This directory contains TADS game files, which can be used on any machine that runs the TADS interpreter (version 2 or later). To get a TADS 2 interpreter for your favorite system, look in programming/tads2/executables/, and for a TADS 3 interpreter, look in programming/tads3/executables/.
Older versions of some of the games in this directory.
An instruction sheet describing how to play TADS games on many computer systems, by Neil K. Guy.
1893: A World's Fair Mystery, version 2.05, written by Peter Nepstad. A diamond theft leads to kidnapping and murder on the grounds of the 1893 Columbian Exposition.
Visitor's Guide for 1893: A World's Fair Mystery, written by Peter Nepstad.
Instruction Manual for 1893: A World's Fair Mystery, written by Peter Nepstad.
Map for 1893: A World's Fair Mystery, written by Peter Nepstad.
2044: Space Troopers, release 1.0. A science fiction adventure by Angus R. McLaren
+= 3: A Logical Adventure, v1.2 by Carl de Marcken and Dave Baggett (source code is in games/source/tads/3.t)
Aayela, an Interactive Vision, by Magnus Olsson. Release 1.2 / 010815. (the original competition entry is in games/competition96/aayela, a walkthrough is in solutions/aayela_walk.txt, and source code is in games/source/tads/
Alien Abduction? version 1.2, by Charles Gerlach. (the original competition entry is in games/competition96/abduct)
Above and Beyond! version 1.22, by Mike Sousa.
According to Cain, by Jim Nelson. Release 6 / Serial Number 230911. Contains TADS 3 story file and walkthrough (in PDF and Markdown formats). (the original competition entry is in games/competition2022/Games/According to
All Hope Abandon, version 2, by Eric Eve. (source code is in games/source/tads/
All Hope Abandon, version 4, by Eric Eve. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
All Alone, by Ian Finley.
Amissville version 1.0, by Tilli Productions.
A Matter of Importance, version 1.1, by Valentine Kopteltsev. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2007/tads2/amoi/amoi.gam)
Arrival, or Attack of the B-Movie Clichés, version 2, by Stephen Granade. HTML TADS game and resource files. For sound a HTML TADS 2.2.7 interpreter is required. (source code is in games/source/tads/ and the original competition entry is in games/competition98/tads/arrival/arrival.gam)
At Wit's End version 1.2, by Mike Sousa. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/tads/awe/awe.gam)
Babel, release 3.1, by Ian Finley. (a Windows executable is in games/pc/Babel.exe, a Mac version is in games/mac/babel-31.hqx, the original competition entry is in games/competition97/tads/babel, and a map is in )
The Quest of the Golden Banana, version 1.7, by Eric Eve. (This game is part of the TADS 3 Tour Guide, which is in programming/tads3/manuals/)
Spyder and Jeb, Version 1.0, an interactive puzzle by Neil deMause. A parody of Andrew Plotkin's game "Spider and Web".
A TADS 3 demonstration of various forms of combat. Version 1.06, by James Mallette.
The Beetmonger's Journal, an Archaeological Epiphany, Version 1.1, written by Aubrey Foil (Scott W. Starkey). Archive includes the game, hints and a walkthrough. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/tads/Beet/Beet.gam)
Blighted Isle, version 2, by Eric Eve.
Blighted Isle, version 2, by Eric Eve. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
Bad Machine, Release 1.2, by Dan Shiovitz. Archive includes a machine independent TADS .gam file and a text readme.
Bmissfille, by "Tilli Productions". Serial Number 20020410, Release 1.
The Broken String, a Punk-Rock Adventure version 1.1 by Harel Malka and Ran Kramer. TADS .gam file, TADS runtime for DOS, and a walkthrough.
Castle of Doom, by Bad Dog Studios.
Colossal Cave Revisited. A remake of Crowther and Woods' original adventure, with complete TADS source code. Version 1.0, TADS version by David M. Baggett. Contains a .GAM file that works with older (< 2.1) versions of the TADS run-time.
Colossal Cave Revisited. A remake of Crowther and Woods' original adventure, with complete TADS source code. Version 1.0, TADS version by David M. Baggett.
Your Choice, by J. Robinson Wheeler.
The Coast House version 1.1, by Stephen and Dan Newton. The zip file contains the game, a walkthrough, and a map of the game. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/tads/coast/)
Comp02ter Game version 1.0, by Austin Thorvald, aka Brendan Barnwell.
Cook Off, version 2, by Steven Miracle.
