This directory contains games playable in a web browser (usually requiring Javascript and other modern features, but playable offline from downloaded files).
Other web-browser-playable games created with specific authoring systems can be found in games/ink/, games/texture/, and games/twine/.
Games created with the Ink system
Games created with the Texture system
Games created with the Twine system
Beached! (Prelude) V3.0, by Theodore C. Lim and Ewald Bal.
Bee, by Emily Short. (Re-)implemented in Dendry.
Being a Thing, part 2, by R. Asu.
Black Coffee, by Naarel. Implemented in Decker.
CODENAME OBSCURA, by Mika Kujala. Implemented in Adventuron. Version 1.0.30. (Original IFComp release is in games/competition2023/Games/CODENAME
Cost of Living, a stateful story by Dorian Passer, adapted from the stateless story of the same name by Robert Sheckley.
Choose Your Adventure! Version 1.0, by John C. Knudsen.
Dawn of The Soviet Ladybirds, version 1.2.6, by Christopher Merriner, using Adventuron.
Demon Hatching, by Mxelm. Implemented in Ink.
Devil's Food, by Hanon Ondricek. Written with AXMA Story Maker. 3rd place Ectocomp 2014. (the original competition version is included in games/mini-comps/ectocomp/
EyeOS: Apple II Inspired Horror-Mystery Game, by trainspotter. Shareware. Version 1.0
Fabled Journey, version 1.0. A minimalist text adventure, by John C. Knudsen.
Girls' Day, by Nice Gear Games. Implemented with Narrat.
Miss Gosling's Last Case, by Daniel M. Stelzer. Implemented in Dialog. Release 3. Serial number 241016. Contains story in Å-code (HTML; recommended) and Z-code formats, map, and hints. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
A House Without Walls, by Dylan Kinnett.
The Impossible Stairs, an interactive fiction by Mathbrush. Release 3 / Serial number 241006. (a bare .z8 file, without clickable hyperlinks, is in games/zcode/ImpossibleStairs.z8; source code is in games/source/dialog/ImpossibleStairs.dg)
Kobold Crawl, by Aaron Steed. Implemented in Ink.
Let's Explore Geography! Canadian Commodities Trader Simulation Exercise, Release 1.1, by Carter Sande. (The original competition entry is in games/competition2018/Lets Explore Geography Canadian Commodities Trader Simulation Exercise/)
Love Unexplored, by Snoother. Part of RuinJam.
New Year's Eve, 2019, by Autumn Chen. Version 2, written with Dendry. (the original competition entry is in games/springthing/2022/
Not Another Sad Meal, by manonamora. Written with Adventuron. Version 0.2.0.
Off the Podium — One Last Lap, by Kaiser Fox. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware. Can be played in English or Brazilian Portuguese.
Pageant, by Autumn Chen. Written with Dendry.
Poetry and Passion, by Leia Talon. ChoiceScript.
Portcullis, by Robin Johnson.
Please tell me you love me, version 1.3, by Ellis Dex. Created using Ink.
Pumpkin Pie for your soul, by Nils Fagerburg. Ectocomp 2019.
Results of Doom - Prologue, by Rayven Holmes. Created with Squiffy.
The Secret of the Lost Castle, by The BaK. Version 24.07. Freeware. Also contains Italian, French, and Spanish translations.
salting wounds, by Naarel. Implemented in Decker.
Escape From Skuggar, by Jkj Yuio. Version 1.03
Social Democracy: An Alternate History, by Autumn Chen. Implemented in DendryNexus. Version 1.0.1. Code/writing is MIT licensed, images are various forms of Creative Commons or Public Domain licensed (credits included in-game). (An older version was entered in Spring Thing 2024.)
Steal Ten Treasures to Win This Game, by spaceflounder. Written for ParserComp 2023. Version 1.0.5 post-competition release. Archive contains game and source code. MIT License; see in-game credits for details.
te/ra/to/ma, by Naarel. Implemented in Decker.
The Absence of Law, by Brian Rushton. Release 4 / Serial number 241006. (a bare .gblorb file, without music or styling, is in games/glulx/The_Absence_of_Law.gblorb; source code is in games/source/inform/Absence_of_Law.txt; the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/Absence of Law)
The Archivist and the Revolution, by Autumn Chen. Implemented in Dendry. Version 2.3. Music by Jim Aikin. Code/writing under MIT license. (the original competition version is in games/competition2022/Games/The Archivist and the
The CryptoGame, by Manan Singh.
The thoughts crossing my mind. And the ones stuck, by Zhanko. Created with bitsy.
Tower of Doom, by Jeffery Knaggs.
The Castle of Vourtram, version 0.94, by Alexandre Torres. Converted from Quest to Javascript. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/The Castle of Vourtram)
Writers Are Not Strangers, by Lynda Clark. ChoiceScript.
You're Gone, version 0.2, by Madison Scott-Clary.
YURF, by spaceflounder. Version 1.1a (post-ParserComp-2024 release). Copyright (c) spaceflounder 2024. MIT License; see in-game credits for details. Archive contains complete (Javascript) source code, and post-mortem.