A Beauty Cold and Austere, an Interactive Digression by Mike Spivey. Release 2 / Serial Number 180112.
A Beauty Cold and Austere, an Interactive Digression by Mike Spivey. Release 3 / Serial Number 180928.
Alabaster, a fractured fairy tale by John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante, Emily Short, Adam Thornton and Ziv Wities, and illustrated by Daniel Allington-Krzysztofiak. Release 1 / Serial number 090604.
Alias 'The Magpie', an interactive caper by J. J. Guest. Release 2 / Serial number 190206.
Barroom Brawl: Punch for your life, by One-Eye Jack. Release 1 / Serial number 160226.
Blue Lacuna, an Interactive Novel, by Aaron A. Reed. Release 3 / Serial number 090304.
Bullhockey!, by Bill F Lindsay. Release 1 / Serial number 181125.
Bullhockey!, by Bill F Lindsay. Release 1 / Serial number 181218.
Bullhockey!, by Bill F Lindsay. Release 1 / Serial number 181220.
Bullhockey!, by Bill F Lindsay. Release 1 / Serial number 190103.
Bullhockey!, by Bill F Lindsay. Release 1 / Serial number 190106.
Bullhockey 2 - The Return of the Leather Whip, version 1, by Bill F Lindsay. Serial number 190425.
Checkpoint, by Daniel River Release 1 / Serial number 200506 Archive includes Glulx game file, manual, and solution.
Checkpoint, by Daniel River Release 2 / Serial number 200521 Archive includes Glulx game file, manual, and solution.
Color the Truth, a variegated verity by Brian Rushton. Release 2 / Serial number 161116. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2016/Color the Truth and source code is in games/source/inform/old/Color_the_Truth.txt)
Counterfeit Monkey. A Removal, by Emily Short. Release 5 / Serial number 140316.
Counterfeit Monkey. A Removal, by Emily Short. Release 6 / Serial number 160520.
Counterfeit Monkey. A Removal, by Emily Short. Release 7 / Serial number 171224.
Counterfeit Monkey. A Removal, by Emily Short. Release 8 / Serial number 181204.
Counterfeit Monkey. A Removal, by Emily Short. Release 9 / Serial number 200810.
Crack open a cold one with the Boiz, by Mikhail Mikheev. Release 1 / Serial number 170706.
Darkness, by Richard Otter. Originally written in ADRIFT and ported to Inform. Release 3 / Serial number 130704.
Delphina's House, an Interactive Flight of Fancy, by Alice Grove. Release 1 / Serial number 150214.
Flexible Survival, by Nuku Valente. Release 28 / Serial number 110307. WARNING: Contains adult content.
Grooverland, the theme park of the century! by Mathbrush. Release 4 / Serial number 210806 (source code is in games/source/inform/GrooverlandSource.txt)
Balances, an Interactive Short Story. Originally written by Graham Nelson and ported to Glulx/GWindows by L. Ross Raszewski. Release 5 / Serial number 961216 / GWindows .3B. (the original Z-code version is in games/zcode/Balances.z5)
His Majesty's Royal Space Navy Service Handbook, version 1.0, by Austin Auclair. Release 1 / Serial number 230223.
Illuminismo Iniziato, an Interactive Illumination by Michael J. Coyne. Release 1 / Serial number 180228.
Illuminismo Iniziato, an Interactive Illumination by Michael J. Coyne. Release 2 / Serial number 181001. (the original Spring Thing entry is in games/springthing/2018/IlluminismoIniziato.gblorb)
Improv: Origins, a Frenetic Five story, by Neil deMause. Release 1 / Serial number 220630.
Necron's Keep, an interactive roll playing game, by Dan Welch. Release 2 / Serial number 110101.
Necron's Keep, an interactive roll playing game, by Dan Welch. Release 3 / Serial number 180120.
Never Gives Up Her Dead, by Brian Rushton. Release 1 / Serial number 231215.
Never Gives Up Her Dead, by Brian Rushton. Release 2 / Serial number 240108.
No Sign Should Remain Inert, by Lucila Mayol. Release 2 / Serial number 180606.
Quotient, The Game, based on the books The Quantum Contingent and Quantum Time, all by Gregory R. Simpson. Release 107.RC1 / Serial number 241002.
Repeat the Ending, version 3.6, by Drew Cook.
Repeat the Ending, release 3, by Drew Cook.
Risorgimento Represso, an Interactive Invigoration, written by Michael Coyne. Release 4 / Serial number 060308. (a Z-code version is in games/zcode/old/risorg-r4.z8, source code is in games/source/inform/risorg_src.zip, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2003/zcode/risorg/risorg.z8)
Risorgimento Represso, an Interactive Invigoration, written by Michael Coyne. Release 5 / Serial number 171024. (a Z-code version is in games/zcode/old/risorg-r5.z8, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2003/zcode/risorg/risorg.z8)
Six, by Wade Clarke. Release 4 / Serial number 120805. Archive includes the story file, instruction manual, map, cover artwork and release history. (source code is in games/source/inform/old/six_source-r4.zip and the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/glulx/six/original/)
Six, by Wade Clarke. Release 5 / Serial number 170723. Archive includes the story file, instruction manual, map, cover artwork and release history. (source code is in games/source/inform/six_source.zip and the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/glulx/six/original/)
Sub Rosa: The Seven Deceits of Confessor Destine, by Joey Jones and Melvin Rangasamy. Release 2 / Serial number 160324. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2015/Sub Rosa)
The Absence of Law, by Brian Rushton. Release 1 / Serial number 170102. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/Absence of Law)
The Big Fall, an Interactive Mystery, by Daniel River. Release 1 / Serial number 210624.
The Big Fall, an Interactive Mystery, by Daniel River. Release 2 / Serial number 210711.
The Exigent Seasons: How will you steer the autonomous city-state of Valdara? by Jason Love. Release 1 / Serial number 210827.
The House of Mystery, An Interactive Fantasy by James G. Lynch. Release 4 / Serial number 180608.
The Origin of Madame Time, by Brian Rushton. Release 2 / Serial number 190902 (the original competition entry is in games/competition2018/The Origin of Madame Time/)
The Realm of A'oria, by Sylen. Release 1 / Serial number 160412. WARNING: Contains adult content.
The Tiny House, by Dan Doyle III. Release 1 / Serial number 091210.
To Hell in a Hamper, An Interactive Adventure Story, by J. J. Guest. Release 1 / Serial number 170412.
To Hell in a Hamper, An Interactive Adventure Story, by J. J. Guest. Release 2 / Serial number 191217.
Word of the Day, post-IFComp2017-release, by Richard Otter. Release 2 / Serial number 171129. Story file, map, and walkthrough.
Zork: A Computerized Fantasy Simulation Game. This is the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, ported to Inform 7 by Dean Menezes. Release 3 / Serial number 080504.