Index: if-archive/games/glulx

This directory contains games in Glulx format. The games here can be played with the Glulxe interpreter; look in programming/glulx for a version for your system.

7 Subdirectories


Older versions of some of the games in this directory.


357 Files

'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief.gblorb [13-May-2024]

'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, an entry in 2024's Really Bad IF Jam, by Mike Russo. Version 1. Any noncommercial use allowed, with attribution. (source code is in games/source/inform/'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief source.txt)

[linked from if-archive/games/mini-comps/reallybadif/'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief.gblorb]
A Thing of Wretchedness.gblorb [06-Dec-2023]
IFDB entry

A Thing of Wretchedness, Interactive Fiction by AKheon. Release 2 / Serial number 231206. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2023/Games/A Thing of

a-long-drink.gblorb [23-Feb-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Long Drink

A Long Drink, an Interactive Mystery, by Owen Parks. Release 7 / Serial number 150214. [25-Dec-2015]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Andromeda 1983

Andromeda 1983, version 1.0, by Marco Innocenti.

A_Beauty_Cold_and_Austere.gblorb [16-May-2019]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Beauty Cold and Austere

A Beauty Cold and Austere, an Interactive Digression by Mike Spivey. Release 4 / Serial number 190516. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/A Beauty Cold and Austere)

A_Cock_and_Bull_Story.gblorb [06-Jul-2017]
IFDB entry

A Cock and Bull Story, by Theodore "Ted" C. Lim. Release 1 / Serial number 170706. (zcode version is in games/zcode/A_Cock_and_Bull_Story.zblorb)

A_Matter_of_Heist_Urgency.gblorb [18-Dec-2022]
IFDB entry

A Matter of Heist Urgency, an Anastasia Adventure, by FLACRabbit. Release 5 / Serial number 221218. (a walkthrough is in solutions/A_Matter_of_Heist_Urgency_Walkthrough.txt; the original competition entry is in games/competition2022/Games/A Matter of Heist [19-May-2023]
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IFDB entry

The soundtrack to A Matter of Heist Urgency, by FLACRabbit, as audio files. The zip file contains all music from the game plus some extended versions of sequences from the game.

A_Pumpkin.gblorb [22-Nov-2022]
IFDB entry

A Pumpkin? by Fos1. Release 6 / Serial number 221103. "Written in I7.10 for the 2022 ECTOCOMP. G rated with a few puzzles and dry humor."

A_Walk_Around_the_Neighborhood.gblorb [25-Nov-2022]
IFDB entry

A Walk Around the Neighborhood, by Leo Weinreb. Release 1 / Serial number 221124. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2022/Games/A Walk Around the

aafn.ulx [18-Dec-2001]
IFDB entry

An Apple From Nowhere, by Steven Carbone, aka Brendan Barnwell. Post-competition release. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/glulx/aafn/aafn.ulx)

Aardvark_versus_The_Hype.gblorb [03-Dec-2021]
IFDB entry

AardVarK Versus the Hype, by Truthcraze. Release 1 / Serial number 211104. (also in games/competition2021/Games/AardVarK Versus the Hype) [01-Mar-2023]
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Accounting and Finance Solution Island, by Matthew Johnson and David Marlatt. Release 1 / Serial number 230228.

ACG.ulx [01-May-2007]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Adventurer's Consumer Guide

Adventurer's Consumer Guide, by Oyvind Thorsby. Release 1 / Serial number 070501. [07-Jun-2022]
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IFDB entry

The Making of ACMJ Game, by Sharon Xiao Liu. Release 1 / Serial number 220607.

advent.blb [15-Nov-2002]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Adventure

Adventure aka Colossal Cave, the original 350 points version ported to Inform by Graham Nelson, based on Dave Baggett's TADS reconstruction "Colossal Cave Revisited". Compiled under Glulx by Simon Baldwin, incorporating Simon's GToolBar toolbar extension. Release 5 / Serial number 961209.

advent.ulx [01-Apr-2000]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Adventure

Adventure aka Colossal Cave, the original 350 points version ported to Inform by Graham Nelson, based on Dave Baggett's TADS reconstruction "Colossal Cave Revisited", and compiled under Glulx Inform by Andrew Plotkin. Release 5 / Serial number 961209.

advent430.ulx [26-Sep-2024]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Adventure

A Glulx port of Adventure 2.5, the last version to be released by Don Woods. Unlike other Glulx versions of Adventure, this one is not Inform-based. It was created by porting Eric S. Raymond's Open Adventure to WebAssembly and then compiling it to Glulx using Wasm2Glulx. This is the first game ever translated in this fashion, as a proof-of-concept for the tool. Open Adventure is a refactoring of the C sources that Don Woods posted to in 1995, which were the product of an automated translation from FORTRAN. Open Adventure was rigorously tested to ensure that no user-visible changes by this refactoring. As such, aside from any interface details under the control of your Glk library, this port should provide a playing experience perfectly identical to the original.

Open Adventure was released with permission from Don Woods under a BSD 2-Clause license, and this port retains those terms. Sources are available from

Adventura.gblorb [31-Oct-2017]
IFDB entry

Adventura, by Leighton Swannell. Release 1 / Serial number 171031.

After_the_Accident.gblorb [01-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

After the Accident, by Amanda Walker, based on the seed by Sophia de Augustine. Release 1 / Serial number 230228. [06-Mar-2022]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Ailihphilia

Ailihphilia, A GASP SAGA! by N. Y. Llewellyn and Sir Apollo Paris. Release 4 / Serial number 220228. Archive includes game file, hints, a walkthrough and source code. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2018/Ailihphilia/)

Airport.gblorb [05-Feb-2008]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The_Airport

The Airport, an interactive waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, and waiting... by Cascadian_Patriot. Release 1 / Serial number 080204.

Alabaster.gblorb [09-Jun-2009]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Alabaster

Alabaster, a fractured fairy tale by John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante, Emily Short, Adam Thornton and Ziv Wities, and illustrated by Daniel Allington-Krzysztofiak. Release 3 / Serial number 090609. [13-Sep-2023]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Alias 'The Magpie'

Alias 'The Magpie', an interactive caper by J. J. Guest. Release 5 / Serial number 220210. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2018/Alias The Magpie/)

Anatidaephobia.gblorb [21-Jan-2017]
IFDB entry

A N A T I D A E P H O B I A, by Peregrine Wade. Release 2 / Serial number 170121. (the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/newyears/tent/Anatidaephobia.gblorb)

AnchorheadDemo.gblorb [02-Feb-2007]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Anchorhead

Anchorhead: Special Edition Demo, a prelude to a tale of horror by Michael Gentry. Release 3 / Serial number 070202. (the Z-code original is in games/zcode/anchor.z8)

And_Then_You_Come_to_a_House.gblorb [13-Dec-2021]
IFDB entry

And Then You Come to a House Not Unlike the Previous One. An Iterative Fiction by B.J. Best. Release 1 / Serial number 211213. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2021/Games/And Then You Come to a House Not Unlike the Previous One)

Andelmans_Yard.gblorb [24-Nov-2022]
IFDB entry

Andelmans' Yard, by Arlan Wetherminster. Release 1 / Serial number 221124.

Androm_Aw_FC.gblorb [21-Jan-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Andromeda Awakening

Andromeda Awakening - The Final Cut, by Marco Innocenti. Release 3 / Serial number 120121. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/zcode/andromeda/)

AndromedaApocalypse-Extended.gblorb [04-Feb-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Andromeda Apocalypse

Andromeda Apocalypse (Extended Edition), release 2, by Marco Innocenti. (the original competition entry is in competition2012/glulx/andromeda/) [04-Feb-2013]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Andromeda Apocalypse

Andromeda Apocalypse (Extended Edition), release 2, by Marco Innocenti. Archive includes all feelies, the map and the game file. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2012/glulx/andromeda/)

AndromedaAscending.gblorb [17-Jul-2013]
IFDB entry

Andromeda Ascending, version 1, by Truthcraze.

AndromedaDreaming.gblorb [16-Jul-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Andromeda_Dreaming

Andromeda Dreaming, a Space Operetta, by Joey Jones. Release 2 / Serial number 120716. [28-Mar-2012] [link to if-archive/games/zcode/]
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IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
IFWiki: Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album, Dig My Grave, I Palindrome I, She's Actual Size, My Evil Twin, Mammal, The Statue Got Me High, Spider, The Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight), Dinner Bell, Narrow Your Eyes, Hall of Heads, Which Describes How You're Feeling, See the Constellation, If I Wasn't Shy, Turn Around, Hypnotist of Ladies, Fingertips: Everything Is Catching On Fire, Fingertips: Fingertips, Fingertips: I Hear the Wind Blow, Fingertips: Hey Now, Everybody, Fingertips: Who's That Standing Out the Window, Fingertips: I Found a New Friend, Fingertips: Come On and Wreck My Car, Fingertips: Aren't You the Guy Who Hit Me in the Eye?, Fingertips: Please Pass the Milk Please, Fingertips: Leave Me Alone, Fingertips: Who's Knockin' on the Wall?, Fingertips: All Alone, Fingertips: What's That Blue Thing Doing Here?, Fingertips: Something Grabbed Ahold of My Hand, Fingertips: I Don't Understand You, Fingertips: I Heard a Sound, Fingertips: Mysterious Whispers, Fingertips: The Day That Love Came to Play, Fingertips: I'm Having a Heart Attack, Fingertips: Fingertips (Reprise), Fingertips: I Walk Along Darkened Corridors, Space Suit

Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album, honouring the 1992 album Apollo 18, by They Might be Giants. Each game represents one of the tracks on the album. [23-Sep-2021]
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IFDB entry

Archaeological Fiction: Sagfjordbotn, by Laurie Lax & Lucila Mayol. Release 2 / Serial number 210618. (Note: this file, and its contained gblorb, are very large: both about 725 megabytes.)

