Unless noted otherwise, compiled versions of these games are in either games/zcode/ or games/glulx/.
Older versions of some of the source files in this directory.
Source code for 'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, an entry in 2024's Really Bad IF Jam, by Mike Russo. Any noncommercial use allowed, with attribution. (game is in games/glulx/'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief.gblorb)
69,105 Keys, a one room game by David Welbourn. Release 1 / Serial number 090302.
Inform 7 source code for 77 Verbs, release number 2, by Brian Rushton (writing as Prismatik). Make available under the (CC BY 3.0 US) licence. (a playable version is in games/springthing/2020/77Verbs.zip)
Inform 7 source code for The Absence of Law, release 4, by Brian Rushton. (a compiled version with music and styling is in games/html/The Absence of Law.zip; a bare .gblorb file is in games/glulx/The_Absence_of_Law.gblorb)
Inform 6 source code for release 4 of Across The Stars, written by Dark Star and Peter Mattsson. (the compiled game is in games/zcode/across.zip)
Adventure aka Colossal Cave, the original 350 points version ported to Inform by Graham Nelson, based on Dave Baggett's TADS reconstruction "Colossal Cave Revisited". Release 9 / Serial number 060321.
Adventure aka Colossal Cave, by William Crowther. This is Will Crowther's original, pre-Woods 1976 game, ported to Inform 7 by Chris Conley. Release 4 / Serial number 141211.
Adventure aka Colossal Cave, the original 350 points version, ported to Inform 7 Aaron Reed, based on the earlier Inform 6 version, and updated by Victor Gijsbers.
Inform 6 source code for the PunyInform version of 350 point Adventure by Will Crowther and Don Woods. Release 1 / Serial number 241124. Adapted by Fredrik Ramsberg from the original Inform 6 version by Graham Nelson et al. (a compiled version is in games/zcode/advent_punyinform.zip)
Scott Adams' Adventureland, ported to Inform by Graham Nelson. Release 4 / Serial number 970902.
Source code for Alabaster release 1, by John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante, Emily Short, Adam Thornton and Ziv Wities, and illustrated by Daniel Allington-Krzysztofiak.
Journey to Alpha Centauri (In Real Time), an Interactive Waste of Time, by Julian Fleetwood. Release 3
Arid and Pale, version 2, by Michael R. Bacon.
Source code for Art of Fugue, by Victor Gijsbers, Jimmy Maher, Dorte Lassen and Johan. Licensed under the GPLv3 or any later version.
Inform 6 source for the Atrocitron, release 1, by Michael Martin. (the compiled game is in games/zcode/atrocitron.z5)
Source code for Cattus Atrox, David Cornelson's entry into the 1998 IF Competition. The archive contains the game source plus a customized version of the Inform library and several include files required to build the game. (the compiled game is in games/competition98/inform/atrox/)
A Tight Spot, A Z-machine Sokoban by Quim K. Holland. Release 1 / Serial number 000001.
Source code for Augmented Fourth, release 4, written by Brian Uri.
The Awakening, by Dennis Matheson. A horror game based loosely on the work of H.P. Lovecraft. Release 1 / Serial number 980726.
Back to WakeUp, a Backpacker Tale by Daniel Roperto. Release 1 / Serial number 080313. Created as a part of Lab2, Computer Game Design course, UTS, Australia. Archive includes game file, source and a walkthrough.
Rachel has a bad day, by Sly Old Dog. Originally written with ADRIFT and ported to Inform by Roger Pepitone.
Balances: An Exercise in Parsing, by Graham Nelson. Release 5 / Serial number 961216.
baZic version 0.1, an implementation of BASIC for the Z-Machine, by David Given. The Z-Code file includes the interpreter and several example BASIC programs.
Beneath: a Transformation, by Graham Lowther. (a compiled Z-code game file is in games/competition2007/zcode/beneath/Beneath.z5)
The sample transcript from the packaging of Beyond Zork, implemented in Inform by Allen Garvin
The Big Mama, by Brendan Barnwell.
Buried In Shoes, by Kazuki Mishima. Release 4 / Serial number 090513.
Blue Chairs, release 2, by Chris Klimas.
The Mad Bomber - a Z-Machine version of the classic Bomber game, by Neil James Brown. Needs an interpreter that supports timed input, and an interpreter supporting colour is recommended. Release 3 / Serial number 971123.
