Inform 7 source code for Absence of Law, release 1, by Brian Rushton. (a compiled version is in games/competition2017/Absence of Law)
Adventure aka Colossal Cave, the original 350 points version ported to Inform by Graham Nelson, based on Dave Baggett's TADS reconstruction "Colossal Cave Revisited". Release 5 / Serial number 961209
Source code for Augmented Fourth, release 3, written by Brian Uri.
Inform 7 source code for Color The Truth, release 2, by Brian Rushton. (a compiled version is at games/glulx/old/Color_the_Truth.gblorb)
Inform 7 source text for Grooverland, release number 4, by Brian Rushton.
Source code for robotfindskitten, a Zen Simulation. Originally written by Leonard Richardson, and converted to Inform by David Griffith. Release 7.
Source code for Lecture Feature, by Paul Equinox Collins.
Inform 6 (PunyInform) source code for Mars, 2049 AD, by Fredrik Ramsberg. Release 7 / Serial number 250110. Use it to learn from and/or copy pieces into other programs. (a compiled version is at games/zcode/old/mars2049ad-r7.z5)
Inform 7 source code for Sherlock Indomitable, by Brian Rushton. Made available under the (CC BY 3.0 US) licence. (a compiled version is in games/springthing/2018/SherlockIndomitable.gblorb)
Source code for Six, release 4, by Wade Clarke.
The Origin of Madame Time, by Brian Rushton. Release 1 / Serial number 181010. [a compiled version is in games/competition2018/The Origin of Madame Time/The_Origin_of_Madame_Time.gblorb]
Why Pout?, by Andrew Schultz (as "Mick Stupp"). Release 2 / Serial number 241018. Contains story file, map, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
Why Pout?, by Andrew Schultz (as "Mick Stupp"). Release 3 / Serial number 241022. Contains story file, map, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
Zork: A Computerized Fantasy Simulation Game. This is the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, ported to Inform 7 by Dean Menezes. Release 3 / Serial number 080504