Ariadne_in_Aeaea.gblorb [29-Nov-2016]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Ariadne in Aeaea

Ariadne in Aeaea, by Víctor Ojuel. Release 1 / Serial number 161129. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2016/Ariadne in Aeaea)

ArtOfFugue.gblorb [11-Sep-2010]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The_Art_of_Fugue

Art of Fugue, interactive studies in counterpoint, by Victor Gijsbers, Jimmy Maher, Dorte Lassen and Johan. Release 1 / Serial number 100911. (source code is in games/source/inform/

ArtOfFugue_NoMusic.gblorb [11-Sep-2010]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The_Art_of_Fugue

Art of Fugue, interactive studies in counterpoint, by Victor Gijsbers, Jimmy Maher, Dorte Lassen and Johan. This version does not have music, so the file size is considerably smaller. Release 1 / Serial number 100911. (source code is in games/source/inform/

Ascension_of_Limbs.gblorb [10-Jan-2021]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Ascension of Limbs

Ascension of Limbs, by AKheon. Release 3 / Serial number 210110. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2020/Games/Ascension of Limbs) [20-Nov-2023]
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IFDB entry

Assembly, by Ben Kirwin. Release 1 / Serial number 231022. Contains story file, HTML interpreter with styling, and walkthrough. (same content as the competition entry at games/competition2023/Games/, but with slightly different packaging)

atc.ulx [29-Jan-2009]

ATC, an interactive aviation. Written by Jesse McGrew, based on the Unix version of the game by Ed James.

Aurora.gblorb [19-Feb-2011]
IFDB entry

Aurora, written by katz. Release 5 / Serial number 110219.

balances.blb [22-Mar-2002]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Balances

Balances, an Interactive Short Story. Originally written by Graham Nelson and ported to Glulx/GWindows by L. Ross Raszewski. Release 5 / Serial number 961216 / GWindows .4B (the original Z-code version is in games/zcode/Balances.z5)

Baretegi.gblorb [01-Feb-2016]

Baretegi, by Alex Meltsner. Release 1 / Serial number 160131.

Barroom_Brawl.gblorb [28-Sep-2024]
IFDB entry

Barroom Brawl: Punch for your life, by One-Eye Jack. Release 2 / Serial number 240928.

Batman_66.gblorb [03-Mar-2022]
IFDB entry

Batman 66: an Action-Packed Episode, by Isabel Azeredo. Release 7 / Serial number 220303.

BeastOfTorrackMoor.gblorb [14-Oct-2007]
IFDB entry

The Beast of Torrack Moor, originally written for the ZX Spectrum by Linda Wright, and ported to Inform 7 by Steve Haddon. Release 2 / Serial number 071014.

Because_youre_mine.gblorb [08-Dec-2016]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Because you're mine

Because You're Mine, by Owlor. Release 1 / Serial number 161019. [28-Jul-2010]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Being There

Being There, an experimental work of interactive fiction about existence and Korea, by Jordan Magnuson. Release 6. [19-Jan-2010]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Beyond

Beyond, an IF by Mondi Confinanti. Created by Roberto Grassi, Paolo Lucchesi and Alessandro Peretti. Graphical version. Release 5 / Serial number 100115. (a text-only version is in games/zcode/, a Windows installer is in games/pc/Beyond.exe, an Italian version is in games/glulx/italian/, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2005/glulx/beyond/)

BlackKnife.ulx [15-Aug-2021]
IFDB entry

Black Knife Dungeon, a game by Arthur DiBianca. Release 1 / Serial number 210620.

BlueLacuna.gblorb [22-Sep-2021]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Blue Lacuna

Blue Lacuna, an Interactive Novel, by Aaron A. Reed. Release 4 / Serial number 100717. (This is the full version; a sneak preview was released as part of Spring Thing 2008, which is in games/springthing/2008/ [01-Mar-2012]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Bonehead

Bonehead, a Regrettable and Mostly True Tale, by Sean M. Shore. Release 2 / Serial number 120229. (the original competition entry is in games/springthing/2011/

Brain_Guzzlers_from_Beyond!.gblorb [24-Jan-2016]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Brain Guzzlers from Beyond!

Brain Guzzlers from Beyond! Presented in glorious bi-chromatic TEXT-O-RAMA by Steph Cherrywell. Release 1 / Serial number 160123. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2015/Brain Guzzlers from Beyond!)

Briar.gblorb [31-Jul-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Briar

Briar, a Grimmly Perverted Fairy Tale, by Hanon Ondricek. Release 2 / Serial number 130707.

btyt.gblorb [01-Jan-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Bigger Than You Think

Bigger Than You Think, an interactive riff, by Andrew Plotkin. Release 4 / Serial number 130101.

Buggy.gblorb [30-Sep-2024]
IFDB entry

Buggy, by Mathbrush. Release 2 / Serial number 240929.

Bullhockey.gblorb [07-Aug-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Bullhockey!

Bullhockey!, version 2, by Bill F Lindsay. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2018/Bullhockey/)

Bullhockey_2-The_Return_of_the_Leather_Whip.gblorb [07-Aug-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Bullhockey 2: The Return of the Leather Whip

Bullhockey 2 - The Return of the Leather Whip, version 2, by Bill F Lindsay. Serial number 230807. (the original Spring Thing entry is in games/springthing/2019/

Bureaucrocy.gblorb [02-Apr-2014]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Bureaucrocy

Bureaucrocy, a boring tale about paperwork, by Adri. Release 1 / Serial number 140401. (a newer version is in games/zcode/Bureaucrocy.zblorb)

Buy_Gold.gblorb [03-Mar-2016]
IFDB entry

Buy Gold, by Teaspoon. Release 1 / Serial number 160302.

Calm.gblorb [01-Dec-2011]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Calm

Calm, a Game of Postapocalyptic Relaxation, by Joey Jones and Melvin Rangasamy. Release 2 / Serial number 111201. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/glulx/calm/original/)

Candle_flames_in_windless_air.gblorb [29-Aug-2017]
IFDB entry

Candle flames in windless air, by Teaspoon. Release 2 / Serial number 170828. (the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/newyears/nein/Candle_flames_in_windless_air.gblorb)

CanYouEscape.gblorb [28-Oct-2013]
IFDB entry

Can You Escape, by "Last but not Least". Release 1 / Serial number 131027. [18-Dec-2017]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Captain Piedaterre's Blunders

Captain Piedaterre's Blunders, by Wade Clarke. Contains the story file in gblorb format and the cover art in PNG format. Release 1 / Serial number 171216.

CastronegroBlues.gblorb [14-Mar-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Castronegro Blues

Castronegro Blues: Another Interactive Enigma, by Marshal Tenner Winter. Release 1 / Serial number 130314. [06-Jun-2004]
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IFDB entry

Cave, by William Stott. Release 1 / Serial number 040606. A demonstration game, based on Dragon Adventure, showing how to put sounds and pictures into a Glulx game. Archive includes commented source code and compiled Glulx game file.

[linked from if-archive/games/source/inform/] [14-Sep-2020]
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IFDB entry

Checkpoint, by Daniel River Release 3 / Serial number 200914. Archive includes Glulx game file, manual, and solution.

Cheesed_Off.gblorb [16-Mar-2016]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Cheesed Off!

Cheesed Off! A very cheesey adventure, by Hulk Handsome. Release 2 / Serial number 160315.

Chipmonk.gblorb [26-Jul-2019]

Chipmonk, by Jason and Luke Swanson. Release 1 / Serial number 190726.

chlorophyll.gblorb [23-Feb-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll, a Sci-Fi Puzzle Adventure, by Steph Cherrywell. Release 1 / Serial number 150212.

chnlsurf.ulx [22-Jan-2009]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Channel Surfing

Channel Surfing, an Interactive Fiction by Mike Vollmer. Release 2 / Serial number 081122. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2008/glulx/chnlsurf/chnlsurf.ulx)

Codetopia.gblorb [03-Nov-2017]
IFDB entry

Codetopia - A Code Adventure, by Bits Blair. Release 1 / Serial number 171103. [14-Apr-2015]
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IFDB entry

The Colder Light: A Winter's Tale, by Jon Ingold. Release 4 / Serial number 120312.

Color the Truth.gblorb [06-Oct-2024]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Color the Truth

Color the Truth, a variegated verity by Brian Rushton. Release 3 / Serial number 241005. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2016/Color the Truth, and source code is in games/source/inform/sourceColortheTruth.txt)

comp01tr.ulx [18-Oct-2001]
IFDB entry

Comp01ter Game: N0n C0mp0s Ment1s, by Austin Thorvald, aka Brendan Barnwell. Release 2001 / Serial number 012001. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/comp00tr/comp00tr.z5)

Conflicting_Histories.gblorb [03-Jun-2019]
IFDB entry

Conflicting Histories, an Interactive Historical Mystery, by Siobhan McGuinness. Release 1 / Serial number 190603.

CoS.blb [24-Jun-2003]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: City of Secrets

City of Secrets, by Emily Short Release 3 / Serial number 030624.

CosmoServe.gblorb [06-Oct-2017]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Cosmoserve

CosmoServe: an Adventure Game for the BBS-Enslaved, by Judith Pintar. Release 1 / Serial number 171005. (the original AGT version is in games/agt/

CounterfeitMonkey.gblorb [12-Mar-2021]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Counterfeit Monkey

Counterfeit Monkey. A Removal, by Emily Short. Release 10 / Serial number 210312.