CoffeeQuest 2, by Dog Solitude. Archive includes TADS .gam file and a walkthrough. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2002/tads2/cquest/cquest.gam)
The Cruise version 1.1, by Normal Perlmutter (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/tads/cruise/cruise.gam)
Tyler's Great Cube Game v1.1, by Tyler Bindon and Steven Taschuk. Not really a full adventure, more of a deviously fiendish puzzle.
Curse of Vengeance, release 1.3, by Scott C. McNab. This is the TADS game file extracted from the files in games/mac/curse.sea. It requires a TADS 1.04 interpreter, which we do not currently have (except for the old Mac binary in that archive) but should such an interpreter ever be recovered, hopefully this game will be playable.
The Damp Camp release 1.2, a TADS adventure by JAMJAR Software (James Dean and Jarvist Frost).
Dark Angel, a detective story. Version 2.0, by Jerry Ford. (a Windows executable is in games/pc/dark_angel.exe)
Dark Angel, a detective story. Version 2.0, by Jerry Ford. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
In Darkness, version 1.0, by GoblinBoy. WARNING: This game contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature.
Dead Mans Party by Royce "Gerynar" Odle (AKA Morrissey).
Dead Mans Party by Royce "Gerynar" Odle (AKA Morrissey). This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
Deanna version 1.1, by Optimus. WARNING: This game contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature.
Dear Brian, version 1.10, a work of adult interactive fiction by Choices.
Deep Space Drifter 1.0, by Michael J. Roberts and Steve McAdams (now freeware). (source code is in games/source/tads/
Depravity Bites Release 1.4, by Samantha Jones. The archive includes the game, its source code, and hints. WARNING: This game contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature.
The Devil in the Details, by Jerry Ford. The archive includes the .t3 game file as well as a Windows executable. Also includes a PDF game map.
Diabolical, version 2.00, by Cleo Kraft. (source code is in games/source/tads/
Die Vollkommene Masse, by Alice Merridew, aka Omega. WARNING: Contains adult content.
Ditch Day Drifter, by Michael J. Roberts. This is the example TADS game referred to in the TADS documentation files. TADS source code and .gam file.
Drool, version 1.2. A puzzle solving tour of 1994 Cambridge MA, as a dog on a quest for a stick. TADS version by John Huebner, ported from the original HTML game by Jeff Breidenbach.
Exactly 14 syllables... er, gulps!, version 1.1ee, by Valentine Kopteltsev. An English translation of the entry in the Vzhzh-Vzhzh! competition from February 2013.
Ecdysis, version 1.6, by Peter Nepstad. Based on an entry in H.P. Lovecraft's Commonplace Book.
Under the Cognomen of Edgar Allan Poe, by Jim Nelson. Version 2. (Describes itself as "Release 2 / Serial Number 240904".) Story file and walkthrough. (the original competition entry is at games/competition2024/Games/
An adaptation of Charles Brockden Brown's 1799 novel "Edgar Huntly, Or, Memoirs of a Sleepwalker". Version 1.0, created by Carrie Shanafelt.
The Elysium Enigma, version 2.03, by Eric Eve. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2006/tads3/elysium/Elysium.t3)
The Elysium Enigma, version 2.04, by Eric Eve. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
Enhanced release 3/941004, the first (and so far the only) part of the Cyberventure trilogy; a cyberpunk SF adventure by Hans Persson and Dominik Zemmler.
Undertale: Epilogue, by Anonymous. Written for Yuletide 2015, and based on the game Undertale.
Escape from the Crazy Place, a Choose-Your-Own-Nightmare, by J. J. Guest. Version 1. An illustrated choose your own adventure type game written over 22 years. (a Twine version is in games/twine/
Eterna Corp, by Christopher Cole. WARNING: Contains adult content.
Excuse Me, Do You Have The Time? by Jean Childs.
Exhibition, version 2.1, by Ian Finley. (a Windows executable is in games/pc/exhibit.exe; the original competition entry is in games/competition99/tads/exhibit/)
Fake News, release 1.1, by Mike Sousa. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/Fake News)
Fake News, release 1.1, by Mike Sousa. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/Fake News)
Firebird, version 1.01 (2nd November 1998), by Bonnie Montgomery. "Firebird is an interactive retelling of a Russian folk tale."
John's Fire Witch version 1.01 (02/04/95), by John T Baker II. DOS executable and machine-independent TADS .gam file
Perdition's Flames, by Michael J. Roberts. Release 930912. (a solution is in solutions/perdflam.sol, and source code is in games/source/tads/
Manual for Perdition's Flames in DVI format, converted by Hugh Allen.
