This page lists the most recent year of files in the Archive, sorted by date. (The last update of the file, not the date it first entered the Archive.) Note that this list is based on filesystem timestamps, which may be inaccurate – or just plain wrong – for various reasons.
An RSS feed of recent files.
Or, enter the Archive.
Pysops, Yo, by Andrew Schultz (as "MP Kempke and Hamish Amis"). Release 4 / Serial number 250302. Story file, walkthrough, Inform 7 source code, and post-mortem. (Originally entered in ECTOCOMP 2021, Petite Mort division.)
Pysops, Yo, by Andrew Schultz (as "MP Kempke and Hamish Amis"). Release 4 / Serial number 250302. Story file, walkthrough, Inform 7 source code, and post-mortem. (Originally entered in ECTOCOMP 2021, Petite Mort division.)
Demon Hunter: Legacy, by RetroVem. Version 1.26.
Version 2.2 of adv3Lite, an alternative library for use with TADS 3, by Eric Eve. Freeware.
The Hundredth Floor, by TechnoBen. Version 0.1.15.
Isolated, by Torment Of Gloom. Release 1. - Version 1.0 / Serial Number 250225. Copyright (C) 2025 Cosmic Halo Records. All rights reserved. Story file, bundled web interpreter, and solution.
Inform all-in-one Unix source package, put together by David Griffith. The package includes the following:
The Labyrinth Of Time's Edge, by The Ventureweaver. Version 2.1. Windows executable (Intel 64-bit).
Frotz V1.01 for MS-DOS, by Stefan Jokisch.
Source code of Frotz V1.01 (for MS-DOS), by Stefan Jokisch.
salting wounds, by Naarel. Implemented in Decker.
A copy of the website as hosted by the IFTF, circa 2025, containing issues 1 through 64. (After Andrew Plotkin converted the older, live website to a static site, including cleaning up some HTML and links.)
The Hundredth Floor, by TechnoBen. Version 0.1.14.
Source code for Frotz version 2.55, maintained by David Griffith. Includes targets for Unix text terminals, SDL and X11 for graphics, dumb interface for teletypes and bots, 16-bit MS-DOS, and TOPS20 on the PDP10.
Frotz 2.55 for 16-bit MS-DOS, with old-style graphics and sound support, by David Griffith.
she came from the fog, by Naarel.
the train will always pass you by, by Naarel.
Thornfell Manor: 1984, a paranatural murder investigation by Tijn Kersjes. Release 3 / Serial number 241228.
Vagueness and the Paradoxes it Causes, by Jennifer S. Lange (Make it a Triple Games). Version 1.0. GPL.
Under the Cognomen of Edgar Allan Poe, by Jim Nelson. Version 2. (Describes itself as "Release 2 / Serial Number 240904".) Story file and walkthrough. (the original competition entry is at games/competition2024/Games/
Mars, 2049 AD, by Fredrik Ramsberg. Release 8 / Serial number 250121. (source code is at games/source/inform/mars2049ad.inf)
Inform 6 (PunyInform) source code for Mars, 2049 AD, by Fredrik Ramsberg. Release 8 / Serial number 250121. Use it to learn from and/or copy pieces into other programs. (a compiled version is at games/zcode/mars2049ad.z5)
Source code for Windows Frotz version 1.27, by David Kinder.
Windows Frotz version 1.27, a port of Frotz for Windows, by David Kinder, packaged as an executable installer. Features include support for Blorb graphics (PNG and JPEG, plus Kevin Bracey's extensions for Infocom's V6 games) and sound (AIFF, MOD and Ogg Vorbis), Unicode and non-English languages.
Windows Frotz version 1.27, a port of Frotz for Windows, by David Kinder. Features include support for Blorb graphics (PNG and JPEG, plus Kevin Bracey's extensions for Infocom's V6 games) and sound (AIFF, MOD and Ogg Vorbis), Unicode and non-English languages.
Five Candles in the Meadow, by Harley D. Version 1.0.
Scanned manual for the commercial (Lacegem/Interdata) release of Bryan Scattergood's Psion port of the ITF interpreter.
The Labyrinth Of Time's Edge, by The Ventureweaver. Version 1.6. Windows executable (Intel 64-bit).
The Soft Rumor of Spreading Weeds, by Porpentine. Originally published in Sub-Q. (Retrieved from the Wayback Machine.)
Inform 6 (PunyInform) source code for Mars, 2049 AD, by Fredrik Ramsberg. Release 7 / Serial number 250110. Use it to learn from and/or copy pieces into other programs. (a compiled version is at games/zcode/old/mars2049ad-r7.z5)
Mars, 2049 AD, by Fredrik Ramsberg. Release 7 / Serial number 250110. (source code is at games/source/inform/old/mars2049ad-r7.inf)
Thornfell Manor: 1984, a paranatural murder investigation by Tijn Kersjes. Release 2 / Serial number 241228.
Thornfell Manor: 1984, a paranatural murder investigation by Tijn Kersjes. Release 1 / Serial number 241228.
This is a version of the ztools source updated for modern C compilers. The functionality is the same as version 7/3.1 (ztools731.tar.gz); it's just easier to compile now.
(For older 1990s platforms, you may want ztools731.tar.gz instead.)
Black Coffee, by Naarel. Implemented in Decker.
Late Night at the Mall, by Johan Berntsson. Release 1 / Serial number 241104.
Hints for Infocom games, adapted (with permission) from Infocom's original Invisiclues hint books.
The Vending Machine, by Edward Clark. Version 1.0.
Grocery Game, by GreenSkunk06. Version 2.
Die Bohrinsel, by Jürgen Popp. Version 1.1.
Weihnachtsgeschichte, by HrZ.
Sunset Over Savannah, An Existential Vacation, by Ivan Cockrum. Release 1.0.4, 8/2/98. (the original competition entry is in games/competition97/tads/savannah)
The Knight's Legend, by The Ventureweaver. Version 1.0. Windows executable (Intel 64-bit).
te/ra/to/ma, by Naarel. Implemented in Decker.
your life, and nothing else, by Lionstooth.
Estado Profundo, un thriller ocultista interactivo por n-n. Release 2 / Serial number 230428. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 7 source code. Licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Estado Profundo, un thriller ocultista interactivo por n-n. Release 2 / Serial number 230428. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 7 source code. Licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Social Democracy: An Alternate History, by Autumn Chen. Implemented in DendryNexus. Version 1.0.1. Code/writing is MIT licensed, images are various forms of Creative Commons or Public Domain licensed (credits included in-game). (An older version was entered in Spring Thing 2024.)
Arkuwar, by Daniel M. Stelzer. Release 1, Serial 241124. Released under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY-SA).
Christmas Adventure, by The Ventureweaver. Version 1.0. Windows executable (Intel 64-bit).