CountingCrabs.gblorb [28-Jul-2009]

Counting Crabs: How many crabs can you count? by Brandon Scheuerman. "This game is for younger children to begin their experiences with Interactive Fiction." Release 3 / Serial number 090728.

Crack_open_a_cold_one.gblorb [11-Jul-2017]

Crack open a cold one with the Boiz, by Mikhail Mikheev. Release 1 / Serial number 170711.

cragne.gblorb [08-Dec-2018]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Cragne_Manor

Cragne Manor, an Anchorhead tribute, by various authors. Release 10 / Serial number 181208. [03-Dec-2022]
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IFDB entry

Crash, an Interactive Disaster, by Phil Riley. Release 19 / Serial number 221124. Archive includes Glulx game file and a walkthrough. (source code is in games/source/inform/; the original competition entry is in games/competition2022/Games/

Curse of Exploration.gblorb [15-Dec-2023]

Curse of Exploration, by Noah Sampson. Release 1 / Serial number 231215.

Dames_and_Deadites.gblorb [17-Jan-2015]
IFDB entry

Dames and Deadites : A Clancy, Al, and Renaldo Adventure, Part 1, by John Robert Franklin Sturgeon. Release 1 / Serial number 150116.

Danse_Nocturne.gblorb [21-Sep-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Danse Nocturne

Danse Nocturne, version 2, by Joey Jones.

DarkCarnival.gblorb [25-Sep-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Dark Carnival

Dark Carnival, an Interactive Enigma, by Marshal Tenner Winter. Release 1 / Serial number 130924.

Darkness.gblorb [17-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Darkness (game)

Darkness, by Richard Otter. Release 5 / Serial number 201003. This is an Inform port by the author from ADRIFT, that version is in games/adrift/

DeadCities.gblorb [14-Dec-2008]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Dead Cities

Dead Cities, by Jon Ingold, with illustrations by Lucy Gatfield. Winner of the 2007 Lovecraft Commonplace Book Competition. Release 9 / Serial number 081214.

DeathOffTheCuff.gblorb [30-Sep-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Death Off the Cuff

Death Off the Cuff, by Simon Christiansen. Release 7 / Serial number 130930. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2010/zcode/death/)

delphinas-house.gblorb [12-Aug-2024]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Delphina's House

Delphina's House, an Interactive Flight of Fancy, by Alice Grove. Release 2 / Serial Number 240812.

DiaperQuest.gblorb [03-Jan-2018]
IFDB entry

Diaper Quest, by Aika. Explore a dangerous world of transformation, humiliation, and babification. 18+ only! Release 1 / Serial number 171224.

Discover_the_World.gblorb [05-Sep-2015]
IFDB entry

Discover the World, an introduction to the wonderful world of Ur, by Adri. Release 2 / Serial number 150731.

Do_not_meddle.gblorb [01-Mar-2016]
IFDB entry

Do not meddle, by Teaspoon. Release 2 / Serial number 160223. [20-Feb-2012]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Life (and Deaths) of Doctor M

The Life (and Deaths) of Doctor M: an Interactive Deliverance, by Michael D. Hilborn. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Release 6 / Serial number 120219. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/glulx/doctorm/original/DoctorM.gblorb)

douchebag.gblorb [18-Jan-2015]
IFDB entry

Douchebag, an Existential Adventure, by William Mathieson. Release 1 / Serial number 150117.

down-the-serpent-and-the-sun.gblorb [23-Feb-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Down, the Serpent and the Sun

Down, the Serpent and the Sun: an Anatomy, by Chandler Groover. Release 1 / Serial number 150214.

dptmb2aa.ulx [04-Apr-2020]
IFDB entry

Don't Push The Mailbox 2 And Aisle, a poor man's PUTPBAA, by Ralfe Rich. Release 1 / Serial number 200324.

Dr_Horrors_House_of_Terror.gblorb [22-Nov-2021]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Dr Horror's House of Terror

Dr Horror's House of Terror: A horrifying tale of the restless dead and their world of unspeakable evil!!! by Ade. Release 1 / Serial number 211121. (the original competition version is in games/competition2021/Games/Dr Horrors House of Terror) [19-Aug-2008]
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IFDB entry

Dracula: Part 2, The Arrival, a remake of the 1986 8-bit game released by CRL. Originally by Rob Pike, this version by Mapache and El Clerigo Urbatain. Release 3 / Serial number 080819. (a Z-code version is in games/zcode/, and a Spanish version is in games/glulx/spanish/ [27-Dec-2007]
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IFDB entry

Dracula: Part 1, The First Night, a remake of the 1986 8-bit game released by CRL. Originally by Rob Pike, this version by DEF and El Clerigo Urbatain. Release 8 / Serial number 071227. (a Z-code version is in games/zcode/, and a Spanish version is in games/glulx/spanish/ [14-Feb-2004]
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IFDB entry

Dragon Adventure, a simple text adventure for players aged 9 and over, by William Stott. Release 2 / Serial number 040211. (a plain-text Z-code version is in games/zcode/, and a RISC OS version is in games/archimedes/ [19-Jul-2013]
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Dragon Demons: A World Traveling RPG, by Toby Ott. Release 1 / Serial number 000001. Archive includes Glulx game file, a solution and maps. [11-Nov-2021]
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IFDB entry

Dragon's Pass, an interactive episode by Wade Clarke. Release 1 / Serial number 211111.

DrollTollTroll.gblorb [21-Oct-2013]
IFDB entry

Droll Toll Troll, a lighthearted excursion in the style of the Ambiguous Adventures, by N.C. Hunter Hayden. Release 1 / Serial number 131021.

Dude_Wheres_My_Scapula.gblorb [24-Mar-2016]
IFDB entry

Dude, Where's My Scapula? by Zachary Hodgens. Release 1 / Serial number 160323. [03-Apr-2010]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Duel That Spanned the Ages

The Duel that Spanned the Ages, Episode 1: The Age of Machines, by Oliver Ullmann. Release 2 / Serial number 100403. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2009/zcode/duelthatspanned/duel.z8)

Dungeons_Puzzle.gblorb [29-Apr-2018]

Dungeon's Puzzle, by Nicole Loew. Release 1 / Serial number 180428.

DungeonTextI-EscapeFromDarkness.gblorb [17-Mar-2013]
IFDB entry

Dungeon Text I - Escape From Darkness, by Richard Cromwell. Release 1 / Serial number 130317.

Dynamite_Powers.gblorb [27-Jun-2021]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Dynamite Powers vs. the Ray of Night!

Dynamite Powers vs. the Ray of Night! (The Director's Cut). An Interactive Return To Yesteryear by Mike Carletta. Release 2 / Serial number 210627. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2018/Dynamite Powers vs the Ray of Night/) [12-Jan-2003]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Another_Earth,_Another_Sky

Another Earth, Another Sky. Earth And Sky: Episode 2, written by Paul O'Brian. Release 2 / Serial number 030112. Winner of the 2002 IF competition. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2002/glulx/eas2/eas2.blb)

endless-sands.gblorb [23-Feb-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Endless Sands

Endless Sands, by Hamish McIntyre. Release 1 / Serial number 150215.

Endless_Sands.gblorb [12-Jul-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Endless Sands

Endless Sands, version 3, by Hamish McIntyre.

endling.blb [28-Feb-2009]
IFDB entry

The Endling Archive, by Kazuki Mishima. Release 0 / Serial number 090217.

enterprise.blb [31-Dec-2010]
IFDB entry

The Enterprise Incidents: A Middle School Fantasy, by Brendan Desilets. Release 2 / Serial number 020428. (an earlier Z-code version is in games/zcode/enter.z5) [09-May-2009]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The_Equivocal_Ingredient

The Equivocal Ingredient, by James Dingle. Release 1 / Serial number 090509.

EverybodyDies.gblorb [17-Nov-2008]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Everybody Dies

Everybody Dies, an Interactive Fantasy by Jim Munroe, with illustrations by Michael Cho. Release 2 / Serial number 081116. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2008/glulx/everybodydies/EverybodyDies.gblorb)

Faery [06-Apr-2024]
View contents
IFDB entry

Faery: Swapped, by Mathbrush. Release 4 / Serial number 240406. Contains Glulx story file, and web-browser version with additional effects. [08-Dec-2016]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Fair

Fair, an extra-curricular activity by Hanon Ondricek. Release 2 / Serial number 161116. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2016/Fair)

Fairest.gblorb [06-Apr-2022]
IFDB entry

Fairest, by Amanda Walker. Release 1 / Serial number 220331. (a walkthrough is at solutions/Fairest_Walkthrough.html; the Spring Thing 2022 package is at games/springthing/2022/

FarmQuest.gblorb [28-Oct-2011]

Farm Quest, by Thomas Nettle. Release 1 / Serial number 111028.

Fat_Fair.gblorb [18-Nov-2019]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Fat Fair

Fat Fair, a Crime Sandbox, by AKheon. Release 3 / Serial number 191118. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2019/Fat Fair/Fat_Fair.gblorb)

Fate_of_the_Vanguard.gblorb [10-Feb-2023]
IFDB entry

Fate of the Vanguard, by Jordan Jones. Release 1 / Serial number 230209. [08-Aug-2010]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Ferrous Ring

Ferrous Ring, by Justin Morgan. Release 2 / Serial number 1007276. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2007/glulx/ferrousring/FerrousRing.ulx)

Fight [29-Jun-2024]
View contents

Grit & Glory, by Julian Grant. Release 1 / Serial Number 240628.

FinalProject.gblorb [23-May-2014]

Final Project, by Stacey Church. Release 1 / Serial number 140517.

