# ScavHuntFull.zip
tuid: lyexqef1lqst3dk6

Scavenger Hunt, a demonstration Hugo game and resource
files, along with an HTML tutorial which gives the source
code and discusses its structure. By Gilles Duchesne.
(this file is linked from </if-archive/games/source/hugo/#ScavHuntFull.zip>)

# hugolib.hug

A dummy game that can be compiled to create a precompiled
version of header file hugolib.h

# hugolib.txt

Notes on creating a precompiled header file

# sample.hug

The Vault of Hugo, a Hugo v2.5 tutorial game
by Kent Tessman

# shell.hug

Hugo v2.5 shell, a source code skeleton to build on,
by Kent Tessman
NameLast modifiedSize

Parent Directory  -
games/2023-11-08 20:26 -
Index2024-08-25 13:22 615
hugolib.hug1998-08-02 04:00 862
shell.hug1998-08-02 04:00 1.5K
hugolib.txt1995-11-29 05:00 1.9K
sample.hug1999-03-01 05:00 39K
ScavHuntFull.zip2002-02-07 06:24 883K

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