Skyward Sanctuary, by Jennifer S. Lange (Make it a Triple Games). English and German (the German title is "Haus im Himmel").
Skyward Sanctuary, by Jennifer S. Lange (Make it a Triple Games). English and German (the German title is "Haus im Himmel").
Ravenwood Hill, by The Ventureweaver. Version 1.0. Windows executable (Intel 64-bit).
A Python script for examining and manipulating Blorb files, by Andrew Plotkin. Last updated: October 10, 2024.
PunyInform version of 350 point Adventure by Will Crowther and Don Woods. Release 1 / Serial number 241124. z3 and z5 versions. Adapted by Fredrik Ramsberg from the original Inform 6 version by Graham Nelson et al. (source code is at games/source/inform/advent_punyinform.inf)
Inform 6 source code for the PunyInform version of 350 point Adventure by Will Crowther and Don Woods. Release 1 / Serial number 241124. Adapted by Fredrik Ramsberg from the original Inform 6 version by Graham Nelson et al. (a compiled version is in games/zcode/
Glulx VM interpreter written in Javascript. Version 2.2.5, by Andrew Plotkin.
GlkOte 2.3.6, a Javascript library for creating interactive fiction, based on the Glk API, by Andrew Plotkin.
Caverns of the Forgotten, by The Ventureweaver. Version 1.0. Windows executable (Intel 64-bit).
Spermson, by Xenogate. ChoiceScript. English and Brazilian Portuguese.
Sweet & Savory, by Xenogate. ChoiceScript. English and Brazilian Portuguese.
Yarry, by Zachary Dillon. ChoiceScript.
As the Eye Can See, by SkyShard. Twine.
Map of the game "Все в прошлом", drawn by Alexey Galkin. (the game itself is in games/glulx/russian/; an English version of the map is at solutions/maps/AllThingsDevoursMap.png)
Map of All Things Devours, drawn by Alexey Galkin. (the game itself is at games/zcode/devours.z5; a Russian version of the map is at solutions/maps/russian/AllThingsDevoursMapRu.png)
Poptart Quest, by ambrolen. Ink.
SPILL YOUR GUT, by Coral Nulla. HTML/Decker.
Productivity2000, by yonixw. (Microsoft Excel export of Google Sheet. May not be fully functional.)
I need to let it out, by Naarel. Part of Passerine Hills. (Text files.)
Inform all-in-one Unix source package, put together by David Griffith. The package includes the following:
Arctic Adventure, by The Ventureweaver. Version 1.0. Windows executable (Intel 64-bit).
Love and Java, by Biggus. (HTML/CSS, no Javascript.)
CurseOfTheManor.xls, by Adam Biltcliffe.
Source code for
:-O _(._.)_ INTERRED _(._.)_ :-Q
by solipsistgames. (Written in the Emoticon esoteric programming language.)
a conversation with a concerned cow, by graymeditations. (Static export of a Google Docs document; lacks some of the interactivity of the original.)
Map of Felix Pleșoianu's Catch That Cat (TADS version), drawn by Alexey Galkin.
Bananen-Zombie, by HrZ.
Inform all-in-one Unix source package, put together by David Griffith. The package includes the following:
The Coral Labyrinth, by Coral Nulla. Version 1.0.1.
Temple Of The Sun, by The Ventureweaver. Version 1.0. Windows executable (Intel 64-bit).
Map of the game "Секрет звёздных глубин", drawn by Alexey Galkin. Includes spoilers. (the game itself is in games/glulx/russian/
Why Pout?, by Andrew Schultz (as "Mick Stupp"). Release 5 / Serial number 241112. Contains story file, map, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
Why Pout?, by Andrew Schultz (as "Mick Stupp"). Release 5 / Serial number 241112. Contains story file, map, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
you are not goliath. by Malachi Versus. Version 1. Public domain.
The graphics files for Journey, with added image descriptions. The descriptions are taken from the placeholder text included in the prototype version of the game (release 46) found at
At the time of writing (Nov 2024), these descriptions are probably only supported by the macOS interpreter Spatterlight.
Cyberpunk 1977, by Antonin Demeilliez (Atozi).
TADS 3 source files for All Hope Abandon, version 4, by Eric Eve.
An extension to allow author control over the handling of duplicate direct objects in the same command (e.g. EXAMINE LEAVES, TWIGS AND BRANCHES). Version 1.3, by Eric Eve.
The campfire is the beggining, by JustUseMind.
yet another planning doc, by Naarel. Part of Passerine Hills. (The supplementary materials accompanying the online Google Docs, links to which are included.)
This is what I need to tell you, by Max Fog. (Static export of views of the Interactive Fiction forum at
Alexis, Unbound, an Interactive Sapphic Horror Novel by A. C. Eberhardt and K. Twomey.
Le miroir d'Ozivior, by Samuel Verschelde (Stormi). Release 1 / Serial number 240915. Browser-playable HTML version.
Au village du pêcheur, by Ju/smwhr.
Au village du pêcheur, by Ju/smwhr. Browser-playable HTML version.
Le miroir d'Ozivior, by Samuel Verschelde (Stormi). Release 1 / Serial number 240915.
Une Simulation, by MythOnirie. Version 1.00. CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
Everything, to a Computer..., by Wellington Owen. Release 1 / Serial number 241101.
do not let your left hand know, by Naarel.
Photograph, a Portrait of Reflection, by Steve Evans. Release 6 / Serial number 241030. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2002/zcode/photo/photo.z5)
Never Gives Up Her Dead, by Brian Rushton. Release 3 / Serial number 241029.
Starship Fabulous: The Great Space Alien Dating Sim, by Emery Joyce, Ayse Gursoy, and Chris Johnston.
Tower of Doom, by Jeffery Knaggs.
Traffic, by D. S. Yu. Release 2 / Serial number 241027. (a walkthrough is at solutions/traffic-walkthrough.txt; the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
Walkthrough for release 2 of Traffic, by D. S. Yu. (the game itself is at games/zcode/traffic.z5)
The Axolotl Project, by Samantha Vick.
The Darien Gap, by influencia indebida. MIT license (code) and Creative Commons CC-BY-4.0 (assets).
Why Pout?, by Andrew Schultz (as "Mick Stupp"). Release 3 / Serial number 241022. Contains story file, map, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
Why Pout?, by Andrew Schultz (as "Mick Stupp"). Release 3 / Serial number 241022. Contains story file, map, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
What Fuwa Bansaka Found, by Chandler Groover. Originally published in 2016 by sub-Q Magazine.
Tailypo, by Chandler Groover. Originally published in 2015 by sub-Q Magazine.
Treaty of Babel processing tool, version 0.7, by L. Ross Raszewski et al. Corresponds to revision 12 of the Treaty of Babel.