Flattened_London.gblorb [06-Jan-2021]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Flattened London

Flattened London, a Fanwork in Two Dimensions, by Carter Gwertzman. Release 8 / Serial number 210106. (a walkthrough is in solutions/Flattened_London_Walkthrough.txt; the original competition entry is in games/competition2020/Games/Flattened London)

FlexibleSurvival.gblorb [13-Jun-2020]
IFDB entry

Flexible Survival, by Nuku Valente. Release 67 / Serial number 200611. WARNING: Contains adult content. [18-Nov-2010]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Bible Retold: Following a Star

The Bible Retold: Following A Star. A light-hearted adaptation of favourite Bible stories, by Justin Morgan. Release 2 / Serial number 034107. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2010/glulx/followingastar/FollowingAStar.blb)

further.gblorb [17-Jan-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Further

Further, a color-coded existential tangle, by Will Hines. Release 5 / Serial number 150117. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2013/zcode/further/further.zblorb)

Gaia-Web.gblorb [07-Jul-2022]
IFDB entry

Gaia's Web, by Nigel Jayne. Release 1 / Serial number 160104. (source code is in games/source/inform/gwsource.txt)

Gateway_of_the_Ferrets.gblorb [13-Jun-2020]
IFDB entry

Gateway of the Ferrets, a Ferrety Adventure, by Feneric. Release 1 / Serial number 191206.

GenesisQuest.ulx [20-Mar-2014]

Genesis Quest, an interlude through stories, by Mike Gerwat. Release 2 / Serial number 140319.

Get_Out.gblorb [23-Aug-2019]

Get Out!, by DrGobblesMD. Release 1 / Serial number 190823.

Ghost.gblorb [16-Jul-2021]
IFDB entry

Ghost, an Interactive Haunting, by beecadee. Release 1 / Serial number 210716.

Ghosterington_Night.gblorb [15-Aug-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Ghosterington Night

Ghosterington Night, by Wade Clarke. Release 3 / Serial number 150815. (the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/ectocomp/, and source code is in games/source/inform/ [12-Sep-2003]
View contents
IFDB entry

Glk Chess, by Simon Baldwin. A port of the chess playing program MSCP 1.2 (by Marcel van Kervinck) to Glulx. (source code is in games/source/inform/

glkebook.blb [07-May-2004]
IFDB entry

GlkeBook, a PalmOS pdb DOC format eBook reader, by Simon Baldwin. (source code is in games/source/inform/

glkebook_mitty.pdb [04-Nov-2003]
IFDB entry

A short story example eBook, for use with GlkeBook.

GreenMountains.gblorb [16-Jan-2011]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Green Mountains

The Green Mountains, by by Clark Radwin. Release 1 / Serial number 110116.

GrooveBillygoat.gblorb [14-Jun-2014]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Groove Billygoat

Groove Billygoat, a ShuffleComp Entry by Hanon Ondricek (as Efrain Finnell). Release 2 / Serial number 140511.

Grooverland.gblorb [05-Oct-2024]
IFDB entry

Grooverland, the theme park of the century! by Mathbrush. Release 5 / Serial number 241005. (source code is in games/source/inform/GrooverlandSource.txt)

Guma1400.gblorb [02-May-2024]

Guma Adventure ]I[, by Alex Guma. An Inform 7 recreation (with enhancements) of the late 70s/early 80s HP2000/3000 BASIC IF game Adventure II/III. Original author(s) unknown. (source code, map, and walkthrough are in games/source/inform/; an original content version that can be run using an HP emulator can be found at

Hard_Puzzle.gblorb [18-Nov-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Hard Puzzle

Hard Puzzle, by Ade McT. Release 1 / Serial number 151117.

Hard_Puzzle_2.gblorb [09-Dec-2015]
IFDB entry

Hard Puzzle 2: The Cow, the Stool, and Other Animals, by Ade McT. Release 1 / Serial number 151209.

Hard_Puzzle_3-Origins.gblorb [08-Jan-2016]
IFDB entry

Hard Puzzle 3: Origins, by Ade McT. Release 1 / Serial number 160107.

Harold_Night_2003.gblorb [08-Oct-2014]
IFDB entry

Harold Night 2003, an Interactive Journey Through an Obscure Subculture, by Will Hines. Release 13 / Serial number 141007.

headache.gblorb [01-Jan-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Killer Headache

A Killer Headache, a Distasteful Situation, by Mike Ciul. Release 3 / Serial number 121231. (the original competition entry is in competition2012/glulx/headache/headache.gblorb)

Hercules.gblorb [22-Nov-2021]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Hercules!

Hercules! by Leo Weinreb. Release 1 / Serial number 211121. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2021/Games/Hercules)

Here_Comes_Treble.gblorb [20-Jun-2016]
IFDB entry

Here Comes Treble, by Sarah Bullard. Release 1 / Serial number 160619.

Hinterlands-Marooned.gblorb [11-Jun-2022]
IFDB entry

Hinterlands: Marooned! A weird sci-fi text adventure, by Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 220611. (the original competition entry is in games/springthing/2022/

HMRSNSH.gblorb [07-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

His Majesty's Royal Space Navy Service Handbook, version 1.1, by Austin Auclair. Release 1 / Serial number 230305.

hobbit.blb [11-Sep-2001]
IFDB entry

The Hobbit - The True Story. "A somewhat juvenile parody of Tolkien's Hobbit", ported and extended by Darren Bane from an MS-DOS adventure by Milbus Software. Release 1 (2001-09-11). (a different port from 2017 is in games/zcode/

House_of_Memories.gblorb [27-Apr-2020]

House of Memories, by Anna Godfrey. Release 1 / Serial number 200426.

Hunger_Daemon.gblorb [08-Dec-2014]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Hunger Daemon

Hunger Daemon, the Travails of a Cafeteria Cultist, by Sean M. Shore. Release 4 / Serial number 141202. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2014/Hunger Daemon)

If You Had One Shot.gblorb [29-Sep-2024]
IFDB entry

If You Had One Shot, by Wade Clarke, Victor Gijsbers, Hanon Ondricek and Brian Rushton. Release 1 / Serial number 230731.

illum.gblorb [22-Feb-2019]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Illuminismo Iniziato

Illuminismo Iniziato, an Interactive Illumination by Michael J. Coyne. Release 3 / Serial number 190221. (the original Spring Thing entry is in games/springthing/2018/IlluminismoIniziato.gblorb)

IllWind.gblorb [15-May-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Ill Wind

Ill Wind, Yet Another Interactive Enigma, by Marshal Tenner Winter. Release 1 / Serial number 130515.

Immune_System.gblorb [31-Mar-2020]

Immune System, by Naomi Abramowicz. Release 1 / Serial number 200330.

Improv-Origins.gblorb [10-Aug-2022]
IFDB entry

Improv: Origins, a Frenetic Five story, by Neil deMause. Release 2 / Serial number 220810.

In_Good_Company.gblorb [14-Nov-2016]
IFDB entry

In Good Company, an MPC Adventure, by AM. Release 3 / Serial number 161114.

Indistinguishable.gblorb [28-Sep-2024]
IFDB entry

Indistinguishable, by Brian Rushton (as 'Prismatik'). Release 2 / Serial number 240928. (source code is in games/source/inform/IndistinguishableSource.txt)

Jack.gblorb [07-Nov-2021]
IFDB entry

Jack, by Arlan Wetherminster. Release 1 / Serial number 211026.

Jadeite_for_the_Queen.gblorb [12-Oct-2020]
IFDB entry

Jadeite for the Queen, by Yvette Martin. Release 1 / Serial number 201009.

Jason_and_Medea.gblorb [07-Mar-2011]
IFDB entry

Jason and Medea, by Victor Gijsbers. Written for the Pax East 2011 interactive fiction event. Release 1 / Serial number 110307. (source code is in games/source/inform/

Jesse_Stavro's_Compass.gblorb [24-Aug-2023]
IFDB entry

Jesse Stavro's Compass, by Arlan Wetherminster. Release 1 / Serial number 230625. Placed 2nd in Parsercomp 2023. [21-May-2016]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Kerkerkruip

Kerkerkruip, an IF roguelike, by Victor Gijsbers. Release 9 / Serial number 140419. (a Windows installer is in games/pc/kerkerkruip.msi, a Linux package is in games/linux/kerkerkruip.deb, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/glulx/kerkerkruip/original/)

King_of_Shreds_and_Patches.gblorb [22-Jul-2009]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The King of Shreds and Patches

The King of Shreds and Patches, an Interactive Supernatural Mystery, by Jimmy Maher, adapted from the Call of Cthulhu tabletop RPG adventure by Justin Tynes. Release 12 / Serial number 090722. [26-Sep-2011]
View contents
IFDB entry

Klaustrophobia, a tortuous odyssey through life's more annoying moments in three parts. Originally written in AGT by Carol Hovick, and ported to Inform 7 by Al. Includes built-in hints, and maps and solutions. Release 1 / Serial number 110926. (the AGT original is in games/agt/ [29-Oct-2011]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Kingdom of Amphibia: The Shipwreck

Kingdom of Amphibia: The Shipwreck, by Al. Release 11 / Serial number 000001. Archive includes Glulx game file, a solution and a map. [14-Feb-2007]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Last Resort

Last Resort, a sweltering afternoon in the Deep South, a fantasy horror game by Jim Aikin. Release 1 / Serial number 070213. Archive includes the game file and a PDF map. (Later revised and expanded as "Lydia's Heart": games/tads/

Lime_Ergot.gblorb [01-Dec-2015]
IFDB entry

Lime Ergot, a Text Adventure by Rust Blight. Release 3 / Serial number 151130. (the original Ectocop version is in games/mini-comps/ectocomp/, and a Spanish translation is at games/zcode/spanish/Ergot_de_Lima.zblorb)

Limen.gblorb [14-Aug-2021]
IFDB entry

Limen, by Elizabeth DeCoste. Release 1 / Serial number 210814. (source code is in games/source/inform/

LMS_TVG.gblorb [05-Apr-2008]
IFDB entry

LMS The Video Game, an Action Interactive Fiction Game by John Goettle. Release 3 / Serial number 080404. (a Z-code version is in games/zcode/LMS_TVG.zblorb, and source code is in games/source/inform/LMS_TVG.txt)

lock-key.blb [10-Feb-2002]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Lock & Key

Lock and Key, by Adam Cadre. Version 1.12.