Pick up the Phone Booth and Dye, by Eric Schmidt. Release 2 / Serial number 345678.
Inform 7 source code for Border Reivers release 1, by Vivienne Dunstan, as entered in IFComp 2018.
Source code for Bronze release 12, by Emily Short.
"Bigger Than You Think" by Andrew Plotkin. Release 4. Inform 7 (6G60) source code.
The Night of the Vampire Bunnies by Jason Dyer, somewhat a cross between a black comedy and a B-movie, ported from QBASIC to Inform by Patrick Kellum. Release 4 / Serial number 971205. (The original BASIC program is in games/source/basic/bunny.zip)
BYOD, by n-n. Release 2 / Serial number 230325. Story file, ancillary material, solution, and Inform 7 source code. (the original Spanish version is in games/zcode/spanish/byod.z8, and the original English IFComp entry is in games/competition2020/Games/BYOD)
Silicon Castles, an Interactive Board Game. "Nearly Working" Version 1.1, by David Given. Release 112 / Serial number 011119.
Cave, by William Stott. A demonstration game, based on Dragon Adventure, showing how to put sounds and pictures into a Glulx game. Archive includes commented source code and compiled Glulx game file.
Caverns of Chaos, a multiple-choice adventure. Original written by Paul Martinez and Alison Castro, ported to Inform by Lemonhead. Version 1.6792. Archive includes z-code game file and Inform source.
Inform 7 source code for Child's Play, by Stephen Granade. Release 4 / Serial number 080129.
CIA Adventure by Hugh Lampert, ported to Inform by J. Kevin Thomas, based on a GWBASIC version by Pete Wohlmut. Release 1 / Serial number 961218. This game was originally published by CLOAD Magazine.
"Cold Iron" by Andrew Plotkin (as "Lyman Clive Charles"). Release 6. Inform 7 (6G60) source code. (a compiled version is at games/zcode/coldiron.z8)
Colonists, by Andrew Fuller. Release 1 / Serial number 130911.
Source code for the 'front-end' game for the 1999 competition, providing information on all the games and systems used to run them, plus the ability to sort the games you can play into a random list. Written by Lucian Paul Smith. (a compiled version is in games/competition99/comp99.z5)
Inform 7 source code for Crash, by Phil Riley. (a playable version is in games/glulx/Crash.zip)
Source code for Dash Slapney, Patrol Leader, by Andrew Schultz. (the compiled game is in games/zcode/DashSlapneyPatrol.zblorb)
Complete source code for an Inform port of Infocom's Deadline, 17dec2000, by Volker Lanz.
Detective, originally by Matt Barringer. This is a straight port to Inform, by Stuart Moore. (the compiled game is in games/zcode/detective.z5; the AGT original is in games/agt/detect13.zip)
Inform 6 source code for All Things Devours, by "half sick of shadows". Release 3 / Serial number 050325. (the compiled story file is at games/zcode/devours.z5)
Ditch Day Drifter, Michael J. Roberts' example TADS game, translated to Inform 5.5 by Chris Markwyn. The translation is only partial, with most of the surface rooms and objects done, but none of the major puzzles.
It's a Dog's Life, an interactive Heeling, by "Mr. WiggleButt". Release 1
The Dragon and the Troll, originally written for the C64 in Swedish by Johan Berntsson, and translated to English and ported to Inform by Fredrik Ramsberg.
The Dreamhold, a tutorial adventure by Andrew Plotkin. (the compiled games is in games/zcode/dreamhold.z8)
"Dual Transform" by Andrew Plotkin (as "Nigel Smith"). Release 5. Inform 7 (5Z71) source code.
Eliza, a version of the well known program which simulates a conversation with a psychiatrist, ported to Inform by Ricardo Dague. The archive contains the zcode file, Inform source, Basic source on which this version is based, and a sample transcript.
Inform 6 source code for Entangled, written by Dark Star. (the playable game is in games/competition2020/Games/Entangled)
Inform 7 source code for Ether, by Brian Rushton. (a compiled version is at games/competition2015/Ether)
A Fable, originally by Stan Heller. This is a straight port to Inform, by Stuart Moore.