Miss Gosling's Last Case, by Daniel M. Stelzer. Implemented in Dialog. Release 3. Serial number 241016. Contains story in Å-code (HTML; recommended) and Z-code formats, map, and hints. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
Miss Gosling's Last Case, by Daniel M. Stelzer. Implemented in Dialog. Release 3. Serial number 241016. Contains story in Å-code (HTML; recommended) and Z-code formats, map, and hints. (the original competition entry is in /games/competition2024/Games/
Why Pout?, by Andrew Schultz (as "Mick Stupp"). Release 2 / Serial number 241018. Contains story file, map, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
Why Pout?, by Andrew Schultz (as "Mick Stupp"). Release 2 / Serial number 241018. Contains story file, map, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
Gamer viejo primera parte, by Alzheimer Industries-Strollersoft. First edition. License is CC BY-NC-ND. Entry for the Rayuela de Arena Jam 2024.
The Archivist and the Revolution, by Autumn Chen. Implemented in Dendry. Version 2.3. Music by Jim Aikin. Code/writing under MIT license. (the original competition version is in games/competition2022/Games/The Archivist and the
Hints (rot13-encoded) for A Very Strong Gland, by the author. (the game itself is in games/competition2024/Games/
The Great Cave Adventure Game -- [V93.03.06 Modified for HP95-LX by Larry Finch] [Modified for MSC 5.0 by Bob Wissner] [From C86 DOS version by Lawrence R. Steeger]
A very faithful port of Crowther & Woods' "Adventure" (WOOD0350), with output reformatted by Larry Finch for the HP95-LX DOS pocket computer's 40-column screen. (FINC0350 in Culver's nomenclature.) As the help text says, "This version was adapted for the HP-95LX by Larry Finch from code adapted by Bob Wissner from code adapted by Lawrence R. Steeger from code adapted by Jay R. Jaeger."
The player's score (out of 350 max) is printed in the itemized format original to Jaeger's branch of the Adventure family tree.
Quotient, The Game, based on the books The Quantum Contingent and Quantum Time, all by Gregory R. Simpson. Release 107.RC1 / Serial number 241009.
The Absence of Law, by Brian Rushton. Release 4 / Serial number 241006. (a bare .gblorb file, without music or styling, is in games/glulx/The_Absence_of_Law.gblorb; source code is in games/source/inform/Absence_of_Law.txt; the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/Absence of Law)
The Impossible Stairs, an interactive fiction by Mathbrush. Release 3 / Serial number 241006. (a bare .z8 file, without clickable hyperlinks, is in games/zcode/ImpossibleStairs.z8; source code is in games/source/dialog/ImpossibleStairs.dg)
Robert A. Howell's "Adventure!" (1982) for Atari. A port of Crowther & Woods' Colossal Cave Adventure. ("HOWE0301" in Culver's nomenclature.)
The game is basically Crowther & Woods' Adventure, except:
Inform 7 source code for The Absence of Law, release 4, by Brian Rushton. (a compiled version with music and styling is in games/html/The Absence of; a bare .gblorb file is in games/glulx/The_Absence_of_Law.gblorb)
The Absence of Law, by Brian Rushton. Release 4 / Serial number 241006. Plain .gblorb version without music or styling. (a browser-playable version with music and styling is in games/html/The Absence of; source code is in games/source/inform/Absence_of_Law.txt; the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/Absence of Law)
Dialog source code for the Impossible Stairs, release 3, by Mathbrush. (a compiled game is in games/html/; a bare .z8 version without hyperlinks is in games/zcode/ImpossibleStairs.z8)
The Impossible Stairs, an interactive fiction by Mathbrush. Release 3 / Serial number 241006. (a browser-playable version with clickable hyperlinks is in games/html/; source code is in games/source/dialog/ImpossibleStairs.dg)
Inform 7 source code for Color The Truth, release 3, by Brian Rushton. (a compiled version is at games/glulx/Color the Truth.gblorb)
Color the Truth, a variegated verity by Brian Rushton. Release 3 / Serial number 241005. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2016/Color the Truth, and source code is in games/source/inform/sourceColortheTruth.txt)
Walkthrough for The Origin of Madame Time, release 3, by Brian Rushton. (the game is in games/glulx/The_Origin_of_Madame_Time.gblorb)
The Origin of Madame Time, by Brian Rushton. Release 3 / Serial number 241005. (source code is in games/source/inform/SourceMadameTime.txt, and a solution is in solutions/walkthroughMadameTime.txt; the original competition entry is in games/competition2018/The Origin of Madame Time/)
Inform 7 source code for The Origin of Madame Time, release 3, by Brian Rushton. (a compiled version is in games/glulx/The_Origin_of_Madame_Time.gblorb)
Inform 7 source code for Grooverland, release 5, by Mathbrush. (a compiled version is in games/glulx/Grooverland.gblorb)
Grooverland, the theme park of the century! by Mathbrush. Release 5 / Serial number 241005. (source code is in games/source/inform/GrooverlandSource.txt)
Sherlock Indomitable, by Brian Rushton. Release 2. (source code is in games/source/inform/SherlockIndomitable.txt; Release 1 is in games/springthing/2018/SherlockIndomitable.gblorb)
Inform 7 source code for Sherlock Indomitable, by Brian Rushton. Release 2. (a compiled version is in games/glulx/Sherlock Indomitable.gblorb)
Quotient, The Game, based on the books The Quantum Contingent and Quantum Time, all by Gregory R. Simpson. Release 107.RC1 / Serial number 241002.
Diver Zero, by Malachi Versus. Version 1.0.1.
Diver Zero, by Malachi Versus. Version 1.
Buggy, by Mathbrush. Release 2 / Serial number 240929.
If You Had One Shot, by Wade Clarke, Victor Gijsbers, Hanon Ondricek and Brian Rushton. Release 1 / Serial number 230731.
Indistinguishable, by Brian Rushton (as 'Prismatik'). Release 2. This source code is partially reconstructed; the source code to the original version (as entered into the Second Quadrennial Ryan Veeder Exposition for Good Interactive Fiction) was lost. (a story file compiled from this source code is at games/glulx/Indistinguishable.gblorb)
Indistinguishable, by Brian Rushton (as 'Prismatik'). Release 2 / Serial number 240928. (source code is in games/source/inform/IndistinguishableSource.txt)
Barroom Brawl: Punch for your life, by One-Eye Jack. Release 2 / Serial number 240928.
A Glulx port of Adventure 2.5, the last version to be released by Don Woods. Unlike other Glulx versions of Adventure, this one is not Inform-based. It was created by porting Eric S. Raymond's Open Adventure to WebAssembly and then compiling it to Glulx using Wasm2Glulx. This is the first game ever translated in this fashion, as a proof-of-concept for the tool. Open Adventure is a refactoring of the C sources that Don Woods posted to in 1995, which were the product of an automated translation from FORTRAN. Open Adventure was rigorously tested to ensure that no user-visible changes by this refactoring. As such, aside from any interface details under the control of your Glk library, this port should provide a playing experience perfectly identical to the original.