Lockdown.gblorb [23-Feb-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Lockdown

Lockdown: a story of insanity, denial and death, by Richard Otter. Release 1 / Serial number 150112.

Locked_Door_X-The_Workprint.gblorb [02-Feb-2022]
IFDB entry

Locked Door X: The Workprint, a text adventure by Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 220202.

Locked_Door_XI-The_US_Theatrical_Cut.gblorb [14-Feb-2022]
IFDB entry

Locked Door XI: The US Theatrical Cut, a text adventure by Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 220214.

maybeMakeSomeChange.gblorb [03-Jul-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Maybe make some change

maybe make some change (Glulx version), by Aaron A. Reed. Inspired by the Maywand district killings in Afghanistan, 'maybe make some change' explores a frozen battlefield moment from six violently conflicting perspectives. This is a release 1 of a Glulx port of the original web-based version, available circa 2011 at Release 1 / Serial number 120107.

Midnight_Snack.gblorb [01-Jan-2023]
IFDB entry

Midnight Snack, by I.F. Zerosix. Release 5 / Serial number 230101.

Molly_and_the_Butter_Thieves.gblorb [05-Jul-2016]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Molly_and_the_Butter_Thieves

Molly and the Butter Thieves, by Cosmic Hamster (Alice Grove). Release 3 / Serial number 160704.

moments.r2.gblorb [22-Nov-2006]
IFDB entry

Moments Out of Time: RENEGADE Type, by L. Ross Raszewski. Release 1 / Serial number 061113.

moments2.gblorb [17-Apr-2007]
IFDB entry

Moments Out of Time: Adventure Type by L. Ross Raszewski. Release 1 / Serial number 070417. (a Windows installer is in games/pc/moments2.exe)

Monk_by_the_Sea.gblorb [11-Apr-2020]
IFDB entry

Monk by the Sea, an interactive fiction game based on the art of Caspar David Friedrich, by Elizabeth DeCoste. Release 1 / Serial number 200405.

Moonbase_Indigo.gblorb [01-Jan-2015]
IFDB entry

Moonbase Indigo, a Speed-IF Spy Adventure, by J. Robinson Wheeler. Release 1 / Serial number 150101.

MuggleStudies.gblorb [31-Mar-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Muggle Studies

Muggle Studies, an exploration of the wonderful world of wizardry, by Flourish Klink. Release 1 / Serial number 120314. [25-Aug-2021]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Muggle Studies

PDFs of a brochure and a letter, plus the manual for the game Muggle Studies.

MyGirlfriendsAnEvilBitch.gblorb [26-Mar-2011]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: My Girlfriend's An Evil Bitch

My Girlfriend's An Evil Bitch, by Divarin. Release 3 / Serial number 110326.

Mystery!.gblorb [20-May-2016]
IFDB entry

Mystery!, by Gene Welborn. Release 2 / Serial number 160508. [29-Jan-2004]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy, by Adam Cadre. Version 1.07. (a package with the machine-independent Glulx game file plus the Windows Glulxe interpreter is in games/pc/

NecronsKeep.gblorb [15-Jan-2019]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Necron's Keep

Necron's Keep, an interactive role playing game, by Dan Welch. Release 5 / Serial number 190114.

Never Gives Up Her Dead.gblorb [30-Oct-2024]
IFDB entry

Never Gives Up Her Dead, by Brian Rushton. Release 3 / Serial number 241029.

NewCat.gblorb [30-Sep-2011]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: New Cat

New Cat, a slice-of-life adventure from a feline perspective, by Poster. Release 3 / Serial number 110929. [25-Apr-2009]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Nightfall

Nightfall, an Interactive Short Story by Eric Eve. Release 4 / Serial number 090425. Archive contains the game, a map and a walk-through. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2008/glulx/nightfall/Nightfall.gblorb)

Nightmare.gblorb [13-Oct-2015]

Nightmare, by Aggie. Release 1 / Serial number 150927. [19-Nov-2019]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: No Sign Should Remain Inert

No Sign Should Remain Inert, by Lucila Mayol. Release 3 / Serial number 180606.

Nothing_Could_Be_Further_From_The_Truth.gblorb [11-May-2023]
IFDB entry

Nothing Could Be Further From the Truth, another tale from the Bunker, by Adam Wasserman. Release 2 / Serial number 230511. (the original competition version is in games/springthing/2023/ [31-Oct-2022]
View contents
IFDB entry

Nowheresville, a weird fiction text adventure, by Morpheus Kitami & Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 221030.

Of_Their_Shadows_Deep.gblorb [02-Jul-2022]
IFDB entry

Of Their Shadows Deep, by Amanda Walker. Release 1 / Serial number 220630.

Office_Goose.gblorb [03-Jan-2020]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Office Goose

Office Goose, by Lizzard. Release 11 / Serial number 200101.

Old_fogey.gblorb [15-May-2016]
IFDB entry

Old fogey, a contingent removal, by Simon Deimel. Release 3 / Serial number 160512. [18-Nov-2012]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Olivia's Orphanorium

Olivia's Orphanorium, a Casual Simulation, by Sam Kabo Ashwell. Release 3 / Serial number 121118. Archive includes game file and source code. (the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/coverstories/

[linked from if-archive/games/source/inform/]
One_Fish_Two_Fish_Red_Fish.gblorb [25-Oct-2021]
IFDB entry

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, by David Marques. Release 1 / Serial number 211025.

oppositely-opal.gblorb [23-Feb-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Oppositely Opal

Oppositely Opal, by Buster Hudson. Release 1 / Serial number 150214.

Ottumwa.gblorb [18-Feb-2009]
IFDB entry

PDFA Ottumwa, a Police Department Forensics Analyst story, by David A. Faught. Release 5 / Serial number 021409. (a Z-code version is in games/zcode/Ottumwa.z5) [24-Nov-2017]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Owl Consults

The Owl Consults, by Thomas Mack, Nick Mathewson, and Cidney Hamilton. Includes a map and walkthrough. Release 1.02 / Serial number 171124. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/The Owl Consults)

Oxygen.gblorb [24-Jan-2015]

Oxygen, by Hansi Berlin. Release 1 / Serial number 150121.

PataNoir.gblorb [04-Dec-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: PataNoir

PataNoir, by Simon Christiansen. Release 5 / Serial number 131204. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/glulx/patanoir/original/ and a German translation is in games/glulx/german/PataNoir-EinUnvergleichliche.gblorb)

Phoenix-Fire.gblorb [04-Feb-2019]

Phoenix-Fire, by Adam Le Poidevin. Release 1 / Serial number 190204. [31-Mar-2002]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Photopia

Photopia, by Adam Cadre. Version 2.01 (23 March 2002) / Serial number 10274 Archive includes the machine-independent Glulx game file plus the Windows Glulxe interpreter. (a Z-Code game file is in games/zcode/photopia.z5, and the original competition entry is in games/competition98/inform/photopia/photopia.z5)

[linked from if-archive/games/pc/]
Pinched-Wedding-Menu.jpg [17-Jan-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Pinched

Feelie for the game Pinched.

Pinched.gblorb [17-Jan-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Pinched

Pinched, version 2, by Anonymous: a Firefly fan-fiction game.

Pizza_Delivery.gblorb [16-Nov-2018]
IFDB entry

Pizza Delivery, by Brendan Fong. Release 1 / Serial number 181115.

PlayingGames.gblorb [28-Nov-2011]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Playing Games

Playing Games, by Kevin Jackson-Mead (writing as "Pam Comfite"). Release 2 / Serial number 111127. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/glulx/playing/original/, and source code is in games/source/inform/PlayingGames.txt)

Portfolio_Piece.gblorb [10-May-2017]
IFDB entry

Portfolio Piece, by Kira John. Release 1 / Serial number 170510.

Psychomanteum.gblorb [05-Jan-2017]
IFDB entry

Psychomanteum, An interactive dare by Hanon Ondricek. Release 1 / Serial number 161029. From Ectocomp 2016.

Put-Peep(tm).gblorb [05-Nov-2023]
IFDB entry

Put-Peep(tm), a brief interactive autobiography. Version 1.0, by Sean Huxter. (the original ECTOCOMP release is in games/mini-comps/ectocomp/

pytho.blb [23-Feb-2002]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Pytho's Mask

Pytho's Mask, by Emily Short. Release 4 / Serial number 020223. (a Z-code version is in games/mini-comps/smoochie/pytho.z8)

Quotient, The Game.gblorb [09-Oct-2024]
IFDB entry

Quotient, The Game, based on the books The Quantum Contingent and Quantum Time, all by Gregory R. Simpson. Release 107.RC1 / Serial number 241009.

rar.gblorb [27-Apr-2016]
IFDB entry

Reference and Representation: An Approach to First-Order Semantics. A true tale of early humanity, by Ryan Veeder. Release 1 / Serial number 160423.

Renegade_Brainwave.gblorb [14-Sep-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Renegade Brainwave

Renegade Brainwave, A True Story — Based on Sworn Testimony — as related by J. J. Guest. Release 2 / Serial number 210219. This version has no sound, for use on mobile phones or other small devices.