Manual for Perdition's Flames in PDF format, converted by Hugh Allen.
Manual for Perdition's Flames in Postscript format, converted by Hugh Allen.
Finding Martin, version 1.12, by Gayla Wennstrom.
Frobozz Magic Support. An Interactive Short Fantasy, set in the Zork universe, by Nate Cull. Release 4, February 1997
FooM - the shoot-'em up text adventure, by dI software (Piers Johnson). TADS source and .gam file.
Elizabeth Hawk's Forever Always: a Romance Novel Game, written by Iain Merrick. (the original entry to the RomanceNovelComp is in games/mini-comps/rncomp/, and a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/forever.sit)
Four in One, an Interactive Marx Brothers Comedy by J. Robinson Wheeler. Release Version 1.1.7 20000710. (the original competition entry is in games/competition98/tads/fourin1/, an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/, a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/fourin1.sit, and source code is in games/source/tads/
The Frenetic Five vs. Mr. Redundancy Man (The Frenetic Five Episode 2), version 1.2, interactive fiction by Neil deMause. (a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/fren5-2.hqx)
The Frenetic Five vs. The Seven Deadly Dwarves (The Frenetic Five Episode 3), version 1.0, by Neil deMause.
The Frenetic Five vs. Sturm und Drang version 1.1, interactive fiction by Neil deMause. (a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/frenfive.sit.hqx, a Windows executable is in games/pc/, the original competition entry is in games/competition97/tads/frenfive, and a solution is in solutions/frenfive.sol)
Friendly Foe, release 2, by Mike J. Sousa.
Frustration version 1.02 (960115), by Jim MacBrayne. Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS. (see games/amiga/Frustration.dms for an Amiga version)
First Things First, written by J. Robinson Wheeler. Version 3.0 20061221.
Manual for First Things First, in Adobe PDF format.
Fusillade version 1.11, by Mike Duncan (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/tads/fusillad/)
The Gate, version 1.1. An interactive decision by Owen Parish.
GC: A Thrashing Parity Bit of the Mind, the 1994 MIT AI Laboratory Olympics text adventure game by Carl de Marcken, David Baggett, and Pearl Tsai. (source code is in games/source/tads/
GET CORN, a game of longing by Joey Tanden. Version 0.9.8 BETA (Patch 8). Licensed under GPLv3.0.
The Golden Fleece version 1.00 (960114), by Jim MacBrayne. Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS (see games/amiga/GoldenFleece.dms for an Amiga version and games/pc/ for the 1989 DOS version)
Ghosts Within, by Kyriakos Athanasopoulos. Version 1.2, 2021-11-23. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2021/Games/Ghosts Within)
Gifts of Phallius 3: The Valkin War, by GoblinBoy.
Generic New York Apartment Building, a work of adult interactive fiction by NewKid. In this game you are a New York City apartment superintendant. You work in a building in which many of the tenants are parodies of American sit-com characters. Game makes extensive use of HTML-Tads, but can be played in text only mode just fine. This is the main game file; it can be played with a TADS interpreter version 2.2.4 or later. WARNING: This game (text and graphics) contains themes and scenes of a sexual nature. It is intended for adults only.
Generic New York Apartment Building, a work of adult interactive fiction by NewKid. This is the game file and resources bundled together. WARNING: This game (text and graphics) contains themes and scenes of a sexual nature. It is intended for adults only.
Generic New York Apartment Building, a work of adult interactive fiction by NewKid. This file contains the graphics (gna.rs0) and sound (gna.rs1) files for the game. Add these files if you play using HTML-TADS or HyperTADS or another graphics enabled TADS interpreter. WARNING: This game (text and graphics) contains themes and scenes of a sexual nature. It is intended for adults only.
The Golden Skull, a complete working demonstration game for HTML TADS with images and sounds, by Neil K. Guy. Requires the HTML TADS interpreter.
Galactic Peace, by Jeffrey Rosenthal. Version 1.0, March 2009.
Losing Your Grip, a Journey in Five Fits. Version 5 (Nov 30 2001), by Stephen Granade. (source code is in games/source/tads/
The registration goodies, including a registration key file, for the game Losing Your Grip, by Stephen Granade.
