4. The bloodiness of the jellied eels is 2. The rawness of the jellied eels is 1. The Molten Monolith is a viand. The owner of the Molten Monolith is the jelly man. The description of the Molten Monolith is "A tower of fresh red marmalade collapsing under its own weight." Understand "tower" or "red" or "marmalade" or "fresh" as the Molten Monolith. The sloppiness of the molten monolith is 4. The bloodiness of the molten monolith is 1. The rawness of the molten monolith is 2. The Porcine Puree is a viand. The owner of the Porcine Puree is the jelly man. The description of the Porcine Puree is "A mixture of some kind of fruit and what may be pork." Understand "fruit" or "pork" as the porcine puree. The sloppiness of the Porcine Puree is 3. The bloodiness of the porcine puree is 2. The rawness of the porcine puree is 2. Part 2 - Random people Waiting is bored behavior. Taking inventory is bored behavior. Looking is bored behavior. Spikelocation is a room that varies. Spikelocation is queen's castle. Spikecounter is a number that varies. Spikecounter is 0. Every Turn while the player has been in the location for at least 2 turns: if the player is not in spikelocation: if the player is not in arena: if the player is not in creakyregion: if the player is not in bowels: if the number of regalia enclosed by the player < 4: if melancholy mall is visited: if a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds: if spikecounter < 4: if the current action is bored behavior: say spikeevent; now spikelocation is the location; otherwise if the current action is singleling: if the player is not in corn maze: say spikeevent; now spikelocation is the location; To say spikeevent: increment spikecounter; say "[one of]A man with badge saying '[Spike] M, Park Inspector' wanders by[or][Spike] the park inspector wanders by again[stopping]. "; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: say "[specialspike]"; otherwise: say normalmike; To say normalmike: say "[one of]He pulls out his phone. He mutters, 'Let's see, if you PLU 3, and then INC...' [or]He walks by, juggling a large number of items, staring at a map of the park, and muttering to himself. 'Hmmm... if I were to drop this at Mechanical Marvels and then pick that up in the Melancholy Mall...' [or]He pulls out a math textbook and briefly consults it before wandering off. [or]He looks at [the random thing in the location] and makes a mark in his notebook. [or]'You know what this park needs?' He asks no one in particular. 'A combination roller coaster/water ride!' [or]'You know what this park needs?' He asks no one in particular. 'A laser bike ride!' [or]He's talking angrily on his phone. 'Teraboz was supposed to meet me here an hour ago!' he says to the person on the other end. [or]'Is this all just a dream?' he asks himself. [or]He looks closely at [the random thing in the location]. 'Hmmm... very nice.' He writes something in his notebook. [at random]Then he walks on." To say specialspike: if the player is in welcome booth: say "He pets Toby. 'I don't suppose you can solve calculus problems, can you?' he asks. Then he walks on."; otherwise if the player is in Abandoned Shrine: say "'Abandoned shrine, huh? Doesn't look so abandoned to me!' He scribbles something in his notebook. Then he walks on."; otherwise if the player is in laserfightspace: say "'I haven't played this one yet!' he says. 'Need to make sure I try it out.' Then he walks on."; otherwise if the ceviche chef is in the location: say "He peers at the ceviche menu. 'Is it [']Crag-knee Crawfish['] or [']Crain Crawfish?[']' he asks the chef. Her response is drowned out by the crowd. Then he walks on."; otherwise if the player is in menarea: if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: if the player is in menagerie: say "He peers at the [if the player is in menagerie]menu[otherwise]informational sign[end if]. 'Is this some sort of optimization thing?' he asks no one in particular. Then he walks on."; otherwise: say "He tries to pet [the random animal in the location], but [the random animal in the location] snaps at his hand. He mutters something about 'unsafe for small children' and makes a mark in his notebook. Then he walks on."; otherwise: say "He peers at the [if the player is in menagerie]menu[otherwise]informational sign[end if]. 'Is this some sort of optimization thing?' he asks no one in particular. Then he walks on."; otherwise if the player is in Sugar Plum Snack Bar: say "He moves in for a bite of the confectionery castle but then retreats after a nasty look from the snack attendant. Then he walks on."; otherwise if the player is in painful purchases: say "[one of]He peruses the rows of merchandise and then scribbles something in his notebook. [or]He picks up the book of poems and glances through it. 'I could never write this well,' he sighs, putting it back down. [at random]Then he walks on."; otherwise if the player is in Corn Maze: say "'Ahh... binary choices!' he says, making marks in his notebook. Then he walks on."; otherwise if a changy person is in the location: let current be a random changy person in the location; say "[one of]He asks [the current] why there aren't more mathematics-themed rides in the park. [The current] just shakes [their] head. [or]He tries to draw [the current] into a discussion about the educational benefits of Grooverland. 'That's nice,' says [the current], 'but most people just come here to have fun.' [at random]Then Spike walks on."; otherwise: say normalmike; Part 3 - K9 Dog trainer Chapter 1 - The trainer The animal trainer is a woman in Welcome Booth. "[An animal trainer] (accompanied by [a Toby]) is standing near the booth and holding a sign that says 'Lily'. That's your name!" The description of the animal trainer is "This is a professional-looking woman holding a sign with your name on it and standing next to a dog." Understand "smiling" or "woman" or "lady" as the animal trainer. The printed name of the animal trainer is "smiling woman". The trainer's sign is held by the animal trainer. The description of the trainer's sign is "It's white posterboard with black marker on it." Understand "white" or "black" or "posterboard" or "marker" as the trainer's sign. The black marker is part of the trainer's sign. The description of the black marker is "It says, 'Lily'." [animal trainer gives you a dog whistle that you put around your neck, it brings you back to the welcome booth] Instead of interrogating the animal trainer about something: try talking to the trainer; Instead of asking the animal trainer about something: try talking to the animal trainer; Instead of telling the animal trainer about something: try talking to the animal trainer; The reactiontext of the animal trainer is "The [animal trainer] looks with clinical interest at [the random petfollowing animal]." Chapter 2 - Toby The Toby is an animal in Welcome Booth. "[if dragonscene is happening]Despite the impending danger to the park, [end if]Toby waits patiently here for the next time you'll need him[if fiveregalia is happening]. He's just about the only living thing left in the park[end if]." Understand "dog" as Toby. A thing can be nameknown or not nameknown. A thing is usually not nameknown. Toby is not nameknown. Toby's nose is part of toby. The description of toby's nose is "What an exquisite nose Toby has!" The printed name of Toby is "[if Toby is nameknown]Toby[otherwise]dog[end if]". The description of Toby is "[The Toby] is a mixed breed dog, somewhere between a spaniel and a terrier, with a collar and a name tag that says 'Toby'." Understand "mixed" or "breed" or "spaniel" or "terrier" as Toby. Understand "collar" as Toby. Understand "name tag" or "tag" as Toby. Report examining Toby: now Toby is nameknown; now Toby is proper-named; [Instead of rubbing Toby: say "Toby gives a polite bark, wags his tail, and licks your hand."] [staff don't like Toby] Chapter 3 - The whistle The safety whistle is a wearable thing. The description of the safety whistle is "You were told that, no matter where you are, you could blow this whistle and Toby the dog would lead you out of the park." Whistleblowing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "blow on/-- [something]" as whistleblowing. Singlewhistling is an action applying to nothing. Understand "whistle" as singlewhistling. Carry out singlewhistling: if the whistle is enclosed by the player: try whistleblowing the safety whistle; otherwise: say "You don't know how to whistle on your own. If only you had a whistle to whistle with!"; Instead of taking off the safety whistle: say "This was a gift, and you might have to return it. Better not to take it off." Check whistleblowing: if the player is in Welcome Booth: say "You blow the whistle and Toby snaps to attention immediately. He politely nudges you closer to the welcome booth and barks happily before resuming his waiting position." instead; Carry out whistleblowing: say "You hear barking in the distance. [if the player is in corn maze]Then there is closer, more confused barking as Toby navigates the maze. [otherwise if dragonscene is happening]You can see Toby running past the flames and smoke, determined to help you. [end if]After a minute or two, Toby arrives and wags his tail at you, then turns and starts walking slowly. You follow Toby until you arrive back at the Welcome Booth."; now the player is in Welcome Booth; Chapter 4- Speech Instead of talking to the animal trainer: say "'Are you Lily?' the woman asks, crouching down. You nod. 'Hi, Lily! I'm from the [']Kids Paws the Game['] Foundation. We've donated our own gift for the big day.' She pulls out a whistle on a chain and hands it to you. 'If you ever get lost, just blow this whistle and Toby here will come find you,' she says, ruffling the hair of the dog next to you. 'We'll let you get on with the big day. Hope you have fun!' She gives you a wink, and then she vanishes, leaving Toby behind. You blink, but nobody else seems to have noticed her disappearance. Toby licks your hand reassuringly. You place the whistle around your neck."; now Toby is nameknown; now the safety whistle is worn by the player; now the animal trainer is nowhere; Instead of talking to toby: say "Toby doesn't understand you, but he puts a paw on your hand and stares into your eyes, letting you know that he'll wait for you here until you blow the whistle." Instead of interrogating toby about something: try talking to toby; Instead of asking toby about something: try talking to toby; Instead of telling toby about something: try talking to toby; Paustulating is an action out of world. Understand "pause" or "paws" as paustulating. Instead of rubbing Toby: say "Toby smiles and barks, as if to say, 'I am indeed a good boy!'" Carry out paustulating: say "The game is now paused until your next command." [make it so searching for Toby says she wasn't there] Instead of showing something to toby: try giving the noun to toby; Instead of giving a viand to Toby: say "Toby looks cautiously at [the noun], then turns away, as if to say, 'Thanks, but I'm on the job.'" [Instead of giving an evidence thing to toby: say "Toby sniffs [the noun], then barks with a concerned look. He looks past you, past the Melancholy Mall, past the Prowling Promenade, past the Mechanical Marvels, past the Spooky Sideshow, past the Bitter End, to the Queen's Castle. But he doesn't move. He looks scared."] Part 4 - Gate Guard [add more topics!] The gate guard is a man in Welcome Booth. "[one of]A [guard] in a [paisley vest] sitting in a [wooden booth] waves you over. 'Welcome, Your Majesty! Let me know if you have any questions. Otherwise, go out there and have fun!' he says, handing you a flier[or][boothlocation] is a [wooden Booth] with a kindly-looking [guard] standing inside[stopping]." Instead of taking the wooden booth: if the gate guard is in Welcome Booth: say "'No no no! Be careful!' says the gate guard. He steadies the booth and pushes it back down. 'Don't you know? You could've died from picking that up!' [bracket]Footnote 2[close bracket][paragraph break]"; otherwise: say "You pick up the booth, teeter backwards, and die."; end the story saying "You picked up the wooden booth and died."; Instead of pushing the wooden booth: say "Funny, people usually just try to pick it up." The reactiontext of the gate guard is "The [gate guard] waves at [the random petfollowing animal]." Does the player mean interrogating someone about: if the second noun is scenery largegroup people: it is unlikely; To say boothlocation: if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1: say "In the shadow of the wall"; otherwise: say "In between the two gates" The printed name of the wooden booth is "[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 1]wooden booth[otherwise]Welcome Booth[end if]" The description of gate guard is "This [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2]is a grinning skeleton[otherwise]elderly man has a gleaming bald head and a sharp, witty grin[end if]. He sits in his booth and wears a paisley vest and a [badge] saying 'Ask me anything--Wade.'" Understand "wade" as the gate guard. Understand "gleam" or "gleaming" or "bald" or "sharp" or "witty" or "man" or "grin" or "grinning" or "skeleton" as the gate guard. [maybe implement this more deeply later] The paisley vest is worn by the gate guard. The description of the paisley vest is "It's so vibrant it seems to have a life of its own." The guard's badge is worn by the guard. The description of the guard's badge is "It says 'Ask me anything.'" The printed name of the guard's badge is "badge". Testguarding is an action out of world. Understand "testguard" as testguarding. Carry out testguarding: try the player whistleblowing the safety whistle; repeat with current running through known things: say "[bold type]The guard's response to asking about [current][roman type]:[paragraph break]"; try interrogating the gate guard about current; Instead of interrogating someone about fakegrooverland: try interrogating the noun about grooverland; Before interrogating someone about something: if the second noun is fakedad: try interrogating the noun about dad instead; otherwise if the second noun is fakemom: try interrogating the noun about mom instead; otherwise if the second noun is fakedavid: try interrogating the noun about david instead; otherwise if the second noun is fakealice: try interrogating the noun about alice instead; Instead of talking to the gate guard: say "[one of]'Hello, Lily,' he says. 'I'm pleased to be your personal guide to Grooverland. If you need help finding someone or something you've seen, just ASK me and I'll help you! Most people in the park can tell you about anything you want to know, if you ASK them, too!'[or]He says, 'Welcome back, Lily! Is there anything I can help you with?'[stopping]" Instead of asking the Gate Guard about "anything": say "'Well,' says the guard, 'When I say [']anything['], I mean anything you've seen around the park.'" instead; Instead of asking the gate guard about "something": say "'Well,' says the guard, 'When I say [']something['], I mean anything you've seen around the park.'" instead; Instead of asking the gate guard about "someone": say "'Well,' says the guard, 'When I say [']someone['], I mean anyone you've seen around the park.'" instead; Instead of asking the Gate Guard about "regalia": say "'Oh, that's simple. As a special treat, the Queen of the Day gets find the five things that mark a monarch: a crown, and orb, a scepter, a ring, and a mantle. Once you get them all, you can access the Queen's Tower,' he says." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the flier: say "'Oh, that's just to help folks that get lost. Kind of like me,' he says." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the truecornmaze: say "'That is a dark place,' he says, 'Where the Scarlet Empress has gained power.'" [red fungus is now known] Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the clogged pipe: try interrogating the gate guard about the red fungus; Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the red fungus: say "He looks troubled. 'Ah, it must be the Scarlet Empress again. She's up to no good, I believe. And clogging the pipe is the kind of thing she would do.'" [now merchandise is known] Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the pristine merchandise: say "He smiles. 'There's a lot of great stuff in there, Lily. I hope you find something you like.'" [now drinks are known] Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the drinks: say "He nods, thinking a bit. 'Yeah, those drinks are great. I think you need tickets for them now, right? They changed that recently.'" [now little sign is known] Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the little sign: say "'Are you talking about that little sign by the cake?' he asks. 'Yeah, that's just to make sure you knew you could eat it.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the monkey: say "'That little rascal? He's always fighting with the other animals!' says the gate guard." [add monkey to known things] [known things now include crate of mushrooms, plate of bratwursts, lettuce tray] A thing can be foodholder or not foodholder. A thing is usually not foodholder. The crate of mushrooms is foodholder. The plate of bratwursts is foodholder. The lettuce tray is foodholder. Instead of interrogating the gate guard about a foodholder thing: say "'Well, Lily, that's just a place to keep food for the animals,' says the gate guard."; [asking about chimera and showing chimera and having toby smell it] Instead of interrogating the gate guard about david's favorite plush chimera: say "'Sounds like that toy is very special to your brother,' says the gate guard[if David is nowhere]. 'I hope you find him,' he adds[end if]." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the scarlet empress: say "The gate guard looks at you seriously. 'Lily, if you're involved with the Scarlet Empress, then you're in for a world of hurt.'" [add humor] Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the shop clerk: say "'New kid, but he seems like he'll do great,' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the chief engineer: say "'He's new, but he's got talent. He made that dragon you fought today,' he says." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the winding key: say "He looks closely. 'That looks like something you'd use to wind up an old device. Like a clock, or a music player, or a monkey.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the sugar plum crown: say "'It's a beautiful crown. It's associated with sugar, sweets and food. But it takes a terrible price to obtain it, my child[if the sugar plum crown is enclosed by the player], as you know[end if],' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the dragon: say "'That was fun, wasn't it? You say you didn't get any of the candy? I'm sure the [fakesugarsnack] has some treats for you,' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the gates: say "'We're not a medieval castle. The gates are open all day!' he says." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the wooden booth: say "'It's for this old gate guard here to have a place to sit without the sun beating on him all day!' says the gate guard, pointing to himself." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the animal trainer: say "'That's the animal trainer for Toby, if I remember correctly. Nice lady, but not part of the park,' says the gate guard." Before interrogating the gate guard about toby: say "He looks over at Toby. 'Yeah, he's a good boy, isn't he? The [Scarlet Empress] doesn't like dogs much, but the [Mirrored Queen] allows them here.'" instead; Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the paisley vest: say "'I've had this one for years. Sometimes I swear it's grown a mind of its own,' he says, laughing while nervously eyeing his vest." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the graffiti: say "He shrugs. 'Someone put it up, and it doesn't look too bad. Why take it down?'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the sausage seller: say "'He's definitely interesting. Makes excellent sausage, I'll tell you that. But exceedingly greasy,' he answers." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the ceviche chef: say "'She doesn't like much of anything,' he answers, 'but she likes ceviche. Always seemed out to me, though, that someone like her would enjoy seafood.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the jelly man: say "He shakes his head. 'Sometimes I think that guy is the most dangerous person in this park. Course he doesn't know it.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about David: if the second noun is nowhere: say "He looks at you very seriously. 'I really can't say where he is, Lily.'"; otherwise if the second noun is in welcome booth: say "He just ponts to David, who's right in front of you."; otherwise: say "'Are you looking for your brother? I think he was in [location of David] earlier,' he says." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about fakegiftshop: say "He says, 'There's not a lot of variety there, but there are at least a few interesting things. I'm sure you'll have more fun at the other attractions.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about fakesugarsnack: say "He says, 'Oh, I love the snack bar. I heard they made a huge cake for you, there.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the towering facade: say "'The Serpent Slide is fun,' he says, 'even for an old man like me. Has a bumpy ending, though. I wouldn't go in unless you know a way out!'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the dark black box-shaped structure: say "'Well, the laserfight attraction is pretty complicated. I'm not sure I have it all figured out, myself,' he says." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the headless scarecrow: say "The gate guard says, 'Yeah, well, I'm not sure where the head went. Maybe a kid took it.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the enormous castle: say "The gate guard becomes solemn, and says, 'You'll go there when you're invited, Lily. Not before, and not a moment after.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the maintenance crew: say "'I heard they're looking for a missing girl,' he says. He looks thoughtful for a moment. 'Had a lot of those here, last few years.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about dad: if threeregalia is not happening: say "'Your father seems like a swell fellow, really knows his way around a map. He was hanging around Mechanical Marvels or thereabout, if I remember,' says the guard."; otherwise: say "He shakes his head. 'Haven't seen him in a while, Lily.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about a person: if the second noun is nowhere: say "'Oh, you're trying to find where [the second noun] is at? Honestly, I have no clue.'"; otherwise: say "'Oh, you're trying to find [the second noun]? I'd try looking in [the location of the second noun],' answers the guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about alice: if alice is not nowhere: say "'Your sister has our new app. I'm glad she's using it, we spent a lot of money on it,' says the guard."; otherwise: say "He shakes his head. 'I don't know where she is, Lily.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about Realtangotemptations: say "'Now, that's where I'd go if I wanted to dance!' says the guard. 'I can do all the old dances, like the whip whip and the nae nae!'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about a cakey thing: try interrogating the gate guard about the castle cake; Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the mysterious tent: say "'That's where we have our famous animatronic, Morgan the Mechanical! says the gate guard. ''Much better than that bear at the pizza place down the road." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the royal attendants: say "He shrugs. 'Just hired muscle. Not a lot up here,' he says, pointing to his head." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about yourself: say "'Well, you're the most special person in the whole park today, little Miss Lily!' says the guard, smiling benevolently." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the Mirrored Queen: say "He says, 'Well, there's two people in charge of this park: her, and the [Scarlet Empress]. And let me tell you, if you have to meet one of them, you'd better hope it's the queen!'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the gate guard: say "'Me? I'm just a man who's seen too much and gained too little to do anything but sit around and talk,' says the guard. 'But Grooverland and the [Mirrored Queen] have been kind to me. I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about grooverland: say "He smiles, looking off into the distance. 'Grooverland is everything to me, Lily. But you should know, that it has both good and bad in it, just like all of us. Keep that in mind.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the crimson house: say "He shakes his head. 'We should never have invited that here, and his strange singer. But what's done is done." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the castle cake: say "'Wow, I wish I had an enormous cake all to myself. Sounds great!,' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the snack attendant: say "'She's overworked, I think, but she's an angel,' says the gate guard." [Instead of interrogating the gate guard about an evidence thing: say "'He peers at [the second noun]. 'You should show that to the police!'";] Instead of interrogating the gate guard about alice's silver bracelet: say "[if Alice is nowhere]He looks at it. 'You say you just found this on the ground? Then I fear for your sister. The Scarlet Empress is on the prowl.'"; Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the little cabinet: say "'Huh, sounds interesting. A tiny little cabinet, you say?' asks the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the fakemenagerie: say "'Well, I'm torn. The [Scarlet Empress] is the one who ordered that place to be built, so naturally I'm opposed to it. But it's a very interesting place,' says the guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the creaky key: say "'Interesting that they even have locks in that creaky place. It's not like it keeps people from just going around. But I suppose it does change the sounds you can make,' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about a trickery thing: say "'Sounds like that's something to talk to Morgan about,' says the gate guard."; Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the book of poems: say "'Oh, that's a lovely book,' says the guard. 'Very contemplative I like to think.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the dollhouse: say "'The level of detail in that thing is amazing,' says the gate guard. 'But I can't remember what's in it. Sorry. Don't think it's important, though.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about mom: if mom is nowhere: say "The gate guard looks troubled. 'I don't know where she went,' he says."; otherwise: say "'Your mom's been at the gift shop the whole time,' says the Gate Guard. 'Hope she finds something nice!'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the hideous carved frog: say "'That sounds weird-looking,' says the gate guard. 'But interesting!'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the foul-looking minotaur statue: say "'It used to be a dragon,' says the gate guard. 'But now we only use dragons for special events.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about realpettingzoo: say "'That's where I like to go for peace and quiet,' says the gate guard."; Instead of interrogating the gate guard about a zoofood thing: say "'I'm not really interested in the animals['] food,' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about a viand: say "'I'm not really interested in the animals['] food,' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about a menviand: say "'I'm not really interested in the animals['] food,' says the gate guard." Before interrogating the gate guard about an animal: if the noun is the dragon: say "He says, 'Yes, the dragon is one of my favorite ways to open the park. You did great!'"; if the noun is in Petting Zoo: say "'You should ask the zookeeper about that,' says the gate guard." instead; otherwise if the noun is the monkey: say "'That rascally beast always fights with the tailypo,' says the gate guard."; otherwise: say "'[The menagerieper] would know more about that than me,' says the gate guard." instead; Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the zookeeper: say "'I like her. She's transparent. She doesn't play around,' says the guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the menagerieper: say "'He's a loyal servant to the [Mirrored Queen]. Can't ask for more than that!'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about a ticket: say "'You should just hand that in to the [snack attendant], she'll help you out!' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about a beverage: say "'Looks refreshing. I bet it would taste good with cake!' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the pedestal: say "'Strange you'd remember that. I barely remember it myself!' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the sun orb: say "He says, 'It was traditional for kings of old in some cultures to hold an orb that siginified the earth being in the rulers['] hands. But this orb represents the sun.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the vicomtes: say "'Bloodthirsty folks. Too aggressive,' says the guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the countesses: say "'Merciless. They need to stop holding grudges,' says the guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about a laserweapon: say "He shakes his head. 'The laserfight area is too complicated for me,' he says." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the little black box: say "'The only good thing to do with a box like that is to open it, of course,' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the ring: say "'A signet ring is a traditional sign of royalty,' says the gate guard, 'since it represents their authority.'"; Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the plastic skeleton: say "'That's an early, failed attempt at creating a good animatronic,' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the creaky singer: say "'The [creaky singer] belongs to the [Scarlet Empress]. I wish he were not here,' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the creaky front door: try interrogating the gate guard about the crimson house; Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the creaky refrigerator: try interrogating the gate guard about the crimson house. Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the creaky kitchen door: try interrogating the gate guard about the crimson house; Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the small creaky door: try interrogating the gate guard about the crimson house; Instead of interrogating the guard about the fortune telling machine: try interrogating the gate guard about the Mirrored Queen; Instead of interrogating the gate guard about a card: say "He shakes his head. 'I don't know about that,' says the gate guard. 'Queenly matters are above me.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about morgan's chest: if morgan's chest is carried by the player: say "'I'd get that too her quick,' says the gate guard, surpressing a chuckle. 'Wouldn't want it to leak.'"; otherwise: say "'I think the chests are a bad idea. Not hygienic, but Morgan doesn't seem to care,' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the dance instructor: say "'She's a devilishly lovely lady,' says the gate guard. 'I'll have to sign up for lessons!'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the silver slippers: say "'They look lovely, Lily!' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about scenery largegroup people: say "'The park-goers here are behaving better than usual,' says the gate guard. 'It's nice to see.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about Morgan the Mechanical: say "'She's amazing,' he says. 'Much better than our old animatronic, Ivan.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the mantle: say "'It's a traditional garment worn by royals in Europe,' he says. 'This one is your size.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the royal scepter: say "'A royal scepter is one of the oldest-known symbols of authority in history,' says the gate guard." Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the plain table: say "He shrugs. 'I mean, it's a table. Can't do much with that. Maybe put things on it.'" Instead of interrogating the gate guard about the deck of cards: say "'That's just something Morgan uses for her tricks,' says the gate guard." Understand "francis" as the gate guard. When threeregalia begins: now the printed name of the gate guard is "grinning skeleton guard"; [Character name: gate guard Role in story: guardian of the underworld Physical description a skeleton in paisley vest. human appearance is bald and smiling Age: 150 (MBTI personality type:) healer What is their greatest fear? being unrecognized What is their misbelief about the world? that the queen stealing children is righteous What is the best thing in their life? serving the queen What is the worst thing in their life? becoming friends with the kids who are later stolen What do they most often look down on people for? for being cruel to kids (except queen) What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? being helpful What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way?being useful, the queen Top 3 things they value most in life? queen, kids, and knowledge Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? What is it and why? people. They are lonely Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) Shiny black shoes, grey pants, paisley vest over white dress shirt. What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? bones What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) bony claws Daily routine exit crypt, polish skull, eat, get dressed, go to work, smile, come back What is their go-to cure for a bad day? being honored by the queen Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? clacking skullbones What is their desire? to honor the queen Conflict? queen vs kids] Part 5 - Dance instructor Section 1 - Doña Villar The dance instructor is a woman in Doña Villar's Tango Temptations. "The [dance instructor] wanders around, inspecting everyone's performance." Reactiontext of the dance instructor is "The dance instructor looks at [a random petfollowing animal] with disdain." Understand "Doña" or "dona" or "donya" or "Villar" as the dance instructor. Understand "tentacled" as the dance instructor. The tentacles are a plural-named thing. Understand "tentacle" as the tentacles. The description of the tentacles is "Wow, those look very slimy." When threeregalia begins: now the printed name of the dance instructor is "tentacled dance instructor"; now the tentacles are part of the dance instructor; The description of the dance instructor is "The instructor, whom you presume is Doña Villar herself, is an elegant woman wearing pearls and a bold red dress[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2]. Also, she has tentacles. Odd[end if]." Understand "elegant" or "woman" as the dance instructor. The pearls are worn by the dance instructor. The description of the pearls is "A lovely chain of pearls, like your grandmother's." The dance instructor can be placated or not placated. The dance instructor is not placated. Every turn: if the player has been in Doña Villar's Tango Temptations for 5 turns: if eugene is nowhere: if the dance instructor is not placated: say "The dance instructor comes up to you."; try talking to the dance instructor; Instead of talking to the dance instructor: if the dance instructor is placated: if the winding key is not nowhere: say "'If you give me the key, young lady, I will trade it for a better one,' says the dance instructor."; otherwise: say "'I hope you found what you're looking for,' says the dance instructor."; otherwise: say "She says, 'I'll make a wager with you that you will never be able to outlast my protégé, Eugene, in the tango! If you try, it is you who will give up first!'"; if Eugene is not in Doña Villar's Tango Temptations: say "[line break]A formal-looking (and very short) young boy pops out from behind a bush with a rose in his teeth. He bows with a flourish, casting the rose far away and out of sight. 'My lady,' he says, 'may I have this dance?'"; now Eugene is in Doña Villar's Tango Temptations; Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about yourself: say "'I know who you are. You are a student, are you not?' she says. 'We are all students.'" Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about grooverland: say "'What can I say? I desire to dance, and to teach dance, and Grooverland allows me to do that,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about realtangotemptations: say "'Tango is my life! One day, when you have dedicated yourself to a task you are passionate about for many years, you too may understand,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the dragon: say "'I do not attend those opening ceremonies. Too barbaric,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the animal trainer: say "'Who is she? I dont' enter the park from the front, so I might have missed her,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about an animal: say "'Animals can be sweet, but they cover the dance floor in slobber or...unmentionables,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the gate guard: say "'I see him looking at me! He is too afraid to talk to me for now, but one day he will,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about a sellery person: say "'The ones who sell food to animals, they are all different from each other, no? Some serving the [Mirrored Queen], some the [Scarlet Empress],' she says."; Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about david: say "'I saw him earlier. He refused to dance! What could I do about it?' she says, shaking her head."; Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the chief engineer: say "'He is a man I have never spoken with,' says the dance instructor."; Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about dad: say "'He seems like he would be an excellent dancer, given the training,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about alice: say "'She seems to know quite a bit, with that phone of hers,' says the dance instructor." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the royal attendants: say "'I wish they would learn to dance. It would liven them up a little!' she says."; Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the snack attendant: say "'I honestly don't believe I've ever spoken with her,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about Mom: say "'I talked to her earlier. She seems like she appreciates good training,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the shop clerk: say "'I rarely spend time on that side of the park,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the zookeeper: say "'As long as she keeps her animals away from here, I'll be fine' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the menagerieper: say "'He is a man with a singular sense of purpose and duty,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the plastic skeleton: say "'I have never gone inside the Serpent Slide, so I know nothing of the plastic skeleton you speak of,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the countesses: say "'I teach dance lessons to that same group after hours,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the vicomtes: say "'I teach dance lessons to that same group after hours,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the creaky singer: say "'He sings, I dance. That seems like it works for me,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the dance instructor: say "'Grooverland has given me a new lease on life. I love dancing, and I love sharing dance with others,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about Eugene: say "'He is my nephew. His mother desperately wants him to be talented, so I train him the best I can,' she says."; Understand "nephew" as eugene. Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about Morgan the mechanical: say "'With the way she is set up, I don't think she can dance,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the mirrored queen: say "'I try to stay out of business politics like that. As long as they let me dance, that's all I care about,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the scarlet empress: say "'I try to stay out of business politics like that. As long as they let me dance, that's all I care about,' she says." Instead of interrogating the dance instructor about the winding key: if the winding key is nowhere: say "'Don't worry, I have it somewhere safe, now,' she says."; otherwise: say "'I'd be careful with that if I were you,' she says. 'You could do a lot of mischief with it.'"; Section 2 - Eugene Eugene is a man. The description of Eugene is "Eugene is a very short boy that looks like he's around your age, give or take a few years. He is wearing a tattered tuxedo and has a very serious expression on his face[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2]. He also seems to be some kind of ghoul[end if]." Understand "boy" or "ghoul" as Eugene. Curtsying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "curtsy" or "curtsey" or "bow" as curtsying. Carry out curtsying: if Eugene is in the location of the player: say "Eugene accepts your curtsy with dignity."; otherwise: say "You curtsy to no one in particular."; The tattered tuxedo is worn by Eugene. The description of the tattered tuxedo is "This tuxedo is worn in all the parts you'd think it wouldn't be and patched in all the rest." Instead of talking to Eugene: say "Eugene bows gracefully. 'Would you dance with me, young lady?' he asks formally." Instead of asking eugene about something: say "He blushes and looks down." Instead of interrogating eugene about something: say "He blushes and looks down." Dancing with is an action applying to one thing. Understand "dance with [someone]" as dancing with. Dancing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "dance" or "tango" as dancing. Carry out dancing: say "You leap around gracefully." Carry out dancing with: say "[The noun] doesn't want to dance." Instead of dancing with Eugene: try dancing; Instead of dancing with the dance instructor: try talking to the dance instructor; Instead of saying yes when Eugene is in the location of the player: try dancing; Instead of saying yes when morgan the mechanical is in the location of the player: try talking to morgan; Part 6 - Creaky Singer A person can be happy or unhappy. A person is usually unhappy. The creaky singer is a man in creaky house. "[if the creaky singer is unhappy]A [creaky singer] with bony, unusually long limbs sits cross-legged here.[otherwise]You are all alone here. Well, almost alone.[end if]"; The reactiontext of the creaky singer is "The [creaky singer] seems a little frightened of [the random petfollowing animal]." The description of the creaky singer is "A strange [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2]devil with glowing[otherwise]man with[end if] yellow eyes whose whole body seems to creak as he moves." Understand "man" or "bony" or "unusually" or "limbs" or "long" or "devil" or "strange" or "neighborhood" as the creaky singer. Instead of talking to the creaky singer: if the creaky singer is unhappy: say "He smiles as you approach, and you smell sulfur. 'Have you come to the creaky house, then? Welcome. You'll find that here, in my little creaky house, your movements are more than mere steps: they are words in a language written by the feet: a 'creak' here, a 'rattle' there. 'This is the language spoken by [the wind]. If your feet can make a song like mine, the wind will reward you, and something good will happen. Or bad, depending on who you ask. But enough of that. I'll sing the song now,' he adds."; now the creaky singer is happy; otherwise: say "He pauses in his song. 'Have you learned the song yet? Your feet must make the right poem moving through the house will please the wind. It is ever so picky.'" Every turn when the player is in creaky house: if the creaky singer is happy: say "The creaky singer [one of]begins[or]continues[stopping] performing. [nextsongline]' he sings, moving himself in curious patterns." To say nextsongline: say "[one of]He starts his song from the very beginning. 'Creak, creak, goes the beast,[or]'Rattle, rattle, soon he'll feast,[or]'Shake, shake, time to sob,[or]'Turn, turn goes the knob,[or]'It's just the wind, mother always says,[or]'Why fear the wind,[cycling]" Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about someone: say "'I don't know many people here,' says the creaky singer. 'It's just me and the wind.'"; The unseen beast is an animal. A thing can be windy or not windy. A thing is usually not windy. The cool wind is windy. The cold wind is windy. Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about a windy thing: say "'The wind is the closest thing I have to a friend. This house belongs to the wind, and so do I. And if it catches you, you'll belong to it, too,' says the creaky singer." Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the crimson house: say "'This is the wind's house,' says the singer." Before interrogating the creaky singer about something: if the second noun is scenery in creakyregion: say "'Nothing in there matters much,' says the singer. 'It's the house itself that matters.'"; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the creaky singer: say "'Oh, don't worry about me,' says the singer. 'I'm just your neighborhood creaky man.'"; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about yourself: say "He peers at you. 'I wonder. Do you fear the wind? We'll see, I guess.'" Before interrogating the creaky singer about something: if the creaky singer is unhappy: say "The creaky singer interrupts you."; try talking to the creaky singer instead; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about grooverland: say "He smiles a creaky smile. 'What is Grooverland, Lily? I suppose you'll find out soon enough.'" Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the Mirrored Queen: say "He chuckles. 'She is nothing. The [Scarlet Empress] is the only true ruler of Grooverland.'" When threeregalia begins: now the printed name of the creaky singer is "creaky devil". Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the dragon: say "'I did not see the ceremony this morning. Sounds thrilling,' he answers."; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the animal trainer: say "'No good will come of that woman, mark my words,' he says, shaking his head creakily." Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about toby: say "'An earthy animal like that is nothing to what we have here in Grooverland,' says the creaky singer." Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the gate guard: say "'The gate guard has no idea what makes this park wonderful. Him and the [Mirrored Queen] would make this place a children's daycare with nothing of value,' says the creaky singer." Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the sausage seller: say "'Now I want some sausage,' he says, 'but not the ones he makes for the animals.'" Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the ceviche chef: say "'I find it amusing how she tries to find balance between the [Mirrored Queen] and the [Scarlet Empress]. As if they had anything in common!' says the creaky singer."; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the jelly man: say "'Uggh, that jelly man rubs me the wrong way,' says the creaky singer."; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about a familial person: say "'Believe me, if I had seen any of your family, you'd have heard about it. Not many can handle this house,' says the creaky singer." Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the chief engineer: say "'I didn't see him come, and I didn't see him go,' says the creaky singer."; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the royal attendants: say "'I was one of them, years ago. Before I found the wind,' says the creaky singer." Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the snack attendant: say "'She only has one drink I like,' he says, 'but that's better than nothing.'" Instead of asking the creaky singer about "drink/beverage/juice": say "'I like the creaky juice, myself,' says the creaky singer."; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about creaky juice: say "'It's absolutely delicious,' says the creaky singer." Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the shop clerk: say "'He is young. He is new. He is not interesting to me,' says the creaky singer, 'especially since he seems to favor the [Mirrored Queen].'"; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about an animal: say "'Animals do not have as elaborate fears as humans. They do not interest me,' says the singer." Instead of asking the creaky singer about "fear/fears": say "'Fear is the lifeblood of Grooverland. Only the [Scarlet Empress] understands that,' says the creaky singer." Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the zookeeper: say "'I prefer [the menagerieper] over her. She is too soft, too mild to work for the [Scarlet Empress]. Only the [Mirrored Queen] would accept her service,' says the creaky singer."; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the menagerieper: say "'He is perhaps the only one in this park whom the [Scarlet Empress] favors more than me,' he answers without a trace of jealousy.'"; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the plastic skeleton: say "He snorts and shakes his head. 'A simple mechanism for the simple minded,' he says, 'and a wasted opportunity.'"; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the countesses: say "'Their endless struggle fascinates me,' says the creaky singer."; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the vicomtes: say "'Their endless struggle fascinates me,' says the creaky singer."; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the dance instructor: say "'I've had trouble understand her and her motives. She seems to have plans, but I do not know what they are,' he answers."; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about Eugene: say "'He is tenacious. But all you need is for him to slip up; to overexert himself; to not be as sure-footed as yourself. I think you can manage it,' he says."; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about morgan the mechanical: say "'A delightful setup, I have to say. It requires a lot of people, but that is perhaps unavoidable,' he says."; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the scarlet empress: say "He bows his head in respect. 'She is everything to me,' he say, 'and feasts on my work.'"; Instead of interrogating the creaky singer about the monkey: say "He laughs. 'A creature that is delightful indeed. I envy its wild life.'" [The creaky stalker keeps singing a creaky song that you have to copy. He wont sing until you provide him something from another puzzle. Every puzzle item used twice] [Character name: creaky singer Role in story: Keeper of the wind Physical description a human jack skellington Age: 62 (MBTI personality type:) provider What is their greatest fear? the unhappiness of their child What is their misbelief about the world? that the wind must feed on fear What is the best thing in their life? serving the wind What is the worst thing in their life? the wind What do they most often look down on people for? being mortals What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? their child What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? being useful. Their child Top 3 things they value most in life? child, child, music Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? the creaky house Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) worn black shoes, worn black suit, dirty white shirt (unbuttoned), loose bowtie What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? stretch, creak What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) punch Daily routine sing, play, loaf What is their go-to cure for a bad day? feeding the wind Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? creaking What is their desire? to feed the wind Conflict? none. they are single-purposed] Part 7 - Maintenance crew The maintenance crew is some scenery largegroup people in Mechanical Marvels. The maintenance crew is plural-named. Understand "workers" or "worker" as the maintenance crew. The description of the maintenance crew is "Numerous workers are standing around the pipe." The reactiontext of the maintenance crew is "One of the crew comes up and pets [the random petfollowing animal]." Chapter 1 - The chief engineer Section 1 - The man himself Upclimbing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "climb up" as upclimbing. Carry out upclimbing: try going up; Downclimbing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "climb down" as downclimbing. Carry out downclimbing: try going down; The chief engineer is a man in Mechanical Marvels. "A [chief engineer] is supervising the maintenance crew." The reactiontext of the chief engineer is "The [chief engineer] looks at [the random petfollowing animal] and says, 'Lovely litter critter, isn't it?'" The description of the chief engineer is "The chief engineer is a heavyset man with a handlebar mustache. He looks concerned." Understand "heavyset" or "concerned" as the chief engineer. The handlebar mustache is part of the chief engineer. The description of the handlebar mustache is "It looks like it took a long, long, long time to grow." Instead of asking the chief engineer about "handlebar/-- mustache": say "He strokes it and says,' Thanks for noticing, miss. I oil it every day.'" Instead of asking the chief engineer about "handlebar": say "He strokes it and says,' Thanks for noticing, miss. I oil it every day.'" A thing can be zooic or nonzooic. A thing is usually nonzooic. An animal is always zooic. Instead of giving a zoofood to a nonzooic person: say "[The noun] is for the animals, not for people." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about truffle pig: say "'A pig that eat mushrooms? Sounds great! Hey, if you can figure out how to get it in there, go ahead,' says the engineer." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about an animal: say "'I've already seen plenty of animals at this park. Unless it can help me with that fungus in the pipe, I'm not interested,' he says." Before giving the mushroom cap to the engineer: if the truffle pig is petfollowing: say "The engineer takes the mushroom cap gingerly. The truffle pig surges towards him, trying to get the mushroom. He flips out and tosses the mushroom. It lands in the pipe, and the pig trots towards it."; repair the pipe instead; Instead of talking to the chief engineer: say "[one of]'I'm sorry, miss, about your big day and all. Turns out we've had a problem with a [clogged pipe]. There's some kind of [red fungus] growing in that blocked it up. We've turned off the water, but the pipe is too small for us to fit in to clear the blockage[or]'If you think of a way we can clear out the [fungus] blocking the pipe, let us know[stopping],' says the chief engineer." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about toby: say "'Sounds like a nice little critter,' says the chief engineer." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about something: say "'I'm sorry, miss, but I'm pretty preoccupied with this pipe,' says the chief engineer. 'I do wish you luck on your visit to Grooverland, though.'" Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the red fungus: try interrogating the chief engineer about the clogged pipe; The printed name of the red fungus is "fungus" Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about grooverland: say "'Grooverland has fine workmanship,' he says proudly. 'I don't know how old it is, but it was built to last.'"; Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the clogged pipe: say "He scratches his head. 'Well, miss, if can find a way for us to clear out the [fungus], go right ahead. Until then, we'll have to keep this part of the park closed.'" Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the chief engineer: say "'I'm the head honcho here at the park,' says the chief engineer. 'At least when it comes to fixing things. I came into the job recently.'" Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about yourself: say "'I can't talk much, seeing as I'm fairly busy right now, miss, but I'm proud for you and your special day,' he says with a smile." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the dragon: say "'You know who made that dragon? I did. I hope you liked it,' he says."; Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about dad: say "'He's been keeping out of the way, and as long as he keeps doing that, I'm fine,' answers the chief engineer." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the plastic skeleton: say "'Well, it's not the great of quality, but it's the work I was assigned to make,' he says." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about Morgan the mechanical: say "'She's a real wonder, isn't she? Definitely the star of the show,' he says." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the mirrored queen: say "'Well, she pays the bills when it comes to fun little things like that dragon I made for you to fight,' he says." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the scarlet empress: say "'Well, she pays the bills when it comes to frightening things, like the skeleton in the Serpent Slide,' he says." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the towering facade: say "''I didn't make the whole thing, but I did work on the skeleton,' he says." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about a familial person: say "'Can't say I've seen anyone in your family besides you and your dad, miss' says the engineer." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the animal trainer: say "'She's the one [if the animal trainer is nowhere]that was [end if]up at front, right? I thought she worked here, but I guess she's just here for the day,' he answers." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the gate guard: say "'He's the only one that seems to know who I am all that well,' says the chief engineer." A person can be sellery or not sellery. A person is usually not sellery. The sausage seller is sellery. The ceviche chef is sellery. The jelly man is sellery. Instead of buying a sellery person: say "You'll need to buy the food item you want directly." Understand "sellers" as the sausage seller. Understand "sellers" as the ceviche chef. Understand "sellers" as the jelly man. Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about a sellery person: say "'I haven't really gotten to know any of the people selling food over there. And why is at all for the animals? Kind of weird,' says the chief engineer." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the royal attendants: say "'The who? Are you talking about those guys over by the end of the park? I have no clue what they do,' says the chief engineer." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the snack attendant: say "'I worked with her this morning on the dragon. Seems nice enough,' he says."; Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the maintenance crew: say "'These fellas are just fine. Not too showy, not too layz. I'm proud of my crew,' he says."; Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the shop clerk: say "'I've never met the shop clerk, but I assume they're lovely. The shop is nice, at least,' he says."; Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about a person: say "He says, 'I'm still pretty new here, don't know everyone yet."; Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the zookeeper: say "'Don't know her. Assume she likes animals,' he says." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the menagerieper: say "'Odd fellow,' he says. 'I can never keep his name straight.'" Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the countesses: say "He shrugs and says, 'I never really go to the laserfight area.'" Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the vicomtes: say "He shrugs and says, 'I never really go to the laserfight area.'" Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the creaky singer: say "'The who know? I swear you're making up people,' he says." Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about the dance instructor: say "'Sounds interesting,' he says. 'I could use some dance lessons.'"; Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about eugene: say "'Never met him, but I hope he's nice to you,' says the engineer."; [ if the number of evidence things carried by the maintenance crew > 0: say "'Thanks for your help so far, miss. Have you found anything else?' asks the chief engineer."; otherwise: say "[one of]The chief engineer says, 'Hello, young lady. Sorry for the interruption to your Grooverland adventure. Have you seen this girl anywhere?' He squats down and shows you a printout with a picture of a young latina girl about your age. She's smiling and has a long purple ribbon in her hair. The printout says 'ISABELA ELIZONDO' in bold letters at the top. 'She went missing recently, here in Grooverland. If you find anything of hers around here, just let us know.'[or]'Did you find anything of Isabela's? The last places she was seen at were the gift shop and the petting zoo,' says the chief engineer.[stopping]"] Section 2 - Giving the evidence [A thing can be evidence or not evidence. A thing is usually not evidence. The lost school ID card is evidence. The ribbon is evidence. The backside is part of the lost school ID. The description of the backside is "The back is blank white plastic." Understand "blank" or "white" or "plastic" as the backside. Instead of looking under the lost school id: try flipping the lost school id; Flipping is an action applying to one thing. Understand "flip [something]" or "turn over [something]" or "turn [something] over" as flipping. Carry out flipping: say "There's not really a good reason to flip that over." Instead of flipping the lost school ID: try examining the backside;] [let the player tell him about the id card and ribbon] Instead of giving something to the maintenance crew: try giving the noun to the chief engineer; Instead of talking to the maintenance crew: try talking to the chief engineer; Instead of showing something to the maintenance crew: try showing the noun to the chief engineer; Instead of interrogating the maintenance crew about something: try interrogating the chief engineer about the second noun; Instead of expostulating the maintenance crew about something: try expostulating the chief engineer about the second noun; Instead of asking the maintenance crew about something: say "'You'll have to ask the chief engineer about that,' says an officer." Instead of telling the maintenance crew about something: say "'You'll have to tell that to the chief engineer,' says an officer."; [Instead of interrogating the chief engineer about an evidence thing: try expostulating the chief engineer about the second noun; Instead of expostulating the chief engineer about an evidence thing: if the second noun is carried by the maintenance crew: say "You've already told the police about that!"; otherwise: if the second noun is carried by the player: try giving the second noun to the chief engineer; otherwise: now the second noun is carried by the maintenance crew; say "'Thanks for the tip, miss,' says the chief engineer. 'I'll send an officer to check that out right away.' He motions, and an officer runs off, returning a short time later with [the second noun] in a bag."; if the number of evidence things carried by the maintenance crew > 1: remove the investigation; Instead of showing an evidence thing to the chief engineer: try giving the noun to the chief engineer; Instead of giving the lost school ID to the chief engineer: now the lost school ID is carried by the maintenance crew; say "'What's this?' he says, peering down. He waves over another officer with gloves and takes the ID card to put in a bag. 'I appreciate the help, miss. Let me know if you find anything else, okay?'"; if the ribbon is carried by the maintenance crew: remove the investigation; Instead of giving the ribbon to the chief engineer: now the ribbon is carried by the maintenance crew; say "'Interesting,' says the chief engineer. 'This will definitely be useful, especially if it's what I think it is. Thanks.' He waves over an officer wearing gloves who takes the ribbon from you and puts it in a bag."; if the lost school ID card is carried by the maintenance crew: remove the investigation;] Understand "head" or "honcho" as the chief engineer. [Instead of giving an evidence thing to Dad: say "Your dad looks at [the noun] closely. 'I think you should show that to the police, honey,' he says." Instead of showing an evidence thing to Dad: say "Your dad looks at [the noun] closely. 'I think you should show that to the police, honey,' he says."] [you can give clues to police or tell them about it] [talking to police multiple times or asking gives hint of looking in Painful Purchases and petting zoo] Dadgo is a truth state that varies. Dadgo is false. [To remove the investigation: say "[line break]The chief engineer walks over and whistles to the other officers. They huddle together for a minute, then beginning packing up all the yellow tape. 'Okay,' shouts the chief engineer, 'We've found what we can here. Let's spread out. Look everywhere!' They disperse. The rest of the park is open now!"; now the maintenance crew is nowhere; now the chief engineer is nowhere;] To releasedad: now dadgo is true; [Character name: chief engineer Role in story: gatekeeper who blocks progress Physical description: columbo Age: 43 (MBTI personality type:) investigator What is their greatest fear? failure What is their misbelief about the world? that everyone is inherently evil, only stopped by society's standards What is the best thing in their life? their family What is the worst thing in their life? lost kids What do they most often look down on people for? crime What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? solving a case What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? personal gifts . Their kids this morning with a picture Top 3 things they value most in life? love, romance, and coffee Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? their badge Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) jeans, puffy jacket, sneakers What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? doc What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) revolver Daily routine wake up, make family breakfast, drop off kids, check news, go to work What is their go-to cure for a bad day? flipping channels Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? no What is their desire? to do well and retire honorably Conflict? tired of work] Part 8 - Random crowd [Sad man missing his kid] [someone keeps putting up and taking down posters] [Wade designer] [Spike reviewer] [The milling crowd is a backdrop. The milling crowd is everywhere. The description of the milling crowd is "People of all descriptions walk by you constantly."] [Fix this later] Part 9 - Morgan the Mechanical The reactiontext of the Morgan the Mechanical is "'Animals do not belong in this tent. Sorry,' she says, pointing, and [the random petfollowing animal][goodbyepet] walks away obediently, presumably back to the petting zoo." To say goodbyepet: repeat with current running through petfollowing animals: now current is not petfollowing; now current is in petting zoo; TrickScene is a recurring scene. Trickscene begins when TrickTime is true and the intrigued crowd is in Morgan's Tent and oncedone is false. Before waiting during trickscene: if the player is in Morgan's tent: say "Everything is hushed, waiting for your next action." instead; Oncedone is a truth state that varies. Oncedone is false. [depends on crowd so it won't repeat. can't depend on morgan since she hangs out until you talk with her after the trick. Don't remove intrigued crowd!] A thing can be inspected or not inspected. A thing is usually not inspected. Morgannotices is a truth state that varies. Morgannotices is false. Before going south from Bitter end: now morgannotices is true; Morgan the Mechanical is a woman in Morgan's Tent. "Morgan the Mechanical, an animatronic magician wearing an incongruous mantle of luxurious red fabric and sitting on a steamer trunk, is [if Trickscene is happening and morgannotices is true]putting on a show. [Tricktext][otherwise]ready to put on a show[end if]." Understand "animatronic" or "robot" or "cyborg" or "android" or "gynoid" as morgan the mechanical. Morgan the Mechanical can be ailbert or not ailbert. Morgan the mechanical is not ailbert. Understand the ailbert property as describing morgan the mechanical. Understand "little" or "man" as ailbert. To say Tricktext: say "'Ah, so you came back! Don't worry, I remember where we were!' says Morgan, clicking and whirring. [if dealingscene is not happening]'Please, make sure you inspect me, my deck, and my table.'[otherwise if guessingscene is not happening]'Let me know when you're ready to move on.'[otherwise if guessingscene is happening]'Show me your card when you're ready!'[otherwise]She leans forward and gives a conspiratorial whisper. 'Did you find the chest?' she asks.[end if][line break]You take your place"; Every turn when the player is in Morgan's tent: now morgannotices is false; The description of Morgan the Mechanical is "[if trickscene is not happening]Morgan is a lifelike animatronic dressed in a tailored black jacket, dress pants and an incongruous luxurious red mantle. She is seated on a steamer trunk.[otherwise if Morgan the Mechanical is inspected]You've already inspected Morgan the Mechanical.[otherwise]You carefully look over Morgan's animatronic body. There don't seem to be any hidden compartments or places for strings to attach to her.[end if]" The steamer trunk is a scenery container in Morgan's Tent. The steamer trunk is locked and lockable and closed and openable. The description of the steamer trunk is "This trunk is very large, and has several vents on it, as well as wheels." Instead of pushing the steamer trunk: say "I doubt Morgan would appreciate that!" The vents are part of the steamer trunk. The description of the vents is "Most likely, these vents allow the animatronic's machinery to cool off." The small wheels are part of the steamer trunk. The description of the small wheels is "It seems this trunk is designed to move, although not with Morgan sitting on it". Understand "woman" or "magician" or "animatronic" or "lifelike" or "figure" as Morgan the Mechanical. The tailored black jacket is worn by Morgan the Mechanical. Understand "tuxedo" as the tailored black jacket. The description of the tailored black jacket is "In a word: magnificent. It seems to be real fabric." Understand "fabric" as the tailored black jacket. The dress pants are worn by Morgan the Mechanical. The description of the dress pants is "Unfortunately, no pockets." The mantle is worn by Morgan the Mechanical. Understand "folds" or "velvet" or "incongruous" as the mantle. The plain table is a scenery supporter in Morgan's tent. The description of the plain table is "[if trickscene is not happening]This is a remarkably plain table.[otherwise if the plain table is inspected]You've already inspected the plain table.[otherwise]The table is plain wood. No kinds of additions or contraptions of any kind are on, under, or around this table.[end if]" Shuffling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "shuffle [something]" as shuffling. Carry out shuffling: if the noun is not the deck of cards: say "You promised your shell game instructor that you wouldn't shuffle in inappropriate situations."; otherwise if the noun is a trickery thing: say "Shuffling that back into the deck isn't part of the act."; otherwise: say "You shuffle through the deck and hand it back to Morgan."; Instead of looking under the plain table: say "Nothing down here!" Instead of searching the deck of cards: say "You don't find any tricks in here!" Instead of searching Morgan the mechanical: say "You don't find anything suspicious, besides the fact that she seems to be a sentient animatronic." Instead of searching something worn by morgan the mechanical: say "You don't find anything in [the noun]." The deck of cards is on the plain table. The description of the deck of cards is "[if trickscene is not happening]You can see a deck of cards sitting on the table.[otherwise if the deck of cards is inspected]You've already inspected the cards.[otherwise]You carefully look through the deck of cards. It seems completely normal.[end if]"; Instead of taking the deck of cards: say "Those are Morgan's cards." Understand "plain" as the plain table. A thing can be inspectable or not inspectable. Morgan is inspectable. The plain table is inspectable. The deck of cards is inspectable. [add the condition where she talked to you but you're not holding the chest yet] When Trickscene begins: if Morgan's chest is carried by the player: say "'Is that the chest?' asks Morgan. 'Finally!' The animatronic stands up and seems to shut down. The steamer trunk clicks and opens. A short man wearing goggles crawls out of the steamer trunk, which you see is equipped with a cooling fan and other conveniences inside. The man walks over to the chest you brought and knocks loudly. 'Hey, Ailbert, wake up, it's your turn!' The chest opens, revealing a setup very similar to the one in the trunk. A small man identical to the first crawls out. 'Sorry, Alistair, I lost track of the time. It's so comfy in there!' says Ailbert. Then he crawls into the steamer trunk and closes it. Alistair grabs the chest and walks out of the room, dragging it behind him. Morgan the Mechanical sits back down on the steamer trunk, and whirs back into operation. 'Welcome! I am Morgan the Mechanical!' She turns to the crowd. 'Welcome, welcome,' she says in a mechanical voice. 'Try my brand new, improved, and much better than that other trick, my world-famous Three-Card Trick!' Morgan places a deck of cards on the table. 'Please, inspect the table, the deck, even me, and then we can perform the trick!'"; now threecarded is true; now oncedone is false; now Morgan's chest is nowhere; now morgan the mechanical is ailbert; otherwise: say "'Welcome, welcome,' says Morgan the Mechanical in a mechanical voice. 'Try my world-famous Two-Card Trick!' She places a deck of cards on the table. 