Renegade_Brainwave_Sound.gblorb [13-Sep-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Renegade Brainwave

Renegade Brainwave, A True Story — Based on Sworn Testimony — as related by J. J. Guest. Release 2 / Serial number 210219. This version includes a soundtrack. [29-Nov-2023]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Repeat the Ending

Repeat the Ending, release 4, by Drew Cook. (the original festival version is in games/springthing/2023/

Return_to_the_Stars.gblorb [26-Dec-2021]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Return to the Stars

Return to the Stars, an Interactive Escape, by Adrian Welcker. Release 3 / Serial number 211226. Initially released as part of ParserComp 2021.

risorg.gblorb [15-Nov-2017]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Risorgimento Represso

Risorgimento Represso, an Interactive Invigoration, written by Michael Coyne. Release 6 / Serial number 171114. (a Z-code version is in games/zcode/risorg.zblorb, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2003/zcode/risorg/risorg.z8)

Robin_and_Orchid.gblorb [04-Jun-2014]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Robin & Orchid

Robin & Orchid, an exercise in photojournalism, by Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim. Release 4 / Serial number 140602. (source code is in games/source/inform/Robin_and_Orchid_source.txt)

Roguelike_Goose.gblorb [13-Jan-2020]
IFDB entry

Roguelike Goose, by Lizzard. Release 1 / Serial number 200112. [28-Mar-2015]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Roiling Original

A Roiling Original: Squeeal! A Sequel! by Andrew Schultz. Release 3 / Serial number 150327. Archive includes the game file, source code, release notes, a walkthrough and a map of the Store P area. (the original competition entry is in games/springthing/2013/

[linked from if-archive/games/source/inform/]
ropeofchalk.gblorb [02-Dec-2022]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Rope of Chalk

A Rope of Chalk, edited by Ryan Veeder. Release 3 / Serial number 221202. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2020/Games/A Rope of Chalk/chalk.gblorb)

Rosewood.gblorb [16-Nov-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The House at the End of Rosewood Street

The House at the End of Rosewood Street: an exploration of the uncanny, the abject, and the fantastic, by Michael Thomét. Release 3 / Serial number 131116. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2013/glulx/rosewood/original/Rosewood.gblorb)

Rover.gblorb [16-Nov-2009]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Rover's Day Out

Rover's Day Out, by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman. Winner of the 2009 IF Competition. Release 12 / Serial number 091116. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2009/glulx/rover/rover.gblorb)

Safe.gblorb [09-Jan-2011]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Safe (by Benjamin Wochinski)

Safe, an Interactive Puzzle, by Benjamin Wochinski. Release 1 / Serial number 110109.

SagebrushCactus.gblorb [18-Sep-2010]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: 'Mid the Sagebrush and the Cactus

'Mid the sagebrush and the cactus, by Victor Gijsbers. Release 1 / Serial number 100918. (Source code is in games/source/inform/

SamFortunePrivateInvestigator.gblorb [11-May-2009]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Sam Fortune - Private Investigator

Sam Fortune - Private Investigator: a transcribed drama, by Steve Blanding. Release 1 / Serial number 090510.

sanctum.ulx [09-Dec-2020]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Sage Sanctum Scramble

Sage Sanctum Scramble, a game by Arthur DiBianca. Release 2 / Serial number 201205. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2020/Games/Sage Sanctum Scramble)

Scroll_Thief.gblorb [30-Jul-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Scroll Thief

Scroll Thief, an Interactive Heist, by Daniel M. Stelzer. Release 2 / Serial number 150729.

Section1-Awakened.gblorb [14-Aug-2015]

Section 1 - Awakened, by Yobobs01 Release 1 / Serial number 150812.

Seeds_Cafe.gblorb [06-Feb-2021]

Seeds Cafe, an Interactive Romance built (mostly) in 48 hours for QWERHacks 2021, by Amanda Hua and Lane Bohrer. Release 1 / Serial number 210206.

sensory.blb [01-Apr-2000]
IFDB entry

Sensory Jam, a demo Glulx game with graphics and sound. Blorb file containing the game and all its resources. Release 4 / Serial number 000329.

sensory.tar.z [01-Apr-2000]
View contents
IFDB entry

Sensory Jam, a demo Glulx game with graphics and sound. Archive includes plain Glulx game file plus resources as separate files. Release 4 / Serial number 000329.

sensory.ulx [01-Apr-2000]
IFDB entry

Sensory Jam, a demo Glulx game with graphics and sound. Plain Glulx game file. Release 4 / Serial number 000329. (source code is in games/source/inform/sensory.inf)

sequitur.gblorb [14-Aug-2014]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Sequitur (by Butters)

Sequitur, an Interactive Chain of Evidence, by Nigel Jayne. Release 2 / Serial number 140813. [05-Nov-2015]
View contents
IFDB entry

Shapes: an Interactive Surrealism, by DG Ware Company. Release 12 / Serial number 000001. Archive includes Glulx game file, a solution and a map.

sheep_here.gblorb [16-Apr-2016]
IFDB entry

sheep here, by Teaspoon. Release 1 / Serial number 160416.

Sherlock Indomitable.gblorb [04-Oct-2024]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Sherlock Indomitable

Sherlock Indomitable, by Brian Rushton. Release 2. (source code is in games/source/inform/SherlockIndomitable.txt; Release 1 is in games/springthing/2018/SherlockIndomitable.gblorb) [30-Mar-2015]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Shuffling Around

Shuffling Around, by Ned Yompus. Release 4 / Serial number 150328. Included are the Glulx game file, Inform 7 source code, a walkthrough, a PDF map, a heat map of relative difficulties of sub-areas, and a logic document describing the trickier puzzles. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2012/glulx/shuffling/original/)

[linked from if-archive/games/source/inform/] [18-Feb-2024]
View contents
IFDB entry

Sidewise, by C. Scott Davis. Release 1.0 / Serial number 240218.

SignalError.gblorb [17-Nov-2011]
IFDB entry

Signal Error: Tongue-in-cheek glitch correction, by Joel N. Webster. Release 5 / Serial number 111116.

sittm.ulx [18-Dec-2001]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Stick it to the man

Stick It To The Man, by H. Joshua Field, aka Brendan Barnwell. Post-competition release. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/glulx/sittm/sittm.ulx, and source code is games/source/inform/ [30-Jan-2021]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Six

Six, by Wade Clarke. Release 6 / Serial number 200914. Archive includes the story file, instruction manual, map, cover artwork and release history. (source code is in games/source/inform/ and the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/glulx/six/original/)

SkiesAbove.gblorb [26-Feb-2022]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Skies Above

Skies Above, a game by Arthur DiBianca. Release 1 / Serial number 191120. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2019/Skies Above/skies_190924.ulx)

Smitten_Kittens.gblorb [30-Jul-2017]
IFDB entry

Smitten Kittens, by Jacqueline A. Lott.

Someone_Keeps_Moving_My_Chair.gblorb [24-Jan-2015]
IFDB entry

Someone Keeps Moving My Chair, by Ryan Veeder. Release 1 / Serial number 150116. [28-Sep-2009]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Spaceship!

Spaceship! A Collaborative Interactive Fiction by The Guardian's Gamesblog Community. Release 2 / Serial number 090928.

Speed_Racer.gblorb [18-Jun-2019]

Speed Racer, by Stephanie Clements. Release 1 / Serial number 190617.

Spellbound.gblorb [09-Aug-2016]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Spellbound

Spellbound, by Adam Perry. Release 1 / Serial number 160728. (As entered in IntroComp 2016.) [18-Dec-2014]
View contents
IFDB entry

SpirI7wrak, an Inform 7 port of Daniel S. Yu's "Spiritwrak", ported by Otis T. Dog. Release 1 / Serial number 141218. Archive contains Glulx game file and Inform 7 source code. (the original game is in games/zcode/spirit.z5)

[linked from if-archive/games/source/inform/]
starlight.gblorb [21-Nov-2015]
IFDB entry

Starlight, by Timothy Laubach. Release 1 / Serial number 151119. (a Z-code version is in games/zcode/starlight.z8)

Sting.gblorb [12-Dec-2021]
IFDB entry

Sting: An interactive memoir, by Mike Russo. Release 2 / Serial number 211211. (a walkthrough is at solutions/Sting_walkthrough.txt, source code is in games/source/inform/Sting.txt, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2021/Games/Sting)

Strange_Rooms.gblorb [10-Jan-2024]
IFDB entry

Strange Rooms, by W. H. Release 1 / Serial number 240110.

Sub_Rosa.gblorb [16-Aug-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Sub Rosa

Sub Rosa: The Seven Deceits of Confessor Destine, by Joey Jones and Melvin Rangasamy. Release 3 / Serial number 230816. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2015/Sub Rosa)

Superluminal_Vagrant_Twin.gblorb [10-Apr-2016]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Superluminal Vagrant Twin

Superluminal Vagrant Twin, a text-only space sim, by C.E.J. Pacian. Release 6 / Serial number 160316.