Open Adventure was released with permission from Don Woods under a BSD 2-Clause license, and this port retains those terms. Sources are available from
Worlds Apart, an Interactive Fugue, Version 3.0, written by Suzanne Britton. Windows self-extracting executable. (a machine-independent TADS game file is in games/tads/
Worlds Apart, an Interactive Fugue, Version 3.0, written by Suzanne Britton. (a Windows version is in games/pc/worlds.exe)
Codex Crusade, by leechykeen. Version 2.
Source code for Windows Frotz version 1.26, by David Kinder.
Windows Frotz version 1.26, a port of Frotz for Windows, by David Kinder. Features include support for Blorb graphics (PNG and JPEG, plus Kevin Bracey's extensions for Infocom's V6 games) and sound (AIFF, MOD and Ogg Vorbis), Unicode and non-English languages.
Loose Ends, by Daniel Stelzer and Anais Sommerfeld. Release 10, Serial 240905. (the Spring Thing version is in games/springthing/2024/
All of the entries in the 2024 competition in one package, as released at the start of the competition.
Love Shapes, by Not-Only But-Also.
Walk, man, by Not-Only But-Also.
My My Microwave, by Not-Only But-Also.
Eracle e l'Idra di Lerna, by Tommaso Caldarola, a Fantasy Story inspired by the Second Labor of Heracles written in Inform-Glulx. Release 1 / Serial Number 231024.
Introduction to the 2024 competition.
Undernet, by Raffeyix.
Anastasis, by Janos Biro. Version 1.0. Public domain. (English version.)
A Clean Getaway, a PunyJam #3 game by Michael Bub. Release 2 / Serial number 230430.
Delphina's House, an Interactive Flight of Fancy, by Alice Grove. Release 2 / Serial Number 240812.
Cost of Living, a stateful story by Dorian Passer, adapted from the stateless story of the same name by Robert Sheckley.
Zomburbia, by Charles Moore, Jr. Z-Code.
Potato Peace, by ronynn. Ink.
Loose Ends, by Daniel Stelzer and Anais Sommerfeld. Ink. Release 9, Serial 240429. (a post-competition release is in games/ink/
YURF, by spaceflounder. Version 1.1a (post-ParserComp-2024 release). Copyright (c) spaceflounder 2024. MIT License; see in-game credits for details. Archive contains complete (Javascript) source code, and post-mortem.
YURF, by spaceflounder. Version 1.1a (post-ParserComp-2024 release). Copyright (c) spaceflounder 2024. MIT License; see in-game credits for details. Archive contains complete (Javascript) source code, and post-mortem.
Deep Below, by nremis.
Repeat : Return : Reprise, by Michael Coorlim. Windows executable.
The Greystone Test Drive A Demo of an Interactive Murder Mystery Copyright (c) 2003 by Howard A. Sherman Release 4 / Serial number 050929 / Inform v6.30 Library 6/11 ORLibrary release 1.3C (2004.06.08)
The First Mile Test Drive, An Interactive Demo of Horror Fiction. Copyright (c) 2005 by Howard A. Sherman. Release 1 / Serial number 050929 / Inform v6.30 Library 6/11 ORLibrary release 1.3C (2004.06.08)
Azteca An Archeological Adventure Copyright (c) 2004 by Howard A. Sherman Release 3 / Serial number 050328 / Inform v6.30 Library 6/11 ORLibrary release 1.3C (2004.06.08)
Harry Potter: The Legend of the Dragon Copyright (c) 2001 by Brad Jorsch and Josh Anon. Characters used without permission, type 'copyright' for details. Release 1 / Serial number 010602 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/9
The Castle Of Diavolul - The Flame Of Dumnezeu, by DBT. Windows executable.
Inform all-in-one Unix source package, put together by David Griffith. The package includes the following:
RemGlk version 0.3.1, a remote procedure call implementation of the Glk API 0.7.5, by Andrew Plotkin.
A Glulx VM interpreter written in Javascript. Version 2.2.4, by Andrew Plotkin.
GlkOte 2.3.5, a Javascript library for creating interactive fiction, based on the Glk API, by Andrew Plotkin.
Rescue at Quickenheath, by Mo Farr. Twine.
You Can Only Turn Left, by Emiland Kray, Ember Chan, and Mary Kray. Twine. (game not included; text file contains link to online version)
Voyage of the Marigold, by Andrew Stephens. Ink.
To Beseech Old Sins, by Nic June. Twine.
The Truth About PRIDE!, by Jemon Golfin. Bitsy.
The Trials of Rosalinda, by Agnieszka Trzaska. Twine.
The Time Machine, version 2.0, by Bill Maya. Glulx. Entered in the Back Garden's New Game Plus division. (The original 2021 release can be found in games/glulx/The_Time_Machine.gblorb)
The Portrait, an excerpt from the upcoming game "Isekai", by dott. Piergiorgio. TADS 3. Entered in the Back Garden.
The Kuolema (Director's Cut), by Ben Jackson. Twine. Entered in the Back Garden's New Game Plus division. (A link to and feelies for the original Google Forms version are in games/springthing/2023/
The Case of the Solitary Resident, by thesleuthacademy. Twine.
Thanks, but I don't remember asking., by Mea Murukutla. Twine.
Studio, by Charm Cochran. Glulx/Bisquixe.
Social Democracy: An Alternate History, by Autumn Chen. DendryNexus. (game not included; text file contains link to online version; a newer version of the game itself is at games/html/
PROSPER.0, by groggydog. Twine.
Provizora Parko, by Dawn Sueoka. Twine. Entered in the Back Garden.
Pass A bill, by Leo Weinreb. Twine.
One King to Loot them All, by Onno Brouwer. Twine. Entered in the Back Garden's New Game Plus division. (The original parser version is in games/competition2023/Games/One King to Loot them
Octopus's Garden, by Michael D. Hilborn. Glulx. (The original Interactive Fiction Writing Month submission can be found in games/mini-comps/ifmonth/
Nonverbal Communication, by Allyson Gray. Glulx. Entered in the Back Garden.
Luna Gardens, by Justin Kim. Glulx. Entered in the Back Garden.
Demo of Ink and Intrigue, an upcoming Heart's Choice romance by Leia Talon. Contains the first three chapters. ChoiceScript. Entered in the Back Garden.
Escape From the Tomb of the Celestial Knights, by Megona. Quest. Entered in the Back Garden.
Dragon of Steelthorne, by Vance Chance. ChoiceScript.
Do Good Deeds..., by Sissy. Twine.
Doctor Jeangille's Letters, by manonamora. Twine. English translation of "Les lettres du Docteur Jeangille", first submitted to the 2024 Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone.
Deep Dark Wood, by Senica Thing. An anthology of micro games by students from Senica, Slovakia. Twine. Entered in the Back Garden.