'Please, inspect the table, the deck, even me, and then we can perform the trick!'"; repeat with current running through inspectable things: if current is inspected: now current is not inspected; Report examining an inspectable thing when TrickScene is happening: now the noun is inspected; TrickScene ends successfully when TrickTime is false. When trickscene ends successfully: now oncedone is true; [TrickScene ends abruptly when the player is not in Morgan's Tent.] [When TrickScene ends abruptly: say "Morgan shouts behind you, 'Wait, where are you going?'"; now TrickTime is false; now the right card is nowhere; now the left card is nowhere; now the center card is nowhere; repeat with current running through inspectable things: now current is not inspected;] Understand "inspect [something]" as examining. DealingScene is a recurring scene. DealingScene begins when the number of inspected inspectable things is 3 and trickscene is happening. Dealingscene ends when trickscene ends. A thing can be trickery or not trickery. A thing is usually not trickery. The left card is a trickery thing. The right card is a trickery thing. The center card is a trickery thing. Understand "middle" as the center card. Instead of dropping a trickery thing: say "Wait, that's part of the trick. Don't drop it!" When DealingScene begins: say "That's everything inspected. Let's see what Morgan has to say next." ThreeCarded is a truth state that varies. ThreeCarded is false. GuessingScene is a recurring scene. GuessingScene begins when a trickery thing is carried by the player. GuessingScene ends when Trickscene ends. When GuessingScene begins: say "'I hear... I hear... a voice,' says Morgan, tilting her metal head in a very melodramatic posture. 'It's whispering... from very far away... across the gaps that yawn between what we call space and time. It's saying something... about... [the random trickery thing carried by the player].' The crowd leans forward in anticipation." The metal head is part of Morgan the Mechanical. The description of the metal head is "It's very well-made. It looks so real!" TrickOver is a truth state that varies. TrickOver is false. Sadscene is a recurring scene. Sadscene begins when TrickOver is true. Sadscene ends when Trickscene ends. When Sadscene ends: now TrickOver is false; [can remove sadscene] Before going left in morgan's tent: if a trickery thing is enclosed by morgan's tent: try taking the left card instead; Before going right in morgan's tent: if a trickery thing is enclosed by morgan's tent: try taking the right card instead; Middling is an action applying to nothing. Understand "middle" or "center" as middling. Carry out middling: if the center card is enclosed by morgan's tent: try taking the center card; otherwise: say "That command doesn't make sense right now."; Boredcounter is a number that varies. Boredcounter is 0. Every turn when the player is in Morgan's tent: if the current action is bored behavior: increment boredcounter; if boredcounter is 5: if morgan the mechanical is in morgan's tent: try talking to morgan the mechanical; now boredcounter is 0; Readying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "ready" as readying. Carry out readying: if morgan the mechanical is in the location: try talking to morgan the mechanical; otherwise: say "I'm glad you're ready."; Instead of talking to Morgan the Mechanical: if trickscene is happening and dealingscene is not happening: say "'Please, make sure you inspect me, my deck, and my table!' repeats Morgan mechanically."; otherwise if dealingscene is happening and guessingscene is not happening: if the number of trickery things on the plain table > 1: say "'Choose your card!' says Morgan."; otherwise: say "'Satisfied?' asks Morgan. You nod. She says, 'Now watch carefully.' Her arm rotates as she takes a single card from the deck and places it onto the table. 'One.' She deals another card. 'Two[if threecarded is true].' Her eyes glow with an unholy light as she deals the third card. 'Three[end if].' She steps back and says, 'Now, choose your card! Left[if threecarded is true], middle[end if] or right.'"; now the left card is on the plain table; now the right card is on the plain table; if threecarded is true: now the center card is on the plain table; otherwise if guessingscene is happening and sadscene is not happening: say "You show your card to Morgan. She grasps it and extends it up to show the crowd. 'Behold! [A random trickery thing carried by the player][if threecarded is false]!' The crowd goes wild. Morgan bows while remaining seated, and most of the crowd leaves. A few from outside trickle in for the next show. But Morgan waves you over. Despite the rigidity of her expressions, she seems concerned[otherwise]!' The crowd erupts in cheers. Everyone rushes outside to tell others about the amazing three card trick. Soon you are alone with Morgan[end if]."; now trickover is true; repeat with current running through trickery things: now current is nowhere; if threecarded is true: now the intrigued crowd is nowhere; [the otherwise below is supposed to be nested differently than the thing above it, and it is] now tricktime is false; now trickover is false; otherwise if threecarded is false: say "Morgan says, 'Lily, you have been ever so helpful with the trick. But I need your help.' Her robot eyes shift from side to side furtively. [if the silver slippers are enclosed by the player]'Please, if you've found the chest, bring it back to me. I'll make it worth your while[otherwise]'There is a chest that belongs to me. It was supposed to be delivered hours ago. If you find it, I'll let you have this,' she says, indicating the incongruous mantle on her shoulders. She reaches in the mantle and procures some [silver slippers], which she hands to you. She adds, 'If my calculations are correct, these will help you in your search[end if].'"; now Morgan's chest is known; if the silver slippers are nowhere: now the silver slippers are carried by the player; otherwise: say "Morga removes her mantle and says, 'I believe this is yours.' She drops it on the floor and scoops up the cards. Then she stands up and lifts the steamer trunk, carrying it out of the tent. You hear a faint, 'Goodbye!' from the trunk as it leaves the room. The mantle is now yours to take."; now Morgan the Mechanical is nowhere; now the deck of cards is nowhere; now the mantle is in Morgan's Tent; [randomize these] Instead of giving a trickery thing to Morgan the Mechanical: try showing the noun to Morgan the Mechanical; The metal lips are part of Morgan the Mechanical. The description of the metal lips is "They are fairly flat, but vibrant." Understand "flat" or "vibrant" as the metal lips. Understand "choose [a trickery thing]" as taking. Understand "queen of spades" or "queen" or "spade" or "spade" or "first" as the left card. The printed name of the left card is "[if the left card is carried by the player]queen of spades[otherwise]left card[end if]". Understand "two of clubs" or "two" or "clubs" or "club" or "second" as the right card. The printed name of the right card is "[if the right card is carried by the player]two of clubs[otherwise]right card[end if]". Understand "Jack of Hearts" or "jack" or "hearts" or "heart" or "third" as the center card. The printed name of the center card is "[if the center card is carried by the player]jack of hearts[otherwise]center card[end if]". The description of the left card is "[if the noun is carried by the player]This card is [the noun].[otherwise]You haven't picked up the card yet.[end if] " The description of the center card is "[if the noun is carried by the player]This card is [the noun].[otherwise]You haven't picked up the card yet.[end if] " The description of the right card is "[if the noun is carried by the player]This card is [the noun].[otherwise]You haven't picked up the card yet.[end if] " After taking the right card: say "You pick up the card. It's the two of clubs. You don't let Morgan see." After taking the left card: say "You pick up the card. It's the queen of spades. You don't let Morgan see." After taking the center card: say "You pick up the card. It's the jack of hearts. You don't let Morgan see." Before taking a trickery thing: if a trickery thing is carried by the player: say "You've already chosen a card." instead; Instead of showing a trickery thing to someone: try talking to Morgan the Mechanical; Instead of waving a trickery thing: try talking to morgan the mechanical; Instead of interrogating Morgan about something when trickscene is happening: try talking to Morgan; Instead of interrogating morgan about morgan: say "'I am a fully functional animatronic magician,' says Morgan. 'And the best attraction Grooverland has to offer!'" Instead of interrogating morgan about mantle: say "'This is not part of my ensemble,' says Morgan. 'I will give it to you if you help me out, though.'" Instead of interrogating morgan about deck of cards: say "'It's an ordinary deck of cards,' says Morgan mechanically." Instead of interrogating morgan about a trickery thing: if trickscene is happening: try talking to morgan; otherwise: say "'A magician never reveals her secrets,' says Morgan with a smile." Instead of interrogating morgan the mechanical about grooverland: say "'Grooverland is the only place you'll see a magic act as entertaining as mine,' she says with a wink."; Instead of interrogating morgan about the plain table: say "'It is a completely ordinary table,' says Morgan mechanically."; Instead of asking morgan about "statistics": say "She laughs mechanically. 'That's something to ask old Morgan about. Too bad she doesn't exist any more.'" Instead of interrogating morgan about someone: say "'Oh, I don't get out much,' says Morgan robotically. 'Ha ha! Ha! Ha!'" instead of interrogating morgan about something: say "She shakes her head robotically. 'I'm not really thinking about that right now.'" Instead of asking morgan about "chest": say "She says, 'It's...well, a family thing. And it would absolutely help my trick.'" instead of interrogating morgan about yourself: say "'That's odd, what's this?' she says, and reaches out one hand. She grabs something from behind your ear. It's a bouquet of flower! She throws them in the air, and they turn to doves and fly out of the room. 'I could do that all day,' she says." Instead of interrogating morgan about the Mirrored Queen: say "Morgan touches two fingers to her metal lips. 'All hail the Mirrored Queen,' says Morgan quietly." Instead of interrogating morgan about the Scarlet Empress: say "Morgan sighs and touches two fingers to her metal lips. 'All hail the Scarlet Empress,' says Morgan resignedly." Instead of interrogating Morgan the Mechanical about morgan's chest: say "'It's an essential thing for upgrading my performance. Do you think you could find it?' she says." Instead of interrogating Morgan the Mechanical about the steamer trunk: say "'It's not polite to ask a magician about her secrets,' says Morgan."; Instead of interrogating Morgan the Mechanical about the mysterious tent: say "'Do you like it? I decorated it myself,' says Morgan."; Instead of interrogating Morgan the Mechanical about the silver slippers: say "'They'll help you be light on your feet,' says Morgan." Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the dragon: say "'I see. So you enjoy destroying non-living simulacra of living things? I'll remember that,' she says, eyes narrowing[one of][or]. But she already said that once, so maybe she won't actually remember[stopping]." Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the animal trainer: say "'I'm so far back here, I have no clue what goes on in the front of the park,' she answers."; Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about an animal: say "'Honestly, I'm not that interested in animals,' she says. 'But a lot of people at this park are. You might as well ask one of the people that watches animals or sells food for them.'"; Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the gate guard: say "'I respect him for the way he greets us all. At least he knows who I really am,' she says." Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about a sellery person: say "'Seeing as I don't eat and don't have pets, I haven't talked much to the food seller,' she says." Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about a familial person: say "'I haven't been out of my tent all day, and I don't know anyone in your family,' says Morgan." Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the chief engineer: say "'He's a marvelously talented fellow,' she says. 'I'm glad to work with him.'"; Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the royal attendants: say "'To be honest, I've never noticed them before. They sound fairly dull."; Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the snack attendant: say "'She's come to my shows before, I believe,' says Morgan. 'She seemed to enjoy them.'" Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the shop clerk: say "'He's fairly new,' says Morgan, 'and seems mostly interested in his friends and in keeping his job.'" Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the zookeeper: say "'I'm glad there's someone around to watch the animals, and I'm glad it's not me,' says Morgan."; Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the menagerieper: say "'He's a dangerous sort of character, but at least he keeps the animals safe,' she says." Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the plastic skeleton: say "She sniffs. 'A shoddy counterfeit compared to this,' she says, indicating her animatronic body."; Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the countesses: say "'The laserfight arena certainly sounds exciting,' says Morgan."; Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the vicomtes: say "'The laserfight arena certainly sounds exciting,' says Morgan."; Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the creaky singer: say "'Imagine having a body and wasting it they way the creaky singer does,' says Morgan. 'He just sits!'"; Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about the dance instructor: say "'I would love to learn how to dance,' says Morgan, 'but I don't know if this body can handle it.'"; Instead of interrogating Morgan the mechanical about eugene: say "'He sounds very intense' says Morgan." [Character name: Morgan Role in story: performer, questgiver Physical description: svelte Age: 33 (MBTI personality type:) entertainer What is their greatest fear? being second best What is their misbelief about the world? that everything is a competition What is the best thing in their life? their work What is the worst thing in their life? thair work What do they most often look down on people for? failure What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? magic What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? acclaim. The audience Top 3 things they value most in life? chocolate, peace, and being better than absolutely everyone else Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? no Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) fancy clothes with mantle (basically female tux) What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? morgie, wiz What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) dagger Daily routine wake up snooze three times quick breakfast sausage perform talk crash What is their go-to cure for a bad day? stewing until the next day Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? fingernail biting What is their desire? to be the best Conflict? don't think even success is enough] Part 9 - Castle attendants The royal attendants are people in Bitter End. The royal attendants are plural-named. The description of the royal attendants is "These [royal attendants] nobly and boldly guard the castle from all who are unprepared to travel within. Some wear red, and others white." The reactiontext of the royal attendants is "The [royal attendants] studiously ignore [the random petfollowing animal]." Understand "uniform" or "uniforms" or "uniformed" or "undead" or "guards" or "red" or "white" as the royal attendants. When threeregalia begins: now the printed name of royal attendants is "undead attendants"; When fiveregalia begins: now the royal attendants are nowhere; Instead of interrogating the royal attendants about something: say "They look over at you but do not respond, as it is not part of their duty." Instead of talking to the royal attendants: say "They look over at you but do not respond, as it is not part of their duty." Instead of asking the royal attendants about something: say "They look over at you but do not respond, as it is not part of their duty." Part 10 - Family Chapter 1 - Mom A person can be familial or unfamilial. A person is usually unfamilial. A person can be talkfamilial or untalkfamilial. A person is usually untalkfamilial. The reactiontext of Mom is "'Be careful, honey, there's [a random petfollowing animal] following you!' says [Mom]." When tworegalia begins: now mom is nowhere; now Mom's present list is in painful purchases; [make mom artist again?] Mom is a familial talkfamilial woman in Painful Purchases. "Your mom is here, browsing through the merchandise." The description of Mom is "Mom is wearing her sandals and capri pants. She has her pencil out and is jotting down everything she sees into a present list. She clicks and mutters every time she spots something new." Report examining mom: now mom's present list is known; mom's sandals are worn by mom. Mom's sandals are proper-named. The description of mom's sandals is "These can be pretty scary, but right now they look fine." Understand "sandal" as mom's sandals. mom's capri pants are worn by mom. mom's capri pants are proper-named. The description of mom's capri pants is "Mom's classic look for her whole adult life." Instead of listening to mom: say "She probably doesn't even realize she's making noise." Instead of listening when the player is in Painful Purchases: say "[if mom is in painful purchases]You only hear your mom.[otherwise]You don't hear anything.[end if]"; mom's pencil is carried by mom. mom's pencil is proper-named. The description of the pencil is "Mom's special charcoal pencil. She buys them every month." Understand "charcoal" or "special" as the pencil. A thing can be familish or not familish. A thing is usually not familish. A thing has a person called the familyowner. The familyowner of a thing is usually mom. Instead of showing a familish thing to someone: try interrogating the second noun about the familyowner of the noun; Instead of showing something to someone: try interrogating the second noun about the noun; mom's present list is a familish thing carried by Mom. "[if the present list is not oncecarried]Mom's present list is on the ground, but there's no sign of her.[otherwise]Mom's present list is on the ground.[end if]". The familyowner of mom's present list is mom. The description of the present list is "Mom's handwriting is unfortunately impossible to read.[if fourregalia is happening] Where did she go?[end if]" Understand "handwriting" or "notes" as the present list. Instead of talking to Mom: say "'Lily dear, if you see anything you like here, tell me about it and I'll put it on my list, okay?' she says." A thing can be momlisted or unmomlisted. A thing is usually unmomlisted. Instead of expostulating mom about something: if the second noun is in painful purchases: if the second noun is a person: say "'I don't think we should put people on the list, Lily,' says Mom."; otherwise if the second noun is scenery: if the second noun is momlisted: say "'I already put that on there,' says Mom. 'Remember?'"; otherwise: now the second noun is momlisted; say "'Okay, I'll put it on the list. This is very good,' says Mom."; otherwise: say "'Hmmmm,' says Mom. 'I'm not sure that needs to be on the list.'" ; otherwise: try interrogating mom about the second noun; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about mom's present list: if the noun is mom: say "'Don't worry, I'm keeping notes,' says Mom."; otherwise: say "'You're lucky mom's getting you such cool stuff!' says [the noun]."; [Instead of showing the lost school id to mom: say "'Hmmm, that looks important, Lily. You should probably tell an authority about that,' answers your mom." Instead of showing an evidence thing to the shop clerk: say "'Whoa!' says the clerk. 'You should definitely tell the police about that.'" Instead of interrogating mom about the lost school id: say "'It sounds like some girl was being irresponsible,' says your mom. 'Make sure you don't get lost!'"] Before interrogating mom about something: if the second noun is scenery in Painful Purchases: say "[if the noun is momlisted]Mom says, 'Already have that on the list!'[otherwise]Mom nods and says, 'I'll add that to my list. Thanks!'[end if]"; now the noun is momlisted instead; Instead of interrogating mom about dad: if dadstop is true: say "'I'm sure he's just riding one of the rides somewhere, honey,' says your mom."; otherwise: say "'Your dad is a real planner. I'm sure he's got his whole schedule charted out for the entire vacation,' says Mom." Instead of interrogating mom about mom: say "'Oh, you know, honey, I love the rides, but I also need to finish your birthday shopping,' says Mom." Instead of interrogating mom about Alice: if alice is nowhere: say "'Sounds like she finally got off her phone and started enjoying the rides,' says your mom."; otherwise: say "'Well, I would have preferred she spent her time studying, but I guess reading about Grooverland for the last two months paid off,' says your mom." Instead of interrogating mom about dragon: say "'That was very exciting, wasn't it? You did great, though,' she says." Instead of interrogating mom about David: if david is nowhere: say "'I'm sure David is fine,' she says. 'He's old enough to be on his own, anyway.'"; otherwise: say "'David is probably going to be too excited to actually ride anything,' says your Mom. 'It's okay, though.'" Instead of interrogating mom about yourself: say "'You know I'm proud of you, honey. A special day for my special girl!' says mom." Instead of interrogating mom about the shop clerk: say "'Well, Lily, it's not polite to talk about someone behind their back,' says mom." Instead of interrogating mom about a person: say "'I love you, Lily but I have no idea who you are talking about,' says mom." Instead of interrogating mom about grooverland: say "'Well, honey, I think you did a good thing by getting us all to come here,' says mom." Instead of interrogating mom about the animal trainer: say "'She was part of the deal. We got the trip to Grooverland, plus a service animal,' says your mom." Instead of interrogating mom about toby: say "'Well, he is clean and intelligent. What more could you want in a pet?' she says."; Instead of interrogating mom about the gate guard: say "'That's the bald man, right? He was very polite this morning,' she says."; Instead of interrogating mom about a sellery person: say "'Now, I don't want you eating food that belongs to animals! There's plenty of human food to go around' she says."; Instead of interrogating mom about the chief engineer: say "'A chief engineer? He must have studied hard in school to get there. You should follow his example,' says your mom." Instead of interrogating mom about the royal attendants: say "'They don't sound that interesting. Are they trying to be like Buckingham Palace? This is just an amusement park,' she says." Instead of interrogating mom about the snack attendant: say "'I hope she's not giving you too many sweets,' says your mom.'"; Instead of interrogating mom about an animal: say "'They don't sound very clean. Make sure you keep your distance,' says mom." Instead of interrogating mom about the zookeeper: say "'A zookeeper isn't that great of a job. It may sound exciting when you're in high school, but once you see the paycheck it's not worth it,' she says."; Instead of interrogating mom about the menagerieper: say "'He sounds creepy, Lily. Make sure you keep an eye on him,' she says."; Instead of interrogating mom about the plastic skeleton: say "'Lily, I have no clue what you're talking about. A plastic skeleton in a snake? Sounds weird,' she says.'"; Instead of interrogating mom about the countesses: say "'You're too young for the laserfight ride,' says your mom."; Instead of interrogating mom about the vicomtes: say "'You're too young for the laserfight ride,' says your mom."; Instead of interrogating mom about the creaky singer: say "'How can a man be creaky? That makes no sense,' says your mother. 'What part of him creaks? His neck?'" Instead of interrogating mom about the dance instructor: say "'I think I've heard of her. She runs some very expensive classes outside of park hours. I hope she teaches you something!' she says."; Instead of interrogating mom about eugene: say "'Remember, you're here for fun, not romance,' says mom with a wink." Instead of interrogating mom about morgan the mechanical: say "'A woman who's a machine? I know a lot of people who would prefer that,' she says. 'Not me, though.'"; Instead of interrogating mom about the mirrored queen: say "'She sounds like a good woman,' says your mom. 'I'm not a fan of monarchy, but at least she seems benevolent.'"; Instead of interrogating mom about the scarlet empress: say "'Sounds trashy,' says your mom." [Character name: Mom Role in story: comforter, survivor Physical description: asian mom Age: 43 (MBTI personality type:) logistician What is their greatest fear? dying young What is their misbelief about the world? that dominance is the only path to success What is the best thing in their life? their kids What is the worst thing in their life? their hip What do they most often look down on people for? disobedience What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? the happiness of their children What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? kid's saying thank you. Lily Top 3 things they value most in life? Lily, alice and david Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? planner Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) sandals, capri pants, polo shirt, sunglasses in hair. What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? chichi What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) chancla Daily routine too complicated to enter here What is their go-to cure for a bad day? singing a song together Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? tapping hand What is their desire? to have a doctor child Conflict? alice is pulling away a bit] Chapter 2 - Dad Dadstop is a truth state that varies. Dadstop is false; When threeregalia begins: now Dad is nowhere; now Dadstop is true; now dad's map is in mechanical marvels; The reactiontext of Dad is "[Dad] is so absorbed in his map he doesn't even notice [the random petfollowing animal] behind you." Dad is a familial talkfamilial man in Mechanical Marvels. "[if the maintenance crew is in Mechanical Marvels]Your dad is here, looking at the maintenance crew with a concerned expression.[otherwise]Dad is standing around, relaxing and occasionally looking at his map.[end if]" The description of Dad is "Dad is taking a breather between rides. He's checking the map right now." dad's map is a familish thing carried by dad. "[if dad's map is not oncecarried]Weird, [dad] left his map on the ground.[otherwise]Dad's map is here on the ground.[end if]" The familyowner of dad's map is dad. dad's map is proper-named. The description of dad's map is "It's a pamphlet that shows how dangerous, scary, or fun the rides in the park are." Understand "pamphlet" as the map. Instead of reading dad's map: say "It has the same information as your flier. Nothing you haven't seen before." Instead of talking to dad: if the maintenance crew is in Mechanical Marvels: say "'I talked to the maintenance crew. They say they can't let anyone through unless they can clear out the [fungus] in the pipe,' he says."; otherwise: say "'Hey, Lily. I just tried the [one of]Serpent Slide[or]Laserfight ride[stopping]. It's fun!' he says. 'You should try more rides!'" Instead of interrogating dad about yourself: say "Your dad gives you a hug. 'You're awesome, that's who you are. I'm so proud of your big day!'" Instead of interrogating dad about grooverland: say "'I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be today,' he says with a smile. 'Thanks for getting us here.'" Instead of interrogating dad about the maintenance crew: if the maintenance crew are not nowhere: say "Your dad says, 'Yeah, I hope they get the pipe fixed by the end of the day.'"; otherwise: say "'I'm glad they got that pipe fixed!' says your dad." Instead of interrogating dad about the chief engineer: if the maintenance crew are not nowhere: say "Your dad says, 'Yeah, I hope they get the pipe fixed by the end of the day.'"; otherwise: say "'I'm glad they got that pipe fixed!' says your dad." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the map: if the noun is dad: say "Your dad smiles and says, 'You know me, I like to plan ahead!'"; otherwise: if dadstop is true: say "'Your dad must have dropped it. Just hold on to it for him!' says [the noun]."; otherwise: say "'He's been holding onto that map all day!' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating dad about dad: say "'Oh, don't worry about me,' says dad. 'I'm doing great! I know exactly what I'm going to do the rest of this week. Right now I'm going to keep checking out the rides!'" Instead of interrogating dad about mom: say "'I know she's loving this,' says dad. 'She's been reading the Grooverland forums for weeks.'" Instead of interrogating dad about Alice: if alice is nowhere: say "'I wonder where she wandered off to?' says your dad."; otherwise: say "'She's doing that AR game, isn't she?' asks your dad." Instead of interrogating dad about David: if david is nowhere: say "He looks a little concerned. 'I'm not sure where David is,' he says. 'But he's old enough to be on his own.'"; otherwise: say "'David needs to take a deep breath and try to have fun,' says your Dad. 'But he'll have fun no matter what.'" Instead of interrogating dad about something: say "'Well, I think Alice or that nice guard at the gate knows more about that than I do, sweetie,' says Dad." Instead of interrogating dad about the dragon: say "'You did a good job beheaing that dragon, Lily!' says your dad, smiling." Instead of interrogating dad about the animal trainer: say "He looks serious. 'I hope you appreciate the time she took to come down here and bring that dog with her!'"; Instead of interrogating dad about toby: say "'He seems really smart for a dog, you know? Very healthy, too,' he says appreciatively."; Instead of interrogating dad about the gate guard: say "'Oh yeah, he seems like a real smart guy. Knows much more than I do about this place,' he says." Instead of interrogating dad about a sellery person: say "'I tried to order some food from those guys, but apparently it's all for the animals? I don't get that' says your dad." Instead of interrogating dad about the royal attendants: say "'Those are the guys standing by the castle, right? I'd hate to have their job. Imagine the summer heat!' he says."; Instead of interrogating dad about the snack attendant: say "'Yeah, I got a water from her earlier. Last one they had, actually,' says your dad."; Instead of interrogating dad about the shop clerk: say "'I hope your mother is nice to that young man. She can be intense at times,' says dad." Instead of interrogating dad about the racing slug: say "'Seems like a cute little fellow. How do they know it likes racing? What if it likes dancing?' asks your dad." Instead of interrogating dad about the truffle pig: say "'The pig likes fungus, huh? Bet that comes in handy' says your dad." Instead of interrogating dad about the tailypo: say "'Oooh, the tailypo has a mean look to him. Bet you he likes to fight,' he says." Instead of interrogating dad about the monkey: say "'Why are they letting a monkey just roam around anywhere? Have you asked the zookeeper about it?' asks your dad, puzzled." Instead of interrogating dad about the zookeeper: say "'She's done her job well. The animals seem to behave themselves,' says your dad."; Instead of interrogating dad about the menagerieper: say "'He just seems like a bad dude, from what I saw earlier. Who walks around with packs of meat all the time?' asks dad." Instead of interrogating dad about an animal: say "'Some of the animals in this park seem pretty dangerous,' says dad." Instead of interrogating dad about the plastic skeleton: say "'A plastic skeleton in Serpent Slide? Yeah, I saw that guy, figured out the trick with the arm,' says dad proudly." Instead of interrogating dad about the countesses: say "'I tried the laser fight earlier. It was great!' says dad." Instead of interrogating dad about the vicomtes: say "'I tried the laser fight earlier. It was great!' says dad." Instead of interrogating dad about the creaky singer: say "'Seems creepy. Be careful around him!' says dad."; Instead of interrogating dad about the dance instructor: say "'I wonder if I should try dance lessons,' says dad thoughtfully."; Instead of interrogating dad about eugene: say "'Sounds like a nice kid,' says dad carefully.." Instead of interrogating dad about morgan the mechanical: say "'I wonder how they got that to work?' asks your dad curiously."; Instead of interrogating dad about the mirrored queen: say "'People keep talking about the Mirrored Queen. Seems like she's one of the owners of the park. Must enjoy dressing up or something,' says your dad."; Instead of interrogating dad about the scarlet empress: say "'That name keeps coming up,' says dad. 'She's one of the owners of the park, it seems, but gets a kick out of people calling her that. Sounds weird,' says dad."; [Character name: Dad Role in story: companion Physical description: asian dad Age: 45 (MBTI personality type:) logistician What is their greatest fear? insignificance What is their misbelief about the world? that it's the same world he grew up in What is the best thing in their life? their kids What is the worst thing in their life? their decreasing job satisfaction What do they most often look down on people for? choosing to rebel What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? the happiness of their children and wife What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? saying I love you. Wife Top 3 things they value most in life? Lily, alice and david Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? map Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) sandals, cargo pants, hawaiian shirt, sunglasses What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? boyo What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) rolled up newspaper Daily routine wake up, work, eat and flip channels, sleep What is their go-to cure for a bad day? sulking Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? pacing What is their desire? to have a happy family Conflict? alice is pulling away a bit] Section 1 - Dad wandering The wandering father is a recurring scene. The wandering father begins when dadgo is true and dadstop is false. The wandering father ends when dad is nowhere and dadstop is false; When wandering father begins: if dad is in the location of the player: say "'Well, Lily, I'm headed off to try out some rides. See you later!' says your dad before he walks away."; now dad is nowhere; now dadgo is false; The returning father is a recurring scene. The returning father begins when wandering father has ended and the time since wandering father ended is three minutes and dadstop is false. The returning father ends when the time since returning father began is eight minutes and dadstop is false. When returning father begins: if dadstop is true: do nothing; otherwise if dad is not in mechanical marvels: now dad is in mechanical marvels; if the player is in mechanical marvels: say "Your dad wanders back into view. He sees you and waves." When returning father ends: now dadgo is true; Chapter 3 - Alice When fourregalia begins: now Alice is nowhere; now Alice's silver bracelet is in Spooky Sideshow; now Alice's silver bracelet is known; Alice is a familial woman in Spooky Sideshow. "Your sister Alice is here, playing the park's AR game on her phone." The reactiontext of Alice is "Alice scans [the random petfollowing animal] with her phone[if the truffle pig is in the location of the player]. 'Whoa, did you know that the pig is a reference to My Kingdom for a Pig?' she says[otherwise if the tailypo is in the location of the player]. 'Huh, did you know the tailypo was featured in a story by that same name by Chandler Groover?' she says[otherwise]. 'Looks like that racing slug is a reference to the story Por Una Cabeza. Interesting!' says Alice[end if]." The description of Alice is "Your older sister Alice is excited about discovering park lore on her phone. She's wearing the silver bracelet she got from Nana[bracelettime]." Understand "older" or "sister" as Alice. To say bracelettime: now alice's silver bracelet is known; Alice's silver bracelet is a familish thing worn by alice. "[if the silver bracelet is not oncecarried]Alice's silver bracelet is on the ground, but you don't see her anywhere.[otherwise]Alice's silver bracelet is on the ground.[end if]" The familyowner of alice's silver bracelet is alice. The description of Alice's silver bracelet is "Nana, your great grandmother, left this to Alice when she died. Alice has worn it ever since." Instead of asking alice about "nana": say "She looks at her bracelet. 'I think of her every time I look at this thing,' she says." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the silver bracelet: if the noun is alice: say "'It's my good luck charm. I plan to pass it on to my kids. Or yours, if I don't have any,' she says."; otherwise: if alice is nowhere: say "'Hmm, you'd better hold on to that for Alice,' says [the noun]."; otherwise: say "'Yes, it was nice of nana to give that to Alice, wasn't it?' says [the noun]." Instead of talking to Alice: say "'Hey,' says Alice, 'this is cool, isn't it? You can ask me about any location and I'll tell you what Groover game it was inspired by!'" [add more] Singlequestioning is an action applying to one thing. Understand "ask about [any room]" as singlequestioning. Carry out singlequestioning: if alice is in the location: try questioning alice about the noun; otherwise: try singleinting the noun; Questioning it about is an action applying to two things. Understand "ask [alice] about [any room]" as questioning it about. Carry out questioning: if the second noun is in SerpentArea: say "'Wow,' says Alice, 'apparently the Serpent Slide was inspired by Groover's game 'Down the Serpent and the Sun!'"; otherwise if the second noun is Doña Villar's Tango Temptations: say "Alice says, 'It says here that the Tango Temptations area was inspired by a Fallen London Exceptional Story that Groover wrote called 'Por Una Cabeza'!"; otherwise if the second noun is in laserfightspace: say "'This app says that Midnight Laserfight was inspired by Groover's first IFComp game, [']Midnight. Swordfight.['], which totally makes sense,' says Alice. 'The countesses refer to the countess in that game, and the vicomtes refer to the exceptional story Caveat Emptor.'"; otherwise if the second noun is in Menarea: say "Alice says, 'Okay, it looks like the menagerie was based on 'The Queen's Menagerie' by Groover.'"; otherwise if the second noun is Welcome Booth: say "'The castle walls are inspired by Eat Me and Bring Me a Head,' says Alice. 'And the paisley the gate guard wears is a reference to the Exceptional Story in Fallen London called Paisley. Toby is similar to the protagonist in Toby's Nose. Whew!'"; otherwise if the second noun is Prowling Promenade: say "'The various food sellers and their carts come from many different Groover games, including Taghairm, JELLY, Deus ex Ceviche, Hunting Unicorn, Eat Me, and Cragne Manor,' says Alice."; otherwise if the second noun is melancholy mall: say "'The kids with cricket bats that come through the Mall early in the day are a reference to Cricket, Anyone? a popular Exceptional Story in Fallen London by Groover. Their jelly-covered ice cream cones are a reference to JELLY,' says Alice."; otherwise if the second noun is in OutsideRegion: say "'There's not much in that location itself which is a reference to Groover, unfortunately. But the rides off of it are!' says Alice."; otherwise if the second noun is in creakyregion: say "'All parts of the creaky house are references to the tiny game Creak, Creak' says Alice. 'Parts of it also reference the exceptional story Cricket, Anyone?'"; otherwise if the second noun is Queen's Castle: say "'I haven't been in there,' says Alice, 'but I've heard it's related to Mirror and Queen and +=x.'"; otherwise if the second noun is in Queendom: say "'Huh,' says Alice. 'The app doesn't have any info on that region. I wonder why?'"; otherwise if the second noun is Arena: say "'That's just for fun, but it's inspired in part by Bring me a Head!' says Alice."; otherwise if the second noun is the sugar plum snack bar: say "'The snack bar is inspired by Eat Me, especially its large cake!' says Alice."; otherwise if the second noun is Painful Purchases: say "'The book of poems contains the first lines of What Fuwa Bunsaku Found, and the tiny dollhouse is a reference to the game [']little['],' says Alice."; otherwise if the second noun is Petting Zoo: say "Alice says, 'The animals in the Petting Zoo are references to My Kingdom for a Pig and Por Una Cabeza, both Exceptional Stories from Fallen London. There is also a reference to Tailypo.'"; otherwise if the second noun is Corn Maze: say "Alice says, 'The corn maze is a reference to the game Left/Right.'"; otherwise if the second noun is Morgan's Tent: say "Alice says, 'This area is based off of the game Three-Card Trick.'"; otherwise: say "Alice peers at her phone. 'Weird, that one's not in my app's database. Sorry.'"; A thing has a room called the permalocation. When play begins: repeat with current running through people: now permalocation of current is the location of current; Instead of interrogating alice about something: say "'This app only deals with locations, but I'll try to see if I can look up where that's at,' she says. 'Give me a second.' She checks her phone for a second. [paragraph break]"; if the second noun is scenery: let current be the location of the second noun; try questioning alice about current; otherwise if the noun is an animal: if the noun is the dragon: say "'Creatures composed of food have frequently been featured in Chandler's work,' she says, reading from the app."; otherwise if the noun is toby: say "'I don't think he's part of the park,' she says."; otherwise if the noun is in menarea: try questioning alice about menagerie; otherwise: try questioning alice about petting zoo; otherwise if the noun is a person: try questioning alice about the permalocation of the the noun; otherwise: say "'This app is only good for things that don't get moved around a lot,' says Alice." Instead of interrogating alice about something: say "She shakes her head. 'I'm not sure about that.'" [add text for different things she looks up] Alice's phone is carried by Alice. The description of Alice's phone is "The phone is displaying the park's AR game, which you understand is very difficult to beat. Alice talked about it the whole way here.". Understand "AR" or "game" as Alice's phone. Instead of interrogating alice about yourself: say "Alice says, 'Hey, kid. I'm so stoked for your big day!'" Instead of interrogating alice about dad: say "Alice says, 'I think he's wandering around Mechanical Marvels.'" Instead of interrogating alice about mom: say "Alice says, 'I think she's still shopping for your gifts.'" Instead of interrogating alice about Alice: say "Alice shows you her phone and says, 'I'm checking out this cool AR game!'" Instead of interrogating alice about David: if david is nowhere: say "'You don't know where he is? Have you asked mom or dad?' says Alice."; otherwise: say "'David is probably super happy right now,' says Alice." instead of interrogating alice about grooverland: say "'I've got it all here, Lily,' she says, waving her phone. 'Trust me. I know it all.'" [Character name: alice Role in story: guide Physical description: lanky sis Age: 17 (MBTI personality type:) instructor What is their greatest fear? missing out What is their misbelief about the world? that they understand it What is the best thing in their life? their college application What is the worst thing in their life? their senior year What do they most often look down on people for? social improprieties What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? feeling smart What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? parents saying proud Top 3 things they value most in life? crush, college dreams, bracelet from great grandma Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? bracelet Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) whatever is normal these days. Leggings? T-shirt? fancy comfy shoes? What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? AJ What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) cyberattack Daily routine high school and volleyball What is their go-to cure for a bad day? watching anime Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? popping zits What is their desire? to be an adult Conflict? ready to move out] Chapter 4 - David When oneregalia begins: now David is nowhere; now david's favorite plush chimera is in welcome Booth; now david's favorite plush chimera is known; David is a familial talkfamilial man in Prowling Promenade. "[if dad is in the location of david]David is standing by [dad], standing on his tiptoes to look at dad's map[otherwise]David is contemplating the various attractions and people in the park with wide eyes[end if]. He's holding his favorite plush chimera[chimeraknown]." To say chimeraknown: now david's favorite plush chimera is known; The reactiontext of David is "David runs behind you, peeking around you to see if [the random petfollowing animal] is mean or not. He comes out after a few seconds." A thing can be oncecarried or not oncecarried. A thing is usually not oncecarried. David's favorite plush chimera is a familish thing carried by David. "[if david's favorite plush chimera is not oncecarried]David's plush chimera is on the ground. He must have left it here, but why?[otherwise]David's chimera is on the ground.[end if]" The familyowner of david's favorite plush chimera is david. The description of David's favorite plush chimera is "He loves playing with this toy, pretending to attack with it[if oneregalia is happening]. Why would he just leave it on the ground? Odd[end if]." Instead of interrogating david about yourself: say "David waves and says, 'Hey Lily! Thanks for picking Grooverland for your trip! This is awesome!'" Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about david's favorite plush chimera: if the noun is david: say "'Chimeras are awesome! They can multiattack and fly!' says David."; otherwise: if david is nowhere: say "'Hmm, you'd better hold on to that for David,' says [the noun]."; otherwise: say "'David really loves that toy, doesn't he?' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating david about the maintenance crew: say "David says, 'I'm staying away from those guys!'" Instead of interrogating david about the chief engineer: say "David says, 'I'm staying away from those guys!'" Instead of interrogating david about dad: say "David frowns. 'I don't need dad to watch me! I can explore on my own!'" Instead of interrogating david about mom: say "David frowns. 'I don't need mom to watch me! I can explore on my own!'" Instead of interrogating david about Alice: say "'Alice told me some really cool stuff about the park,' says David." Instead of interrogating david about David: say "'I'm doing great! This park is awesome!' says David." Instead of interrogating David about grooverland: say "'I can't believe we're actually here. This is epic,' he says." Instead of interrogating David about the dragon: say "'I wish I could fight a dragon!' he says. He zooms around his plush chimera, pretending it's a dragon." Instead of interrogating David about the animal trainer: say "'She seems like a nice lady. I'd like to train animals one day,' he says thoughtfully." Instead of interrogating David about Toby: say "'Toby's cool. He's like a hero dog,' says David." Instead of interrogating david about the gate guard: say "'Yeah, he seems like one of the nicest guys here,' says David."; Instead of interrogating david about the sausage seller: say "'He smells good. Like pizza!' says David." Instead of smelling when the sausage seller is in the location: say "Something smells good, here." The pizza odor is an immaterial part of the sausage seller. The description of the pizza odor is "The sausage seller smells distinctly like pepperoni pizza." Understand "pepperoni" as the pizza odor. Instead of interrogating david about the ceviche chef: say "'She's kind of fishy. Get it? Haha,' he says, laughing." Instead of interrogating david about the jelly man: say "'He seems the nicest food seller guy,' says David." Instead of interrogating David about the royal attendants: say "'I don't know, they're kind of boring,' he says. 'They just stand there.'" Instead of interrogating David about the shop clerk: say "'I haven't been going in the shop,' says David. 'I want to explore on my own!'" Instead of interrogating David about the snack attendant: say "'She gave me a milkshake. It was their last one, she said,' says David." Instead of interrogating David about the racing slug: say "'It's totally gross, and I like it!' he says." Instead of interrogating David about the truffle pig: say "'Isn't it just a pig? I don't get what the big deal is,' he says." Instead of interrogating David about the tailypo: say "'I'm worried it'll scratch me if I get close to it,' he says." Instead of interrogating david about the zookeeper: say "'She was nice, she let me check out the animals,' he says."; Instead of interrogating david about the menagerieper: say "'I haven't been going to the menagerie. Too creepy!' he says." Instead of interrogating david about an animal: say "'I've been avoiding the menagerie. Too creepy!' he says." Instead of interrogating david about the plastic skeleton: say "'Yeah, I saw that guy. He was weird! Did you try talking to him?' he asks." [definitely have him talk about castle cake!] Instead of interrogating david about the countesses: say "'I'm not allowed in the laserfight place,' he says. 'Why are you allowed?'" Instead of interrogating david about the creaky singer: say "'That guy gives me the creeps,' says David." Instead of interrogating david about the dance instructor: say "'She tried to make have a dance off against some kid named [Eugene]. I told her no and left!' he says." Instead of interrogating david about eugene: say "'That kid seems like he's trying way too hard,' he says." Instead of interrogating david about morgan the mechanical: say "'She's pretty cool. How does she talk so well if she's a machine?' he asks." Instead of interrogating david about the mirrored queen: say "'Everybody says she's the good one here, not like the [Scarlet Empress], apparently,' he says."; Instead of interrogating david about the scarlet empress: say "He frowns and says, 'Everyone says she's kind of a jerk. I hope I don't see her,' he says."; Instead of interrogating david about the monkey: say "'What? I didn't see a monkey!' he says, [one of][or]now slightly less [stopping]surprised."; DavidWalked is a truth state that varies. DavidWalked is true. DavidWalking is a recurring scene. DavidWalking begins when DavidWalked is true. DavidWalking ends when the time since DavidWalking began is three minutes. [Report looking in Prowling Promenade for the first time: now DavidWalked is false;] Oncewalked is a truth state that varies. Oncewalked is false. When DavidWalking begins: if oncewalked is true: now DavidWalked is true; if David is nowhere: do nothing; otherwise if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: if David is in Bitter End: if David is in the location of the player: say "David wanders off to the west."; silently try David going west; if David is in the location of the player: say "Your brother David wanders over from the east."; otherwise if the maintenance crew is in Mechanical Marvels: if David is in Prowling Promenade: if the player is in Prowling Promenade: say "David starts going to the east, but sees something that makes him turn around."; do nothing; otherwise: if David is in the location of the player: say "David wanders off to the east."; silently try David going east; if David is in the location of the player: say "Your brother David wanders over from the west."; otherwise: if David is in the location of the player: say "David wanders off to the east."; silently try David going east; if David is in the location of the player: say "Your brother David wanders over from the west."; otherwise: if David is in Welcome Booth: do nothing; otherwise: if David is in the location of the player: say "David wanders off to the west."; silently try David going west; if David is in the location of the player: say "Your brother David wanders over from the east."; now oncewalked is true; The description of David is "Your younger brother David is excited at being on his own at a park for the first time. He's running back and forth, staring at everything with wide eyes." Understand "younger" or "brother" as David. Instead of talking to David: say "'Lily, this park is awesome!' says David. 'Did you know [randomfact]?'" To say randomfact: say "[one of]there's a giant [castle cake] in the snack shop[or]that [Morgan the Mechanical] has an awesome red cape?[or]I heard there's a huge crack in one of the rooms in Midnight Laserfight[or]you can duel the menagerie guy to see who's better at feeding the animals[or]there's a glowing orb in the bottom of the Serpent Slide[at random]" Instead of showing something to David: say "David looks real quick but then starts running around again. He's too excited to pay attention." [Character name: David Role in story: gawker Physical description: older kid Age: 9 (MBTI personality type:) too young to tell What is their greatest fear? spiders What is their misbelief about the world? that all adults are kind What is the best thing in their life? theis trip What is the worst thing in their life? school What do they most often look down on people for? bullying What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? adventure What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? hugs. you Top 3 things they value most in life? parents, lily, alice Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? no Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) t shirt, sweat pants, velcro shoes What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? davie What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) stick Daily routine school, homework, video games, youtube What is their go-to cure for a bad day? watching dumb meme videos Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? no What is their desire? to have an awesome trip Conflict? too excited] Part 11 - Snack attendant The snack attendant is a woman in Sugar Plum Snack Bar. "A harried-looking [snack attendant] stands at the register dispensing [drinks] out to [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 0]costumed [end if]ticket-holders." The description of the snack attendant is "Imagine Betty White in her 50[']s dressed as a carnival showman, while also being very drunk. This woman is the complete opposite of that[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2]. She also has a pair of wings[end if]." Understand "betty" or "white" or "opposite" or "drunk" or "50" or "50's" or "carnival" or "showman" or "very" as the snack attendant. When fiveregalia begins: now the snack attendant is nowhere; The reactiontext of the snack attendant is "The [snack attendant] looks a little unhappy about [the random petfollowing animal] following you into the store. 'I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask that all animals remain outside,' she says. [The random petfollowing animal] heads [goodbyepet]outside, presumably back to the petting zoo." Instead of showing a ticket to the snack attendant: try giving the noun to the snack attendant; The angelic pair of wings are a thing. The description of the angelic pair of wings is "They look beautiful!" Understand "young" or "harried" or "looking" or "betty" or "white" or "carnival" or "showman" or "drunk" or "woman" or "cherubic" or "cherub" or "angel" or "angelic" as the snack attendant. Instead of talking to the snack attendant: say "[one of]'First time?' she asks, peering down at you with a polite smile. 'Drinks are free, but only if you have a ticket. You see any drink tickets, bring them to me and I'll trade them in for a drink. Okay, hun?' She peers closer at you. 'Oh, you're Lily, right? The cake is yours, too. There's a prize if you can eat the whole thing!' She then goes back to serving the other customers.[or]She says, 'Do you have any tickets for me?'[stopping]" Instead of taking the castle cake: try eating the castle cake; A ticket can be usedup or notusedup. A ticket is usually notusedup. Instead of giving a ticket to the snack attendant: say "'Thank you,' says the attendant mechanically as she snatches your ticket and hands you [a correspondent drink of the noun]."; now the noun is nowhere; now the noun is usedup; now the correspondent drink of the noun is carried by the player; now the correspondent drink of the noun is not scenery; now the correspondent drink of the noun is not faroff; Instead of buying a beverage: let hasticket be false; if the noun is not faroff: say "'Sorry, we're all out of that,' says the snack attendant."; now hasticket is true; otherwise: repeat with current running through tickets enclosed by the player: if the correspondent drink of current is the noun: now hasticket is true; try giving current to the snack attendant; if hasticket is false: say "[The snack attendant] says, 'Sorry, kid, you don't have the right ticket for that.'" Instead of asking the snack attendant about "tickets": say "'It's a game, okay? You just find the tickets around the park and bring them here to get a drink. You'll need it if you try to eat that cake. It's a doozy!' she says." Instead of asking a changy person about "tickets": say "'The snack attendant would know more about that,' says [the noun]." Instead of asking the snack attendant about "ticket": say "'It's a game, see? You just find the tickets you need and bring them here to get a drink. You'll need it if you try to eat that cake. It's a doozy!' she says." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about ticket-holders: say "'It's a game, see? You just find the tickets you need and bring them here to get a drink. You'll need it if you try to eat that cake. It's a doozy!' she says." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about a ticket: if the second noun is carried by the player: try giving the second noun to the snack attendant; otherwise if the second noun is not nowhere: say "'Just give me the ticket when you're ready' she says."; otherwise: say "'You already gave me that ticket,' she says patiently." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about a beverage: if the second noun is nowhere: say "'I'm glad you enjoyed it!' she says."; otherwise: say "'Don't worry, all our food is organic and vegan,' she says. 'I think.'"; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the little sign: say "'This cake was made especially for you. Boy, I hope you're hungry!' says [the snack attendant]." Understand "creme" or "regular" or "weird" or "fake" or "cereal" as the marshmallow library. Understand "fresh" or "sugar" or "egg" or "crust" or "dish" as the cheesecake guardhouse. Understand "sweet" or "creme" as the eclair kitchen. Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about something cakey: if the second noun is the devil's food tower: say "'The tower is made of Devil's Food cake, a rich chocolate flavor of cake that was designed as a contrast to angel's food cake, and which appeared in the early 1900's in America,' says the attendant.[paragraph break]"; otherwise if the second noun is the marshmallow library: say "'That library is made of marshmallow. Some of it is just regular marshmallow, other parts are marshmallow creme, and the rest is that weird fake marshmallow you get in cereal,' she says.[paragraph break]"; otherwise if the second noun is the cheesecake guardhouse: say "She answers, 'The cheesecake guardhouse is made from cheesecake, a dish commonly made from soft, fresh cheese, sugar and egg and cooked in a crust.[paragraph break]"; otherwise if the second noun is the eclair kitchen: say "She answers, 'The eclairs in the kitchen are a variety of french pastry usually filled with sweet creme.'[paragraph break]'"; otherwise if the second noun is the fondant dungeon: say "She says, 'The dungeon is made of fondant, a tough kind of frosting used by wedding cake decorators due its flexibility and malleability.'[paragraph break]"; otherwise: try interrogating the snack attendant about the castle cake; say "She adds, 'You can eat it, of course. It's yours!'" Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the castle cake: say "'Oh, that cake's all for you. There's a prize if you eat it, sugar,' says the attendant." Instead of asking the snack attendant about "prize": say "'The prize is one of Grooverland's very own regalia, that's what!' says the attendant." Instead of asking the snack attendant about "regalia": say "'You know, regalia are the formal symbols of royalty: crown, orb, scepter, and we've added ring and mantle. You collect them on your big day,' says the attendant." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about grooverland: say "'It's a real honor to work here,' says the attendant. 'Grooverland's going to help me pay off my student debt.'" Instead of asking the snack attendant about "student/debt": say "She shrugs. 'Hey, it's what happens if you go to a good college.'" Instead of asking the snack attendant about "student debt": say "She shrugs. 'Hey, it's what happens if you go to a good college.'" Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the snack attendant: say "'I'm just a college grad trying to get by,' says the attendant. 'But I'm not going to be here forever.'" Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about yourself: say "'You seem like a nice kid,' says the attendant. 'Hope you have a great day today!'"; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the angelic wings: say "'Oh, these? Yeah, everyone has them where I come from,' says the snack attendant." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the Mirrored Queen: say "'Well, at least she pays well,' says the snack attendant." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about dragon: say "'Oh yeah, the engineer built it and I filled it with candy. Hope you liked it!' she says." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the animal trainer: say "'Oh, who's that? Must be someone visiting today,' she answers."; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about an animal: say "'I hope you know, we have a strict no-pets policy,' she says seriously. 'I don't want to lose my license.'" Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the sausage seller: say "'He's more of a savory guy, I'm more of a sweets woman. We see things differently,' she says." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about ceviche chef: say "'I tried hanging out with her after work but we just didn't click, you know?' she says."; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the jelly man: say "She smiles. 'He's really sweet. I definitely want to get to know him better!' she says." [david got a milkshake, dad got water] Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about david: say "'Yeah, he came in here earlier and took the last milkshake,' she says." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the chief engineer: say "'He's pretty new. I hope he's good at his job. He made that dragon you fought, though,' she says." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about dad: say "'I gave him our last water bottle a few hours ago,' she says." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about alice: say "'She's the kid on her phone, right? Seems like a cool app,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the royal attendants: say "'You know, I've worked here a long time and I don't think they've ever talked to me,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about mom: say "'From what I've heard she's been in the gift shop all morning,' says the attendant."; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the shop clerk: say "'He's a good kid, it seems. Always hangs out with his friends after work,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the zookeeper: say "'She's pretty quiet. I guess she just focuses on her job,' says the snack attendant."; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the menagerieper: say "'I feed the humans, he feeds the dangerous animals. We're not so different, in a way,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the plastic skeleton: say "'Yeah, there's a plastic skeleton in the Serpent Slide. It's kind of boring to me, though,' she says. 'You can't eat it.'" Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the countesses: say "'I don't really go in the laserfight arena very often,' she says." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the vicomtes: say "'I don't really go in the laserfight arena very often,' she says." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the creaky singer: say "'He's totally working with the [Scarlet Empress] and I'm just not feeling it,' she says." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the dance instructor: say "'You know, I don't think I've ever talked to her. We work on opposite ends of the park,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about eugene: say "'He's a very sweet child if you get to know him. He comes in here almost every morning for a snack,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about morgan the mechanical: say "'Of course, she never eats anything from here,' she says, laughing."; Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the scarlet empress: say "'I don't like her. Honestly, I don't see why we have to have scary themes in the park,' she says." The register is scenery in Sugar Plum Snack Bar. The register is a closed unopenable container. The description of the register is "It looks exactly like a regular cash register but painted purple." Understand "purple" as the register. When threeregalia begins: now the printed name of the snack attendant is "cherubic attendant"; now the angelic pair of wings are part of the snack attendant; Does the player mean interrogating someone about scenery largegroup people: it is very unlikely; The drinks are faroff scenery in the sugar plum snack bar. Understand "drink" as the drinks. The description of the drinks is "There are drinks behind the bar, but it's too hard to tell what they are from here." The drinks are plural-named. Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about drinks: say "'If you want a drink, just bring me a ticket for it and I'll get it for you!' says the attendant." Instead of buying the drinks: if a ticket is carried by the player: try giving a random ticket carried by the player to the snack attendant; otherwise: say "'You'll need a ticket to buy a drink,' says the snack attendant." Instead of interrogating the snack attendant about the chief engineer: say "He made the dragon and I filled it this morning,' she says. 'He seems nice.'"; [Character name: snack attendant Role in story: dispenser Physical description: twenties african american woman Age: 26 (MBTI personality type:) architect What is their greatest fear? loss of loved ones What is their misbelief about the world? that everything is bad What is the best thing in their life? their flower garden What is the worst thing in their life? school loans What do they most often look down on people for? youth What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? shopping What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? compliments on maturity. Friends Top 3 things they value most in life? work, independence, maturity Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? car Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) canvas shoes, leggings, crisp uniform blouse, cap. What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? jules What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) pipe Daily routine sleep in, work, friends, sleep What is their go-to cure for a bad day? movie with friends Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? covering up silence with nervous talking What is their desire? to pay off loans Conflict? loan too big] Part 12 - Zookeeper The zookeeper is a woman in Petting Zoo. "A placid and professional [zookeeper] stands watch over the animals." Understand "keeper" or "zoo" as the zookeeper. When fiveregalia begins: now the zookeeper is nowhere; now the truffle pig is nowhere; now the racing slug is nowhere; now the tailypo is nowhere; The reactiontext of the zookeeper is "The [zookeeper] welcomes back [the random petfollowing animal] with a friendly pet." Instead of giving zoofood to the zookeeper: say "'Oh, that's for the animals, hun,' says the zookeeper." Understand "placed" or "professional" or "ghost" or "ghostly" or "bored" as the zookeeper. The description of the zookeeper is "This middle-aged [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2]ghost[otherwise]woman[end if] looks fairly bored but is trying not to show it. She's wearing a khaki uniform." The khaki uniform is worn by the zookeeper. The description of the khaki uniform is "It does look very professional." A thing can be zoomentioned or not zoomentioned. a thing is usually not zoomentioned; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the menagerieper: say "'Oh, he's so greedy. He'll try to win each round of his game with the best thing possible, even if it puts him out of luck later!' answers the zookeeper. 'There's a reason he works for the [Scarlet Empress].'" Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about grooverland: say "'Only in Grooverland can exotic animals like these be found,' she says proudly. 'Courtesy of the [Mirrored Queen].'" Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the monkey: if the sunroom is visited: now the monkey is zoomentioned; say "'So that's where the monkey went! Naughty little thing. Thanks for letting me know. He's done it before, and he always comes back after a day or two, so don't worry too much about it,' says the zookeeper. 'At least he'll stop fighting with the tailypo.'"; otherwise: say "'I do wonder where our monkey has gone to,' says the zookeeper worriedly. 'He loves to pick fights.'" Instead of talking to the zookeeper: say "'This part of the park is mostly for the younger kids, but I think you might like it, too,' says the zookeeper. It's not as frightening as the menagerie and its strange little keeper[if the monkey is not zoomentioned]. 'We're also missing our [monkey], so I'm sorry about that. He's a clever little scamp and likes to disappear from time to time[end if].'" When threeregalia begins: now the printed name of the zookeeper is "ghostly zookeeper". Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the racing slug: say "'Oh yeah, the slug is cute. Haven't seen much racing, but the way they eat lettuce is nice,' says the zookeeper." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the truffle pig: say "'My grandma had a pig like this when she was young,' says the zookeeper. 'They're clever animals and very loving.'" Instead of asking the zookeeper about "grandma": say "'Grandma loved animals,' says the zookeeper. 'That's why I took this job.'" Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the tailypo: say "'Now he's a weird little creature,' says the zookeeper. 'Looks so smart I swear he could talk, but I've never heard a peep out of him.'" Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the menagerieper: say "'I shouldn't talk bad about him. My mom always said that if you can't say nothin' nice, it's better to say nothin' at all,' says the zookeeper." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the zookeeper: say "'Oh, I just love animals, and I love little kids. I'm glad I got to work in this part of the park. I avoid the rest. Too creepy,' she says." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about a zoofood: say "'It's a little puzzle we do for the small kids. Which animal likes which food? You know, that kind of thing,' says the zookeeper." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about an animal: say "'I don't really work much with the other animals,' says the zookeeper. 'You could always ask the menagerie keeper.'" Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about a viand: say "'That's way too rich for my animals,' says the shopkeeper." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the Mirrored Queen: say "'I think she's doing a great job as queen,' says the zookeeper. 'I just hope she can keep the [Scarlet Empress] under control.'" Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the scarlet empress: say "The zookeeper shudders. 'A sick and twisted woman. Anyone who treats animals like toys to terrify others is a criminal in my book.'" Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about yourself: say "'You're good with animals, right? You seem like it,' she says." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the dragon: say "She sniffs. 'I suppose they still open the park with symbolically murdering animals. Shameful.'" Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the animal trainer: say "'I suppose we're not that different. She trains animals, I watch over them,' she says." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about toby: say "'He seems like a very well-behaved animal,' she says. 'I saw him earlier.'"; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the gate guard: say "'We both favor the [Mirrored Queen], so I talk to him a lot,' she says." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about a sellery person: say "'I don't trust any of the food vendors. Animals should have simple food, not elaborate concoctions!' she says." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about david: say "'He came in earlier to pet the animals. Nice kid,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the chief engineer: say "'I don't know much about him. I assume he likes machines,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about dad: say "'He came in with David earlier. Very polite,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about alice: say "'I don't remember if I met her or not,' she says." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the royal attendants: say "'Honestly, I kind of like them. They're quiet and obedient,' she says." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the snack attendant: say "'She seems nice, but it's always been hard for me to make friends,' she answers." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about mom: say "'I met her earlier, but I sensed some hostility for some reason,' says the zookeeper, puzzled." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the shop clerk: say "'He's new. I'll wait to form an opinion on him,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the plastic skeleton: say "'I'm not sure why they put a plastic skeleton in the Serpent Slide, but hey, what can you do?' she says."; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the countesses: say "'I don't really go into the laserfight arena,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the vicomtes: say "'I don't really go into the laserfight arena,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the creaky singer: say "'Those [Scarlet Empress] guys really get my goat some times,' she says. 'Although I don't actually have a goat.'"; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the dance instructor: say "'She's really obsessed with dancing. I've heard she even tutors outside of work,' she says."; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about eugene: say "'I really can't figure that kid out. Doesn't talk much,' she says." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about morgan the mechanical: say "'I'm really more into organic life forms,' she says." Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the crate of mushrooms: try interrogating the zookeeper about the mushroom cap; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the plate of bratwursts: try interrogating the zookeeper about the limp bratwurst; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the lettuce tray: try interrogating the zookeeper about the lettuce leaf; Instead of interrogating the zookeeper about the realpettingzoo: say "'This is a place of peace between humans and animals, established by the [Mirrored Queen],' says the zookeeper." [Character name: zookeeper Role in story: shepherd Physical description: fourties maga mom Age: 40 (MBTI personality type:) shepherd What is their greatest fear? a world gone mad What is their misbelief about the world? that others are bad What is the best thing in their life? their house What is the worst thing in their life? rising property taxes What do they most often look down on people for? hooliganism What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? voting What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? feeling like a good person. God Top 3 things they value most in life? god, family, country Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? no Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) khaki uniform, brown shoes What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? cici What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) animal attack Daily routine wake up, make food for live-in adult kid, go to work, hang out together What is their go-to cure for a bad day? news Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? no What is their desire? to help america Conflict? politics] Part 13 - Shop clerk The shop clerk is a man in Painful Purchases. "[one of]A[or]The[stopping] [shop clerk] is [if mom is in painful purchases]waiting patiently for your mom to finish her purchases[otherwise]looking around, bored[end if]." When fiveregalia begins: now the shop clerk is nowhere; The reactiontext of the shop clerk is "The [shop clerk] pretends not to notice [the random petfollowing animal]." The description of the shop clerk is "The clerk is short and thin, and he has extremely long golden hair[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2]. He is also a werewolf, and one you'd describe as quite shaggy[end if]." Understand "short" or "thin" or "werewolf" or "shaggy" as the shop clerk. The long golden hair is worn by the shop clerk. The description of the long golden hair is "It is beautiful. It reminds you of that Legolas guy from the movie your parents watch[if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2]. His fur is the same color[end if]." Understand "fur" as the long golden hair. Instead of talking to the shop clerk: say "He doesn't respond. Instead, he just tosses his hair back and forth. Strange guy." Understand "strange" or "guy" as the shop clerk. When threeregalia begins: now the printed name of the shop clerk is "golden-haired werewolf" Understand "stuff" or "row" or "rows" as the pristine merchandise. [Instead of interrogating the clerk about the pristine merchandise: say "The clerk shrugs. 'It's just, like, Grooverland stuff, you know?'";] Instead of interrogating the clerk about the Fuwa Bunsaku book of poems: say "He says, 'I think it's from, uh, an American guy's retelling of a Japanese story or something.'" Instead of interrogating the clerk about the dollhouse: say "He laughs. 'I'm not, like, into dolls, man. I don't know.'" Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the shop clerk: say "'I'm just working here because, you know, my friends think Grooverland is cool,' says the clerk." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the pristine merchandise: say "He looks like he's trying to remember something, then says, 'Grooverland has a variety of enjoyable products for you. Please shop responsibly.' He looks at you. 'I hope that helps,' he adds." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about mom: say "He shrugs and says, 'Grooverland appreciates all customers.'" Instead of asking the shop clerk about "friends/band": say "'My friends and I are in a band. It's cool,' he says." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about yourself: say "'You seem like a cool kid. Hope you have a good time at Grooverland,' says the clerk." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about grooverland: say "The shop clerk smiles and says, 'Yeah, Grooverland is awesome.'" Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the Mirrored Queen: say "'You know, I'm not sure if, like, I'm supposed to tell you about her or leave it as a surprise,' says the shop clerk." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the dragon: say "'The dragon is really cool, we should sell, like, a toy version of it or something,' he says." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the animal trainer: say "'Is she new or something? I've never heard of her,' says the shop clerk."; Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about an animal: say "'I really don't know much about the animals in this park,' he says. 'They're not technically supposed to be in here, so I haven't really gotten to know them.'" Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the gate guard: say "'He's been really welcoming here. It definitely makes me think that the people who like the [Mirrored Queen] are nicer,' he says." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about a sellery person: say "'I still kind of mix up all the people that sell food for the animals,' he said. 'Sorry.'" Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about david: say "'I don't think I saw him,' says the shop clerk." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the chief engineer: say "'I think I saw him coming in today. Looks tough,' he says." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about dad: say "'He poked his head in earlier, but I didn't talk to him,' says the shop clerk." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about alice: say "'Sorry, I didn't see her at all today. Honestly, I'm pretty new and stay in the shop all day,' he says." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the royal attendants: say "'At least I get to stand indoors. I'd hate to have their job!' he says." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the snack attendant: say "'She's cool. I like ordering treats there,' he says." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the zookeeper: say "'She's been kind of standoffish since I started working here,' he says. 'Don't know if it's her personality or what.'" Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the menagerieper: say "'He gives me the creeps, man. Those [Scarlet Empress] guys are nuts,' he says."; Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the plastic skeleton: say "'Plastic skeleton? What are you talking about?' he says, puzzled." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the countesses: say "'That sounds cool. I wish I could play that game!' he says."; Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the vicomtes: say "'That sounds cool. I wish I could play that game!' he says."; Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the creaky singer: say "'He's one of those [Scarlet Empress] guys, I don't like being around him,' he says."; Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the dance instructor: say "'She seems cool, but my mom signed me up for ballet for like, three years, and I'm just sick of dancing by now,' he says." Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about eugene: say "'He seems kind of uptight,' says the shop clerk."; Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about morgan the mechanical: say "'I still don't get how she works, man,' he says."; Instead of interrogating the shop clerk about the scarlet empress: say "'She really creeps me out, man,' he says. 'Why does she even work here?' he asks."; [Character name: store clerk Role in story: patient man Physical description: lanky teen boy Age: 17 (MBTI personality type:) composer What is their greatest fear? rejection What is their misbelief about the world? that no one cares about him What is the best thing in their life? their band What is the worst thing in their life? fighting with mom What do they most often look down on people for? selling out What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? music What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? sharing music, girlfriend Top 3 things they value most in life? music, friends, books Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? guitar Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) black t shirt, black jeans, studded belt, black shoes What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? jer bear What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) 'axe' Daily routine wake up, go to work, go to friend's house What is their go-to cure for a bad day? sleeping Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? drumming fingers What is their desire? to be famous Conflict? lack of fame] Part 14 - The menagerie man Chapter 1 - The man himself Section 1 - Initial stuff The menagerieper is a man in Menagerie. "[first time]A scabrous little man with a nametag reading [only][menagerieper][if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2], a goblin,[end if] walks along the cages, banging the bars with an ornate scepter when the animals become too unruly[scepterknown]." Understand "keeper" or "little" or "zookeeper" or "goblin" as the menagerieper. To say scepterknown: now the scepter is known; When fiveregalia begins: repeat with current running through animals in menarea: now current is nowhere; Understand "ornate" as the royal scepter. The scepter is carried by the menagerieper. The description of the menagerieper is "He's a little [if the number of regalia enclosed by the player > 2]goblin[otherwise]man[end if] holding an ornate scepter. His nametag says [menagerieper][if keeperduel is happening]. [Keepinventory][otherwise].[end if]" To say keepinventory: say "[bold type]He is carrying the following menagerie food (with Blooodiness, Sloppiness, and Rawness)[roman type][line break]"; now the royal scepter is unmarked for listing; let M be the number of menviands enclosed by the menagerieper; Let N be 0; repeat with current running through menviands enclosed by the menagerieper: increment N; say " "; reveal current; if N is not M: say "[line break]"; To reveal (currentmviand - a menviand): say " (B [mbloodiness of currentmviand], S [msloppiness of currentmviand], R [mrawness of currentmviand]) [the printed name of currentmviand in title case]"; Section 2 - Name Understand "scabrous" or "little" or "man" as the menagerieper. The keeper's name tag is worn by the menagerieper. Understand "nametag" or "thick" or "letters" or "letter" as the keeper's name tag. The description of the keeper's name tag is "The name tag says '[menagerieper]' in thick letters." A keepername is a kind of value. The keepernames are Crust, gristle and Rind. The menagerieper has a keepername. The keepername of the menagerieper is Rind. Understand the keepername property as describing the menagerieper. The printed name of the menagerieper is "[if the menagerieper is crust]Crust[otherwise if menagerieper is Gristle]Gristle[otherwise]Rind[end if]". The menagerieper is proper-named. When play begins: if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: now the keepername of the menagerieper is gristle; otherwise: if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: now the keepername of the menagerieper is crust; Section 3 - Behavior Every turn: if the player is in Menarea: if the menagerieper is in Menarea: if menagerieper is not in the location of the player: let way be the best route from the location of the menagerieper to the location of the player; try the menagerieper going way; Chapter 2 - The game Section 1 - It begins Nowhereland is a room. There are 5 food tokens in nowhereland. Keeperduel is a recurring scene. Keeperduel begins when the number of food tokens enclosed by the player is 5. Keeperbought is a recurring scene. Keeperbought begins when the number of viands enclosed by the player is 5. When keeperbought begins: say "That's five different foods for the animals! That should be enough to battle the menagerie keeper." KeeperReady is a truth state that varies. KeeperReady is false. Keeperdistribution is a recurring scene. Keeperdistribution begins when KeeperReady is true. A room can be animalFed or not animalFed. A room is usually not animalFed; Keeperdistribution ends successfully when playerscore is 3. Keeperdistribution ends poorly when keeperscore is 3. When keeperdistribution ends: now keeperready is false; repeat with currentroom running through rooms in menarea: now currentroom is not animalFed; Keeperbought ends when keeperdistribution ends. Keeperduel ends when keeperbought ends. When keeperduel ends: repeat with current running through food tokens: now current is in nowhereland; Instead of talking to the menagerieper: if keeperduel is not happening: say "[one of]'Step lightly, child. A misstep here would land somebody in a bad place. We serve the [Scarlet Empress] in this part of the park, not like that simple-minded zookeeper who serves the [Mirrored Queen].' He peers at you closely. 'Ah, the special girl of the day! Well, we have a treat for you, don't we. If you want this,' he says, tapping the royal scepter that he holds, 'you'll have to beat me at my own game.'[or]'Ah, so you want to play again?' he asks.[stopping][line break]He grins and says, 'These animals are hungry beasts, never full. I have my own menu, which you can see in the plaza of the menagerie. I'll give you five tokens for the food carts up in the Promenade. Order your five best foods, and I'll bring my five best, and we'll see which beasts prefer your food over mine. If more animals like your food than mine, I'll give you this piece of the regalia.' Then he hands you five tokens. 'Go on then!'"; repeat with current running through food tokens: now current is carried by the player; otherwise if keeperduel is happening: if keeperbought is not happening: say "'Have you bought the food for the animals yet? Look at the menus in the Promenade and buy whatever you think the animals will like. Come back when you're holding five different foods for them,' says [The menagerieper]."; otherwise if keeperdistribution is not happening: say "[The menagerieper] says, 'Ah, you've bought all your foods. All right then, head to the animal cages. When you know which food you'll want them to have, give the food to me. I don't want you getting your fingers bit off! Then I'll feed it to the animals along with my own food. And we'll see who wins! We'll go best three out of five. Ties go to me, of course.'"; now KeeperReady is true; otherwise: if the player is in Menagerie: say "The keeper says, 'There are animals yet to be fed!'"; otherwise: if the location is animalFed: say "[The menagerieper] says, 'You've already fed this one, dearie."; otherwise: say "[The menagerieper] says, 'Just give me the food you want them to have, dearie.'"; let L be a list of things; repeat with current running through animalfed rooms: add a random animal enclosed by current to L; say "[line break]He scratches his head and adds, 'Also, I have a score of [keeperscore], and you have a score of [playerscore][if the number of animalfed rooms > 0]. You've already fed the [L][otherwise]. You haven't fed any animals yet[end if].'" [ say "[The menagerieper] says, '[one of]Step lightly, and watch where you step. A misstep here would land somebody worse than in most other parks. People tend not to climb back over rails[or]Engage in eye contact at your own risk[or]Extend as many fingers as you’re comfortable donating to the realm[or]And finally, refrain from feeding animals. There are professionals who manage that[cycling].'";] [Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about rawhead: say "[The menagerieper] shudders, but listens to you. He goes to the rawhead's cage and offers his thumb. The rawhead bites it hard, and [The menagerieper] yelps as the creature licks a drop of blood. 'I'll have to swaddle my hand, now. Here, take this scepter. It will keep the beasts in line.' He hands you the scepter and walks away."; now the menagerieper is nowhere; now the scepter is carried by the player;] Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the varieties of food: try talking to the menagerieper; Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about grooverland: say "'Grooverland is the perfect place, a frightening park ruled by [the Scarlet Empress]. Despite what the others think, she only allows [the Mirrored Queen] a place here to lure in more customers. But the Queen is soft,' mutters [the menagerieper]. 'Too soft.'" Does the player mean expostulating the menagerieper about the devil's food tower: it is very unlikely; Does the player mean expostulating the menagerieper about the varieties of food: it is very likely; Does the player mean interrogating the menagerieper about the varieties of food: it is very likely; Instead of asking the menagerieper about "tokens": say "'Use them to buy food from the sellers in the Prowling Promenade, child,' says [the menagerieper]." [implement this] Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the scepter: try talking to the menagerieper; Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about an animal: if the second noun is in petting zoo: say "[The menagerieper] laughs long and hard, not stopping until his eyes are streaming with tears. 'Those animals! They're nothing compared to mine!'"; otherwise if the second noun is the skull scraper: say "[The menagerieper] taps his head. 'He likes to get in your head. Don't let him.'"; otherwise if the second noun is the griffin: say "[The menagerieper] says, 'He's an odd creature, that one. A religious fellow gave him to us, years ago.'"; otherwise if the second noun is the rawhead: say "[The menagerieper] says, 'They have a skin condition, that one. Poor little thing. Wish I could do more for it.'"; otherwise if the second noun is the shrine beast: say "[The menagerieper] says, 'The shrine beast is a fickle creature. I keep trying to find the habitat it will prefer, but it never seems enough.'"; otherwise if the second noun is the wolf: say "[The menagerieper] laughs and says, 'Oh, that's just my little joke. He's just a wolf. In a hat!'"; otherwise if the second noun is the monkey: say "'That excellent monkey! Always fighting with the tailypo in the petting zoo. It's the only good thing those two do,' says [the menagerieper]."; otherwise: say "'That's a strange animal you've found. Makes me wonder,' says [the menagerieper]."; Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the menagerieper: say "'Oh, the [Scarlet Empress], she found, she hired me, she gave me the name [the menagerieper]. I've worked here for many years,' says [the menagerieper]." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the Mirrored Queen: say "He frowns. 'Some claim she is the ruler of Grooverland, but I would say that she is an usurper,' says [the menagerieper]." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the Scarlet Empress: say "He smiles. 'The true ruler of Grooverland. I serve her with delight, and everything in my Menagerie is designed to honor her.'" Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the zookeeper: say "'She's too soft, that one. She serves the [Mirrored Queen], while I am the [Scarlet Empress]'s most loyal servant,' says [the menagerieper]." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the sausage seller: say "'He's a man after my own heart,' says [the menagerieper]. 'And he makes some excellent sausage." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the ceviche chef: say "'She must suffer so, missing the sea. But the animals need her, especially the wolf,' says [the menagerieper]." Instead interrogating the menagerieper about the jelly man: say "'He is a real monstrosity, that one,' says [the menagerieper]. 'But the [Scarlet Empress] allows him, so I must do so as well.'" Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about yourself: say "'Well, the animals do like you. You'd be a tasty snack!' he says, chuckling. Seeing your face he says, 'No, no, I'm kidding. But they do seem to like you.'" Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the dragon: say "He scowls. 'A cheap trick, using a fake animal,' he says." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the animal trainer: say "'I'd like to see her train one of these animals!' he says." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the gate guard: say "'He guards nothing. The [Scarlet Empress] allows him to greet the guests up front, but this part of the park belongs to her,' he says."; Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about david: say "'I haven't seen your brother all day,' he says. 'Probably...frightened.'" Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the chief engineer: say "'I admire anyone who does their job right,' he says."; Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about dad: say "'Your father seems suspicious of me. That doesn't bother me,' he says." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about alice: say "'I don't believe she's come in here,' he says, 'but she's welcome. All are welcome.'" Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the royal attendants: say "'Those who do their duty best will the most rewarded,' he says." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the snack attendant: say "'She's the only servant of the [Mirrored Queen] that I can tolerate,' he says." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about mom: say "'She was here earlier. She seemed delightfully frightened,' he says."; Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the shop clerk: say "'He is new. I'm interested in how he turns out,' says he says." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the plastic skeleton: say "'It's gruesome, but harmless. I'm torn on whether I like it or not,' he says." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about countesses: say "'They find their glory in battle,' says [the menagerieper]."; Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the vicomtes: say "'They find their glory in battle,' says [the menagerieper]."; Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the creaky singer: say "'He's a good man. We could use more like him at this park!' he says."; Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about the dance instructor: say "'I have no use for dancing,' he says gruffly." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about eugene: say "'I have no use for dancing,' he says gruffly." Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about morgan the mechanical: say "'Her construction is genius,' he says. 'And frightening, once you know the secret.'" [Character name: Gristle, crust, or rind Role in story: frightening guardian Physical description: goblin-like Age: 53 (MBTI personality type:) architect What is their greatest fear? failure What is their misbelief about the world? that the queen is honorable What is the best thing in their life? their job What is the worst thing in their life? the queen's unhappiness What do they most often look down on people for? not being the queen What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? service What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? service, the animals Top 3 things they value most in life? queen, creatures, blood Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? scepter Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) heavy boots, thick brown jeans, windbreaker, cap What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? name is a nickname What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) whip Daily routine sleep at work, go to work, eat What is their go-to cure for a bad day? animal keeping Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? counting finger nubs What is their desire? to serve Conflict? none] Section 2 - Zookeeper's stuff [give custom messages from the reaper about each animal] Instead of interrogating the menagerieper about an animal: say "[The menagerieper] says, *[line break]"; A menviand is a kind of thing. The description of a menviand is "It's wrapped up in bloodstained paper and labelled, '[ printed name of noun in upper case].'" A menviand has a number called the mbloodiness. The mbloodiness of a menviand is usually 5. A menviand has a number called the msloppiness. The msloppiness of a menviand is usually 5. A menviand has a number called the mrawness. The mrawness of a menviand is usually 5. The goat meat is a menviand. The goat meat is carried by the menagerieper. The mbloodiness of the goat meat is 7. The msloppiness of the goat meat is 5. The mrawness of the goat meat is 4. The lamb meat is a menviand. The lamb meat is carried by the menagerieper. The mbloodiness of the lamb meat is 7. The msloppiness of the lamb meat is 3. The mrawness of the lamb meat is 5. The bantam is a menviand. The bantam is carried by the menagerieper. The mbloodiness of the bantam is 5. The msloppiness of the bantam is 3. The mrawness of the bantam is 4. The minnow is a menviand. The minnow is carried by the menagerieper. The mbloodiness of the minnow is 3. The msloppiness of the minnow is 3. The mrawness of the minnow is 5. The rat meat is a menviand. The rat meat is carried by the menagerieper. The mbloodiness of the rat meat is 3. The msloppiness of the rat meat is 3. The mrawness of the rat meat is 5. [1 b/s/r 3/5/5 2 b/s/r 3/5/3 3 b/s/r 3/3/5 4 b/s/r 5/4/3 Rawhead (high bloody, high sloppy) Skull Scraper (high raw, high sloppy) Wolf (high bloody, high raw) Griffin (happy with anything) something else (likes balance) player can get 12 points easily ] Section 3 - Mechanics Instead of giving a viand to an animal: if the player is not in menarea: say "That food is only for menagerie animals. The menagerie is south of Prowling Promenade."; otherwise if the menagerieper is in the location: try giving the noun to the menagerieper; otherwise: say "You should only do that with the keeper around. Who knows what could go wrong?" Instead of giving a viand to the menagerieper: if keeperdistribution is happening: if the location of the player is animalFed: say "[The menagerieper] says, 'You've already fed this one!'"; otherwise if the player is in menagerie: say "'There are no animals here,' says [the menagerieper]."; otherwise: battle the noun; now the location is animalfed; otherwise: if keeperbought is happening: now keeperready is true; say "'Ah, you've bought all your foods. Very well, let's start the game!'[paragraph break]"; battle the noun; now the location is animalfed; otherwise: say "We can't begin the game until you've spent all your tokens!"; tempmviand is a thing that varies. Tempmviand is the goat meat. Keeperscore is a number that varies. Keeperscore is 0. Playerscore is a number that varies. Playerscore is 0. [this code has some redundancies] [To battle (currentviand - a viand): let keeperwon be false; now tempmviand is a random menviand carried by the menagerieper; repeat with currentmenviand running through menviands carried by the menagerieper: if the location is the Lupine Lair: let tempnum be msloppiness of tempmviand; if tempnum < sloppiness of currentviand: if the msloppiness of currentmenviand > the msloppiness of tempmviand: now tempmviand is currentmenviand; let tempnum2 be the msloppiness of currentmenviand; decrement tempnum2; if tempnum2 > sloppiness of currentviand: now keeperwon is true; otherwise: now keeperwon is true; if the msloppiness of currentmenviand > msloppiness of tempmviand: now tempmviand is currentmenviand; otherwise if the location is the Abandoned Shrine: let tempnum be mbloodiness of tempmviand - mrawness of tempmviand; let subcurrentviand be bloodiness of currentviand - rawness of currentviand; let subcurrentmviand be mbloodiness of currentmenviand - mrawness of currentmenviand; if tempnum < subcurrentviand: if the subcurrentmviand > tempnum: now tempmviand is currentmenviand; decrement subcurrentmviand; if subcurrentmviand > subcurrentviand: now keeperwon is true; otherwise: now keeperwon is true; if the subcurrentmviand > tempnum: now tempmviand is currentmenviand; otherwise if the location is the Rawhead's Refuge: let tempnum be mrawness of tempmviand; if tempnum < rawness of currentviand: if the mrawness of currentmenviand > the mrawness of tempmviand: now tempmviand is currentmenviand; let tempnum2 be the mrawness of currentmenviand; decrement tempnum2; if tempnum2 > rawness of currentviand: now keeperwon is true; otherwise: now keeperwon is true; if the mrawness of currentmenviand > mrawness of tempmviand: now tempmviand is currentmenviand; otherwise if the location is the SkullScraperSanctuary: let tempnum be mrawness of tempmviand - msloppiness of tempmviand; let subcurrentviand be rawness of currentviand - sloppiness of currentviand; let subcurrentmviand be mrawness of currentmenviand - msloppiness of currentmenviand; if tempnum < subcurrentviand: if the subcurrentmviand > tempnum: now tempmviand is currentmenviand; decrement subcurrentmviand; if subcurrentmviand > subcurrentviand: now keeperwon is true; otherwise: now keeperwon is true; if the subcurrentmviand > tempnum: now tempmviand is currentmenviand; otherwise if the location is the GriffinExhibit: let tempnum be mbloodiness of tempmviand; if tempnum < bloodiness of currentviand: if the mbloodiness of currentmenviand > the mbloodiness of tempmviand: now tempmviand is currentmenviand; let tempnum2 be the mbloodiness of currentmenviand; decrement tempnum2; if tempnum2 > bloodiness of currentviand: now keeperwon is true; otherwise: now keeperwon is true; if the mbloodiness of currentmenviand > mbloodiness of tempmviand: now tempmviand is currentmenviand; otherwise: say "*This is a bug!*"; say "You hand [the currentviand] to [the menagerieper], and he tosses it to [a random animal in the location of the player]. He also tosses out a package of [tempmviand].[paragraph break]"; if keeperwon is true: increment keeperscore; say "[The random animal in the location of the player] comes forward and sniffs both meals. It then devours [the tempmviand]. [The menagerieper] chortles. 'A point for me!'"; otherwise: increment playerscore; say "[The random animal in the location of the player] comes forward and sniffs both meals. It then devours [the currentviand]. [The menagerieper] grumbles. 'A point for you.'"; now tempmviand is nowhere; now currentviand is nowhere;] To battle (currentviand - a viand): let keeperwon be false; if the location is the Lupine Lair: let L be {goat meat, lamb meat, bantam, minnow, rat meat}; now keeperwon is true; repeat with current running through L: if current is carried by the menagerieper: if the sloppiness of currentviand > msloppiness of current: now keeperwon is false; now tempmviand is current; break; otherwise if the location is the griffinexhibit: let L be {goat meat, lamb meat, bantam, minnow, rat meat}; now keeperwon is true; repeat with current running through L: if current is carried by the menagerieper: if the bloodiness of currentviand > mbloodiness of current: now keeperwon is false; now tempmviand is current; break; otherwise if the location is the Rawhead's Refuge: let L be {lamb, minnow, rat meat, goat meat, bantam}; now keeperwon is true; repeat with current running through L: if current is carried by the menagerieper: if the rawness of currentviand > mrawness of current: now keeperwon is false; now tempmviand is current; break; otherwise if the location is the Skullscrapersanctuary: let L be {lamb meat, minnow, rat meat, bantam, goat meat}; now keeperwon is true; repeat with current running through L: if current is carried by the menagerieper: let tempdiff be rawness of currentviand - sloppiness of currentviand; let tempmdiff be mrawness of current - msloppiness of current; let temptempdiff be mrawness of tempmviand - msloppiness of tempmviand; if tempdiff > tempmdiff: now keeperwon is false; now tempmviand is current; break; otherwise if the location is the abandoned shrine: let L be {goat meat, lamb meat, bantam, minnow, rat meat}; now keeperwon is true; repeat with current running through L: if current is carried by the menagerieper: let tempdiff be bloodiness of currentviand - rawness of currentviand; let tempmdiff be mbloodiness of current - mrawness of current; let temptempdiff be mbloodiness of tempmviand - mrawness of tempmviand; if tempdiff > tempmdiff: now keeperwon is false; now tempmviand is current; break; otherwise: say "*This is a bug!*"; say "You hand [the currentviand] to [the menagerieper], and he tosses it to [the random animal in the location of the player]. He also tosses out a package of [tempmviand].[paragraph break]"; if keeperwon is true: increment keeperscore; say "[The random animal in the location of the player] comes forward and sniffs both meals. It then devours [the tempmviand]. [The menagerieper] chortles. 'A point for me!'"; otherwise: increment playerscore; say "[The random animal in the location of the player] comes forward and sniffs both meals. It then devours [the currentviand]. [The menagerieper] grumbles. 'A point for you.'"; now tempmviand is nowhere; now currentviand is nowhere; When keeperdistribution ends: if keeperscore > 2: say "'Three points for me! Looks like I won, Lily!' chortles [the menagerieper]. 'Let me know if you want to play again[if a viand is carried by the player]. And I'll take the rest of that food off your hands[end if].' He walks away, smiling."; otherwise: say "[The menagerieper] looks at you with newfound respect. 'You've fed them well, dearie. Here, you've earned it,' he says, and he tosses the royal scepter on the ground. 'As for me, I think I'll take my break now. Good luck, and watch out for other queens.' He walks away, laughing to himself. The royal scepter is on the ground."; set pronouns from the royal scepter; now the menagerieper is nowhere; now the royal scepter is in the location of the player; now playerscore is 0; now keeperscore is 0; repeat with current running through menviands: now current is carried by the menagerieper; repeat with current running through viands: now current is in the cart of the owner of current; Part 15 - The Mirrored Queen Chapter 1 - The Queen herself The Mirrored Queen is a woman. "The Mirrored Queen stands patiently before you." [ The description of the Mirrored Queen is "A tall and commanding woman made entirely of wood, like a living tree. Her eyes are like mirrors." Understand "tall" or "commanding" as the Mirrored Queen. Understand "wooden" or "mirror" or "living" or "tree" or "wood" as the Mirrored Queen. ] Instead of talking to the Mirrored Queen: say "The Mirrored Queen has no ears to hear you." Instead of interrogating the Mirrored Queen about something: say "The Mirrored Queen has no ears to hear you." Instead of talking to the Scarlet Empress: say "The Scarlet Empress has no ears to hear you." Instead of interrogating the Scarlet Empress about something: say "The Scarlet Empress has no ears to hear you." Instead of searching the mirror eyes: try examining the mirror eyes; [Character name: Mirrored Queen Role in story: boss Physical description: like a moving tree Age: 9000 (MBTI personality type:) dominator What is their greatest fear? none What is their misbelief about the world? that they are greater than it What is the best thing in their life? the magic of children's tears What is the worst thing in their life? the difficulty in staying in our world What do they most often look down on people for? not being the queen What makes their heart feel alive (passion)? tears What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way? they do not experience love Top 3 things they value most in life? queen, captives, tears Is there an object they cannot bear to be without? no Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom (physical description makes personality shine) nothing, just wood What nicknames have they been called throughout their life? death What is their weapon of choice? (Doesn’t have to be physical) magic Daily routine lure, trap, lure, trap What is their go-to cure for a bad day? trapping a queen Do they have any nervous habits? What are they? none What is their desire? to feed Conflict? trying to find more] Chapter 2 - Motion [A room has some text called queentext. The queentext of a room is usually "*[line break]". A room can be queensaid or not queensaid. A room is usually not queensaid. Queentext of queen's castle is "'Are you returning to the outside world?' says the Mirrored Queen. 