The Fantasy Dimension, a PunyJam 3 game by Johan Berntsson. Release 2 / Serial number 230313. (a playable version is in games/zcode/fantasydimension.z3)
Fate, an Interactive Fiction by Victor Gijsbers. (a playable version is in games/springthing/2007/Fate.z8)
Figaro, a co-authored revenge by Victor Gijsbers. Innovation Comp Entry, released under the GPL v3.
Inform 7 source and development notes on "For a Place by the Putrid Sea", by Arno von Borries. (the game itself is in games/competition2020/Games/For a Place by the Putrid Sea)
The Game Formerly Known as Hidden Nazi Mode. A cute game for unattended young children, by Victor Gijsbers. Archive includes game file, source code and accompanying essay.
Source code for a Mandelbrot fractal zoomer, written by Peter De Wachter.
Inform 7 source code for Fragile Shells, by Stephen Granade. Release 6 / Serial number 111109. (a compiled version is in games/zcode/FragileShells.zblorb)
Free Fall, An, uh, Interactive Z-Code Demonstration by Andrew C. Plotkin. Release 2 / Serial number 951111.
The Encyclopedia Frobozzica (Abridged Edition), edited by Nino Ruffini and ported to the Inform format by Digby McWiggle.
Source code for Ghosterington Night, release 3, by Wade Clarke.
Glk Chess, by Simon Baldwin. A port of the chess playing program MSCP 1.2 (by Marcel van Kervinck) to Glulx.
GlkeBook, a PalmOS pdb DOC format eBook reader, by Simon Baldwin.
Inform 7 source and development notes on Gotomomi, by Arno von Borries. (a compiled version is in games/competition2015/Gotomomi)
Source code to "> by @", written by Aaron Reed.
Inform 7 source code for Grooverland, release 5, by Mathbrush. (a compiled version is in games/glulx/Grooverland.gblorb)
Source code for Guma Adventure ]I[ by Alex Guma, an Inform 7 recreation (with enhancements) of the late 70s/early 80s HP2000/3000 BASIC IF game Adventure II/III. Original author(s) unknown. Archive also contains map and walkthrough. (the compiled game is in games/glulx/Guma1400.gblorb)
Gaia's Web, by Nigel Jayne. Release 1 / Serial number 160104.
"Hoist Sail for the Heliopause and Home" by Andrew Plotkin. Release 6. Inform 7 (5Z71) source code.
HLA Inform: A Classic Quest. Originally written by Paul Panks and converted to Inform by "Roger Pepitone".
Shell, an Interactive Starting point, by Kent Tessman. A port to Inform 6 of the Hugo v2.5 shell, ported by Gandof.
Inform 7 source and ancillary data for Flight of the Hummingbird, release 2, by Michael Martin. (the compiled game is in games/zcode/Hummingbird.zblorb)
Source code for Hunter, in Darkness, by "Dave Ahl Jr.", aka Andrew Plotkin.
Identity, an interactive science fiction short story by Dave Bernazzani. Release 7 / Serial number 041121.
HTML version of the contents of iditchs.zip.
Ditch Day Drifter, Michael J. Roberts' example TADS game, translated to Inform 6 by, Neil Cerutti, based on an earlier partial port by Chris Markwyn.
Inform 6 source code release of Illuminismo Iniziato, for release 2 of game (post-comp release, serial 181001), written by Michael J. Coyne. Archive contains all source code, images, audio and libraries necessary for building.
Indistinguishable, by Brian Rushton (as 'Prismatik'). Release 2. This source code is partially reconstructed; the source code to the original version (as entered into the Second Quadrennial Ryan Veeder Exposition for Good Interactive Fiction) was lost. (a story file compiled from this source code is at games/glulx/Indistinguishable.gblorb)
Inform 6 source code for Into The Sun, written by Dark Star. (a compiled version is in games/competition2022/Games/Into The Sun.zip)
Iraqi Invasion: A Text Misadventure, Interactive Propaganda by Anonymous. Release 88 / Serial number 080131.
Jason and Medea, by Victor Gijsbers. Written for the Pax East 2011 interactive fiction event. Release 1 / Serial number 110307.
Killing the Doctor, by Victor Verbitsky. Release 1 / Serial number 010221. Archive contains z-code game file, Inform source code and a walkthrough.
Source code for robotfindskitten, a Zen Simulation. Originally written by Leonard Richardson, and converted to Inform by David Griffith. Release 8.
Source code for Lecture Feature, by Paul Equinox Collins.
Life of A Librarian (Inform 7 version), by Timewalker. Release 1 / Serial number 130211.