Bydlo; or the Ox-Cart, by P.B. Parjeter. Bitsy. Entered in the Back Garden.
A Simple Happening, by Leon Lin. Glulx.
Alltarach, by Katie Canning and Josef Olsson. Twine.
A Dream of Silence, by Abigail Corfman. A fanwork based on the game Baldur's Gate 3. Twine. Entered in the Back Garden.
Information about the competition.
GET CORN, a game of longing by Joey Tanden. Version 0.9.8 BETA (Patch 8). Licensed under GPLv3.0.
Untitled Relationship Project, by Sophia de Augustine, Charm Cochran, Drew Cook, Matt Devins, Piergiorgio d’Errico, Max Fog, Hanon Ondricek, Hidnook, Joey Jones, Kastel, Manonamora, Mathbrush, Mike Russo, and Tabitha. Version 1.
Inform all-in-one Unix source package, put together by David Griffith. The package includes the following:
A Glulx VM interpreter written in Javascript. Version 2.2.3, by Andrew Plotkin.
GlkOte 2.3.4, a Javascript library for creating interactive fiction, based on the Glk API, by Andrew Plotkin.
Ocean Red, by Palette. Version 1.1. Freeware.
Retour au Château, by The BaK. Version 24.07. Freeware. Also contains Italian, English, and Spanish translations.
Ritorno nel Castello, by The BaK. Version 24.07. Freeware. Also contains English, French, and Spanish translations.
The Secret of the Lost Castle, by The BaK. Version 24.07. Freeware. Also contains Italian, French, and Spanish translations.
Regreso al Castillo, by The BaK. Version 24.07. Freeware. Also contains Italian, English, and French translations.
A Legacy for Alaric, a two-part text adventure by Richard Hewison, originally published under the pseudonym "Palmer P. Eldritch". This 35th Anniversary Edition bundle includes new, rewritten and amended versions of Part 1: The Initiation and Part 2: The Magic Isle, playable on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator in 48k mode; the original Zenobi Software releases; and solutions for both versions. It is released for FREE, and should only be available for download from the IF Archive. (the original Zenobi Software releases can also be found in games/spectrum/
Version 2.1 of adv3Lite, an alternative library for use with TADS 3, by Eric Eve. Freeware.
The "Roodylib" Hugo library suite, version 4.3.0, by Jon Blask. Roodylib is a compilation of Hugo library bug fixes and additional features.
one way, by Rylie Eric. Freeware. Twine. Written for the Neo-Twiny Jam 2024 and the Trans Representation Jam 24.
Sanguine: The Stygian Shore, by plutoerebus. Freeware. Twine.
Lunar Fall, by lunar fall. Freeware. Dendry.
Find a parser beta tester! by Andrew Schultz. Freeware. Twine.
Congrats! Your writing doesn't stink! by Andrew Schultz. Freeware. Twine.
Garden Party, by DrOctothorpe. Freeware. Twine.
Little Kitty Cat, by MikahMouse. Freeware. Twine.
Chronostasis, by Natasha Luna. Freeware. Twine.
sappho fragment generator, by deathmeetauthor. Freeware. Twine.
As Prescribed, by Not-Only But-Also. Remake of the original Jame Gam #25 entry. Freeware.
Nameless Dream, by Spacetime Soirée. Freeware. Twine.
Never Have I Ever, by katiecanning. Freeware. Ink.
Happy Life Home, by PetricakeGames-IF. Freeware. Binksi.
Get Out of Match Lake, by Grim Baccaris. Freeware. Twine.
Another Night With The Party, by BanesBloom. Freeware. Twine.
Drey911 Contest Entry, by AspiringStorySavant. Written for Drey911's 2024 Writing Contest. Contains explicit sexual content.
Steal Ten Treasures to Win This Game, by spaceflounder. Written for ParserComp 2023. Version 1.0.5 post-competition release. Archive contains game and source code. MIT License; see in-game credits for details.
Steal Ten Treasures to Win This Game, by spaceflounder. Written for ParserComp 2023. Version 1.0.5 post-competition release. Archive contains game and source code. MIT License; see in-game credits for details.
Amber & Myrrh, by Cressida Tseng. Freeware. Twine.
Star Bearer, by Maliface. Twine.
strokes, by kumori. Freeware. Twine.
four days, by Cressida Tseng. Freeware. Twine.
Summer rain, by jsmonzani. Freeware. Twine.
A Bear Dreams of Clouds, by Jackson The Bear. Twine.
Lavabo (Part 1.3), by pat--ata. Freeware. Twine. Catalan.
Lavabo (Part 1.2), by pat--ata. Freeware. Twine. Catalan.
Lavabo (Part 1.1), by pat--ata. Freeware. Twine. Catalan.
Whether, by Harlequin Diver. Decker.
Primordial, by dariusf. Freeware.
inertia, by gummyghosting. Twine.
Bon Dieu ! Et une lessive aussi ? by manonamora. Freeware. Moiki. French.
Letters to strangers, by jsmonzani. Twine.
EldritchMon, by flufffables. Twine.
Obsessive Tendencies, by Ashes_and_Sand. Freeware. Twine.
Temporal Thief: Part II, by Jacic. ChoiceScript.
Temporal Thief: Part I, by Jacic. ChoiceScript.
Grit & Glory, by Julian Grant. Release 1 / Serial Number 240628.
machina caerulea, by manonamora. Version 1.1. Freeware. Twine. Written for the Neo-Twiny Jam 2024, the Bluebeard Jam, the Love/Violence Jam and the Anti-Romance Jam.
the vile want, by wilderlingdev. Twine.
A Dodecapedic Box, by zeno pillan. Freeware. Glulx.
Oh Father, Please, by ThatWannabeCat. Freeware. Twine.
The One With Antlers, by Gate_Thief. Freeware. Twine.
Bluebeard's Not-Wives, by Tabitha / alyshkalia. Freeware. Ink. Written for the Neo-Twiny Jam 2024 and the Bluebeard Jam.
Thread unlocked., by Max Fog. Twine.
You, by supercilii. Freeware. Glulx.
Mouse Train, by solipsistgames. Freeware. Twine.
peelings, by gummyghosting. Freeware. Decker.
WAKE UP, by 404ErrorGameStudios. Freeware. Twine.
Please Don't Reap my Soul, Mr. Grim Reaper, by Bouqueted Bees. Freeware. Twine.
the sword of justice plays a sick bassline, by jay cee. Twine.
A changing greenhouse, by jsmonzani. Twine.
i really want that, by pklwrks. Bipsi.
Tectonic, by IchorOfRuin. Freeware. Twine.
Shrouded, by Sophia de Augustine. Twine.
sweet shop, by lunalovespie. Freeware. Twine.
Love, Sam, by Sophia de Augustine. Freeware. Twine.
(limited time offer), by jay cee. Freeware. Twine.