'You may. After all, you have no way to leave Grooverland.'"; Queentext of queen's tower is "'You are no longer in Grooverland, child. These rooms were old long before any pen was put to paper or laid brick on brick,' says the Mirrored Queen."; Queentext of armory is "'In days of old, we took our queens by force,' says the Mirrored Queen. 'Life is not so difficult now. But we prepare for the return of those times.'"; Queentext of Kingdom is "'My lands reach beyond your imagination,' says the Mirrored Queen. 'But they requires a dreadful price to maintain.'"; Queentext of prison is "'We queens must all work for the good of the land,' says the Mirrored Queen. 'But some forget. Here, they are reminded.'"; Queentext of Treasury is "'Grooverland and its predecessors have brought us great wealth,' says the Mirrored Queen. 'But it is all as ashes without the queens.'"; Queentext of Lake of Tears is "'You can always stop,' says the Mirrored Queen. 'Your family is gone. You can not leave the park. There is nothing left for you. But I will not make you walk through that door. Once you do, it is all over,' says the Mirrored Queen."; Queentext of queen's garden is "'If only children grew like roses,' says the Mirrored Queen. 'At least these, my roses, have grown to be like my children.'"; Every turn when the player is in Queendom: if the Mirrored Queen is not nowhere: if the Mirrored Queen is not in the fortune telling machine: if the Mirrored Queen is not in the location of the player: let way be the best route from the location of the Mirrored Queen to the location of the player, using doors; try the Mirrored Queen going way; if the location of the Mirrored Queen is not queensaid: if the queen is in the location of the player: say queentext of the location of the player; say "[line break]"; now the location of the player is queensaid. Before going west from Queen's Castle: if the Mirrored Queen is in Queen's Castle: say "'I'll be waiting, Lily,' says the Mirrored Queen. 'There's nowhere for you to go.'" Before whistleblowing when the player is in Queendom: say "'Oh, you're calling that...thing? I'll shall see you shortly, then, Lily dear. You'll be back,' says the Queen.";] Part 16 - The monkey The monkey is a faroff animal. "[one of]A mischievous [monkey] has the sun orb![or]The [monkey] clambers all around the room, keeping out of reach.[stopping]" . The monkey is male. The description of the monkey is "The monkey is lanky and hairy. He has some fresh scratches on him." The fresh scratches are part of the monkey. The description of the fresh scratches is "Whatever made these has sharp claws!" Instead of giving a zoofood to the monkey: say "The monkey turns around and waves his rear at you, rejecting [the noun]. He doesn't seem hungry."; Instead of giving a viand to the monkey: say "The monkey turns around and waves his rear at you, rejecting [the noun]. He doesn't seem hungry."; Understand "clever" or "little" or "scamp" as the monkey. Monkeyscene is a scene. Monkeyscene begins when the player is in Sunroom. When Monkeyscene begins: say "As you enter the Sunroom, though, a [monkey] crawls out from behind the pedestal and snatches the sun orb. It leaps around the room, keeping the orb away from you!"; now the monkey is in Sunroom; now the sun orb is carried by the monkey; Before taking the sun orb: if the sun orb is carried by the monkey: say "The monkey is too fast! It darts away." instead; A thing can be monkish or unmonkish. A thing is usually not monkish. The monkey is monkish. Instead of talking to the monkey: say "The monkey shakes its fist at you and chatters angrily."; Every turn: if the monkey is in the location of the player: if tailypo is in the location of the player: say "When the tailypo sees the monkey, it hisses loudly and launches itself forward. The monkey shrieks in terror and drops the sun orb. The two animals roll around, hissing and shrieking. Finally, the monkey pushes a catch in the floor and a trapdoor springs open. Unfortunately, the trapdoor is right where you were standing. You, the tailypo, and the sun orb fall into the bowels of the serpent while the monkey screeches in triumph."; now the player is in bowels; now the sun orb is in bowels; now the tailypo is bored; now the monkey is nowhere; change the down exit of sunroom to bowels; now trapdoor is in stomach; now the tailypo is in petting zoo; now the tailypo is not petfollowing; say "The tailypo scampers away into the hallways, leaving you alone. The sun orb rolls to a stop on the ground."; otherwise if an unmonkish animal is in the location of the player: say "The monkey waves languidly at [the random petfollowing animal]. They seem to be friends."; Understand "mischievous" as the monkey. Before going south from sunroom: say "The monkey chatters and shakes its fist at you as you leave." Part 17 - Procedural responses Before interrogating yourself about something: say "You don't find your own conversation very interesting." instead; [changy people are employees] A person has some text called the exclamation. A person has some text called the congratulation. Table of Procedural Responses speaker congratulation exclamation apology honestly think gate guard "congratulations" "oh" "sorry" "to tell the truth" "I think" sausage seller "I'm impressed" "ah" "sorry" "well" "I think" ceviche chef "very nice" "oh my" "my apologies" "to be honest" "I believe" jelly man "good for you" "ah ha" "I'm sorry" "I'll be honest" "It seems to me" David "good job" "wow" "sorry" "you know" "I think" chief engineer "impressive" "oh" "well, I'm sorry" "well" "I believe" dad "amazing work" "oh wow" "sorry" "honestly" "I think" alice "I'm proud of you" "nice" "sorry" "I have to say" "I'm pretty sure" snack attendant "not too bad" "oh" "unfortunately" "to tell the truth" "I believe" mom "good work" "ah" "sorry" "to tell the truth" "I think" shop clerk "cool" "huh" "I'm sorry" "honestly" "I think" zookeeper "very good" "well" "sorry" "I'll tell you" "I believe" menagerieper "very good" "oh my" "my apologies" "i'll tell you the truth" "I believe" creaky singer "goodness" "oh my" "my deepest apologies" "i have to say" "As far as I know," dance instructor "congratulations" "ah" "my condolences" "in all honesty" "In my opinion," morgan the mechanical "congratulations" "wow" "I am sorry" "honestly" "To the best of my knowledge" Table of Additional Procedural Responses speaker great well because many gate guard "great" "Well," "because" "quite a few" sausage seller "very good" "You see," "because" "a lot" ceviche chef "lovely" "It seems that" "due to the fact that" "many" jelly man "wonderful" "Well my friend," "because, you see," "quite a few" David "awesome" "You know," "because" "a bunch" chief engineer "impressive" "See," "since" "a lot" dad "great" "Well, kid," "since" "a lot" alice "pretty nice" "Well," "because" "a lot" snack attendant "very good" "Hmmm," "since" "a lot" mom "very good" "Well," "because" "a lot" shop clerk "nice" "Huh, I guess" "because" "a lot" zookeeper "very good" "Well," "because, well," "many" menagerieper "very good" "Well," "due to the fact that" "quite a few" creaky singer "excellent" "Indeed," "because, child," "quite a few" dance instructor "excellent" "Yes," "due to the fact that" "very many" morgan the mechanical "very good" "Well," "because" "a lot" Before interrogating a largegroup person about something: say "You shout out your question, but [the noun] [do] not respond." instead; Instead of interrogating a faroff person about something: say "[The noun] [are] too far away to hear you."; Before interrogating a changy person about something: if the noun is not a speaker listed in the table of procedural responses: if the noun is not eugene: if the noun is not the royal attendants: say "[The noun] does not respond." instead; otherwise: say "They look over at you but do not respond, as it is not part of their duty." instead; otherwise: say "He blushes and looks down." instead; Before interrogating a talkfamilial about something: if the noun is not a speaker listed in the table of procedural responses: say "[The noun] does not respond." instead; Spike is a man. Spike is not changy. Understand "inspector" or "park inspector" as spike. Instead of interrogating a changy person about spike: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[Exclamation entry in sentence case]! [Apology entry in sentence case], we don't talk about Spike,' says [the noun]. 'Just pretend you didn't see him.'" Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about spike: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[Honestly entry in sentence case], I saw him earlier and he looked dangerous. Don't let him try to teach you advanced math,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about regalia: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; if the second noun is enclosed by the player: say "'[Congratulation entry in sentence case], Lily, it seems you've found [the second noun],' says [the noun]."; otherwise: say "'[Apology entry in sentence case], Lily, I'm not supposed to help with finding regalia. The flier you got should help, though,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about regalia: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; if the second noun is enclosed by the player: say "'[Exclamation entry in sentence case]! Lily, that looks great!' says [the noun]."; otherwise: say "'[Apology entry in sentence case], Lily, I haven't seen that anywhere,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about the paisley vest: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[Honestly entry in sentence case], Lily, I've never noticed that vest,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the paisley vest: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[Honestly entry in sentence case], Lily, I've never noticed that vest,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a changy person about gates: say "'We keep the gates open all day, by order of the [Mirrored Queen] and the [Scarlet Empress],' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about gates: say "'Yeah, I noticed the gates were huge,' says [the noun] enthusiastically." Instead of interrogating a changy person about the wooden booth: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] I have almost never seen the gate guard outside his booth,' says the noun." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the gates: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] I remember seeing it. That's where the gate guard sits, right?' asks the noun." Instead of interrogating a changy person about the graffiti: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] it was put there intentionally. That's why no one has cleaned it up,' says the noun." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the graffiti: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] I don't remember seeing it. Thanks for pointing it out, though,' says the noun." Instead of interrogating a changy person about a familish thing: if the second noun is carried by the familyowner of the second noun: now the familyowner of the second noun is known; try interrogating the noun about the familyowner of the second noun; otherwise: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; if the familyowner of the second noun is dad: if dadstop is false: try interrogating the noun about dad; otherwise: say "'[apology entry in sentence case], we do not have a lost and found,' says [the noun]."; otherwise if the familyowner of the second noun is nowhere: try interrogating the noun about the familyowner of the second noun; otherwise: say "'[apology entry in sentence case], we do not have a lost and found,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about fakesugarsnack: if the noun is the snack attendant: say "'I like this place,' says the snack attendant. 'I try to keep it clean.'"; otherwise if the noun is the dance instructor: say "'I have not been there before,' says the dance instructor."; otherwise: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of additional procedural responses; say "'[well entry in sentence case] it is one of the more popular places among the staff,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about fakesugarsnack: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of additional procedural responses; say "'I went there earlier. It was [great entry]!' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about fakegiftshop: if the noun is the shop clerk: say "He thinks, trying to remember his line. 'Grooverland welcomes you to Painful Purchases, where All Magic Has a Price!'"; otherwise if the noun is the dance instructor: say "'I have not been there before,' says the dance instructor."; otherwise: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[honestly entry in sentence case], most staff avoid the gift shop "; choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of additional procedural responses; say "[because entry] it is expensive, and staff don't get a discount' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about fakegiftshop: if the noun is mom: say "'I plan on staying here until I find you a present, Lily,' says mom."; say "'Did you find anything in there you wanted to get?' asks [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about the clogged pipe: if the chief engineer is in mechanical marvels: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[apology entry in sentence case], Lily, but we have problems with [fungus] in the pipes this time of year,' says [the noun]."; otherwise: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[Honestly entry in sentence case], Lily, I've never payed much attention to the fountain,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the clogged pipe: if the chief engineer is in mechanical marvels: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[apology entry in sentence case], Lily, it's sad the pipe is clogged and we can't see the rest of the park,' says [the noun]."; otherwise: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[exclamation entry in sentence case]! I never even noticed there was a fountain,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a changy person about the towering facade: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] you should avoid drinking the water in there, Lily,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the towering facade: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] that ride can be dangerous, make sure you're safe in there!' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a changy person about the dark black box-shaped structure: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of additional procedural responses; say "'The staff have their own laser fights after dark. I'd rank my own skills as [great entry in lower case],' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the dark black box-shaped structure: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] that ride is only for grown ups, but I'm not sure,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about the maintenance crew: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[apology entry in sentence case], the maintenance crew are mostly contractors whom I don't know', says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the maintenance crew: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] they're supposed to fix things in the park, right?' asks [the noun]." A thing can be a knickknack or not knickknack. The headless scarecrow is a knickknack. The little sign is a knickknack. The hideous carved frog is a knickknack. The foul-looking minotaur statue is a knickknack. Instead of interrogating a changy person about a knickknack: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of additional procedural responses; say "'Grooverland has [many entry] little things like that to add atmosphere to the park,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about a knickknack: say "'Huh, I hadn't noticed that before,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about realtangotemptations: say "'The Tango Temptations always has some kind of accident where people dance too fast and hurt themselves by slipping on the floor. It can be surprisingly dangerous,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about realtangotemptations: say "'I'm not interested in dancing right now, but maybe later,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about the mysterious tent: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of additional procedural responses; say "'[Morgan the Mechanical]'s show is [great entry] entertainment,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the mysterious tent: say "'I'm not interested in a magic show right now, but maybe later,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about the flier: say "'That's just the standard flier everyone gets,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the flier: say "'Yeah, I got one earlier, but I threw it away,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about the castle cake: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[Exclamation entry in sentence case]! I have heard rumours about that cake all week,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the castle cake: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of additional procedural responses; say "'It sounds [great entry]. I hope you enjoy it!' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about drinks: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] all drinks are handled by the [snack attendant],' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating someone about a beverage: try interrogating the noun about drinks; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about drinks: say "'Oh, I already had something to drink,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about a ticket: if the noun is the snack attendant: say "'It's a game, okay? You just find the tickets around the park and bring them here to get a drink. You'll need it if you try to eat that cake. It's a doozy!' she says."; otherwise: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] you have to give that to the snack attendant,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about a ticket: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] you have to give that to the snack attendant,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating someone about an edible thing: try interrogating the noun about the castle cake; A thing can be gifty or not gifty. The pristine merchandise is gifty. The book of poems is gifty. The dollhouse is gifty. The little cabinet is gifty. Instead of interrogating a changy person about a gifty thing: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] all items in the gift shop are handled by the [shop clerk],' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about a gifty thing: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'If there's something you like in the gift shop, you should tell mom,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a changy person about a gifty thing: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] all items in the gift shop are handled by the [shop clerk],' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a changy person about the winding key: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[Honestly entry in sentence case], I'm not sure what this key is for,' says [the noun], 'but the bee symbol looks familiar.'"; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the winding key: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of additional procedural responses; say "'[Well entry in sentence case] that's interesting. I haven't seen many bee-themed things here,' says [the noun]." A thing can be pettingplace or not pettingplace. A thing is usually not pettingplace. The realpettingzoo is pettingplace. The lettuce leaf is pettingplace. The lettuce tray is pettingplace. The crate of mushrooms is pettingplace. The mushroom cap is pettingplace. The plate of bratwursts is pettingplace. The limp bratwurst is pettingplace. Instead of interrogating a changy person about a pettingplace thing: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] the zookeeper would know more about that,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about a pettingplace thing: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] that's something to do with the petting zoo, right? That place seems nice, but boring' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a changy person about a menviand: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] the menagerie keeper would know more about that,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a changy person about a viand: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] the menagerie keeper or one of the food sellers would know more about that,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about a menviand: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'That sounds gross,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about a viand: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'Why is there so much food that's just for the animals?' asks [the noun] rhetorically."; Instead of interrogating a changy person about fakemenagerie: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[think entry in sentence case] the menagerie keeper would know more about that,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about fakemenagerie: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'That place sounds pretty dark, Lily,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a changy person about the pedestal: say "[The noun] shrugs. 'I haven't heard about any pedestal in the Serpent Slide.'" Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the pedestal: say "'Lily, I have no idea what pedestal you're talking about,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about the little black box: say "[The noun] says, 'Interesting. So that's where the little black box with the ring went.'" Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the little black box: say "'Lily, I have no idea what the little black box you're talking about is for,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about a laserweapon: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of additional procedural responses; say "'Yes, there are many interesting things inside Midnight Laserfight,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about a laserweapon: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[Apology entry in sentence case], I haven't been inside Midnight Laserfight,' says [the noun]."; A thing can be creakified or not creakified. A thing is usually not creakified. The crimson house is creakified. The creaky singer is creakified. The unseen beast is creakified. The creaky refrigerator is creakified. The creaky kitchen door is creakified. The creaky key is creakified. The unseen beast is windy. Instead of interrogating a changy person about a creakified thing: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[apology entry in sentence case] I do not spend much time near the creaky parts of Grooverland. It isn't safe,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about a creakified thing: say "'Does this have something to do with the creaky house? I haven't been over there, it looks creepy,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a changy person about Morgan's chest: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; if threecarded is true: say "'[honestly entry in sentence case], I personally would never crawl into a chest like that,' says [the noun]."; otherwise if morgan's chest is not nowhere: say "'You should get that to [Morgan the Mechanical], it's not the kind of thing to leave out for a long time,' says [the noun]."; otherwise: now the printed name of the cool wind is "wind"; say "'That's lost? [exclamation entry in sentence case]. Must be the work of the [Scarlet Empress],' says [the noun]. 'Perhaps the [cool wind] has it.'"; now the printed name of the cool wind is "cool wind"; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about morgan's chest: if threecarded is true: say "'That's very weird, Lily,' says [the noun]."; otherwise: say "'No, I haven't seen it. Did you ask an employee about it?' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a changy person about a windy thing: say "'There's a reason we don't go to the [crimson house],' says [the noun]. '[The wind] gets hungry.'"; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about a windy thing: say "'I haven't really noticed the wind,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about truecornmaze: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[apology entry in sentence case], Lily, the maze is something you have to figure out on your own,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about truecornmaze: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of additional procedural responses; say "'[well entry in sentence case] the corn maze sounds like [many entry] of fun. I'll have to try it out later,' says [the noun]."; Instead of interrogating a changy person about the silver slippers: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[apology entry in sentence case], Lily,' says [the noun]. 'The slippers aren't magic. They just have a good grip.'"; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the silver slippers: say "'Those look cool,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about a largegroup thing: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of additional procedural responses; say "'[well entry in sentence case], our customers come from all over. We appreciate everyone that comes to Grooverland,' says [the noun]. [The mirrored queen] and the [scarlet empress] agree on this.'"; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about a largegroup thing: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'[apology entry in sentence case], Lily, I haven't been paying attention to the crowd,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about the plain table: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'A plain table? [honestly entry in sentence case], I don't remember it,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the plain table: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'I haven't seen a plain table anywhere,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about the deck of cards: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'Morgan keeps her tricks secret,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a changy person about a trickery thing: choose row with a speaker of noun in the table of procedural responses; say "'Morgan keeps her tricks secret,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the plain table: say "'I haven't seen a plain table anywhere,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about the deck of cards: say "'I haven't seen the show yet,' says [the noun]. 'Don't spoil it!'"; Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about a trickery thing: say "'I haven't seen the show yet,' says [the noun]. 'Don't spoil it!'"; Instead of asking a familial person about "food token/tokens": say "'I haven't done much with the menagerie or the food sellers yet,' says [the noun]." Instead of asking a familial person about "the/-- token": say "'I haven't done much with the menagerie or the food sellers yet,' says [the noun]." Instead of asking a familial person about "the/-- tokens": say "'I haven't done much with the menagerie or the food sellers yet,' says [the noun]." Instead of interrogating a talkfamilial about a food token: say "'I haven't done much with the menagerie or the food sellers yet,' says [the noun]." Instead of asking a changy person about "the/-- food token/tokens": tokenexecute the noun; to tokenexecute (current - a person): if current is a sellery person: if a food token is carried by the player: say "'Just look at my menu, and you can BUY anything you like on it,' says [the noun]."; otherwise: say "'Only the menagerie keeper hands out food tokens,' says [the noun]."; otherwise if current is the menagerieper: if a food token is carried by the player: say "'You can use those tokens to BUY food in Prowling Promenade,' says [the noun]. 'You'll need to spend them all before our game begins.'"; otherwise if keeperduel is happening: say "'I can get you more tokens when we're done,' says [the menagerieper]."; otherwise: try talking to the menagerieper; otherwise: say "'Only the menagerie keeper hands out food tokens,' says [the noun]."; Instead of asking a changy person about "the/-- token": tokenexecute the noun; Instead of asking a changy person about "the/-- tokens": tokenexecute the noun; Instead of interrogating a changy person about a food token: tokenexecute the noun; Instead of interrogating a changy person about something: if the noun is the creaky singer: say "'I don't pay much attention to unimportant things in Grooverland,' says the creaky singer. 'And that is not important to me.'"; otherwise if the noun is the gate guard: say "'Well, you found something I honestly don't know much about,' says the gate guard, puzzled."; otherwise if the noun is the sausage seller: say "'Perhaps I'd know more if you asked me about something more...savory,' says the sausage seller."; otherwise if the noun is the ceviche chef: say "'My apologies, my knowledge does not extend that far,' says the ceviche chef nervously."; otherwise if the noun is the jelly man: say "'My dear child, your curiosity knows no bounds. But mine does, and you've reached them,' says the jelly man."; otherwise if the noun is the chief engineer: say "'Sorry, ma'am, but I can't answer that until I've finished my work,' says the engineer."; otherwise if the noun is the snack attendant: say "'Sorry, my head's all in a whirl because of how busy I am. I can't think of an answer right now' she says."; otherwise if the noun is the menagerieper: say "'I focus mostly on this part of the park,' he says. 'I don't know how help you with your question.'"; otherwise if the noun is the shop clerk: say "'Sorry, ma'am, I really don't know how to answer that,' he says nervously."; otherwise if the noun is the dance instructor: say "'I do not know the answer to that,' she says."; otherwise if the noun is morgan the mechanical: say "She shrugs. 'Sorry, can't help you with that.'"; otherwise: say "[The noun] looks thoughtful but does not respond."; Volume 4 - Extra Stuff Book 1 - Standard Responses [special responses for the opening scene] [For listening, remember creaky juice comes first] Chapter 1 - Extra Verbs Crediting is an action out of world. Understand "credits" or "about" as crediting. Carry out crediting: say "Grooverland is a game made in honor of the ongoing works of Chandler Groover. It isn't necessary to have played any of his games, but if you have, you'll definitely notice some references. This game was beta tested by: Chandler Groover, Lance Campbell, thecheddarman, Hugo Labrande, Sean M. Shore, Mike Spivey, Greg Frost, AKheon, Feneric, Austin Auclair, and an anonymous tester. Wren Harper provided writing guidance. Cover art is by @Maudou_art. Hawkbyte pointed out several bugs in the early releases. Conversation in this game uses TALK TO and ASK (or TELL, which does the same thing). You can generally only ask people about notable things you've seen in the game. Alice can tell you more about which game each location references. If you are stuck, type HINT for hints! All exits are listed in the status bar at the top of the game." Singing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "sing" as singing. Carry out singing: say "You sing: 'Yes Grooverland's my kind of place[line break]You play with rattlesnakes![line break]Somebody stole my nose[line break]Rats biting off my toes![line break]The last time that I was there[line break]The creatures ate my hair![line break]Yes Grooverland's my kind of place!'" Sneezing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "sneeze" as sneezing. Carry out sneezing: say "Bless you!"; Playing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "play" as playing. Carry out playing: say "Technically, since this is a game, everything you do is playing." Section 2 - Utility stuff When play begins: now right hand status line is "Exits:[exit list]"; now left hand status line is "[location]". Noexits is a truth state that varies. Noexits is false. A room can be exity or not exity. A room is usually not exity. Menagerie is exity. Queen's Tower is exity. To say exit list: if the location of the player is exity: say " NSEWUD"; otherwise: now noexits is true; repeat with way running through directions: let place be the room way from the location of the player; if place is a room: now noexits is false; say " [way]"; if noexits is true: say "none"; Rule for printing the name of a direction (called the way) while constructing the status line: choose row with a heading of the way in the Table of Abbreviation; say "[shortcut entry]". Table of Abbreviation heading shortcut north "N" northeast "NE" northwest "NW" east "E" southeast "SE" south "S" southwest "SW" west "W" up "U" down "D" inside "IN" outside "OUT" left "L" right "R" Exitlisting is an action out of world. Understand "exits" as exitlisting. Carry out exitlisting: Let L be a list of text; repeat with way running through directions: let place be the room way from the location of the player; if place is not nothing: add "[way]" to L; say "Directions you can leave this room from: [if L is {}]none[otherwise][L][end if]."; PersonThanking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "thank [something]" as personthanking. Carry out personthanking: say "You're welcome."; Chapter 2 - Standard responses for stuff already in-game [announce items from multiple object lists rule response (A): "[current item from the multiple object list]: [run paragraph on]"] The block vaguely going rule response (A) is "[if the player is in arena]You run but the dragon is hot on your heels. The crowd screams as the dragon approaches and backs away.[otherwise]Go? Go where? North, east, south, west, up, down?[end if]" [print the final prompt rule response (A): "> [run paragraph on]" print the final question rule response (A): "Would you like to " print the final question rule response (B): " or " standard respond to final question rule response (A): "Please give one of the answers above."] [ you-can-also-see rule response (A): "[We] " you-can-also-see rule response (B): "On [the domain] [we] " you-can-also-see rule response (C): "In [the domain] [we] " you-can-also-see rule response (D): "[regarding the player][can] also see " you-can-also-see rule response (E): "[regarding the player][can] see " you-can-also-see rule response (F): " here"] [ use initial appearance in room descriptions rule response (A): "On [the item] " describe what's on scenery supporters in room descriptions rule response (A): "On [the item] " describe what's on mentioned supporters in room descriptions rule response (A): "On [the item] "] The print empty inventory rule response (A) is "You are a young queen without possessions." [ print standard inventory rule response (A): "[We] [are] carrying:[line break]"] [ report other people taking inventory rule response (A): "[The actor] [look] through [their] possessions."] The can't take yourself rule response (A) is "You take yourself exactly as you are, and that has made all the difference." The can't take other people rule response (A) is "In this game, it will never be necessary to take other people, animatronics, or animals[first time]. [bracket]Footnote 1[close bracket][only]." Footnoting is an action applying to one number. Understand "footnote [a number]" as footnoting. Carry out footnoting: if the number understood is 1: say "If you want a game that involves taking people, try The Origin of Madame Time."; otherwise if the number understood is 2: say "If you want to pick up a booth and die, try Pick Up the Phone Booth and Die."; otherwise: say "There is no footnote with that number." [ can't take component parts rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][Those] [seem] to be a part of [the whole]." can't take people's possessions rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][Those] [seem] to belong to [the owner]." can't take items out of play rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][Those] [aren't] available." can't take what you're inside rule response (A): "[We] [would have] to get [if noun is a supporter]off[otherwise]out of[end if] [the noun] first." can't take what's already taken rule response (A): "[We] already [have] [regarding the noun][those]."] The can't take scenery rule response (A) is "[regarding the noun][They] seem[s] like [they] will remain there for now despite your intention." [can only take things rule response (A): "[We] [cannot] carry [the noun]." can't take what's fixed in place rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They're] fixed in place."] [use player's holdall to avoid exceeding carrying capacity rule response (A): "(putting [the transferred item] into [the current working sack] to make room)[command clarification break]" can't exceed carrying capacity rule response (A): "[We]['re] carrying too many things already."] The standard report taking rule response (A) is "You grab [the noun][if the noun is a card]. It has the words: '[detailtext of the noun]' on it[end if]." [standard report taking rule response (B): "[The actor] [pick] up [the noun]."] [can't remove what's not inside rule response (A): "But [regarding the noun][they] [aren't] there now."] The can't remove from people rule response (A) is "[regarding the noun][Those] [are] being carried by [the owner]." The can't drop yourself rule response (A) is "Don't give up on yourself yet!" [can't drop body parts rule response (A): "[We] [can't drop] part of [ourselves]."] [can't drop what's already dropped rule response (A): "[The noun] [are] already here."] The can't drop what's not held rule response (A) is "You don't have [regarding the noun][those]."