Life or Death, an interactive biological diversion, by David S. Glasser. The archive includes a z-code game file and Inform source code. Release 1 / Serial number 980702.
Limen, by Elizabeth DeCoste. Release 1 / Serial number 210814.
Lists and Lists, an Interactive Tutorial by Andrew Plotkin Release 3 / Serial number 960823. Inform 5.5 source code. (the game file compiled from this source is in games/zcode/lists.z5; the original competition entry is in games/competition96/lists)
LMS The Video Game, an Action Interactive Fiction Game by John Goettle. Release 7.
The Magic Toyshop, a fun game for all the family by Gareth Rees. Release 1, serial number 951018. (The game file compiled from this source is in games/zcode/magic-toyshop.z5; the original competition entry is in games/competition95/magic-toyshop.z5)
Inform 7 source code for The Magpie Takes the Train, by Brian Rushton, release 9. (the playable game is at games/competition2020/Games/The Magpie Takes the Train)
Inform 6 (PunyInform) source code for Mars, 2049 AD, by Fredrik Ramsberg. Release 8 / Serial number 250121. Use it to learn from and/or copy pieces into other programs. (a compiled version is at games/zcode/mars2049ad.z5)
Medusa, an Example in NPC Conversations, by Jim Fisher. Release 106 / Serial number 030314. The source code requires the ORLibrary from infocom/compilers/inform6/library/contributions/ to compile. (The game file compiled from this source is in games/zcode/medusa.z5)
Quest for the Magic Healing Plant, by Adam Crutchlow. Release 2 / Serial number 960613. Ported by the author from AGT to Inform. (the AGT original is in games/agt/mhpquest.zip)
Sins Against Mimesis: An Interactive Theosophy, by Adam Thornton. Release 3. Includes Inform 6 source and makefile. (The game file compiled from this source is in games/zcode/mimesis.z5; the original competition entry is in games/competition97/inform/mimesis)
Mines version 2010.10.29, a randomly generated maze exploring game, by James L. Dean. (the compiled game file is in games/zcode/mines.z5)
Christminster, An Interactive Conspiracy by Gareth Rees release 4, serial number 961117.
Detective, An Interactive MiSTing (Mystery Science Theater 3000) of Matt Barringer's AGT game "Detective", by Christopher E. Forman. Silver Screen Edition, release 101, serial number 960831. (The game file compiled from this source is in games/zcode/mst3k1.z5; the original competition entry is in games/competition95/mst3k1.zip)
Detective, An Interactive MiSTing (Mystery Science Theater 3000) of Matt Barringer's AGT game "Detective", by Christopher E. Forman, updated by Stuart Moore. (the compiled story file is in games/zcode/mst3k1_2.z5)
A Fable, an interactive MiSTing-up of Stan Heller's GAGS game "A Fable". Original AGT MiST-ed version by Graeme Cree, ported to Inform by Stuart Moore.
Multiplayer Inform stub file for use with ifMUD's interpreter-bot Floyd, by Adam Cadre. This file is a starting point for coding multi- player Inform games.
Inform 7 source code for Napier's Cache release 1, by Vivienne Dunstan, as entered in Spring Thing 2020. (a compiled version is in games/springthing/2020/NapiersCache.zip)
Night at the Computer Center, An Interactive Nocturnal Chase, by Bonni Mierzejewska Release 1 / Serial number 961118.
Not Just A Game, by John Menichelli. Release 2 / Serial number 000319.
No Room, by Ben Heaton. Release 2 / Serial number 040117. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2003/zcode/noroom/noroom.z5 and the game file compiled from this source is in games/zcode/noroom.z5)
Odieus's Quest for the Magic Flingshot, an AGT adventure ported to Inform by Teo Kwang Liak.
Olivia's Orphanorium, a Casual Simulation, by Sam Kabo Ashwell. Release 3 / Serial number 121118. Archive includes game file and source code. (the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/coverstories/OliviasOrphanorium.zip)
OMNIQuest, originally written in 1988 in Commodore 64 BASIC by Chris Barden and Chris Ethridge, and adapted for Inform by Chris Barden. Release 2 / Serial number 040127.