COMPANY, by PixelatedInkBottle. Freeware. Twine.
It can't be true it mustn't be true, by Charm Cochran. Act III of the RGB Cycle. Version 2. Twine. Written for the Neo-Twiny Jam 2024 and the Anti-Romance Jam.
Swan Neck, by ellis dex. Twine.
Hearth, by Moon Spice. Freeware. Twine.
Losing Track, by Onno Brouwer. Freeware. Dendry.
Big Brother, by snowthornes. Freeware. Twine.
Lazy Day, by Kessie-Louise. Twine.
a night at the inn, by KA Tan. Freeware. Binksi.
Suspended in the air so that all of your weight is concentrated on a single point halfway down your spine, by Charm Cochran. Act II of the RGB Cycle. Version 1. Twine. Written for the Neo-Twiny Jam 2024 and the Love/Violence Jam.
Ontological Mystery; or, lack thereof, by vermis. Freeware. Decker.
TENT GAME, by ellis dex. Freeware. Ink.
THE CRIMSON LINE, by SkyShard. Freeware. Ink.
Inform all-in-one Unix source package, put together by David Griffith. The package includes the following:
Przestrzeń Pomiędzy, by Milena Bialik and Natalia Pasińska.
NYX, by 30x30. Freeware. Twine.
Six of Swords, by Requiem. Freeware. Ink.
Seeing Stars, by 404ErrorGameStudios. Twine.
Keep Center, by illuminesce. Freeware. Twine.
Alone in the Tower, by BNT. Freeware. Twine.
just a poem, by arjie. Twine.
He Knows That You Know and Now There's No Stopping Him, by Charm Cochran. Act I of the RGB Cycle. Version 1. Twine. Written for the Neo-Twiny Jam 2024 and the Bluebeard Jam.
My Grandfather's Clock, by Kessie-Louise. Freeware. Twine.
I Have Something Important to Tell You, by KnightAnNi. Twine.
Kel Versus the Kitchen, by Tabitha / alyshkalia. Freeware. Twine.
Oh No: My Hot Coworkers Keep Turning Me On!, by vermis. Freeware. Twine.
EyeOS: Apple II Inspired Horror-Mystery Game, by trainspotter. Shareware. Version 1.0
Tips and walkthrough for The eight-headed giant, by zeno pillan. (the game itself is in games/mini-comps/neo-twinyjam/2024/TEHG.ulx)
The eight-headed giant, by zeno pillan. Glulx. (tips and walkthrough are in solutions/TEHG guide.docx)
would you remember, by blood-teeth. Twine.
To Let Go, by Max Fog. Freeware. Twine.
you are an ancient chinese poet in exile, by KA Tan. Freeware. Twine.
Food Offering, by Diomhair. Freeware. Twine.
In the Cards, by Sophia de Augustine. Twine.
Read This When You Turn 15, by Kastel. Ink.
(K)night Under The Mountain, by vermis. Freeware. Twine.
The Moon's Knight, by 30x30. Freeware. Twine.
The Origami Near Neptune, by Harlequin Diver. Freeware. Twine.
Source code for Guma Adventure ]I[ by Alex Guma, an Inform 7 recreation (with enhancements) of the late 70s/early 80s HP2000/3000 BASIC IF game Adventure II/III. Original author(s) unknown. Archive also contains map and walkthrough. (the compiled game is in games/glulx/Guma1400.gblorb)
Map and walkthrough for Guma Adventure ]I[ by Alex Guma, an Inform 7 recreation (with enhancements) of the late 70s/early 80s HP2000/3000 BASIC IF game Adventure II/III. Original author(s) unknown. Archive also contains source code. (game is in games/glulx/Guma1400.gblorb)
A Microfiche of Me, by Volt ⚡. Freeware. Twine.
Obsesssion, by WoodAcN. Freeware. Twine.
witchhat, by LeahPeach. Freeware. Twine.
Life is like a Trampoline, by Carny. Freeware. Twine.
Yaan Versus the Party, by Tabitha / alyshkalia. Freeware. Twine.
The Ocean View from the Keiyo Line, by Air Gong. Freeware. Decker.
A Clean Getaway, by Requiem. Freeware. Ink.
By Any Other Name, a digital poem by Chromatic Destruction. Freeware.
Out Of My Mind, by Volt ⚡. Freeware. Twine.
The Chloranthy, by Izren.
the 500 rooms, by manonamora. Version 1. Freeware.
LIMBO, by KA Tan. Freeware.
Aethers End, by Pest. Freeware.
Ghost Hunt, by solipsistgames. Freeware.
Throne, by GamesByCam. Freeware.
PARANOIA, by Charm Cochran. Version 1. Freeware.
Blossom, NY, by alyshkalia. Freeware.
Nobody Cares About Charley, by PetricakeGames-IF. Freeware.
The Final Song, by Ruslan Panov. Version 1.0. Freeware.
Birthday Simulator 2, by Jon Prime.
All of the entered games, available in one archive.
Chatterbox, by IchorOfRuin. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
ConversationalRumblings, by IllestPreacha. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
Tell Me About Yourself, by Freakish Games. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
The Disappearance of Kevin from Finance, by yveseas. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
Imago, by Shinø's Brainworks. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
Syzygy, by HobbyLevelWorkingMother. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
beach, by henry schlintz. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
Source code for 'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, by Mike Russo. Version 1. Any noncommercial use allowed, with attribution. (game is in games/glulx/'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief.gblorb)
Source code for 'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, an entry in 2024's Really Bad IF Jam, by Mike Russo. Any noncommercial use allowed, with attribution. (game is in games/glulx/'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief.gblorb)
'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, an entry in 2024's Really Bad IF Jam, by Mike Russo. Version 1. Any noncommercial use allowed, with attribution. (source code is in games/source/inform/'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief source.txt)
'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, by Mike Russo. Version 1. Any noncommercial use allowed, with attribution. (source code is in games/source/inform/'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief source.txt)
Just A Simple Interview, by Skal Ton. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
Off the Podium — One Last Lap, by Kaiser Fox. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware. Can be played in English or Brazilian Portuguese.
Off the Podium — One Last Lap, by Kaiser Fox. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware. Can be played in English or Brazilian Portuguese.
A Woman's Duty, by psiquedelicous. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
Him (and Us), by alyshkalia. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
An Exercise in Emotional Honesty, by pixeldotgamer. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
Marooned, by DigNZ. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
Version 2.0 of adv3Lite, an alternative library for use with TADS 3, by Eric Eve. Freeware.
I don't want to talk about it., by Nick Gelling. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
Who Stole My Sausages?, by estif, interstitial, CliffRaven, and mackhep07. Made for Dialogue Jam 2024. Freeware.
Pino Mia's Journey for Golden Nectar, by Abdul Hakim.