[ can't drop clothes being worn rule response (A): "(first taking [the noun] off)[command clarification break]" can't drop if this exceeds carrying capacity rule response (A): "[There] [are] no more room on [the receptacle]." can't drop if this exceeds carrying capacity rule response (B): "[There] [are] no more room in [the receptacle]."] The standard report dropping rule response (A) is "You put down [the noun]."[ standard report dropping rule response (B): "[The actor] [put] down [the noun]."] [can't put something on itself rule response (A): "[We] [can't put] something on top of itself."] The can't put onto what's not a supporter rule response (A) is "You can't put [the noun] (or anything else) on [the second noun]."[ can't put clothes being worn rule response (A): "(first taking [regarding the noun][them] off)[command clarification break]" can't put if this exceeds carrying capacity rule response (A): "[There] [are] no more room on [the second noun]." concise report putting rule response (A): "Done." standard report putting rule response (A): "[The actor] [put] [the noun] on [the second noun]." can't insert something into itself rule response (A): "[We] [can't put] something inside itself." can't insert into closed containers rule response (A): "[The second noun] [are] closed." can't insert into what's not a container rule response (A): "[regarding the second noun][Those] [can't contain] things." can't insert clothes being worn rule response (A): "(first taking [regarding the noun][them] off)[command clarification break]" can't insert if this exceeds carrying capacity rule response (A): "[There] [are] no more room in [the second noun]." concise report inserting rule response (A): "Done." standard report inserting rule response (A): "[The actor] [put] [the noun] into [the second noun]."] The can't eat unless edible rule response (A) is "Unlike many other things in the park, that is not something you can eat." [can't eat clothing without removing it first rule response (A): "(first taking [the noun] off)[command clarification break]" can't eat other people's food rule response (A): "[The owner] [might not appreciate] that." standard report eating rule response (A): "[We] [eat] [the noun]. Not bad." standard report eating rule response (B): "[The actor] [eat] [the noun]." stand up before going rule response (A): "(first getting off [the chaise])[command clarification break]" can't travel in what's not a vehicle rule response (A): "[We] [would have] to get off [the nonvehicle] first." can't travel in what's not a vehicle rule response (B): "[We] [would have] to get out of [the nonvehicle] first." can't go through undescribed doors rule response (A): "[We] [can't go] that way." can't go through closed doors rule response (A): "(first opening [the door gone through])[command clarification break]"] The can't go that way rule response (A) is "There's no opening that way." [can't go that way rule response (B): "[We] [can't], since [the door gone through] [lead] nowhere." describe room gone into rule response (A): "[The actor] [go] up" describe room gone into rule response (B): "[The actor] [go] down" describe room gone into rule response (C): "[The actor] [go] [noun]" describe room gone into rule response (D): "[The actor] [arrive] from above" describe room gone into rule response (E): "[The actor] [arrive] from below" describe room gone into rule response (F): "[The actor] [arrive] from [the back way]" describe room gone into rule response (G): "[The actor] [arrive]" describe room gone into rule response (H): "[The actor] [arrive] at [the room gone to] from above" describe room gone into rule response (I): "[The actor] [arrive] at [the room gone to] from below" describe room gone into rule response (J): "[The actor] [arrive] at [the room gone to] from [the back way]" describe room gone into rule response (K): "[The actor] [go] through [the noun]" describe room gone into rule response (L): "[The actor] [arrive] from [the noun]" describe room gone into rule response (M): "on [the vehicle gone by]" describe room gone into rule response (N): "in [the vehicle gone by]" describe room gone into rule response (O): ", pushing [the thing gone with] in front, and [us] along too" describe room gone into rule response (P): ", pushing [the thing gone with] in front" describe room gone into rule response (Q): ", pushing [the thing gone with] away" describe room gone into rule response (R): ", pushing [the thing gone with] in" describe room gone into rule response (S): ", taking [us] along" can't enter what's already entered rule response (A): "But [we]['re] already on [the noun]." can't enter what's already entered rule response (B): "But [we]['re] already in [the noun]."] The can't enter what's not enterable rule response (A) is "You're not sure [regarding the noun][they] [are] something you should stand on." The can't enter what's not enterable rule response (B) is "You're not sure [regarding the noun][they] [are] something you should sit down on." The can't enter what's not enterable rule response (C) is "You're not sure [regarding the noun][they] [are] something you should lie down on." The can't enter what's not enterable rule response (D) is "You're not sure [regarding the noun][they] [are] something you should enter." [can't enter closed containers rule response (A): "[We] [can't get] into the closed [noun]." can't enter if this exceeds carrying capacity rule response (A): "[There] [are] no more room on [the noun]." can't enter if this exceeds carrying capacity rule response (B): "[There] [are] no more room in [the noun]." can't enter something carried rule response (A): "[We] [can] only get into something free-standing." implicitly pass through other barriers rule response (A): "(getting off [the current home])[command clarification break]" implicitly pass through other barriers rule response (B): "(getting out of [the current home])[command clarification break]" implicitly pass through other barriers rule response (C): "(getting onto [the target])[command clarification break]" implicitly pass through other barriers rule response (D): "(getting into [the target])[command clarification break]" implicitly pass through other barriers rule response (E): "(entering [the target])[command clarification break]" standard report entering rule response (A): "[We] [get] onto [the noun]." standard report entering rule response (B): "[We] [get] into [the noun]." standard report entering rule response (C): "[The actor] [get] into [the noun]." standard report entering rule response (D): "[The actor] [get] onto [the noun]."] The can't exit when not inside anything rule response (A) is "(going outside since you are not in anything[tryout])" Outgo is a truth state that varies. Outgo is false. Outgoing is a recurring scene. Outgoing begins when outgo is true. Outgoing ends when outgo is false. To say tryout: now outgo is true; When outgoing begins: now outgo is false; try going outside; Instead of going nowhere when the noun is outside: if the best route from the location to the Welcome Booth is a direction (called next way): try going next way; otherwise if the player is in Welcome Booth: say "You are already outside!"; otherwise: say "It looks like there is no clear way out of here." [can't exit closed containers rule response (A): "You can't get out of the closed [cage]." standard report exiting rule response (A): "[We] [get] off [the container exited from]." standard report exiting rule response (B): "[We] [get] out of [the container exited from]." standard report exiting rule response (C): "[The actor] [get] out of [the container exited from]." can't get off things rule response (A): "But [we] [aren't] on [the noun] at the [if story tense is present tense]moment[otherwise]time[end if]." standard report getting off rule response (A): "[The actor] [get] off [the noun]." room description heading rule response (A): "Darkness" room description heading rule response (B): " (on [the intermediate level])" room description heading rule response (C): " (in [the intermediate level])" room description body text rule response (A): "[It] [are] pitch dark, and [we] [can't see] a thing." other people looking rule response (A): "[The actor] [look] around."] The examine directions rule response (A) is "Unfortunately, you missed school on the day they taught you to look in specific directions." [examine containers rule response (A): "In [the noun] " examine containers rule response (B): "[The noun] [are] empty." examine supporters rule response (A): "On [the noun] " examine devices rule response (A): "[The noun] [are] [if story tense is present tense]currently [end if]switched [if the noun is switched on]on[otherwise]off[end if]."] The examine undescribed things rule response (A) is "You peer closely, but find nothing that helps you." Understand "look around [something]" as looking under. [report other people examining rule response (A): "[The actor] [look] closely at [the noun]."] [standard looking under rule response (A): "[We] [find] nothing of interest."] [report other people looking under rule response (A): "[The actor] [look] under [the noun]."] [can't search unless container or supporter rule response (A): "[We] [find] nothing of interest." can't search closed opaque containers rule response (A): "[We] [can't see] inside, since [the noun] [are] closed." standard search containers rule response (A): "In [the noun] " standard search containers rule response (B): "[The noun] [are] empty." standard search supporters rule response (A): "On [the noun] " standard search supporters rule response (B): "[There] [are] nothing on [the noun]." report other people searching rule response (A): "[The actor] [search] [the noun]." block consulting rule response (A): "[We] [discover] nothing of interest in [the noun]." block consulting rule response (B): "[The actor] [look] at [the noun]." can't lock without a lock rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][Those] [don't] seem to be something [we] [can] lock." can't lock what's already locked rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They're] locked at the [if story tense is present tense]moment[otherwise]time[end if]." can't lock what's open rule response (A): "First [we] [would have] to close [the noun]." can't lock without the correct key rule response (A): "[regarding the second noun][Those] [don't] seem to fit the lock." standard report locking rule response (A): "[We] [lock] [the noun]." standard report locking rule response (B): "[The actor] [lock] [the noun]." can't unlock without a lock rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][Those] [don't] seem to be something [we] [can] unlock." can't unlock what's already unlocked rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They're] unlocked at the [if story tense is present tense]moment[otherwise]time[end if]." can't unlock without the correct key rule response (A): "[regarding the second noun][Those] [don't] seem to fit the lock." standard report unlocking rule response (A): "[We] [unlock] [the noun]." standard report unlocking rule response (B): "[The actor] [unlock] [the noun]." can't switch on unless switchable rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They] [aren't] something [we] [can] switch." can't switch on what's already on rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They're] already on." standard report switching on rule response (A): "[The actor] [switch] [the noun] on." can't switch off unless switchable rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They] [aren't] something [we] [can] switch." can't switch off what's already off rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They're] already off." standard report switching off rule response (A): "[The actor] [switch] [the noun] off." can't open unless openable rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They] [aren't] something [we] [can] open." can't open what's locked rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They] [seem] to be locked." can't open what's already open rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They're] already open." reveal any newly visible interior rule response (A): "[We] [open] [the noun], revealing " standard report opening rule response (A): "[We] [open] [the noun]." standard report opening rule response (B): "[The actor] [open] [the noun]." standard report opening rule response (C): "[The noun] [open]." can't close unless openable rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They] [aren't] something [we] [can] close." can't close what's already closed rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They're] already closed." standard report closing rule response (A): "[We] [close] [the noun]." standard report closing rule response (B): "[The actor] [close] [the noun]." standard report closing rule response (C): "[The noun] [close]." can't wear what's not clothing rule response (A): "[We] [can't wear] [regarding the noun][those]!" can't wear what's not held rule response (A): "[We] [aren't] holding [regarding the noun][those]!" can't wear what's already worn rule response (A): "[We]['re] already wearing [regarding the noun][those]!" standard report wearing rule response (A): "[We] [put] on [the noun]." standard report wearing rule response (B): "[The actor] [put] on [the noun]." can't take off what's not worn rule response (A): "[We] [aren't] wearing [the noun]." can't exceed carrying capacity when taking off rule response (A): "[We]['re] carrying too many things already." standard report taking off rule response (A): "[We] [take] off [the noun]." standard report taking off rule response (B): "[The actor] [take] off [the noun]." can't give what you haven't got rule response (A): "[We] [aren't] holding [the noun]." can't give to yourself rule response (A): "[We] [can't give] [the noun] to [ourselves]." can't give to a non-person rule response (A): "[The second noun] [aren't] able to receive things." can't give clothes being worn rule response (A): "(first taking [the noun] off)[command clarification break]"] The block giving rule response (A) is "Somehow it doesn't seem like you should give [the noun] to [the second noun]." [can't exceed carrying capacity when giving rule response (A): "[The second noun] [are] carrying too many things already." standard report giving rule response (A): "[We] [give] [the noun] to [the second noun]." standard report giving rule response (B): "[The actor] [give] [the noun] to [us]." standard report giving rule response (C): "[The actor] [give] [the noun] to [the second noun]." can't show what you haven't got rule response (A): "[We] [aren't] holding [the noun]."] The block showing rule response (A) is "Somehow it doesn't seem like you should show [the noun] to [the second noun]." The block waking rule response (A) is "But [the noun] isn't asleep!" [implicitly remove thrown clothing rule response (A): "(first taking [the noun] off)[command clarification break]"] The futile to throw things at inanimate objects rule response (A) is "You promised your track coach that you wouldn't throw things outside the field." The block throwing at rule response (A) is "You promised your track coach that you wouldn't throw things outside the field." The block attacking rule response (A) is "Your karate instructor made you promise to try to find a peaceful solution before attempting violence." The kissing yourself rule response (A) is "You imagine yourself kissing yourself. Why are there two of you?" The block kissing rule response (A) is "Kissing is for princesses or frogs, not queens." The block answering rule response (A) is "[if the noun is an animal]Unfortunately, [the noun] can not speak.[otherwise]You could try to TALK TO [the noun] or to ASK [the noun] ABOUT something you've seen[instancetext].[end if]" A thing can be preselected or unselected. A thing is usually unselected. To say instancetext: repeat with current running through preselected things: now current is unselected; if the number of known things > 2: let random1 be a random known thing; now random1 is preselected; let random2 be a random unselected known thing; now random2 is preselected; let random3 be a random unselected known thing; say ". For instance, you could ASK [the noun] ABOUT [the random1], [the random2], or [the random3]" The telling yourself rule response (A) is "'Yes,' you tell yourself. 'That is interesting.' You are pleased with yourself." The block telling rule response (A) is "You can generally only TELL people about things you've seen." The block asking rule response (A) is "[if the noun is alice]Alice's app seems to do best with the names of locations. You could try ASKing her about a location that you've visited, or possibly a person or thing[otherwise]You can only ASK someone about an important thing or person you've seen[instancetext][end if]." standard report waiting rule response (A) is "Your majesty deigns to linger for a moment." [standard report waiting rule response (B): "[The actor] [wait]."] The report touching yourself rule response (A) is "Yep, still made of real human." [report touching yourself rule response (B): "[The actor] [touch] [themselves]."] The report touching other people rule response (A) is "You signed a promise in elementary school to keep your hands to yourself." [report touching other people rule response (B): "[The actor] [touch] [us]." report touching other people rule response (C): "[The actor] [touch] [the noun]."] The report touching things rule response (A) is "You don't like touching things unless it's strictly necessary." [report touching things rule response (B): "[The actor] [touch] [the noun]." can't wave what's not held rule response (A): "But [we] [aren't] holding [regarding the noun][those]." report waving things rule response (A): "[We] [wave] [the noun]." report waving things rule response (B): "[The actor] [wave] [the noun]." can't pull what's fixed in place rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They] [are] fixed in place." can't pull scenery rule response (A): "[We] [are] unable to."] The can't pull people rule response (A) is "You promised your tug-of-war coach that you wouldn't pull people outside of competitions." [report pulling rule response (A): "Nothing obvious [happen]." report pulling rule response (B): "[The actor] [pull] [the noun]." can't push what's fixed in place rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They] [are] fixed in place." can't push scenery rule response (A): "[We] [are] unable to."] The can't push people rule response (A) is "You promised your sumo wrestling coach that you wouldn't push people outside of competitions." [report pushing rule response (A): "Nothing obvious [happen]." report pushing rule response (B): "[The actor] [push] [the noun]." can't turn what's fixed in place rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They] [are] fixed in place." can't turn scenery rule response (A): "[We] [are] unable to."] The can't turn people rule response (A) is "You promised your shop instructor that you wouldn't turn people (ever since that lathe accident)." [report turning rule response (A): "Nothing obvious [happen]." report turning rule response (B): "[The actor] [turn] [the noun]." can't push unpushable things rule response (A): "[The noun] [cannot] be pushed from place to place." can't push to non-directions rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][They] [aren't] a direction." can't push vertically rule response (A): "[The noun] [cannot] be pushed up or down." can't push from within rule response (A): "[The noun] [cannot] be pushed from here." block pushing in directions rule response (A): "[The noun] [cannot] be pushed from place to place."] The innuendo about squeezing people rule response (A) is "You only hug your family, and not in public. It's embarassing!" [report squeezing rule response (A): "[We] [achieve] nothing by this." report squeezing rule response (B): "[The actor] [squeeze] [the noun]."] The block saying yes rule response (A) is "Indeed." The block saying no rule response (A) is "Oh?" The block burning rule response (A) is "You promised your competitive barbecue coach that you wouldn't burn things outside of competition." The block waking up rule response (A) is "You've had quite a bit of chocolate today. If that didn't wake you up, nothing will." The block thinking rule response (A) is "You can type HINT for a hint." The report smelling rule response (A) is "Everything in this park has a smell like peppermint mixed with copper." [report smelling rule response (B): "[The actor] [sniff]." report listening rule response (A): "[We] [hear] nothing unexpected." report listening rule response (B): "[The actor] [listen]."] The report tasting rule response (A) is "You promised your taste testing instructor that you wouldn't taste random things outside the classroom environment." [report tasting rule response (B): "[The actor] [taste] [the noun]."] block cutting rule response (A) is "You promised your whittling instructor that you wouldn't cut anything outside the shop." The report jumping rule response (A) is "You promised your basketball coach that you wouldn't jump while you're off the court. Don't want to get injured." [ report jumping rule response (B): "[The actor] [jump] on the spot."] The block tying rule response (A) is "You promised your scouting instructor that you wouldn't tie things outside of den meeting." [block drinking rule response (A): "[There's] nothing suitable to drink here."] The block saying sorry rule response (A) is "Oh, you will be." The block swinging rule response (A) is "You promised your baseball instructor that you wouldn't swing things off the field anymore." The can't rub another person rule response (A) is "You promised your school custodian that you wouldn't clean or rub things anymore." The report rubbing rule response (A) is "You promised your school custodian that you wouldn't clean or rub things anymore." [report rubbing rule response (B): "[The actor] [rub] [the noun]." block setting it to rule response (A): "No, [we] [can't set] [regarding the noun][those] to anything."] The report waving hands rule response (A) is "You give a regal wave." [report waving hands rule response (B): "[The actor] [wave]."] The block buying rule response (A) is "Your mom is the one buying things today." The block climbing rule response (A) is "You promised your gym teacher you wouldn't climb random things outside of class." The block sleeping rule response (A) is "This is your special day. There's no way you're missing a second of it, no matter how tired you get!" [adjust light rule response (A): "[It] [are] [if story tense is present tense]now [end if]pitch dark in [if story tense is present tense]here[else]there[end if]!" generate action rule response (A): "(considering the first sixteen objects only)[command clarification break]" generate action rule response (B): "Nothing to do!" basic accessibility rule response (A): "You must name something more substantial."] [basic visibility rule response (A): "[It] [are] pitch dark, and [we] [can't see] a thing."] requested actions require persuasion rule response (A) is "[if the noun is an animal]Unfortunately, animals don't talk in this game[otherwise]You can TALK TO [the noun] or ASK [the noun] ABOUT something you've seen[end if]." [carry out requested actions rule response (A): "[The noun] [are] unable to do that." access through barriers rule response (A): "[regarding the noun][Those] [aren't] available." can't reach inside closed containers rule response (A): "[The noun] [aren't] open." can't reach inside rooms rule response (A): "[We] [can't] reach into [the noun]." can't reach outside closed containers rule response (A): "[The noun] [aren't] open."] [list writer internal rule response (A): " (" list writer internal rule response (B): ")" list writer internal rule response (C): " and " list writer internal rule response (D): "providing light" list writer internal rule response (E): "closed" list writer internal rule response (F): "empty" list writer internal rule response (G): "closed and empty" list writer internal rule response (H): "closed and providing light" list writer internal rule response (I): "empty and providing light" list writer internal rule response (J): "closed, empty[if serial comma option is active],[end if] and providing light" list writer internal rule response (K): "providing light and being worn" list writer internal rule response (L): "being worn" list writer internal rule response (M): "open" list writer internal rule response (N): "open but empty" list writer internal rule response (O): "closed" list writer internal rule response (P): "closed and locked" list writer internal rule response (Q): "containing" list writer internal rule response (R): "on [if the noun is a person]whom[otherwise]which[end if] " list writer internal rule response (S): ", on top of [if the noun is a person]whom[otherwise]which[end if] " list writer internal rule response (T): "in [if the noun is a person]whom[otherwise]which[end if] " list writer internal rule response (U): ", inside [if the noun is a person]whom[otherwise]which[end if] " list writer internal rule response (V): "[regarding list writer internals][are]" list writer internal rule response (W): "[regarding list writer internals][are] nothing" list writer internal rule response (X): "Nothing" list writer internal rule response (Y): "nothing"] [action processing internal rule response (A): "[bracket]That command asks to do something outside of play, so it can only make sense from you to me. [The noun] cannot be asked to do this.[close bracket]" action processing internal rule response (B): "You must name an object." action processing internal rule response (C): "You may not name an object." action processing internal rule response (D): "You must supply a noun." action processing internal rule response (E): "You may not supply a noun." action processing internal rule response (F): "You must name a second object." action processing internal rule response (G): "You may not name a second object." action processing internal rule response (H): "You must supply a second noun." action processing internal rule response (I): "You may not supply a second noun." action processing internal rule response (J): "(Since something dramatic has happened, your list of commands has been cut short.)"] The action processing internal rule response (K) is "What was that? I didn't understand." The parser error internal rule response (A) is "I didn't understand that sentence." parser error internal rule response (B) is "Wait, what was that? I only got the part about wanting to " parser error internal rule response (C) is "Wait, what was that? It seems like you want to (go) " [parser error internal rule response (D): "I didn't understand that number."] parser error internal rule response (E) is "You can't see anything by that name." [parser error internal rule response (F): "You seem to have said too little!" parser error internal rule response (G): "[We] [aren't] holding that!" parser error internal rule response (H): "You can't use multiple objects with that verb." parser error internal rule response (I): "You can only use multiple objects once on a line." parser error internal rule response (J): "I'm not sure what ['][pronoun i6 dictionary word]['] refers to." parser error internal rule response (K): "[We] [can't] see ['][pronoun i6 dictionary word]['] ([the noun]) at the moment." parser error internal rule response (L): "You excepted something not included anyway!"] The parser error internal rule response (M) is "You can only do that to a person or animal." [parser error internal rule response (N): "That's not a verb I [if American dialect option is active]recognize[otherwise]recognise[end if]." parser error internal rule response (O): "That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game." parser error internal rule response (P): "I didn't understand the way that finished." parser error internal rule response (Q): "[if number understood is 0]None[otherwise]Only [number understood in words][end if] of those [regarding the number understood][are] available." parser error internal rule response (R): "That noun did not make sense in this context." parser error internal rule response (S): "To repeat a command like 'frog, jump', just say 'again', not 'frog, again'." parser error internal rule response (T): "You can't begin with a comma." parser error internal rule response (U): "You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom." parser error internal rule response (V): "You can't talk to [the noun]." parser error internal rule response (W): "To talk to someone, try 'someone, hello' or some such."] The parser error internal rule response (X) is "You look around.[line break][lookaction]" [ parser nothing error internal rule response (A): "Nothing to do!"] The parser nothing error internal rule response (B) is "There's nothing easily movable you're allowed to grab here." [parser nothing error internal rule response (C): "[regarding the noun][Those] [seem] to belong to [the noun]." parser nothing error internal rule response (D): "[regarding the noun][Those] [can't] contain things." parser nothing error internal rule response (E): "[The noun] [aren't] open." parser nothing error internal rule response (F): "[The noun] [are] empty." darkness name internal rule response (A): "Darkness" parser command internal rule response (A): "Sorry, that can't be corrected." parser command internal rule response (B): "Think nothing of it." parser command internal rule response (C): "'Oops' can only correct a single word." parser command internal rule response (D): "You can hardly repeat that." parser clarification internal rule response (A): "Who do you mean, " parser clarification internal rule response (B): "Which do you mean, " parser clarification internal rule response (C): "Sorry, you can only have one item here. Which exactly?" parser clarification internal rule response (D): "Whom do you want [if the noun is not the player][the noun] [end if]to [parser command so far]?" parser clarification internal rule response (E): "What do you want [if the noun is not the player][the noun] [end if]to [parser command so far]?" parser clarification internal rule response (F): "those things" parser clarification internal rule response (G): "that" parser clarification internal rule response (H): " or " yes or no question internal rule response (A): "Please answer yes or no." print protagonist internal rule response (A): "[We]" print protagonist internal rule response (B): "[ourselves]" print protagonist internal rule response (C): "[our] former self" standard implicit taking rule response (A): "(first taking [the noun])[command clarification break]" standard implicit taking rule response (B): "([the second noun] first taking [the noun])[command clarification break]" print obituary headline rule response (A): " You have died " print obituary headline rule response (B): " You have won " print obituary headline rule response (C): " The End " immediately undo rule response (A): "The use of 'undo' is forbidden in this story." immediately undo rule response (B): "You can't 'undo' what hasn't been done!" immediately undo rule response (C): "Your interpreter does not provide 'undo'. Sorry!" immediately undo rule response (D): "'Undo' failed. Sorry!" immediately undo rule response (E): "[bracket]Previous turn undone.[close bracket]" immediately undo rule response (F): "'Undo' capacity exhausted. Sorry!" quit the game rule response (A): "Are you sure you want to quit? " save the game rule response (A): "Save failed." save the game rule response (B): "Ok." restore the game rule response (A): "Restore failed." restore the game rule response (B): "Ok." restart the game rule response (A): "Are you sure you want to restart? " restart the game rule response (B): "Failed." verify the story file rule response (A): "The game file has verified as intact." verify the story file rule response (B): "The game file did not verify as intact, and may be corrupt." switch the story transcript on rule response (A): "Transcripting is already on."] The switch the story transcript on rule response (B) is "Nice! This is a much appreciated transcript of" [ switch the story transcript on rule response (C): "Attempt to begin transcript failed." switch the story transcript off rule response (A): "Transcripting is already off." switch the story transcript off rule response (B): "[line break]End of transcript." switch the story transcript off rule response (C): "Attempt to end transcript failed." announce the score rule response (A): "[if the story has ended]In that game you scored[otherwise]You have so far scored[end if] [score] out of a possible [maximum score], in [turn count] turn[s]" announce the score rule response (B): ", earning you the rank of " announce the score rule response (C): "[There] [are] no score in this story." announce the score rule response (D): "[bracket]Your score has just gone up by [number understood in words] point[s].[close bracket]" announce the score rule response (E): "[bracket]Your score has just gone down by [number understood in words] point[s].[close bracket]" standard report preferring abbreviated room descriptions rule response (A): " is now in its 'superbrief' mode, which always gives short descriptions of locations (even if you haven't been there before)." standard report preferring unabbreviated room descriptions rule response (A): " is now in its 'verbose' mode, which always gives long descriptions of locations (even if you've been there before)." standard report preferring sometimes abbreviated room descriptions rule response (A): " is now in its 'brief' printing mode, which gives long descriptions of places never before visited and short descriptions otherwise." standard report switching score notification on rule response (A): "Score notification on." standard report switching score notification off rule response (A): "Score notification off." announce the pronoun meanings rule response (A): "At the moment, " announce the pronoun meanings rule response (B): "means " announce the pronoun meanings rule response (C): "is unset"] To say lookaction: try looking; [fix smelling and listening] Knowntesting is an action out of world. Understand "ktest" as knowntesting. Carry out knowntesting: knowntest; To Knowntest: repeat with current running through known things: say "[current][line break]"; say "[bold type]Unknown[roman type][line break]"; repeat with current running through unknown things: say "[current][line break]"; Porttesting is an action out of world. Understand "porttest" as porttesting. Carry out porttesting: porttest; Definition: a thing is nonpeople if it is not a person. To porttest: repeat with current running through portable nonscenery nonpeople things: if current is incorporated by something: do nothing; otherwise if current is worn by someone: do nothing; otherwise: say "[current][line break]"; Peopletesting is an action out of world. Understand "ptest" as peopletesting. Definition: a thing is nonanimal if it is not an animal. Definition: a thing is nonscenery if it is not scenery Carry out peopletesting: repeat with current running through nonscenery people: say "[current][line break]"; say "[bold type]scenery[roman type][line break]"; repeat with current running through scenery people: say "[current][line break]"; Bigtesting is an action out of world. Understand "bigtest" as bigtesting. Carry out bigtesting: repeat with current running through people: now current is in the location; repeat with current2 running through known things: try interrogating current about current2; Verbtesting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "vtest [any person]" as verbtesting. Carry out verbtesting: now the noun is in the location; repeat with current running through known things: try interrogating the noun about current; topictesting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "ttest [any known thing]" as topictesting. Carry out topictesting: repeat with current running through people: now current is in the location; try interrogating current about the noun; Chapter 3 - Amusing Section 1 - Amusing endgame Rule for amusing a victorious player: say "Have you tried... ...XYZZY? ...asking the employees about each other? [line break]...hitting, pushing, pulling, throwing something at, turning, burning, tying or cutting people? [line break]...getting the moon open in Midnight. Laserfight?" Section 2 - XYZZY XYZZYing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "xyzzy" or "plug" or "plover" as xyzzying. Carry out xyzzying: if the dragon's head is not nowhere: say "Hey, XYZZY is great, but let's wait until the dragon's dead!"; otherwise if the player is in Crater: say "XYZZY is great, but it's just a little too late for that."; otherwise if the player is not in DebrisRoom: now the player is in DebrisRoom; otherwise: now the player is in Welcome Booth; Cragnewording is an action applying to nothing. Understand "RAEAINRRAT" as cragnewording. Carry out cragnewording: say "A hollow voice intones 'F _ _ L!'"; DebrisRoom is a room. The printed name of DebrisRoom is "In Debris Room". The description of DebrisRoom is "You are in a debris room filled with stuff washed in from the surface. A low wide passage with cobbles becomes plugged with mud and debris here, but an awkward canyon leads upward and west. At least, it used to. Now it's blocked by an iron portcullis. A note on the wall says, 'Magic word XYZZY.'" The low wide passage is scenery in DebrisRoom. The description of the low wide passage is "This is plugged with mud and debris." Understand "cobbles" as the low wide passage. The detritus is scenery in DebrisRoom. Understand "mud" or "debris" as detritus. The description of the detritus is "It's blocking the way out." The awkward canyon is scenery in DebrisRoom. The description of the awkward canyon is "It is blocked by an iron portcullis." The wall note is scenery in DebrisRoom. The description of the wall note is "It says, 'Magic Word XYZZY'."; The iron portcullis is a scenery door in DebrisRoom. The iron portcullis is up from DebrisRoom and west from DebrisRoom. The iron portcullis is locked and closed. The blasting rod is in DebrisRoom. The description of the blasting rod is "This is a three-foot black rod with the word 'BLAST' written on it."; Blasting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "blast" as blasting. Instead of interrogating someone about the blasting rod: say "Oh no! When you say the words 'blasting rod', it explodes!"; end the story saying "The first rule of blasting rod is you don't talk about blasting rod"; Every turn when the blasting rod has been carried for 5 turns: if fiveregalia is not happening: say "Spike the park inspector comes up to you and grabs the blasting rod. 