Common Ground, Version 2 (17jan2000), written by Stephen Granade. From the introduction: "Great, just great. First you oversleep, end up being late for school. Then the whole day sucks so bad you can barely wait until seventh period's over and you're free. Now you've wasted so much time watching TV that you've gotta rush through your makeup or you won't be ready for tonight before April gets here with her wheels. Mississippi may say you're old enough to drive, but Frank sure doesn't agree." (source code is in games/source/tads/
Gun Mute, version 6. An IF shoot-em-up by C.E.J. Pacian.
To Hell in a Hamper, version 1.0, by J.J. Guest. (an Adrift version is in games/adrift/, and glulx is in games/glulx/To_Hell_in_a_Hamper.gblorb)
The Adventures of Helpfulman, a Day in the Life of the Heroic Mark Dent. An Interactive Comic Adventure, version 1.0.0, by Philip Dearmore. Archive includes TADS .gam file and HTML-TADS resource files. (a Windows executable is in games/pc/
HERO, INC Part One: "Calling All Heroes", an Interactive Fantasy by Nate Cull. Release 3 / February 1997.
The Holy Grail version 1.01 (960227), by Jim MacBrayne. Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS. (see games/amiga/HolyGrail.dms for an Amiga version)
Home Open, version 1.0, by Emily Boegheim.
Home Open, version 1.0, by Emily Boegheim. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
The House - a first attempt at Interactive Fiction, by Owen Parish.
House, by Karona. Version 1.0.
I Am Prey, version 0.9.6 beta (Patch 6), by Joey Cramsey. (the original competition entry is in games/springthing/2023/
Indigo, version 1, by Emily Short. A somewhat unusual retelling of the Rapunzel story.
The Island of Infinity, release 1.1, by Alex Freeman.
Inheritance, by Eric Toth.
The Isle of the Cult, release 2, by Rune Berg.
It, version 2.2, by Emily Boegheim. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/tads3/it/original/it.t3 and the source code is in games/source/tads/
It, version 2.2, by Emily Boegheim. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet. (source code is in games/source/tads/
Kaged, by Ian Finley. Winner of the 2000 IF Competition. Shareware, included are images but no music. (a Windows executable is in games/pc/kaged_s.exe, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/tads/kaged/kaged.gam)
Katana, version 2.0, by Matt Rohde. (Macintosh executables are in games/mac/Katana.bin and games/mac/Katana.hqx)
The Journey of the King, version 1.1, by Peter Nepstad, adapted from the short story by Lord Dunsany.
Kissing the Buddha's Feet, An Interactive Cramming by Leon Lin. Version 2.1. (a solution is in solutions/kissing.sol, and the original competition entry is in games/competition96/kissing)
Kitchen Encounters, Version 0.2, by Andy Jewell. To quote the author from his description, "After re-arranging the kitchen, my wife sent me the following to let me know where things should go. Shortly thereafter TADS arrived, and the rest is history." Includes machine-independent TADS .gam file and a description of the origins of the game. (source code is in games/source/tads/
Korenvliet, version 1.2. A short adventure by Alexander van Oostenrijk, based on the original korenvl.bas (author unknown).
Silence of the Lambs, An Interactive Horror. The author prefers to stay anonymous :-) (an Inform port is in games/zcode/lambs.z5)
The Legend Lives! v1.0. An Unnkulian Universe Unventure, by David Baggett.
The Legend Lives! v1.0. An Unnkulian Universe Unventure by David Baggett. 386SX or later CPU required.
Describes the difference between the following two files:
Lethe Flow Phoenix: A Flight of Fantasy by Dan Shiovitz. Release 2.1, September 1995. This version uses the TADS 2.2 file I/O features.
This version does not use file I/O; use it if the other version will not work for you.
Look Around the Corner, by Doug Orleans (as Robert Whitlock). Release 5 (20140612). This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
Look Around the Corner, by Doug Orleans (as Robert Whitlock). Release 5 (20140612).
Lost, a science fiction text adventure, version 2.0.2. Shareware by Jeffrey Hersh; his rating: hard. (TADS source code is in games/source/tads/; executables are in games/mac/LostAdv2.0.2.sit.hqx and in games/pc/
Some Easter eggs from Lost New York (see below) and what you can win if you find them, by Neil deMause.
High resolution scans of the booklet that came with the registered version of Lost New York, distributed with permission from the game's author, Neil deMause.