Once: A Fable for the Lost, a TextFire demo by Chris Klimas. (branch.h, which is used here, can be found in infocom/compilers/inform6/library/contributions/branch.h; a compiled game file is in games/demos/textfire/12pack.zip)
Inform 7 source for One King to Loot them All, by Onno Brouwer. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (a playable version is in games/competition2023/Games/One King to Loot them All.zip)
Paper Chase release 2, An Interactive Education by Chris Skapura. This game was originally published as a TRS-80 BASIC listing titled "Collegiate Capers" in '80 Micro' magazine, August 1983.
Paranoia, a not-very-interactive future. Originally from an article by Sam Shirley, implemented in C on a Vax 11/780 by Tim Lister and converted to Inform by Glenn Hutchings. Release 1 / Serial number 981208. Archive contains a Z-Code game file, Inform source and the original C source on which the game is based.
Perilous Magic, a really short interactive comic tragedy, by David Fillmore. Release 10 / Serial number 990821.
Phlegm, an Interactive Interactive by Adjacent Drooler, (aka Jason Dyer). (Inform 6) Release 3 / Serial number 970804. (a compiled game is in games/zcode/phlegm.z5)
Inform 7 source for Playing Games by Kevin Jackson-Mead, Release 2. "Of particular interest will be the code to print the mazes."
Pysops, Yo, by Andrew Schultz (as "MP Kempke and Hamish Amis"). Release 4 / Serial number 250302. Story file, walkthrough, Inform 7 source code, and post-mortem. (Originally entered in ECTOCOMP 2021, Petite Mort division.)
The board game Puerto Rico, ported to Inform by J. Robinson Wheeler. Release 1.1 / Serial number 20050101.
Puzzle, an Interactive Quickie by Andrew Schepler. A short game containing a single logic puzzle.
Ralph, An Interactive Sniffing by Miron Schmidt. (Inform 6) Release 9 / Serial number 040309. (a compiled version is in games/zcode/Ralph.z5)
A Reading in May, a trial on Interactive Flash Fiction, by Bahri Gordebak.
Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots, an Interactive Boxing Match by Benjamin Mullins.
Reverzi, Version 1.0, a port of Reversi to the Z-Machine by John Menichelli
Risorgimento Represso, an Interactive Invigoration, written by Michael Coyne. Release 4 / Serial number 060308.
Robin & Orchid, an exercise in photojournalism, by Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim.
Robots - Another Abuse of the Z-Machine - A Nostalgic Diversion by Torbjorn Andersson. Release 6 / Serial number 980115.
A Roiling Original: Squeeal! A Sequel! by Andrew Schultz. Release 3 / Serial number 150327. Archive includes the game file, source code, release notes, a walkthrough and a map of the Store P area. (the original competition entry is in games/springthing/2013/roil.zip)
`Mid the sagebrush and the cactus, by Victor Gijsbers. Release 1 / Serial number 100918.
SameGame, another episode in the Z-Machine abuse saga, by Kevin Bracey. SameGame is an implementation of a simple arcade game and is also a stress test of Z-Machine interpreters. Release 1 / Serial number 980731.
Rippled Flesh, by Rybread Celsius. (Inform 5) (a compiled game file is in games/competition96/ripflesh)
Schooldays, an Interactive Story by Andrew MacKinnon. Release 3 / Serial number 092800.
Scopa, a graphical (Z-code V6) version of the Italian card game of the same name, by Aldo Cumani. Release 1 / Serial number 110321. Archive includes Z-code and source.
Sea Coral, a deep sea adventure for Punyjam #3, written by Jeffrey Greer. Release 1 / Serial number 230225.
Sensory Jam, a demo Glulx game with graphics and sound. (a compiled version and resources are in games/glulx/)
Shadowgate, originally implemented on the NES by ICOM (1989) and reimplemented in Inform by David Griffith. Release 8 / Serial number 040616.
Shade, by Ampe R. Sand (Andrew Plotkin). Release 3.
Inform 7 source code for Sherlock Indomitable, by Brian Rushton. Release 2. (a compiled version is in games/glulx/Sherlock Indomitable.gblorb)
Shuffling Around, by Ned Yompus. Release 4 / Serial number 150328. Included are the Glulx game file, Inform 7 source code, a walkthrough, a PDF map, a heat map of relative difficulties of sub-areas, and a logic document describing the trickier puzzles. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2012/glulx/shuffling/original/)
Stick it to the Man, by Brendan Barnwell. (a compiled game file is in games/glulx/sittm.ulx)
Source code for Six, release 5, by Wade Clarke.