Oddball High (Prototype), by Anonymous. Version 0.2
Guma Adventure ]I[, by Alex Guma. An Inform 7 recreation (with enhancements) of the late 70s/early 80s HP2000/3000 BASIC IF game Adventure II/III. Original author(s) unknown. (source code, map, and walkthrough are in games/source/inform/; an original content version that can be run using an HP emulator can be found at
Escape From Skuggar, by Jkj Yuio. Version 1.03
Escape From Skuggar, by Jkj Yuio. Version 1.02
Escape From Skuggar, by Jkj Yuio. Version 1.01
Escape From Skuggar, by Jkj Yuio. Version 1.0
Moments Out of Time: Explorer Type, by L. Ross Raszewski. Official ZBLORB version including audio and cover art. (the original IFComp release, with separate story and sound resource files, is in games/competition2001/inform/moments/)
Vol 02 #01
Vol 01 #08
Vol 01 #07
Issue #10 (November 1991)
Issue #09 (October 1991)
Issue #08
Issue #07
Issue #06
Issue #05
Issue #04
Issue #03
Issue #02
Issue #01
The Hugo library, zipped into a single archive.
The "Roodylib" Hugo library suite, version 4.2.3, by Jon Blask. Roodylib is a compilation of Hugo library bug fixes and additional features.
Another Love Story (for Windows), by Hélène Sellier (Ren'Py).
Inform all-in-one Unix source package, put together by David Griffith, Glenn Hutchings and others. The package includes the following:
The Inform 6.12.7 library (April 10, 2024).
ZURK 9: "The Rendezvous", by Robert J. Deutsch (aka Dr. Dungeon). For TRS-80 model 3/4. DSK image, and instructions to run.
ZURK VIII: The Wizard's Guild, by Robert J. Deutsch (aka Dr. Dungeon). For TRS-80 model 3/4. DSK image, which will autorun.
ZURK VII: The Savannah, by Robert J. Deutsch (aka Dr. Dungeon). For TRS-80 model 3/4. DSK image, which will autorun.
ZURK VI: The Dragon Gate, by Robert J. Deutsch (aka Dr. Dungeon). For TRS-80 model 3/4. DSK image, and instructions to run.
ZURK 5, by Robert J. Deutsch (aka Dr. Dungeon). For TRS-80 model 3/4. DSK image, and instructions to run.
ZURK 1 through 4, by Robert J. Deutsch (aka Dr. Dungeon). For TRS-80 model 3/4. DSK image, which will autorun.
Project Tezerat (Demo), by Teo Tucan. Version: Alpha 1.1 / License: Freeware
Faery: Swapped, by Mathbrush. Release 4 / Serial number 240406. Contains Glulx story file, and web-browser version with additional effects.
Encierro, by Incanus. "A slice of life, fantasy and sci-fi tale; you're living a pandemic's confinement in your apartment, trying to find a way to break free..." Version 01.01.01; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Encierro, by Incanus. "A slice of life, fantasy and sci-fi tale; you're living a pandemic's confinement in your apartment, trying to find a way to break free..." Version 01.01.01; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Forrajeo, by Incanus. "A short fantastic terror tale; you've been sent to the drugstore to 'get' some drugs. You thought that the dark would be a good cover, but some things get bad before they get worse..." Version 01.01.01; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Forrajeo, by Incanus. "A short fantastic terror tale; you've been sent to the drugstore to 'get' some drugs. You thought that the dark would be a good cover, but some things get bad before they get worse..." Version 01.01.01; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Reflejos blancos, a short night interlude by Incanus. "You are waiting for your girlfriend at the park. You will meet at the gazebo and then have a bit of a stroll while you are chatting." Version 01.01.01; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Reflejos blancos, a short night interlude by Incanus. "You are waiting for your girlfriend at the park. You will meet at the gazebo and then have a bit of a stroll while you are chatting." Version 01.01.01; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Modus Vivendi, an ancient Roman tale by Incanus. "Rome, circa 58 A.C. You're a handyman, doing chores for your neighbors and customers on the Aventine Hill." Version 01.01.01; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Modus Vivendi, an ancient Roman tale by Incanus. "Rome, circa 58 A.C. You're a handyman, doing chores for your neighbors and customers on the Aventine Hill." Version 01.01.01; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Pan de Ajo, a domestic humor tale by Incanus. "You're a kid, waking up from a nap, with chores to do before your parents arrive from work." Version 01.01.02; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Pan de Ajo, a domestic humor tale by Incanus. "You're a kid, waking up from a nap, with chores to do before your parents arrive from work." Version 01.01.02; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Ofrenda a La Pincoya, a Chilote mythology tale by Incanus. "You're a young fisherman, trying to get your creek's favor back from La Pincoya." Version 01.01.02; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, guide to Chiloé, and Inform 6 source code.
Ofrenda a La Pincoya, a Chilote mythology tale by Incanus. "You're a young fisherman, trying to get your creek's favor back from La Pincoya." Version 01.01.02; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, guide to Chiloé, and Inform 6 source code.
Afuera, a short sci-fi tale by Incanus. "You're a prisoner, a convicted criminal... getting ready to go Outside." Version 01.01.01; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Afuera, a short sci-fi tale by Incanus. "You're a prisoner, a convicted criminal... getting ready to go Outside." Version 01.01.01; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Macetas, a "hard" sci-fi tale by Incanus. "A hard mission on an asteroid mining base." Sequel to 'Goteras'. Version 01.01.03; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code. (the original FICOMP entry is in games/competitions-spanish/ficomp/
Macetas, a "hard" sci-fi tale by Incanus. "A hard mission on an asteroid mining base." Sequel to 'Goteras'. Version 01.01.03; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code. (the original FICOMP entry is in games/competitions-spanish/ficomp/
Goteras, a short "hard" sci-fi tale by Incanus. "A crippled ship, a tired crewman... with some humorous twists." Version 01.01.02; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
Goteras, a short "hard" sci-fi tale by Incanus. "A crippled ship, a tired crewman... with some humorous twists." Version 01.01.02; HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
El Protector, by Incanus. "Sci-Fi. Survival tale on a strange world with vast savannas and merciless Hunters prowling." Revision 1 / Version 01.01.03. HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
El Protector, by Incanus. "Sci-Fi. Survival tale on a strange world with vast savannas and merciless Hunters prowling." Revision 1 / Version 01.01.03. HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code.
La Mansión, una Aventura Breve, by Incanus. "Mystery/Sci-Fi. An old manor, with many rooms, many corners... and strange things." Revision 1 / Version 01.01.03. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code. Source files updated to include full InformATE! libraries and file structure for compilation. HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
La Mansión, una Aventura Breve, by Incanus. "Mystery/Sci-Fi. An old manor, with many rooms, many corners... and strange things." Revision 1 / Version 01.01.03. Includes story file, HTML interpreter, and Inform 6 source code. Source files updated to include full InformATE! libraries and file structure for compilation. HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
Glulxe 0.6.1, for Kindle 3 / Kindle Keyboard, compiled by Daniel Gaskell. Binary, source, and font/configuration files for myTS terminal. (Uses cheapglk 1.8.4.)