Lost New York version 1.4, April 1997, a time-travel TADS adventure by Neil deMause. The built-in hint system is disabled in this freeware version; type REGISTER to see how to get the full version. Machine-independent TADS .gam file. (a PC executable is in games/pc/, and a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/lostny14.sit)
Registration code for Lost New York that enables the built-in hint system. Rename this file to "regcode.lny" and put it in the same directory as the "lostny.gam" game file. Distributed with permission from the game's author, Neil deMause.
Lydia's Heart, version 2.0.06, by Jim Aikin. An extensive reworking of the author's previous game, "Last Resort." About 18 new puzzles, an expanded map area, and more conversation with NPCs. The most recent update is available from the author's website at (a Windows executable is in games/pc/
Macrocosm, version 1.0.0, by Shaun W. Donaldson.
Maiden of the Moonlight version 1.4, by Brian P. Dean (the original competition entry is in games/competition96/maiden)
The Mansion or The Tale of the Adventurous Thief release 4, by The Wildman (loosely based on The Miser's House by M. J. Lansing)
Martha's Big Date, version 3.0 (February 2024 update), by Mary Potts, based on a fan-fiction series written for Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. (a Windows executable is in games/pc/MarthasBigDate.exe)
Nothing but Mazes, by Greg Boettcher. Version 2.01: Full version
Mean Streets, version 1.01, by Bad Dog Studios. (a Windows executable is in games/pc/
Meine Dalix, by Alice Merridew, aka Omega. WARNING: Contains adult content.
Metroid (v0.5 Release 1), a text version of Metroid by Retro Studios and Billy Rawls. (source code is in games/source/tads/
The Mission version 1.02 (960331), by Jim MacBrayne. Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS (see games/amiga/ for an Amiga version)
Modernism version 1.0, by Jacob Solomon Weinstein, includes both "Waiting for Godot" and "No Exit". (a Mac executable is in games/mac/Modernism.sit.hqx)
Moist version 1.06, by Scarlet Herring. WARNING: This game contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature. (source code is in games/source/tads/
Magic Realms: The Sword of Kasza, by James Mallette. Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS
Mrs. Pepper's Nasty Secret, version 1.03, by Jim Aikin and Eric Eve. (the original IF Beginners competition entry is in games/mini-comps/ifbeginners/, a Windows executable is in games/pc/, and source code is in games/source/tads/
Mrs. Pepper's Nasty Secret, version 1.1, by Jim Aikin and Eric Eve. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
Murmellius 2, by VDSB. Archive includes game file and source code.
Museum of TADS, an interactive translation of the Museum of Inform. Inform version originally written by Graham Nelson; ported to TADS by Kevin Forchione. Release 2 / Serial number 991214. (TADS source code is included in programming/tads2/examples/, and the original Inform source code is in infocom/compilers/inform6/examples/Museum.inf)
A Night at the Museum Forever, version 1.0, by Chris Angelini. Includes a walkthrough.
My Last Rodeo, by Mike Sousa. Release: 1 . 20160305.
My Last Rodeo, by Mike Sousa. Release: 2 . 20170920. Online enabled version of the original SpeedIF entry.
Myth, an adventure based on Greek and Roman mythology, by Barry Volain. Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS.
The Singular, and Historically Inaccurate, Misadventures of Nobeard: Would-be Scourge of the Carribbean, Quest Adventure #4 by Colm McCarthy. Playable demo of a game in development.
A Night Guest, Version 1.1, by Valentine Kopteltsev. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/tads/ng/ng.gam)
Ninja Burger, by Andrew Drazkowski. "You are a lowly delivery Ninja working for Ninja Burger, the most prestigious fast food burger chain of all time. Use your wits and Ninja skill to reclaim the Golden Ninja Warrior Statue, defeat the evil White Ninja, and crush the sadistic Samurai Burger once and for all!"
No Time To Squeal, by Mike Sousa and Robb Sherwin. Release 1.3 / Serial number 031603 (source code for this version is in games/source/tads/ and the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/tads/ntts/ntts.gam)
Once and Future, Release 2.1 (Freeware, January 2001), written by G. Kevin Wilson. Macintosh format archive.
Once and Future, Release 2.1 (Freeware, January 2001), written by G. Kevin Wilson. Zip archive.
One Foot Down, an experiment in hopelessly unfunny sarcasm, by Jason Reigstad. Version 2.
Solution to Everybody Loves a Parade, a commentary on the genesis and development of the game, and some programming tips for TADS beginners, by Cody Sandifer.