Swigian.gblorb [14-Dec-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Swigian

Swigian, by Mathbrush (as 'Rainbus North'). Release 2 / Serial number 231214. Post-competition release, with graphics by Marco Innocenti. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/Swigian; source code to an earlier version is in games/source/inform/Swigian.txt)

TacoFiction.gblorb [23-Apr-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Taco Fiction

Taco Fiction, an interactive heist, by Ryan Veeder. Release 1 / Serial number 130422. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/glulx/taco/) [10-Nov-2012]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The_Blood_Lust_Warrior

The Blood lust Warrior, an Interactive RPG by Zorkfire Games. Release 11 / Serial number 121030. Contains story file and source code. (a Z-code version is in games/zcode/ [03-Nov-2012] [link to if-archive/games/zcode/]
View contents
IFDB entry

A remake of the 1986 text adventure The Colour of Magic, by Delta4, based on the Terry Pratchett novel of the same name. Reconstructed in Inform by David Rogers, with the help of UnQuill (by John Elliott). Archive includes Z-code and Glulx versions, with and without graphics. Release 1 / Serial number 121103.

temple.gblorb [04-Oct-2019]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Temple of Shorgil

The Temple of Shorgil, by Arthur DiBianca. Release 2 / Serial number 190807. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2018/The Temple of Shorgil/temple_180924.gblorb)

terminator.gblorb [23-Feb-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Terminator

Terminator, a Robot Rescue, by Matt Weiner. Release 0 / Serial number 150214.

Terminator_Chaser.gblorb [16-Mar-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Terminator Chaser

Terminator Chaser, an Interactive Sabotage, by Bruno Dias. Release 2 / Serial number 150315.

The Loneliest [01-Dec-2023]
View contents
IFDB entry

The Loneliest House, an Interactive Fiction by Tabitha O’Connell. Release 2 / Serial number 231201. Archive contains the game, walkthrough, and source code.

[linked from if-archive/games/source/inform/The Loneliest]
The_Absence_of_Law.gblorb [06-Oct-2024]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Absence of Law

The Absence of Law, by Brian Rushton. Release 4 / Serial number 241006. Plain .gblorb version without music or styling. (a browser-playable version with music and styling is in games/html/The Absence of; source code is in games/source/inform/Absence_of_Law.txt; the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/Absence of Law)

The_Ascent_of_the_Gothic_Tower.gblorb [01-Sep-2014]
IFDB entry

The Ascent of the Gothic Tower, by Ryan Veeder. Release 1 / Serial number 140831. [14-Aug-2021]
View contents
IFDB entry

The Big Fall, an Interactive Mystery, by Daniel River. Release 2 / Serial number 210814.

The_Box.gblorb [13-Aug-2017]
IFDB entry

The Box, An Interactive Puzzler by Jordan Jones. Release 2 / Serial number 170813.

The_Crew.gblorb [02-Nov-2021]
IFDB entry

The Crew, an interactive horror short story by Olaf Nowacki. Release 6 / Serial number 211102.

The_Eleusinian_Miseries.gblorb [27-Dec-2020]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Eleusinian Miseries

The Eleusinian Miseries, an Interactive Farce, by Mike Russo. Release 3 / Serial number 201227. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2020/Games/The Eleusinian Miseries, and source code is in games/source/inform/The_Eleusinian_Miseries.txt)

The_Exigent_Seasons.gblorb [20-Feb-2022]
IFDB entry

The Exigent Seasons: How will you steer the autonomous city-state of Valdara? by Jason Love. Release 2 / Serial number 220219.

The_Familiar.gblorb [02-Jul-2020]
IFDB entry

The Familiar, by Stickscoder. Release 1 / Serial number 200702.

The_Fourth_Riddle.gblorb [13-Feb-2019]
IFDB entry

The Fourth Riddle, by reconditarmonia. Based on Puccini's opera Turandot. Release 1 / Serial number 181228.

The_Haunting_of_Corbitt_House.gblorb [01-Nov-2023]
IFDB entry

The Haunting of Corbitt House: A Disturbing Episode, by Arlan Wetherminster. Release 1 / Serial number 231101. [29-Sep-2018]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The House of Mystery

The House of Mystery, An Interactive Fantasy by James G. Lynch. Version 1.1.3. Includes Inform 7 source code. Release 5 / Serial number 180929.

[linked from if-archive/games/source/inform/]
The_Inform(al)7_Abbreviated.gblorb [07-Jul-2015]

The Inform(al)7 Abbreviated Self Tutorial, by Jim Wilbur. Release 1 / Serial number 150706.

The_Island_of_Doctor_Wooby.gblorb [14-Aug-2015]
IFDB entry

The Island of Doctor Wooby, a PetJam entry about dinosaurs, by Ryan Veeder. Release 1 / Serial number 150811.

The_Laughing_Gnome.gblorb [13-Feb-2016]
IFDB entry

The Laughing Gnome, by Teaspoon. Release 2 / Serial number 160212.

The_Legend_of_Zelda-A_Text_Adv.gblorb [08-May-2020]

The Legend of Zelda: A Text Adventure, by Overworld. Release 1 / Serial number 200503.

The_Lonely_Troll.gblorb [26-May-2022]
IFDB entry

The Lonely Troll, by Amanda Walker. Release 1 / Serial number 220501.

The_Lookout.gblorb [14-Nov-2021]
IFDB entry

The Lookout, by Paul Michael Winters Release 8 / Serial number 211114.

The_Lost_Kingdom_of_Codetopia.gblorb [13-Nov-2017]
IFDB entry

The Lost Kingdom of Codetopia, by Bits Blair. Release 1 / Serial number 171113.

The_Lost_Mountain.gblorb [01-Mar-2021]
IFDB entry

The Lost Mountain. A meditation by Greg Frost. Release 1 / Serial number 210228.

The_Magic_Word.gblorb [01-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

The Magic Word: A sprouted seed, by B.J. Best. Release 1 / Serial number 230226.

The_Making_of_Me.gblorb [09-Feb-2022]

The Making of Me, by Audrey Yeung. Release 1 / Serial number 220209.

The_Mary_Jane_of_Tomorrow.gblorb [06-Jun-2016]
IFDB entry

The Mary Jane of Tomorrow: Fanfic for Steph Cherrywell's Brain Guzzlers From Beyond! by Emily Short. Release 1 / Serial number 160605.

The_Origin_of_Madame_Time.gblorb [05-Oct-2024]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Origin of Madame Time

The Origin of Madame Time, by Brian Rushton. Release 3 / Serial number 241005. (source code is in games/source/inform/SourceMadameTime.txt, and a solution is in solutions/walkthroughMadameTime.txt; the original competition entry is in games/competition2018/The Origin of Madame Time/)

The_Outcasts.gblorb [12-Mar-2017]

The Outcasts. An Interactive Sci-fi by Dmitry Ivanushko. Release 1 / Serial number 170312.

The_Purple_Pearl_Player_A.gblorb [08-Jul-2023]
IFDB entry

Player A-The Purple Pearl: A Two Player Adventure, by Amanda W. Release 1 / Serial number 230705.

The_Purple_Pearl_Player_B.gblorb [08-Jul-2023]
IFDB entry

Player B-The Purple Pearl: A Two Player Adventure, by Amanda W. Release 1 / Serial number 230630.

The_Realm_of_Aoria.gblorb [02-Feb-2017]
IFDB entry

The Realm of A'oria, by Sylen. Release 1 / Serial number 161205. WARNING: Contains adult content.

The_Red_Room.gblorb [04-Apr-2022]

The Red Room, by Echo Tang. Release 1 / Serial number 220404.

The_Sacred_Shovel_of_Athenia.gblorb [10-Sep-2023]
IFDB entry

The Sacred Shovel of Athenia, a Feline Fantasy Fiction Game, by AndyG. Release 18 / Serial number 230910. (the original competition version is at games/springthing/2023/

The_Song_of_the_Mockingbird.gblorb [25-Apr-2022]
IFDB entry

The Song of the Mockingbird: an Interactive Return To Yesteryear, by Mike Carletta. Release 2 / Serial number 220422. (a walkthrough is at solutions/The_Song_of_the_Mockingbird_walkthrough.txt; the original competition entry is in games/competition2021/Games/The Song of the Mockingbird)

The_Spectators.gblorb [08-Nov-2022]
IFDB entry

The Spectators, by Amanda Walker. Release 1 / Serial number 221107.

The_Storm.gblorb [22-Feb-2019]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Storm

The Storm, a Self-portrait by Stéphane F. The English version of « La Tempête » released for the French comp 2018. Translation by Stéphane F. and Jack Welch. Release 2 / Serial number 190107.

The_Time_Machine.gblorb [01-Jul-2021]
IFDB entry

The Time Machine, a Text Adventure by Bill Maya. Release 3 / Serial number 210627. (a newer version can be found in games/springthing/2024/

The_Train_To_Abaddon.gblorb [08-Nov-2014]
IFDB entry

The Train To Abaddon, a Tale of a Runaway Locomotive, by Marshal Tenner Winter. Release 1 / Serial number 141107.

The_Treasure_of_Columbia_Lake.gblorb [20-Oct-2023]
IFDB entry

The Treasure of Columbia Lake, by Boris Zakharin. Release 0 / Serial number 231020.

TheAbbey.gblorb [26-Jun-2008]
IFDB entry

The Abbey, a medieval murder mystery, by Steve Blanding. Release 1 / Serial number 080626.

TheChildrenOfLoblollyLodge.gblorb [17-Jan-2022]

The Children of Loblolly Lodge, by wingjive. Release 1 / Serial number 220117. (source code is in games/source/inform/

TheHours.gblorb [12-Jan-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Hours

The Hours, release 3, by Robert Patten. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/glulx/hours/original/)

TheHouseOfFear.gblorb [09-Nov-2011]
IFDB entry

The House of Fear, or, Loplop Introduces the World, a Hermetic Journey, by Colleen Boye. Release 1 / Serial number 111109. (a text only version is in games/zcode/TheHouseOfFear.zblorb)

TheLibrary.gblorb [13-Dec-2014]
IFDB entry

The Library, a Geocache Puzzle, by Trekkie101. Release 3 / Serial number 141212. [24-May-2011]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Lost Islands of Alabaz

The Lost Islands of Alabaz, an interactive children's story by Michael Gentry. Release 2 / Serial number 110524. (the original competition entry is in games/springthing/2011/

TheMuseum.gblorb [25-May-2009]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Museum (by Jörgensen)

The Museum, a comedic tale of horror, by Andreas Jörgensen. Release 1 / Serial number 081128.