Frotz version 2.54, for Kindle 3 / Kindle Keyboard, compiled by Daniel Gaskell. Binary, source, and font/configuration files for myTS terminal.
Source code for the Twine version of One King to Loot them All, by Onno Brouwer. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (the playable game file is in games/springthing/2024/)
Poetic Justice, by Onno Brouwer. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Inform 7 source for One King to Loot them All, by Onno Brouwer. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (a playable version is in games/competition2023/Games/One King to Loot them
An incomplete archive of Stinnett & Sinclair, Parapsychologists, Collectors' Edition, version 2.0, by Arkham Soft. (Not the 2.0 archive as originally distributed, for space reasons.)
This archive contains just the few files that don't have identical counterparts in the newer version 2.1 in games/spectrum/spanish/S&S Parapsychologists (There's enough information to reconstruct the original 2.0 distribution, but usually you just want the current version.)
Stinnett & Sinclair, Parapsychologists, Collectors' Edition, by Arkham Soft. Version 2.1. Includes:
Escape Espacial I, por Trevizer. Un escape room en una nave espacial. Hecho con Adventuron.
The Symbol, by Dominik Jarco.
Uptown, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in games/source/basic/UPTOWN.BAS)
Toyland, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in games/source/basic/TOYLAND.BAS)
Pirate Island, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1989, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in games/source/basic/PIRATE.BAS)
Midnight Emergency, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in games/source/basic/MIDNIGHT.BAS)
Hangtown, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1989, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in games/source/basic/HANGTOWN.BAS)
Farmtown, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1989, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in games/source/basic/FARMTOWN.BAS)
Cursed Castle, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in games/source/basic/CURSED.BAS)
Cave of the Troll, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in games/source/basic/CAVE.BAS)
Uptown, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Turbo BASIC source. (MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/UPTOWN.EXE)
Toyland, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Turbo BASIC source. (MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/TOYLAND.EXE)
Pirate Island, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1989, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Turbo BASIC source. (MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/PIRATE.EXE)
Midnight Emergency, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Turbo BASIC source. (MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/MIDNIGHT.EXE)
Hangtown, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1989, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Turbo BASIC source. (MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/HANGTOWN.EXE)
Farmtown, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1989, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Turbo BASIC source. (MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/FARMTOWN.EXE)
Cursed Castle, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Turbo BASIC source. (MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/CURSED.EXE)
Cave of the Troll, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Turbo BASIC source. (MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/CAVE.EXE)
Boardwalk, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Turbo BASIC source. (MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/BOARDWLK.EXE)
Boardwalk, by John H Doolittle. Used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' class at California State University, California. Written circa 1990, updated until 1996, source code released in 2023. Requires MS-DOS. (Turbo BASIC source code is in games/source/basic/BOARDWLK.BAS)
Scott Adams' Adventureland, ported to Inform by Graham Nelson. Release 4 / Serial number 970902. (source code is in infocom/compilers/inform6/examples/Adventureland.inf)
Scott Adams' Adventureland, ported to Inform by Graham Nelson. Release 4 / Serial number 970902.
Scott Adams' Adventureland, ported to Inform by Graham Nelson. Release 4 / Serial number 970902.
Robots - Another abuse of the Z-Machine - A nostalgic diversion by Torbjörn Andersson. Release 5 / Serial number 951120.
(Included on Acorn User magazine cover CD 3, issue 188, December 1997.)
Delusions, an Interactive Self-Discovery by Christopher E. Forman. Release 3 / Serial number 970113.
(Included on Acorn User magazine cover CD 3, issue 188, December 1997.)
The Wedding, an Interactive Family Headache by Neil James Brown. "Acorn User CD Edition". Release 5 / Serial number 970825. This game came second in the Acorn User 1996 IF Competition.
Balances, An Interactive Short Story by Graham Nelson. Release 4 / Serial number 960508.
(Included on Acorn User magazine cover CD 2, issue 170, July 1996.)
Christminster, An Interactive Conspiracy by Gareth Rees. Release 2 / Serial number 950804.
(Included on Acorn User magazine cover CD 2, issue 170, July 1996.)
Adventure aka Colossal Cave, the original 350 points version ported to Inform by Graham Nelson, based on Dave Baggett's TADS reconstruction "Colossal Cave Revisited". Release 7 / Serial number 970904.
(Included on Acorn User magazine cover CD 3, issue 188, December 1997.)
Codex Crusade, by leechykeen.
Version 1.6.2 of adv3Lite, an alternative library for use with TADS 3, by Eric Eve. Freeware.
Leopold the Minstrel, by Jamie Murphy. Release 1 / Serial number 960726. Third place in the 1996 Acorn User Interactive Fiction competition. (the original Spectrum version can be found inside games/spectrum/, as 128K/J.Murphy/LEOPOLD.Z80)
Transporter, by Andrew Laker. Release 1 / Serial number 960729. A runner-up in the 1996 Acorn User Interactive Fiction competition.
BLACK'N'WHITE RAG - or, A Study in Something-or-Other, by Jonathan Nowell. Release 1 / Serial number 960730. A runner-up in the 1996 Acorn User Interactive Fiction competition.
SPAC 2.0 #3, Agosto 2008
SPAC 2.0 #2, Mayo 2008
SPAC 2.0 #14, Abril 2014
SPAC 2.0 #13, Junio 2012
SPAC 2.0 #12, Julio 2011
SPAC 2.0 #11, Marzo 2011
SPAC 2.0 #10, Octubre 2010
SPAC 2.0 #9, Abril 2010
SPAC 2.0 #8, Octubre 2009
SPAC 2.0 #7, Junio 2009
SPAC 2.0 #6, Marzo 2009
SPAC 2.0 #5, Diciembre 2008
SPAC 2.0 #4, Octubre 2008
Most of the entries in the October 2023 Ectocomp Competition, in all languages and both categories (Petite Mort / Grand Guignol):
(The remaining five entries either didn't have consent to be archived, or it wasn't technically possible.)
Bogeyman, by Elizabeth Smyth. Version 2. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2018/Bogeyman/bogeyman.html)
BYOD, by n-n. Release 1 / Serial number 150928. (an English version is in games/zcode/
Where Is Richard? by Rich Dersheimer.
Soy Anüak, by Bubbi de Lucca & dddddd. (from archive, under review)
In the Blink of an Eye, by manonamora
Milliseconds of Romance, by Joey Tanden.
Poetry and Passion, by Leia Talon. ChoiceScript.
Reflejos?, by Unknown. (Probably an entry in the Concurso Hipercuentos Bancaja.) (from archive, under review)