Everybody Loves a Parade release 2.3, by Cody Sandifer. (a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/Parade.sit.hqx, a DOS executable is in games/pc/, and a Windows executable is in games/pc/
Past Tense, An Interactive Intrigue by Dave Nault. TADS source code and compiled game file.
Past Present, an interactive short story by Jim Nelson. Written for Winter TADS Jam 2021/2022. Release 1 / Serial Number 220116
PC University: An Everyday Nightmare, version 1.0, a TADS adventure by Neil deMause. Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS. (MacWesleyan, the Macintosh version, is in games/mac/MacWes10.sit.hqx)
Peko's Story, by Jane Clearwater.
The Pesach Adventure, by Avi Gobbler Productions. A simple game for Jewish children about the search for chametz on the night before the Seder night.
A Sugared Pill, version 1.2, by Colin Borland. (a Windows installer is in games/pc/pill.exe)
The Plant, Release 2 (Special Edition), by Mike Roberts. (source code for this version is in games/source/tads/ and the original competition entry is in games/competition98/tads/plant/plant.gam)
PolyAdv 3.21a, a TADS version of the original Adventure / Colossal Cave text adventure, including:
(source code is in games/source/tads/
How Prince Quisborne the Feckless Shook His Title, by John Ziegler. Post-competition release (2024-01-02). (the original competition release is at games/competition2023/Games/How Prince Quisborne the Feckless Shook His
The Only Possible Prom Dress, version 1.1 (post-comp release), by Jim Aikin. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2022/Games/The Only Possible Prom, and source code is in games/source/tads/
PTBAD4: How the Record Got its Groove Back. Version 1.0, by Xorax, aka Jonathan Berman.
PTBAD5: Jesus Attack of Jesus Christ and the Church of the Seventeenth day Robots. Version 1.003, by Xorax, aka Jonathan Berman.
A Simple Theft, an interactive larceny by Mark J. Musante. Serial No. 20000810, Release 3
Recluse v1.0, by Stephen Gorrell. "All you have to do is knock on the door and deliver the package...". Archive includes game file, a walkthrough and maps.
Reefer Island, a Joneser's Odyssey. Version 1.0, written by Steve Barrera.
Rematch, release 1.0.4. An interactive repetition by Andrew Pontious.
Return to Ditch Day, release 2, by Michael J. Roberts. (source code is in games/source/tads/
Rogue of the Multiverse, version 2, by C.E.J. Pacian. Archive contains TADS game file, Windows executable, PDF feelie, walkthrough and cover art. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2010/tads3/rogue/)
The Horror of Rylvania, by D. A. Leary. Playable DEMO v1.0. (for the full version see games/adventions/
Sabotage on the Century Cauldron, release 1.1, by Thomas de Graaff. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2005/tads2/sabotage/sabotage.gam and a DOS executable is in games/pc/sabotage.exe)
Insanity Cubed, by Simmon Keith Barney. Development version 0.98
Saturn's Child, release 1.0, by Jerry Ford. Machine independent .gam file and Windows executable.
Saturn's Child, release 1.0, by Jerry Ford. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
Sunset Over Savannah, An Existential Vacation, by Ivan Cockrum. Release 1.0.4, 8/2/98. (the original competition entry is in games/competition97/tads/savannah)
Save Princeton version 2.0 by Jacob Solomon Weinstein and Karine Schaefer.
Hide and Seek - Cindy's Something Awesome Project. Version 1.0, by Cindy Sun.
Scavenger: Night's Edge interactive fiction, by Quintin Stone. Version 1.2. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2003/tads2/scavenger/scavenger.gam and a Windows executable of this game is in games/pc/
Ballymun Adventure, by Brendan Cribbin. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2006/tads2/school/School.gam, and a Windows installer is in games/pc/School.exe)
The Writing on the Wall, version 1, by Jim Howes. Written for the SEAHOP 2013 competition (, where it was used as a puzzle in round 1.
The Second Pit, version 1.0, by Andrew Craig, Tom Craig and Sue Medley.
The Sex Artist, version 1.1, by A. Ninny. Adult interactive fiction (erotica/porn).
Shadowland I: The Tower of Iron, Interactive Role-Playing System, Release 1.0, by Tom Claburn. (source code is in games/source/tads/
The Light: Shelby's Addendum. Quest Adventure #3, by Colm A. McCarthy. Version 2.1, release 19960901. Number #1 of the series, Manor of Madness, is in games/spectrum/ (a PC executable of this game is in games/pc/; a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/Shelby.sit.bin and in games/mac/Shelby.sit.hqx)
Six-Chamber Champion, version 3. A game of chance, by C.E.J. Pacian.