'Not safe for children!' he yells over his shoulder. Now your blasting rod is gone forever. Which is good, because it was just a silly toy implemented in an out-of-game action and doesn't accomplish anything."; now the blasting rod is nowhere; Carry out blasting: if the blasting rod is not enclosed by the location: say "Blasting requires dynamite."; otherwise: if the player is in DebrisRoom: say "You say, 'BLAST', and the blasting rod goes boom! Everything around you is absolutely pulverized! The cave is now open again! Unfortunately, you are dead."; otherwise: say "You say, 'BLAST', and the blasting rod goes boom! All of Grooverland is destroyed, including the evil bits! Unfortunately, the good bits are also destroyed, including you."; end the story saying "Now you've seen the danger of magic words"; Chapter 4 - Hints Hinting is an action out of world. Understand "hint" or "hints" as hinting. Carry out hinting: say "At most points, this game has several simultaneous puzzles. Choose from an option below to decide what part you need hints on[if the player is in arena]. Type HINT START for hints on the very beginning of the game[end if][if the player is not in arena and the sugar plum crown is not enclosed by the player]. Type HINT SWEETS for puzzles involving cakes, drinks, etc[end if][if the player is not in arena and the royal scepter is not carried by the player]. Type HINT MENAGERIE for puzzles involving the Royal Menagerie[end if][if the player is not in arena and the chief engineer is not nowhere]. Type HINT PIPE for removing the blockage in the middle of the park[end if][if the chief engineer is nowhere and the sun orb is not carried by the player]. Type HINT SLIDE for puzzles involving the Serpent Slide[end if][if the player is not in arena and the ring is not worn by the player]. Type HINT LASER for puzzles involving Midnight Laserfight[end if][if the chief engineer is nowhere and the creaky key is nowhere]. Type HINT DANCE for puzzles involving Tango Temptations[end if][if the chief engineer is nowhere and the creaky singer is not nowhere]. Type HINT CREAKY for puzzles involving the Creaky House[end if][if the chief engineer is nowhere and the mantle is not worn by the player]. Type HINT MORGAN for puzzles involving Morgan the Magician[end if][if fiveregalia is happening and dragonscene is not happening]. Type HINT FORTUNE for puzzles involving the fortune-telling machine in the Queen's Castle[end if][if dragonscene is happening and the number of upgraded regalia < 5]. Type HINT REGALIA for puzzles involving upgrading your regalia[end if][if dragonscene is happening and the player is not in crater]. Type HINT DRAGON for puzzles involving fighting the dragon[end if][if the player is in crater]. Type HINT CRATER for puzzles involving the crater[end if]." Hintstarting is an action out of world. Understand "hint start" as hintstarting. Carry out hintstarting: if the player is not in arena: say "You are done with this set of hints. Type HINT to get more hints."; otherwise if the dragon's head is nowhere: say "You can leave by typing GO EAST, or just EAST, or even just E."; otherwise: say "[one of]If this is your first time playing an interactive fiction game, some basic commands includ EXAMINE ME (abbreviated X ME), INVENTORY (abbreviated I), or ABOUT. You can type HINT START again for slightly more specific guidance.[or]You can do things you would naturally do in this situation. If you were fighting a dragon and had a sword, what would you do? Commands usually take the form of VERB NOUN. The next hint will give the exact solution.[or]ATTACK DRAGON.[stopping]"; Safetyhinting is an action out of world. Understand "hint safety" as safetyhinting. Carry out safetyhinting: say "Did you notice the woman with a sign at the Welcome Booth? She can help you be safe! Try talking to her." Hintcaking is an action out of world. Understand "hint sweets" or "hint sweet" as hintcaking. Report taking a ticket: now the noun is oncecarried; Every turn: repeat with current running through tickets: if current is enclosed by the player: now current is oncecarried; Carry out hintcaking: if the sugar plum crown is enclosed by the player: say "You have already completed everything having to do with the cake and sweets."; otherwise if the sugar plum crown is not nowhere: say "You've already found the crown in the Sugar Plum Snack Bar. All you need to do is to take it!"; otherwise if the player is slaked: say "There is a delicious castle cake in the Sugar Plum Snack Bar waiting for someone to eat[if the devil's food tower is not nowhere] more of[end if] it!"; otherwise if a beverage (called currentbeverage) is not faroff: say "You purchased [the currentbeverage] earlier. Why not drink it? You're here to enjoy yourself!"; otherwise if a ticket is carried by the player: say "You can give any tickets you have to the snack attendant in the Sugar Plum Snack Bar."; otherwise if a oncecarried ticket is notusedup: let current be a random oncecarried notusedup ticket; say "Don't forget you already found [the current]!"; otherwise: say "To get more sweets, you need a ticket to give to the snack attendant. "; if the yellow ticket is not oncecarried: say "Have you explored the Corn Maze thoroughly? You may find what you need there[if the safety whistle is not enclosed by the player]. If you don't have a way out of the maze, it might be good to check the hints for safety[end if]."; otherwise if the white ticket is not oncecarried: say "The menagerie doesn't have much food for humans, but you might be surprised at what you can find. Have you checked the menu in the menagerie? Not the menu of the food carts, but of the zoo itself?"; otherwise if the pink ticket is not oncecarried: say "There is a ticket hidden in the Midnight Laserfight arena, as long as you've been able to repair the controls. If not, consult the hints for that ride."; otherwise if the black ticket is not oncecarried: say "The creaky house has a place for food. Have you checked the fridge?"; otherwise: say "Good luck finding one!"; Hintmenareaing is an action out of world. Understand "hint menagerie" as hintmenareaing. Carry out hintmenareaing: if the royal scepter is enclosed by the player: say "You have already completed everything to do with the menagerie!"; otherwise if the royal scepter is not carried by the menagerieper: say "[The menagerieper] dropped the scepter in the menagerie when you won the game. Go get it!"; otherwise if keeperdistribution is happening: say "Just keep handing out the food you have to the animals. If you want hints for a winning strategy, type HINT STRATEGY."; otherwise if keeperbought is happening: say "You have all the food you need. Now go find [the menagerieper] and talk to him to start the duel!"; otherwise if keeperduel is happening: say "It's time to buy food for the duel. You need five food cart items total, bought from the three carts in Prowling Promenade. If you want hints for a winning strategy on what to buy, type HINT STRATEGY."; otherwise: say "Talk to [the menagerieper] in the menagerie to play a game for a piece of regalia!"; Strategyhinting is an action out of world. Understand "hint strategy" as strategyhinting. Carry out strategyhinting: say "[one of]As a general hint, you can see the keeper's items by typing X KEEPER or by looking at the menu in the center of the menagerie. He always uses the best item he has for a particular matchup. Each animal has a sign describing the type of food they like. Type HINT STRATEGY again for the next hint.[or]Because the keeper uses his best items first, you can use that to your advantage. Get him to use his best items first on the challenges you always fail. Type HINT STRATEGY again for one explicit solution.[or]Buy the Pickled Prioress, the Molten Monolith, the Hunted Unicorn, the Taghairm Deluxe, and the Briny Byte. Give the Briny Byte to the rawhead, first. Give the Hunted Unicorn to the griffin. Give the Molten Monolith to the wolf. Give the Pickled Prioress to the skull scraper. Finally, give the Taghairm Deluxe to the shrine beast.[stopping]" Hintpiping is an action out of world. Understand "hint pipe" as hintpiping. Carry out hintpiping: if the chief engineer is nowhere: say "You've already finished all the hints for the pipe!"; if the fungus is not known: say "Have you tried examining the pipe or talking to the chief engineer to figure out what's wrong?"; otherwise if the truffle pig is petfollowing: if the player is in mechanical marvels: say "[one of]You have a pig with you that loves fungus. Can you think of a way to direct it where it's needed? Type HINT PIPE again for the explicit solution.[or]PUT CAP IN PIPE, or POINT TO PIPE, or GIVE CAP TO ENGINEER etc.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "You have the solution to the problem with you. Just head to the pipe in the Mechanical Marvels!"; otherwise if the player is in petting zoo: say "[one of]Someone here has a particular interest in fungus. Type HINT PIPE again to know how to get their attention.[or]Try taking a mushroom cap.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "[one of]There aren't many places you can go. But someone with an interest in fungus is here in the park. Type HINT PIPE again to know what ride to go to.[or]Someone in the petting zoo can help you with the pipe.[stopping]"; Laserhinting is an action out of world. Understand "hint laser" as laserhinting. Carry out laserhinting: if the chief engineer is in mechanical marvels: say "You're not ready for this hint yet. You need to solve the problem of the clogged pipe first. Type HINT PIPE for a hint with that problem."; otherwise if the ring is enclosed by the player: if the ring is in the little black box: say "You already found the little black box. All you need to do is take the treasure inside it!"; otherwise: say "You have already completed the primary goal in Midnight Laserfight[if the pink ticket is not oncecarried]. Although you missed at least one thing you'll need for another puzzle[end if]."; otherwise if the little black box is oncecarried: say "You already found the little black box. All you need to do is take the treasure inside it!"; otherwise if the weakened floor is smashed: say "You successfully opened up a crack in the Banquet Hall of Midnight Laserfight. A treasure lies below it."; otherwise if onewon is false: say "Have you tried out the Duel button yet?"; otherwise if banquet hall is visited: if the player is not in banquet hall: say "[one of]One room in the laserfight arena is different from all the others. You've seen it before. For a more explicit hint, type HINT LASER again.[or]Have you noticed the weakened floor in the Banquet Hall? Head there.[stopping]"; otherwise if the pig wings are worn by the countesses: say "Your countesses have a lot of lift with that wing. Have you seen how they celebrate? That could cause a lot of damage in the right area, if they win. To see how to help the countesses win, type HINT FIGHT."; otherwise: say "[one of]Have you noticed the way the countesses celebrate when they win? If not, type HINT FIGHT for ways to help them win. Otherwise, type HINT LASER again for the next hint.[or]If they got any higher it could be dangerous. [pighint][stopping]"; otherwise if the hydraulics lever is unbroken: say "You'll need to explore the rooms more. One is unlike the others, and you haven't found it yet."; otherwise: if the unusual rib is nowhere: say "[one of]You pulled out a lever in the ribcage. Have you figured out where it goes yet? If not, type HINT LASER again for the next hint.[or]In Midnight Laserfight, you can put the lever in the hole there.[stopping]"; otherwise: if ballroom is visited: say "[one of]You can't do much of anything in the Midnight Swordfight ride unless you fix it. When the attendant left, she mentioned that the crucial part might be hidden elsewhere park. Type HINT LASER again to know exactly where to find what you need.[or]The lever is hidden in the Serpent Slide. To know exactly what to do, type HINT LASER again.[or]Go to the Ribcage in the Serpent Slide. Look at the ribs, and take the unusual rib. This is the lever you need.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "You haven't been to the ride yet. Why don't you check it out first?"; To say pighint: say "[if the cloak room is visited]The pig wings from the cloak room could help them that! You can TAKE the wings and GIVE them to the countesses.[otherwise]The cloak room will have something to help you, when you find it.[end if]" Hintfighting is an action out of world. Understand "hint fight" as hintfighting. Carry out hintfighting: say "The countesses will win if they have better weapons than their oppenents. The easiest way is to TAKE the weapons of the vicomtes, then PUSH BUTTON to start the duel. Once you're done, you can PUSH BUTTON to come back."; Orbhinting is an action out of world. Understand "hint slide" as orbhinting. Carry out orbhinting: if the player is in bowels: if the sun orb is carried by the player: say "[one of]You have something that will get you out of here. Type HINT SLIDE again for a complete solution.[or]BLOW WHISTLE.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "Don't forget to take the sun orb!"; otherwise if the sun orb is enclosed by the player: say "You have already solved the riddle of the Serpent Slide[if the unusual rib is in ribcage]. Although you did miss something you'll need for another puzzle[end if]."; otherwise if trapdoor is in bowels: say "The monkey fight exposed a trapdoor in Stomach. What you need is found below!"; otherwise if the monkey is in Sunroom: if the tailypo is not petfollowing: if the player is in petting zoo: say "[one of]An animal here will help you with the monkey in the slide. They both tend to get in fights, this animal and the monkey. Type HINT SLIDE again to learn how to enlist their help.[or]TAKE BRATWURST.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "[one of]Have you asked around about the monkey? Type HINT SLIDE again for a more clear solution.[or]The monkey likes to get in fights. Head to the petting zoo to find someone to help you.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "You have someone with you who will help with the monkey. Just return to the Sunroom with this critter in tow."; otherwise if the bony bridge is in Stomach: say "Have you explored beyond the bridge you raised in the Stomach of the Serpent Slide?"; otherwise: if the player is in Stomach: say "[one of]Have you examined the skeleton? Type HINT SLIDE again for a more explicit hint.[or]PULL ARM.[stopping]"; otherwise if the chief engineer is in mechanical marvels: say "You can't reach the slide yet. Type HINT PIPE for a way to get past the obstruction to the slide!"; otherwise if the safety whistle is worn by the player: say "Have you tried going in the slide yet? Explore all the way down to the Stomach."; otherwise: say "You're not ready for the slide yet. Type HINT SAFETY for some safety tips, first. The slide is a dangerous place and you might get stuck!"; Dancehinting is an action out of world. Understand "hint dance" or "hint tango" as dancehinting. Carry out dancehinting: if the chief engineer is in mechanical marvels: say "You're not ready for this hint yet. You need to solve the problem of the clogged pipe first. Type HINT PIPE for a hint with that problem."; otherwise if the creaky key is not nowhere: say "You've already done everything you can at the dance area."; otherwise if the dance instructor is placated: say "[one of]The dance instructor wants something from you. You should give it to her. Type HINT DANCE again for an explicit solution.[or]GIVE WINDING KEY TO DANCE INSTRUCTOR.[stopping]"; otherwise: if eugene is nowhere: say "Have you tried talking to the dance instructor?"; otherwise if the vintage gramophone is slowy: if the winding key is in the little cabinet: say "[one of]You don't have everything you need to solve this puzzle. Type HINT DANCE again to get a suggestion on where to look next.[or]Have you carefully explored the gift shop? You can find an item there that could be useful for the phonograph. Type HINT DANCE again for an explicit instruction on what to do in the gift shop.[or]X HOUSE. OPEN CABINET. TAKE KEY.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "[one of]The music is very slow, and Eugene can outlast you all day along. You've already found a way to adjust the music, but you may not know it yet. Type HINT DANCE for a more clear instruction.[or]WIND GRAMOPHONE. This only works if you're holding the winding key from the Gift Shop.[stopping]"; otherwise if the checkered dance floor is unslippery: if the racing slug is petfollowing: say "You have someone with you who can solve your problem. Why not revisit Tango Temptations to see what happens?"; otherwise if the player is in petting zoo: say "[one of]One of the creatures here can help you defeat Eugene. Wouldn't it be a shame if he slipped up during his performance? Type HINT DANCE to find out how to lure them to Tango Temptations.[or]TAKE LETTUCE.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "You can't defeat Eugene alone. You need a way to make Eugene slip up. The petting zoo can help you."; otherwise if the silver slippers are not worn by the player: if the silver slippers are not nowhere: say "Remember those slippers Morgan gave you? They ought to be useful now that the floor is slippery! Try wearing them."; otherwise: say "[one of]You don't have everything you need to complete this puzzle. Finish puzzles in other areas of the park first before returning here. Type HINT DANCE again to know which puzzle to solve next.[or]You need to finish working in Morgan's tent.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "You've done everything you need to do to get ready. Now just [if eugene is nowhere]talk to the dance instructor and [end if]dance with Eugene!"; Morganhinting is an action out of world. Understand "hint morgan" as morganhinting. Carry out morganhinting: if the chief engineer is in mechanical marvels: say "You're not ready for this hint yet. You need to solve the problem of the clogged pipe first. Type HINT PIPE for a hint with that problem."; if the mantle is enclosed by the player: say "You have already done everything you need to with Morgan the Mechanical. Nice work!"; otherwise if the mantle is in Morgan's Tent: say "Morgan dropped her mantle in her tent. Don't forget to pick it up!"; otherwise if threecarded is true: say "All you need to do is finish Morgan's trick one last time. For explicit instructions on finishing the trick type HINT TRICK."; otherwise if morgan's chest is not nowhere: say "You found the chest, you just have to TAKE it and bring it back to Morgan."; otherwise if morgan's chest is known: say "You haven't found Morgan's chest yet. "; if the creaky key is nowhere: say "Remember the slippers you were given? You must finish the tango quest to progress. Type HINT DANCE for hints with that puzzle."; otherwise: say "Remember how Morgan said the slippers would help you, and they led to you getting the creaky key? You need to finish the creaky house. Type HINT CREAKY for hints with the creaky house."; otherwise: if morgan's tent is visited: say "You have to complete Morgan's card trick to progress. If you want an explicit solution to performing the trick, type HINT TRICK."; otherwise: say "You'll need to visit Morgan's tent, south of the Bitter End, to start this puzzle."; Hinttricking is an action out of world. Understand "hint trick" as hinttricking. Carry out hinttricking: say "Here's one set of commands that will complete the whole trick for you. Choose where to start depending on what part of it you're stuck on. TALK TO MORGAN. X MORGAN. X DECK. X TABLE. TALK TO MORGAN. TAKE FIRST CARD. SHOW CARD TO MORGAN. TALK TO MORGAN." Creakyhinting is an action out of world. Understand "hint creaky" as creakyhinting. Carry out creakyhinting: if the creaky singer is nowhere: say "You have already done everything you can with the creaky house."; otherwise if the creaky key is nowhere: say "[one of]You don't have everything you need to solve the creaky house. To get an explicit hint on what puzzle to complete first, type HINT CREAKY again.[or]You need to finish the tango puzzle first.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "Now that you have the creaky key, you can solve this puzzle. Make sure you listen to the entire song by the creaky singer. If you don't know how to interpret the song, type HINT SONG."; Songhinting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "hint song" as songhinting. Carry out songhinting: say "[one of]Remember how the creaky singer said that every room in the house has its own voice? You must take a path through the house that recreates the creaky singer's song. Type HINT SONG again for the explicit path.[or]Starting from outside the house (making sure you are carrying the creaky key) N N W S U E E S D.[stopping]" Castlehinting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "hint fortune" as castlehinting. Carry out castlehinting: if fiveregalia is not happening: say "You are not ready for this hint yet."; otherwise if dragonscene is happening: say "You have done everything you needed to do with the fortune telling machine."; otherwise if the player is not in queen's castle: say "You must be in the Queen's Castle at the eastern edge of the park to proceed."; otherwise: say "Everything is up to you, now. Just TAKE a card and PUT the card of your choice IN THE SLOT."; Regaliahinting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "hint regalia" as regaliahinting. Carry out regaliahinting: if the number of upgraded regalia > 4: say "You've already upgraded all of your regalia. Congratulations!"; otherwise: if the player is in armory: if the royal scepter is unupgraded: scepterhint; otherwise: randomhint; otherwise if the player is in kingdom: if the sun orb is unupgraded: orbhint; otherwise: randomhint; otherwise if the player is in queen's garden: if the mantle is unupgraded: mantlehint; otherwise: randomhint; otherwise if the player is in treasury: if the ring is unupgraded: ringhint; otherwise: randomhint; otherwise if a familish thing is carried by the player: let current be a random familish thing carried by the player; if current is dad's map: scepterhint; otherwise if current is alice's silver bracelet: orbhint; otherwise if current is david's favorite plush chimera: mantlehint; otherwise if current is mom's list: mantlehint; otherwise: randomhint; otherwise: randomhint; to Randomhint: if the royal scepter is unupgraded: scepterhint; otherwise if the sun orb is unupgraded: orbhint; otherwise if the mantle is unupgraded: mantlehint; otherwise if the ring is unupgraded: ringhint; To scepterhint: if armory is unvisited: say "Have you looked in the armory yet? It's below the Queen's Tower."; otherwise if the forge is unappeased: if dad's map is carried by the player: if the player is in armory: say "[one of]The item you need to empower the forge is already in your possession. Type HINT REGALIA again to know exactly what to do.[or]PUT MAP IN FORGE.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "Return to the armory."; otherwise: say "[one of]You don't have an item you need to empower the forge. Type HINT REGALIA again to know where to find it.[or][maphint][stopping]"; otherwise: if the player is not in armory: say "If you return to the armory, you can upgrade your scepter."; otherwise: say "Just put the scepter in the forge and it will be more powerful." To orbhint: if kingdom is unvisited: say "Have you looked in the kingdom yet? It's east of the Queen's Tower."; otherwise if the short marble pillar is unappeased: if alice's silver bracelet is carried by the player: if the player is in the kingdom: say "[one of]The item you need to empower the pillar is already in your possession. Type HINT REGALIA again to know exactly what to do.[or]PUT BRACELET ON PILLAR.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "Return to the kingdom."; otherwise: say "[one of]You don't have an item you need to empower the pillar. Type HINT REGALIA again to know where to find it.[or][bracelethint][stopping]"; otherwise: if the player is not in kingdom: say "If you return to the kingdom, you can upgrade your sun orb."; otherwise: say "Just put the sun orb on the forge and it will be more powerful." To mantlehint: if queen's garden is unvisited: say "Have you looked in the garden yet? It's north of the Queen's Tower."; otherwise if the roses are unappeased: if david's favorite plush chimera is carried by the player: if the player is in Queen's Garden: say "[one of]The item you need to empower the roses is already in your possession. Type HINT REGALIA again to know exactly what to do.[or]GIVE CHIMERA TO ROSES.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "Return to the Queen's Garden."; otherwise: say "[one of]You don't have an item you need to empower the roses. Type HINT REGALIA again to know where to find it.[or][chimerahint][stopping]"; otherwise: if the player is not in queen's garden: say "If you return to the garden, you can upgrade your mantle."; otherwise: say "Just give the mantle to the roses and it will be more powerful." To ringhint: if treasury is unvisited: say "Have you looked in the treasury yet? It's south of the Queen's Tower."; otherwise if the bubbling pot of liquid platinum are unappeased: if mom's list is carried by the player: if the player is in treasury: say "[one of]The item you need to empower the bubbling pot is already in your possession. Type HINT REGALIA again to know exactly what to do.[or]PUT MOM'S LIST IN POT.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "Return to the Treasury."; otherwise: say "[one of]You don't have an item you need to empower the bubbling pot. Type HINT REGALIA again to know where to find it.[or][listhint][stopping]"; otherwise: if the player is not in treasury: say "If you return to the treasury, you can upgrade your ring."; otherwise: say "Just put the ring in the bubbling pot and it will be more powerful." To say maphint: say "[if dad's map is in the location]Pick up the map.[otherwise]You need your dad's map, which is in [the location of dad's map].[end if]" To say bracelethint: say "[if alice's silver bracelet is in the location]Pick up the bracelet.[otherwise]You need your sister's bracelet, which is in [the location of alice's silver bracelet].[end if]" To say chimerahint: say "[if david's favorite plush chimera is in the location]Pick up the chimera.[otherwise]You need your brother's chimera, which is in [the location of david's favorite plush chimera].[end if]" To say listhint: say "[if mom's list is in the location]Pick up the list.[otherwise]You need your mom's list, which is in [the location of mom's list].[end if]" Dragonhinting is an action out of world. Understand "hint dragon" as dragonhinting. Carry out dragonhinting: if the player is in crater: say "You've already done everything you can with the dragon! Good job!"; otherwise if the player is in arena: try hintstarting; otherwise if the number of upgraded regalia < 5: say "You aren't ready for this hint yet."; otherwise if the player is not in trueoutdoorregion: say "You are ready to face the dragon. You need to be outside."; otherwise if the wyrm is not summoned: say "You have to SUMMON to bring the wyrm close enough to battle."; otherwise: say "Some of your powers last longer than others. Time your attackes so that all powers are active at once! Type HINT BATTLE for an explicit list of what order to use your regalia in."; Battlehinting is an action out of world. Understand "HINT BATTLE" as battlehinting. Carry out battlehinting: say "The exact order of commands to beat the dragon is SHINE. SNARE DRAGON. SHIELD. SPEAR DRAGON. If you already have some powers active, you may have to WAIT a couple of turns until they turn off."; Craterhinting is an action out of world. Understand "Hint crater" as craterhinting. Carry out craterhinting: if the player is in crater: say "[one of]You're at the very end! You need to get out. You have what you need to do it. Type HINT CRATER again for the final command of the game.[or]BLOW WHISTLE.[stopping]"; otherwise: say "You're not ready for this hint yet."; Book 2 - Material behavior inserting is material behavior. putting is material behavior. turning is material behavior. taking is material behavior. dropping is material behavior. switching on is material behavior. switching off is material behavior. opening is material behavior. closing is material behavior. wearing is material behavior. pushing is material behavior. pulling is material behavior. touching is material behavior. cutting is material behavior. attacking is material behavior. waving is material behavior. burning something is material behavior. rubbing is material behavior. squeezing is material behavior. tasting is material behavior. searching is material behavior. eating is material behavior. drinking is material behavior. giving is material behavior. Before material behavior when the noun is faroff (this is the can't touch faroff things rule): if the noun is not a laserweapon: say "You can't touch [the noun]. [regarding the noun][Those] [are] too far away!" (A) instead; Before material behavior when the noun is incorporated by a faroff thing: if the noun is not a laserweapon: say "You can't touch [the noun]. [regarding the noun][Those] [are] too far away!" instead; Before material behavior when the noun is worn by a faroff thing: if the noun is not a laserweapon: say "You can't touch [the noun]. [regarding the noun][Those] [are] too far away!" instead; Before material behavior when the noun is broken: say "[one of]That's odd! The lever is missing.[or]The hydraulics lever is still missing.[stopping]" instead; Before material behavior when the noun is immaterial: say "[The noun] isn't something you can touch." instead; Before material behavior when the noun is the clutter: say "These look like stage props that you're not allowed to touch." instead; Book 3 - Testing Test me with "test qintro / test qbooth / test qpolice / test qcrown / test qrod / test qring / test qorb / test qmantle / test qqueen / test qtower / test qendgame" Test tofour with "test qintro / test qbooth / test qpolice / test qcrown / test qrod / test qring / test qorb / blow whistle" Test toqueen with "test qintro / test qbooth / test qpolice / test qcrown / test qrod / test qring / test qorb / test qmantle / blow whistle / e / e / e / e / e / e" Test longme with "test intro / test booth" Test qintro with "cut off dragon's head / e" Test intro with "x me / x block / x dragon/ talk to dragon / dragon, hello / kill dragon" Test qbooth with "talk to woman" Test booth with "e/x dog / x dog / talk to woman / talk to guard" test qpolice with "e / e / n / take cap / s / e / put cap in pipe" test qpink with "blow whistle / e / e / e / /n / d / take rib / u / s / s / put beam in hole / push button / push button / push lever / cc knob / pull lever / take pink" test qwhite with "blow whistle / e / e / s / take white" test qblack with "blow whistle / e / e / e / e / n / talk to creaky / n / w / n / open fridge / take black " test qyellow with "blow whistle / e / e / e / e / s / left / left / left / left / take yellow" test qcastle with "blow whistle / e / n / give white to attendant / give pink to attendant / give black to attendant / give yellow to attendant / eat castle / drink milk / eat castle / drink flute / eat castle / drink juice / eat castle / drink maize / eat castle / wear crown" test qcrown with "test qpink / test qwhite / test qblack / test qyellow / test qcastle" test qrod with "blow whistle / e / e / s / talk to keeper / n / buy prioress / buy deluxe / buy monolith / buy unicorn / buy byte / s / d / give byte to keeper / u / w / give unicorn to keeper / e / s / give monolith to wolf / n / e / give prioress to scraper / w / u / give deluxe to beast/take scepter" test qring with "blow whistle / e / e / e / s / push lever / push lever / give wings to countesses / pull lever / pull lever / take red laserpistols / push button / push button / d / open box / wear ring" test qorb with "blow whistle / e / e / n / take bratwurst / s / e / n / d / d / pull arm / n / take orb / blow whistle" test qfirstmorgan with "blow whistle / e / e / e / e / e / s / talk to morgan / x morgan / x deck / x table / talk to morgan / take first card / show card to morgan / talk to morgan" test qtango with "blow whistle / e / s / open cabinet / take key / n / e / n / take lettuce / s / e / e / e / n / talk to instructor / wind gramophone / wear slippers / dance with eugene / give winding key to instructor" test qcreaky with "blow whistle / e / e / e / e / n / n / n / n / w / s / u / e / e / s / d / take chest" test qsecondmorgan with "blow whistle / e / e / e / e / e / s / talk to morgan / x morgan / x deck / x table / talk to morgan / take first card / show card to morgan/ talk to morgan" test qmantle with "test qfirstmorgan / test qtango / test qcreaky / test qsecondmorgan / take mantle " Test qqueen with "blow whistle / e / e / e / e / e / e / put truth in slot / put sisters in slot / put family in slot / put terror in slot / put rescue in slot" Test qtower with "blow whistle / take plush / e / s / take list / n / e / e /take map/ e / take bracelet / e / e / e / n / give plush to roses / give mantle to roses / s / s / put list in bubbling pot of platinum / put ring in bubbling pot of platinum / n / e / put bracelet on pillar / put orb on pillar / w / d / put map in forge / put scepter in forge / u / u " Test qendgame with "summon / shine / snare dragon / shield / spear dragon/ blow whistle " Test quick with "test qintro / test qbooth / test qpolice" Observantmode is a truth state that varies. Observantmode is false. Otesting is an action out of world. Understand "allspy" as otesting. Carry out otesting: now observantmode is true. Every turn when observantmode is true: repeat with current running through unknown things in the location: try examining current; Test megatest with "allspy / test toqueen" [yourself dragon smiling woman dog gate guard sausage seller ceviche chef jelly man David chief engineer Dad Alice royal attendants snack attendant Mom shop clerk racing slug truffle pig tailypo zookeeper Gristle griffin skull scraper wolf rawhead shrine beast plastic skeleton countesses vicomtes creaky singer dance instructor Eugene Morgan the Mechanical Mirrored Queen Scarlet Empress dragon monkey ] [Sugar Plum Crown Grooverland paisley vest gates wooden booth graffiti David's favorite plush chimera Sugar Plum Snack Bar Painful Purchases Gift Shop fountain Serpent Slide Midnight Laserfight maintenance crew dad's map headless scarecrow Alice's silver bracelet Tango Temptations mysterious tent flier castle cake little sign drinks Devil's Food Tower pristine merchandise book of poems dollhouse mom's present list little cabinet winding key hideous carved frog foul-looking minotaur statue petting zoo lettuce tray lettuce leaf crate of mushrooms mushroom cap plate of bratwursts limp bratwurst true scepter goat meat lamb meat bantam minnow rat meat menagerie white ticket glass of milk pedestal true orb blue motley blue laserpistols red laserpistols laser cutlasses pink ticket inflatable kielbasas punch flute pig wings little black box true ring crimson house creaky creature creaky front door creaky refrigerator black ticket glass of creaky juice creaky kitchen door creaky key small creaky door Morgan's chest Corn Maze yellow ticket maize flavored cola silver slippers costumed crowd true mantle plain table deck of cards fortune telling machine white card labelled IDENTITY red card labelled FAMILY white card labelled SISTERS red card labelled TERROR white card labelled RESCUE white card labelled FRIEND Royal Entrance Taghairm Deluxe Baron's Breakfast Hunted Unicorn Briny Byte Cragne Crawfish Pickled Prioress Jellied Eels Molten Monolith Porcine Puree left card ]