# advland2.zip tuid: dy4ok8sdlut6ddj7 ifwiki: Adventureland Morten Lohre's Adventureland collection, version 2: ABASIC/GW-BASIC, QBASIC, and C source code of Adventureland (ported to C by Morten Lohre), hints, a walkthrough, C source code of a disassembler for the action codes in Adventureland, and general information about Scott Adams. (DOS executables of the C programs are included) # advland2019.zip tuid: dy4ok8sdlut6ddj7 ifwiki: Adventureland Morten Lohre's C version of Adventureland, with changes to fix bugs and improve gameplay by Richard Goedeken. The archive also includes Windows Mac OS X and Linux executables. # c64 Scott Adams' games for the Commodore 64. # cpm Scott Adams' games for the CP/M operating system. # scottfree Scott Adams' games, converted to the format used by Alan Cox's ScottFree interpreter. (see for interpreter programs) # ti99 Scott Adams' games for the TI99/4A. # zcode Scott Adams' games, converted to Infocom's Z-code format. (see for interpreter programs)