SNAFUFUN, a simple hypertext adventure originally written in BASIC by Chris Kerton and converted to Inform by Duncan Cross. Archive contains z-code game file, Inform source code and the original BASIC source code.
Snowed In, by Jason Self. Release 4 / Serial number 220809. Archive contains game file and source code.
So Far, An Interactive Catharsis by Andrew Plotkin.
Inform 7 source code for Color The Truth, release 3, by Brian Rushton. (a compiled version is at games/glulx/Color the Truth.gblorb)
Inform 7 source code for The Origin of Madame Time, release 3, by Brian Rushton. (a compiled version is in games/glulx/The_Origin_of_Madame_Time.gblorb)
Space Station, a science fiction story based on the example transcript included with Infocom's Planetfall, by David Ledgard, Release 2.
SpAdventure by Jay Walton. The original Adventure with a twist - you play as an Enchanter with spells. Release 2 / Serial number 971030. (a compiled version is at games/zcode/SpAdventure.z5)
Spider And Web, Interactive Fiction by Andrew Plotkin.
SpirI7wrak, an Inform 7 port of Daniel S. Yu's "Spiritwrak", ported by Otis T. Dog. Release 1 / Serial number 141218. Archive contains Glulx game file and Inform 7 source code. (the original game is in games/zcode/spirit.z5)
SpiritWrak, An Interactive Fantasy Adventure by Daniel S. Yu.
Stiffy Makane: Mystery Science Theater 3000, An Interactive MiSTing of Mark Ryan's AGT game "The Incredible Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane". Release 69 / Serial number 690609.
Stiffy Makane: Inform Edition. Release 71 / Serial number 069105. An Inform 6 port of The Incredible Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane, derived from Drunken Bastard and Dastardly Coward's Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, by Drunken Bastard.
Inform 7 source code for release 2 of Sting, by Mike Russo. (a playable version is in games/glulx/Sting.gblorb)
A stub game file for Inform, providing a very simple starting point for Inform beginners to use as a base to build a game from. Written by Adam Cadre.
Swigian, by Mathbrush (as Rainbus North). Usable under (CC BY 3.0 US) license. (a compiled version is in games/competition2017/Swigian)
Taipan! A game based on the China trade of the 1800s. Created by Art Canfil and ported to the Z-Machine by D. Jacob Wildstrom. Release 2 / Serial number 020520.
Source code for Teacher Feature, by Paul Equinox Collins.
The Loneliest House, an Interactive Fiction by Tabitha O’Connell. Release 2 / Serial number 231201. Archive contains the game, walkthrough, and source code.
The Grumpy Cricket (And Other Enormous Creatures), a game for the mischievous by John Goerzen. Release 1 / Serial number 231225. (the compiled game is in games/zcode/the-grumpy-cricket.z8)
Inform 7 source code for the post-competition release 3 of The Eleusinian Miseries, by Mike Russo. (a playable version is in games/glulx/The_Eleusinian_Miseries.gblorb)
The House of Mystery, An Interactive Fantasy by James G. Lynch. Version 1.1.3. Includes Inform 7 source code. Release 5 / Serial number 180929.
The job, a PunyJam #1 game by Fredrik Ramsberg. Release 5 / Serial number 210930.
The Algophilists' Penury, by Jon Stall. Release 1 / Serial number 120528. Archive includes game file and source code.
The Children of Loblolly Lodge, by wingjive. Release 1 / Serial number 220117.
Throw Rock At, by Adam Ferner. Release 1.
Time and Dwarves, a small demonstration of how to use the real time functions from within Inform, written by Graham Nelson.
Tristam Island, by Hugo Labrande. Release 5 / Serial number 220830. Contains game file, source, disk images, and feelies.
Twisted Tails, version 1.0, by Phillip Lovetere.
Typo!, by Peter Seebach and Kevin Lynn. Release 1 / Serial number 041119.
Ugly Oafs. Save Green Terra! Repel the Wrath Pulse! A wordplay game, by Andrew Schultz (as "Perry Creel"). Release 1 / Serial number 150403. Archive includes Glulx game file, Inform 7 source code, and hints. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2014/Ugly Oafs)
Life of a UMW student, by Daley Jennings and Kat Raffa.
The Underoos that ate New York!, by Gerry Kevin Wilson. Release 1 / Serial number 970329.