Slap That Fish, Version 1.1, by Peter Nepstad. This time, those fishy bastards are finally going to get what's coming to them. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2007/tads2/slapthatfish/slapthatfish.gam)
Small World release 3, a Miniature Text Adventure by Andrew D. Pontious. (a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/SmallW3.sit; a walkthrough is in solutions/smallwld.sol; the original competition entry is in games/competition96/smallwld)
Snowblind Aces, version 5. An adventure/romance in the snow, by C.E.J. Pacian.
Prelude to Night, the epilogue to an unfinished prequel to Gerry Kevin Wilson's "Sea of Night", written by Ivan Cockrum.
The Sea of Night release 2, by Gerry Kevin Wilson. A short TADS adventure in which you are a sort of 'interplanetary trucker' making a run with a load of bananas. Bad things happen, and you wind up on an odd spaceship that seems to be organic.
Space Shooter: A TADS 3 abuse. Version 3, by Krister Fundin.
Rat In Control, version 1.0, written by Mike Roberts. An experimental game supporting both conventional compass directions and relative directions ("in front of you," etc.) (source code is in games/source/tads/
Special Detective Agent, version 1.0, by Pradeep Baral.
Square Circle version 1.1, by Eric Eve. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2004/tads3/squarecircle/SquareCircle.t3, and source code is in games/source/tads/
Square Circle version 1.3, by Eric Eve. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
Shelter from the Storm, version 1, by Eric Eve.
Shelter from the Storm, version 1.1, by Eric Eve. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
Cerulean Stowaway, version 1.1, by Roger Descheneaux. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2003/tads2/stowaway/stowaway.gam)
Stranded version 1.0, written by Jim Bayers. (a Windows executable is in games/pc/
An experimental work exploring interactivity in IF, by Andrey Grankin. It consists of two pieces: an 'absolutely non-interactive' piece, and an 'absolutely interactive' one. According to the author, the idea for this came from the influence of Kazimir Malevich's work.
The Complete, Unofficial List of TADS Games v3.00 (jan93), by Alan Mead.
The (Other) TADS Game List, version 1.2 (20aug96), by Gerry Kevin Wilson and Paul David Doherty.
Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, ported to TADS by Darin Johnson (v0.3 beta). Based on the FORTRAN version 3.1A, 1-Feb-94. Compiled .GAM file and complete TADS source code.
The One That Got Away, version 1.2 (release 3), by Leon Lin. (a solution by the author is in solutions/the_one.sol; the original competition entry is in games/competition95/
The Reveal, by Mike Sousa. Release: 1 . 20161202.
The Reveal, by Mike Sousa. Release: 2 . 20170928. Online enabled version of original SpeedIF entry.
Dr Who and the Ribos Operation, by Kelsey Lewis.
The Apprentice, by Saevar Benjaminsson. (an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/TheApprentice.exe)
The Littlest Griffin, by Jeff Creswell. Version 1. Standalone TADS version. (a WebUI version is in games/tads/TheLittlestGriffinWeb.t3)
The Littlest Griffin, by Jeff Creswell. Version 1. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet. (a standalone TADS version is in games/tads/TheLittlestGriffin.t3)
The Oracle, version 1.5 by Brandon Allen. Archive includes TADS game file and a map.
The Sleeping Princess, version 2.0, by Molly, Alex, and Mark Engelberg. (the original IF Beginners competition entry is in games/mini-comps/ifbeginners/
The Sleeping Princess, version 2.0, by Molly, Alex, and Mark Engelberg. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
Three Days of Night, an Interactive Tale of First Contact, by spaceflounder.
Three Days of Night, an Interactive Tale of First Contact, by spaceflounder. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
The Ebb and Flow of the Tide, version 1.1, by Peter Nepstad, adapted from the short story by Lord Dunsany.
Till Death Makes a Monk-Fish Out of Me, by Michael J. Sousa and Jon Ingold. Release 1.1 / Serial number 021103. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2002/tads2/tildeath/tildeath.gam)
Tomorrow Never Comes, version 2.21, by A. Bomire. A James Bond parody with adult content.
Toonesia, A Mini Text-Adventure Game, version 1.1, by Jacob Weinstein. (a solution is in solutions/toonesia.sol; the original competition entry is in games/competition95/toonesia.gam)
The Lesson of the Tortoise, release 2, by G. Kevin Wilson. A game based on some aspects of Chinese folklore. Some adult content.