ThePhoenixMove.gblorb [21-Aug-2008]
IFDB entry

The Phoenix Move, by Daniele Giardini. Release 1 / Serial number 080821.

TheRocketManFromTheSea.gblorb [07-May-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Rocket Man from the Sea

The Rocket Man from the Sea, a Pulp Scifi Story, by Janos Honkonen. Release 2 / Serial number 120507. (the original competition entry is in games/springthing/2012/

TheSimpleTale.gblorb [16-Dec-2012]
IFDB entry

The Simple Tale, an interactive tale through a twisted universe, by Harvey. Release 4 / Serial number 121216.

TheSkyCrane.gblorb [03-Jun-2016]

The Sky Crane, by WHARRGARBLSMURF. Release 1 / Serial number 160602.

TheSpyWhoAteLunch.gblorb [02-Jan-2012]
IFDB entry

The Spy Who Ate Lunch, an Interactive Parody, by Robert Rothman. Release 1 / Serial number 120102.

TheSpyWhoAteLunch_Cheatbook.pdf [02-Jan-2012]
IFDB entry

Cheatbook for The Spy Who Ate Lunch, by Robert Rothman.

TheSpyWhoAteLunch_ConversationGuide.pdf [02-Jan-2012]
IFDB entry

Guide to conversation in The Spy Who Ate Lunch, by Robert Rothman.

TheThiefOfWovenWoods.gblorb [30-Oct-2011]

The Thief of Woven Woods, by Arielle Shander. Release 1 / Serial number 110513.

TheTinyHouse.ulx [05-Jan-2023]
IFDB entry

The Tiny House, by Dan Doyle III. Release 1 / Serial number 100425.

Thief.gblorb [11-Jan-2014]
IFDB entry

Thief, a Pokemon Text Adventure, by Vociferocity. Release 1 / Serial number 140111.

This_Old_Haunted_House.gblorb [07-Nov-2022]
IFDB entry

This Old Haunted House: It's a Halloween extravaganza with special guests, the Property Boo-thers! by Count Fibula. Release 1 / Serial number 221031.

Time_Capsule.ulx [05-Oct-2020]

A Time Capsule, by MA Rugayan. Release 1 / Serial number 201005.

timeless.gblorb [11-May-2019]

Timeless, by Wail Alhidir. Release 1 / Serial number 190510.

To_Hell_in_a_Hamper.gblorb [13-Sep-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: To Hell in a Hamper

To Hell in a Hamper, An Interactive Adventure Story, by J. J. Guest. Release 5 / Serial number 230911. (an Adrift version is in games/adrift/, and a TADS version is in games/tads/hamper.gam)

Today_is_the_Same_as_Any_Other.gblorb [18-May-2019]
IFDB entry

Today is the Same as Any Other, another tale from the Bunker, by Adam Wasserman, Release 1 / Serial number 190518.

Transparent.gblorb [02-Apr-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Transparent (by Ondricek)

Transparent, an interactive exploration, by Hanon Ondricek. Release 7 / Serial number 150401. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2014/Transparent)

TransparentM.gblorb [31-Jul-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Transparent (by Ondricek)

Transparent, an interactive exploration, by Hanon Ondricek. Release 7 / Serial number 150626. This version has no sound, for use on mobile phones or other small devices. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2014/Transparent)

Trial_of_the_Inuop.gblorb [13-Aug-2017]
IFDB entry

Trial of the Inuop, an Interactive Puzzler by Jordan Jones. Release 1 / Serial number 170813.

Trollslayer.gblorb [14-Nov-2015]
IFDB entry

Trollslayer, a Places and Predators Adventure, by Grunion Guy. Release 1 / Serial number 151112.

Try_Again.gblorb [23-Sep-2016]

Try Again, by Tom Devereaux. Release 1 / Serial number 160922. [04-Apr-2015]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Ugly Oafs

Ugly Oafs. Save Green Terra! Repel the Wrath Pulse! A wordplay game, by Andrew Schultz (as "Perry Creel"). Release 1 / Serial number 150403. Archive includes Glulx game file, Inform 7 source code, and hints. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2014/Ugly Oafs)

[linked from if-archive/games/source/inform/]
uie.gblorb [21-Oct-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Under, In Erebus

Under, In Erebus, by Brian Rapp. Release 2 / Serial number 101122. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2010/glulx/inerebus/inerebus.gblorb)

UMW.gblorb [26-Apr-2020]
IFDB entry

Life of a UMW student, by Daley Jennings and Kat Raffa. Release 1 / Serial number 200426. (source code is in games/source/inform/

Uncle_Clems_Will.gblorb [11-Jun-2020]
IFDB entry

Uncle Clem's Will, an old man's final wishes, by Tony Rudzki. Release 1 / Serial number 200425. [16-Dec-2019] [link to if-archive/games/zcode/]
View contents
IFDB entry

Underground, an interactive fantasy, by phlegethon. Release 2 / Serial number 191215. This zip file contains both Z-code and Glulx versions, as well as cover art and an audio file.

Underworld.gblorb [04-Apr-2023]
IFDB entry

Underworld, an Interactive Meditation, by Devin Weaver. Release 3 / Serial number 120907.

UnscientificFiction.gblorb [03-Aug-2009]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Unscientific_Fiction

Unscientific Fiction, by Tom Tervoort. "A very, very soft science fiction IF in which you are abducted by an alien spaceship and must find a way to get back home." Release 2 / Serial number 090803.

Untitled Relationship [23-Jul-2024]
View contents
IFDB entry

Untitled Relationship Project, by Sophia de Augustine, Charm Cochran, Drew Cook, Matt Devins, Piergiorgio d’Errico, Max Fog, Hanon Ondricek, Hidnook, Joey Jones, Kastel, Manonamora, Mathbrush, Mike Russo, and Tabitha. Version 1.

Vain_Empires.gblorb [24-Feb-2021]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Vain Empires

Vain Empires, an interactive memoir, by Thomas Mack and Xavid. Release 2 / Serial number 210223. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2020/Games/Vain Empires)

ValleyOfSteel.gblorb [10-Apr-2014]
IFDB entry

Valley of Steel, a tale of the surveillance society, by The Custodian of Release 3 / Serial number 140330. [24-Nov-2023]
View contents
IFDB entry

The Vambrace of Destiny, by Arthur DiBianca. Release 2 / Serial number 231124. Contains story file and hints. (Original IFComp release is in games/competition2023/Games/The Vambrace of

Vampire Gold.gblorb [06-Jan-2024]
IFDB entry

Vampire Gold, a tiny crypt crawler by Olaf Nowacki. Release 2 / Serial number 240106. (Post-ECTOCOMP-2023 release; the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/ectocomp/

Vampire_Ltd.gblorb [01-Feb-2021]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Vampire Ltd

Vampire Ltd, a Corporate Espionage Adventure (with Vampires In It), by Alex Harby. Release 4 / Serial number 210129. (source code is in games/source/inform/Vampire_Ltd.txt and the original competition entry is in games/competition2020/Games/Vampire Ltd)

Walking.gblorb [26-Jun-2020]
IFDB entry

Walking, by John C. Knudsen. Release 1 / Serial number 200626.

Wand.ulx [19-Nov-2017]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Wand

The Wand by Arthur DiBianca. Release 2 / Serial number 171118. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/The Wand)

What_Heart_Heard_of_Ghost_Guessed.gblorb [18-Nov-2021]
IFDB entry

What Heart Heard Of, Ghost Guessed, by Amanda Walker. Release 1 / Serial number 211117. (a walkthrough is at solutions/WHHOGG_Walkthrough.html; the original competition entry is in games/competition2021/Games/What Heart Heard Of Ghost Guessed)

Winter_Storm_Draco.gblorb [29-Sep-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Winter Storm Draco

Winter Storm Draco, an interactive documentary, by Ryan Veeder. Release 1 / Serial number 150928.

Wisher_Theurgist_Fatalist.gblorb [09-Jul-2016]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Wisher, Theurgist, Fatalist

Wisher, Theurgist, Fatalist. A Weird Textual Fiction, by Xavid. Release 4 / Serial number 160708. [06-Jun-2010]
View contents
IFDB entry

Works of Fiction, by Jean Benoit Ferrant. Release 1 / Serial number 100515.

[linked from if-archive/games/source/inform/]
Word_of_the_Day.gblorb [22-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Word of the Day

Word of the Day, a tale of treachery, murder and procreation by Richard Otter. Release 3 / Serial number 230321. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/Word of the Day) [29-Dec-2002]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Words of Power

Words of Power, by Stark Springs. Release 4 / Serial number 021229. Archive includes the Glulx game file, as well as a book and a diary in PDF format. This version of the game file does not include any sound. [29-Dec-2002]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Words of Power

Words of Power, by Stark Springs. Release 4 / Serial number 021229. Archive includes the Glulx game file, as well as a book and a diary in PDF format.

Your_Death_in_four_acts.gblorb [26-Nov-2021]
IFDB entry

Your Death, in four acts, by Amanda Walker. Release 1 / Serial number 211123.

ZorkI7.ulx [13-Feb-2021]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Zork (game)

Zork: A Computerized Fantasy Simulation Game. This is the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, ported to Inform 7 by Dean Menezes and updated by Jay Midura. Release 4 / Serial number 190920. (Source code is in games/source/inform/