Inform 7 source for Vampire Ltd, a Corporate Espionage Adventure (with Vampires In It), by Alex Harby. Release 4 / Serial number 210129. (a compiled version is at games/glulx/Vampire_Ltd.gblorb)
Vespers, by Jason Devlin.
Vindaloo, An Interactive Recipe by Adam G Crutchlow. Release 1 / Serial number 960613.
The Visitor, A Chat, written by Peter Polkinghorne. Release 1 / Serial number 000321.
"Delightful Wallpaper" by Andrew Plotkin (as "Edgar O. Weyrd"). Release 6. Inform 7 (3Z95) source code.
Sting of the Wasp, by Jason Devlin.
Wizard's Castle, originally from the July/August 1980 issue of Recreational Computing magazine. Written for Exidy Sorceror by Joseph R. Power, modified for Heath Microsoft BASIC by J. F. Stetson and ported to Inform by Adam Biltcliffe.
A Change in the Weather, by Andrew Plotkin. Source code for release 6 (ish). (the compiled story file is at games/zcode/weather.z5)
The Wedding, an Interactive Family Headache by Neil James Brown Source code for Release 2 (v2.19)
Werewolf, version2, a multi-player Inform game for use with ifMUD's Floyd interpreter-bot, by Evin Robertson.
Why Pout?, by Andrew Schultz (as "Mick Stupp"). Release 5 / Serial number 241112. Contains story file, map, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/why-pout.zip)
Works of Fiction, by Jean Benoit Ferrant. Release 1 / Serial number 100515.
Weishaupt Scholars, an Interactive Secret History, written by Michael Martin. Source code for release 2, with some changes for later builds of Inform 7 than were used to compile the released game file.
Wumpus 2000, The Virulent Labyrinth Of Yob-Shuggoth. A randomly-generated dungeon crawl by Muffy St. Bernard. Release 1 / Serial number 041119.
Hunt the Wumpus, originally written in BASIC in 1972 by Gregory Yob, and ported to Inform by Magnus Olsson. Release 1 / Serial number 991216.
Wurm, a blatant abuse of the Z-Machine by C.V.F. Knight. Release 2 / Serial 021126.
Raising the Flag on Mount Yo Momma, an interactive insult battle, by Juhana Leinonen. Release 3 / Serial number 100228.
Z-Life, an Inform implementation of Conway's Game of Life, by Julian Arnold. Release 3 / serial number 960121.
ZBefunge 0.7 beta, by Francis Irving. Befunge is a 2D programming language, and this archive contains an interpreter for Befunge written in Inform. Includes Z-Code file and Inform source.
Camel, originally by the Heath Users Group and ported to Inform by Adam Biltcliffe.
Z-Chess, release 4, by Eric Schmidt. An abuse of the Z-Machine that allows two people to play chess. Archive includes Z-code game and Inform source code.
ZedFunge 0.7.3 beta, by Martin Bays, based on ZBefunge by Francis Irving. This is an extension to ZBefunge, adding almost complete support for the Concurrent Funge-98 specification. ZedFunge was originally named ZFunge. Includes Z-Code file and Inform source.
ZEDIT, The World's Most Portable Text Editor, Copyright 1997 Charles Briscoe-Smith. Story file, source code, and documentation.
Zombies, yet another abuse of the Z-Machine. Written by David Ledgard, based on Torbjorn Andersson's game Robots. Release 1.
Zork: A Computerized Fantasy Simulation Game. This is the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, ported to Inform 7 by Dean Menezes and updated by Jay Midura. Includes Inform 7 source, Glulx game file, and files used for testing, including notes, Glulx debug game file, walkthroughs, result transcripts, maps and map source. Release 4 / Serial number 190920.
Z-Tornado, a two-player weather action game. Originally written by Oliver Feiler and Rene Puls, and ported to Inform by Sophie Fruehling. Release 2 / Serial number 030711.
Super Z Trek, a Z-Machine implementation of the classic Star Trek. Written by John Menichelli, based on Chris Nystrom C port of a BASIC version.
Zugzwang: The Interactive Life of a Chess Piece, by Magnus Olsson. Release 2 / Serial number 990710. This is an update to the original, which was part of the TextFire, Inc. hoax. The original is still in games/demos/textfire/12pack.zip. Archive contains zcode game and source code.