Undertow v1.1 (05sep95), by Stephen Granade. TADS game file only. (a solution is in solutions/Undertow.sol; the original competition entry with instructions is in games/competition95/
Trenchline, version 0.9, by JJ Mc.
The Underoos that ate New York! by Gerry Kevin Wilson, version 2.0. (a DOS executable is in games/pc/; a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/underoos.sit; both these are version 1.0)
Undo, version 1.0.1, by Neil deMause.
Unease, Release 2.0 [020909], by Brendan J. O'Brien. (Note from the author: this game contains a walkthrough which can be viewed using the undocumented command WALKMETHRU whenever a standard command prompt is available.)
Unnkulia One-Half: The Salesman Triumphant, plus a playable demo of Unnkulia Zero: The Search for Amanda. Both games are version 1.0, by D. A. Leary. Contains .GAM files that work with older (< 2.1) versions of the TADS run-time.
Unnkulia One-Half: The Salesman Triumphant, plus a playable demo of Unnkulia Zero: The Search for Amanda. Both games are version 1.0, by D. A. Leary.
Urban Cleanup, a TADS Sci-Fi adventure by Philip Dearmore. Machine independent .gam file and DOS executable.
Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure, Version 3.01, by D. A. Leary. Contains a .GAM file that works with older (< 2.1) versions of the TADS run-time.
Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure, Version 3.01 by D. A. Leary.
Unnkulian Unventure II: The Secret of Acme, Version 3.0, by David M. Baggett. Contains a .GAM file that works with older (< 2.1) versions of the TADS run-time.
Unnkulian Unventure II: The Secret of Acme, Version 3.0 by David M. Baggett.
Unnkulia X: Escape of the Sacrificed, Version 1.1, by Valentine Kopteltsev. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/tads/uux/uux.gam)
A Lady in Waiting, version 1.1, by Knight Errant. WARNING: Contains adult content.
A Lady in Waiting, version 1.1, by Knight Errant. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet. WARNING: Contains adult content.
VERITAS: A Harvard Game of Interactive Fiction, version 2.2, by James T. Reese (see games/mac/veritas20.sea.hqx for a stand-alone Macintosh version)
I'm Gonna Take You To The Video Bar! Version 1.1, by James Mitchelhill.
Vividity, by Ben Scott.
Vividity, by Ben Scott. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
Walker and Silhouette, a keyword only adventure. Version 9, written by C.E.J. Pacian. Archive contains TADS game file, Windows executable, HTML manual and cover art.
Ward Z, by Otto Condliffe.
The Water Bird, release 1.1, by Athan Skelley. (the original competition entry is in games/competition99/tads/waterbrd/waterbrd.gam)
Waystation v1.1 (19dec95), by Stephen Granade.
In the Wilderness, by Bits.
In the Wilderness, by Bits. WebUI version.
Wolfenschtein: The Text Adventure! version 1.011, by Shaokang Yuan.
Worlds Apart, an Interactive Fugue, Version 3.0, written by Suzanne Britton. (a Windows version is in games/pc/worlds.exe)
Wormhole: The Beginning release 1.0, a TADS (and WorldClass) introductory adventure by Philip Dearmore (introductory meaning promotional, I think). Machine independent .gam file and DOS executable.
Wuthering Heights, version 1.0, adapted from Emily Brontë's novel by Jonah Siegel.
Escape from the Arboretum, by Robbies Dog. The archive contains the game and a walkthrough.
XXX-Men, Chapter 1: The Sinful and the Sinister, version 1.0.1, by Alec Roberts. WARNING: This game contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature.
Yet Another Experiment, version 2020.03.27, by He4eT.
It's a Match!, by Mike Sousa. Release: 1 - 20160206.
It's a Match!, by Mike Sousa. Release: 1.1 - 20170928. This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making it playable over the Internet.
Uncle Zebulon's Will, an Interactive Inheritance. Release 3.0 / 030115, by Magnus Olsson. Winner of the TADS category of the 1995 IF competition. (the original competition entry is in games/competition95/, and TADS source is in games/source/tads/
Zero Sum Game, an Exercise in Fantastic Futility, Release 2, by Cody Sandifer. (a Mac version is in games/mac/zero.sit.hqx, a DOS version is in games/pc/, a Win95 version is in games/pc/, the original competition entry is in games/competition97/tads/zero, and hints are at solutions/zero.sol)